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 * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
 * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
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/*! \file gNB_scheduler_bch.c
 * \brief procedures related to eNB for the BCH transport channel
 * \author  Navid Nikaein and Raymond Knopp, WEI-TAI CHEN
 * \date 2010 - 2014, 2018
 * \email: navid.nikaein@eurecom.fr, kroempa@gmail.com
 * \version 1.0
 * \company Eurecom, NTUST
 * @ingroup _mac


#include "assertions.h"
#include "NR_MAC_gNB/nr_mac_gNB.h"
#include "NR_MAC_gNB/mac_proto.h"
#include "NR_MAC_COMMON/nr_mac_extern.h"
#include "common/utils/LOG/log.h"
#include "common/utils/LOG/vcd_signal_dumper.h"
#include "UTIL/OPT/opt.h"
#include "OCG.h"
#include "OCG_extern.h"

#include "RRC/NR/nr_rrc_extern.h"

//#include "LAYER2/MAC/pre_processor.c"
#include "pdcp.h"

#include "intertask_interface.h"


#include "common/ran_context.h"

extern RAN_CONTEXT_t RC;
extern uint8_t SSB_Table[38];

void schedule_nr_mib(module_id_t module_idP, frame_t frameP, sub_frame_t slotP){

  gNB_MAC_INST *gNB = RC.nrmac[module_idP];
  NR_COMMON_channels_t *cc;
  nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_t      *dl_tti_request;
  nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_body_t *dl_req;
  nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_pdu_t  *dl_config_pdu;

  int mib_sdu_length;
  int CC_id;
  AssertFatal(slotP == 0, "Subframe must be 0\n");
  AssertFatal((frameP & 7) == 0, "Frame must be a multiple of 8\n");

  for (CC_id = 0; CC_id < MAX_NUM_CCs; CC_id++) {

    nfapi_nr_config_request_scf_t *cfg = &RC.nrmac[module_idP]->config[0];
    dl_tti_request = &gNB->DL_req[CC_id];
    dl_req = &dl_tti_request->dl_tti_request_body;
    cc = &gNB->common_channels[CC_id];
#if 0    
   //SSB is transmitted based on SSB periodicity
    if((frameP % cfg->ssb_table.ssb_period.value) == 0) {
    uint64_t L_ssb = (((uint64_t) cfg->ssb_table.ssb_mask_list[0].ssb_mask.value)<<32) | cfg->ssb_table.ssb_mask_list[1].ssb_mask.value ;
    uint32_t ssb_index = -1;
    for (int i=0; i<2; i++)  {  // max two SSB per slot  
      ssb_index = i + SSB_Table[slotP]; // computing the ssb_index
      if ((ssb_index<64) && ((L_ssb >> (63-ssb_index)) & 0x01))  { // generating the ssb only if the bit of L_ssb at current ssb index is 1

    mib_sdu_length = mac_rrc_nr_data_req(module_idP, CC_id, frameP, MIBCH, 1, &cc->MIB_pdu.payload[0]); // not used in this case

    LOG_D(MAC, "Frame %d, slot %d: BCH PDU length %d\n", frameP, slotP, mib_sdu_length);

    if (mib_sdu_length > 0) {

      LOG_D(MAC, "Frame %d, slot %d: Adding BCH PDU in position %d (length %d)\n", frameP, slotP, dl_req->nPDUs, mib_sdu_length);

      if ((frameP & 1023) < 80){
        LOG_I(MAC,"[gNB %d] Frame %d : MIB->BCH  CC_id %d, Received %d bytes\n",module_idP, frameP, CC_id, mib_sdu_length);

      dl_config_pdu = &dl_req->dl_tti_pdu_list[dl_req->nPDUs];
      memset((void *) dl_config_pdu, 0,sizeof(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_request_pdu_t));
      dl_config_pdu->PDUType      = NFAPI_NR_DL_TTI_SSB_PDU_TYPE;
      dl_config_pdu->PDUSize      =2 + sizeof(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_ssb_pdu_rel15_t);

