Commit 5d32c21c authored by Lev Walkin's avatar Lev Walkin


parent 9b395c94
......@@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ $HashProgramPath = 'md5'; # Program to hash the input
$DM = 0750; # Directory mode for all mkdirs
$MaxHistoryItems = 5; # Number of items in History
$DynamicHistory = 'yes'; # Full/Short history
$safeFilename = '^[a-z0-9_-]+[.a-z0-9_-]*$'; # Safe filename
$safeFilenameRE = '[a-zA-Z0-9_]+[.a-zA-Z0-9_-]{0,200}'; # Safe filename regex
$safeTimeRE = '[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}';
$ASN1C_Page = '';
$HelpEmail = '';
$defaultUserEmail = 'your@email-for-reply';
$DataERR = 65; # EX_DATAERR from <sysexits.h>
$warn = '<CENTER><FONT SIZE=+1><B>';
$unwarn = '</B></FONT></CENTER>';
......@@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ my $content = ''; # Default content is empty
sub IssueRedirect() {
$redirect = "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" "
. "CONTENT=\"5; URL=$myName\">";
$redirect_bottom = "<P><CENTER>This page will <A HREF=$ASN1C_Page/asn1c.cgi>disappear</A> in 5 seconds.</CENTER>"
$redirect_bottom = "<P><CENTER>This page will <A HREF=$myName>disappear</A> in 5 seconds.</CENTER>"
# If something goes wrong, this function is invoked to display the error message
......@@ -64,8 +66,8 @@ sub bark($@) {
# Make the directory name containing session files for the given Session ID
sub makeSessionDirName($$) {
local $pfx = shift; # Prefix is the name of the top-level directory
local $sid = shift; # Session identifier (md5)
my $pfx = shift; # Prefix is the name of the top-level directory
my $sid = shift; # Session identifier (md5)
$pfx . '/sessions/' . $sid . '/';
......@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ sub makeSessionDirName($$) {
my $cachedTime;
sub isoTime() {
return $cachedTime if $cachedTime;
local @tm = localtime(time);
my @tm = localtime(time);
$tm[5] += 1900;
$tm[4] += 1;
......@@ -132,9 +134,9 @@ sub prepareChrootEnvironment() {
sub makeArchive($$) {
local $TMPDIR = shift;
local $sandbox = shift;
local $archName = $sandbox . '/+Archive.tgz';
my $TMPDIR = shift;
my $sandbox = shift;
my $archName = $sandbox . '/+Archive.tgz';
if(! -f $archName) {
system("cd $sandbox && "
......@@ -174,7 +176,7 @@ if(defined($tmpEmail)) {
if($userEmail ne $previousEmail) {
# Refresh cookie contents.
local $ck = cookie(-name=>'userEmail',
my $ck = cookie(-name=>'userEmail',
-path=>'/', -expires=>'+1d');
print "Set-Cookie: " . $ck . "\n";
......@@ -191,7 +193,7 @@ if (defined($tmpHSParam)
&& $tmpHSParam ne $HistoryShow
&& $tmpHSParam =~ /^(full|short)$/) {
$HistoryShow = $tmpHSParam;
local $ck = cookie(-name=>'HistoryShow',
my $ck = cookie(-name=>'HistoryShow',
-path=>'/', -expires=>'+1h');
print "Set-Cookie: " . $ck . "\n";
......@@ -224,8 +226,7 @@ unless($session) {
mkdir($sessionDir, $DM) or bark($SandBoxInitFailed);
my $ck = cookie(-name=>'SessionID', -value=>$session,
-path=>'/', -expires=>'+1y');
print header(-expires=>'-1y', -cookie=>$ck);
$HTTPHeaderGenerated = 1;
print "Set-Cookie: " . $ck . "\n";
} else {
$session =~ s/[^a-f0-9]//ig;
bark("Nope, try again") if(length($session) != 32); # cool hacker?
