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    (at your option) any later version.

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    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

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Source      emmData.h

Version     0.1

Date        2012/10/18

Product     NAS stack

Subsystem   EPS Mobility Management

Author      Frederic Maurel

Description Defines internal private data handled by EPS Mobility
        Management sublayer.

#ifndef __EMMDATA_H__
#define __EMMDATA_H__

#include "commonDef.h"
#include "networkDef.h"
#include "securityDef.h"

#include "OctetString.h"
#include "nas_timer.h"

#include "esmData.h"

/*********************  G L O B A L    C O N S T A N T S  *******************/

 * The name of the file used as non-volatile memory device to store
 * persistent EMM data when the UE is switched off
#define EMM_NVRAM_FILENAME  ".ue_emm.nvram"

 * The name of the environment variable which defines the directory
 * where the EMM data file is located

/* Network selection modes of operation */

/* Checks Mobile Country Code equality */
#define MCCS_ARE_EQUAL(n1, n2)  (((n1).MCCdigit1 == (n2).MCCdigit1) && \
                                 ((n1).MCCdigit2 == (n2).MCCdigit2) && \
                                 ((n1).MCCdigit3 == (n2).MCCdigit3))

/* Checks Mobile Network Code equality */
#define MNCS_ARE_EQUAL(n1, n2)  (((n1).MNCdigit1 == (n2).MNCdigit1) &&  \
                                 ((n1).MNCdigit2 == (n2).MNCdigit2) &&  \
                                 ((n1).MNCdigit3 == (n2).MNCdigit3))

/* Checks PLMNs equality */
#define PLMNS_ARE_EQUAL(p1, p2) ((MCCS_ARE_EQUAL((p1),(p2))) && \

/* Checks TAIs equality */
#define TAIS_ARE_EQUAL(t1, t2)  ((PLMNS_ARE_EQUAL((t1).plmn,(t2).plmn)) && \
                                 ((t1).tac == (t2).tac))

/************************  G L O B A L    T Y P E S  ************************/

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * EPS NAS security context handled by EPS Mobility Management sublayer in
 * the UE and in the MME
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Type of security context */
typedef enum {
} emm_ksi_t;

/* EPS NAS security context structure */
typedef struct emm_security_context_s {
  emm_ksi_t type;     /* Type of security context        */
  int eksi;           /* NAS key set identifier for E-UTRAN      */
  OctetString kasme;      /* ASME security key (native context)      */
  //OctetString ksgsn;    /* SGSN security key (mapped context)      */
  OctetString knas_enc;   /* NAS cyphering key               */
  OctetString knas_int;   /* NAS integrity key               */
  struct count_s{
    uint32_t spare:8;
    uint32_t overflow:16;
    uint32_t seq_num:8;
  } dl_count, ul_count;   /* Downlink and uplink count parameters    */
  struct {
    uint8_t eps_encryption;   /* algorithm used for ciphering            */
    uint8_t eps_integrity;    /* algorithm used for integrity protection */
    uint8_t umts_encryption;  /* algorithm used for ciphering            */
    uint8_t umts_integrity;   /* algorithm used for integrity protection */
    uint8_t gprs_encryption;  /* algorithm used for ciphering            */
    uint8_t umts_present:1;
    uint8_t gprs_present:1;
  } capability;       /* UE network capability           */
  struct {
    uint8_t encryption:4;   /* algorithm used for ciphering           */
    uint8_t integrity:4;    /* algorithm used for integrity protection */
  } selected_algorithms;       /* MME selected algorithms                */
} emm_security_context_t;

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  EMM internal data handled by EPS Mobility Management sublayer in the UE
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * EPS update status
 * -----------------
 * The EPS update status value is changed only after the execution of an attach
 * or combined attach, network initiated detach, authentication, tracking area
 * update or combined tracking area update, service request or paging for EPS
 * services using IMSI procedure.
 * EU1: The last attach or tracking area updating attempt was successful.
 * EU2: The last attach, service request or tracking area updating attempt
 *  failed procedurally, i.e. no response or reject message was received
 *  from the MME.
 * EU3: The last attach, service request or tracking area updating attempt
 *  was correctly performed, but the answer from the MME was negative
 *  (because of roaming or subscription restrictions).
typedef enum {
} emm_eps_update_t;

