/******************************************************************************* OpenAirInterface Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not, see . Contact Information OpenAirInterface Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr OpenAirInterface Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr OpenAirInterface Dev : openair4g-devel@lists.eurecom.fr Address : Eurecom, Compus SophiaTech 450, route des chappes, 06451 Biot, France. *******************************************************************************/ /*! \file enb_agent_common.c * \brief common primitives for all agents * \author Navid Nikaein and Xenofon Foukas * \date 2016 * \version 0.1 */ #include #include #include #include "enb_agent_common.h" #include "enb_agent_extern.h" #include "PHY/extern.h" #include "log.h" #include "RRC/LITE/extern.h" #include "RRC/L2_INTERFACE/openair_rrc_L2_interface.h" void * enb[NUM_MAX_ENB]; void * enb_ue[NUM_MAX_ENB]; void * enb_rrc[NUM_MAX_ENB]; void * enb_ue_rrc[NUM_MAX_ENB]; /* * message primitives */ int enb_agent_serialize_message(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg, void **buf, int *size) { *size = protocol__progran_message__get_packed_size(msg); *buf = malloc(*size); if (buf == NULL) goto error; protocol__progran_message__pack(msg, *buf); return 0; error: LOG_E(ENB_AGENT, "an error occured\n"); // change the com return -1; } /* We assume that the buffer size is equal to the message size. Should be chekced durint Tx/Rx */ int enb_agent_deserialize_message(void *data, int size, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg) { *msg = protocol__progran_message__unpack(NULL, size, data); if (*msg == NULL) goto error; return 0; error: //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int prp_create_header(xid_t xid, Protocol__PrpType type, Protocol__PrpHeader **header) { *header = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpHeader)); if(*header == NULL) goto error; protocol__prp_header__init(*header); (*header)->version = PROGRAN_VERSION; (*header)->has_version = 1; // check if the type is set (*header)->type = type; (*header)->has_type = 1; (*header)->xid = xid; (*header)->has_xid = 1; return 0; error: LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int enb_agent_hello(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg) { Protocol__PrpHeader *header; /*TODO: Need to set random xid or xid from received hello message*/ xid_t xid = 1; if (prp_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__PRP_TYPE__PRPT_HELLO, &header) != 0) goto error; Protocol__PrpHello *hello_msg; hello_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpHello)); if(hello_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__prp_hello__init(hello_msg); hello_msg->header = header; *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__ProgranMessage)); if(*msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__progran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_HELLO_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_DIRECTION__SUCCESSFUL_OUTCOME; (*msg)->has_msg_dir = 1; (*msg)->hello_msg = hello_msg; return 0; error: if(header != NULL) free(header); if(hello_msg != NULL) free(hello_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int enb_agent_destroy_hello(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_HELLO_MSG) goto error; free(msg->hello_msg->header); free(msg->hello_msg); free(msg); return 0; error: LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int enb_agent_echo_request(mid_t mod_id, const void* params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg) { Protocol__PrpHeader *header; /*TODO: Need to set a random xid*/ xid_t xid = 1; if (prp_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__PRP_TYPE__PRPT_ECHO_REQUEST, &header) != 0) goto error; Protocol__PrpEchoRequest *echo_request_msg; echo_request_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpEchoRequest)); if(echo_request_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__prp_echo_request__init(echo_request_msg); echo_request_msg->header = header; *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__ProgranMessage)); if(*msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__progran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ECHO_REQUEST_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_DIRECTION__INITIATING_MESSAGE; (*msg)->echo_request_msg = echo_request_msg; return 0; error: if(header != NULL) free(header); if(echo_request_msg != NULL) free(echo_request_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int enb_agent_destroy_echo_request(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ECHO_REQUEST_MSG) goto error; free(msg->echo_request_msg->header); free(msg->echo_request_msg); free(msg); return 0; error: LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int enb_agent_echo_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg) { xid_t xid; Protocol__ProgranMessage *input = (Protocol__ProgranMessage *)params; Protocol__PrpEchoRequest *echo_req = input->echo_request_msg; xid = (echo_req->header)->xid; Protocol__PrpHeader *header; if (prp_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__PRP_TYPE__PRPT_ECHO_REPLY, &header) != 0) goto error; Protocol__PrpEchoReply *echo_reply_msg; echo_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpEchoReply)); if(echo_reply_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__prp_echo_reply__init(echo_reply_msg); echo_reply_msg->header = header; *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__ProgranMessage)); if(*msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__progran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ECHO_REPLY_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_DIRECTION__SUCCESSFUL_OUTCOME; (*msg)->has_msg_dir = 1; (*msg)->echo_reply_msg = echo_reply_msg; return 0; error: if(header != NULL) free(header); if(echo_reply_msg != NULL) free(echo_reply_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int enb_agent_destroy_echo_reply(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ECHO_REPLY_MSG) goto error; free(msg->echo_reply_msg->header); free(msg->echo_reply_msg); free(msg); return 0; error: LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int enb_agent_destroy_enb_config_reply(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ENB_CONFIG_REPLY_MSG) goto error; free(msg->enb_config_reply_msg->header); int i, j; Protocol__PrpEnbConfigReply *reply = msg->enb_config_reply_msg; for(i = 0; i < reply->n_cell_config;i++){ free(reply->cell_config[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset); free(reply->cell_config[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod); free(reply->cell_config[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc); for(j = 0; j < reply->cell_config[i]->si_config->n_si_message;j++){ free(reply->cell_config[i]->si_config->si_message[j]); } free(reply->cell_config[i]->si_config->si_message); free(reply->cell_config[i]->si_config); free(reply->cell_config[i]); } free(reply->cell_config); free(reply); free(msg); return 0; error: //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int enb_agent_destroy_ue_config_reply(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_UE_CONFIG_REPLY_MSG) goto error; free(msg->ue_config_reply_msg->header); int i, j; Protocol__PrpUeConfigReply *reply = msg->ue_config_reply_msg; for(i = 0; i < reply->n_ue_config;i++){ free(reply->ue_config[i]->capabilities); free(reply->ue_config[i]); } free(reply->ue_config); free(reply); free(msg); return 0; error: //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int enb_agent_destroy_lc_config_reply(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_LC_CONFIG_REPLY_MSG) goto error; int i, j; free(msg->lc_config_reply_msg->header); for (i = 0; i < msg->lc_config_reply_msg->n_lc_ue_config; i++) { for (j = 0; j < msg->lc_config_reply_msg->lc_ue_config[i]->n_lc_config; j++) { free(msg->lc_config_reply_msg->lc_ue_config[i]->lc_config[j]); } free(msg->lc_config_reply_msg->lc_ue_config[i]->lc_config); free(msg->lc_config_reply_msg->lc_ue_config[i]); } free(msg->lc_config_reply_msg->lc_ue_config); free(msg->lc_config_reply_msg); free(msg); return 0; error: //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int enb_agent_ue_state_change(mid_t mod_id, uint32_t rnti, uint8_t state_change) { int size; Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg; Protocol__PrpHeader *header; void *data; int priority; err_code_t err_code; int xid = 0; if (prp_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__PRP_TYPE__PRPT_UE_STATE_CHANGE, &header) != 0) goto error; Protocol__PrpUeStateChange *ue_state_change_msg; ue_state_change_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpUeStateChange)); if(ue_state_change_msg == NULL) { goto error; } protocol__prp_ue_state_change__init(ue_state_change_msg); ue_state_change_msg->has_type = 1; ue_state_change_msg->type = state_change; Protocol__PrpUeConfig *config; config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpUeConfig)); if (config == NULL) { goto error; } protocol__prp_ue_config__init(config); if (state_change == PROTOCOL__PRP_UE_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE__PRUESC_DEACTIVATED) { // Simply set the rnti of the UE config->has_rnti = 1; config->rnti = rnti; } else if (state_change == PROTOCOL__PRP_UE_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE__PRUESC_UPDATED || state_change == PROTOCOL__PRP_UE_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE__PRUESC_ACTIVATED) { // TODO: Set the whole UE configuration message config->has_rnti = 1; config->rnti = rnti; } else if (state_change == PROTOCOL__PRP_UE_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE__PRUESC_MOVED) { // TODO: Not supported for now. Leave blank } ue_state_change_msg->config = config; msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__ProgranMessage)); if (msg == NULL) { goto error; } protocol__progran_message__init(msg); msg->msg_case = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_UE_STATE_CHANGE_MSG; msg->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_DIRECTION__INITIATING_MESSAGE; msg->ue_state_change_msg = ue_state_change_msg; data = enb_agent_pack_message(msg, &size); /*Send sr info using the MAC channel of the eNB*/ if (enb_agent_msg_send(mod_id, ENB_AGENT_DEFAULT, data, size, priority)) { err_code = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_ERR__MSG_ENQUEUING; goto error; } LOG_D(ENB_AGENT,"sent message with size %d\n", size); return; error: LOG_D(ENB_AGENT, "Could not send UE state message\n"); } int enb_agent_destroy_ue_state_change(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_UE_STATE_CHANGE_MSG) goto error; free(msg->ue_state_change_msg->header); //TODO: Free the contents of the UE config structure free(msg->ue_state_change_msg); free(msg); return 0; error: //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int enb_agent_destroy_enb_config_request(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) { if(msg->msg_case != PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ENB_CONFIG_REQUEST_MSG) goto error; free(msg->enb_config_request_msg->header); free(msg->enb_config_request_msg); free(msg); return 0; error: //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int enb_agent_destroy_ue_config_request(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) { /* TODO: Deallocate memory for a dynamically allocated UE config message */ return 0; } int enb_agent_destroy_lc_config_request(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) { /* TODO: Deallocate memory for a dynamically allocated LC config message */ return 0; } // call this function to start a nanosecond-resolution timer struct timespec timer_start(){ struct timespec start_time; clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &start_time); return start_time; } // call this function to end a timer, returning nanoseconds elapsed as a long long timer_end(struct timespec start_time){ struct timespec end_time; clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, &end_time); long diffInNanos = end_time.tv_nsec - start_time.tv_nsec; return diffInNanos; } int enb_agent_control_delegation(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg) { Protocol__ProgranMessage *input = (Protocol__ProgranMessage *)params; Protocol__PrpControlDelegation *control_delegation_msg = input->control_delegation_msg; uint32_t delegation_type = control_delegation_msg->delegation_type; void *lib; int i; struct timespec vartime = timer_start(); //Write the payload lib into a file in the cache and load the lib char lib_name[120]; char target[512]; snprintf(lib_name, sizeof(lib_name), "/delegation_lib_%d.so", control_delegation_msg->header->xid); strcpy(target, local_cache); strcat(target, lib_name); FILE *f; f = fopen(target, "wb"); fwrite(control_delegation_msg->payload.data, control_delegation_msg->payload.len, 1, f); fclose(f); lib = dlopen(target, RTLD_NOW); if (lib == NULL) { goto error; } i = 0; //Check functions that need to be delegated //DL UE scheduler delegation if (delegation_type & PROTOCOL__PRP_CONTROL_DELEGATION_TYPE__PRCDT_MAC_DL_UE_SCHEDULER) { void *loaded_scheduler = dlsym(lib, control_delegation_msg->name[i]); i++; if (loaded_scheduler) { if (mac_agent_registered[mod_id]) { agent_mac_xface[mod_id]->enb_agent_schedule_ue_spec = loaded_scheduler; LOG_D(ENB_APP,"Delegated control for DL UE scheduler successfully\n"); } } } long time_elapsed_nanos = timer_end(vartime); LOG_I(ENB_AGENT, "DID IT IN %lld\n", time_elapsed_nanos); *msg = NULL; return 0; error: return -1; } int enb_agent_destroy_control_delegation(Protocol__ProgranMessage *msg) { /*TODO: Dealocate memory for a dynamically allocated control delegation message*/ } /* * get generic info from RAN */ void set_enb_vars(mid_t mod_id, ran_name_t ran){ switch (ran){ case RAN_LTE_OAI : enb[mod_id] = (void *)&eNB_mac_inst[mod_id]; enb_ue[mod_id] = (void *)&eNB_mac_inst[mod_id].UE_list; enb_rrc[mod_id] = (void *)&eNB_rrc_inst[mod_id]; enb_ue_rrc[mod_id] = (void *)&UE_rrc_inst[mod_id]; break; default : goto error; } return; error: LOG_E(ENB_AGENT, "unknown RAN name %d\n", ran); } int get_current_time_ms (mid_t