Commit a7cb146d authored by luis_pereira87's avatar luis_pereira87

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into develop-NR_SA_F1AP_5GRECORDS

# Conflicts:
#	ci-scripts/
parents c1a8c3fd f2c56444
* Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
* the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
// Template Jenkins Declarative Pipeline script to run Test w/ RF HW
// Location of the python executor node shall be in the same subnet as the others servers
def pythonExecutor = params.pythonExecutor
// Location of the test XML file to be run
def testXMLFile = params.pythonTestXmlFile
def mainPythonAllXmlFiles = ""
def buildStageStatus = true
// Name of the test stage
def testStageName = params.pipelineTestStageName
// Name of the phone resource
def ciSmartPhonesResource1 = params.SmartPhonesResource1
def ciSmartPhonesResource2 = params.SmartPhonesResource2
// Global Parameters. Populated when the master job
// triggers the slave job with parameters
def eNB_Repository = ""
def eNB_Branch = "develop"
def eNB_CommitID
def eNB_AllowMergeRequestProcess = false
def eNB_TargetBranch = "develop"
def eNB_MR = "develop"
pipeline {
agent {
label pythonExecutor
options {
lock(extra: [[resource: ciSmartPhonesResource2]], resource: ciSmartPhonesResource1)
stages {
stage("Build Init") {
steps {
script {
//retrieve latest commit ID from branch
latest_commit_from_branch= sh returnStdout: true, script: 'git log -1 origin/${eNB_Branch} | grep commit'
echo "Branch ${eNB_Branch}"
echo "${latest_commit_from_branch}"
echo "${tmp}"
eNB_CommitID = tmp[1]
echo "eNB_CommitID ${eNB_CommitID}"
// update the build name and description
buildName "${params.eNB_MR}"
buildDescription "Commit : ${eNB_CommitID}"
stage ("Verify Parameters") {
steps {
script {
echo '\u2705 \u001B[32mVerify Parameters\u001B[0m'
def allParametersPresent = true
// It is already to late to check it
if (params.pythonExecutor != null) {
echo "eNB CI executor node : ${pythonExecutor}"
// If not present picking a default Stage Name
if (params.pipelineTestStageName == null) {
// picking default
testStageName = 'Template Test Stage'
if (params.SmartPhonesResource1 == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.SmartPhonesResource2 == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
// 1st eNB parameters
if (params.eNB_IPAddress == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.eNB_SourceCodePath == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.eNB_Credentials == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
// 2nd eNB parameters
if (params.eNB1_IPAddress == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.eNB1_SourceCodePath == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.eNB1_Credentials == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
// 3rd eNB parameters
if (params.eNB2_IPAddress == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.eNB2_SourceCodePath == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.eNB2_Credentials == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
// the following 4 parameters should be pushed by the master trigger
// if not present, take the job GIT variables (used for developing)
if (params.eNB_Repository == null) {
eNB_Repository = env.GIT_URL
} else {
eNB_Repository = params.eNB_Repository
echo "eNB_Repository : ${eNB_Repository}"
if (params.eNB_Branch == null) {
eNB_Branch = env.GIT_BRANCH
} else {
eNB_Branch = params.eNB_Branch
echo "eNB_Branch : ${eNB_Branch}"
//if (params.eNB_CommitID == null) {
// eNB_CommitID = env.GIT_COMMIT
//} else {
// eNB_CommitID = params.eNB_CommitID
echo "eNB_CommitID : ${eNB_CommitID}"
if (params.eNB_AllowMergeRequestProcess!= null) {
eNB_AllowMergeRequestProcess = params.eNB_AllowMergeRequestProcess
if (eNB_AllowMergeRequestProcess) {
if (params.eNB_TargetBranch != null) {
eNB_TargetBranch = params.eNB_TargetBranch
} else {
eNB_TargetBranch = 'develop'
echo "eNB_TargetBranch : ${eNB_TargetBranch}"
if (params.EPC_IPAddress == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.EPC_Type == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.EPC_SourceCodePath == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.EPC_Credentials == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.ADB_IPAddress == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (params.ADB_Credentials == null) {
allParametersPresent = false
if (allParametersPresent) {
echo "All parameters are present"
if (eNB_AllowMergeRequestProcess) {
sh "git fetch"
sh "./ci-scripts/ --src-branch ${eNB_Branch} --src-commit ${eNB_CommitID} --target-branch ${eNB_TargetBranch} --target-commit latest"
} else {
sh "git fetch"
sh "git checkout -f ${eNB_CommitID}"
} else {
echo "Some parameters are missing"
sh "./ci-scripts/"
stage ("Build and Test") {
steps {
script {
dir ('ci-scripts') {
echo "\u2705 \u001B[32m${testStageName}\u001B[0m"
// If not present picking a default XML file
if (params.pythonTestXmlFile == null) {
// picking default
testXMLFile = 'xml_files/enb_usrpB210_band7_50PRB.xml'
echo "Test XML file(default): ${testXMLFile}"
mainPythonAllXmlFiles += "--XMLTestFile=" + testXMLFile + " "
} else {
String[] myXmlTestSuite = testXMLFile.split("\\r?\\n")
for (xmlFile in myXmlTestSuite) {
if (fileExists(xmlFile)) {
mainPythonAllXmlFiles += "--XMLTestFile=" + xmlFile + " "
echo "Test XML file : ${xmlFile}"
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.eNB_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'eNB_Username', passwordVariable: 'eNB_Password'],
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.eNB1_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'eNB1_Username', passwordVariable: 'eNB1_Password'],
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.eNB2_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'eNB2_Username', passwordVariable: 'eNB2_Password'],
