#! /usr/bin/python

#    OpenAirInterface 
#    Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom

#    OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.

#    OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.

#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is 
#   included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not, 
#   see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#  Contact Information
#  OpenAirInterface Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr
#  OpenAirInterface Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr
#  OpenAirInterface Dev  : openair4g-devel@lists.eurecom.fr
#  Address      : Eurecom, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes, CS 50193 - 06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex, FRANCE

# *******************************************************************************/

# \author Rohit Gupta
# \version 0.1
# @ingroup _test

import tempfile
import threading
import sys
import traceback
import wave
import os
import time
import datetime
import getpass
import math #from time import clock 
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import re

import numpy as np

import log

from  openair import *

import paramiko

import subprocess
import commands

from lib_autotest import *
import ssh
from ssh import SSHSession
import argparse

# \brief write a string to a file
# \param filename name of file
# \param string string to write
# \mode file opening mode (default=write)
def write_file(filename, string, mode="w"):
   text_file = open(filename, mode)
# \brief function to check if test case passed throughput test
# \param filename name of file which has throughput results (usually from iperf -s ...
# \param min_tput minimum throughput
# \param max_tuput maximum throughput
# \param average average throughput
# \param min_duration minimum duration of throughput
#The throughput values found in file must be higher than values from from arguments 2,3,4,5
#The function returns True if throughput conditions are saisfied else it returns fails
def tput_test(filename, min_tput, max_tput, average, min_duration):
   if os.path.exists(filename):
      with open (filename, "r") as myfile:
      p=re.compile('(\d*.\d*) Mbits/sec')
      array = [ float(x) for x in array ]
      duration = array.__len__()
      if duration !=0:
        min_list = min(array) 
        max_list = max(array)
        average_list = np.mean(array)
        min_list = 0
        max_list = 0
      tput_string=' ( '+ "min=%0.2f"  % min_list + ' Mbps / ' + "max=%0.2f" %  max_list + ' Mbps / ' + "avg=%0.2f" % average_list + ' Mbps / ' + "dur=%0.2f" % duration + ' s) ' 
      if (min_list >= min_tput and  max_list >= max_tput and average_list >= average and duration >= min_duration):
        return True , tput_string
        return False , tput_string
      return False , tput_string

# \brief Convert string to float or return None if there is exception    
def try_convert_to_float(string, fail=None):
        return float(string)
    except Exception:
        return fail;

# \brief get throughput statistics from log file
# \param search_expr search expression found in test_case_list.xml file
# \param logfile_traffic logfile which has traffic statistics
def tput_test_search_expr (search_expr, logfile_traffic):
   if search_expr !='':
       if search_expr.find('throughput_test')!= -1 :
          p= re.compile('min\s*=\s*(\d*.\d*)\s*Mbits/sec')
          if min_tput.__len__()==1:
             min_tput = min_tput[0]
             min_tput = None

          p= re.compile('max\s*=\s*(\d*.\d*)\s*Mbits/sec')
          if max_tput.__len__()==1:
             max_tput = max_tput[0]
             max_tput = None

          p= re.compile('average\s*=\s*(\d*.\d*)\s*Mbits/sec')
          if avg_tput.__len__()==1:
             avg_tput = None

          p= re.compile('duration\s*=\s*(\d*.\d*)\s*s')
          if duration.__len__()==1:
             duration = duration[0]
             duration = None
          min_tput = try_convert_to_float(min_tput)
          max_tput = try_convert_to_float(max_tput)
          avg_tput = try_convert_to_float(avg_tput)
          duration = try_convert_to_float(duration)
          if (min_tput != None and max_tput != None  and avg_tput != None  and duration != None ):
             result, tput_string = tput_test(logfile_traffic, min_tput, max_tput, avg_tput, duration)

   return result, tput_string
# \brief function to copy files to/from remote machine
# \param username user with which to make sftp connection
# \param password password of user
# \param hostname host to connect
# \ports port of remote machine on which server is listening
# \paramList This is list of operations as a set {operation: "get/put", localfile: "filename", remotefile: "filename"
# \param logfile Ignored currently and set once at the beginning of program
def sftp_module (username, password, hostname, ports, paramList,logfile): 
   #localD = localfile
   #remoteD = remotefile
   #fd, paramiko_logfile  = tempfile.mkstemp()
   #res = os.close(fd )
   #paramiko logfile path should not be changed with multiple calls. The logs seem to in first file regardless
   error = ""
   #The lines below are outside exception loop to be sure to terminate the test case if the network connectivity goes down or there is authentication failure
   transport = paramiko.Transport(hostname, ports)
   transport.connect(username = username, password = password)
   sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport)
   #  index =0 
   for param in paramList:
        operation = param["operation"] 
        localD = param["localfile"]
        remoteD = param["remotefile"]
        if operation == "put":
          sftp.put(remotepath=remoteD, localpath=localD)
        elif operation == "get":
          sftp.get(remotepath=remoteD, localpath=localD)
        else :
          print "sftp_module: unidentified operation:<" + operation + "> Exiting now"
          print "hostname = " + hostname
          print "ports = " + ports
          print "localfile = " + localD
          print "remotefile = " + remoteD
          print "operation = " + operation
      except Exception, e:
         error = error + ' In function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: '  + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e)
         error = error + '\n username = ' + username + '\n hostname = ' + hostname + '\n localfile = ' + localD + '\n remotefile = ' + remoteD + '\n operation = ' + operation + '\nlogfile = ' + logfile + '\n ports = ' + str(ports) + '\n'  
         error = error + traceback.format_exc()
         print error

   res = os.system('\n echo \'SFTP Module Log for Machine: <' + hostname + '> starts...\' >> ' + logfile + ' 2>&1 ')
   res = os.system('cat ' + paramiko_logfile + ' >> ' + logfile + ' 2>&1 \n')
   write_file(logfile, error, "a")
   res = os.system('\n echo \'SFTP Module Log for Machine: <' + hostname + '> ends...\' >> ' + logfile + ' 2>&1 \n')

# \brief bash script stub put at the end of scripts to terminate it 
# \param timeout_cmd terminate script after timeout_cmd seconds
# \param terminate_missing_procs if True terminate all the processes launched by script if one of them terminates prematurely (due to error)
def finalize_deploy_script (timeout_cmd, terminate_missing_procs='False'):
  cmd = 'declare -i timeout_cmd='+str(timeout_cmd) + '\n'
  if terminate_missing_procs == 'True':
    cmd = cmd +  """
    #The code below checks if one the processes launched in background has crashed.
    #If it does, then the code below terminates all the child processes created by this script
    declare -i wakeup_interval=1
    declare -i step=0
    echo \"Array pid =  ${array_exec_pid[@]}\"
    while [ "$step" -lt "$timeout_cmd" ]
       declare -i break_while_loop=0
       #Iterate over each process ID in array_exec_pid
       for i in "${array_exec_pid[@]}"
        numchild=`pstree -p $i | perl -ne 's/\((\d+)\)/print " $1"/ge' |wc -w`
        echo "PID = $i, numchild = $numchild"
        if  [ "$numchild" -eq "0" ] ; then
            echo "Process ID $i has finished unexpectedly. Now preparing to kill all the processes "
    if  [ "$break_while_loop" -eq "1" ] ; then
    step=$(( step + wakeup_interval ))
    sleep $wakeup_interval
    echo "Final time step (Duration of test case) = $step "
    #We do not terminate the script if one of the processes has existed prematurely
    cmd = cmd + 'sleep ' + str(timeout_cmd) + ' ; date  \n'
  return cmd

# \brief run python script and update config file params of test case
# \param oai module with already open connection
# \param config_string config string taken from xml file
# \param logdirRepo directory of remote repository
# \param python_script python script location
def update_config_file(oai, config_string, logdirRepo, python_script):
  if config_string :
    stringArray = config_string.splitlines()
    #python_script = '$OPENAIR_DIR/targets/autotests/tools/search_repl.py'
    for string in stringArray:
       #split the string based on space now
       cmd = cmd + 'python ' + python_script + ' ' + logdirRepo+'/'+string1[0] + '  ' + string1[1] +  ' '+ string1[2] + '\n'
       #cmd = cmd + 'perl -p -i  -e \'s/'+ string1[1] + '\\s*=\\s*"\\S*"\\s*/' + string1[1] + ' = "' + string1[2] +'"' + '/g\'   ' + logdirRepo + '/' +string1[0] + '\n'
  return cmd
  #result = oai.send_recv(cmd)

# \brief thread safe sshsession wrapper due to occasional connection issues with ssh
# \param machine name of machine
# \param username user login for remote machine
# \param key_file file name which has keys to enable passwordless login
# \param password password for remote machine
# \param logdir_remote remote directory
# \param logdir_local_base local directory
# \param operation operation to perform (get_all, put_all) transfers recursively for directories
def SSHSessionWrapper(machine, username, key_file, password, logdir_remote, logdir_local_base, operation):
  max_tries = 100
  while i <= max_tries:
    i = i +1
       ssh = SSHSession(machine , username, key_file, password)
       if operation == "get_all":
          ssh.get_all(logdir_remote , logdir_local_base)
       elif operation == "put_all":
          ssh.put_all(logdir_local_base, logdir_remote )
          print "Error: Uknown operation in SSHSessionWrapper. Exiting now..."
    except Exception, e:
       error = error + ' In Class = function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: '  + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e)
       error = error + '\n username = ' + username + '\n machine = ' + machine + '\n logdir_remote = ' + logdir_remote + '\n logdir_local_base = ' + logdir_local_base 
       error = error + traceback.format_exc()
       print error
       print " Retrying again in 1 seconds"
       print "Continuing ..."
       if i ==max_tries:
          print "Fatal Error: Max no of retries reached. Exiting now..."