mod_id, int subframe_flag){ if (subframe_flag == 1){ return ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->frame*10 + ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->subframe; }else { return ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->frame*10; } } unsigned int get_current_frame (mid_t mod_id) { #warning "SFN will not be in [0-1023] when oaisim is used" return ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->frame; } unsigned int get_current_system_frame_num(mid_t mod_id) { return (get_current_frame(mod_id) %1024); } unsigned int get_current_subframe (mid_t mod_id) { return ((eNB_MAC_INST *)enb[mod_id])->subframe; } uint16_t get_sfn_sf (mid_t mod_id) { frame_t frame; sub_frame_t subframe; uint16_t sfn_sf, frame_mask, sf_mask; frame = (frame_t) get_current_system_frame_num(mod_id); subframe = (sub_frame_t) get_current_subframe(mod_id); frame_mask = ((1<<12) - 1); sf_mask = ((1<<4) -1); sfn_sf = (subframe & sf_mask) | ((frame & frame_mask) << 4); return sfn_sf; } int get_num_ues (mid_t mod_id){ return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->num_UEs; } int get_ue_crnti (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id){ return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->eNB_UE_stats[UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id)][ue_id].crnti; } int get_ue_bsr (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, lcid_t lcid) { return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->UE_template[UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id)][ue_id].bsr_info[lcid]; } int get_ue_phr (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->UE_template[UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id)][ue_id].phr_info; } int get_ue_wcqi (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->eNB_UE_stats[UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id)][ue_id].dl_cqi; } int get_tx_queue_size(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, logical_chan_id_t channel_id) { rnti_t rnti = get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id); uint16_t frame = (uint16_t) get_current_frame(mod_id); mac_rlc_status_resp_t rlc_status = mac_rlc_status_ind(mod_id,rnti, mod_id,frame,ENB_FLAG_YES,MBMS_FLAG_NO,channel_id,0); return rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer; } int get_MAC_CE_bitmap_TA(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { if((((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->UE_sched_ctrl[ue_id].ta_update) > 0) return 1; else return 0; } int get_active_CC(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->numactiveCCs[ue_id]; } int get_current_RI(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id, int CC_id) { LTE_eNB_UE_stats *eNB_UE_stats = NULL; int pCCid = UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id); rnti_t rnti = get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id); eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id,CC_id,rnti); return eNB_UE_stats[CC_id].rank; } int get_tpc(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { LTE_eNB_UE_stats *eNB_UE_stats = NULL; int32_t normalized_rx_power, target_rx_power; int tpc = 1; int pCCid = UE_PCCID(mod_id,ue_id); rnti_t rnti = get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id); eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id, pCCid, rnti); normalized_rx_power = eNB_UE_stats->UL_rssi[0]; target_rx_power = mac_xface->get_target_pusch_rx_power(mod_id,pCCid); if (normalized_rx_power>(target_rx_power+1)) { tpc = 0; //-1 } else if (normalized_rx_power<(target_rx_power-1)) { tpc = 2; //+1 } else { tpc = 1; //0 } return tpc; } int get_harq(const mid_t mod_id, const uint8_t CC_id, const mid_t ue_id, const int frame, const uint8_t subframe, int *id, int *status) //flag_id_status = 0 then id, else status { /*TODO: Add int TB in function parameters to get the status of the second TB. This can be done to by editing in * get_ue_active_harq_pid function in line 272 file: phy_procedures_lte_eNB.c to add * DLSCH_ptr = PHY_vars_eNB_g[Mod_id][CC_id]->dlsch_eNB[(uint32_t)UE_id][1];*/ uint8_t harq_pid; uint8_t round; uint16_t rnti = get_ue_crnti(mod_id,ue_id); mac_xface->get_ue_active_harq_pid(mod_id,CC_id,rnti,frame,subframe,&harq_pid,&round,0); *id = harq_pid; if (round > 0) { *status = 1; } else { *status = 0; } return 0; } /* * ************************************ * Get Messages for eNB Configuration Reply * ************************************ */ int get_hopping_offset(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->pusch_config_common.pusch_HoppingOffset; } int get_hopping_mode(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->pusch_config_common.hoppingMode; } int get_n_SB(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->pusch_config_common.n_SB; } int get_enable64QAM(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->pusch_config_common.enable64QAM; } int get_phich_duration(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_duration; } int get_phich_resource(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); if(frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_resource == oneSixth) return 0; else if(frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_resource == half) return 1; else if(frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_resource == one) return 2; else if(frame_parms->phich_config_common.phich_resource == two) return 3; return -1; } int get_n1pucch_an(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->pucch_config_common.n1PUCCH_AN; } int get_nRB_CQI(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->pucch_config_common.nRB_CQI; } int get_deltaPUCCH_Shift(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->pucch_config_common.deltaPUCCH_Shift; } int get_prach_ConfigIndex(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.prach_ConfigIndex; } int get_prach_FreqOffset(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.prach_FreqOffset; } int get_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->maxHARQ_Msg3Tx; } int get_ul_cyclic_prefix_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->Ncp_UL; } int get_dl_cyclic_prefix_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->Ncp; } int get_cell_id(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->Nid_cell; } int get_srs_BandwidthConfig(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->soundingrs_ul_config_common.srs_BandwidthConfig; } int get_srs_SubframeConfig(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->soundingrs_ul_config_common.srs_SubframeConfig; } int get_srs_MaxUpPts(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->soundingrs_ul_config_common.srs_MaxUpPts; } int get_N_RB_DL(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->N_RB_DL; } int get_N_RB_UL(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->N_RB_UL; } int get_subframe_assignment(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->tdd_config; } int get_special_subframe_assignment(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); return frame_parms->tdd_config_S; } int