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.EPC_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'EPC_Username', passwordVariable: 'EPC_Password'],
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.ADB_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'ADB_Username', passwordVariable: 'ADB_Password']
]) {
sh "python3 --mode=InitiateHtml --ranRepository=${eNB_Repository} --ranBranch=${eNB_Branch} --ranCommitID=${eNB_CommitID} --ranAllowMerge=${eNB_AllowMergeRequestProcess} --ranTargetBranch=${eNB_TargetBranch} --ADBIPAddress=${params.ADB_IPAddress} --ADBUserName=${ADB_Username} --ADBPassword=${ADB_Password} ${mainPythonAllXmlFiles}"
String[] myXmlTestSuite = testXMLFile.split("\\r?\\n")
for (xmlFile in myXmlTestSuite) {
if (fileExists(xmlFile)) {
try {
sh "python3 --mode=TesteNB --ranRepository=${eNB_Repository} --ranBranch=${eNB_Branch} --ranCommitID=${eNB_CommitID} --ranAllowMerge=${eNB_AllowMergeRequestProcess} --ranTargetBranch=${eNB_TargetBranch} --eNBIPAddress=${params.eNB_IPAddress} --eNBUserName=${eNB_Username} --eNBPassword=${eNB_Password} --eNBSourceCodePath=${params.eNB_SourceCodePath} --eNB1IPAddress=${params.eNB1_IPAddress} --eNB1UserName=${eNB1_Username} --eNB1Password=${eNB1_Password} --eNB1SourceCodePath=${params.eNB1_SourceCodePath} --eNB2IPAddress=${params.eNB2_IPAddress} --eNB2UserName=${eNB2_Username} --eNB2Password=${eNB2_Password} --eNB2SourceCodePath=${params.eNB2_SourceCodePath} --EPCIPAddress=${params.EPC_IPAddress} --EPCType=${params.EPC_Type} --EPCUserName=${EPC_Username} --EPCPassword=${EPC_Password} --EPCSourceCodePath=${params.EPC_SourceCodePath} --ADBIPAddress=${params.ADB_IPAddress} --ADBUserName=${ADB_Username} --ADBPassword=${ADB_Password} --XMLTestFile=${xmlFile}"
} catch (Exception e) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
buildStageStatus = false
sh "python3 --mode=FinalizeHtml --finalStatus=${buildStageStatus} --eNBIPAddress=${params.eNB_IPAddress} --eNBUserName=${eNB_Username} --eNBPassword=${eNB_Password}"
stage('Log Collection') {
parallel {
stage('Log Collection (eNB - Build)') {
steps {
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.eNB_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'eNB_Username', passwordVariable: 'eNB_Password']
]) {
echo '\u2705 \u001B[32mLog Collection (eNB - Build)\u001B[0m'
sh "python3 ci-scripts/ --mode=LogCollectBuild --eNBIPAddress=${params.eNB_IPAddress} --eNBUserName=${eNB_Username} --eNBPassword=${eNB_Password} --eNBSourceCodePath=${params.eNB_SourceCodePath}"
echo '\u2705 \u001B[32mLog Transfer (eNB - Build)\u001B[0m'
sh "sshpass -p \'${eNB_Password}\' scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${eNB_Username}@${params.eNB_IPAddress}:${eNB_SourceCodePath}/cmake_targets/ ./build.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip || true"
script {
if(fileExists("build.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip")) {
archiveArtifacts "build.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
stage('Log Collection (eNB - Run)') {
steps {
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.eNB_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'eNB_Username', passwordVariable: 'eNB_Password']
]) {
echo '\u2705 \u001B[32mLog Collection (eNB - Run)\u001B[0m'
sh "python3 ci-scripts/ --mode=LogCollecteNB --eNBIPAddress=${params.eNB_IPAddress} --eNBUserName=${eNB_Username} --eNBPassword=${eNB_Password} --eNBSourceCodePath=${params.eNB_SourceCodePath}"
echo '\u2705 \u001B[32mLog Transfer (eNB - Run)\u001B[0m'
sh "sshpass -p \'${eNB_Password}\' scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${eNB_Username}@${params.eNB_IPAddress}:${eNB_SourceCodePath}/cmake_targets/ ./enb.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip || true"
script {
if(fileExists("enb.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip")) {
archiveArtifacts "enb.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
if(fileExists("ci-scripts/test_results.html")) {
sh "mv ci-scripts/test_results.html test_results-${JOB_NAME}.html"
sh "sed -i -e 's#TEMPLATE_JOB_NAME#${JOB_NAME}#' -e 's@build #TEMPLATE_BUILD_ID@build #${BUILD_ID}@' -e 's#Build-ID: TEMPLATE_BUILD_ID#Build-ID: <a href=\"${BUILD_URL}\">${BUILD_ID}</a>#' -e 's#TEMPLATE_STAGE_NAME#${testStageName}#' test_results-${JOB_NAME}.html"
archiveArtifacts "test_results-${JOB_NAME}.html"
post {
always {
script {
if (params.pipelineZipsConsoleLog != null) {
if (params.pipelineZipsConsoleLog) {
echo "Archiving Jenkins console log"
sh "wget --no-check-certificate --no-proxy ${env.JENKINS_URL}/job/${env.JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_ID}/consoleText -O consoleText.log || true"
sh "zip -m consoleText.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip consoleText.log || true"
if(fileExists("consoleText.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip")) {
archiveArtifacts "consoleText.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ pipeline { ...@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ pipeline {
steps { steps {
script { script {
//retrieve MR that are opened nd with tag READY_TO_BE_MERGED //retrieve MR that are opened nd with tag READY_TO_BE_MERGED
MR_LIST= sh returnStdout: true, script: 'curl --silent "" | jq ".[].iid" || true ' MR_LIST= sh returnStdout: true, script: 'curl --silent "" | jq ".[].iid" || true '
echo "List of selected MR:\n${MR_LIST}" echo "List of selected MR:\n${MR_LIST}"
def MR_ARRAY = MR_LIST.split('\n') def MR_ARRAY = MR_LIST.split('\n')
//for every selected MR, retrieve the branch name and the latest commit //for every selected MR, retrieve the branch name and the latest commit
...@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ class OaiCiTest(): ...@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():
Module_UE.Command("wup") Module_UE.Command("wup")
status=Module_UE.GetModuleIPAddress() status=Module_UE.GetModuleIPAddress()
if status==0: if status==0:
HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(Module_UE.UEIPAddress, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK) HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(Module_UE.UEIPAddress, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
logging.debug('UE IP addresss : '+ Module_UE.UEIPAddress) logging.debug('UE IP addresss : '+ Module_UE.UEIPAddress)
else: #status==-1 failed to retrieve IP address else: #status==-1 failed to retrieve IP address
...@@ -1512,8 +1512,8 @@ class OaiCiTest(): ...@@ -1512,8 +1512,8 @@ class OaiCiTest():
SSH.command('cat ' + EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts/ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5) SSH.command('cat ' + EPC.SourceCodePath + '/scripts/ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + device_id + '.log', '\$', 5)
else: #launch from Module else: #launch from Module, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword), Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
#ping from module NIC rather than IP address to make sure round trip is over the air #ping from module NIC rather than IP address to make sure round trip is over the air
cmd = 'ping -I ' + Module_UE.UENetwork + ' ' + self.ping_args + ' ' + EPC.IPAddress + ' 2>&1 > ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log' cmd = 'ping -I ' + Module_UE.UENetwork + ' ' + self.ping_args + ' ' + EPC.IPAddress + ' 2>&1 > ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
SSH.command(cmd,'\$',int(ping_time[0])*1.5) SSH.command(cmd,'\$',int(ping_time[0])*1.5)
#copy the ping log file to have it locally for analysis (ping stats) #copy the ping log file to have it locally for analysis (ping stats)
SSH.copyin(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword, 'ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.') SSH.copyin(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword, 'ping_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.')
...@@ -2205,13 +2205,13 @@ class OaiCiTest(): ...@@ -2205,13 +2205,13 @@ class OaiCiTest():, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword), Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
cmd = 'rm iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log' cmd = 'rm iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5) SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup /opt/iperf-2.0.10/iperf -s -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' -u 2>&1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log' cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup /opt/iperf-2.0.10/iperf -s -B ' + UE_IPAddress + ' -u 2>&1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5) SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
#client side EPC #client side EPC, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password), EPC.UserName, EPC.Password)
cmd = 'rm iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log' cmd = 'rm iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5) SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
cmd = 'iperf -c ' + UE_IPAddress + ' ' + self.iperf_args + ' 2>&1 > iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log' cmd = 'iperf -c ' + UE_IPAddress + ' ' + self.iperf_args + ' 2>&1 > iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
SSH.command(cmd,'\$',int(iperf_time)*5.0) SSH.command(cmd,'\$',int(iperf_time)*5.0)
#copy the 2 resulting files locally #copy the 2 resulting files locally
SSH.copyin(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword, 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.') SSH.copyin(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword, 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.')
...@@ -2228,16 +2228,6 @@ class OaiCiTest(): ...@@ -2228,16 +2228,6 @@ class OaiCiTest():
SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5) SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup iperf -s -i 1 -u 2>&1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log' cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup iperf -s -i 1 -u 2>&1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5) SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup iperf -s -i 1 -u 2>&1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
#cmd = 'echo $USER; nohup iperf3 -s -i 1 2>&1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
COMMAND='echo $USER; nohup iperf3 -s -i 1 2>&1 > iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
subprocess.Popen(["ssh", "%s" % HOST, COMMAND],shell=False,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
#client side UE #client side UE, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword), Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword)
...@@ -2245,11 +2235,6 @@ class OaiCiTest(): ...@@ -2245,11 +2235,6 @@ class OaiCiTest():
SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5) SSH.command(cmd,'\$',5)
SSH.command('/opt/iperf-2.0.10/iperf -c ' + self.iperf_args + ' 2>&1 > iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0) SSH.command('/opt/iperf-2.0.10/iperf -c ' + self.iperf_args + ' 2>&1 > iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '\$', int(iperf_time)*5.0)
COMMAND='iperf3 -c ' + EPC.IPAddress + ' ' + self.iperf_args + ' 2>&1 > iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log'
subprocess.Popen(["ssh", "%s" % HOST, COMMAND],shell=False,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
#copy the 2 resulting files locally #copy the 2 resulting files locally
SSH.copyin(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword, 'iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.') SSH.copyin(Module_UE.HostIPAddress, Module_UE.HostUsername, Module_UE.HostPassword, 'iperf_client_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.')
SSH.copyin(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.') SSH.copyin(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password, 'iperf_server_' + self.testCase_id + '_' + self.ue_id + '.log', '.')
