Commit 5b78e1cb authored by Lev Walkin's avatar Lev Walkin

uper extensions decoding

parent f55a6dde
......@@ -1026,12 +1026,168 @@ SEQUENCE_constraint(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
return 0;
* #10.1, #10.2
static int
uper_put_open_type(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, asn_per_constraints_t *constraints, void *sptr, asn_per_outp_t *po) {
void *buf;
ssize_t size;
ASN_DEBUG("Encoding as open type %s", td->name);
size = uper_encode_to_new_buffer(td, constraints, sptr, &buf);
if(size <= 0) return -1;
ASN_DEBUG("Putting %s of length %d", td->name, size);
while(size) {
ssize_t maySave = uper_put_length(po, size);
if(maySave < 0) break;
if(per_put_many_bits(po, buf, maySave * 8)) break;
buf = (char *)buf + maySave;
size -= maySave;
if(size) {
return -1;
return 0;
typedef struct uper_ugot_key {
asn_per_data_t oldpd; /* Old per data source */
size_t unclaimed;
int repeat;
} uper_ugot_key;
static int
uper_ugot_refill(asn_per_data_t *pd) {
uper_ugot_key *arg = pd->refill_key;
ssize_t next_chunk_bytes, next_chunk_bits;
ssize_t consumed;
ssize_t avail;
asn_per_data_t *oldpd = &arg->oldpd;
/* Advance our position to where pd is */
consumed = (pd->buffer - oldpd->buffer) << 3;
ASN_DEBUG("Refilling [consumed: %d bits from %d (%d->%d)] now [%d (%d->%d)]",
oldpd->nbits - oldpd->nboff, oldpd->nboff, oldpd->nbits,
pd->nbits - pd->nboff, pd->nboff, pd->nbits);
oldpd->nbits -= consumed;
oldpd->buffer = pd->buffer;
oldpd->nboff = pd->nboff;
if(arg->unclaimed) {
/* Refill the container */
if(per_get_few_bits(oldpd, 0))
return -1;
if(!arg->repeat) {
ASN_DEBUG("Want more but refill doesn't have it");
return -1;
next_chunk_bytes = uper_get_length(oldpd, -1, &arg->repeat);
ASN_DEBUG("Open type length %d bytes, old %d (%d->%d)",
next_chunk_bytes, oldpd->nbits - oldpd->nboff, oldpd->nboff, oldpd->nbits);
if(next_chunk_bytes < 0) return -1;
if(next_chunk_bytes == 0 || !arg->repeat)
pd->refill = 0; /* No more refills, naturally */
pd->buffer = oldpd->buffer;
pd->nboff = oldpd->nboff;
pd->nbits = oldpd->nbits;
next_chunk_bits = next_chunk_bytes << 3;
avail = pd->nbits - pd->nboff;
if(avail >= next_chunk_bits) {
pd->nbits = pd->nboff + next_chunk_bits;
arg->unclaimed = 0;
} else {
arg->unclaimed = next_chunk_bits - avail;
return 0;
uper_get_open_type(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
asn_per_constraints_t *constraints, void **sptr, asn_per_data_t *pd) {
uper_ugot_key arg;
asn_dec_rval_t rv;
ssize_t padding;
ASN_DEBUG("Getting open type from %d bits (%d+%d), %p", pd->nbits - pd->nboff, pd->nboff, pd->nbits, pd->buffer);
arg.oldpd = *pd;
pd->refill = uper_ugot_refill;
pd->refill_key = &arg;
pd->nbits = pd->nboff; /* 0 bits at this point, wait for refill */
arg.unclaimed = 0;
arg.repeat = 1;
rv = td->uper_decoder(opt_codec_ctx, td, constraints, sptr, pd);
/* Skip data not consumed by the decoder */
while(arg.unclaimed) {
int toget = 24;
if(arg.unclaimed < toget) {
toget = arg.unclaimed;
arg.unclaimed = 0;
} else {
arg.unclaimed -= toget;
switch(per_get_few_bits(pd, toget)) {
case 0: continue;
/* Padding must be blank */
ASN_DEBUG("Non-blank unconsumed padding");
if(arg.repeat) {
ASN_DEBUG("Not consumed the whole thing");
rv.code = RC_FAIL;
return rv;
padding = pd->nbits - pd->nboff;
if(padding > 7) {
ASN_DEBUG("Too large padding in open type %d", padding);
rv.code = RC_FAIL;
return rv;
ASN_DEBUG("nboff = %d, nbits %d, padding = %d, plus %d/%p", pd->nboff, pd->nbits, padding, pd->buffer - arg.oldpd.buffer, arg.oldpd.buffer);
pd->nboff += padding;
assert((ssize_t)pd->nboff <= (ssize_t)pd->nbits);
pd->refill = arg.oldpd.refill;
pd->refill_key = arg.oldpd.refill_key;
return rv;
static int
uper_skip_open_type(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_per_data_t *pd) {
asn_dec_rval_t rv;
rv = uper_get_open_type(opt_codec_ctx, 0, 0, 0, pd);
if(rv.code != RC_OK)
return -1;
return 0;
SEQUENCE_decode_uper(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
asn_per_constraints_t *constraints, void **sptr, asn_per_data_t *pd) {
asn_SEQUENCE_specifics_t *specs = (asn_SEQUENCE_specifics_t *)td->specifics;
void *st = *sptr; /* Target structure. */
int extpresent = 0; /* Extension additions are present */
int extpresent; /* Extension additions are present */
uint8_t *opres; /* Presence of optional root members */
asn_per_data_t opmd;
asn_dec_rval_t rv;
......@@ -1053,6 +1209,8 @@ SEQUENCE_decode_uper(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
if(specs->ext_before >= 0) {
extpresent = per_get_few_bits(pd, 1);
if(extpresent < 0) _ASN_DECODE_STARVED;
} else {
extpresent = 0;
/* Prepare a place and read-in the presence bitmap */
......@@ -1077,12 +1235,14 @@ SEQUENCE_decode_uper(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
* Get the sequence ROOT elements.