# \briefFunction to clean old programs that might be running from earlier execution
# \param oai - parameter for making connection to machine
# \parm programList list of programs that must be terminated before execution of any test case 
# \param CleanUpAluLteBox program to terminate AlU Bell Labs LTE Box
# \param ExmimoRfStop String to stop EXMIMO card (specified in test_case_list.xml)
def cleanOldPrograms(oai, programList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop, logdir, logdirOAI5GRepo):
  cmd = 'sudo -E killall -9 -q -r ' + programList
  result = oai.send(cmd, True)
  print "Killing old programs..." + result
  programArray = programList.split()
  programListJoin = '|'.join(programArray)
  cmd = " ( date ;echo \"Starting cleaning old programs.. \" ; dmesg|tail ; echo \"Current disk space.. \" ; df -h )>& " + logdir + "/oai_test_setup_cleanup.log.`hostname` 2>&1 ; sync"
  cmd = cleanupOldProgramsScript + ' ' + '\''+programListJoin+'\''
  #result = oai.send_recv(cmd)
  #print result
  result = oai.send_expect_false(cmd, 'Match found', False)
  print "Looking for old programs..." + result
  res=oai.send_recv(CleanUpAluLteBox, True)
  cmd= " echo \"Starting EXmimoRF Stop... \"  >> " + logdir + "/oai_test_setup_cleanup.log.`hostname` 2>&1  ; sync ";
  cmd  = "( " + "cd " + logdirOAI5GRepo + " ; source oaienv ;  "  +  ExmimoRfStop + " ) >> " + logdir + "/oai_test_setup_cleanup.log.`hostname` 2>&1  ; sync "
  print "cleanoldprograms cmd = " + cmd
  res=oai.send_recv(cmd, False, timeout=600)
  cmd= " echo \"Stopping EXmimoRF Stop... \" >> " + logdir + "/oai_test_setup_cleanup.log.`hostname` 2>&1  ; sync ";

  #res = oai.send_recv(ExmimoRfStop, False)
  cmd = " ( date ;echo \"Finished cleaning old programs.. \" ; dmesg | tail)>> $HOME/.oai_test_setup_cleanup.log.`hostname` 2>&1 ; sync"

# \brief Class thread to launch a generic command on remote machine
# \param threadID number of thread (for book keeping)
# \param threadname string of threadname (for book keeping)
# \param machine machine name on which to run the command
# \param username username with which to login
# \param password password with which to login
# \param cmd command as a string to run on remote machine
# \parma sudo if True sudo is set
# \param timeout timeout of command in seconds 
class oaiThread (threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, threadID, threadname, machine, username, password, cmd, sudo, timeout):
        self.threadID = threadID
        self.threadname = threadname
        self.machine = machine
        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self.cmd = cmd
        self.sudo = sudo
        self.timeout = timeout
    def run(self):
          oai = openair('localdomain',self.machine)
          oai.connect(self.username, self.password)
          print "Starting " + self.threadname + " on machine " + self.machine
          result = oai.send_recv(self.cmd, self.sudo, self.timeout)
          print "result = " + result
          print "Exiting " + self.threadname
        except Exception, e:
           error = error + ' In class oaiThread, function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: '  + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e)
           error = error + '\n threadID = ' + str(self.threadID) + '\n threadname = ' + self.threadname + '\n timeout = ' + str(self.timeout) + '\n machine = ' + self.machine + '\n cmd = ' + self.cmd + '\n timeout = ' + str(self.timeout) +  '\n username = ' + self.username + '\n'  
           error = error + traceback.format_exc()
           print error

# \brief This class runs test cases with class {execution, compilatation}
# \param threadID number of thread (for book keeping)
# \param name string of threadname (for book keeping)
# \param machine machine name on which to run the command
# \param logdirOAI5GRepo directory on remote machine which as openairinterface5g repo installed
# \param testcasename name of test case to run on remote machine
# \param CleanupAluLteBox string that contains commands to stop ALU Bell Labs LTEBox (specified in test_case_list.xml)
# \param user username with which to login
# \param password password with which to login
# \param timeout timeout of command in seconds
# \param ExmimoRfStop command to stop EXMIMO Card
class testCaseThread_generic (threading.Thread):
   def __init__(self, threadID, name, machine, logdirOAI5GRepo, testcasename,oldprogramList, CleanupAluLteBox, user, password, timeout, ExmimoRfStop):
       self.threadID = threadID
       self.name = name
       self.testcasename = testcasename
       self.timeout = timeout
       self.machine = machine
       self.logdirOAI5GRepo = logdirOAI5GRepo
       self.oldprogramList = oldprogramList
       self.CleanupAluLteBox = CleanupAluLteBox
       self.ExmimoRfStop = ExmimoRfStop
       self.user = user
   def run(self):
       #addsudo = 'echo \'' + mypassword + '\' | sudo -S -E '
       addpass = 'echo \'' + mypassword + '\' | '
       #user = getpass.getuser()
       print "Starting test case : " + self.testcasename + " On machine " + self.machine + " timeout = " + str(self.timeout) 
       oai = openair('localdomain',self.machine)
       oai.connect(self.user, self.password)
       #cleanOldPrograms(oai, self.oldprogramList, self.CleanupAluLteBox, self.ExmimoRfStop)
       logdir_local = os.environ.get('OPENAIR_DIR')
       logdir_local_testcase = logdir_local +'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ self.testcasename
       logdir_local_base = logdir_local +'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'
       logdir_remote_testcase = self.logdirOAI5GRepo + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/' + self.testcasename
       logdir_remote = self.logdirOAI5GRepo + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'
       logfile_task_testcasename = logdir_local_testcase + '/test_task' + '_' + self.testcasename + '_.log'
       logfile_task_testcasename_out = logdir_remote + '/test_task_out' + '_' + self.testcasename + '_.log'
       #print "logdir_local_testcase = " + logdir_local_testcase
       #print "logdir_remote_testcase = " + logdir_remote_testcase
       #if os.path.exists(logdir_local_testcase) == True :
       #    os.removedirs(logdir_local_testcase)
       os.system("rm -fr " + logdir_local_testcase )
       os.system("mkdir -p " +  logdir_local_testcase)
       cmd = "mkdir -p " + logdir_remote_testcase
       res = oai.send_recv(cmd, False, self.timeout) 
       #print "res = " + res

       cmd =  "( cd " +  self.logdirOAI5GRepo + " \n "
       cmd = cmd + "source oaienv \n"
       cmd = cmd + "$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/run_exec_autotests.bash --run-group \"" + self.testcasename + "\" -p \'\'"
       cmd = cmd + " ) >& "   + logfile_task_testcasename_out + " ; " + "mkdir -p " + logdir_remote_testcase +  "; mv " + logfile_task_testcasename_out + " " +logdir_remote_testcase 
       #print "cmd = " + cmd
       res = oai.send_recv(cmd, False, self.timeout) 
       #print "res = " + res
       #print "ThreadID = " + str(self.threadID) + "ThreadName: " + self.name + " testcasename: " + self.testcasename + "Execution Result = " + res
       write_file(logfile_task_testcasename, cmd, mode="w")
       #Now we copy all the remote files
       #ssh = SSHSession(self.machine , username=user, key_file=None, password=self.password)
       #ssh.get_all(logdir_remote_testcase , logdir_local_base)
       SSHSessionWrapper(self.machine, self.user, None, self.password, logdir_remote_testcase, logdir_local_base, "get_all")
       print "Finishing test case : " + self.testcasename + " On machine " + self.machine
       #cleanOldPrograms(oai, self.oldprogramList, self.CleanupAluLteBox, self.ExmimoRfStop)
     except Exception, e:
         error = error + ' In Class = testCaseThread_generic,  function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: '  + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e)
         error = error + '\n threadID = ' + str(self.threadID) + '\n threadName = ' + self.name + '\n testcasename = ' + self.testcasename + '\n machine = ' + self.machine + '\n logdirOAI5GRepo = ' + self.logdirOAI5GRepo +  '\n' + '\n timeout = ' + str(self.timeout)  + '\n user = ' + self.user
         error = error + traceback.format_exc()
         print error
         print "Continuing with next test case..."

# \bried function to run a command as a sudo
# \param cmd command as a string
# \param password password to be supplied   
def addsudo (cmd, password=""):
  cmd = 'echo \'' + password + '\' | sudo -S -E bash -c \' ' + cmd + '\' '
  return cmd

# \brief handler for executing test cases (compilation, execution)
# \param name of testcase
# \param threadListGeneric list of threads which are already running on remote machines
# \param oldprogramList list of programs which must be terminated before running a test case
# \param logdirOAI5GRepo directory on remote machine which as openairinterface5g repo installed
# \param MachineList list of all machines on which generic test cases can be run
# \param user username with which to login
# \param password password with which to login
# \param CleanupAluLteBox string that contains commands to stop ALU Bell Labs LTEBox (specified in test_case_list.xml)
# \param timeout timeout of command in seconds
# \param ExmimoRfStop command to stop EXMIMO Card
def handle_testcaseclass_generic (testcasename, threadListGeneric, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo, MachineList, user, password, CleanupAluLteBox,timeout, ExmimoRfStop):
    while MachineListFree.__len__() == 0 :
       #first we need to find the list of free machines that we could run our test case
       if threadListGeneric.__len__() ==0 :
       #This means no thread is started yet
          MachineListFree = MachineList[:]
       else :
          for param in threadListGeneric :
             thread_id = param["thread_id"]
             machine = param["Machine"]
             testcasenameold = param["testcasename"]
             if thread_id.isAlive() == True:
                print "thread_id is alive: testcasename: " + testcasenameold +  " on machine "+ machine
                if machine not in MachineListBusy:
             else :
                print "thread_id is finished: testcasename: " + testcasenameold + " on machine " + machine
                #if machine not in MachineListFree:
                #   MachineListFree.append(machine)
       #Now we check if there is at least one free machine
       MachineListFree = MachineList[:]
       for machine in MachineListBusy:
          if machine in MachineListFree:
       print "MachineListFree = " + ','.join(MachineListFree)
       print "MachineListBusy = " + ','.join(MachineListBusy)
       print "MachineList = " + ','.join(MachineList)
    machine = MachineListFree[0]
    thread = testCaseThread_generic(1,"Generic Thread_"+testcasename+"_"+ "machine_", machine, logdirOAI5GRepo, testcasename, oldprogramList, CleanupAluLteBox, user, password, timeout, ExmimoRfStop)
    param={"thread_id":thread, "Machine":machine, "testcasename":testcasename}
    return threadListNew
  except Exception, e:
     error = error + ' In function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: '  + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e)
     error = error + '\n testcasename = ' + testcasename + '\n logdirOAI5GRepo = ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '\n MachineList = ' + ','.join(MachineList) + '\n timeout = ' + str(timeout) +  '\n' + 'user = ' + user
     error = error + traceback.format_exc()
     print error
     print "Continuing..."

