/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "common/config/config_userapi.h" #include "common/utils/LOG/log.h" #include "common/ran_context.h" #include "SIMULATION/TOOLS/sim.h" #include "SIMULATION/RF/rf.h" #include "PHY/types.h" #include "PHY/defs_gNB.h" #include "PHY/defs_nr_UE.h" #include "SCHED_NR/sched_nr.h" #include "SCHED_NR_UE/phy_frame_config_nr.h" #include "PHY/phy_vars_nr_ue.h" #include "PHY/NR_REFSIG/refsig_defs_ue.h" #include "PHY/MODULATION/modulation_eNB.h" #include "PHY/MODULATION/modulation_UE.h" #include "PHY/INIT/phy_init.h" #include "PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto.h" #include "PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_common_proto.h" #include "PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto_ue.h" #include "nr_unitary_defs.h" #include "OCG_vars.h" #define NR_PRACH_DEBUG 1 #define PRACH_WRITE_OUTPUT_DEBUG 1 unsigned char NB_eNB_INST=0; LCHAN_DESC DCCH_LCHAN_DESC,DTCH_DL_LCHAN_DESC,DTCH_UL_LCHAN_DESC; rlc_info_t Rlc_info_um,Rlc_info_am_config; PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB; PHY_VARS_NR_UE *UE; RAN_CONTEXT_t RC; RU_t *ru; double cpuf; extern uint16_t prach_root_sequence_map0_3[838]; uint16_t NB_UE_INST=1; openair0_config_t openair0_cfg[MAX_CARDS]; uint8_t nfapi_mode=0; int sl_ahead = 0; //void dump_nr_prach_config(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,uint8_t subframe); /* temporary dummy implem of get_softmodem_optmask, till basic simulators implemented as device */ uint64_t get_softmodem_optmask(void) {return 0;} softmodem_params_t *get_softmodem_params(void) {return 0;} void rrc_data_ind( const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP, const rb_id_t Srb_id, const sdu_size_t sdu_sizeP, const uint8_t *const buffer_pP ) { } int gtpv1u_create_s1u_tunnel( const instance_t instanceP, const gtpv1u_enb_create_tunnel_req_t *const create_tunnel_req_pP, gtpv1u_enb_create_tunnel_resp_t *const create_tunnel_resp_pP ) { return 0; } int rrc_gNB_process_GTPV1U_CREATE_TUNNEL_RESP( const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP, const gtpv1u_enb_create_tunnel_resp_t *const create_tunnel_resp_pP, uint8_t *inde_list ) { return 0; } int8_t nr_mac_rrc_data_ind_ue(const module_id_t module_id, const int CC_id, const uint8_t gNB_index, const int8_t channel, const uint8_t* pduP, const sdu_size_t pdu_len) {return 0;} // Dummy function to avoid linking error at compilation of nr-prachsim int is_x2ap_enabled(void) { return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv){ char c; double sigma2, sigma2_dB = 0, SNR, snr0 = -2.0, snr1 = 0.0, ue_speed0 = 0.0, ue_speed1 = 0.0; double **s_re, **s_im, **r_re, **r_im, iqim = 0.0, delay_avg = 0, ue_speed = 0, fs, bw; int i, aa, aarx, **txdata, trial, n_frames = 1, prach_start, rx_prach_start; //, ntrials=1; int N_RB_UL = 106, delay = 0, NCS_config = 13, rootSequenceIndex = 1, threequarter_fs = 0, mu = 1, fd_occasion = 0, loglvl = OAILOG_INFO, numRA = 0, prachStartSymbol = 0; uint8_t snr1set = 0, ue_speed1set = 0, transmission_mode = 1, n_tx = 1, n_rx = 1, awgn_flag = 0, msg1_frequencystart = 0, num_prach_fd_occasions = 1, prach_format=0; uint8_t frame = 1, subframe = 9, slot=19, slot_gNB=19, config_index = 98, prach_sequence_length = 1, num_root_sequences = 16, restrictedSetConfig = 0, N_dur, N_t_slot, start_symbol; uint16_t Nid_cell = 0, preamble_tx = 0, preamble_delay, format, format0, format1; uint32_t tx_lev = 10000, prach_errors = 0, samp_count; //,tx_lev_dB; uint64_t SSB_positions = 0x01, absoluteFrequencyPointA = 640000; uint16_t RA_sfn_index; uint8_t N_RA_slot; uint8_t config_period; int prachOccasion = 0; double DS_TDL = .03; // int8_t interf1=-19,interf2=-19; // uint8_t abstraction_flag=0,calibration_flag=0; // double prach_sinr; // uint32_t nsymb; // uint16_t preamble_max, preamble_energy_max; FILE *input_fd=NULL; char* input_file=NULL; int n_bytes=0; NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; NR_PRACH_RESOURCES_t prach_resources; nfapi_nr_prach_config_t *prach_config; nfapi_nr_prach_pdu_t *prach_pdu; fapi_nr_prach_config_t *ue_prach_config; fapi_nr_ul_config_prach_pdu *ue_prach_pdu; channel_desc_t *UE2gNB; SCM_t channel_model = Rayleigh1; cpuf = get_cpu_freq_GHz(); if ( load_configmodule(argc,argv,CONFIG_ENABLECMDLINEONLY) == 0) { exit_fun("[SOFTMODEM] Error, configuration module init failed\n"); } randominit(0); while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hHaA:Cc:r:p:g:n:s:S:t:x:y:v:V:z:N:F:d:Z:L:R:E")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'a': printf("Running AWGN simulation\n"); awgn_flag = 1; /* ntrials not used later, no need to set */ //ntrials=1; break; case 'c': config_index = atoi(optarg); break; case 'r': msg1_frequencystart = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': delay = atoi(optarg); break; case 'g': switch((char)*optarg) { case 'A': channel_model=SCM_A; break; case 'B': channel_model=SCM_B; break; case 'C': channel_model=SCM_C; break; case 'D': channel_model=SCM_D; break; case 'E': channel_model=EPA; break; case 'F': channel_model=EVA; break; case 'G': channel_model=ETU; break; case 'H': channel_model=Rayleigh8; break; case 'I': channel_model=Rayleigh1; break; case 'J': channel_model=Rayleigh1_corr; break; case 'K': channel_model=Rayleigh1_anticorr; break; case 'L': channel_model=Rice8; break; case 'M': channel_model=Rice1; break; case 'N': channel_model=Rayleigh1_800; break; default: printf("Unsupported channel model!\n"); exit(-1); } break; case 'E': threequarter_fs=1; break; case 'n': n_frames = atoi(optarg); break; case 's': snr0 = atof(optarg); printf("Setting SNR0 to %f\n",snr0); break; case 'S': snr1 = atof(optarg); snr1set=1; printf("Setting SNR1 to %f\n",snr1); break; case 'p': preamble_tx=atoi(optarg); break; case 'v': ue_speed0 = atoi(optarg); break; case 'V': ue_speed1 = atoi(optarg); ue_speed1set = 1; break; case 'Z': NCS_config = atoi(optarg); if ((NCS_config > 15) || (NCS_config < 0)) printf("Illegal NCS_config %d, (should be 0-15)\n",NCS_config); break; case 'H': printf("High-Speed Flag enabled\n"); restrictedSetConfig = 1; break; case 'L': rootSequenceIndex = atoi(optarg); if ((rootSequenceIndex < 0) || (rootSequenceIndex > 837)) printf("Illegal rootSequenceNumber %d, (should be 0-837)\n",rootSequenceIndex); break; case 'x': transmission_mode=atoi(optarg); if ((transmission_mode!