      AssertFatal(cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->physCellId!=NULL,"cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->physCellId is null\n");
      dl_config_pdu->ssb_pdu.ssb_pdu_rel15.PhysCellId          = *cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->physCellId;
      dl_config_pdu->ssb_pdu.ssb_pdu_rel15.BetaPss             = 0;
      dl_config_pdu->ssb_pdu.ssb_pdu_rel15.SsbBlockIndex       = 0;//ssb_index ;//SSB index for each SSB
      AssertFatal(cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon!=NULL,"scc->downlinkConfigCommonL is null\n");
      AssertFatal(cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL!=NULL,"scc->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL is null\n");
      AssertFatal(cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->absoluteFrequencySSB!=NULL,"scc->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->absoluteFrequencySSB is null\n");
      AssertFatal(cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->frequencyBandList.list.count==1,"Frequency Band list does not have 1 element (%d)\n",cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->frequencyBandList.list.count);
      AssertFatal(cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->ssbSubcarrierSpacing,"ssbSubcarrierSpacing is null\n");
      AssertFatal(cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->frequencyBandList.list.array[0],"band is null\n");
      long band = *cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->frequencyBandList.list.array[0];
      uint32_t ssb_offset0 = *cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->absoluteFrequencySSB - cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->downlinkConfigCommon->frequencyInfoDL->absoluteFrequencyPointA;
      int ratio;
      switch (*cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->ssbSubcarrierSpacing) {
      case NR_SubcarrierSpacing_kHz15:
	AssertFatal(band <= 79, "Band %ld is not possible for SSB with 15 kHz SCS\n",band);
	if (band<77) // below 3GHz
	  ratio=3; // NRARFCN step is 5 kHz
	  ratio=1; // NRARFCN step is 15 kHz
      case NR_SubcarrierSpacing_kHz30:
	AssertFatal(band <= 79, "Band %ld is not possible for SSB with 15 kHz SCS\n",band);
	if (band<77) // below 3GHz
	  ratio=6; // NRARFCN step is 5 kHz
	  ratio=2; // NRARFCN step is 15 kHz
      case NR_SubcarrierSpacing_kHz120:
	AssertFatal(band >= 257, "Band %ld is not possible for SSB with 120 kHz SCS\n",band);
	ratio=2; // NRARFCN step is 15 kHz
      case NR_SubcarrierSpacing_kHz240:
	AssertFatal(band >= 257, "Band %ld is not possible for SSB with 240 kHz SCS\n",band);
	ratio=4; // NRARFCN step is 15 kHz
        AssertFatal(1==0,"SCS %ld not allowed for SSB \n", *cc->ServingCellConfigCommon->ssbSubcarrierSpacing);
      dl_config_pdu->ssb_pdu.ssb_pdu_rel15.SsbSubcarrierOffset = cfg->ssb_table.ssb_subcarrier_offset.value; //kSSB
      dl_config_pdu->ssb_pdu.ssb_pdu_rel15.ssbOffsetPointA     = ssb_offset0/(ratio*12) - 10;/*cfg->ssb_table.ssb_offset_point_a.value;*/ // absoluteFrequencySSB is the center of SSB
      dl_config_pdu->ssb_pdu.ssb_pdu_rel15.bchPayloadFlag      = 1;
      dl_config_pdu->ssb_pdu.ssb_pdu_rel15.bchPayload          = (*(uint32_t*)cc->MIB_pdu.payload) & ((1<<24)-1);

      uint8_t *vrb_map = cc[CC_id].vrb_map;
      const int rbStart = dl_config_pdu->ssb_pdu.ssb_pdu_rel15.ssbOffsetPointA;
      for (int rb = 0; rb < 20; rb++)
        vrb_map[rbStart + rb] = 1;