...@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ gNBs =
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; initialULBWPk2_0 = 6;
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
# this is SS=0 L=11 # this is SS=0 L=11
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41;
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; initialULBWPk2_1 = 6;
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ gNBs =
initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; initialULBWPk2_0 = 2;
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
# this is SS=0 L=11 # this is SS=0 L=11
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41;
initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; initialULBWPk2_1 = 2;
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ ...@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
000001 000001
070000 070000
000001 000001
070000 070001
000001 000001
010002 010002
000001 000001
...@@ -959,22 +959,16 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco ...@@ -959,22 +959,16 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
NR_PUCCH_ResourceSet_t *pucchresset1=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchresset1)); NR_PUCCH_ResourceSet_t *pucchresset1=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchresset1));
pucchresset0->pucch_ResourceSetId = 0; pucchresset0->pucch_ResourceSetId = 0;
NR_PUCCH_ResourceId_t *pucchresset0id0=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchresset0id0)); NR_PUCCH_ResourceId_t *pucchresset0id0=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchresset0id0));
NR_PUCCH_ResourceId_t *pucchresset0id1=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchresset0id1));
*pucchresset0id0=1; *pucchresset0id0=1;
ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&pucchresset0->resourceList.list,pucchresset0id0); ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&pucchresset0->resourceList.list,pucchresset0id0);
pucchresset0->maxPayloadSize=NULL; pucchresset0->maxPayloadSize=NULL;
ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&pucch_Config->resourceSetToAddModList->list,pucchresset0); ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&pucch_Config->resourceSetToAddModList->list,pucchresset0);
pucchresset1->pucch_ResourceSetId = 1; pucchresset1->pucch_ResourceSetId = 1;
NR_PUCCH_ResourceId_t *pucchresset1id0=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchresset1id0)); NR_PUCCH_ResourceId_t *pucchresset1id0=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchresset1id0));
NR_PUCCH_ResourceId_t *pucchresset1id1=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchresset1id1)); *pucchresset1id0=2;
ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&pucchresset1->resourceList.list,pucchresset1id0); ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&pucchresset1->resourceList.list,pucchresset1id0);
pucchresset1->maxPayloadSize=NULL; pucchresset1->maxPayloadSize=NULL;
ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&pucch_Config->resourceSetToAddModList->list,pucchresset1); ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&pucch_Config->resourceSetToAddModList->list,pucchresset1);
...@@ -984,6 +978,7 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco ...@@ -984,6 +978,7 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
NR_PUCCH_Resource_t *pucchres1=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchres1)); NR_PUCCH_Resource_t *pucchres1=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchres1));
NR_PUCCH_Resource_t *pucchres2=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchres2)); NR_PUCCH_Resource_t *pucchres2=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchres2));
NR_PUCCH_Resource_t *pucchres3=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchres3)); NR_PUCCH_Resource_t *pucchres3=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchres3));
pucchres0->pucch_ResourceId=1; pucchres0->pucch_ResourceId=1;
pucchres0->startingPRB= (8 + uid) % curr_bwp; pucchres0->startingPRB= (8 + uid) % curr_bwp;
pucchres0->intraSlotFrequencyHopping=NULL; pucchres0->intraSlotFrequencyHopping=NULL;
...@@ -995,18 +990,7 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco ...@@ -995,18 +990,7 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
pucchres0->format.choice.format0->startingSymbolIndex=13; pucchres0->format.choice.format0->startingSymbolIndex=13;
ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&pucch_Config->resourceToAddModList->list,pucchres0); ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&pucch_Config->resourceToAddModList->list,pucchres0);
pucchres1->pucch_ResourceId=2; pucchres2->pucch_ResourceId=2;
pucchres1->startingPRB= (8 + uid) % curr_bwp;
pucchres1->format.present= NR_PUCCH_Resource__format_PR_format0;
pucchres2->startingPRB=0; pucchres2->startingPRB=0;
pucchres2->intraSlotFrequencyHopping=NULL; pucchres2->intraSlotFrequencyHopping=NULL;
pucchres2->secondHopPRB=NULL; pucchres2->secondHopPRB=NULL;
...@@ -1017,17 +1001,6 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco ...@@ -1017,17 +1001,6 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
pucchres2->format.choice.format2->startingSymbolIndex=13; pucchres2->format.choice.format2->startingSymbolIndex=13;
ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&pucch_Config->resourceToAddModList->list,pucchres2); ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&pucch_Config->resourceToAddModList->list,pucchres2);
pucchres3->format.present= NR_PUCCH_Resource__format_PR_format2;
pucch_Config->format2=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucch_Config->format2)); pucch_Config->format2=calloc(1,sizeof(*pucch_Config->format2));
pucch_Config->format2->present=NR_SetupRelease_PUCCH_FormatConfig_PR_setup; pucch_Config->format2->present=NR_SetupRelease_PUCCH_FormatConfig_PR_setup;