get_ra_ResponseWindowSize(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { Enb_properties_array_t *enb_properties; enb_properties = enb_config_get(); return enb_properties->properties[mod_id]->rach_raResponseWindowSize[CC_id]; } int get_mac_ContentionResolutionTimer(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { Enb_properties_array_t *enb_properties; enb_properties = enb_config_get(); return enb_properties->properties[mod_id]->rach_macContentionResolutionTimer[CC_id]; } int get_duplex_mode(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms; frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(mod_id, CC_id); if(frame_parms->frame_type == 0) return 1; else if (frame_parms->frame_type == 1) return 0; return -1; } long get_si_window_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { return ((eNB_RRC_INST *)enb_rrc[mod_id])->carrier[CC_id].sib1->si_WindowLength; } int get_sib1_length(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { return ((eNB_RRC_INST *)enb_rrc[mod_id])->carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB1; } int get_num_pdcch_symb(mid_t mod_id, int CC_id) { /*TODO: add these values to some struct in MAC LTE_UE_PDCCH *lte_ue_pdcch; lte_ue_pdcch = mac_xface->get_lte_ue_pdcch(mod_id, CC_id, mod_id); */ return (PHY_vars_UE_g[mod_id][CC_id]->lte_ue_pdcch_vars[mod_id]->num_pdcch_symbols); } /* * ************************************ * Get Messages for UE Configuration Reply * ************************************ */ int get_time_alignment_timer(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->mac_MainConfig[mod_id]->timeAlignmentTimerDedicated); } int get_meas_gap_config(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { if(((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->measGapConfig[mod_id]->present == MeasGapConfig_PR_NOTHING) return 2; else if(((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->measGapConfig[mod_id]->present == MeasGapConfig_PR_release) return 0; else if(((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->measGapConfig[mod_id]->present == MeasGapConfig_PR_setup) return 1; return -1; } int get_meas_gap_config_offset(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->measGapConfig[mod_id]->choice.setup.gapOffset.present); } int get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->UE_sched_ctrl[ue_id].ue_AggregatedMaximumBitrateDL; } int get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->UE_sched_ctrl[ue_id].ue_AggregatedMaximumBitrateUL; } int get_half_duplex(mid_t ue_id) { int halfduplex = 0; int bands_to_scan = ((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->rf_Parameters.supportedBandListEUTRA.list.count; for (int i =0; i < bands_to_scan; i++){ if(((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->rf_Parameters.supportedBandListEUTRA.list.array[i]->halfDuplex > 0) halfduplex = 1; } return halfduplex; } int get_intra_sf_hopping(mid_t ue_id) { uint8_t temp = 0; temp = (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->featureGroupIndicators->buf); return (temp & ( 1 << (31))); } int get_type2_sb_1(mid_t ue_id) { uint8_t temp = 0; temp = (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->featureGroupIndicators->buf); return (temp & ( 1 << (11))); } int get_ue_category(mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->ue_Category); } int get_res_alloc_type1(mid_t ue_id) { uint8_t temp = 0; temp = (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->UECap->UE_EUTRA_Capability->featureGroupIndicators->buf); return (temp & ( 1 << (30))); } int get_ue_transmission_mode(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->physicalConfigDedicated[mod_id]->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.transmissionMode); } int get_tti_bundling(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->mac_MainConfig[mod_id]->ul_SCH_Config->ttiBundling); } int get_maxHARQ_TX(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->mac_MainConfig[mod_id]->ul_SCH_Config->maxHARQ_Tx); } int get_beta_offset_ack_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->physicalConfigDedicated[mod_id]->pusch_ConfigDedicated->betaOffset_ACK_Index); } int get_beta_offset_ri_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->physicalConfigDedicated[mod_id]->pusch_ConfigDedicated->betaOffset_RI_Index); } int get_beta_offset_cqi_index(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->physicalConfigDedicated[mod_id]->pusch_ConfigDedicated->betaOffset_CQI_Index); } int get_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->physicalConfigDedicated[mod_id]->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportPeriodic->choice.setup.simultaneousAckNackAndCQI); } int get_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans(mid_t mod_id,mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->sib2[mod_id]->radioResourceConfigCommon.soundingRS_UL_ConfigCommon.choice.setup.ackNackSRS_SimultaneousTransmission); } int get_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode(mid_t mod_id,mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->physicalConfigDedicated[mod_id]->cqi_ReportConfig->cqi_ReportModeAperiodic); } int get_tdd_ack_nack_feedback(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->physicalConfigDedicated[mod_id]->pucch_ConfigDedicated->tdd_AckNackFeedbackMode); } int get_ack_nack_repetition_factor(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->physicalConfigDedicated[mod_id]->pucch_ConfigDedicated->ackNackRepetition.choice.setup.repetitionFactor); } int get_extended_bsr_size(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { //TODO: need to double check return (((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->mac_MainConfig[mod_id]->ext2->mac_MainConfig_v1020->extendedBSR_Sizes_r10); } int get_ue_transmission_antenna(mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id) { if(((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->physicalConfigDedicated[mod_id]->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.ue_TransmitAntennaSelection.choice.setup == AntennaInfoDedicated__ue_TransmitAntennaSelection__setup_closedLoop) return 2; else if(((UE_RRC_INST *)enb_ue_rrc[ue_id])->physicalConfigDedicated[mod_id]->antennaInfo->choice.explicitValue.ue_TransmitAntennaSelection.choice.setup == AntennaInfoDedicated__ue_TransmitAntennaSelection__setup_openLoop) return 1; else return 0; } int get_lcg(mid_t ue_id, mid_t lc_id) { if(UE_mac_inst[ue_id].logicalChannelConfig[lc_id] != NULL) { return *UE_mac_inst[ue_id].logicalChannelConfig[lc_id]->ul_SpecificParameters->logicalChannelGroup; } else { return -1; } } int get_direction(mid_t ue_id, mid_t lc_id) { /*TODO: fill with the value for the rest of LCID*/ if(lc_id == DCCH | lc_id == DCCH1) return 2; else if(lc_id == DTCH) return 1; } /* * timer primitives */ int enb_agent_lc_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg) { xid_t xid; Protocol__ProgranMessage *input = (Protocol__ProgranMessage *)params; Protocol__PrpLcConfigRequest *lc_config_request_msg = input->lc_config_request_msg; xid = (lc_config_request_msg->header)->xid; int i, j; Protocol__PrpHeader *header; if(prp_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__PRP_TYPE__PRPT_GET_LC_CONFIG_REPLY, &header) != 0) goto error; Protocol__PrpLcConfigReply *lc_config_reply_msg; lc_config_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpLcConfigReply)); if(lc_config_reply_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__prp_lc_config_reply__init(lc_config_reply_msg); lc_config_reply_msg->header = header; //TODO: Fill in the actual number of UEs that we are going to report LC configs about lc_config_reply_msg->n_lc_ue_config = get_num_ues(mod_id); Protocol__PrpLcUeConfig **lc_ue_config; if (lc_config_reply_msg->n_lc_ue_config > 0) { lc_ue_config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpLcUeConfig *) * lc_config_reply_msg->n_lc_ue_config); if (lc_ue_config == NULL) { goto error; } // Fill the config for each UE for (i = 0; i < lc_config_reply_msg->n_lc_ue_config; i++) { lc_ue_config[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpLcUeConfig)); protocol__prp_lc_ue_config__init(lc_ue_config[i]); //TODO: Set the RNTI of the UE lc_ue_config[i]->has_rnti = 1; lc_ue_config[i]->rnti = get_ue_crnti(mod_id,i); //TODO: Set the number of LC configurations that will be reported for this UE //Set this according to the current state of the UE. This is only a temporary fix int status = 0; status = mac_eNB_get_rrc_status(mod_id, get_ue_crnti(mod_id, i)); if (status < RRC_CONNECTED) { lc_ue_config[i]->n_lc_config = 0; } else if (status == RRC_CONNECTED) { lc_ue_config[i]->n_lc_config = 1; } else { lc_ue_config[i]->n_lc_config = 3; } Protocol__PrpLcConfig **lc_config; if (lc_ue_config[i]->n_lc_config > 0) { lc_config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpLcConfig *) * lc_ue_config[i]->n_lc_config); if (lc_config == NULL) { goto error; } for (j = 0; j < lc_ue_config[i]->n_lc_config; j++) { lc_config[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpLcConfig)); protocol__prp_lc_config__init(lc_config[j]); //TODO: Set the LC id lc_config[j]->has_lcid = 1; lc_config[j]->lcid = j+1; //TODO: Set the LCG of the channel int lcg = get_lcg(i, j+1); if (lcg >= 0 && lcg <= 3) { lc_config[j]->has_lcg = 1; lc_config[j]->lcg = get_lcg(i,j+1); } //TODO: Set the LC direction lc_config[j]->has_direction = 1; lc_config[j]->direction = get_direction(i,j+1); //TODO: Bearer type. One of PRQBT_* values lc_config[j]->has_qos_bearer_type = 1; lc_config[j]->qos_bearer_type = PROTOCOL__PRP_QOS_BEARER_TYPE__PRQBT_NON_GBR; //TODO: Set the QCI defined in TS 23.203, coded as defined in TS 36.413 // One less than the actual QCI value lc_config[j]->has_qci = 1; lc_config[j]->qci = 1; if (lc_config[j]->direction == PROTOCOL__PRP_QOS_BEARER_TYPE__PRQBT_GBR) { //TODO: Set the max bitrate (UL) lc_config[j]->has_e_rab_max_bitrate_ul = 1; lc_config[j]->e_rab_max_bitrate_ul = 1; //TODO: Set the max bitrate (DL) lc_config[j]->has_e_rab_max_bitrate_dl = 1; lc_config[j]->e_rab_max_bitrate_dl = 1; //TODO: Set the guaranteed bitrate (UL) lc_config[j]->has_e_rab_guaranteed_bitrate_ul = 1; lc_config[j]->e_rab_guaranteed_bitrate_ul = 1; //TODO: Set the guaranteed bitrate (DL) lc_config[j]->has_e_rab_guaranteed_bitrate_dl = 1; lc_config[j]->e_rab_guaranteed_bitrate_dl = 1; } } lc_ue_config[i]->lc_config = lc_config; } } // end for UE lc_config_reply_msg->lc_ue_config = lc_ue_config; } // lc_config_reply_msg->n_lc_ue_config > 0 *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__ProgranMessage)); if (*msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__progran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_LC_CONFIG_REPLY_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_DIRECTION__SUCCESSFUL_OUTCOME; (*msg)->lc_config_reply_msg = lc_config_reply_msg; return 0; error: // TODO: Need to make proper error handling if (header != NULL) free(header); if (lc_config_reply_msg != NULL) free(lc_config_reply_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } /* * ************************************ * UE Configuration Reply * ************************************ */ int enb_agent_ue_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg) { xid_t xid; Protocol__ProgranMessage *input = (Protocol__ProgranMessage *)params; Protocol__PrpUeConfigRequest *ue_config_request_msg = input->ue_config_request_msg; xid = (ue_config_request_msg->header)->xid; int i; Protocol__PrpHeader *header; if(prp_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__PRP_TYPE__PRPT_GET_UE_CONFIG_REPLY, &header) != 0) goto error; Protocol__PrpUeConfigReply *ue_config_reply_msg; ue_config_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpUeConfigReply)); if(ue_config_reply_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__prp_ue_config_reply__init(ue_config_reply_msg); ue_config_reply_msg->header = header; //TODO: Fill in the actual number of UEs that are currently connected ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config = get_num_ues(mod_id); Protocol__PrpUeConfig **ue_config; if (ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config > 0) { ue_config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpUeConfig *) * ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config); if (ue_config == NULL) { goto error; } for (i = 0; i < ue_config_reply_msg->n_ue_config; i++) { ue_config[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpUeConfig)); protocol__prp_ue_config__init(ue_config[i]); //TODO: Set the RNTI of the ue with id i ue_config[i]->rnti = get_ue_crnti(mod_id,i); ue_config[i]->has_rnti = 1; //TODO: Set the DRX configuration (optional) //Not supported for now, so we do not set it //TODO: Set the time_alignment_timer ue_config[i]->time_alignment_timer = get_time_alignment_timer(mod_id,i); ue_config[i]->has_time_alignment_timer = 1; //TODO: Set the measurement gap configuration pattern ue_config[i]->meas_gap_config_pattern = get_meas_gap_config(mod_id,i); ue_config[i]->has_meas_gap_config_pattern = 1; //TODO: Set the measurement gap offset if applicable ue_config[i]->meas_gap_config_sf_offset = get_meas_gap_config_offset(mod_id,i); ue_config[i]->has_meas_gap_config_sf_offset = 1; //TODO: Set the SPS configuration (Optional) //Not supported for noe, so we do not set it //TODO: Set the SR configuration (Optional) //We do not set it for now //TODO: Set the CQI configuration (Optional) //We do not set it for now //TODO: Set the transmission mode ue_config[i]->transmission_mode = get_ue_transmission_mode(mod_id,i); ue_config[i]->has_transmission_mode = 1; //TODO: Set the aggregated bit-rate of the non-gbr bearer (UL) ue_config[i]->ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul = get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul(mod_id,i); ue_config[i]->has_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_ul = 1; //TODO: Set the aggregated bit-rate of the non-gbr bearer (DL) ue_config[i]->ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl = get_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl(mod_id,i); ue_config[i]->has_ue_aggregated_max_bitrate_dl = 1; //TODO: Set the UE capabilities Protocol__PrpUeCapabilities *capabilities; capabilities = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpUeCapabilities)); protocol__prp_ue_capabilities__init(capabilities); //TODO: Set half duplex (FDD operation) capabilities->has_half_duplex = 1; capabilities->half_duplex = get_half_duplex(i); //TODO: Set intra-frame hopping flag capabilities->has_intra_sf_hopping = 1; capabilities->intra_sf_hopping = get_intra_sf_hopping(i); //TODO: Set support for type 2 hopping with n_sb > 1 capabilities->has_type2_sb_1 = 1; capabilities->type2_sb_1 = get_type2_sb_1(i); //TODO: Set ue category capabilities->has_ue_category = 1; capabilities->ue_category = get_ue_category(i); //TODO: Set UE support for resource allocation type 1 capabilities->has_res_alloc_type1 = 1; capabilities->res_alloc_type1 = get_res_alloc_type1(i); //Set the capabilites to the message ue_config[i]->capabilities = capabilities; //TODO: Set UE transmission antenna. One of the PRUTA_* values ue_config[i]->has_ue_transmission_antenna = 1; ue_config[i]->ue_transmission_antenna = get_ue_transmission_antenna(mod_id,i); //TODO: Set tti bundling flag (See ts 36.321) ue_config[i]->has_tti_bundling = 1; ue_config[i]->tti_bundling = get_tti_bundling(mod_id,i); //TODO: Set the max HARQ retransmission for the UL ue_config[i]->has_max_harq_tx = 1; ue_config[i]->max_harq_tx = get_maxHARQ_TX(mod_id,i); //TODO: Fill beta_offset_ack_index (TS 36.213) ue_config[i]->has_beta_offset_ack_index = 1; ue_config[i]->beta_offset_ack_index = get_beta_offset_ack_index(mod_id,i); //TODO: Fill beta_offset_ri_index (TS 36.213) ue_config[i]->has_beta_offset_ri_index = 1; ue_config[i]->beta_offset_ri_index = get_beta_offset_ri_index(mod_id,i); //TODO: Fill beta_offset_cqi_index (TS 36.213) ue_config[i]->has_beta_offset_cqi_index = 1; ue_config[i]->beta_offset_cqi_index = get_beta_offset_cqi_index(mod_id,i); //TODO: Fill ack_nack_simultaneous_trans (TS 36.213) ue_config[i]->has_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans = 1; ue_config[i]->ack_nack_simultaneous_trans = get_ack_nack_simultaneous_trans(mod_id,i); //TODO: Fill simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi (TS 36.213) ue_config[i]->has_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi = 1; ue_config[i]->simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi = get_simultaneous_ack_nack_cqi(mod_id,i); //TODO: Set PRACRM_* value regarding aperiodic cqi report mode ue_config[i]->has_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode = 1; ue_config[i]->aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode = get_aperiodic_cqi_rep_mode(mod_id,i); //TODO: Set tdd_ack_nack_feedback ue_config[i]->has_tdd_ack_nack_feedback = 1; ue_config[i]->tdd_ack_nack_feedback = get_tdd_ack_nack_feedback(mod_id,i); //TODO: Set ack_nack_repetition factor ue_config[i]->has_ack_nack_repetition_factor = 1; ue_config[i]->ack_nack_repetition_factor = get_ack_nack_repetition_factor(mod_id,i); //TODO: Set extended BSR size ue_config[i]->has_extended_bsr_size = 1; ue_config[i]->extended_bsr_size = get_extended_bsr_size(mod_id,i); //TODO: Set carrier aggregation support (boolean) ue_config[i]->has_ca_support = 0; ue_config[i]->ca_support = 0; if(ue_config[i]->has_ca_support){ //TODO: Set cross carrier scheduling support (boolean) ue_config[i]->has_cross_carrier_sched_support = 1; ue_config[i]->cross_carrier_sched_support = 0; //TODO: Set index of primary cell ue_config[i]->has_pcell_carrier_index = 1; ue_config[i]->pcell_carrier_index = 1; //TODO: Set secondary cells configuration // We do not set it for now. No carrier aggregation support //TODO: Set deactivation timer for secondary cell ue_config[i]->has_scell_deactivation_timer = 1; ue_config[i]->scell_deactivation_timer = 1; } } ue_config_reply_msg->ue_config = ue_config; } *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__ProgranMessage)); if (*msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__progran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_UE_CONFIG_REPLY_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_DIRECTION__SUCCESSFUL_OUTCOME; (*msg)->ue_config_reply_msg = ue_config_reply_msg; return 0; error: // TODO: Need to make proper error handling if (header != NULL) free(header); if (ue_config_reply_msg != NULL) free(ue_config_reply_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } /* * ************************************ * eNB Configuration Request and Reply * ************************************ */ int enb_agent_enb_config_request(mid_t mod_id, const void* params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg) { Protocol__PrpHeader *header; xid_t xid = 1; if(prp_create_header(xid,PROTOCOL__PRP_TYPE__PRPT_GET_ENB_CONFIG_REQUEST, &header) != 0) goto error; Protocol__PrpEnbConfigRequest *enb_config_request_msg; enb_config_request_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpEnbConfigRequest)); if(enb_config_request_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__prp_enb_config_request__init(enb_config_request_msg); enb_config_request_msg->header = header; *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__ProgranMessage)); if(*msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__progran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ENB_CONFIG_REQUEST_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_DIRECTION__INITIATING_MESSAGE; (*msg)->enb_config_request_msg = enb_config_request_msg; return 0; error: // TODO: Need to make proper error handling if (header != NULL) free(header); if (enb_config_request_msg != NULL) free(enb_config_request_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } int enb_agent_enb_config_reply(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg) { xid_t xid; Protocol__ProgranMessage *input = (Protocol__ProgranMessage *)params; Protocol__PrpEnbConfigRequest *enb_config_req_msg = input->enb_config_request_msg; xid = (enb_config_req_msg->header)->xid; int i, j, k; int cc_id = 0; int enb_id = mod_id; Protocol__PrpHeader *header; if(prp_create_header(xid, PROTOCOL__PRP_TYPE__PRPT_GET_ENB_CONFIG_REPLY, &header) != 0) goto error; Protocol__PrpEnbConfigReply *enb_config_reply_msg; enb_config_reply_msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpEnbConfigReply)); if(enb_config_reply_msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__prp_enb_config_reply__init(enb_config_reply_msg); enb_config_reply_msg->header = header; enb_config_reply_msg->enb_id = mod_id; enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config = MAX_NUM_CCs; Protocol__PrpCellConfig **cell_conf; if(enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config > 0){ cell_conf = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpCellConfig *) * enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config); if(cell_conf == NULL) goto error; for(i = 0; i < enb_config_reply_msg->n_cell_config; i++){ cell_conf[i] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpCellConfig)); protocol__prp_cell_config__init(cell_conf[i]); //TODO: Fill in with actual value, the PCI of this cell cell_conf[i]->phy_cell_id = 1; cell_conf[i]->has_phy_cell_id = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, the