# \brief Blocking wait for all threads related to generic testcase execution, class (compilation and execution)
# \param threadListGeneric list of threads which are running on remote machines
# \param timeout time to wait on threads in seconds
def wait_testcaseclass_generic_threads(threadListGeneric, timeout = 1):
   for param in threadListGeneric:
      thread_id = param["thread_id"]
      machine = param["Machine"]
      testcasenameold = param["testcasename"]
      if thread_id.isAlive() == True:
         print "thread_id on machine: " + machine + "  is still alive: testcasename: " + testcasenameold
         print " Exiting now..."
         print "thread_id on machine: " + machine + "  is stopped: testcasename: " + testcasenameold
   return threadListGenericNew

# \brief handler for executing test cases (lte-softmodem)
# \param testcase name of testcase
# \param oldprogramList list of programs which must be terminated before running a test case
# \param logdirOAI5GRepo directory on remote machine which has openairinterface5g repo installed
# \param logdirOpenaircnRepo directory on remote machine which has openair-cn repo installed
# \param MachineList list of all machines on which test cases can be run
# \param user username with which to login
# \param password password with which to login
# \param CleanupAluLteBox string that contains commands to stop ALU Bell Labs LTEBox (specified in test_case_list.xml)
# \param ExmimoRfStop command to stop EXMIMO Card
# \param nruns_lte-softmodem global parameter to override number of runs (nruns) within the test case
def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo , logdirOpenaircnRepo, MachineList, user, password, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop, nruns_lte_softmodem, timeout_cmd):
  #We ignore the password sent to this function for secuirity reasons for password present in log files
  #It is recommended to add a line in /etc/sudoers that looks something like below. The line below will run sudo without password prompt
  # your_user_name ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
  #addsudo = 'echo \'' + mypassword + '\' | sudo -S -E '
  addpass = 'echo \'' + mypassword + '\' | '
  #user = getpass.getuser()
  testcasename = testcase.get('id')
  testcaseclass = testcase.findtext('class',default='')
  if timeout_cmd == '':
     timeout_cmd = testcase.findtext('TimeOut_cmd',default='')
  timeout_cmd = int(float(timeout_cmd))
  #Timeout_thread is more than that of cmd to have room for compilation time, etc
  timeout_thread = timeout_cmd + 300 
  if nruns_lte_softmodem == '':
    nruns = testcase.findtext('nruns',default='')
    nruns = nruns_lte_softmodem
  nruns = int(float(nruns))
  tags = testcase.findtext('tags',default='')

  RRHMachine = testcase.findtext('RRH',default='')
  RRH_compile_prog = testcase.findtext('RRH_compile_prog',default='')
  RRH_compile_prog_args = testcase.findtext('RRH_compile_prog_args',default='')
  RRH_pre_exec = testcase.findtext('RRH_pre_exec',default='')
  RRH_pre_exec_args = testcase.findtext('RRH_pre_exec_args',default='')
  RRH_main_exec = testcase.findtext('RRH_main_exec',default='')
  RRH_main_exec_args = testcase.findtext('RRH_main_exec_args',default='')
  RRH_terminate_missing_procs = testcase.findtext('RRH_terminate_missing_procs',default='True')

  eNBMachine = testcase.findtext('eNB',default='')
  eNB_config_file = testcase.findtext('eNB_config_file',default='')
  eNB_compile_prog = testcase.findtext('eNB_compile_prog',default='')
  eNB_compile_prog_args = testcase.findtext('eNB_compile_prog_args',default='')
  eNB_pre_exec = testcase.findtext('eNB_pre_exec',default='')
  eNB_pre_exec_args = testcase.findtext('eNB_pre_exec_args',default='')
  eNB_main_exec = testcase.findtext('eNB_main_exec',default='')
  eNB_main_exec_args = testcase.findtext('eNB_main_exec_args',default='')
  eNB_traffic_exec = testcase.findtext('eNB_traffic_exec',default='')
  eNB_traffic_exec_args = testcase.findtext('eNB_traffic_exec_args',default='')
  eNB_terminate_missing_procs = testcase.findtext('eNB_terminate_missing_procs',default='True')
  eNB_search_expr_true = testcase.findtext('eNB_search_expr_true','')
  if re.compile('\w+').match(eNB_search_expr_true) != None:
      eNB_search_expr_true = eNB_search_expr_true + '  duration=' + str(timeout_cmd-90) + 's' 

  UEMachine = testcase.findtext('UE',default='')
  UE_config_file = testcase.findtext('UE_config_file',default='')
  UE_compile_prog = testcase.findtext('UE_compile_prog',default='')
  UE_compile_prog_args = testcase.findtext('UE_compile_prog_args',default='')
  UE_pre_exec = testcase.findtext('UE_pre_exec',default='')
  UE_pre_exec_args = testcase.findtext('UE_pre_exec_args',default='')
  UE_main_exec = testcase.findtext('UE_main_exec',default='')
  UE_main_exec_args = testcase.findtext('UE_main_exec_args',default='')
  UE_traffic_exec = testcase.findtext('UE_traffic_exec',default='')
  UE_traffic_exec_args = testcase.findtext('UE_traffic_exec_args',default='')
  UE_terminate_missing_procs = testcase.findtext('UE_terminate_missing_procs',default='True')
  UE_search_expr_true = testcase.findtext('UE_search_expr_true','')
  UE_stop_script =  testcase.findtext('UE_stop_script','')
  if re.compile('\w+').match(UE_search_expr_true) != None:
      UE_search_expr_true = UE_search_expr_true + '  duration=' + str(timeout_cmd-90) + 's'

  EPCMachine = testcase.findtext('EPC',default='')
  EPC_config_file = testcase.findtext('EPC_config_file',default='')
  EPC_compile_prog = testcase.findtext('EPC_compile_prog',default='')
  EPC_compile_prog_args = testcase.findtext('EPC_compile_prog_args',default='')
  HSS_compile_prog = testcase.findtext('HSS_compile_prog',default='')
  HSS_compile_prog_args = testcase.findtext('HSS_compile_prog_args',default='')
  EPC_pre_exec= testcase.findtext('EPC_pre_exec',default='')
  EPC_pre_exec_args = testcase.findtext('EPC_pre_exec_args',default='')  
  EPC_main_exec= testcase.findtext('EPC_main_exec',default='')
  EPC_main_exec_args = testcase.findtext('EPC_main_exec_args',default='')  
  HSS_main_exec= testcase.findtext('HSS_main_exec',default='')
  HSS_main_exec_args = testcase.findtext('HSS_main_exec_args',default='')  
  EPC_traffic_exec = testcase.findtext('EPC_traffic_exec',default='')
  EPC_traffic_exec_args = testcase.findtext('EPC_traffic_exec_args',default='')
  EPC_terminate_missing_procs = testcase.findtext('EPC_terminate_missing_procs',default='True')
  EPC_search_expr_true = testcase.findtext('EPC_search_expr_true','')
  if re.compile('\w+').match(EPC_search_expr_true) != None:
     EPC_search_expr_true = EPC_search_expr_true + '  duration=' + str(timeout_cmd-90) + 's'