NR_PUCCH_FormatConfig_t *pucchfmt2 = calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchfmt2)); NR_PUCCH_FormatConfig_t *pucchfmt2 = calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchfmt2));
...@@ -1203,7 +1176,7 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco ...@@ -1203,7 +1176,7 @@ void fill_default_secondaryCellGroup(NR_ServingCellConfigCommon_t *servingcellco
csirep1->reportConfigType.choice.periodic->reportSlotConfig.choice.slots320 = 9 + (10 * uid) % 320; csirep1->reportConfigType.choice.periodic->reportSlotConfig.choice.slots320 = 9 + (10 * uid) % 320;
NR_PUCCH_CSI_Resource_t *pucchcsires1 = calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchcsires1)); NR_PUCCH_CSI_Resource_t *pucchcsires1 = calloc(1,sizeof(*pucchcsires1));
pucchcsires1->uplinkBandwidthPartId=1; pucchcsires1->uplinkBandwidthPartId=1;
pucchcsires1->pucch_Resource=3; pucchcsires1->pucch_Resource=2;
ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&csirep1->reportConfigType.choice.periodic->pucch_CSI_ResourceList.list,pucchcsires1); ASN_SEQUENCE_ADD(&csirep1->reportConfigType.choice.periodic->pucch_CSI_ResourceList.list,pucchcsires1);
csirep1->reportQuantity.present = NR_CSI_ReportConfig__reportQuantity_PR_ssb_Index_RSRP; csirep1->reportQuantity.present = NR_CSI_ReportConfig__reportQuantity_PR_ssb_Index_RSRP;
csirep1->reportQuantity.choice.ssb_Index_RSRP=(NULL_t)0; csirep1->reportQuantity.choice.ssb_Index_RSRP=(NULL_t)0;
...@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
Active_gNBs = ( "gNB-Eurecom-5GNRBox");
# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
Asn1_verbosity = "none";
gNBs =
////////// Identification parameters:
gNB_ID = 0xe00;
cell_type = "CELL_MACRO_GNB";
gNB_name = "gNB-Eurecom-5GNRBox";
// Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
tracking_area_code = 1;
plmn_list = ({mcc = 208; mnc = 93; mnc_length = 2;});
tr_s_preference = "local_mac"
////////// Physical parameters:
component_carriers = (
node_function = "3GPP_gNODEB";
node_timing = "synch_to_ext_device";
node_synch_ref = 0;
frame_type = "TDD";
DL_prefix_type = "NORMAL";
UL_prefix_type = "NORMAL";
eutra_band = 78;
downlink_frequency = 3510000000L;
uplink_frequency_offset = -120000000;
Nid_cell = 0;
N_RB_DL = 106;
nb_antenna_ports = 1;
nb_antennas_tx = 1;
nb_antennas_rx = 1;
tx_gain = 90;
rx_gain = 125;
MIB_subCarrierSpacingCommon = 30;
MIB_ssb_SubcarrierOffset = 0;
MIB_dmrs_TypeA_Position = 2;
pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = 0;
SIB1_frequencyOffsetSSB = "khz5";
SIB1_ssb_PeriodicityServingCell = 5;
SIB1_ss_PBCH_BlockPower = -60;
absoluteFrequencySSB = 0;
DL_FreqBandIndicatorNR = 15;
DL_absoluteFrequencyPointA = 15;
DL_offsetToCarrier = 15;
DL_SCS_SubcarrierSpacing = "kHz30";
DL_SCS_SpecificCarrier_k0 = 0;
DL_carrierBandwidth = 15;
DL_locationAndBandwidth = 15;
DL_BWP_SubcarrierSpacing = "kHz30";
DL_BWP_prefix_type = "NORMAL";
UL_FreqBandIndicatorNR = 15;
UL_absoluteFrequencyPointA = 13;
UL_additionalSpectrumEmission = 3;
UL_p_Max = -1;
UL_frequencyShift7p5khz = "TRUE";
UL_offsetToCarrier = 10;
UL_SCS_SubcarrierSpacing = "kHz30";
UL_SCS_SpecificCarrier_k0 = 0;
UL_carrierBandwidth = 15;
UL_locationAndBandwidth = 15;
UL_BWP_SubcarrierSpacing = "kHz30";
UL_BWP_prefix_type = "NORMAL";
UL_timeAlignmentTimerCommon = "infinity";
ServingCellConfigCommon_n_TimingAdvanceOffset = "n0"
ServingCellConfigCommon_ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR = 0x01;
ServingCellConfigCommon_ssb_periodicityServingCell = 10;
ServingCellConfigCommon_dmrs_TypeA_Position = 2;
NIA_SubcarrierSpacing = "kHz15";
ServingCellConfigCommon_ss_PBCH_BlockPower = -60;
referenceSubcarrierSpacing = "kHz15";
dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity = "ms0p5";
nrofDownlinkSlots = 10;
nrofDownlinkSymbols = 10;
nrofUplinkSlots = 10;
nrofUplinkSymbols = 10;
rach_totalNumberOfRA_Preambles = 63;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_choice = "oneEighth";
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_oneEighth = 4;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_oneFourth = 8;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_oneHalf = 16;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_one = 24;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_two = 32;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_four = 8;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_eight = 4;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_sixteen = 2;
rach_groupBconfigured = "ENABLE";
rach_ra_Msg3SizeGroupA = 56;
rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB = "dB0";
rach_numberOfRA_PreamblesGroupA = 32;
rach_ra_ContentionResolutionTimer = 8;
rsrp_ThresholdSSB = 64;
rsrp_ThresholdSSB_SUL = 64;
prach_RootSequenceIndex_choice = "l839";
prach_RootSequenceIndex_l839 = 0;
prach_RootSequenceIndex_l139 = 0;
prach_msg1_SubcarrierSpacing = "kHz30";
restrictedSetConfig = "unrestrictedSet";
msg3_transformPrecoding = "ENABLE";
prach_ConfigurationIndex = 10;
prach_msg1_FDM = "one";
prach_msg1_FrequencyStart = 10;
zeroCorrelationZoneConfig = 10;
preambleReceivedTargetPower = -150;
preambleTransMax = 6;
powerRampingStep = "dB0";
ra_ResponseWindow = 8;
groupHoppingEnabledTransformPrecoding = "ENABLE";
msg3_DeltaPreamble = 0;
p0_NominalWithGrant = 0;
PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_k2 = 0;
PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_mappingType = "typeA";
PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_startSymbolAndLength = 0;
pucch_ResourceCommon = 0;
pucch_GroupHopping = "neither";
hoppingId = 0;
p0_nominal = -30;
PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_k0 = 2;
PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_mappingType = "typeA";
PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_startSymbolAndLength = 0;
rateMatchPatternId = 0;