for(edx = 0; edx < ((specs->ext_before < 0)
? td->elements_count : specs->ext_before - 1); edx++) {
for(edx = 0; edx < td->elements_count; edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
void *memb_ptr; /* Pointer to the member */
void **memb_ptr2; /* Pointer to that pointer */
if(IN_EXTENSION_GROUP(specs, edx))
/* Fetch the pointer to this member */
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr2 = (void **)((char *)st + elm->memb_offset);
......@@ -1124,71 +1284,108 @@ SEQUENCE_decode_uper(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
/* Optionality map is not needed anymore */
* Deal with extensions.
if(extpresent) {
ASN_DEBUG("Extensibility for %s: NOT IMPLEMENTED", td->name);
} else {
for(edx = specs->roms_count; edx < specs->roms_count
+ specs->aoms_count; edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
void *memb_ptr; /* Pointer to the member */
void **memb_ptr2; /* Pointer to that pointer */
ssize_t bmlength;
uint8_t *epres; /* Presence of extension members */
asn_per_data_t epmd;
if(!elm->default_value) continue;
bmlength = uper_get_nslength(pd);
if(bmlength < 0) _ASN_DECODE_STARVED;
/* Fetch the pointer to this member */
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr2 = (void **)((char *)st
+ elm->memb_offset);
} else {
memb_ptr = (char *)st + elm->memb_offset;
memb_ptr2 = &memb_ptr;
ASN_DEBUG("Extensions %d present in %s", bmlength, td->name);
/* Set default value */
if(elm->default_value(1, memb_ptr2)) {
epres = (uint8_t *)MALLOC((bmlength + 15) >> 3);
/* Get the extensions map */
if(per_get_many_bits(pd, epres, 0, bmlength))
epmd.buffer = epres;
epmd.nboff = 0;
epmd.nbits = bmlength;
ASN_DEBUG("Read in extensions bitmap for %s of %d bits (%x..)",
td->name, bmlength, *epres);
/* Go over extensions and read them in */
for(edx = specs->ext_after + 1; edx < td->elements_count; edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
void *memb_ptr; /* Pointer to the member */
void **memb_ptr2; /* Pointer to that pointer */
int present;
if(!IN_EXTENSION_GROUP(specs, edx)) {
ASN_DEBUG("%d is not extension", edx);
rv.consumed = 0;
rv.code = RC_OK;
return rv;
/* Fetch the pointer to this member */
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr2 = (void **)((char *)st + elm->memb_offset);
} else {
memb_ptr = (void *)((char *)st + elm->memb_offset);
memb_ptr2 = &memb_ptr;
* #10.1, #10.2
static int
uper_put_open_type(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, asn_per_constraints_t *constraints, void *sptr, asn_per_outp_t *po) {
void *buf;
ssize_t size;
present = per_get_few_bits(&epmd, 1);
if(present <= 0) {
if(present < 0) break; /* No more extensions */
ASN_DEBUG("Encoding as open type %s", td->name);
size = uper_encode_to_new_buffer(td, constraints, sptr, &buf);
if(size <= 0) return -1;
ASN_DEBUG("Decoding member %s in %s %p", elm->name, td->name, *memb_ptr2);
rv = uper_get_open_type(opt_codec_ctx, elm->type,
elm->per_constraints, memb_ptr2, pd);
if(rv.code != RC_OK) {
return rv;
/* Skip over overflow extensions which aren't present
* in this system's version of the protocol */
while(per_get_few_bits(&epmd, 1) >= 0) {
if(uper_skip_open_type(opt_codec_ctx, pd)) {
ASN_DEBUG("Putting %s of length %d", td->name, size);
while(size) {
ssize_t maySave = uper_put_length(po, size);
if(maySave < 0) break;
if(per_put_many_bits(po, buf, maySave * 8)) break;
buf = (char *)buf + maySave;
size -= maySave;
if(size) {
return -1;
/* Fill DEFAULT members in extensions */