  index_eNBMachine = MachineList.index(eNBMachine)
  index_UEMachine = MachineList.index(UEMachine)
  index_EPCMachine = MachineList.index(EPCMachine)
  cmd = 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; source oaienv ; env|grep OPENAIR'
  oai_eNB = openair('localdomain', eNBMachine)
  oai_eNB.connect(user, password)
  res= oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd)
  oai_UE = openair('localdomain', UEMachine)
  oai_UE.connect(user, password)
  res = oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd)
  oai_EPC = openair('localdomain', EPCMachine)
  oai_EPC.connect(user, password)
  res = oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd)
  if RRHMachine != '':
    cmd = 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '; source oaienv ; env|grep OPENAIR'
    index_RRHMachine = MachineList.index(RRHMachine)
    oai_RRH = openair('localdomain', RRHMachine)
    oai_RRH.connect(user, password)
    res= oai_RRH.send_recv(cmd)
  #cleanOldPrograms(oai_eNB, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop)
  #cleanOldPrograms(oai_UE, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop)
  #cleanOldPrograms(oai_EPC, oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop)
  logdir_local = os.environ.get('OPENAIR_DIR')
  if logdir_local is None:
     print "Environment variable OPENAIR_DIR not set correctly"
  #Make the log directory of test case
  #cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + logdir_eNB
  #result = oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd)
  #cmd = 'mkdir -p ' +  logdir_UE
  #result = oai_UE.send_recv(cmd)
  #cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + logdir_EPC
  #result = oai_EPC.send_recv(cmd)
  print "Updating the config files for ENB/UE/EPC..."
  #updating the eNB/UE/EPC configuration file from the test case 
  #update_config_file(oai_eNB, eNB_config_file, logdirOAI5GRepo)
  #update_config_file(oai_UE, UE_config_file, logdirOAI5GRepo)
  #update_config_file(oai_EPC, EPC_config_file, logdirOpenaircnRepo)
  for run in range(0,nruns):
    logdir_eNB = logdirOAI5GRepo+'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename + '/run_' + str(run)
    logdir_RRH = logdirOAI5GRepo+'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename + '/run_' + str(run)
    logdir_UE =  logdirOAI5GRepo+'/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename + '/run_' + str(run)
    logdir_EPC = logdirOpenaircnRepo+'/TEST/autotests/log/'+ testcasename + '/run_' + str(run)
    logdir_local_testcase = logdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename + '/run_' + str(run)
    #Make the log directory of test case
    if RRHMachine != '':
      cmd = 'rm -fr ' + logdir_RRH + ' ; mkdir -p ' + logdir_RRH
      result = oai_RRH.send_recv(cmd)
    cmd = 'rm -fr ' + logdir_eNB + ' ; mkdir -p ' + logdir_eNB
    result = oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd)
    cmd = 'rm -fr ' + logdir_UE + ' ; mkdir -p ' +  logdir_UE
    result = oai_UE.send_recv(cmd)
    cmd = 'rm -fr ' + logdir_EPC + '; mkdir -p ' + logdir_EPC
    result = oai_EPC.send_recv(cmd)
    cmd = ' rm -fr ' + logdir_local_testcase + ' ; mkdir -p ' + logdir_local_testcase
    result = os.system(cmd)

    if RRHMachine != '':
       logfile_compile_RRH = logdir_RRH + '/RRH_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
       logfile_exec_RRH = logdir_RRH + '/RRH_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
       logfile_pre_exec_RRH = logdir_RRH + '/RRH_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
       logfile_task_RRH_compile_out = logdir_RRH + '/RRH_task_compile_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
       logfile_task_RRH_compile = logdir_local_testcase + '/RRH_task_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
       logfile_task_RRH_out = logdir_RRH + '/RRH_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
       logfile_task_RRH = logdir_local_testcase + '/RRH_task' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
       task_RRH_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
       task_RRH_compile = task_RRH_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
       task_RRH_compile = task_RRH_compile + 'env |grep OPENAIR  \n'
       if RRH_compile_prog != "":
         task_RRH_compile  = task_RRH_compile +  ' ( ' + RRH_compile_prog + ' '+ RRH_compile_prog_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_compile_RRH + ' 2>&1 \n'
       task_RRH_compile =  task_RRH_compile + ' date ) > ' + logfile_task_RRH_compile_out + ' 2>&1  '
       write_file(logfile_task_RRH_compile, task_RRH_compile, mode="w")

       task_RRH = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
       task_RRH = task_RRH + ' export OPENAIR_TESTDIR=' + logdir_RRH + '\n'
       task_RRH = task_RRH + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
       task_RRH = task_RRH + 'env |grep OPENAIR  \n' + 'array_exec_pid=() \n'

       if RRH_pre_exec != "":
          task_RRH  = task_RRH +  ' ( date; ' + RRH_pre_exec + ' '+ RRH_pre_exec_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_pre_exec_RRH + ' 2>&1 \n'
       if RRH_main_exec != "":
          task_RRH = task_RRH + ' ( date; ' + addsudo(RRH_main_exec + ' ' + RRH_main_exec_args, mypassword) + ' ) > ' + logfile_exec_RRH + ' 2>&1 & \n'
          task_RRH = task_RRH + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n'
          task_RRH = task_RRH + 'echo eNB_main_exec PID = $! \n'
       #terminate the eNB test case after timeout_cmd seconds
       task_RRH  = task_RRH + finalize_deploy_script (timeout_cmd, RRH_terminate_missing_procs) + ' \n'
       task_RRH  = task_RRH + 'handle_ctrl_c' + '\n' 
       task_RRH  = task_RRH + ' ) > ' + logfile_task_RRH_out + ' 2>&1  '
       write_file(logfile_task_RRH, task_RRH, mode="w")
    logfile_compile_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_exec_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_pre_exec_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_traffic_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_task_eNB_compile_out = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_task_compile_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_task_eNB_compile = logdir_local_testcase + '/eNB_task_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_task_eNB_out = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_task_eNB = logdir_local_testcase + '/eNB_task' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_local_traffic_eNB_out = logdir_local_testcase + '/eNB_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' 
    logfile_tshark_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_tshark' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_pcap_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_tshark' + '_' + str(run) + '_.pcap'
    logfile_pcap_zip_eNB = logdir_eNB + '/eNB_tshark' + '_' + str(run) + '_.pcap.zip'
    logfile_pcap_tmp_eNB = '/tmp/' + '/eNB_tshark' + '_' + str(run) + '_.pcap'

    task_eNB_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
    task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
    task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + 'env |grep OPENAIR  \n'
    task_eNB_compile = task_eNB_compile + update_config_file(oai_eNB, eNB_config_file, logdirOAI5GRepo, '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/search_repl.py') + '\n'
    if eNB_compile_prog != "":
       task_eNB_compile  = task_eNB_compile +  ' ( ' + eNB_compile_prog + ' '+ eNB_compile_prog_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_compile_eNB + ' 2>&1 \n'
    task_eNB_compile =  task_eNB_compile + ' date ) > ' + logfile_task_eNB_compile_out + ' 2>&1  '
    write_file(logfile_task_eNB_compile, task_eNB_compile, mode="w")

    task_eNB = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
    task_eNB = task_eNB + ' export OPENAIR_TESTDIR=' + logdir_eNB + '\n'
    task_eNB = task_eNB + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
    task_eNB = task_eNB + 'env |grep OPENAIR  \n' + 'array_exec_pid=() \n'

    if eNB_pre_exec != "":
       task_eNB  = task_eNB +  ' ( date; ' + eNB_pre_exec + ' '+ eNB_pre_exec_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_pre_exec_eNB + ' 2>&1 \n'
    if eNB_main_exec != "":
       task_eNB = task_eNB + ' ( date; ' + addsudo(eNB_main_exec + ' ' + eNB_main_exec_args, mypassword) + ' ) > ' + logfile_exec_eNB + ' 2>&1 & \n'
       task_eNB = task_eNB + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n'
       task_eNB = task_eNB + 'echo eNB_main_exec PID = $! \n'
    if eNB_traffic_exec != "":
       cmd_traffic = eNB_traffic_exec + ' ' + eNB_traffic_exec_args
       if cmd_traffic.find('-c') >= 0:
          cmd_traffic = cmd_traffic + ' -t ' + str(timeout_cmd - 60)
       task_eNB = task_eNB + ' (date;  ' + cmd_traffic + ' ) > ' + logfile_traffic_eNB + ' 2>&1 & \n'
       task_eNB = task_eNB + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n'
       task_eNB = task_eNB + 'echo eNB_traffic_exec PID = $! \n'

    task_eNB = task_eNB + ' (date; sudo rm -f ' + logfile_pcap_tmp_eNB + ' ; sudo -E tshark -i lo -s 65535 -a duration:' + str(timeout_cmd-10)+ ' -w ' + logfile_pcap_tmp_eNB+ ' ; sudo -E chown ' + user + ' ' + logfile_pcap_tmp_eNB + ' ; zip -j -9  ' + logfile_pcap_zip_eNB + ' ' + logfile_pcap_tmp_eNB + '   ) > ' + logfile_tshark_eNB + ' 2>&1 & \n '
    task_eNB = task_eNB + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n'
    task_eNB = task_eNB + 'echo eNB_tshark_exec PID = $! \n'
    #terminate the eNB test case after timeout_cmd seconds
    task_eNB  = task_eNB + finalize_deploy_script (timeout_cmd, eNB_terminate_missing_procs) + ' \n'
    #task_eNB  = task_eNB + 'sleep ' +  str(timeout_cmd) + ' \n'
    task_eNB  = task_eNB + 'handle_ctrl_c' + '\n' 
    task_eNB  = task_eNB + ' ) > ' + logfile_task_eNB_out + ' 2>&1  '
    write_file(logfile_task_eNB, task_eNB, mode="w")