RateMatchPattern_patternType = "bitmaps";
symbolsInResourceBlock = "oneSlot";
periodicityAndPattern = 2;
RateMatchPattern_controlResourceSet = 5;
RateMatchPattern_subcarrierSpacing = "kHz30";
RateMatchPattern_mode = "dynamic";
controlResourceSetZero = 0;
searchSpaceZero = 0;
searchSpaceSIB1 = 10;
searchSpaceOtherSystemInformation = 10;
pagingSearchSpace = 10;
ra_SearchSpace = 10;
PDCCH_common_controlResourceSetId = 5;
PDCCH_common_ControlResourceSet_duration = 2;
PDCCH_cce_REG_MappingType = "nonInterleaved";
PDCCH_reg_BundleSize = 3;
PDCCH_interleaverSize = 3;
PDCCH_shiftIndex = 10;
PDCCH_precoderGranularity = "sameAsREG-bundle";
PDCCH_TCI_StateId = 32;
tci_PresentInDCI = "ENABLE";
PDCCH_DMRS_ScramblingID = 0;
SearchSpaceId = 10;
commonSearchSpaces_controlResourceSetId = 5;
SearchSpace_monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset_choice = "sl1";
SearchSpace_monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset_value = 0;
SearchSpace_duration = 2;
SearchSpace_nrofCandidates_aggregationLevel1 = 0;
SearchSpace_nrofCandidates_aggregationLevel2 = 0;
SearchSpace_nrofCandidates_aggregationLevel4 = 0;
SearchSpace_nrofCandidates_aggregationLevel8 = 0;
SearchSpace_nrofCandidates_aggregationLevel16 = 0;
SearchSpace_searchSpaceType = "common";
Common_dci_Format2_0_nrofCandidates_SFI_aggregationLevel1 = 1;
Common_dci_Format2_0_nrofCandidates_SFI_aggregationLevel2 = 1;
Common_dci_Format2_0_nrofCandidates_SFI_aggregationLevel4 = 1;
Common_dci_Format2_0_nrofCandidates_SFI_aggregationLevel8 = 1;
Common_dci_Format2_0_nrofCandidates_SFI_aggregationLevel16 = 1;
Common_dci_Format2_3_monitoringPeriodicity = 1;
Common_dci_Format2_3_nrofPDCCH_Candidates = 1;
ue_Specific__dci_Formats = "formats0-0-And-1-0";
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_carrierFreqDL = 6;
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_carrierBandwidthDL = 6;
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_nrofCRS_Ports = 1;
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_v_Shift = 0;
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_radioframeAllocationPeriod = 1;
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_radioframeAllocationOffset = 0;
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_subframeAllocation_choice = "oneFrame";
srb1_parameters :
# timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
timer_poll_retransmit = 80;
# timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
timer_reordering = 35;
# timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
timer_status_prohibit = 0;
# poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
poll_pdu = 4;
# poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
poll_byte = 99999;
# max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
max_retx_threshold = 4;
# ------- SCTP definitions
# Number of streams to use in input/output
////////// MME parameters:
mme_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = "";
ipv6 = "192:168:30::17";
active = "yes";
preference = "ipv4";
GNB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152
num_cc = 1;
tr_s_preference = "local_L1";
tr_n_preference = "local_RRC";
L1s = (
num_cc = 1;
tr_n_preference = "local_mac";
RUs = (
local_rf = "yes"
nb_tx = 1
nb_rx = 1
att_tx = 0
att_rx = 0;
bands = [7];
max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
max_rxgain = 114;
eNB_instances = [0];
sdr_addrs = "addr=,second_addr=,mgmt_addr=";
FLEXRAN_CACHE = "/mnt/oai_agent_cache";
log_config :
global_log_level ="info";
global_log_verbosity ="medium";
hw_log_level ="info";
hw_log_verbosity ="medium";
phy_log_level ="info";
phy_log_verbosity ="medium";
mac_log_level ="info";
mac_log_verbosity ="high";
rlc_log_level ="info";
rlc_log_verbosity ="medium";
pdcp_log_level ="info";
pdcp_log_verbosity ="medium";
rrc_log_level ="info";
rrc_log_verbosity ="medium";
...@@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; initialULBWPk2_0 = 6;
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
# this is SS=0 L=11 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55;
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; initialULBWPk2_1 = 6;
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot (not used here) initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot (not used here)
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -120,8 +120,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -120,8 +120,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; initialULBWPk2_0 = 6;
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
# this is SS=0 L=11 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41;
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55;
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; initialULBWPk2_1 = 6;
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
Active_gNBs = ( "gNB-Eurecom-5GNRBox");
# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
Asn1_verbosity = "none";
gNBs =
////////// Identification parameters:
gNB_ID = 0xe00;
cell_type = "CELL_MACRO_GNB";
gNB_name = "gNB-Eurecom-5GNRBox";
// Tracking area code, 0x0000 and 0xfffe are reserved values
tracking_area_code = 1;
plmn_list = ({mcc = 208; mnc = 93; mnc_length = 2;});
tr_s_preference = "local_mac"
////////// Physical parameters:
component_carriers = (
node_function = "3GPP_gNODEB";
node_timing = "synch_to_ext_device";
node_synch_ref = 0;
frame_type = "TDD";
DL_prefix_type = "NORMAL";
UL_prefix_type = "NORMAL";
eutra_band = 78;
downlink_frequency = 3510000000L;
uplink_frequency_offset = 0;
Nid_cell = 0;
N_RB_DL = 106;
nb_antenna_ports = 1;
nb_antennas_tx = 1;
nb_antennas_rx = 1;
tx_gain = 90;
rx_gain = 125;
MIB_subCarrierSpacingCommon = 30;
MIB_ssb_SubcarrierOffset = 0;
MIB_dmrs_TypeA_Position = 2;
pdcch_ConfigSIB1 = 0;
SIB1_frequencyOffsetSSB = "khz5";
SIB1_ssb_PeriodicityServingCell = 5;
SIB1_ss_PBCH_BlockPower = -60;
absoluteFrequencySSB = 0;
