bit_vec = [4 6 12] % filename_codebook = 'Codebook.mat'; %random codebook % load(fullfile('~/Devel/openair1/EMOS/MATLAB/lim_feedback',filename_codebook)); % filestr = 'RVQ' filename_codebook = sprintf('Codebook_idx_new%d.mat',idx); %random correlated codebook if ~exist(filename_codebook,'file') disp('[eval_data_MU] Generating Codebook') generate_corr_codebook else load(filename_codebook); end filestr = 'RVQ_corr' % % grassmanian codebook % filename_codebook = sprintf('codebook_%d_%dvec.mat',NTx,pow2(bit_vec)); % load(fullfile('~/Devel/openair1/EMOS/MATLAB/lim_feedback',filename_codebook)); % Codebook = repmat(eval(sprintf('codebook_%d_%dvec',NTx,pow2(bit_vec))),[1,1,4]); % filestr = 'Grassmanian' timestamp = datestr(now); timestamp = strrep(timestamp,' ','_'); SNR=10^(SNRdB/10); % MMSE regularization factor mu = NTx/SNR; % noise variance n_p=1/SNR; % open all files for k=1:NUser fid(k) = fopen(filename_emos{avail_users(k),idx},'r'); if (fid(k)==-1) error('[eval_data_MU] Error opening file %s', filename_emos{avail_users(k),idx}); end end % read the data in chunks of 1000 Frames NFrames_max = 1000; NFrames_read = zeros(1,NUser); NFrames_Tx = max(framestamp_max(:,idx))-min(framestamp_min(:,idx))+1; NFreq = 40; chunks = 0; NFrames_Tx_read = 0; %Number of Tx frames read from file NFrames_Tx_proc = 0; %Number of Tx frames processed (with all crc's positive) align_matrix = false(NUser,NFrames_Tx); for u = 1:NUser align_matrix(u,est(avail_users(u),idx).framestamp_tx - min(framestamp_min(avail_users,idx)) + 1) = true; end crc_matrix = false(NUser,NFrames_Tx); for u = 1:NUser crc_matrix(u,est(avail_users(u),idx).framestamp_tx - min(framestamp_min(avail_users,idx)) + 1) = ~est(avail_users(u),idx).err_ind; end NFrames_pos = sum(all(crc_matrix)); %DProf = zeros(NUser, NTx, 64); %CAP_4U_ZF_CVQ = zeros(NFreq,NFrames_pos,length(bit_vec)); %CAP_4U_MMSE_CVQ = zeros(NFreq,NFrames_pos,length(bit_vec)); CAP_4U_ZF_RVQ = zeros(NFreq,NFrames_pos,length(bit_vec)); CAP_4U_MMSE_RVQ = zeros(NFreq,NFrames_pos,length(bit_vec)); CAP_SU_CVQ = zeros(NFreq,NFrames_pos,length(bit_vec),NUser); Codebook_ind = zeros(NFreq,NFrames_pos,length(bit_vec),NUser); %while any(NFrames_read < NFrames(:,idx).') %fk 30.1.2008: changed the following two line since it produced an endless loop while any(NFrames_read < sum(align_matrix,2).') %Tx_frames = (NFrames_Tx_read+1) : min(NFrames_Tx_read + NFrames_max, NFrames_Tx); Tx_frames = (NFrames_Tx_read+1) : min(NFrames_Tx_read + NFrames_max,size(align_matrix,2)); if IFversion>=2 [H, H_fq, dummy_est, dummy_gps, NFrames_read] = load_estimates2_MU_lm_new(fid, NTx, length(Tx_frames), NFrames_read, align_matrix(:,Tx_frames), IFversion); else [H, H_fq, dummy_est, dummy_gps, NFrames_read] = load_estimates_MU_lm_new(fid, NTx, length(Tx_frames), NFrames_read, align_matrix(:,Tx_frames), IFversion); end if isempty(H_fq) warning('[eval_data_MU] No data read! Terminating loop.'); break end NFrames_Tx_read = NFrames_Tx_read + size(H_fq,4); %use