    #task_eNB =  'echo \" ' + task_eNB + '\" > ' + logfile_script_eNB + ' 2>&1 ; ' + task_eNB 
    logfile_compile_UE = logdir_UE + '/UE_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_exec_UE = logdir_UE + '/UE_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_pre_exec_UE = logdir_UE + '/UE_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_traffic_UE = logdir_UE + '/UE_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'    
    logfile_task_UE_out = logdir_UE + '/UE_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_task_UE = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_task' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_task_UE_compile_out = logdir_UE + '/UE_task_compile_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_task_UE_compile = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_task_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_local_traffic_UE_out = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' 

    task_UE_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
    task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'array_exec_pid=()' + '\n'
    task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '\n'  
    task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'source oaienv \n'
    task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
    task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + 'env |grep OPENAIR  \n'
    task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + update_config_file(oai_UE, UE_config_file, logdirOAI5GRepo, '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/search_repl.py') + '\n'
    if UE_compile_prog != "":
       task_UE_compile = task_UE_compile + ' ( ' + UE_compile_prog + ' '+ UE_compile_prog_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_compile_UE + ' 2>&1 \n'
    task_UE_compile  = task_UE_compile + ' ) > ' + logfile_task_UE_compile_out + ' 2>&1 '
    write_file(logfile_task_UE_compile, task_UE_compile, mode="w")

    task_UE = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
    task_UE = task_UE + 'array_exec_pid=()' + '\n'
    task_UE = task_UE + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + '\n'  
    task_UE = task_UE + 'source oaienv \n'
    task_UE = task_UE + 'source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
    task_UE = task_UE + 'env |grep OPENAIR  \n'
    if UE_pre_exec != "":
       task_UE  = task_UE +  ' ( date; ' + UE_pre_exec + ' '+ UE_pre_exec_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_pre_exec_UE + ' 2>&1 \n'
    if UE_main_exec != "":
       task_UE = task_UE + ' ( date;  ' + addsudo(UE_main_exec + ' ' + UE_main_exec_args, mypassword)  + ' ) > ' + logfile_exec_UE + ' 2>&1 & \n'
       task_UE = task_UE + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n'
       task_UE = task_UE + 'echo UE_main_exec PID = $! \n'
    if UE_traffic_exec != "":
       cmd_traffic = UE_traffic_exec + ' ' + UE_traffic_exec_args
       if cmd_traffic.find('-c') >= 0:
          cmd_traffic = cmd_traffic + ' -t ' + str(timeout_cmd - 60)
       task_UE = task_UE + ' ( date;  ' + cmd_traffic + ' ) >' + logfile_traffic_UE + ' 2>&1 & \n'
       task_UE = task_UE + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n'
       task_UE = task_UE + 'echo UE_traffic_exec PID = $! \n'
    #terminate the UE test case after timeout_cmd seconds
    task_UE  = task_UE + finalize_deploy_script (timeout_cmd, UE_terminate_missing_procs) + ' \n'
    #task_UE  = task_UE + 'sleep ' +  str(timeout_cmd) + ' \n'
    task_UE  = task_UE + 'handle_ctrl_c' + '\n' 
    task_UE  = task_UE + ' ) > ' + logfile_task_UE_out + ' 2>&1 '
    write_file(logfile_task_UE, task_UE, mode="w")
    #task_UE = 'echo \" ' + task_UE + '\" > ' + logfile_script_UE + ' 2>&1 ; ' + task_UE

    logfile_compile_EPC = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_compile_HSS = logdir_EPC + '/HSS_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_exec_EPC = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_pre_exec_EPC = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_pre_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_exec_HSS = logdir_EPC + '/HSS_exec' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_traffic_EPC = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_task_EPC_out = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_task_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_task_EPC = logdir_local_testcase + '/EPC_task' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_task_EPC_compile_out = logdir_EPC + '/EPC_task_compile_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_task_EPC_compile = logdir_local_testcase + '/EPC_task_compile' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_local_traffic_EPC_out = logdir_local_testcase + '/EPC_traffic' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log' 

    task_EPC_compile = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
    task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + 'array_exec_pid=()' + '\n'
    task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + 'cd ' + logdirOpenaircnRepo + ' ; source oaienv \n'
    task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + update_config_file(oai_EPC, EPC_config_file, logdirOpenaircnRepo, logdirOpenaircnRepo+'/TEST/autotests/tools/search_repl.py') + '\n'
    task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile +  'source BUILD/TOOLS/build_helper \n'
    if EPC_compile_prog != "":
       task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + '(' + EPC_compile_prog + ' ' + EPC_compile_prog_args +  ' ) > ' + logfile_compile_EPC + ' 2>&1 \n'
    if HSS_compile_prog != "":
       task_EPC_compile = task_EPC_compile + '(' + HSS_compile_prog + ' ' + HSS_compile_prog_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_compile_HSS + ' 2>&1 \n'
    task_EPC_compile  = task_EPC_compile + ' ) > ' + logfile_task_EPC_compile_out + ' 2>&1 ' 
    write_file(logfile_task_EPC_compile, task_EPC_compile, mode="w")
    task_EPC = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
    task_EPC = task_EPC + ' export OPENAIRCN_TESTDIR=' + logdir_EPC + '\n'
    task_EPC = task_EPC + 'array_exec_pid=()' + '\n'
    task_EPC = task_EPC + 'cd ' + logdirOpenaircnRepo + '; source oaienv\n'
    task_EPC = task_EPC +  'source BUILD/TOOLS/build_helper \n'
    if EPC_pre_exec != "":
       task_EPC  = task_EPC +  ' ( date; ' + EPC_pre_exec + ' '+ EPC_pre_exec_args + ' ) > ' + logfile_pre_exec_EPC + ' 2>&1 \n'
    if HSS_main_exec !=  "":
       task_EPC  = task_EPC + '( date; ' + addsudo (HSS_main_exec + ' ' + HSS_main_exec_args, mypassword) + ' ) > ' + logfile_exec_HSS  +  ' 2>&1   & \n'
       task_EPC = task_EPC + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n'
       task_EPC = task_EPC + 'echo HSS_main_exec PID = $! \n'
    if EPC_main_exec !=  "":
       task_EPC  = task_EPC + '( date; ' + addsudo (EPC_main_exec + ' ' + EPC_main_exec_args, mypassword) + ' ) > ' + logfile_exec_EPC  +  ' 2>&1   & \n'
       task_EPC = task_EPC + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n'
       task_EPC = task_EPC + 'echo EPC_main_exec PID = $! \n'
    if EPC_traffic_exec !=  "":
       cmd_traffic = EPC_traffic_exec + ' ' + EPC_traffic_exec_args
       if cmd_traffic.find('-c') >= 0:
          cmd_traffic = cmd_traffic + ' -t ' + str(timeout_cmd - 60)
       task_EPC  = task_EPC + '( date; ' + cmd_traffic + ' ) > ' + logfile_traffic_EPC  +  ' 2>&1   & \n' 
       task_EPC = task_EPC + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n'  
       task_EPC = task_EPC + 'echo EPC_traffic_exec PID = $! \n'
    #terminate the EPC test case after timeout_cmd seconds   
    task_EPC = task_EPC + finalize_deploy_script (timeout_cmd, EPC_terminate_missing_procs) + '\n'
    #task_EPC  = task_EPC + 'sleep ' +  str(timeout_cmd) + '\n'
    task_EPC  = task_EPC + 'handle_ctrl_c' '\n' 
    task_EPC  = task_EPC + ' ) > ' + logfile_task_EPC_out + ' 2>&1 ' 
    write_file(logfile_task_EPC, task_EPC, mode="w")
    #first we compile all the programs
    thread_EPC = oaiThread(1, "EPC_thread", EPCMachine, user, password , task_EPC_compile, False, timeout_thread)
    thread_eNB = oaiThread(2, "eNB_thread", eNBMachine, user, password , task_eNB_compile, False, timeout_thread)
    thread_UE = oaiThread(3, "UE_thread", UEMachine, user, password  , task_UE_compile, False, timeout_thread) 
    if RRHMachine != '':
        thread_RRH = oaiThread(4, "RRH_thread", RRHMachine, user, password  , task_RRH_compile, False, timeout_thread) 
    if RRHMachine != '':
    # Start new Threads
    if RRHMachine != '':
    #Wait for all the compile threads to complete
    for t in threads:

    #Now we execute all the threads
    thread_EPC = oaiThread(1, "EPC_thread", EPCMachine, user, password , task_EPC, False, timeout_thread)
    thread_eNB = oaiThread(2, "eNB_thread", eNBMachine, user, password , task_eNB, False, timeout_thread)
    thread_UE = oaiThread(3, "UE_thread", UEMachine, user, password  , task_UE, False, timeout_thread) 
    if RRHMachine != '':
        thread_RRH = oaiThread(4, "RRH_thread", RRHMachine, user, password  , task_RRH, False, timeout_thread) 
    if RRHMachine != '':
    # Start new Threads

    if RRHMachine != '':
    #Wait for all the compile threads to complete
    for t in threads:
    #Now we get the log files from remote machines on the local machine
    if RRHMachine != '':
       cleanOldProgramsAllMachines([oai_eNB, oai_UE, oai_EPC, oai_RRH] , oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop, [logdir_eNB, logdir_UE, logdir_EPC, logdir_RRH], logdirOAI5GRepo)
       cleanOldProgramsAllMachines([oai_eNB, oai_UE, oai_EPC] , oldprogramList, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop, [logdir_eNB, logdir_UE, logdir_EPC], logdirOAI5GRepo)       
    logfile_UE_stop_script_out = logdir_UE + '/UE_stop_script_out' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'
    logfile_UE_stop_script = logdir_local_testcase + '/UE_stop_script' + '_' + str(run) + '_.log'

    if UE_stop_script != "":
      cmd = ' ( uname -a ; date \n'
      cmd = cmd + 'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; source cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
      cmd = cmd + 'env |grep OPENAIR  \n' + 'array_exec_pid=() \n'
      cmd = cmd + UE_stop_script + '\n'
      cmd = cmd + ') > ' + logfile_UE_stop_script_out + ' 2>&1 ' 
      write_file(logfile_UE_stop_script , cmd, mode="w")
      thread_UE = oaiThread(4, "UE_thread", UEMachine, user, password  , cmd, False, timeout_thread)
    #Now we change the permissions of the logfiles to avoid some of them being with root permissions
    cmd = 'sudo -E chown -R ' + user + ' ' + logdir_eNB
    res= oai_eNB.send_recv(cmd)
    print "Changing permissions of logdir <" + logdir_eNB + "> in eNB machine..." + res