PLMN cell id of this cell cell_conf[i]->cell_id = get_cell_id(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_cell_id = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, PUSCH resources in RBs for hopping cell_conf[i]->pusch_hopping_offset = get_hopping_offset(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_pusch_hopping_offset = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value cell_conf[i]->hopping_mode = get_hopping_mode(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_hopping_mode = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, the number of subbands cell_conf[i]->n_sb = get_n_SB(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_n_sb = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, The number of resource element groups used for PHICH. One of PRPR_ cell_conf[i]->phich_resource = get_phich_resource(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_phich_resource = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, one of the PRPD_ values cell_conf[i]->phich_duration = get_phich_duration(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_phich_duration = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 6.9 cell_conf[i]->init_nr_pdcch_ofdm_sym = get_num_pdcch_symb(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_init_nr_pdcch_ofdm_sym = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value Protocol__PrpSiConfig *si_config; si_config = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiConfig)); if(si_config == NULL) goto error; protocol__prp_si_config__init(si_config); //TODO: Fill in with actual value, Frame number to apply the SI configuration si_config->sfn = 1; si_config->has_sfn = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, the length of SIB1 in bytes si_config->sib1_length = get_sib1_length(enb_id,i); si_config->has_sib1_length = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, Scheduling window for all SIs in SF si_config->si_window_length = (uint32_t) get_si_window_length(enb_id,i); si_config->has_si_window_length = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, the number of SI messages si_config->n_si_message=1; Protocol__PrpSiMessage **si_message; si_message = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiMessage *) * si_config->n_si_message); if(si_message == NULL) goto error; for(j = 0; j < si_config->n_si_message; j++){ si_message[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpSiMessage)); if(si_message[j] == NULL) goto error; protocol__prp_si_message__init(si_message[j]); //TODO: Fill in with actual value, Periodicity of SI msg in radio frames si_message[j]->periodicity = 1; //SIPeriod si_message[j]->has_periodicity = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, rhe length of the SI message in bytes si_message[j]->length = 10; si_message[j]->has_length = 1; } if(si_config->n_si_message > 0){ si_config->si_message = si_message; } cell_conf[i]->si_config = si_config; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, the DL transmission bandwidth in RBs cell_conf[i]->dl_bandwidth = get_N_RB_DL(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_dl_bandwidth = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, the UL transmission bandwidth in RBs cell_conf[i]->ul_bandwidth = get_N_RB_UL(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_ul_bandwidth = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, one of PRUCPL values cell_conf[i]->ul_cyclic_prefix_length = get_ul_cyclic_prefix_length(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_ul_cyclic_prefix_length = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, one of PRUCPL values cell_conf[i]->dl_cyclic_prefix_length = get_dl_cyclic_prefix_length(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_dl_cyclic_prefix_length = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, number of cell specific antenna ports cell_conf[i]->antenna_ports_count = 1; cell_conf[i]->has_antenna_ports_count = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, one of PRDM values cell_conf[i]->duplex_mode = get_duplex_mode(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_duplex_mode = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, DL/UL subframe assignment. TDD only cell_conf[i]->subframe_assignment = get_subframe_assignment(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_subframe_assignment = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, TDD only. See TS 36.211, table 4.2.1 cell_conf[i]->special_subframe_patterns = get_special_subframe_assignment(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_special_subframe_patterns = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, The MBSFN radio frame period cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod = 5; uint32_t *elem_rfperiod; elem_rfperiod = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) *cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod); if(elem_rfperiod == NULL) goto error; for(j = 0; j < cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod; j++){ elem_rfperiod[j] = 1; } cell_conf[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod = elem_rfperiod; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, The MBSFN radio frame offset cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset = 5; uint32_t *elem_rfoffset; elem_rfoffset = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) *cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset); if(elem_rfoffset == NULL) goto error; for(j = 0; j < cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset; j++){ elem_rfoffset[j] = 1; } cell_conf[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_rfoffset = elem_rfoffset; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, Bitmap indicating the MBSFN subframes cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc = 5; uint32_t *elem_sfalloc; elem_sfalloc = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) *cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc); if(elem_sfalloc == NULL) goto error; for(j = 0; j < cell_conf[i]->n_mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc; j++){ elem_sfalloc[j] = 1; } cell_conf[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc = elem_sfalloc; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 5.7.1 cell_conf[i]->prach_config_index = get_prach_ConfigIndex(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_prach_config_index = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 5.7.1 cell_conf[i]->prach_freq_offset = get_prach_FreqOffset(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_prach_freq_offset = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, Duration of RA response window in SF cell_conf[i]->ra_response_window_size = get_ra_ResponseWindowSize(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_ra_response_window_size = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, Timer used for RA cell_conf[i]->mac_contention_resolution_timer = get_mac_ContentionResolutionTimer(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_mac_contention_resolution_timer = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.321 cell_conf[i]->max_harq_msg3tx = get_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_max_harq_msg3tx = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.213, section 10.1 cell_conf[i]->n1pucch_an = get_n1pucch_an(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_n1pucch_an = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 5.4 cell_conf[i]->deltapucch_shift = get_deltaPUCCH_Shift(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_deltapucch_shift = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section 5.4 cell_conf[i]->nrb_cqi = get_nRB_CQI(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_nrb_cqi = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, table and 2 cell_conf[i]->srs_subframe_config = get_srs_SubframeConfig(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_srs_subframe_config = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, See TS 36.211, section cell_conf[i]->srs_bw_config = get_srs_BandwidthConfig(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_srs_bw_config = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, Boolean value. See TS 36.211, section TDD only cell_conf[i]->srs_mac_up_pts = get_srs_MaxUpPts(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_srs_mac_up_pts = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, One of the PREQ_ values cell_conf[i]->enable_64qam = get_enable64QAM(enb_id,i); cell_conf[i]->has_enable_64qam = 1; //TODO: Fill in with actual value, Carrier component index cell_conf[i]->carrier_index = i; cell_conf[i]->has_carrier_index = 1; } enb_config_reply_msg->cell_config=cell_conf; } *msg = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__ProgranMessage)); if(*msg == NULL) goto error; protocol__progran_message__init(*msg); (*msg)->msg_case = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ENB_CONFIG_REPLY_MSG; (*msg)->msg_dir = PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_DIRECTION__SUCCESSFUL_OUTCOME; (*msg)->enb_config_reply_msg = enb_config_reply_msg; return 0; error: // TODO: Need to make proper error handling if (header != NULL) free(header); if (enb_config_reply_msg != NULL) free(enb_config_reply_msg); if(*msg != NULL) free(*msg); //LOG_E(MAC, "%s: an error occured\n", __FUNCTION__); return -1; } //struct enb_agent_map agent_map; enb_agent_timer_instance_t timer_instance; err_code_t enb_agent_init_timer(void){ LOG_I(ENB_AGENT, "init RB tree\n"); RB_INIT(&timer_instance.enb_agent_head); /* struct enb_agent_timer_element_s e; memset(&e, 0, sizeof(enb_agent_timer_element_t)); RB_INSERT(enb_agent_map, &agent_map, &e); */ return PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_ERR__NO_ERR; } RB_GENERATE(enb_agent_map,enb_agent_timer_element_s, entry, enb_agent_compare_timer); /* The timer_id might not be the best choice for the comparison */ int enb_agent_compare_timer(struct enb_agent_timer_element_s *a, struct enb_agent_timer_element_s *b){ if (a->timer_id < b->timer_id) return -1; if (a->timer_id > b->timer_id) return 1; // equal timers return 0; } err_code_t enb_agent_create_timer(uint32_t interval_sec, uint32_t interval_usec, agent_id_t agent_id, instance_t instance, uint32_t timer_type, xid_t xid, enb_agent_timer_callback_t cb, void* timer_args, long *timer_id){ struct enb_agent_timer_element_s *e = calloc(1, sizeof(*e)); DevAssert(e != NULL); //uint32_t timer_id; int ret=-1; if ((interval_sec == 0) && (interval_usec == 0 )) return TIMER_NULL; if (timer_type >= ENB_AGENT_TIMER_TYPE_MAX) return TIMER_TYPE_INVALIDE; if (timer_type == ENB_AGENT_TIMER_TYPE_ONESHOT){ ret = timer_setup(interval_sec, interval_usec, TASK_ENB_AGENT, instance, TIMER_ONE_SHOT, timer_args, timer_id); e->type = TIMER_ONE_SHOT; } else if (timer_type == ENB_AGENT_TIMER_TYPE_PERIODIC ){ ret = timer_setup(interval_sec, interval_usec, TASK_ENB_AGENT, instance, TIMER_PERIODIC, timer_args, timer_id); e->type = TIMER_PERIODIC; } if (ret < 0 ) { return TIMER_SETUP_FAILED; } e->agent_id = agent_id; e->instance = instance; e->state = ENB_AGENT_TIMER_STATE_ACTIVE; e->timer_id = *timer_id; e->xid = xid; e->timer_args = timer_args; e->cb = cb; /*element should be a real pointer*/ RB_INSERT(enb_agent_map, &timer_instance.enb_agent_head, e); LOG_I(ENB_AGENT,"Created a new timer with id 0x%lx for agent %d, instance %d \n", e->timer_id, e->agent_id, e->instance); return 0; } err_code_t enb_agent_destroy_timer(long timer_id){ struct enb_agent_timer_element_s *e = get_timer_entry(timer_id); if (e != NULL ) { RB_REMOVE(enb_agent_map, &timer_instance.enb_agent_head, e); enb_agent_destroy_progran_message(e->timer_args->msg); free(e); } if (timer_remove(timer_id) < 0 ) goto error; return 0; error: LOG_E(ENB_AGENT, "timer can't be removed\n"); return TIMER_REMOVED_FAILED ; } err_code_t enb_agent_destroy_timer_by_task_id(xid_t xid) { struct enb_agent_timer_element_s *e = NULL; long timer_id; RB_FOREACH(e, enb_agent_map, &timer_instance.enb_agent_head) { if (e->xid == xid) { timer_id = e->timer_id; RB_REMOVE(enb_agent_map, &timer_instance.enb_agent_head, e); enb_agent_destroy_progran_message(e->timer_args->msg); free(e); if (timer_remove(timer_id) < 0 ) { goto error; } } } return 0; error: LOG_E(ENB_AGENT, "timer can't be removed\n"); return TIMER_REMOVED_FAILED ; } err_code_t enb_agent_destroy_timers(void){ struct enb_agent_timer_element_s *e = NULL; RB_FOREACH(e, enb_agent_map, &timer_instance.enb_agent_head) { RB_REMOVE(enb_agent_map, &timer_instance.enb_agent_head, e); timer_remove(e->timer_id); enb_agent_destroy_progran_message(e->timer_args->msg); free(e); } return 0; } void enb_agent_sleep_until(struct timespec *ts, int delay) { ts->tv_nsec += delay; if(ts->tv_nsec >= 1000*1000*1000){ ts->tv_nsec -= 1000*1000*1000; ts->tv_sec++; } clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TIMER_ABSTIME, ts, NULL); } /* int i =0; RB_FOREACH(e, enb_agent_map, &enb_agent_head) { printf("%d: %p\n", i, e); i++; } */ err_code_t enb_agent_stop_timer(long timer_id){ struct enb_agent_timer_element_s *e=NULL; struct enb_agent_timer_element_s search; memset(&search, 0, sizeof(struct enb_agent_timer_element_s)); search.timer_id = timer_id; e = RB_FIND(enb_agent_map, &timer_instance.enb_agent_head, &search); if (e != NULL ) { e->state = ENB_AGENT_TIMER_STATE_STOPPED; } timer_remove(timer_id); return 0; } struct enb_agent_timer_element_s * get_timer_entry(long timer_id) { struct enb_agent_timer_element_s search; memset(&search, 0, sizeof(struct enb_agent_timer_element_s)); search.timer_id = timer_id; return RB_FIND(enb_agent_map, &timer_instance.enb_agent_head, &search); } /* // this will change the timer_id err_code_t enb_agent_restart_timer(uint32_t *timer_id){ struct enb_agent_timer_element_s *e=NULL; RB_FOREACH(e, enb_agent_map, &enb_agent_head) { if (e->timer_id == timer_id) break; } if (e != NULL ) { e->state = ENB_AGENT_TIMER_STATE_ACTIVE; } ret = timer_setup(e->interval_sec, e->interval_usec, e->agent_id, e->instance, e->type, e->timer_args, &timer_id); } if (ret < 0 ) { return PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_ERR__TIMER_SETUP_FAILED; } return 0; } */