Commit 0de5ff48 authored by Raphael Defosseux's avatar Raphael Defosseux

Merge branch 'develop_integration_2019_w28' into 'develop'

develop integration branch: 2019 week 28

See merge request oai/openairinterface5g!640

* MR 635 : fix rfsim ue sync
* MR 636 : Bugfixes 2019 w28
* MR 637 : Fixing Multi-RRU support and CI Testing
* MR 639 : fix bladeRF compilation
parents 3c85cd58 5c743e23
...@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ pipeline { ...@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ pipeline {
disableConcurrentBuilds() disableConcurrentBuilds()
timestamps() timestamps()
gitLabConnection('OAI GitLab') gitLabConnection('OAI GitLab')
gitlabBuilds(builds: ["Build eNb-USRP", "Build basic-sim", "Build phy-sim", "Build eNb-ethernet", "Build UE-ethernet", "Analysis with cppcheck", "Test phy-sim", "Test basic-sim", "Test L2-sim", "Test-Mono-FDD-Band7", "Test-Mono-TDD-Band40", "Test-IF4p5-FDD-Band7", "Test-IF4p5-TDD-Band40", "Test-Mono-FDD-Band13"]) gitlabBuilds(builds: ["Build eNb-USRP", "Build basic-sim", "Build phy-sim", "Build eNb-ethernet", "Build UE-ethernet", "Analysis with cppcheck", "Test phy-sim", "Test basic-sim", "Test L2-sim", "Test-Mono-FDD-Band7", "Test-Mono-TDD-Band40", "Test-IF4p5-FDD-Band7", "Test-IF4p5-TDD-Band40", "Test-Mono-FDD-Band13", "Test-IF4p5-TDD-Band38-Multi-RRU"])
ansiColor('xterm') ansiColor('xterm')
} }
...@@ -481,6 +481,25 @@ pipeline { ...@@ -481,6 +481,25 @@ pipeline {
} }
} }
} }
stage ("Test IF4p5 - TDD - Band 38 - B210 - MultiRRU") {
steps {
script {
triggerSlaveJob ('eNB-CI-IF4p5-TDD-Band38-MultiRRU-B210', 'Test-IF4p5-TDD-Band38-Multi-RRU')
post {
always {
script {
failure {
script {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
stage ("Test IF4p5 - TDD - Band 40 - B210") { stage ("Test IF4p5 - TDD - Band 40 - B210") {
steps { steps {
script { script {
This diff is collapsed.
Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
Asn1_verbosity = "none";
eNBs =
# real_time choice in {hard, rt-preempt, no}
real_time = "no";
////////// Identification parameters:
eNB_ID = 0xe00;
cell_type = "CELL_MACRO_ENB";
eNB_name = "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox";
// Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
tracking_area_code = 1;
plmn_list = ( { mcc = 208; mnc = 92; mnc_length = 2; } );
tr_s_preference = "local_mac"
////////// Physical parameters:
component_carriers = (
node_function = "NGFI_RCC_IF4p5";
node_timing = "synch_to_ext_device";
node_synch_ref = 0;
frame_type = "TDD";
tdd_config = 1;
tdd_config_s = 0;
prefix_type = "NORMAL";
eutra_band = 38;
downlink_frequency = 2580000000L;
uplink_frequency_offset = 0;
Nid_cell = 0;
N_RB_DL = 50; #25;
Nid_cell_mbsfn = 0;
nb_antenna_ports = 1;
nb_antennas_tx = 1;
nb_antennas_rx = 1;
tx_gain = 90;
rx_gain = 125;
pbch_repetition = "FALSE";
prach_root = 0;
prach_config_index = 0;
prach_high_speed = "DISABLE";
prach_zero_correlation = 1;
prach_freq_offset = 2;
pucch_delta_shift = 1;
pucch_nRB_CQI = 0;
pucch_nCS_AN = 0;
pucch_n1_AN = 32;
pdsch_referenceSignalPower = -27;
pdsch_p_b = 0;
pusch_n_SB = 1;
pusch_enable64QAM = "DISABLE";
pusch_hoppingMode = "interSubFrame";
pusch_hoppingOffset = 0;
pusch_groupHoppingEnabled = "ENABLE";
pusch_groupAssignment = 0;
pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled = "DISABLE";
pusch_nDMRS1 = 1;
phich_duration = "NORMAL";
phich_resource = "ONESIXTH";
srs_enable = "DISABLE";
/* srs_BandwidthConfig =;
srs_SubframeConfig =;
srs_ackNackST =;
srs_MaxUpPts =;*/
pusch_p0_Nominal = -104; #-96;
pusch_alpha = "AL1";
pucch_p0_Nominal = -96; #-104;
msg3_delta_Preamble = 6;
pucch_deltaF_Format1 = "deltaF2";
pucch_deltaF_Format1b = "deltaF3";
pucch_deltaF_Format2 = "deltaF0";
pucch_deltaF_Format2a = "deltaF0";
pucch_deltaF_Format2b = "deltaF0";
rach_numberOfRA_Preambles = 64;
rach_preamblesGroupAConfig = "DISABLE";
rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA = ;
rach_messageSizeGroupA = ;
rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB = ;
rach_powerRampingStep = 4;
rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower = -108;
rach_preambleTransMax = 10;
rach_raResponseWindowSize = 10;
rach_macContentionResolutionTimer = 48;
rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx = 4;
pcch_default_PagingCycle = 128;
pcch_nB = "oneT";
bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff = 2;
ue_TimersAndConstants_t300 = 1000;
ue_TimersAndConstants_t301 = 1000;
ue_TimersAndConstants_t310 = 1000;
ue_TimersAndConstants_t311 = 10000;
ue_TimersAndConstants_n310 = 20;
ue_TimersAndConstants_n311 = 1;
ue_TransmissionMode = 1;
srb1_parameters :
# timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
timer_poll_retransmit = 80;
# timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
timer_reordering = 35;
# timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
timer_status_prohibit = 0;
# poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
poll_pdu = 4;
# poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
poll_byte = 99999;
# max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
max_retx_threshold = 4;
# ------- SCTP definitions
# Number of streams to use in input/output
////////// MME parameters:
mme_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = "CI_MME_IP_ADDR";
ipv6 = "192:168:30::17";
active = "yes";
preference = "ipv4";
ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U = "enp129s0f0";
ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152\
ENB_PORT_FOR_X2C = 36422; # Spec 36422
num_cc = 1;
tr_s_preference = "local_L1";
tr_n_preference = "local_RRC";
L1s = (
num_cc = 1;
tr_n_preference = "local_mac";
RUs = (
local_if_name = "enp129s0f0";
local_address = "CI_ENB_IP_ADDR";
remote_address = "CI_RRU1_IP_ADDR";
local_portc = 50002;
remote_portc = 50002;
local_portd = 50003;
remote_portd = 50003;
local_rf = "no"
tr_preference = "udp_if4p5"
nb_tx = 1
nb_rx = 1
att_tx = 20
att_rx = 20;
eNB_instances = [0];
is_slave = "no";
local_if_name = "enp129s0f0";
local_address = "CI_ENB_IP_ADDR";
remote_address = "CI_RRU2_IP_ADDR";
local_portc = 50010;
remote_portc = 50010;
local_portd = 50011;
remote_portd = 50011;
local_rf = "no"
tr_preference = "udp_if4p5"
nb_tx = 1
nb_rx = 1
att_tx = 20
att_rx = 20;
eNB_instances = [0];
is_slave = "yes";
#three config for level of parallelism "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD", "PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT", or "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT"
parallel_config = "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT";
#two option for worker "WORKER_DISABLE" or "WORKER_ENABLE"
worker_config = "WORKER_ENABLE";
log_config = {
global_log_level ="info";
global_log_verbosity ="medium";
hw_log_level ="info";
hw_log_verbosity ="medium";
phy_log_level ="info";
phy_log_verbosity ="medium";
mac_log_level ="info";
mac_log_verbosity ="high";
rlc_log_level ="info";
rlc_log_verbosity ="medium";
pdcp_log_level ="info";
pdcp_log_verbosity ="medium";
rrc_log_level ="info";
rrc_log_verbosity ="medium";
RUs = (
local_if_name = "enp1s0";
remote_address = "CI_RCC_IP_ADDR";
local_address = "CI_ENB_IP_ADDR";
local_portc = 50002;
remote_portc = 50002;
local_portd = 50003;
remote_portd = 50003;
local_rf = "yes"
tr_preference = "udp_if4p5";
nb_tx = 1;
nb_rx = 1;
max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -12;
max_rxgain = 100;
bands = [38];
is_slave = "no";
#three config for level of parallelism "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD", "PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT", or "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT"
parallel_config = "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD";
#two option for worker "WORKER_DISABLE" or "WORKER_ENABLE"
worker_config = "WORKER_ENABLE";
log_config = {
global_log_level ="info";