    cmd = 'sudo -E chown -R ' + user + ' ' +  logdir_UE
    res= oai_UE.send_recv(cmd)
    print "Changing permissions of logdir <" + logdir_UE + "> in UE machine..." + res

    cmd = 'sudo -E chown -R ' + user + ' ' +  logdir_EPC
    res= oai_EPC.send_recv(cmd)
    print "Changing permissions of logdir <" + logdir_EPC + "> in EPC machine..." + res

    if RRHMachine != '':
       cmd = 'sudo -E chown -R ' + user + ' ' +  logdir_RRH
       res= oai_RRH.send_recv(cmd)
       print "Changing permissions of logdir <" + logdir_RRH + "> in RRH machine..." + res

    print "Copying files from EPCMachine : " + EPCMachine + "logdir_EPC = " + logdir_EPC
    SSHSessionWrapper(EPCMachine, user, None, password, logdir_EPC, logdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename, "get_all")

    print "Copying files from eNBMachine " + eNBMachine + "logdir_eNB = " + logdir_eNB
    SSHSessionWrapper(eNBMachine, user, None, password, logdir_eNB, logdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename, "get_all")

    print "Copying files from UEMachine : " + UEMachine + "logdir_UE = " + logdir_UE
    SSHSessionWrapper(UEMachine, user, None, password, logdir_UE, logdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename, "get_all")

    if RRHMachine != '':
       print "Copying files from RRHMachine : " + RRHMachine + "logdir_RRH = " + logdir_RRH
       SSHSessionWrapper(RRHMachine, user, None, password, logdir_RRH, logdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename, "get_all")

    #Currently we only perform throughput tests
    result, tput_string = tput_test_search_expr(eNB_search_expr_true, logfile_local_traffic_eNB_out)
    tput_run_string = tput_run_string + tput_string
    result, tput_string = tput_test_search_expr(EPC_search_expr_true, logfile_local_traffic_EPC_out)
    tput_run_string = tput_run_string + tput_string
    result, tput_string = tput_test_search_expr(UE_search_expr_true, logfile_local_traffic_UE_out)
    tput_run_string = tput_run_string + tput_string
    if run_result == 1:  
      run_result_string = ' RUN_'+str(run) + ' = PASS'
      run_result_string = ' RUN_'+str(run) + ' = FAIL'

    #If there is assertion, we mark the test case as failure as most likely eNB crashed
    cmd = "grep -ilr \"assertion\" " + logdir_local_testcase + " | cat " 
    cmd_out = subprocess.check_output ([cmd], shell=True)
    if len(cmd_out) !=0 :
      run_result_string = ' RUN_'+str(run) + ' = FAIL(Assert)'

    #If there is thread busy error, we mark the test case as failure as most likely eNB crashed
    cmd = "grep -ilr \"thread busy\" " + logdir_local_testcase + " | cat "
    cmd_out = subprocess.check_output ([cmd], shell=True)
    if len(cmd_out) !=0:
      run_result_string = ' RUN_'+str(run) + ' = FAIL(Thread_Busy)'

    #If there is Segmentation fault, we mark the test case as failure as most likely eNB crashed
    cmd = "grep -ilr \"segmentation fault\" " + logdir_local_testcase + " | cat "
    cmd_out = subprocess.check_output ([cmd], shell=True)
    if len(cmd_out) !=0:
      run_result_string = ' RUN_'+str(run) + ' = FAIL(SEGFAULT)'

    run_result_string = run_result_string + tput_run_string

    test_result=test_result & run_result
    test_result_string=test_result_string + run_result_string

    #We need to close the new ssh session that was created  
    #if index_eNBMachine == index_EPCMachine:
    #    oai_EPC.disconnect()
  #Now we finalize the xml file of the test case
  duration= end_time - start_time
  xmlFile = logdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log/'+ testcasename + '/test.' + testcasename + '.xml'
  if test_result ==0: 
    result = 'PASS'
  xml="\n<testcase classname=\'"+ testcaseclass +  "\' name=\'" + testcasename + "."+tags +  "\' Run_result=\'" + test_result_string + "\' time=\'" + str(duration) + " s \' RESULT=\'" + result + "\'></testcase> \n"
  write_file(xmlFile, xml, mode="w")

# \brief This function searches if test case is present in list of test cases that need to be executed by user
# \param testcasename the test case to search for
# \param testcasegroup list that is passed from the arguments
# \param test_case_exclude list of test cases excluded from execution (specified in test_case_list.xml)
def search_test_case_group(testcasename, testcasegroup, test_case_exclude):
    if test_case_exclude != "":
       for entry in testcase_exclusion_list:
          if entry.find('+') >=0:
            match = re.search(entry, testcasename)
            if match:
               print "\nSkipping test case as it is found in black list: " + testcasename
               return False
             match = entry.find(testcasename)
             if match >=0:
                print "\nSkipping test case as it is found in black list: " + testcasename
                return False
    if testcasegroup == '':
         return True
      testcaselist = testcasegroup.split()
      for entry in testcaselist:
        if entry.find('+') >=0:
           match = re.search(entry, testcasename)
           if match:
              return True
           match = testcasename.find(entry)
           if match >=0:
             return True
    return False

# \brief thread that cleans up remote machines from pre-existing test case executions
# \param threadID number of thread (for book keeping)
# \param threadname name of thread (for book keeping)
# \param oai handler that can be used to execute programs on remote machines
# \param CleanUpOldProgs list of programs which must be terminated before running a test case (specified in test_case_list.xml)
# \param CleanupAluLteBox string that contains commands to stop ALU Bell Labs LTEBox (specified in test_case_list.xml)
# \param ExmimoRfStop command to stop EXMIMO Card
class oaiCleanOldProgramThread (threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, threadID, threadname, oai, CleanUpOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop, logdir, logdirOAI5GRepo):
        self.threadID = threadID
        self.threadname = threadname
        self.oai = oai
        self.CleanUpOldProgs = CleanUpOldProgs
        self.CleanUpAluLteBox = CleanUpAluLteBox
        self.ExmimoRfStop = ExmimoRfStop
        self.logdir = logdir
        self.logdirOAI5GRepo = logdirOAI5GRepo
    def run(self):
          cleanOldPrograms(self.oai, self.CleanUpOldProgs, self.CleanUpAluLteBox, self.ExmimoRfStop, self.logdir, self.logdirOAI5GRepo)
        except Exception, e:
           error = error + ' In class oaiCleanOldProgramThread, function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: '  + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e)
           error = error + '\n threadID = ' + str(self.threadID) + '\n threadname = ' + self.threadname + '\n CleanUpOldProgs = ' + self.CleanUpOldProgs + '\n CleanUpAluLteBox = ' + self.CleanUpAluLteBox + '\n ExmimoRfStop = ' + self.ExmimoRfStop + '\n'  
           error = error + traceback.format_exc()
           print error
           print "There is error in cleaning up old programs....."

# \brief Run parallel threads in all machines for clean up old execution of test cases
# \param oai_list list of handlers that can be used to execute programs on remote machines
# \param CleanUpOldProgs list of programs which must be terminated before running a test case (specified in test_case_list.xml)
# \param CleanupAluLteBox string that contains commands to stop ALU Bell Labs LTEBox (specified in test_case_list.xml)
# \param ExmimoRfStop command to stop EXMIMO Card
def cleanOldProgramsAllMachines(oai_list, CleanOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop, logdir_list, logdirOAI5GRepo):
   if len(oai_list)!=len(logdir_list) :

   for oai in oai_list:
      thread=oaiCleanOldProgramThread(threadId, threadName, oai, CleanUpOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop, logdir_list[index],logdirOAI5GRepo)
      threadId = threadId + 1
      index = index+1
   for t in threadList:

debug = 0
pw =''
i = 0
openairdir_local = os.environ.get('OPENAIR_DIR')
if openairdir_local is None:
   print "Environment variable OPENAIR_DIR not set correctly"
locallogdir = openairdir_local + '/cmake_targets/autotests/log'
MachineList = ''
print "Number of arguments argc = " + str(len(sys.argv))
#for index in range(1,len(sys.argv) ):
#  print "argv_" + str(index) + " : " + sys.argv[index]