only measurements where all users have positive CRC H = H(:,:,:,all(crc_matrix(:,Tx_frames)),:); H_fq = H_fq(:,:,:,all(crc_matrix(:,Tx_frames)),:); chunks = chunks + 1; disp(['[eval_data_MU] Chunk = ' num2str(chunks) ', NFrames_read = ' num2str(NFrames_read) ', NFrames_Tx_read = ' num2str(NFrames_Tx_read) ]); % normalize H per user % the mean squared Frobenius norm has been precomputed in est(k,idx).Hnorm % in order to get E(|h_{i,j,k}|^2) = 1, we need % size(H_fq) = [NRx,NTx,NFreq,NFrames,Nuser] for k=1:NUser H(:,:,:,:,k) = H(:,:,:,:,k)*sqrt(NTx*NRx)/sqrt(mean(est(sched_users(k),idx).Hnorm)); H_fq(:,:,:,:,k) = H_fq(:,:,:,:,k)*sqrt(NTx*NRx)/sqrt(mean(est(sched_users(k),idx).Hnorm)); end disp('[eval_data_MU] Calculating SDMA capacities'); for k2=1:size(H_fq,4) %[HSf,antenna_index] = antenna_selection(H_fq(:,:,:,k2,:)); for k1=1:size(H_fq,3) HS = squeeze(H_fq(1,:,k1,k2,:)); Codebook_ind(k1,NFrames_Tx_proc + k2,:,:) = get_codebook_idx(HS,Codebook(:,1:pow2(max(bit_vec)),1:NUser),bit_vec); for b = 1:length(bit_vec) % [Hq, Codebook_ind(k1,NFrames_Tx_proc + k2,b,:)] = quantize_H(HS,bit_vec(b)); % % [CAP_4U_MMSE_CVQ(k1,NFrames_Tx_proc + k2,b)] = MISO_CVQ(HS.',Hq.',n_p,mu); % [CAP_4U_ZF_CVQ(k1,NFrames_Tx_proc + k2,b)] = MISO_CVQ(HS.',Hq.',n_p,0); Hq = zeros(NTx,NUser); for k=1:NUser Hq(:,k) = Codebook(:,Codebook_ind(k1,NFrames_Tx_proc + k2,b,k),k); % Hq has to have the same amplitude as H Hq(:,k) = Hq(:,k).*norm(HS(:,k)); CAP_SU_CVQ(k1,NFrames_Tx_proc + k2,b,k) = log2(1+SNR^2*abs(Hq(:,k)'*HS(:,k))^2); end [CAP_4U_MMSE_RVQ(k1,NFrames_Tx_proc + k2,b)] = MISO_RVQ(HS.',Hq.',n_p,mu); [CAP_4U_ZF_RVQ(k1,NFrames_Tx_proc + k2,b)] = MISO_RVQ(HS.',Hq.',n_p,0); end end end % %% calculate and plot the PDP and frequency response over time % % The function Dprofile requires that size(H)=[N_t,N_tau,N_Tx,N_Rx] % % but load estimates returns size(H1) = [NRx,NTx,NTau,NFrames] % disp('[eval_data_MU] PDP Calculation'); % for k=1:NUser % for l=1:NTx % DProf(k,l,:) = DProf(k,l,:) + reshape(DProfile(squeeze(permute(H(:,l,:,:,k),[4 3 2 1 5]))),1,1,[]); % end % end NFrames_Tx_proc = NFrames_Tx_proc + size(H_fq,4); disp(['[eval_data_MU] Chunk = ' num2str(chunks), ', NFrames_Tx_proc = ' num2str(NFrames_Tx_proc) ]); % sendmail('',['[eval_data_MU] Chunk = ' num2str(chunks), ', NFrames_Tx_proc = ' num2str(NFrames_Tx_proc) ],''); %% save calcualted data filename_mat = fullfile(filepath,sprintf('results_%s_%dbit_SNR_%d_idx_%d_%s.mat',filestr,bit_vec(1),SNRdB,idx,timestamp)); if strfind(version,'7.3') save(filename_mat,'-V7','CAP*','bit_vec','Codebook_ind'); else save(filename_mat,'CAP*','bit_vec','Codebook_ind'); end end % close all files for k=1:NUser fclose(fid(k)); end %DProf = DProf ./ chunks; % %% save calcualted data % filename_mat = fullfile(filepath,sprintf('results_RVQ_corr_SNR_%d_idx_%d.mat',SNRdB,idx)); % if strfind(version,'7.3') % save(filename_mat,'-V7','CAP*','bit_vec','Codebook_ind'); % else % save(filename_mat,'CAP*','bit_vec','Codebook_ind'); % end