global_log_verbosity ="medium";
hw_log_level ="info";
hw_log_verbosity ="medium";
phy_log_level ="info";
phy_log_verbosity ="medium";
mac_log_level ="info";
mac_log_verbosity ="high";
rlc_log_level ="info";
rlc_log_verbosity ="medium";
pdcp_log_level ="info";
pdcp_log_verbosity ="medium";
rrc_log_level ="info";
rrc_log_verbosity ="medium";
RUs = (
local_if_name = "enp1s0";
remote_address = "CI_RCC_IP_ADDR";
local_address = "CI_ENB_IP_ADDR";
local_portc = 50010;
remote_portc = 50010;
local_portd = 50011;
remote_portd = 50011;
local_rf = "yes"
tr_preference = "udp_if4p5";
nb_tx = 1;
nb_rx = 1;
max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -12;
max_rxgain = 100;
bands = [38];
is_slave = "yes";
#three config for level of parallelism "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD", "PARALLEL_RU_L1_SPLIT", or "PARALLEL_RU_L1_TRX_SPLIT"
parallel_config = "PARALLEL_SINGLE_THREAD";
#two option for worker "WORKER_DISABLE" or "WORKER_ENABLE"
worker_config = "WORKER_ENABLE";
log_config = {
global_log_level ="info";
global_log_verbosity ="medium";
hw_log_level ="info";
hw_log_verbosity ="medium";
phy_log_level ="info";
phy_log_verbosity ="medium";
mac_log_level ="info";
mac_log_verbosity ="high";
rlc_log_level ="info";
rlc_log_verbosity ="medium";
pdcp_log_level ="info";
pdcp_log_verbosity ="medium";
rrc_log_level ="info";
rrc_log_verbosity ="medium";
...@@ -125,7 +125,16 @@ fi ...@@ -125,7 +125,16 @@ fi
git config "" git config ""
git config "OAI Jenkins" git config "OAI Jenkins"
git checkout -f $SOURCE_COMMIT_ID git checkout -f $SOURCE_COMMIT_ID > checkout.txt 2>&1
STATUS=`egrep -c "fatal: reference is not a tree" checkout.txt`
rm -f checkout.txt
if [ $STATUS -ne 0 ]
echo "fatal: reference is not a tree --> $SOURCE_COMMIT_ID"
exit $STATUS
git log -n1 --pretty=format:\"%s\" > .git/CI_COMMIT_MSG git log -n1 --pretty=format:\"%s\" > .git/CI_COMMIT_MSG
git merge --ff $TARGET_COMMIT_ID -m "Temporary merge for CI" git merge --ff $TARGET_COMMIT_ID -m "Temporary merge for CI"
This diff is collapsed.
Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
010101 010102 010103
000101 000102 000103
<testCase id="010101">
<desc>Build RCC</desc>
<Build_eNB_args>-w USRP -c --eNB</Build_eNB_args>
<testCase id="000101">
<desc>Wait for end of Build RCC</desc>
<Build_eNB_args>-w USRP -c --eNB</Build_eNB_args>
<testCase id="010102">
<desc>Build Master RRU</desc>
<Build_eNB_args>-w USRP -c --eNB</Build_eNB_args>
<testCase id="000102">
<desc>Wait for end of Build Master RRU</desc>
<Build_eNB_args>-w USRP -c --eNB</Build_eNB_args>
<testCase id="010103">
<desc>Build Slave RRU</desc>
<Build_eNB_args>-w USRP -c --eNB</Build_eNB_args>
<testCase id="000103">
<desc>Wait for end of Build Slave RRU</desc>
<Build_eNB_args>-w USRP -c --eNB</Build_eNB_args>
Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
030211 030212 030213
<testCase id="030211">
<desc>Terminate RCC</desc>
<testCase id="030212">
<desc>Terminate Master RRU</desc>
<testCase id="030213">
<desc>Terminate Slave RRU</desc>
Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
030211 030212 030213
030111 030112 030113
030211 030212 030213
<testCase id="000001">
<testCase id="030111">
<desc>Initialize RCC (TDD/Band38/10MHz)</desc>
<Initialize_eNB_args>-O ci-scripts/conf_files/rcc.band38.tm1.50PRB.multi.rru.conf --noS1</Initialize_eNB_args>
<testCase id="030112">
<desc>Initialize Master RRU (TDD/Band38/10MHz)</desc>
<Initialize_eNB_args>-O ci-scripts/conf_files/rru.band38.tm1.master.conf --noS1</Initialize_eNB_args>
<testCase id="030113">
<desc>Initialize Slave RRU (TDD/Band38/10MHz)</desc>
<Initialize_eNB_args>-O ci-scripts/conf_files/rru.band38.tm1.slave.conf --noS1</Initialize_eNB_args>
<testCase id="030211">
<desc>Terminate RCC</desc>
<testCase id="030212">
<desc>Terminate Master RRU</desc>
<testCase id="030213">
<desc>Terminate Slave RRU</desc>
...@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ typedef struct { ...@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ typedef struct {
int max_mib; int max_mib;
int max_sib; int max_sib;
int live; int live;
int no_bind;
/* runtime vars */ /* runtime vars */
int cur_mib; int cur_mib;
int cur_sib; int cur_sib;
...@@ -264,10 +265,12 @@ void *receiver(void *_d) { ...@@ -264,10 +265,12 @@ void *receiver(void *_d) {
abort(); abort();
} }
if (d->no_bind == 0) {
if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&d->to, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == -1) { if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&d->to, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) == -1) {
perror("bind"); perror("bind");
abort(); abort();
} }
while (1) { while (1) {
if (recv(s, buf, 100000, 0) <= 0) abort(); if (recv(s, buf, 100000, 0) <= 0) abort();
...@@ -290,6 +293,7 @@ void usage(void) { ...@@ -290,6 +293,7 @@ void usage(void) {
" -live run live\n" " -live run live\n"
" -live-ip <IP address> tracee's IP address (default %s)\n" " -live-ip <IP address> tracee's IP address (default %s)\n"
" -live-port <port> tracee's port (default %d)\n" " -live-port <port> tracee's port (default %d)\n"
" -no-bind don't bind to IP address (for remote logging)\n"
"-i and -live are mutually exclusive options. One of them must be provided\n" "-i and -live are mutually exclusive options. One of them must be provided\n"
"but not both.\n", "but not both.\n",
...@@ -318,78 +322,18 @@ int main(int n, char **v) { ...@@ -318,78 +322,18 @@ int main(int n, char **v) {
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-h") || !strcmp(v[i], "--help")) usage(); if (!strcmp(v[i], "-h") || !strcmp(v[i], "--help")) usage();
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-d")) { if(i>n-2)usage(); database_filename = v[++i]; continue; }
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-d")) { if (!strcmp(v[i], "-i")) { if(i>n-2)usage(); input_filename = v[++i]; continue; }
if (i > n-2) usage(); if (!strcmp(v[i], "-ip")) { if(i>n-2)usage(); ip = v[++i]; continue; }
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-p")) { if(i>n-2)usage(); port = atoi(v[++i]); continue; }
database_filename = v[++i]; if (!strcmp(v[i], "-no-mib")) { d.no_mib = 1; continue; }
continue; if (!strcmp(v[i], "-no-sib")) { d.no_sib = 1; continue; }
} if (!strcmp(v[i], "-max-mib")) { if(i>n-2)usage(); d.max_mib = atoi(v[++i]); continue; }
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-max-sib")) { if(i>n-2)usage(); d.max_sib = atoi(v[++i]); continue; }
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-i")) { if (!strcmp(v[i], "-live")) { live = 1; continue; }
if (i > n-2) usage(); if (!strcmp(v[i], "-live-ip")) { if(i>n-2)usage(); live_ip = v[++i]; continue; }
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-live-port")) { if(i>n-2)usage(); live_port = atoi(v[++i]); continue; }
input_filename = v[++i]; if (!strcmp(v[i], "-no-bind")) { d.no_bind = 1; continue; }
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-ip")) {
if (i > n-2) usage();
ip = v[++i];
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-p")) {
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-no-mib")) {
d.no_mib = 1;
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-no-sib")) {
d.no_sib = 1;
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-max-mib")) {
if (i > n-2) usage();
d.max_mib = atoi(v[++i]);
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-max-sib")) {
if (i > n-2) usage();
d.max_sib = atoi(v[++i]);
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-live")) {
live = 1;
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-live-ip")) {
if (i > n-2) usage();
live_ip = v[++i];
if (!strcmp(v[i], "-live-port")) {
if (i > n-2) usage();
live_port = atoi(v[++i]);
usage(); usage();
} }
...@@ -28,13 +28,23 @@ ...@@ -28,13 +28,23 @@
* separate process solves this problem. * separate process solves this problem.