=1) && (transmission_mode!=2) && (transmission_mode!=6)) { printf("Unsupported transmission mode %d\n",transmission_mode); exit(-1); } break; case 'y': n_tx=atoi(optarg); if ((n_tx==0) || (n_tx>2)) { printf("Unsupported number of tx antennas %d\n",n_tx); exit(-1); } break; case 'z': n_rx=atoi(optarg); if ((n_rx==0) || (n_rx>2)) { printf("Unsupported number of rx antennas %d\n",n_rx); exit(-1); } break; case 'N': Nid_cell = atoi(optarg); break; case 'R': N_RB_UL = atoi(optarg); break; case 'F': input_fd = fopen(optarg,"r"); input_file = optarg; if (input_fd==NULL) { printf("Problem with filename %s\n",optarg); exit(-1); } break; default: case 'h': printf("%s -h(elp) -a(wgn on) -p(extended_prefix) -N cell_id -f output_filename -F input_filename -g channel_model -n n_frames -s snr0 -S snr1 -x transmission_mode -y TXant -z RXant -i Intefrence0 -j Interference1 -A interpolation_file -C(alibration offset dB) -N CellId\n", argv[0]); printf("-h This message\n"); printf("-a Use AWGN channel and not multipath\n"); printf("-n Number of frames to simulate\n"); printf("-s Starting SNR, runs from SNR0 to SNR0 + 5 dB. If n_frames is 1 then just SNR is simulated\n"); printf("-S Ending SNR, runs from SNR0 to SNR1\n"); printf("-g [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,I,N] Use 3GPP SCM (A,B,C,D) or 36-101 (E-EPA,F-EVA,G-ETU) or Rayleigh1 (I) or Rayleigh1_800 (N) models (ignores delay spread and Ricean factor)\n"); printf("-z Number of RX antennas used in gNB\n"); printf("-N Nid_cell\n"); printf("-O oversampling factor (1,2,4,8,16)\n"); // printf("-f PRACH format (0=1,1=2,2=3,3=4)\n"); printf("-d Channel delay \n"); printf("-v Starting UE velocity in km/h, runs from 'v' to 'v+50km/h'. If n_frames is 1 just 'v' is simulated \n"); printf("-V Ending UE velocity in km/h, runs from 'v' to 'V'"); printf("-L rootSequenceIndex (0-837)\n"); printf("-Z NCS_config (ZeroCorrelationZone) (0-15)\n"); printf("-H Run with High-Speed Flag enabled \n"); printf("-R Number of PRB (6,15,25,50,75,100)\n"); printf("-F Input filename (.txt format) for RX conformance testing\n"); exit (-1); break; } } if (config_index<67) { prach_sequence_length=0; slot = subframe*2; slot_gNB = 1+(subframe*2); } uint16_t N_ZC; N_ZC = prach_sequence_length == 0 ? 839 : 139; printf("Config_index %d, prach_sequence_length %d\n",config_index,prach_sequence_length); // Configure log logInit(); set_glog(loglvl); T_stdout = 1; SET_LOG_DEBUG(PRACH); // Configure gNB and RU RC.gNB = (PHY_VARS_gNB**) malloc(2*sizeof(PHY_VARS_gNB *)); RC.gNB[0] = malloc(sizeof(PHY_VARS_gNB)); memset(RC.gNB[0],0,sizeof(PHY_VARS_gNB)); RC.ru = (RU_t**) malloc(2*sizeof(RU_t *)); RC.ru[0] = (RU_t*) malloc(sizeof(RU_t )); memset(RC.ru[0],0,sizeof(RU_t)); RC.nb_RU = 1; gNB = RC.gNB[0]; ru = RC.ru[0]; frame_parms = &gNB->frame_parms; prach_config = &gNB->gNB_config.prach_config; prach_pdu = &gNB->prach_vars.list[0].pdu; frame_parms = &gNB->frame_parms; //to be initialized I suppose (maybe not necessary for PBCH) s_re = malloc(2*sizeof(double*)); s_im = malloc(2*sizeof(double*)); r_re = malloc(2*sizeof(double*)); r_im = malloc(2*sizeof(double*)); frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx = n_tx; frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx = n_rx; frame_parms->N_RB_DL = N_RB_UL; frame_parms->N_RB_UL = N_RB_UL; frame_parms->threequarter_fs = threequarter_fs; frame_parms->frame_type = TDD; frame_parms->freq_range = nr_FR1; frame_parms->numerology_index = mu; nr_phy_config_request_sim(gNB, N_RB_UL, N_RB_UL, mu, Nid_cell, SSB_positions); //nsymb = (frame_parms->Ncp == 0) ? 14 : 12; printf("FFT Size %d, Extended Prefix %d, Samples per subframe %d, Frame type %s, Frequency Range %s\n", NUMBER_OF_OFDM_CARRIERS, frame_parms->Ncp, frame_parms->samples_per_subframe, frame_parms->frame_type == FDD ? "FDD" : "TDD", frame_parms->freq_range == nr_FR1 ? "FR1" : "FR2"); ru->nr_frame_parms = frame_parms; ru->if_south = LOCAL_RF; ru->nb_tx = n_tx; ru->nb_rx = n_rx; gNB->gNB_config.carrier_config.num_tx_ant.value = 1; gNB->gNB_config.carrier_config.num_rx_ant.value = 1; gNB->gNB_config.tdd_table.tdd_period.value = 6; gNB->gNB_config.prach_config.num_prach_fd_occasions.value = num_prach_fd_occasions; gNB->gNB_config.prach_config.num_prach_fd_occasions_list = (nfapi_nr_num_prach_fd_occasions_t *) malloc(num_prach_fd_occasions*sizeof(nfapi_nr_num_prach_fd_occasions_t)); gNB->proc.slot_rx = slot; int ret = get_nr_prach_info_from_index(config_index, (int)frame, (int)slot_gNB, absoluteFrequencyPointA, mu, frame_parms->frame_type, &format, &start_symbol, &N_t_slot, &N_dur, &RA_sfn_index, &N_RA_slot, &config_period); if (ret == 0) {printf("No prach in %d.%d, mu %d, config_index %d\n",frame,slot,mu,config_index); exit(-1);} format0 = format&0xff; // first column of format from table format1 = (format>>8)&0xff; // second column of format from table if (format1 != 0xff) { switch(format0) { case 0xa1: prach_format = 11; break; case 0xa2: prach_format = 12; break; case 0xa3: prach_format = 13; break; default: AssertFatal(1==0, "Only formats A1/B1 A2/B2 A3/B3 are valid for dual format"); } } else { switch(format0) { // single PRACH format case 0: prach_format = 0; break; case 1: prach_format = 1; break; case 2: prach_format = 2; break; case 3: prach_format = 3; break; case 0xa1: prach_format = 4; break; case 0xa2: prach_format = 5; break; case 0xa3: prach_format = 6; break; case 0xb1: prach_format = 7; break; case 0xb4: prach_format = 8; break; case 0xc0: prach_format = 9; break; case 0xc2: prach_format = 10; break; default: AssertFatal(1 == 0, "Invalid PRACH format"); } } printf("PRACH format %d\n",prach_format); prach_config->num_prach_fd_occasions_list[fd_occasion].prach_root_sequence_index.value = rootSequenceIndex; prach_config->num_prach_fd_occasions_list[fd_occasion].k1.value = msg1_frequencystart; prach_config->restricted_set_config.value = restrictedSetConfig; prach_config->prach_sequence_length.value = prach_sequence_length; prach_pdu->num_cs = get_NCS(NCS_config, format0, restrictedSetConfig); prach_config->num_prach_fd_occasions_list[fd_occasion].num_root_sequences.value = 1+(64/(N_ZC/prach_pdu->num_cs)); prach_pdu->prach_format = prach_format; memcpy((void*)&ru->config,(void*)&RC.gNB[0]->gNB_config,sizeof(ru->config)); RC.nb_nr_L1_inst=1; phy_init_nr_gNB(gNB,0,0); nr_phy_init_RU(ru); gNB->common_vars.rxdata = ru->common.rxdata; set_tdd_config_nr(&gNB->gNB_config, mu, 7, 6, 2, 4); // Configure UE UE = malloc(sizeof(PHY_VARS_NR_UE)); memset((void*)UE,0,sizeof(PHY_VARS_NR_UE)); PHY_vars_UE_g = malloc(2*sizeof(PHY_VARS_NR_UE**)); PHY_vars_UE_g[0] = malloc(2*sizeof(PHY_VARS_NR_UE*)); PHY_vars_UE_g[0][0] = UE; memcpy(&UE->frame_parms,frame_parms,sizeof(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS)); UE->nrUE_config.prach_config.num_prach_fd_occasions_list = (fapi_nr_num_prach_fd_occasions_t *) malloc(num_prach_fd_occasions*sizeof(fapi_nr_num_prach_fd_occasions_t)); if (init_nr_ue_signal(UE, 1, 0) != 0){ printf("Error at UE NR initialisation\n"); exit(-1); } ue_prach_pdu = &UE->prach_vars[0]->prach_pdu; ue_prach_config = &UE->nrUE_config.prach_config; UE->prach_resources[0] = &prach_resources; txdata = UE->common_vars.txdata; UE->prach_vars[0]->amp = AMP; ue_prach_pdu->root_seq_id = rootSequenceIndex; ue_prach_pdu->num_cs = get_NCS(NCS_config, format0, restrictedSetConfig); ue_prach_pdu->restricted_set = restrictedSetConfig; ue_prach_pdu->freq_msg1 = msg1_frequencystart; ue_prach_pdu->prach_format = prach_format; ue_prach_config->prach_sub_c_spacing = mu; ue_prach_config->prach_sequence_length = prach_sequence_length; ue_prach_config->restricted_set_config = restrictedSetConfig; ue_prach_config->num_prach_fd_occasions_list[fd_occasion].num_root_sequences = prach_config->num_prach_fd_occasions_list[fd_occasion].num_root_sequences.value ; ue_prach_config->num_prach_fd_occasions_list[fd_occasion].prach_root_sequence_index = rootSequenceIndex; ue_prach_config->num_prach_fd_occasions_list[fd_occasion].k1 = msg1_frequencystart; if (preamble_tx == 99) preamble_tx = (uint16_t)(taus()&0x3f); if (n_frames == 1) printf("raPreamble %d\n",preamble_tx); UE->prach_resources[0]->ra_PreambleIndex = preamble_tx; UE->prach_resources[0]->init_msg1 = 1; // Configure channel bw = N_RB_UL*(180e3)*(1 << frame_parms->numerology_index); AssertFatal(bw<=122.88e6,"Illegal channel bandwidth %f (mu %d,N_RB_UL %d)\n", bw, frame_parms->numerology_index, N_RB_UL); if (bw <= 30.72e6) fs = 30.72e6; else if (bw <= 61.44e6) fs = 61.44e6; else if (bw <= 122.88e6) fs = 122.88e6; LOG_I(PHY,"Running with bandwidth %f Hz, fs %f samp/s, FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES %d\n",bw,fs,FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES); UE2gNB = new_channel_desc_scm(UE->frame_parms.nb_antennas_tx, gNB->frame_parms.nb_antennas_rx, channel_model, fs, bw, DS_TDL, 0.0, delay, 0); if (UE2gNB==NULL) { printf("Problem generating channel model. Exiting.