while i < len (sys.argv):
    if arg == '-r':
    elif arg == '-s' :
    elif arg == '-g' :
        testcasegroup = sys.argv[i+1].replace("\"","")
        i = i +1   
    elif arg == '-c':
    elif arg == '-5GRepo':
        GitOAI5GRepo = sys.argv[i+1]
        i = i +1
    elif arg == '-5GRepoBranch':
        GitOAI5GRepoBranch = sys.argv[i+1]
        i = i +1
    elif arg == '-5GRepoHeadVersion':
        GitOAI5GHeadVersion = sys.argv[i+1]
        #We now find the branch that corresponds to this Git Head Commit
        cmd = "git show-ref --head " + " | grep " + GitOAI5GHeadVersion
        cmd_out = subprocess.check_output ([cmd], shell=True)
        cmd_out = cmd_out.split('/')
        GitOAI5GRepoBranch = cmd_out[-1]
        if GitOAI5GRepoBranch == '':
           print "Error extracting GitBranch from head commit. Exiting now..."
        i = i +1
    elif arg == '-u':
        user = sys.argv[i+1]
        i = i +1
    elif arg == '-p': 
        pw = sys.argv[i+1]
        i = i +1
    elif arg == '-n': 
        NFSResultsShare = sys.argv[i+1]
        i = i +1
    elif arg == '--nrun_lte_softmodem': 
        nruns_lte_softmodem = sys.argv[i+1]
        i = i +1
    elif arg == '-MachineList':
        MachineList =  sys.argv[i+1]
        MachineList = MachineList.replace("\"","")
        MachineList = MachineList.replace("\'","")
        i = i +1
    elif arg == '-MachineListGeneric':
        MachineListGeneric =  sys.argv[i+1]
        MachineListGeneric = MachineListGeneric.replace("\"","")
        MachineListGeneric = MachineListGeneric.replace("\'","")
        i = i +1
    elif arg == '--skip-git-head-check':
    elif arg == '--timeout_cmd': 
        Timeout_cmd = sys.argv[i+1]
        i = i +1
    elif arg == '--skip-oai-install':
    elif arg == '-h' :
        print "-s:  This flag *MUST* be set to start the test cases"
        print "-r:  Remove the log directory in autotests"
        print "-g:  Run test cases in a group"
        print "-c:  Run cleanup scripts on remote machines and exit"
        print "-5GRepo:  Repository for OAI 5G to use to run tests (overrides GitOAI5GRepo in test_case_list.xml)"
        print "-5GRepoBranch:  Branch for OAI 5G Repository to run tests (overrides the branch in test_case_list.xml)"
        print "-5GRepoHeadVersion:  Head commit on which to run tests (overrides the branch in test_case_list.xml)"
        print "-u:  use the user name passed as argument"
        print "-p:  use the password passed as an argument"
        print "-n:  Set the NFS share passed as an argument"
        print "--nrun_lte_softmodem:  Set the number of runs for lte-softmodem test case class"
        print "-MachineList : overrides the MachineList parameter in test_case_list.xml"
        print "-MachineListGeneric : overrides the MachineListGeneric  parameter in test_case_list.xml"
        print "--skip-git-head-check: skip checking of GitHead remote/local branch (only for debugging)"
        print "--timeout_cmd: Override the default parameter (timeout_cmd) in test_case_list.xml. This parameter is in seconds and should be > 120"
        print "--skip-oai-install: Skips the openairinterface5g installer"
    else :
        print "Unrecongnized Option: <" + arg + ">. Use -h to see valid options"
    i= i + 1     

except KeyError: 
   print "Please set the environment variable OPENAIR1_DIR in the .bashrc"

except KeyError: 
   print "Please set the environment variable OPENAIR2_DIR in the .bashrc"

except KeyError: 
   print "Please set the environment variable OPENAIR_TARGETS in the .bashrc"

print "Killing zombie ssh sessions from earlier sessions..."
cmd='ps aux |grep \"/usr/bin/ssh -q -l guptar\"| awk \'{print $2}\' | sudo xargs kill -9  '


if flag_start_testcase == False:
  print "You need to start the testcase by passing option -s. Use -h to see all options. Aborting now..."

# get the oai object
host = os.uname()[1]
#oai = openair('localdomain','calisson')
oai_list = []

#start_time = time.time()  # datetime.datetime.now()
if user=='':
  user = getpass.getuser()
if pw=='':
  pw = getpass.getpass()

print "Killing zombie ssh sessions from earlier sessions..."
cmd='ps aux |grep \"/usr/bin/ssh -q -l guptar\"|tr -s \" \" :|cut -f 2 -d :|xargs kill -9 '
cmd = cmd + '; ps aux |grep \"/usr/bin/ssh -q -l ' + user + '\"|tr -s \" \" :|cut -f 2 -d :|xargs kill -9 '

print "host = " + host 
print "user = " + user
NFSResultsDir = '/mnt/sradio'
cleanupOldProgramsScript = '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/remove_old_programs.bash'
logdir = '/tmp/' + 'OAITestFrameWork-' + user + '/'
logdirOAI5GRepo = logdir + 'openairinterface5g/'
logdirOpenaircnRepo = logdir + 'openair-cn/'

if flag_remove_logdir == True:
   print "Removing directory: " + locallogdir
   os.system(' rm -fr ' + locallogdir + '; mkdir -p ' +  locallogdir  )

paramiko_logfile = os.path.expandvars('$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/log/paramiko.log')
res=os.system(' echo > ' + paramiko_logfile)


#Now we parse the xml file for basic configuration
xmlTree = ET.parse(xmlInputFile)
xmlRoot = xmlTree.getroot()

if MachineList =='':
   MachineList = xmlRoot.findtext('MachineList',default='')
NFSResultsShare = xmlRoot.findtext('NFSResultsShare',default='')
GitOpenaircnRepo = xmlRoot.findtext('GitOpenair-cnRepo',default='')

if GitOAI5GRepo == '':
   GitOAI5GRepo = xmlRoot.findtext('GitOAI5GRepo',default='')

if GitOAI5GRepoBranch == '':
   GitOAI5GRepoBranch = xmlRoot.findtext('GitOAI5GRepoBranch',default='')

GitOpenaircnRepoBranch = xmlRoot.findtext('GitOpenair-cnRepoBranch',default='')
CleanUpOldProgs = xmlRoot.findtext('CleanUpOldProgs',default='')
CleanUpAluLteBox = xmlRoot.findtext('CleanUpAluLteBox',default='')
Timeout_execution = int (xmlRoot.findtext('Timeout_execution'))
if MachineListGeneric == '':
   MachineListGeneric = xmlRoot.findtext('MachineListGeneric',default='')
TestCaseExclusionList = xmlRoot.findtext('TestCaseExclusionList',default='')
ExmimoRfStop = xmlRoot.findtext('ExmimoRfStop',default='')
if nruns_lte_softmodem == '':
   nruns_lte_softmodem = xmlRoot.findtext('nruns_lte-softmodem',default='')

print "MachineList = " + MachineList
print "GitOpenair-cnRepo = " + GitOpenaircnRepo
print "GitOAI5GRepo = " + GitOAI5GRepo
print "GitOAI5GBranch = " + GitOAI5GRepoBranch
print "GitOpenaircnRepoBranch = " + GitOpenaircnRepoBranch
print "NFSResultsShare = " + NFSResultsShare
print "nruns_lte_softmodem = " + nruns_lte_softmodem
print "Timeout_cmd = " + Timeout_cmd

if GitOAI5GHeadVersion == '':
  cmd = "git show-ref --heads -s "+ GitOAI5GRepoBranch
  GitOAI5GHeadVersion = subprocess.check_output ([cmd], shell=True)

print "GitOAI5GHeadVersion = " + GitOAI5GHeadVersion
print "CleanUpOldProgs = " + CleanUpOldProgs
print "Timeout_execution = " + str(Timeout_execution)

if GitOAI5GHeadVersion == '':
  print "Error getting the OAI5GBranch Head version...Exiting"

NFSTestsResultsDir = NFSResultsShare + '/'+ GitOAI5GRepoBranch + '/' + GitOAI5GHeadVersion

print "NFSTestsResultsDir = " + NFSTestsResultsDir

MachineList = MachineList.split()
MachineListGeneric = MachineListGeneric.split()

for machine in MachineList: 
  oai_list.append( openair('localdomain',machine))
  #index = index + 1

print "\nTesting the sanity of machines used for testing..."
if localshell == 0:
        for machine in MachineList:
           print '\n******* Note that the user <'+user+'> should be a sudoer *******\n'
           print '******* Connecting to the machine <'+machine+'> to perform the test *******\n'
           if not pw :
              print "username: " + user 
              #pw = getpass.getpass() 
              #print "password: " + pw            
           else :
              print "username: " + user 
              #print "password: " + pw 
           # issues in ubuntu 12.04
           print '\nChecking for sudo permissions on machine <'+machine+'>...'
           result = oai_list[index].send_expect_false('sudo -S -v','may not run sudo',True)
           print "Sudo permissions..." + result
           print '\nCleaning Older running programs : ' + CleanUpOldProgs
           cleanOldPrograms(oai_list[index], CleanUpOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop, '$HOME', '/tmp')

           #result = oai_list[index].send('mount ' + NFSResultsDir, True)
           #print "Mounting NFS Share " + NFSResultsDir + "..." + result

           # Check if NFS share is mounted correctly.
           #print 'Checking if NFS Share<' + NFSResultsDir + '> is mounted correctly...'
           #cmd = 'if grep -qs '+NFSResultsDir+ ' /proc/mounts; then  echo \'' + NFSResultsDir  + ' is mounted\' ; fi'
           #search_expr = NFSResultsDir + ' is mounted'
           #print "cmd = " + cmd
           #print "search_expr = " + search_expr
           #result = oai_list[index].send_expect(cmd, search_expr)
           #print "Mount NFS_Results_Dir..." + result
           index = index + 1
    except :
        print 'Fail to connect to the machine: '+ machine 
    pw = ''

#We now prepare the machines for testing
for oai in oai_list:
      print "setting up machine: " + MachineList[index]
      #print oai_list[oai].send_recv('echo \''+pw+'\' |sudo -S -v')
      #print oai_list[oai].send_recv('sudo su')
      #print oai_list[oai].send_recv('who am i') 
      cmd = 'sudo -S -E rm -fr ' + logdir + ' ; mkdir -p ' + logdir 
      result = oai.send_recv(cmd)
      setuplogfile  = logdir  + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt'
      setup_script  = locallogdir  + '/setup_script_' + MachineList[index] +  '_.txt'