*/ */
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include "system.h" #include "system.h"
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h> #include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h> #include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h> #include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <common/utils/assertions.h>
#include <common/utils/LOG/log.h>
#define MAX_COMMAND 4096 #define MAX_COMMAND 4096
static int command_pipe_read; static int command_pipe_read;
...@@ -50,37 +60,37 @@ static int module_initialized = 0; ...@@ -50,37 +60,37 @@ static int module_initialized = 0;
/* util functions */ /* util functions */
/********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************/
static void lock_system(void) static void lock_system(void) {
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&lock) != 0) { if (pthread_mutex_lock(&lock) != 0) {
printf("pthread_mutex_lock fails\n"); printf("pthread_mutex_lock fails\n");
abort(); abort();
} }
} }
static void unlock_system(void) static void unlock_system(void) {
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock) != 0) { if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock) != 0) {
printf("pthread_mutex_unlock fails\n"); printf("pthread_mutex_unlock fails\n");
abort(); abort();
} }
} }
static void write_pipe(int p, char *b, int size) static void write_pipe(int p, char *b, int size) {
while (size) { while (size) {
int ret = write(p, b, size); int ret = write(p, b, size);
if (ret <= 0) exit(0); if (ret <= 0) exit(0);
b += ret; b += ret;
size -= ret; size -= ret;
} }
} }
static void read_pipe(int p, char *b, int size) static void read_pipe(int p, char *b, int size) {
while (size) { while (size) {
int ret = read(p, b, size); int ret = read(p, b, size);
if (ret <= 0) exit(0); if (ret <= 0) exit(0);
b += ret; b += ret;
size -= ret; size -= ret;
} }
...@@ -95,14 +105,13 @@ static void read_pipe(int p, char *b, int size) ...@@ -95,14 +105,13 @@ static void read_pipe(int p, char *b, int size)
* when the main process exits, because then a "read" on the pipe * when the main process exits, because then a "read" on the pipe
* will return 0, in which case "read_pipe" exits. * will return 0, in which case "read_pipe" exits.
*/ */
static void background_system_process(void) static void background_system_process(void) {
int len; int len;
int ret; int ret;
char command[MAX_COMMAND+1]; char command[MAX_COMMAND+1];
while (1) { while (1) {
read_pipe(command_pipe_read, (char*)&len, sizeof(int)); read_pipe(command_pipe_read, (char *)&len, sizeof(int));
read_pipe(command_pipe_read, command, len); read_pipe(command_pipe_read, command, len);
ret = system(command); ret = system(command);
write_pipe(result_pipe_write, (char *)&ret, sizeof(int)); write_pipe(result_pipe_write, (char *)&ret, sizeof(int));
...@@ -114,8 +123,7 @@ static void background_system_process(void) ...@@ -114,8 +123,7 @@ static void background_system_process(void)
/* return -1 on error, 0 on success */ /* return -1 on error, 0 on success */
/********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************/
int background_system(char *command) int background_system(char *command) {
int res; int res;
int len; int len;
...@@ -125,18 +133,22 @@ int background_system(char *command) ...@@ -125,18 +133,22 @@ int background_system(char *command)
} }
len = strlen(command)+1; len = strlen(command)+1;
if (len > MAX_COMMAND) { if (len > MAX_COMMAND) {
printf("FATAL: command too long. Increase MAX_COMMAND (%d).\n", MAX_COMMAND); printf("FATAL: command too long. Increase MAX_COMMAND (%d).\n", MAX_COMMAND);
printf("command was: '%s'\n", command); printf("command was: '%s'\n", command);
abort(); abort();
} }
/* only one command can run at a time, so let's lock/unlock */ /* only one command can run at a time, so let's lock/unlock */
lock_system(); lock_system();
write_pipe(command_pipe_write, (char*)&len, sizeof(int)); write_pipe(command_pipe_write, (char *)&len, sizeof(int));
write_pipe(command_pipe_write, command, len); write_pipe(command_pipe_write, command, len);
read_pipe(result_pipe_read, (char*)&res, sizeof(int)); read_pipe(result_pipe_read, (char *)&res, sizeof(int));
unlock_system(); unlock_system();
if (res == -1 || !WIFEXITED(res) || WEXITSTATUS(res) != 0) return -1; if (res == -1 || !WIFEXITED(res) || WEXITSTATUS(res) != 0) return -1;
return 0; return 0;
} }
...@@ -146,17 +158,16 @@ int background_system(char *command) ...@@ -146,17 +158,16 @@ int background_system(char *command)
/* to be called very early by the main processing */ /* to be called very early by the main processing */
/********************************************************************/ /********************************************************************/
void start_background_system(void) void start_background_system(void) {
int p[2]; int p[2];
pid_t son; pid_t son;
module_initialized = 1; module_initialized = 1;
if (pipe(p) == -1) { if (pipe(p) == -1) {
perror("pipe"); perror("pipe");
exit(1); exit(1);
} }
command_pipe_read = p[0]; command_pipe_read = p[0];
command_pipe_write = p[1]; command_pipe_write = p[1];
...@@ -164,10 +175,11 @@ void start_background_system(void) ...@@ -164,10 +175,11 @@ void start_background_system(void)
perror("pipe"); perror("pipe");
exit(1); exit(1);
} }
result_pipe_read = p[0]; result_pipe_read = p[0];
result_pipe_write = p[1]; result_pipe_write = p[1];
son = fork(); son = fork();
if (son == -1) { if (son == -1) {
perror("fork"); perror("fork");
exit(1); exit(1);
...@@ -181,6 +193,56 @@ void start_background_system(void) ...@@ -181,6 +193,56 @@ void start_background_system(void)
close(result_pipe_read); close(result_pipe_read);
close(command_pipe_write); close(command_pipe_write);
background_system_process(); background_system_process();
} }
void threadCreate(pthread_t* t, void * (*func)(void*), void * param, char* name, int affinity, int priority){
pthread_attr_t attr;
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED);
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_FIFO);
struct sched_param sparam={0};
sparam.sched_priority = priority;
pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &sparam);
pthread_create(t, &attr, func, param);
pthread_setname_np(*t, name);
if (affinity != -1 ) {
cpu_set_t cpuset;
CPU_SET(affinity, &cpuset);
AssertFatal( pthread_setaffinity_np(*t, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset) == 0, "Error setting processor affinity");
// Block CPU C-states deep sleep
void configure_linux(void) {
int ret;
static int latency_target_fd=-1;
uint32_t latency_target_value=10; // in microseconds
if (latency_target_fd == -1) {
if ( (latency_target_fd = open("/dev/cpu_dma_latency", O_RDWR)) != -1 ) {