 * EPS Connection Management states
 * --------------------------------
 * ECM-IDLE:      No NAS signalling connection between UE and network exists.
 *        No UE context exists in the network.
 * ECM-CONNECTED: The signalling connection is established between the UE
 *        and the MME (RRC connection and S1_MME connection).
typedef enum {
} emm_ecm_state_t;

 * Structure of the EMM parameters stored in the UE's non-volatile memory
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * These EMM parameters can only be used if the IMSI from the USIM matches
 * the IMSI stored in the non-volatile memory; else the UE shall delete the
 * EMM parameters.
 * - EPLMN: List of equivalent PLMNs - Updated at the end of each attach or
 *   combined attach or tracking area updating or combined tracking area
 *   updating procedure. Deleted if the USIM is removed or when the UE attached
 *   for emergency bearer services enters the state EMM-DEREGISTERED.
 *   These PLMNs shall be regarded by the UE as equivalent to each other
 *   for PLMN selection, cell selection/re-selection and handover.
 *   The maximum number of possible entries in the stored list is 16.
typedef struct emm_nvdata_s {
  imsi_t imsi;
  plmn_t rplmn;   /* The registered PLMN  */
  /* List of equivalent PLMNs         */
#define EMM_DATA_EPLMN_MAX  16
} emm_nvdata_t;

 * Structure of the EMM data
 * -------------------------
typedef struct emm_data_s {
  int                 usim_is_valid;  /* Indication of USIM data validity   */

  imei_t             *imei;   /* IMEI read from the UE's non-volatile memory*/
  const imsi_t       *imsi; /* The valid IMSI read from the USIM            */
  GUTI_t             *guti;   /* The valid GUTI read from the USIM          */
  tai_t              *tai;    /* Last visited registered Tracking Area Id   */

  emm_eps_update_t    status;    /* The current EPS update status           */
  emm_ecm_state_t     ecm_status; /* The EPS Connection Management status   */
  int                 is_attached;    /* Network attachment indicator       */
  int                 is_emergency;   /* Emergency bearer services indicator*/

  /* Tracking Areas list the UE is registered to
   * Contains the list of TAIs that identify the tracking areas that
   * the UE can enter without performing a tracking area updating
   * procedure. The TAIs in a TAI list assigned by an MME to a UE
   * pertain to the same MME area.
#define EMM_DATA_TAI_MAX        16

  int                 plmn_mode;  /* Network selection operating mode       */
  int                 plmn_index; /* Manually selected PLMN                 */
  int                 plmn_rat; /* Manually selected Radio Access Technology*/

  plmn_t              splmn;      /* The currently selected PLMN            */
  int                 is_rplmn;   /* splmn is the registered PLMN           */
  int                 is_eplmn; /* splmn is in the list of equivalent PLMNs */
  Stat_t              stat;    /* Current network registration status       */
  tac_t               tac;   /* Tracking area code                          */
  ci_t                ci;    /* GERAN/UTRAN/E-UTRAN serving cell identifier */
  AcT_t               rat; /* Radio Access Technology of the serving cell   */

  /* An octet string representation of operators present in the network */
  struct {
#define EMM_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE    2048
    char buffer[EMM_DATA_BUFFER_SIZE+1];
  } plist;

