Commit 26bdf501 authored by Xenofon Foukas's avatar Xenofon Foukas

Added bugfixes for remote scheduling

parent 93b7cf05
No related merge requests found
......@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ void remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *DLSCH_ptr, int harq_pid)
* to be refined in case things don't work properly
if (harq_pid != DLSCH_ptr->harq_pid_freelist[DLSCH_ptr->head_freelist]) {
LOG_E(PHY, "%s:%d: critical error, get in touch with the authors\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
//LOG_E(PHY, "%s:%d: critical error, get in touch with the authors\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
DLSCH_ptr->head_freelist = (DLSCH_ptr->head_freelist + 1) % 10;
......@@ -282,11 +282,13 @@ int enb_agent_destroy_enb_config_reply(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) {
if (reply->cell_config[i]->si_config != NULL) {
for(j = 0; j < reply->cell_config[i]->si_config->n_si_message;j++){
......@@ -507,7 +509,7 @@ uint16_t get_sfn_sf (mid_t mod_id) {
frame = (frame_t) get_current_system_frame_num(mod_id);
subframe = (sub_frame_t) get_current_subframe(mod_id);
frame_mask = ((1<<12) - 1);
sf_mask = ((1<<4) -1);
sf_mask = ((1<<4) - 1);
sfn_sf = (subframe & sf_mask) | ((frame & frame_mask) << 4);
return sfn_sf;
......@@ -1873,42 +1875,42 @@ int enb_agent_enb_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__Progr
cell_conf[i]->init_nr_pdcch_ofdm_sym = get_num_pdcch_symb(enb_id,i);
cell_conf[i]->has_init_nr_pdcch_ofdm_sym = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value
Protocol__PrpSiConfig *si_config;
si_config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiConfig));
if(si_config == NULL)
goto error;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Frame number to apply the SI configuration
si_config->sfn = 1;
si_config->has_sfn = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the length of SIB1 in bytes
si_config->sib1_length = get_sib1_length(enb_id,i);
si_config->has_sib1_length = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Scheduling window for all SIs in SF
si_config->si_window_length = (uint32_t) get_si_window_length(enb_id,i);
si_config->has_si_window_length = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the number of SI messages
Protocol__PrpSiMessage **si_message;
si_message = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiMessage *) * si_config->n_si_message);
if(si_message == NULL)
goto error;
for(j = 0; j < si_config->n_si_message; j++){
si_message[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiMessage));
if(si_message[j] == NULL)
goto error;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, Periodicity of SI msg in radio frames
si_message[j]->periodicity = 1; //SIPeriod
si_message[j]->has_periodicity = 1;
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, rhe length of the SI message in bytes
si_message[j]->length = 10;
si_message[j]->has_length = 1;
if(si_config->n_si_message > 0){
si_config->si_message = si_message;
cell_conf[i]->si_config = si_config;
/* Protocol__PrpSiConfig *si_config; */
/* si_config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiConfig)); */
/* if(si_config == NULL) */
/* goto error; */
/* protocol__prp_si_config__init(si_config); */
/* //TODO: Fill in with actual value, Frame number to apply the SI configuration */
/* si_config->sfn = 1; */
/* si_config->has_sfn = 1; */
/* //TODO: Fill in with actual value, the length of SIB1 in bytes */
/* si_config->sib1_length = get_sib1_length(enb_id,i); */
/* si_config->has_sib1_length = 1; */
/* //TODO: Fill in with actual value, Scheduling window for all SIs in SF */
/* si_config->si_window_length = (uint32_t) get_si_window_length(enb_id,i); */
/* si_config->has_si_window_length = 1; */
/* //TODO: Fill in with actual value, the number of SI messages */
/* si_config->n_si_message=1; */
/* Protocol__PrpSiMessage **si_message; */
/* si_message = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiMessage *) * si_config->n_si_message); */
/* if(si_message == NULL) */
/* goto error; */
/* for(j = 0; j < si_config->n_si_message; j++){ */
/* si_message[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiMessage)); */
/* if(si_message[j] == NULL) */
/* goto error; */
/* protocol__prp_si_message__init(si_message[j]); */
/* //TODO: Fill in with actual value, Periodicity of SI msg in radio frames */
/* si_message[j]->periodicity = 1; //SIPeriod */
/* si_message[j]->has_periodicity = 1; */
/* //TODO: Fill in with actual value, rhe length of the SI message in bytes */
/* si_message[j]->length = 10; */
/* si_message[j]->has_length = 1; */
/* } */
/* if(si_config->n_si_message > 0){ */
/* si_config->si_message = si_message; */
/* } */