ret = write(latency_target_fd, &latency_target_value, sizeof(latency_target_value));
if (ret == 0) {
printf("# error setting cpu_dma_latency to %d!: %s\n", latency_target_value, strerror(errno));
if (latency_target_fd != -1)
LOG_I(HW,"# /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to %dus\n", latency_target_value);
LOG_E(HW,"Can't set /dev/cpu_dma_latency to %dus\n", latency_target_value);
// Set CPU frequency to it's maximum
if ( 0 != system("for d in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu[0-9]*; do cat $d/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq > $d/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq; done"))
LOG_W(HW,"Can't set cpu frequency\n");
...@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ ...@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@
#ifndef _SYSTEM_H_OAI_ #ifndef _SYSTEM_H_OAI_
#define _SYSTEM_H_OAI_ #define _SYSTEM_H_OAI_
#include <stdint.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/**************************************************** /****************************************************
* send a command to the background process * send a command to the background process
...@@ -36,4 +42,23 @@ int background_system(char *command); ...@@ -36,4 +42,23 @@ int background_system(char *command);
void start_background_system(void); void start_background_system(void);
void set_latency_target(void);
void configure_linux(void);
void threadCreate(pthread_t* t, void * (*func)(void*), void * param, char* name, int affinity, int priority);
#define OAI_PRIORITY_RT_LOW sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO)
#define OAI_PRIORITY_RT sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO)-10
#define OAI_PRIORITY_RT_MAX sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO)
void thread_top_init(char *thread_name,
int affinity,
uint64_t runtime,
uint64_t deadline,
uint64_t period);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _SYSTEM_H_OAI_ */ #endif /* _SYSTEM_H_OAI_ */
...@@ -291,24 +291,8 @@ uint8_t generate_dci_top(uint8_t num_pdcch_symbols, ...@@ -291,24 +291,8 @@ uint8_t generate_dci_top(uint8_t num_pdcch_symbols,
y[0] = &yseq0[0]; y[0] = &yseq0[0];
y[1] = &yseq1[0]; y[1] = &yseq1[0];
if (IS_SOFTMODEM_BASICSIM) { /* reset all bits to <NIL>, here we set <NIL> elements as 2 */
/* this should be the normal case memset(e, 2, DCI_BITS_MAX);
* but it has to be validated for all the various cases
* so let's just do it for the basic simulator
// memset(e, 2, DCI_BITS_MAX);
} else {
// reset all bits to <NIL>, here we set <NIL> elements as 2
// memset(e, 2, DCI_BITS_MAX);
// here we interpret NIL as a random QPSK sequence. That makes power estimation easier.
for (i=0; i<DCI_BITS_MAX; i++)
/* clear all bits, the above code may generate too much false detections
* (not sure about this, to be checked somehow)
//memset(e, 0, DCI_BITS_MAX);
e_ptr = e; e_ptr = e;
...@@ -230,13 +230,11 @@ void common_signal_procedures (PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int frame, int subframe) { ...@@ -230,13 +230,11 @@ void common_signal_procedures (PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int frame, int subframe) {
void pdsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, bool dlsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
L1_rxtx_proc_t *proc, L1_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
int harq_pid, int harq_pid,
LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *dlsch, LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *dlsch,
LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *dlsch1, LTE_eNB_UE_stats *ue_stats) {
LTE_eNB_UE_stats *ue_stats,
int ra_flag) {
int frame=proc->frame_tx; int frame=proc->frame_tx;
int subframe=proc->subframe_tx; int subframe=proc->subframe_tx;
LTE_DL_eNB_HARQ_t *dlsch_harq=dlsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]; LTE_DL_eNB_HARQ_t *dlsch_harq=dlsch->harq_processes[harq_pid];
...@@ -265,27 +263,6 @@ void pdsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, ...@@ -265,27 +263,6 @@ void pdsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
dlsch_harq->round); dlsch_harq->round);
} }
"%05u:%02u PDSCH/DLSCH input size = %"PRIu16", G %d, nb_rb %"PRIu16", TBS %"PRIu16", pmi_alloc %"PRIx16", rv %"PRIu8" (round %"PRIu8")",
frame, subframe,
if (ue_stats) ue_stats->dlsch_sliding_cnt++; if (ue_stats) ue_stats->dlsch_sliding_cnt++;
if (dlsch_harq->round == 0) { if (dlsch_harq->round == 0) {
...@@ -300,15 +277,17 @@ void pdsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, ...@@ -300,15 +277,17 @@ void pdsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
#endif #endif
} }
if (dlsch->rnti!=0xffff) LOG_D(PHY,"Generating DLSCH/PDSCH pdu:%p pdsch_start:%d frame:%d subframe:%d nb_rb:%d rb_alloc:%d Qm:%d Nl:%d round:%d\n", if (dlsch->rnti!=0xffff)
dlsch_harq->pdu,dlsch_harq->pdsch_start,frame,subframe,dlsch_harq->nb_rb,dlsch_harq->rb_alloc[0],dlsch_harq->Qm,dlsch_harq->Nl,dlsch_harq->round); LOG_D(PHY,"Generating DLSCH/PDSCH pdu:%p pdsch_start:%d frame:%d subframe:%d nb_rb:%d rb_alloc:%d Qm:%d Nl:%d round:%d\n",
// 36-212 // 36-212
if (NFAPI_MODE==NFAPI_MONOLITHIC || NFAPI_MODE==NFAPI_MODE_PNF) { // monolthic OR PNF - do not need turbo encoding on VNF if (NFAPI_MODE==NFAPI_MONOLITHIC || NFAPI_MODE==NFAPI_MODE_PNF) { // monolthic OR PNF - do not need turbo encoding on VNF
if (dlsch_harq->pdu==NULL) { if (dlsch_harq->pdu==NULL) {
LOG_E(PHY,"dlsch_harq->pdu == NULL SFN/SF:%04d%d dlsch[rnti:%x] dlsch_harq[pdu:%p pdsch_start:%d Qm:%d Nl:%d round:%d nb_rb:%d rb_alloc[0]:%d]\n", frame,subframe,dlsch->rnti, dlsch_harq->pdu, LOG_E(PHY,"dlsch_harq->pdu == NULL SFN/SF:%04d%d dlsch[rnti:%x] dlsch_harq[pdu:%p pdsch_start:%d Qm:%d Nl:%d round:%d nb_rb:%d rb_alloc[0]:%d]\n", frame,subframe,dlsch->rnti, dlsch_harq->pdu,
dlsch_harq->pdsch_start,dlsch_harq->Qm,dlsch_harq->Nl,dlsch_harq->round,dlsch_harq->nb_rb,dlsch_harq->rb_alloc[0]); dlsch_harq->pdsch_start,dlsch_harq->Qm,dlsch_harq->Nl,dlsch_harq->round,dlsch_harq->nb_rb,dlsch_harq->rb_alloc[0]);
return; return false;
} }
start_meas(&eNB->dlsch_encoding_stats); start_meas(&eNB->dlsch_encoding_stats);
...@@ -330,7 +309,27 @@ void pdsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, ...@@ -330,7 +309,27 @@ void pdsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
if(eNB->dlsch_encoding_stats.p_time>500*3000 && opp_enabled == 1) { if(eNB->dlsch_encoding_stats.p_time>500*3000 && opp_enabled == 1) {
print_meas_now(&eNB->dlsch_encoding_stats,"total coding",stderr); print_meas_now(&eNB->dlsch_encoding_stats,"total coding",stderr);
} }
dlsch->active[subframe] = 0;
dlsch->active = 0;
LOG_D(PHY,"Generated DLSCH dlsch_harq[round:%d]\n",dlsch_harq->round);
return true;
return false;
void pdsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
L1_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
int harq_pid,
LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *dlsch,
LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *dlsch1) {
int frame=proc->frame_tx;
int subframe=proc->subframe_tx;
LTE_DL_eNB_HARQ_t *dlsch_harq=dlsch->harq_processes[harq_pid];
LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp=&eNB->frame_parms;
// 36-211 // 36-211
start_meas(&eNB->dlsch_scrambling_stats); start_meas(&eNB->dlsch_scrambling_stats);
dlsch_scrambling(fp, dlsch_scrambling(fp,
...@@ -359,15 +358,8 @@ void pdsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, ...@@ -359,15 +358,8 @@ void pdsch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
dlsch, dlsch,
dlsch->ue_type==0 ? dlsch1 : (LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *)NULL); dlsch->ue_type==0 ? dlsch1 : (LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *)NULL);
stop_meas(&eNB->dlsch_modulation_stats); stop_meas(&eNB->dlsch_modulation_stats);
#ifdef PHY_TX_THREAD LOG_D(PHY,"Generated PDSCH dlsch_harq[round:%d]\n",dlsch_harq->round);
dlsch->active[subframe] = 0;
dlsch->active = 0;
LOG_D(PHY,"Generating DLSCH/PDSCH dlsch_harq[round:%d]\n",dlsch_harq->round);
} }
...@@ -531,14 +523,18 @@ void phy_procedures_eNB_TX(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, ...@@ -531,14 +523,18 @@ void phy_procedures_eNB_TX(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
dlsch0->harq_ids[frame%2][6], dlsch0->harq_ids[frame%2][6],
dlsch0->harq_ids[frame%2][7]); dlsch0->harq_ids[frame%2][7]);
} else { } else {
// generate pdsch if (dlsch_procedures(eNB,
&eNB->UE_stats[(uint32_t)UE_id])) {
// if we generate dlsch, we must generate pdsch
pdsch_procedures(eNB, pdsch_procedures(eNB,
proc, proc,
harq_pid, harq_pid,
dlsch0, dlsch0,
dlsch1, dlsch1);
&eNB->UE_stats[(uint32_t)UE_id], }
} }
} else if ((dlsch0)&&(dlsch0->rnti>0)&& } else if ((dlsch0)&&(dlsch0->rnti>0)&&
...@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ void feptx0(RU_t *ru,int slot) { ...@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ void feptx0(RU_t *ru,int slot) {
*/ */
int num_symb = 7; int num_symb = 7;
if (subframe_select(fp,subframe) == SF_S) num_symb=fp->dl_symbols_in_S_subframe; if (subframe_select(fp,subframe) == SF_S) num_symb=fp->dl_symbols_in_S_subframe+1;
if (ru->generate_dmrs_sync == 1 && slot == 0 && subframe == 1 && aa==0) { if (ru->generate_dmrs_sync == 1 && slot == 0 && subframe == 1 && aa==0) {
//int32_t dmrs[ru->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size*14] __attribute__((aligned(32))); //int32_t dmrs[ru->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size*14] __attribute__((aligned(32)));
...@@ -1204,6 +1204,10 @@ channel_desc_t *new_channel_desc_scm(uint8_t nb_tx, ...@@ -1204,6 +1204,10 @@ channel_desc_t *new_channel_desc_scm(uint8_t nb_tx,
return(chan_desc); return(chan_desc);
} }
void free_channel_desc_scm(channel_desc_t * ch) {
// Must be made cleanly, a lot of leaks...
int random_channel(channel_desc_t *desc, uint8_t abstraction_flag) { int random_channel(channel_desc_t *desc, uint8_t abstraction_flag) {
...@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ typedef struct x2ap_handover_req_s { ...@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ typedef struct x2ap_handover_req_s {
x2ap_lastvisitedcell_info_t lastvisitedcell_info; x2ap_lastvisitedcell_info_t lastvisitedcell_info;
uint8_t rrc_buffer[1024 /* arbitrary, big enough */]; uint8_t rrc_buffer[8192 /* arbitrary, big enough */];
int rrc_buffer_size; int rrc_buffer_size;
int target_assoc_id; int target_assoc_id;
...@@ -116,6 +116,10 @@ extern int rrc_eNB_process_security(const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP, rrc_eN ...@@ -116,6 +116,10 @@ extern int rrc_eNB_process_security(const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP, rrc_eN
extern void process_eNB_security_key (const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP, rrc_eNB_ue_context_t *const ue_context_pP, uint8_t *security_key_pP); extern void process_eNB_security_key (const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP, rrc_eNB_ue_context_t *const ue_context_pP, uint8_t *security_key_pP);
extern int derive_keNB_star(const uint8_t *kenb_32, const uint16_t pci, const uint32_t earfcn_dl, const bool is_rel8_only, uint8_t * kenb_star); extern int derive_keNB_star(const uint8_t *kenb_32, const uint16_t pci, const uint32_t earfcn_dl, const bool is_rel8_only, uint8_t * kenb_star);
pthread_mutex_t rrc_release_freelist;
RRC_release_list_t rrc_release_info;
pthread_mutex_t lock_ue_freelist;
void void
openair_rrc_on( openair_rrc_on(
const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP
...@@ -4610,10 +4614,10 @@ rrc_eNB_generate_HandoverPreparationInformation( ...@@ -4610,10 +4614,10 @@ rrc_eNB_generate_HandoverPreparationInformation(
uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t *buffer,
int *_size int *_size
) { ) {
memset(buffer, 0, RRC_BUF_SIZE); memset(buffer, 0, 8192);
char *ho_buf = (char *) buffer; char *ho_buf = (char *) buffer;
int ho_size; int ho_size;
ho_size = do_HandoverPreparation(ho_buf, 1024, ue_context_pP->ue_context.UE_Capability, ue_context_pP->ue_context.UE_Capability_size); ho_size = do_HandoverPreparation(ho_buf, 8192, ue_context_pP->ue_context.UE_Capability, ue_context_pP->ue_context.UE_Capability_size);
*_size = ho_size; *_size = ho_size;
} }
...@@ -667,9 +667,11 @@ void openair_rrc_top_init_ue( ...@@ -667,9 +667,11 @@ void openair_rrc_top_init_ue(
uint8_t cba_group_active, uint8_t cba_group_active,
uint8_t HO_active uint8_t HO_active
); );
pthread_mutex_t rrc_release_freelist;
RRC_release_list_t rrc_release_info; extern pthread_mutex_t rrc_release_freelist;
pthread_mutex_t lock_ue_freelist; extern RRC_release_list_t rrc_release_info;
extern pthread_mutex_t lock_ue_freelist;
void remove_UE_from_freelist(module_id_t mod_id, rnti_t rnti); void remove_UE_from_freelist(module_id_t mod_id, rnti_t rnti);
void put_UE_in_freelist(module_id_t mod_id, rnti_t rnti, boolean_t removeFlag); void put_UE_in_freelist(module_id_t mod_id, rnti_t rnti, boolean_t removeFlag);
void release_UE_in_freeList(module_id_t mod_id); void release_UE_in_freeList(module_id_t mod_id);
...@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ int x2ap_eNB_handle_handover_preparation (instance_t instance, ...@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ int x2ap_eNB_handle_handover_preparation (instance_t instance,
X2AP_RRC_Context_t *c = &ie->value.choice.UE_ContextInformation.rRC_Context; X2AP_RRC_Context_t *c = &ie->value.choice.UE_ContextInformation.rRC_Context;