DL_FreqBandIndicatorNR = 15;
DL_absoluteFrequencyPointA = 15;
DL_offsetToCarrier = 15;
DL_SCS_SubcarrierSpacing = "kHz30";
DL_SCS_SpecificCarrier_k0 = 0;
DL_carrierBandwidth = 15;
DL_locationAndBandwidth = 15;
DL_BWP_SubcarrierSpacing = "kHz30";
DL_BWP_prefix_type = "NORMAL";
UL_FreqBandIndicatorNR = 15;
UL_absoluteFrequencyPointA = 13;
UL_additionalSpectrumEmission = 3;
UL_p_Max = -1;
UL_frequencyShift7p5khz = "TRUE";
UL_offsetToCarrier = 10;
UL_SCS_SubcarrierSpacing = "kHz30";
UL_SCS_SpecificCarrier_k0 = 0;
UL_carrierBandwidth = 15;
UL_locationAndBandwidth = 15;
UL_BWP_SubcarrierSpacing = "kHz30";
UL_BWP_prefix_type = "NORMAL";
UL_timeAlignmentTimerCommon = "infinity";
ServingCellConfigCommon_n_TimingAdvanceOffset = "n0"
ServingCellConfigCommon_ssb_PositionsInBurst_PR = 0x01;
ServingCellConfigCommon_ssb_periodicityServingCell = 10;
ServingCellConfigCommon_dmrs_TypeA_Position = 2;
NIA_SubcarrierSpacing = "kHz15";
ServingCellConfigCommon_ss_PBCH_BlockPower = -60;
referenceSubcarrierSpacing = "kHz15";
dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity = "ms0p5";
nrofDownlinkSlots = 10;
nrofDownlinkSymbols = 10;
nrofUplinkSlots = 10;
nrofUplinkSymbols = 10;
rach_totalNumberOfRA_Preambles = 63;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_choice = "oneEighth";
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_oneEighth = 4;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_oneFourth = 8;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_oneHalf = 16;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_one = 24;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_two = 32;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_four = 8;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_eight = 4;
rach_ssb_perRACH_OccasionAndCB_PreamblesPerSSB_sixteen = 2;
rach_groupBconfigured = "ENABLE";
rach_ra_Msg3SizeGroupA = 56;
rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB = "dB0";
rach_numberOfRA_PreamblesGroupA = 32;
rach_ra_ContentionResolutionTimer = 8;
rsrp_ThresholdSSB = 64;
rsrp_ThresholdSSB_SUL = 64;
prach_RootSequenceIndex_choice = "l839";
prach_RootSequenceIndex_l839 = 0;
prach_RootSequenceIndex_l139 = 0;
prach_msg1_SubcarrierSpacing = "kHz30";
restrictedSetConfig = "unrestrictedSet";
msg3_transformPrecoding = "ENABLE";
prach_ConfigurationIndex = 10;
prach_msg1_FDM = "one";
prach_msg1_FrequencyStart = 10;
zeroCorrelationZoneConfig = 10;
preambleReceivedTargetPower = -150;
preambleTransMax = 6;
powerRampingStep = "dB0";
ra_ResponseWindow = 8;
groupHoppingEnabledTransformPrecoding = "ENABLE";
msg3_DeltaPreamble = 0;
p0_NominalWithGrant = 0;
PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_k2 = 0;
PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_mappingType = "typeA";
PUSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_startSymbolAndLength = 0;
pucch_ResourceCommon = 0;
pucch_GroupHopping = "neither";
hoppingId = 0;
p0_nominal = -30;
PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_k0 = 2;
PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_mappingType = "typeA";
PDSCH_TimeDomainResourceAllocation_startSymbolAndLength = 0;
rateMatchPatternId = 0;
RateMatchPattern_patternType = "bitmaps";
symbolsInResourceBlock = "oneSlot";
periodicityAndPattern = 2;
RateMatchPattern_controlResourceSet = 5;
RateMatchPattern_subcarrierSpacing = "kHz30";
RateMatchPattern_mode = "dynamic";
controlResourceSetZero = 0;
searchSpaceZero = 0;
searchSpaceSIB1 = 10;
searchSpaceOtherSystemInformation = 10;
pagingSearchSpace = 10;
ra_SearchSpace = 10;
PDCCH_common_controlResourceSetId = 5;
PDCCH_common_ControlResourceSet_duration = 2;
PDCCH_cce_REG_MappingType = "nonInterleaved";
PDCCH_reg_BundleSize = 3;
PDCCH_interleaverSize = 3;
PDCCH_shiftIndex = 10;
PDCCH_precoderGranularity = "sameAsREG-bundle";
PDCCH_TCI_StateId = 32;
tci_PresentInDCI = "ENABLE";
PDCCH_DMRS_ScramblingID = 0;
SearchSpaceId = 10;
commonSearchSpaces_controlResourceSetId = 5;
SearchSpace_monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset_choice = "sl1";
SearchSpace_monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset_value = 0;
SearchSpace_duration = 2;
SearchSpace_nrofCandidates_aggregationLevel1 = 0;
SearchSpace_nrofCandidates_aggregationLevel2 = 0;
SearchSpace_nrofCandidates_aggregationLevel4 = 0;
SearchSpace_nrofCandidates_aggregationLevel8 = 0;
SearchSpace_nrofCandidates_aggregationLevel16 = 0;
SearchSpace_searchSpaceType = "common";
Common_dci_Format2_0_nrofCandidates_SFI_aggregationLevel1 = 1;
Common_dci_Format2_0_nrofCandidates_SFI_aggregationLevel2 = 1;
Common_dci_Format2_0_nrofCandidates_SFI_aggregationLevel4 = 1;
Common_dci_Format2_0_nrofCandidates_SFI_aggregationLevel8 = 1;
Common_dci_Format2_0_nrofCandidates_SFI_aggregationLevel16 = 1;
Common_dci_Format2_3_monitoringPeriodicity = 1;
Common_dci_Format2_3_nrofPDCCH_Candidates = 1;
ue_Specific__dci_Formats = "formats0-0-And-1-0";
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_carrierFreqDL = 6;
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_carrierBandwidthDL = 6;
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_nrofCRS_Ports = 1;
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_v_Shift = 0;
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_radioframeAllocationPeriod = 1;
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_radioframeAllocationOffset = 0;
RateMatchPatternLTE_CRS_subframeAllocation_choice = "oneFrame";
srb1_parameters :
# timer_poll_retransmit = (ms) [5, 10, 15, 20,... 250, 300, 350, ... 500]
timer_poll_retransmit = 80;
# timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 100, 110, 120, ... ,200]
timer_reordering = 35;
# timer_reordering = (ms) [0,5, ... 250, 300, 350, ... ,500]
timer_status_prohibit = 0;
# poll_pdu = [4, 8, 16, 32 , 64, 128, 256, infinity(>10000)]
poll_pdu = 4;