/* cell_conf[i]->si_config = si_config; */
//TODO: Fill in with actual value, the DL transmission bandwidth in RBs
cell_conf[i]->dl_bandwidth = get_N_RB_DL(enb_id,i);
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include "LAYER2/MAC/proto.h"
#include "LAYER2/MAC/enb_agent_mac_proto.h"
#include "LAYER2/MAC/eNB_agent_scheduler_dlsch_ue_remote.h"
#include "liblfds700.h"
......@@ -1369,6 +1370,7 @@ int enb_agent_register_mac_xface(mid_t mod_id, AGENT_MAC_xface *xface) {
xface->enb_agent_send_sf_trigger = enb_agent_send_sf_trigger;
xface->enb_agent_send_update_mac_stats = enb_agent_send_update_mac_stats;
xface->enb_agent_schedule_ue_spec = schedule_ue_spec_default;
//xface->enb_agent_schedule_ue_spec = schedule_ue_spec_remote;
xface->enb_agent_get_pending_dl_mac_config = enb_agent_get_pending_dl_mac_config;
xface->enb_agent_notify_ue_state_change = enb_agent_ue_state_change;
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ int queue_initialized = 0;
void schedule_ue_spec_remote(mid_t mod_id, uint32_t frame, uint32_t subframe,
int *mbsfn_flag, Protocol__ProgranMessage **dl_info) {
if (queue_initialized) {
if (!queue_initialized) {
queue_initialized = 1;
......@@ -54,22 +54,26 @@ void schedule_ue_spec_remote(mid_t mod_id, uint32_t frame, uint32_t subframe,
dl_mac_config_element_t *dl_config_elem;
int diff;
LOG_D(MAC, "Current frame and subframe %d, %d\n", frame, subframe);
// First we check to see if we have a scheduling decision for this sfn_sf already in our queue
while(queue_head.tqh_first != NULL) {
dl_config_elem = queue_head.tqh_first;
diff = get_sf_difference(mod_id, dl_config_elem->dl_info->dl_mac_config_msg->sfn_sf);
// Check if this decision is for now, for a later or a previous subframe
if ( diff == 0) { // Now
LOG_D(MAC, "Found a decision for this subframe in the queue. Let's use it!\n");
TAILQ_REMOVE(&queue_head, queue_head.tqh_first, configs);
*dl_info = dl_config_elem->dl_info;
} else if (diff < 0) { //previous subframe , delete message and free memory
LOG_D(MAC, "Found a decision for a previous subframe in the queue. Let's get rid of it\n");
TAILQ_REMOVE(&queue_head, queue_head.tqh_first, configs);
} else { // next subframe, nothing to do now
LOG_D(MAC, "Found a decision for a future subframe in the queue. Nothing to do now\n");
enb_agent_mac_create_empty_dl_config(mod_id, dl_info);
......@@ -81,17 +85,22 @@ void schedule_ue_spec_remote(mid_t mod_id, uint32_t frame, uint32_t subframe,
diff = get_sf_difference(mod_id, (*dl_info)->dl_mac_config_msg->sfn_sf);
if (diff == 0) { // Got a command for this sfn_sf
LOG_D(MAC, "Found a decision for this subframe pending. Let's use it\n");
} else if (diff < 0) {
LOG_D(MAC, "Found a decision for a previous subframe. Let's get rid of it\n");
*dl_info = NULL;
enb_agent_get_pending_dl_mac_config(mod_id, dl_info);
} else { // Intended for future subframe. Store it in local cache
LOG_D(MAC, "Found a decision for a future subframe in the queue. Let's store it in the cache\n");
dl_mac_config_element_t *e = malloc(sizeof(dl_mac_config_element_t));
e->dl_info = *dl_info;
TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&queue_head, e, configs);
enb_agent_mac_create_empty_dl_config(mod_id, dl_info);
// No need to look for another. Messages arrive ordered
enb_agent_get_pending_dl_mac_config(mod_id, dl_info);
// We found no pending command, so we will simply pass an empty one
......@@ -115,24 +124,29 @@ int get_sf_difference(mid_t mod_id, uint16_t sfn_sf) {
uint16_t sf_mask = ((1<<4) - 1);
uint16_t subframe = (sfn_sf & sf_mask);
LOG_D(MAC, "Target frame and subframe %d, %d\n", frame, subframe);
if (frame == current_frame) {
return subframe - current_subframe;
} else if (frame > current_frame) {
diff_in_subframes = 9 - current_subframe;
diff_in_subframes += (subframe + 1);
diff_in_subframes += (frame-2) * 10;
diff_in_subframes = ((frame*10)+subframe) - ((current_frame*10)+current_subframe);
// diff_in_subframes = 9 - current_subframe;
//diff_in_subframes += (subframe + 1);
//diff_in_subframes += (frame-2) * 10;
if (diff_in_subframes > SCHED_AHEAD_SUBFRAMES) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
} else { //frame < current_frame
diff_in_subframes = 9 - current_subframe;
diff_in_subframes += (subframe + 1);
if (frame > 0) {
diff_in_subframes += (frame - 1) * 10;
diff_in_subframes += (1023 - current_frame) * 10;
//diff_in_subframes = 9 - current_subframe;
//diff_in_subframes += (subframe + 1);
//if (frame > 0) {
// diff_in_subframes += (frame - 1) * 10;
//diff_in_subframes += (1023 - current_frame) * 10;
diff_in_subframes = 10240 - ((current_frame*10)+current_subframe) + ((frame*10)+subframe);
if (diff_in_subframes > SCHED_AHEAD_SUBFRAMES) {
return -1;
} else {
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