if (c->size > 1024 /* TODO: this is the size of rrc_buffer in struct x2ap_handover_req_ack_s*/) if (c->size > 8192 /* TODO: this is the size of rrc_buffer in struct x2ap_handover_req_s */)
{ printf("%s:%d: fatal: buffer too big\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); abort(); } { printf("%s:%d: fatal: buffer too big\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); abort(); }
memcpy(X2AP_HANDOVER_REQ(msg).rrc_buffer, c->buf, c->size); memcpy(X2AP_HANDOVER_REQ(msg).rrc_buffer, c->buf, c->size);
...@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ int x2ap_eNB_handle_handover_response (instance_t instance, ...@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@ int x2ap_eNB_handle_handover_response (instance_t instance,
X2AP_TargeteNBtoSource_eNBTransparentContainer_t *c = &ie->value.choice.TargeteNBtoSource_eNBTransparentContainer; X2AP_TargeteNBtoSource_eNBTransparentContainer_t *c = &ie->value.choice.TargeteNBtoSource_eNBTransparentContainer;
if (c->size > 1024 /* TODO: this is the size of rrc_buffer in struct x2ap_handover_req_ack_s*/) if (c->size > 1024 /* TODO: this is the size of rrc_buffer in struct x2ap_handover_req_ack_s */)
{ printf("%s:%d: fatal: buffer too big\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); abort(); } { printf("%s:%d: fatal: buffer too big\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); abort(); }
memcpy(X2AP_HANDOVER_REQ_ACK(msg).rrc_buffer, c->buf, c->size); memcpy(X2AP_HANDOVER_REQ_ACK(msg).rrc_buffer, c->buf, c->size);
...@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ ...@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@
#define SCTP_IN_STREAMS (16) #define SCTP_IN_STREAMS (16)
#define SCTP_TIMEOUT (5) #define SCTP_TIMEOUT (5)
#define SCTP_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE (1024) #define SCTP_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE (8192)
...@@ -955,6 +955,11 @@ sctp_eNB_read_from_socket( ...@@ -955,6 +955,11 @@ sctp_eNB_read_from_socket(
return; return;
} }
if (!(flags & MSG_EOR)) {
SCTP_ERROR("fatal: partial SCTP messages are not handled\n");
if (flags & MSG_NOTIFICATION) { if (flags & MSG_NOTIFICATION) {
union sctp_notification *snp; union sctp_notification *snp;
snp = (union sctp_notification *)buffer; snp = (union sctp_notification *)buffer;
...@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ ...@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#include <libbladeRF.h> #include <libbladeRF.h>
#include "common_lib.h" #include "common_lib.h"
#include "log.h" #include "LOG/log.h"
/** @addtogroup _BLADERF_PHY_RF_INTERFACE_ /** @addtogroup _BLADERF_PHY_RF_INTERFACE_
* @{ * @{
...@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ int load_lib(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg, eth_param ...@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ int load_lib(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg, eth_param
shlib_fdesc[0].fname="device_init"; shlib_fdesc[0].fname="device_init";
} else if ( IS_SOFTMODEM_RFSIM ) { } else if ( IS_SOFTMODEM_RFSIM && flag == RAU_LOCAL_RADIO_HEAD) {
shlib_fdesc[0].fname="device_init"; shlib_fdesc[0].fname="device_init";
} else if (flag == RAU_LOCAL_RADIO_HEAD) { } else if (flag == RAU_LOCAL_RADIO_HEAD) {
...@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ pthread_mutex_t Sockmutex; ...@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ pthread_mutex_t Sockmutex;
typedef struct buffer_s { typedef struct buffer_s {
int conn_sock; int conn_sock;
bool alreadyRead; openair0_timestamp lastReceivedTS;
uint64_t lastReceivedTS; openair0_timestamp lastWroteTS;
bool headerMode; bool headerMode;
samplesBlockHeader_t th; samplesBlockHeader_t th;
char *transferPtr; char *transferPtr;
...@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ typedef struct buffer_s { ...@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ typedef struct buffer_s {
typedef struct { typedef struct {
int listen_sock, epollfd; int listen_sock, epollfd;
uint64_t nextTimestamp; openair0_timestamp nextTimestamp;
uint64_t typeStamp; uint64_t typeStamp;
char *ip; char *ip;
int saveIQfile; int saveIQfile;
...@@ -135,9 +135,6 @@ void rxAddInput( struct complex16 *input_sig, struct complex16 *after_channel_si ...@@ -135,9 +135,6 @@ void rxAddInput( struct complex16 *input_sig, struct complex16 *after_channel_si
} }
out_ptr->r += round(rx_tmp.x*pathLossLinear + noise_per_sample*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0)); out_ptr->r += round(rx_tmp.x*pathLossLinear + noise_per_sample*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0));
printf("in: %d, out %d= %f*%f + %f*%f\n",
input_sig[((TS+i)*nbTx)%CirSize].r, out_ptr->r , rx_tmp.x,
pathLossLinear, noise_per_sample,gaussdouble(0.0,1.0));
out_ptr->i += round(rx_tmp.y*pathLossLinear + noise_per_sample*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0)); out_ptr->i += round(rx_tmp.y*pathLossLinear + noise_per_sample*gaussdouble(0.0,1.0));
out_ptr++; out_ptr++;
} }
...@@ -156,8 +153,8 @@ void allocCirBuf(rfsimulator_state_t *bridge, int sock) { ...@@ -156,8 +153,8 @@ void allocCirBuf(rfsimulator_state_t *bridge, int sock) {
AssertFatal ( (ptr->circularBuf=(sample_t *) malloc(sampleToByte(CirSize,1))) != NULL, ""); AssertFatal ( (ptr->circularBuf=(sample_t *) malloc(sampleToByte(CirSize,1))) != NULL, "");
ptr->circularBufEnd=((char *)ptr->circularBuf)+sampleToByte(CirSize,1); ptr->circularBufEnd=((char *)ptr->circularBuf)+sampleToByte(CirSize,1);
ptr->conn_sock=sock; ptr->conn_sock=sock;
ptr->lastReceivedTS=0; ptr->lastReceivedTS=0;
ptr->headerMode=true; ptr->headerMode=true;
ptr->transferPtr=(char *)&ptr->th; ptr->transferPtr=(char *)&ptr->th;
ptr->remainToTransfer=sizeof(samplesBlockHeader_t); ptr->remainToTransfer=sizeof(samplesBlockHeader_t);
...@@ -322,21 +319,22 @@ sin_addr: ...@@ -322,21 +319,22 @@ sin_addr:
setblocking(sock, notBlocking); setblocking(sock, notBlocking);
allocCirBuf(t, sock); allocCirBuf(t, sock);
t->buf[sock].alreadyRead=true; // UE will start blocking on read
return 0; return 0;
} }
uint64_t lastW=-1;
int rfsimulator_write(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp timestamp, void **samplesVoid, int nsamps, int nbAnt, int flags) { int rfsimulator_write(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp timestamp, void **samplesVoid, int nsamps, int nbAnt, int flags) {
rfsimulator_state_t *t = device->priv; rfsimulator_state_t *t = device->priv;
LOG_D(HW,"sending %d samples at time: %ld\n", nsamps, timestamp); LOG_D(HW,"sending %d samples at time: %ld\n", nsamps, timestamp);
for (int i=0; i<FD_SETSIZE; i++) { for (int i=0; i<FD_SETSIZE; i++) {
buffer_t *ptr=&t->buf[i]; buffer_t *b=&t->buf[i];
if (ptr->conn_sock >= 0 ) { if (b->conn_sock >= 0 ) {
if ( abs((double)b->lastWroteTS-timestamp) > (double)CirSize)