......@@ -235,21 +236,28 @@ unless($session) {
mkdir($sessionDir, $DM) or bark($SandBoxInitFailed)
unless(-d $sessionDir);
local $t = param('time');
local $file = param('file');
local $fetch = param('fetch');
local $show = param('show');
my $t = param('time');
my $file = param('file');
my $fetch = param('fetch');
my $show = param('show');
my $remove = param('remove');
unless(defined($t) && defined($file)
&& $t =~ /^[0-9TZ:+-]{14,}$/
&& $file =~ /$safeFilename/i) {
&& $t =~ /^${safeTimeRE}$/
&& $file =~ /^${safeFilenameRE}$/
&& ($fetch eq '' or $fetch =~ /^${safeFilenameRE}$/)
) {
$file = '';
$fetch = '';
$show = '';
$remove = '';
if($fetch =~ /$safeFilename/i || $show =~ /^(log|tgz)$/) {
local $sandbox = $sessionDir . '/' . $t . '--' . $file;
if($fetch ne '' or $show =~ /^(log|unber|tgz)$/ or $remove ne '') {
my $sandbox = $sessionDir . '/' . $t . '--' . $file;
my $targetFile = '';
if($show eq 'tgz') {
local $tarball = makeArchive($TMPDIR, $sandbox);
my $tarball = makeArchive($TMPDIR, $sandbox);
defined $tarball
or bark("Cannot create archive [$sandbox]");
......@@ -257,20 +265,27 @@ unless($session) {
printf("Content-Encoding: gzip\n\n");
exec("cat $tarball");
if($show eq 'log') {
$sandbox .= '/+Compiler.Log';
} elsif($show eq 'unber') {
$targetFile = $sandbox . '/+UNBER';
} elsif($show eq 'log') {
$targetFile = $sandbox . '/+Compiler.Log';
} elsif($remove ne '') {
print "Status: 303 See Other\n";
print "Location: $myName\n";
print "\n";
$sessionDir . '/' . $t . '-R--' . $file);
} else {
$sandbox .= '/' . $fetch;
$targetFile = $sandbox . '/' . $fetch;
open(I, "< " . $sandbox)
or bark("Invalid or outdated request: [$sandbox] [$show] $!");
printf "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n";
while(<I>) {
if($targetFile ne '') {
open(I, '< ' . $targetFile)
or bark("Invalid or outdated request $!");
printf "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n";
print while <I>;
......@@ -279,7 +294,7 @@ unless($session) {
$transHelp = param('transHelp');
&& $transHelp =~ /^([0-9]+)--([0-9TZ:+-]{14,})--([_.a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$/) {
&& $transHelp =~ /^([0-9]+)--($safeTimeRE)--($safeFilenameRE)$/) {
open(S, "| sendmail -it")
or bark("Cannot perform help request, "
. "please email to the address below");
......@@ -326,11 +341,10 @@ if($#gotNames != -1 && $gotNames[0] ne "") {
$gotFile = undef;
my $asnText = param('text');
if($#gotNames == -1) {
my $text = param('text');
if($text) {
push(@gotNames, 'module.asn1');
push(@gotNames, 'module.asn1') if $asnText;
# Make safe filenames
......@@ -339,7 +353,7 @@ foreach my $fname (@gotNames) {
s/.*\///g; # Strip directory components
s/.*\\//g; # Strip directory components (DOS version)
s/^[.-]/_/g; # Don't allow filenames starting with a dot or a dash
if(!length($_)) {
print LOG "\n";
bark("Too strange filename: \"$fname\"");
......@@ -364,14 +378,16 @@ if($#gotSafeNames >= 0) {
open(O, '> ' . $sandbox . '/+safeNames');
print O join("\n", @gotSafeNames);
for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#gotSafeNames; $i++) {
local $name = $gotSafeNames[$i];
my $name = $gotSafeNames[$i];
open(O, '> ' . $sandbox . '/'. $name);
if($#gotFiles == -1) {
print O scalar(param('text'));
print O $asnText; # param(text)
unlink $sessionDir . '/lastText';
symlink $transactionDir . '/' . $name,
$sessionDir . '/lastText';
} else {
while(<$gotFile>) {
print O;
# Save the uploaded data into specified file
print O while <$gotFile>;
......@@ -391,53 +407,107 @@ if($#gotSafeNames >= 0) {
$options .= " -fcompound-names" if(defined($optCN) && $optNT eq "on");
my $CompileASN = "$TMPDIR/bin/asn1c -v | sed -e 's/^/-- /'"
. " > $sandbox/+Compiler.Log 2>&1"
. "; $SUIDHelper $TMPDIR $inChDir $options @gotSafeNames "
. "; $SUIDHelper $TMPDIR $inChDir asn1c $options @gotSafeNames "
. " >> $sandbox/+Compiler.Log 2>&1"
. "; echo \$? > $sandbox/+ExitCode";
bark("Failed to initiate compilation process: $!")
