Commit 00e43917 authored by Lev Walkin's avatar Lev Walkin

couting overhead

parent c9a78477
......@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ uper_ugot_refill(asn_per_data_t *pd) {
pd->buffer = oldpd->buffer;
pd->nboff = oldpd->nboff - 1;
pd->nbits = oldpd->nbits;
ASN_DEBUG("Return from unclaimed");
return 0;
......@@ -1145,10 +1145,9 @@ uper_get_open_type(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
rv = td->uper_decoder(opt_codec_ctx, td, constraints, sptr, pd);
ASN_DEBUG("Open type %s consumed %d off of %d unclaimed=%d, repeat=%d, nbdiff=%d (%d->%d, old=%d (%d->%d))",
td->name, pd->moved, arg.oldpd.moved, arg.unclaimed, arg.repeat,
pd->nbits - pd->nboff, pd->nboff, pd->nbits,
arg.oldpd.nbits - arg.oldpd.nboff, arg.oldpd.nboff, arg.oldpd.nbits);
ASN_DEBUG("Open type %s consumed %d off of %d unclaimed=%d, repeat=%d",
td->name, pd->moved, arg.oldpd.moved,
arg.unclaimed, arg.repeat);
padding = pd->moved % 8;
if(padding) {
......@@ -1170,12 +1169,9 @@ uper_get_open_type(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
if(pd->nbits != pd->nboff) {
ASN_DEBUG("Open type container overhead of %d off %d bits!", pd->nbits - pd->nboff, arg.oldpd.moved + pd->moved);
/* Ignore unwanted overheads */
arg.oldpd.moved += pd->nbits - pd->nboff;
//pd->moved += pd->nbits - pd->nboff;
pd->nboff = pd->nbits;
ASN_DEBUG("Open type container overhead of %d bits!", pd->nbits - pd->nboff);
arg.unclaimed += pd->nbits - pd->nboff;
arg.oldpd.nbits -= pd->moved - arg.ot_moved;
arg.oldpd.moved += pd->moved - arg.ot_moved;
......@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ per_get_few_bits(asn_per_data_t *pd, int nbits) {
return tailv;
ASN_DEBUG("[PER get %d bits from %p+%d bits, %d available]",
nbits, pd->buffer, pd->nboff, nleft);
ASN_DEBUG("[PER get %d bits from (%d@%d+%d)]",
nbits, pd->moved, pd->nboff, nleft);
* Normalize position indicator.
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