LOG_E(HW,"Tx/Rx shift too large Tx:%lu, Rx:%lu\n", b->lastWroteTS, b->lastReceivedTS);
samplesBlockHeader_t header= {t->typeStamp, nsamps, nbAnt, timestamp}; samplesBlockHeader_t header= {t->typeStamp, nsamps, nbAnt, timestamp};
fullwrite(ptr->conn_sock,&header, sizeof(header), t); fullwrite(b->conn_sock,&header, sizeof(header), t);
sample_t tmpSamples[nsamps][nbAnt]; sample_t tmpSamples[nsamps][nbAnt];
for(int a=0; a<nbAnt; a++) { for(int a=0; a<nbAnt; a++) {
...@@ -346,17 +344,17 @@ int rfsimulator_write(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp timestamp, voi ...@@ -346,17 +344,17 @@ int rfsimulator_write(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp timestamp, voi
tmpSamples[s][a]=in[s]; tmpSamples[s][a]=in[s];
} }
if (ptr->conn_sock >= 0 ) if (b->conn_sock >= 0 ) {
fullwrite(ptr->conn_sock, (void *)tmpSamples, sampleToByte(nsamps,nbAnt), t); fullwrite(b->conn_sock, (void *)tmpSamples, sampleToByte(nsamps,nbAnt), t);
} }
} }
LOG_D(HW,"sent %d samples at time: %ld->%ld, energy in first antenna: %d\n", LOG_D(HW,"sent %d samples at time: %ld->%ld, energy in first antenna: %d\n",
nsamps, timestamp, timestamp+nsamps, signal_energy(samplesVoid[0], nsamps) ); nsamps, timestamp, timestamp+nsamps, signal_energy(samplesVoid[0], nsamps) );
// Let's verify we don't have incoming data // Let's verify we don't have incoming data
// This is mandatory when the opposite side don't transmit // This is mandatory when the opposite side don't transmit
// This is mandatory when the opposite side don't transmit
flushInput(t, 0); flushInput(t, 0);
pthread_mutex_unlock(&Sockmutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&Sockmutex);
return nsamps; return nsamps;
...@@ -428,7 +426,6 @@ static bool flushInput(rfsimulator_state_t *t, int timeout) { ...@@ -428,7 +426,6 @@ static bool flushInput(rfsimulator_state_t *t, int timeout) {
AssertFatal( (t->typeStamp == UE_MAGICDL_FDD && b->th.magic==ENB_MAGICDL_FDD) || AssertFatal( (t->typeStamp == UE_MAGICDL_FDD && b->th.magic==ENB_MAGICDL_FDD) ||
(t->typeStamp == ENB_MAGICDL_FDD && b->th.magic==UE_MAGICDL_FDD), "Socket Error in protocol"); (t->typeStamp == ENB_MAGICDL_FDD && b->th.magic==UE_MAGICDL_FDD), "Socket Error in protocol");
b->headerMode=false; b->headerMode=false;
if ( b->lastReceivedTS != b->th.timestamp) { if ( b->lastReceivedTS != b->th.timestamp) {
int nbAnt= b->th.nbAnt; int nbAnt= b->th.nbAnt;
...@@ -444,8 +441,8 @@ static bool flushInput(rfsimulator_state_t *t, int timeout) { ...@@ -444,8 +441,8 @@ static bool flushInput(rfsimulator_state_t *t, int timeout) {
} }
b->lastReceivedTS=b->th.timestamp; b->lastReceivedTS=b->th.timestamp;
AssertFatal(lastW == -1 || ( abs((double)lastW-b->lastReceivedTS) < (double)CirSize), AssertFatal(b->lastWroteTS == 0 || ( abs((double)b->lastWroteTS-b->lastReceivedTS) < (double)CirSize),
"Tx/Rx shift too large Tx:%lu, Rx:%lu\n", lastW, b->lastReceivedTS); "Tx/Rx shift too large Tx:%lu, Rx:%lu\n", b->lastWroteTS, b->lastReceivedTS);
b->transferPtr=(char *)&b->circularBuf[b->lastReceivedTS%CirSize]; b->transferPtr=(char *)&b->circularBuf[b->lastReceivedTS%CirSize];
b->remainToTransfer=sampleToByte(b->th.size, b->th.nbAnt); b->remainToTransfer=sampleToByte(b->th.size, b->th.nbAnt);
} }
...@@ -501,15 +498,33 @@ int rfsimulator_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimestamp, vo ...@@ -501,15 +498,33 @@ int rfsimulator_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimestamp, vo
return nsamps; return nsamps;
} }
} else { } else {
bool have_to_wait; bool have_to_wait;
do { do {
have_to_wait=false; have_to_wait=false;
for ( int sock=0; sock<FD_SETSIZE; sock++) { for ( int sock=0; sock<FD_SETSIZE; sock++) {
if ( t->buf[sock].circularBuf && t->buf[sock].alreadyRead ) buffer_t *b=&t->buf[sock];
if ( t->buf[sock].lastReceivedTS == 0 || if ( b->circularBuf) {
(t->nextTimestamp+nsamps) > t->buf[sock].lastReceivedTS ) { LOG_D(HW,"sock: %d, lastWroteTS: %lu, lastRecvTS: %lu, TS must be avail: %lu\n",
sock, b->lastWroteTS,
if ( b->lastReceivedTS > b->lastWroteTS ) {
// The caller momdem (NB, UE, ...) must send Tx in advance, so we fill TX if Rx is in advance
// This occurs for example when UE is in sync mode: it doesn't transmit
// with USRP, it seems ok: if "tx stream" is off, we may consider it actually cuts the Tx power
struct complex16 v={0};
void *samplesVoid[b->th.nbAnt];
for ( int i=0; i <b->th.nbAnt; i++)
rfsimulator_write(device, b->lastReceivedTS, samplesVoid, 1, b->th.nbAnt, 0);
if ( b->circularBuf )
if ( t->nextTimestamp+nsamps > b->lastReceivedTS ) {
have_to_wait=true; have_to_wait=true;
break; break;
} }
...@@ -532,7 +547,7 @@ int rfsimulator_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimestamp, vo ...@@ -532,7 +547,7 @@ int rfsimulator_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimestamp, vo
for (int sock=0; sock<FD_SETSIZE; sock++) { for (int sock=0; sock<FD_SETSIZE; sock++) {
buffer_t *ptr=&t->buf[sock]; buffer_t *ptr=&t->buf[sock];
if ( ptr->circularBuf && ptr->alreadyRead ) { if ( ptr->circularBuf ) {
bool reGenerateChannel=false; bool reGenerateChannel=false;
//fixme: when do we regenerate //fixme: when do we regenerate
...@@ -635,13 +635,10 @@ void wakeup_prach_eNB(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,RU_t *ru,int frame,int subframe) { ...@@ -635,13 +635,10 @@ void wakeup_prach_eNB(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,RU_t *ru,int frame,int subframe) {
AssertFatal((ret=pthread_mutex_lock(&proc->mutex_RU_PRACH))==0,"mutex_lock return %d\n",ret); AssertFatal((ret=pthread_mutex_lock(&proc->mutex_RU_PRACH))==0,"mutex_lock return %d\n",ret);
for (i=0; i<eNB->num_RU; i++) { for (i=0; i<eNB->num_RU; i++) {
if (ru == eNB->RU_list[i]) { if (ru == eNB->RU_list[i] && eNB->RU_list[i]->wait_cnt == 0) {
LOG_D(PHY,"frame %d, subframe %d: RU %d for eNB %d signals PRACH (mask %x, num_RU %d)\n",frame,subframe,i,eNB->Mod_id,proc->RU_mask_prach,eNB->num_RU); LOG_D(PHY,"frame %d, subframe %d: RU %d for eNB %d signals PRACH (mask %x, num_RU %d)\n",frame,subframe,i,eNB->Mod_id,proc->RU_mask_prach,eNB->num_RU);
proc->RU_mask_prach |= (1<<i);
if ((proc->RU_mask_prach&(1<<i)) > 0) } else if (eNB->RU_list[i]->state == RU_SYNC || eNB->RU_list[i]->wait_cnt > 0) {
LOG_E(PHY,"eNB %d frame %d, subframe %d : previous information (PRACH) from RU %d (num_RU %d, mask %x) has not been served yet!\n",
proc->RU_mask_prach |= (1<<i); proc->RU_mask_prach |= (1<<i);
} }
} }
...@@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ void fh_if4p5_south_in(RU_t *ru,int *frame,int *subframe) { ...@@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ void fh_if4p5_south_in(RU_t *ru,int *frame,int *subframe) {
