/******************************************************************************* OpenAirInterface Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Contact Information OpenAirInterface Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr OpenAirInterface Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr OpenAirInterface Dev : openair4g-devel@eurecom.fr Address : Eurecom, Compus SophiaTech 450, route des chappes, 06451 Biot, France. *******************************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "intertask_interface.h" #include "mme_config.h" #include "timer.h" #include "mme_app_extern.h" #include "mme_app_ue_context.h" #include "mme_app_defs.h" #include "mme_app_statistics.h" #include "assertions.h" mme_app_desc_t mme_app_desc; void *mme_app_thread(void *args); void *mme_app_thread(void *args) { itti_mark_task_ready(TASK_MME_APP); while(1) { MessageDef *received_message_p = NULL; /* Trying to fetch a message from the message queue. * If the queue is empty, this function will block till a * message is sent to the task. */ itti_receive_msg(TASK_MME_APP, &received_message_p); DevAssert(received_message_p != NULL); switch (ITTI_MSG_ID(received_message_p)) { case S6A_AUTH_INFO_ANS: { /* We received the authentication vectors from HSS, trigger a ULR * for now. Normaly should trigger an authentication procedure with UE. */ mme_app_handle_authentication_info_answer(&received_message_p->ittiMsg.s6a_auth_info_ans); } break; case S6A_UPDATE_LOCATION_ANS: { /* We received the update location answer message from HSS -> Handle it */ mme_app_handle_s6a_update_location_ans(&received_message_p->ittiMsg.s6a_update_location_ans); } break; case SGW_CREATE_SESSION_RESPONSE: { mme_app_handle_create_sess_resp(&received_message_p->ittiMsg.sgwCreateSessionResponse); } break; case SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE: { MME_APP_DEBUG(" TO DO HANDLE SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE"); // TO DO } break; #if defined(DISABLE_USE_NAS) case NAS_ATTACH_REQ: { mme_app_handle_attach_req(&received_message_p->ittiMsg.nas_attach_req); } break; case NAS_AUTHENTICATION_RESP: { mme_app_handle_nas_auth_resp(&received_message_p->ittiMsg.nas_auth_resp); } break; #else case NAS_AUTHENTICATION_PARAM_REQ: { mme_app_handle_nas_auth_param_req(&received_message_p->ittiMsg.nas_auth_param_req); } break; #endif case NAS_PDN_CONNECTIVITY_REQ: { mme_app_handle_nas_pdn_connectivity_req(&received_message_p->ittiMsg.nas_pdn_connectivity_req); } break; case NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF: { mme_app_handle_conn_est_cnf(&NAS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_CNF(received_message_p)); } break; // From S1AP Initiating Message/EMM Attach Request case MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND: { mme_app_handle_conn_est_ind(&MME_APP_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_IND(received_message_p)); } break; case MME_APP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RSP: { mme_app_handle_initial_context_setup_rsp(&MME_APP_INITIAL_CONTEXT_SETUP_RSP(received_message_p)); } break; case TIMER_HAS_EXPIRED: { /* Check if it is the statistic timer */ if (received_message_p->ittiMsg.timer_has_expired.timer_id == mme_app_desc.statistic_timer_id) { mme_app_statistics_display(); } } break; case TERMINATE_MESSAGE: { /* Termination message received TODO -> release any data allocated */ itti_exit_task(); } break; case S1AP_UE_CAPABILITIES_IND: { mme_app_handle_s1ap_ue_capabilities_ind(&received_message_p->ittiMsg.s1ap_ue_cap_ind); } break; default: { MME_APP_DEBUG("Unkwnon message ID %d:%s\n", ITTI_MSG_ID(received_message_p), ITTI_MSG_NAME(received_message_p)); AssertFatal(0, "Unkwnon message ID %d:%s\n", ITTI_MSG_ID(received_message_p), ITTI_MSG_NAME(received_message_p)); } break; } itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(received_message_p), received_message_p); received_message_p = NULL; } return NULL; } int mme_app_init(const mme_config_t *mme_config_p) { MME_APP_DEBUG("Initializing MME applicative layer\n"); memset(&mme_app_desc, 0, sizeof(mme_app_desc)); /* Create the thread associated with MME applicative layer */ if (itti_create_task(TASK_MME_APP, &mme_app_thread, NULL) < 0) { MME_APP_ERROR("MME APP create task failed\n"); return -1; } mme_app_desc.statistic_timer_period = mme_config_p->mme_statistic_timer; /* Request for periodic timer */ if (timer_setup(mme_config_p->mme_statistic_timer, 0, TASK_MME_APP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, TIMER_PERIODIC, NULL, &mme_app_desc.statistic_timer_id) < 0) { MME_APP_ERROR("Failed to request new timer for statistics with %ds " "of periocidity\n", mme_config_p->mme_statistic_timer); mme_app_desc.statistic_timer_id = 0; } MME_APP_DEBUG("Initializing MME applicative layer: DONE\n"); return 0; }