for(edx = specs->roms_count; edx < specs->roms_count
+ specs->aoms_count; edx++) {
asn_TYPE_member_t *elm = &td->elements[edx];
void **memb_ptr2; /* Pointer to member pointer */
if(!elm->default_value) continue;
/* Fetch the pointer to this member */
if(elm->flags & ATF_POINTER) {
memb_ptr2 = (void **)((char *)st
+ elm->memb_offset);
if(*memb_ptr2) continue;
} else {
continue; /* Extensions are all optionals */
/* Set default value */
if(elm->default_value(1, memb_ptr2)) {
return 0;
rv.consumed = 0;
rv.code = RC_OK;
return rv;
static int
......@@ -1336,7 +1533,6 @@ SEQUENCE_encode_uper(asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td,
if(elm->default_value && elm->default_value(0, memb_ptr2) == 1)
ASN_DEBUG("encoding root %d", edx);
er = elm->type->uper_encoder(elm->type, elm->per_constraints,
*memb_ptr2, po);
if(er.encoded == -1)
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ uper_decode(asn_codec_ctx_t *opt_codec_ctx, asn_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, void **sp
/* Fill in the position indicator */
memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(pd));
pd.buffer = (const uint8_t *)buffer;
pd.nboff = skip_bits;
pd.nbits = 8 * size - unused_bits; /* 8 is CHAR_BIT from <limits.h> */
......@@ -12,14 +12,33 @@
per_get_few_bits(asn_per_data_t *pd, int nbits) {
size_t off; /* Next after last bit offset */
ssize_t nleft;
uint32_t accum;
const uint8_t *buf;
if(nbits < 0 || pd->nboff + nbits > pd->nbits)
if(nbits < 0)
return -1;
ASN_DEBUG("[PER get %d bits from %p+%d bits]",
nbits, pd->buffer, pd->nboff);
nleft = pd->nbits - pd->nboff;
if(nbits > nleft) {
int32_t tailv, vhead;
if(!pd->refill || nbits > 31) return -1;
/* Accumulate unused bytes before refill */
ASN_DEBUG("Obtain the rest %d bits", nleft);
tailv = per_get_few_bits(pd, nleft);
if(tailv < 0) return -1;
/* Refill (replace pd contents with new data) */
return -1;
nbits -= nleft;
vhead = per_get_few_bits(pd, nbits);
/* Combine the rest of previous pd with the head of new one */
tailv = (tailv << nbits) | vhead; /* Could == -1 */
return tailv;
ASN_DEBUG("[PER get %d bits from %p+%d bits, %d available]",
nbits, pd->buffer, pd->nboff, nleft);
* Normalize position indicator.
......@@ -129,6 +148,29 @@ uper_get_length(asn_per_data_t *pd, int ebits, int *repeat) {
return (16384 * value);
* Get the normally small length "n".
* This procedure used to decode length of extensions bit-maps
* for SET and SEQUENCE types.
uper_get_nslength(asn_per_data_t *pd) {
ssize_t length;
if(per_get_few_bits(pd, 1) == 0) {
length = per_get_few_bits(pd, 6);
ASN_DEBUG("l=%d", length);
if(length < 0) return -1;
return length + 1;
} else {
int repeat;
length = uper_get_length(pd, -1, &repeat);
if(length >= 0 && !repeat) return length;
return -1; /* Error, or do not support >16K extensions */
* Get the normally small non-negative whole number.
* X.691, #10.6
......@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ typedef struct asn_per_data_s {
const uint8_t *buffer; /* Pointer to the octet stream */
size_t nboff; /* Bit offset to the meaningful bit */
size_t nbits; /* Number of bits in the stream */
int (*refill)(struct asn_per_data_s *);
void *refill_key;
} asn_per_data_t;
......@@ -64,6 +66,11 @@ ssize_t uper_get_length(asn_per_data_t *pd,
int effective_bound_bits,
int *repeat);
* Get the normally small length "n".
ssize_t uper_get_nslength(asn_per_data_t *pd);
* Get the normally small non-negative whole number.
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