if (proc->symbol_mask[*subframe]==0) { // this is normal case, if not true then we received a PULTICK before the previous subframe was finished if (proc->symbol_mask[*subframe]==0) { // this is normal case, if not true then we received a PULTICK before the previous subframe was finished
do { do {
recv_IF4p5(ru, &f, &sf, &packet_type, &symbol_number); recv_IF4p5(ru, &f, &sf, &packet_type, &symbol_number);
LOG_D(PHY,"fh_if4p5_south_in: RU %d, frame %d, subframe %d, f %d, sf %d\n",ru->idx,*frame,*subframe,f,sf);
if (oai_exit == 1 || ru->cmd== STOP_RU) break; if (oai_exit == 1 || ru->cmd== STOP_RU) break;
if (packet_type == IF4p5_PULFFT) proc->symbol_mask[sf] = proc->symbol_mask[sf] | (1<<symbol_number); if (packet_type == IF4p5_PULFFT) proc->symbol_mask[sf] = proc->symbol_mask[sf] | (1<<symbol_number);
else if (packet_type == IF4p5_PULTICK) { else if (packet_type == IF4p5_PULTICK) {
...@@ -230,8 +231,8 @@ void fh_if4p5_south_in(RU_t *ru,int *frame,int *subframe) { ...@@ -230,8 +231,8 @@ void fh_if4p5_south_in(RU_t *ru,int *frame,int *subframe) {
} else if (packet_type == IF4p5_PRACH) { } else if (packet_type == IF4p5_PRACH) {
// nothing in RU for RAU // nothing in RU for RAU
} }
LOG_D(PHY,"rx_fh_if4p5: subframe %d symbol mask %x\n",*subframe,proc->symbol_mask[*subframe]); LOG_D(PHY,"rx_fh_if4p5 for RU %d: subframe %d, sf %d, symbol mask %x\n",ru->idx,*subframe,sf,proc->symbol_mask[sf]);
} while(proc->symbol_mask[*subframe] != symbol_mask_full); } while(proc->symbol_mask[sf] != symbol_mask_full);
} }
else { else {
f = *frame; f = *frame;
...@@ -437,10 +438,13 @@ void fh_if4p5_north_asynch_in(RU_t *ru,int *frame,int *subframe) { ...@@ -437,10 +438,13 @@ void fh_if4p5_north_asynch_in(RU_t *ru,int *frame,int *subframe) {
proc->first_tx = 0; proc->first_tx = 0;
symbol_mask_full = ((subframe_select(fp,*subframe) == SF_S) ? (1<<fp->dl_symbols_in_S_subframe) : (1<<fp->symbols_per_tti))-1; symbol_mask_full = ((subframe_select(fp,*subframe) == SF_S) ? (1<<fp->dl_symbols_in_S_subframe) : (1<<fp->symbols_per_tti))-1;
} else { } else {
AssertFatal(frame_tx == *frame, /* AssertFatal(frame_tx == *frame,
"frame_tx %d is not what we expect %d\n",frame_tx,*frame); "frame_tx %d is not what we expect %d\n",frame_tx,*frame);
AssertFatal(subframe_tx == *subframe, AssertFatal(subframe_tx == *subframe,
"In frame_tx %d : subframe_tx %d is not what we expect %d\n",frame_tx,subframe_tx,*subframe); "In frame_tx %d : subframe_tx %d is not what we expect %d\n",frame_tx,subframe_tx,*subframe);
*frame = frame_tx;
*subframe = subframe_tx;
} }
if (packet_type == IF4p5_PDLFFT) { if (packet_type == IF4p5_PDLFFT) {
...@@ -1661,7 +1665,7 @@ void *ru_thread( void *param ) { ...@@ -1661,7 +1665,7 @@ void *ru_thread( void *param ) {
proc->instance_cnt_asynch_rxtx=0; proc->instance_cnt_asynch_rxtx=0;
pthread_cond_signal(&proc->cond_asynch_rxtx); pthread_cond_signal(&proc->cond_asynch_rxtx);
AssertFatal((ret=pthread_mutex_unlock(&proc->mutex_asynch_rxtx))==0,"mutex_unlock returns %d\n",ret); AssertFatal((ret=pthread_mutex_unlock(&proc->mutex_asynch_rxtx))==0,"mutex_unlock returns %d\n",ret);
} else LOG_I(PHY,"RU %d no asynch_south interface\n",ru->idx); } else LOG_D(PHY,"RU %d no asynch_south interface\n",ru->idx);
// if this is a slave RRU, try to synchronize on the DL frequency // if this is a slave RRU, try to synchronize on the DL frequency
if ((ru->is_slave == 1) && (ru->if_south == LOCAL_RF)) do_ru_synch(ru); if ((ru->is_slave == 1) && (ru->if_south == LOCAL_RF)) do_ru_synch(ru);
...@@ -1872,7 +1876,8 @@ void *ru_thread_synch(void *arg) { ...@@ -1872,7 +1876,8 @@ void *ru_thread_synch(void *arg) {
&avg); &avg);
LOG_I(PHY,"RU synch cnt %d: %d, val %llu (%d dB,%d dB)\n",cnt,ru->rx_offset,(unsigned long long)peak_val,dB_fixed64(peak_val),dB_fixed64(avg)); LOG_I(PHY,"RU synch cnt %d: %d, val %llu (%d dB,%d dB)\n",cnt,ru->rx_offset,(unsigned long long)peak_val,dB_fixed64(peak_val),dB_fixed64(avg));
cnt++; cnt++;
if (/*ru->rx_offset >= 0*/dB_fixed(peak_val)>=85 && cnt>10) { //if (/*ru->rx_offset >= 0*/dB_fixed(peak_val)>=85 && cnt>10) {
if (ru->rx_offset >= 0 && avg>0 && dB_fixed(peak_val/avg)>=15 && cnt>10) {
LOG_I(PHY,"Estimated peak_val %d dB, avg %d => timing offset %llu\n",dB_fixed(peak_val),dB_fixed(avg),(unsigned long long int)ru->rx_offset); LOG_I(PHY,"Estimated peak_val %d dB, avg %d => timing offset %llu\n",dB_fixed(peak_val),dB_fixed(avg),(unsigned long long int)ru->rx_offset);
ru->in_synch = 1; ru->in_synch = 1;
/* /*
...@@ -2628,7 +2633,7 @@ void init_RU(char *rf_config_file, clock_source_t clock_source,clock_source_t ti ...@@ -2628,7 +2633,7 @@ void init_RU(char *rf_config_file, clock_source_t clock_source,clock_source_t ti
// NOTE: multiple CC_id are not handled here yet! // NOTE: multiple CC_id are not handled here yet!
ru->openair0_cfg.clock_source = clock_source; ru->openair0_cfg.clock_source = clock_source;
ru->openair0_cfg.time_source = time_source; ru->openair0_cfg.time_source = time_source;
// ru->generate_dmrs_sync = (ru->is_slave == 0) ? 1 : 0; ru->generate_dmrs_sync = (ru->is_slave == 0) ? 1 : 0;
if (ru->generate_dmrs_sync == 1) { if (ru->generate_dmrs_sync == 1) {
generate_ul_ref_sigs(); generate_ul_ref_sigs();
ru->dmrssync = (int16_t*)malloc16_clear(ru->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size*2*sizeof(int16_t)); ru->dmrssync = (int16_t*)malloc16_clear(ru->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size*2*sizeof(int16_t));
...@@ -2919,6 +2924,8 @@ void RCconfig_RU(void) { ...@@ -2919,6 +2924,8 @@ void RCconfig_RU(void) {[j]->max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = *(RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_MAX_RS_EPRE_IDX].uptr);;[j]->max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = *(RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_MAX_RS_EPRE_IDX].uptr);;[j]->max_rxgain = *(RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_MAX_RXGAIN_IDX].uptr);[j]->max_rxgain = *(RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_MAX_RXGAIN_IDX].uptr);[j]->num_bands = RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_BAND_LIST_IDX].numelt;[j]->num_bands = RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_BAND_LIST_IDX].numelt;
/* sf_extension is in unit of samples for 30.72MHz here, has to be scaled later */[j]->sf_extension = *(RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_SF_EXTENSION_IDX].uptr);
for (i=0;i<[j]->num_bands;i++)[j]->band[i] = RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_BAND_LIST_IDX].iptr[i]; for (i=0;i<[j]->num_bands;i++)[j]->band[i] = RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_BAND_LIST_IDX].iptr[i];
} //strcmp(local_rf, "yes") == 0 } //strcmp(local_rf, "yes") == 0
else { else {
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