/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ /*! \file pad_list.c * \brief list management primimtives * \author Mohamed Said MOSLI BOUKSIAA, Lionel GAUTHIER, Navid Nikaein * \date 2012 - 2014 * \version 0.5 * @ingroup util */ /*************************************************************************** list2.c - description ------------------- ------------------- AUTHOR : Lionel GAUTHIER COMPANY : EURECOM EMAIL : Lionel.Gauthier@eurecom.fr ***************************************************************************/ #define LIST2_C #include "list.h" #include "assertions.h" #include <string.h> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * initialize list */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void list2_init (list2_t * listP, char *nameP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (nameP) { strncpy( listP->name, nameP, LIST_NAME_MAX_CHAR ); listP->name[LIST_NAME_MAX_CHAR-1] = 0; // terminate string } listP->tail = NULL; listP->head = NULL; listP->nb_elements = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void list2_free (list2_t * listP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mem_block_t *le; while ((le = list2_remove_head (listP))) { free_mem_block (le, __func__); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * remove an element from list * @param pointer on targeted list * @param mem_block_t to remove * @return pointer on removed mem_block_t */ mem_block_t * list2_remove_element (mem_block_t * elementP, list2_t * listP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (elementP != NULL) { // head of list if (elementP == listP->head) { listP->head = elementP->next; if (listP->head == NULL) { listP->tail = NULL; } else { elementP->next->previous = NULL; elementP->next = NULL; } // tail of the list // note : case of 1 remaining element in the list has been treated above } else if (elementP == listP->tail) { // so several elements in the list listP->tail = elementP->previous; listP->tail->next = NULL; elementP->previous = NULL; // in the middle of the list, after a head element and before the tail element } else { // link element n-1 with element n+1 elementP->previous->next = elementP->next; elementP->next->previous = elementP->previous; elementP->next = NULL; elementP->previous = NULL; } listP->nb_elements = listP->nb_elements - 1; } return elementP; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mem_block_t * list2_get_head (list2_t * listP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- return listP->head; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mem_block_t * list2_get_tail (list2_t * listP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- return listP->tail; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * remove an element from head of a list * @param pointer on targeted list * @return pointer on removed mem_block_t */ mem_block_t * list2_remove_head (list2_t * listP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // access optimisation mem_block_t *head; head = listP->head; // almost one element if (head != NULL) { listP->head = head->next; listP->nb_elements = listP->nb_elements - 1; // if only one element, update tail if (listP->head == NULL) { listP->tail = NULL; } else { listP->head->previous = NULL; head->next = NULL; } } else { //msg("[MEM_MGT][WARNING] remove_head_from_list(%s) no elements\n",listP->name); } return head; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * remove an element from tail of a list * @param pointer on targeted list * @return pointer on removed mem_block_t */ mem_block_t * list2_remove_tail (list2_t * listP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // access optimisation; mem_block_t *tail; tail = listP->tail; // almost one element; if (tail != NULL) { listP->nb_elements = listP->nb_elements - 1; // if only one element, update head, tail; if (listP->head == tail) { listP->head = NULL; listP->tail = NULL; } else { listP->tail = tail->previous; tail->previous->next = NULL; } tail->previous = NULL; } else { //msg("[MEM_MGT][WARNING] remove_head_from_list(%s) no elements\n",listP->name); } return tail; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * add an element to the beginning of a list * @param pointer on targeted list * @return pointer on removed mem_block_t */ void list2_add_head (mem_block_t * elementP, list2_t * listP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // access optimisation; mem_block_t *head; if (elementP != NULL) { head = listP->head; listP->nb_elements = listP->nb_elements + 1; // almost one element if (head == NULL) { elementP->previous = NULL; elementP->next = NULL; listP->head = elementP; listP->tail = elementP; } else { elementP->next = head; head->previous = elementP; elementP->previous = NULL; listP->head = elementP; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * add an element to the end of a list * @param pointer on targeted list * @return pointer on removed mem_block_t */ void list2_add_tail (mem_block_t * elementP, list2_t * listP) { mem_block_t *tail; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (elementP != NULL) { // access optimisation listP->nb_elements = listP->nb_elements + 1; elementP->next = NULL; tail = listP->tail; // almost one element if (tail == NULL) { elementP->previous = NULL; listP->head = elementP; } else { tail->next = elementP; elementP->previous = tail; } listP->tail = elementP; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void list2_add_list (list2_t * sublistP, list2_t * listP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (sublistP) { if (sublistP->head) { // access optimisation mem_block_t *tail; tail = listP->tail; // almost one element if (tail == NULL) { listP->head = sublistP->head; } else { tail->next = sublistP->head; sublistP->head->previous = tail; } listP->tail = sublistP->tail; // clear sublist sublistP->head = NULL; sublistP->tail = NULL; } listP->nb_elements = listP->nb_elements + sublistP->nb_elements; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void list2_display (list2_t * listP) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* mem_block_t *cursor; unsigned short nb_elements = 0; //uint32_t nb_bytes; // uint32_t index; // test lists if (listP) { cursor = listP->head; if (cursor) { // almost one element msg ("Display list %s %p", listP->name, listP); while (cursor != NULL) { msg ("%d:", cursor->pool_id); //nb_bytes = (( sdu_management*)(cursor->misc))->size; // for (index=0; index < nb_bytes; index++) { // msg("%02X.",cursor->data[index]); // } msg ("\n"); cursor = cursor->next; nb_elements++; } msg (" found nb_elements %d nb_elements %d\n", nb_elements, listP->nb_elements); AssertFatal(nb_elements == listP->nb_elements, "Bad count of elements %d != %d", nb_elements, listP->nb_elements); } }*/ }