# poll_byte = (kB) [25,50,75,100,125,250,375,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,3000,infinity(>10000)]
poll_byte = 99999;
# max_retx_threshold = [1, 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 16, 32]
max_retx_threshold = 4;
# ------- SCTP definitions
# Number of streams to use in input/output
////////// MME parameters:
mme_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = "";
ipv6 = "192:168:30::17";
active = "yes";
preference = "ipv4";
GNB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152
num_cc = 1;
tr_s_preference = "local_L1";
tr_n_preference = "local_RRC";
L1s = (
num_cc = 1;
tr_n_preference = "local_mac";
RUs = (
local_rf = "yes"
nb_tx = 1
nb_rx = 1
att_tx = 0
att_rx = 0;
bands = [7];
max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
max_rxgain = 114;
eNB_instances = [0];
sdr_addrs = "addr=,second_addr=,mgmt_addr=";
FLEXRAN_CACHE = "/mnt/oai_agent_cache";
log_config :
global_log_level ="info";
global_log_verbosity ="medium";
hw_log_level ="info";
hw_log_verbosity ="medium";
phy_log_level ="info";
phy_log_verbosity ="medium";
mac_log_level ="info";
mac_log_verbosity ="high";
rlc_log_level ="info";
rlc_log_verbosity ="medium";
pdcp_log_level ="info";
pdcp_log_verbosity ="medium";
rrc_log_level ="info";
rrc_log_verbosity ="medium";
...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for (full) UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for (full) UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for UL part mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for UL part mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -121,9 +121,9 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -121,9 +121,9 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1 = 69; # this is SS=10 L=2 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1 = 69; # this is SS=10 L=2
...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -121,17 +121,14 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -121,17 +121,14 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; initialULBWPk2_0 = 6;
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
# this is SS=0 L=11 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55;
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; initialULBWPk2_1 = 6;
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
# this is SS=0 L=12
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1 = 69; initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1 = 69;
initialULBWPk2_2 = 7; initialULBWPk2_2 = 7;
initialULBWPmappingType_2 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_2 = 1;
# this is SS=10 L=4
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_2 = 52; initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_2 = 52;
msg3_DeltaPreamble = 1; msg3_DeltaPreamble = 1;
...@@ -121,17 +121,14 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -121,17 +121,14 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; initialULBWPk2_0 = 6;
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
# this is SS=0 L=11 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55;
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; initialULBWPk2_1 = 6;
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
# this is SS=0 L=12
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1 = 69; initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1 = 69;
initialULBWPk2_2 = 7; initialULBWPk2_2 = 7;
initialULBWPmappingType_2 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_2 = 1;
# this is SS=10 L=4
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_2 = 52; initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_2 = 52;
msg3_DeltaPreamble = 1; msg3_DeltaPreamble = 1;
...@@ -121,17 +121,14 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -121,17 +121,14 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; initialULBWPk2_0 = 6;
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
# this is SS=0 L=11 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55;
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; initialULBWPk2_1 = 6;
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
# this is SS=0 L=12
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1 = 69; initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_1 = 69;
initialULBWPk2_2 = 7; initialULBWPk2_2 = 7;
initialULBWPmappingType_2 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_2 = 1;
# this is SS=10 L=4
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_2 = 52; initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_2 = 52;
msg3_DeltaPreamble = 1; msg3_DeltaPreamble = 1;
...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; initialULBWPk2_0 = 2;
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
# this is SS=0 L=12 # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41;
initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; initialULBWPk2_1 = 2;
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 2; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 2; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
...@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ gNBs = ...@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ gNBs =
# pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements) # pusch-ConfigCommon (up to 16 elements)
initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot initialULBWPk2_0 = 6; # used for UL slot
initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1 initialULBWPmappingType_0 = 1
initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 55; # this is SS=0 L=12 initialULBWPstartSymbolAndLength_0 = 41; # this is SS=0 L=13
initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot initialULBWPk2_1 = 6; # used for mixed slot
initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1; initialULBWPmappingType_1 = 1;
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