\n"); exit(-1); } for (i=0; i<2; i++) { s_re[i] = malloc(FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES*sizeof(double)); bzero(s_re[i],FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES*sizeof(double)); s_im[i] = malloc(FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES*sizeof(double)); bzero(s_im[i],FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES*sizeof(double)); r_re[i] = malloc(FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES*sizeof(double)); bzero(r_re[i],FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES*sizeof(double)); r_im[i] = malloc(FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES*sizeof(double)); bzero(r_im[i],FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES*sizeof(double)); } // compute PRACH sequence compute_nr_prach_seq(prach_config->prach_sequence_length.value, prach_config->num_prach_fd_occasions_list[fd_occasion].num_root_sequences.value, prach_config->num_prach_fd_occasions_list[fd_occasion].prach_root_sequence_index.value, gNB->X_u); compute_nr_prach_seq(ue_prach_config->prach_sequence_length, ue_prach_config->num_prach_fd_occasions_list[fd_occasion].num_root_sequences, ue_prach_config->num_prach_fd_occasions_list[fd_occasion].prach_root_sequence_index, UE->X_u); /*tx_lev = generate_nr_prach(UE, 0, //gNB_id, subframe); */ //commented for testing purpose UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t proc={0}; proc.frame_tx = frame; proc.nr_tti_tx = slot; nr_ue_prach_procedures(UE,&proc,0,0); /* tx_lev_dB not used later, no need to set */ //tx_lev_dB = (unsigned int) dB_fixed(tx_lev); prach_start = subframe*frame_parms->samples_per_subframe; #ifdef NR_PRACH_DEBUG LOG_M("txsig0.m", "txs0", &txdata[0][subframe*frame_parms->samples_per_subframe], frame_parms->samples_per_subframe, 1, 1); LOG_M("txsig0_frame.m","txs0", txdata[0],frame_parms->samples_per_frame,1,1); #endif // multipath channel // dump_nr_prach_config(&gNB->frame_parms,subframe); for (i = 0; i < frame_parms->samples_per_subframe<<1; i++) { for (aa=0; aa<1; aa++) { if (awgn_flag == 0) { s_re[aa][i] = ((double)(((short *)&txdata[aa][prach_start]))[(i<<1)]); s_im[aa][i] = ((double)(((short *)&txdata[aa][prach_start]))[(i<<1)+1]); } else { for (aarx=0; aarx<gNB->frame_parms.nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) { if (aa==0) { r_re[aarx][i] = ((double)(((short *)&txdata[aa][prach_start]))[(i<<1)]); r_im[aarx][i] = ((double)(((short *)&txdata[aa][prach_start]))[(i<<1)+1]); } else { r_re[aarx][i] += ((double)(((short *)&txdata[aa][prach_start]))[(i<<1)]); r_im[aarx][i] += ((double)(((short *)&txdata[aa][prach_start]))[(i<<1)+1]); } } } } } if (snr1set == 0) { if (n_frames == 1) snr1 = snr0 + .1; else snr1 = snr0 + 5.0; } printf("SNR0 %f, SNR1 %f\n", snr0, snr1); if (ue_speed1set == 0) { if (n_frames == 1) ue_speed1 = ue_speed0 + 10; else ue_speed1 = ue_speed0 + 50; } rx_prach_start = subframe*frame_parms->samples_per_subframe; if (n_frames==1) printf("slot %d, rx_prach_start %d\n",slot,rx_prach_start); uint16_t preamble_rx, preamble_energy; for (SNR=snr0; SNR<snr1; SNR+=.1) { for (ue_speed=ue_speed0; ue_speed<ue_speed1; ue_speed+=10) { delay_avg = 0.0; // max Doppler shift UE2gNB->max_Doppler = 1.9076e9*(ue_speed/3.6)/3e8; printf("n_frames %d SNR %f\n",n_frames,SNR); prach_errors=0; for (trial=0; trial<n_frames; trial++) { if (input_fd==NULL) { sigma2_dB = 10*log10((double)tx_lev) - SNR - 10*log10(N_RB_UL*12/N_ZC); if (n_frames==1) printf("sigma2_dB %f (SNR %f dB) tx_lev_dB %f\n",sigma2_dB,SNR,10*log10((double)tx_lev)); //AWGN sigma2 = pow(10,sigma2_dB/10); // printf("Sigma2 %f (sigma2_dB %f)\n",sigma2,sigma2_dB); if (awgn_flag == 0) { multipath_tv_channel(UE2gNB, s_re, s_im, r_re, r_im, frame_parms->samples_per_tti<<1, 0); } if (n_frames==1) { printf("rx_level data symbol %f, tx_lev %f\n", 10*log10(signal_energy_fp(r_re,r_im,1,OFDM_SYMBOL_SIZE_COMPLEX_SAMPLES,0)), 10*log10(tx_lev)); } for (i = 0; i< frame_parms->samples_per_subframe; i++) { for (aa = 0; aa < frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aa++) { ((short*) &ru->common.rxdata[aa][rx_prach_start])[2*i] = (short) (.167*(r_re[aa][i] +sqrt(sigma2/2)*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0))); ((short*) &ru->common.rxdata[aa][rx_prach_start])[2*i+1] = (short) (.167*(r_im[aa][i] + (iqim*r_re[aa][i]) + sqrt(sigma2/2)*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0))); } } } else { n_bytes = fread(&ru->common.rxdata[0][rx_prach_start],sizeof(int32_t),frame_parms->samples_per_subframe,input_fd); printf("fread %d bytes from file %s\n",n_bytes,input_file); if (n_bytes!=frame_parms->samples_per_subframe) { printf("expected %d bytes\n",frame_parms->samples_per_subframe); exit(-1); } } rx_nr_prach_ru(ru, prach_format, numRA, prachStartSymbol, prachOccasion, frame, slot); gNB->prach_vars.rxsigF = ru->prach_rxsigF[prachOccasion]; if (n_frames == 1) printf("ncs %d,num_seq %d\n",prach_pdu->num_cs, prach_config->num_prach_fd_occasions_list[fd_occasion].num_root_sequences.value); rx_nr_prach(gNB, prach_pdu, prachOccasion, frame, subframe, &preamble_rx, &preamble_energy, &preamble_delay); // printf(" preamble_energy %d preamble_rx %d preamble_tx %d \n", preamble_energy, preamble_rx, preamble_tx); if (preamble_rx != preamble_tx) prach_errors++; else delay_avg += (double)preamble_delay; N_ZC = (prach_sequence_length) ? 139 : 839; if (n_frames==1) { printf("preamble %d (tx %d) : energy %d, delay %d\n",preamble_rx,preamble_tx,preamble_energy,preamble_delay); #ifdef NR_PRACH_DEBUG LOG_M("prach0.m","prach0", &txdata[0][prach_start], frame_parms->samples_per_subframe, 1, 1); LOG_M("prachF0.m","prachF0", &gNB->prach_vars.prachF[0], N_ZC, 1, 1); LOG_M("rxsig0.m","rxs0", &gNB->common_vars.rxdata[0][subframe*frame_parms->samples_per_subframe], frame_parms->samples_per_subframe, 1, 1); LOG_M("ru_rxsig0.m","rxs0", &ru->common.rxdata[0][subframe*frame_parms->samples_per_subframe], frame_parms->samples_per_subframe, 1, 1); LOG_M("rxsigF0.m","rxsF0", gNB->prach_vars.rxsigF[0], N_ZC, 1, 1); LOG_M("prach_preamble.m","prachp", &gNB->X_u[0], N_ZC, 1, 1); LOG_M("ue_prach_preamble.m","prachp", &UE->X_u[0], N_ZC, 1, 1); #endif } } printf("SNR %f dB, UE Speed %f km/h: errors %d/%d (delay %f)\n", SNR, ue_speed, prach_errors, n_frames, delay_avg/(double)(n_frames-prach_errors)); if (input_fd) break; if (prach_errors) break; } // UE Speed loop if (!prach_errors) { printf("PRACH test OK\n"); break; } if (input_fd) break; } //SNR loop for (i=0; i<2; i++) { free(s_re[i]); free(s_im[i]); free(r_re[i]); free(r_im[i]); } free(s_re); free(s_im); free(r_re); free(r_im); if (input_fd) fclose(input_fd); return(0); }