      #Sometimes git fails so the script below retries in that case
      localfile = os.path.expandvars('$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/tools/git-retry.sh')
      remotefile = logdir + '/git-retry.sh'
      paramList.append ( {"operation":'put', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
      sftp_log = os.path.expandvars(locallogdir + '/sftp_module.log')
      sftp_module (user, pw, MachineList[index], port, paramList, sftp_log)

      cmd = ' ( \n'
      #cmd = cmd  + 'rm -fR ' +  logdir + '\n'
      #cmd = cmd + 'mkdir -p ' + logdir + '\n'
      cmd = cmd + 'cd '+ logdir   + '\n'
      cmd = cmd + 'sudo apt-get install -y git \n'
      cmd = cmd + 'chmod 700 ' + logdir + '/git-retry.sh \n' 
      cmd = cmd + logdir + '/git-retry.sh clone  '+ GitOAI5GRepo  +' \n'
      cmd = cmd + logdir + '/git-retry.sh clone '+ GitOpenaircnRepo + ' \n'
      cmd = cmd +  'cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo  + '\n'
      cmd = cmd + 'git checkout ' + GitOAI5GRepoBranch   + '\n'                      
      #cmd = cmd + 'git checkout ' + GitOAI5GHeadVersion   + '\n'
      cmd = cmd + 'git_head=`git ls-remote |grep \'' + GitOAI5GRepoBranch + '\'` \n'
      cmd = cmd + 'git_head=($git_head) \n'
      cmd = cmd + 'git_head=${git_head[0]} \n'
      cmd = cmd + 'echo \"GitOAI5GHeadVersion_remote = $git_head\" \n'
      cmd = cmd + 'echo \"GitOAI5GHeadVersion_local = ' + GitOAI5GHeadVersion + '\" \n'
      if flag_skip_git_head_check==True:
         cmd = cmd + 'echo \"skipping GitHead check...\" \n '
         cmd = cmd + 'if [ \"$git_head\" != \"'+ GitOAI5GHeadVersion + '\" ]; then echo \"error: Git openairinterface5g head version does not match\" ; fi \n'
      cmd = cmd + 'source oaienv'   + '\n'
      if flag_skip_oai_install == False:
         cmd = cmd + 'source $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper \n'
         cmd = cmd + 'echo \"Installing core OAI dependencies...Start\" \n'
         cmd = cmd + '$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/build_oai -I --install-optional-packages \n'
         cmd = cmd + 'echo \"Installing core OAI dependencies...Finished\" \n'
         #cmd = cmd + 'echo \"Installing BLADERF OAI dependencies...Start\" \n'
         #cmd = cmd + 'check_install_bladerf_driver \n'
         #cmd = cmd + 'echo \"Installing BLADERF OAI dependencies...Finished\" \n'
         #cmd = cmd + 'echo \"Installing USRP OAI dependencies...Start\" \n'
         #cmd = cmd + 'check_install_usrp_uhd_driver \n'
         #cmd = cmd + 'echo \"Installing USRP OAI dependencies...Finished\" \n'
      cmd = cmd +  'cd ' + logdirOpenaircnRepo  + '\n'
      cmd = cmd +  'git checkout ' + GitOpenaircnRepoBranch  + '\n'
      cmd = cmd +  'env |grep OPENAIR'  + '\n'
      cmd = cmd + ' cd ' + logdir   + '\n'
      cmd = cmd + ' ) > ' +  setuplogfile + ' 2>&1 \n'
      #cmd = cmd + 'echo \' ' + cmd  + '\' > ' + setup_script + ' 2>&1 \n '
      #result = oai_list[index].send_recv(cmd, False, 300 )
      write_file(setup_script, cmd, mode="w")
      tempThread = oaiThread(index, 'thread_setup_'+str(index)+'_' + MachineList[index] , MachineList[index] , user, pw, cmd, False, 3000)
      threads_init_setup.append(tempThread )
      index = index + 1
  except Exception, e:
         print 'There is error in one of the commands to setup the machine '+ MachineList[index] 
         error = error + ' In function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: '  + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e)
         error = error + traceback.format_exc()
         print error

#Now we wait for all the threads to complete
index = 0
for t in threads_init_setup:
   setuplogfile  = logdir  + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt'
   setup_script  = locallogdir  + '/setup_script_' + MachineList[index] +  '_.txt'
   localfile = locallogdir + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt'
   remotefile = logdir  + '/setup_log_' + MachineList[index] + '_.txt'
   port = 22
   sftp_log = os.path.expandvars(locallogdir + '/sftp_module.log')
   paramList.append ( {"operation":'get', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
   #sftp_module (user, pw, MachineList[index], port, localfile, remotefile, sftp_log, "get")

   #Now we copy test_case_list.xml on the remote machines
   localfile = os.path.expandvars('$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/test_case_list.xml')
   remotefile = logdirOAI5GRepo + '/cmake_targets/autotests/test_case_list.xml'
   paramList.append ( {"operation":'put', "localfile":localfile, "remotefile":remotefile} )
   sftp_log = os.path.expandvars(locallogdir + '/sftp_module.log')
   sftp_module (user, pw, MachineList[index], port, paramList, sftp_log)

   cmd =  '  cd ' + logdirOAI5GRepo + ' ; source oaienv ; env|grep OPENAIR \n'
   res = oai_list[index].send_recv(cmd)
   index  = index +1
   if os.path.exists(localfile) == 0:
      print "Setup log file <" + localfile + "> missing for machine <" + MachineList[index] + ">.  Please check the setup log files. Exiting now"

#Now we process all the test cases
#Now we check if there was error in setup files

status, out = commands.getstatusoutput('grep ' +  ' -il \'error\' ' + locallogdir + '/setup_log*')
if (out != '') :
  print "There is error in setup of machines"
  print "status  = " + str(status) + "\n Check files for error = " + out
  print "Exiting now..."

cleanOldProgramsAllMachines(oai_list, CleanUpOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop, '$HOME' , logdirOAI5GRepo)
if cleanUpRemoteMachines == True:

#print testcaseList
for testcase in testcaseList:
    testcasename = testcase.get('id')
    testcaseclass = testcase.findtext('class',default='')
    desc = testcase.findtext('desc',default='')
    #print "Machine list top level = " + ','.join(MachineList)
    if search_test_case_group(testcasename, testcasegroup, TestCaseExclusionList) == True:
      if testcaseclass == 'lte-softmodem' :
        eNBMachine = testcase.findtext('eNB',default='')
        UEMachine = testcase.findtext('UE',default='')
        EPCMachine = testcase.findtext('EPC',default='')
        #index_eNBMachine = MachineList.index(eNBMachine)
        #index_UEMachine = MachineList.index(UEMachine)
        #index_EPCMachine = MachineList.index(EPCMachine)
        if (eNBMachine not in MachineList)|(UEMachine not in MachineList)|(UEMachine not in MachineList):
           print "One of the machines is not in the machine list"
           print "eNBMachine : " + eNBMachine + "UEMachine : " + UEMachine + "EPCMachine : " + EPCMachine + "MachineList : " + ','.join(MachineList)
        print "testcasename = " + testcasename + " class = " + testcaseclass
        threadListGlobal = wait_testcaseclass_generic_threads(threadListGlobal, Timeout_execution)
        #cleanOldProgramsAllMachines(oai_list, CleanUpOldProgs, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop)
        handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, CleanUpOldProgs, logdirOAI5GRepo, logdirOpenaircnRepo, MachineList, user, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox, ExmimoRfStop, nruns_lte_softmodem, Timeout_cmd )
        #The lines below are copied from below to trace the failure of some of the machines in test setup. These lines below need to be removed in long term
        print "Creating xml file for overall results..."
        cmd = "cat $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/log/*/*.xml > $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/log/results_autotests.xml "
        print "Now copying files to NFS Share"
        oai_localhost = openair('localdomain','localhost')
        cmd = ' mkdir -p ' + NFSTestsResultsDir
        res = oai_localhost.send_recv(cmd)

        print "Copying files from GilabCI Runner Machine : " + host + " .locallogdir = " + locallogdir + ", NFSTestsResultsDir = " + NFSTestsResultsDir
        SSHSessionWrapper('localhost', user, None, pw , NFSTestsResultsDir , locallogdir, "put_all")

      elif (testcaseclass == 'compilation'): 
        threadListGlobal = handle_testcaseclass_generic (testcasename, threadListGlobal, CleanUpOldProgs, logdirOAI5GRepo, MachineListGeneric, user, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox,Timeout_execution, ExmimoRfStop)
      elif (testcaseclass == 'execution'): 
        threadListGlobal = handle_testcaseclass_generic (testcasename, threadListGlobal, CleanUpOldProgs, logdirOAI5GRepo, MachineListGeneric, user, pw, CleanUpAluLteBox, Timeout_execution, ExmimoRfStop)
      else :
        print "Unknown test case class: " + testcaseclass

  except Exception, e:
     error = error + ' In function: ' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name + ': *** Caught exception: '  + str(e.__class__) + " : " + str( e)
     error = error + '\n testcasename = ' + testcasename + '\n testcaseclass = ' + testcaseclass + '\n desc = ' + 'desc' + '\n'  
     error = error + traceback.format_exc()
     print error
     print "Continuing to next test case..."

print "Exiting the test cases execution now. Waiting for existing threads to complete..."

for param in threadListGlobal:
   thread_id = param["thread_id"]

print "Creating xml file for overall results..."
cmd = "cat $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/log/*/*.xml > $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/autotests/log/results_autotests.xml "

print "Now copying files to NFS Share"
oai_localhost = openair('localdomain','localhost')
cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + NFSTestsResultsDir
res = oai_localhost.send_recv(cmd)

print "Copying files from GilabCI Runner Machine : " + host + " .locallogdir = " + locallogdir + ", NFSTestsResultsDir = " + NFSTestsResultsDir
SSHSessionWrapper('localhost', user, None, pw , NFSTestsResultsDir , locallogdir, "put_all")

cmd = "cat " + NFSTestsResultsDir + "/log/*/*.xml > " + NFSTestsResultsDir + "/log/results_autotests.xml"
res = oai_localhost.send_recv(cmd)