   * Data used for PLMN selection procedure
   * --------------------------------------
  plmn_t hplmn;       /* The Home PLMN derived from the IMSI  */
  /* List of Forbidden PLMNs
  * Contains the list of PLMN identities for which a Location
  * Registration has been rejected with EMM cause code #11 (PLMN
  * not allowed). A PLMN is removed from this list if, after a
  * subsequent manual selection of that PLMN, there is a successful
  * Location Request.                */
  /* List of Forbidden PLMNs for GPRS service
  * Contains the list of PLMN identities for which an Attach Request
  * has been rejected with EMM cause code #14 (GPRS/EPS services not
  * allowed in this PLMN). A PLMN is removed from this list if, after
  * a subsequent manual selection of that PLMN, there is a successful
  * GPRS attach or EPS attach.           */
  /* List of Equivalent HPLMNs            */
  /* List of user controlled PLMNs        */
#define EMM_DATA_PLMN_MAX   4
  uint16_t userAcT[EMM_DATA_PLMN_MAX];
  /* List of operator controlled PLMNs        */
  uint16_t operAcT[EMM_DATA_OPLMN_MAX];
  /* List of operator network name records    */
#define EMM_DATA_OPNN_MAX   16
  uint8_t n_opnns;
  struct {
    const plmn_t *plmn;
    const char *fullname;
    const char *shortname;
  } opnn[EMM_DATA_OPNN_MAX];

   * Data used for roaming service
   * -----------------------------
  /* List of Forbidden Tracking Areas
  * Contains the list of TAIs for which an attach request has been
  * rejected with EMM cause code #12 (tracking area not allowed).
#define EMM_DATA_FTAI_MAX       40
  /* List of Forbidden Tracking Areas for roaming
  * Contains the list of TAIs for which an attach request has been
  * rejected with EMM cause code #13 (roaming not allowed in this
  * tracking area).

   * NAS configuration parameters
   * ----------------------------
   * see "Non Access Stratum Configuration" in USIM API header file
  Byte_t NAS_SignallingPriority;
  Byte_t NMO_I_Behaviour;
  Byte_t AttachWithImsi;
  Byte_t MinimumPeriodicSearchTimer;
  Byte_t ExtendedAccessBarring;
  Byte_t Timer_T3245_Behaviour;

   * EMM data stored in the UE's memory
   * ----------------------------------
  emm_nvdata_t nvdata;

   * EPS NAS security context
   * ------------------------
  emm_security_context_t *security;    /* current security context     */
  emm_security_context_t *non_current; /* non-current security context */

} emm_data_t;

/********************  G L O B A L    V A R I A B L E S  ********************/

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      EPS mobility management data (used within EMM only)
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
emm_data_t _emm_data;

 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      EPS mobility management timers – UE side
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define T3402_DEFAULT_VALUE 720 /* 12 minutes   */
#define T3410_DEFAULT_VALUE 15  /* 15 seconds   */
#define T3411_DEFAULT_VALUE 10  /* 10 seconds   */
#define T3412_DEFAULT_VALUE 3240    /* 54 minutes   */
#define T3416_DEFAULT_VALUE 30  /* 30 seconds   */
#define T3417_DEFAULT_VALUE 5   /* 5 seconds    */
#define T3417ext_DEFAULT_VALUE  10  /* 10 seconds   */
#define T3418_DEFAULT_VALUE 20  /* 20 seconds   */
#define T3420_DEFAULT_VALUE 15  /* 15 seconds   */
#define T3421_DEFAULT_VALUE 15  /* 15 seconds   */
#define T3430_DEFAULT_VALUE 15  /* 15 seconds   */
#define T3440_DEFAULT_VALUE 10  /* 10 seconds   */

struct nas_timer_t T3402;   /* attach failure timer         */
struct nas_timer_t T3410;   /* attach timer             */
struct nas_timer_t T3411;   /* attach restart timer         */
struct nas_timer_t T3412;   /* periodic tracking area update timer  */
struct nas_timer_t T3416;   /* EPS authentication challenge timer   */
struct nas_timer_t T3417;   /* Service request timer        */
struct nas_timer_t T3418;   /* MAC authentication failure timer */
struct nas_timer_t T3420;   /* Synch authentication failure timer   */
struct nas_timer_t T3421;   /* Detach timer             */
struct nas_timer_t T3430;   /* tracking area update timer       */

struct nas_timer_t T3423;   /* E-UTRAN deactivate ISR timer     */

/******************  E X P O R T E D    F U N C T I O N S  ******************/

#endif /* __EMMDATA_H__*/