if(!-r $sandbox . '/+ExitCode');
makeArchive($TMPDIR, $sandbox);
. "; ec=\$?; echo \$ec > $sandbox/+ExitCode"
. "; exit \$ec";
my $ec = (256 * $DataERR); # Simulate EX_DATAERR
my $fType = param('fileType');
# Compile as ASN.1 text
if($fType ne 'ber') {
$ec = system($CompileASN);
bark("Failed to initiate compilation process: $!")
if(!-r $sandbox . '/+ExitCode');
if($ec == (256 * $DataERR) and $fType ne 'asn') {
# Unrecognized ASN.1 module format.
# Try out BER decoding.
my $uec = system("$SUIDHelper $TMPDIR $inChDir unber @gotSafeNames > $TMPDIR/$inChDir/+UNBER.tmp 2>&1");
if(($uec == 0 or $fType eq 'ber')
and open(U, "> $TMPDIR/$inChDir/+UNBER")) {
my $fnames = escapeHTML(join(", ", @gotNames));
open(T, "< $TMPDIR/$inChDir/+UNBER.tmp");
print U "<!-- BER structure of $fnames; decoded by 'unber' (c) Lev Walkin <vlm\> -->\n";
print U while <T>;
} else {
makeArchive($TMPDIR, $sandbox);
print "Status: 303 See Other\n";
print "Location: $myName\n";
#print join("<BR>\n", `env`);
my $rtt = '';
if(-f $sessionDir . '/lastText') {
if(param('resetText')) {
unlink $sessionDir . '/lastText';
} else {
$rtt = "<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;[<A HREF=$myName?resetText=ok>refill with sample ASN.1 module text</A>]";
$form =
"<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=$myName ENCTYPE=\"multipart/form-data\">"
. "Pick the ASN.1 module file:<BR>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=file NAME=file SIZE=35><BR clear=all>\n"
. "Or enter the ASN.1 module text into the following area:<BR>\n"
. "<TABLE BORDER=0><TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD><TD COLSPAN=2>"
. "Pick the ASN.1 module or binary encoded data file:\n"
. "</TD></TR><TD VALIGN=top><FONT COLOR=green>&rArr;</FONT></TD><TD>"
. "<SELECT NAME=fileType>"
. "<OPTION VALUE=auto>Autodetect type of file ..."
. "<OPTION VALUE=asn>ASN.1 text file ..."
. "<OPTION VALUE=ber>BER/DER/CER data ..."
. "</SELECT>"
. "</TD><TD ALIGN=right>"
. "<INPUT TYPE=file NAME=file SIZE=13>"
. "</TD></TR><TR><TD>&nbsp;</TD><TD COLSPAN=2>"
. "Or paste the ASN.1 text into the following area:$rtt\n"
. "</TD></TR><TD VALIGN=top><FONT COLOR=green>&rArr;</FONT></TD><TD COLSPAN=2>"
. "<TEXTAREA NAME=text ROWS=16 COLS=60>\n"
. "/*\n"
. " * This ASN.1 specification is given for illustrative purposes.\n"
. " * Your own ASN.1 module must be properly formed too!\n"
. " * (Make sure it has BEGIN/END statements, etc.)\n"
. " */\n"
. "TestModule { iso org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4)\n"
. " 1 spelio(9363) software(1) asn1c(5) webcgi(2) 1 }\n"
. "\n"
. " TestType ::= SEQUENCE {\n"
. " num [PRIVATE 1] INTEGER,\n"
. " str UTF8String (SIZE(1..20)) OPTIONAL\n"
. " }\n"
. "\n"
. "END\n"
. "</TEXTAREA><BR>\n"
. "<P>"
. "<FONT SIZE=-1>"
if(open(T, '< ' . $sessionDir . '/lastText')) {
$form .= escapeHTML($_) while <T>;
} else {
$form .= ""
. "/*\n"
. " * This ASN.1 specification is given for illustrative purposes.\n"
. " * Your own ASN.1 module must be properly formed too!\n"
. " * (Make sure it has BEGIN/END statements, etc.)\n"
. " */\n"
. "TestModule DEFINITIONS ::= \n"
. "BEGIN\n"
. "\n"
. " TestType ::= SEQUENCE {\n"
. " num [PRIVATE 1] INTEGER,\n"
. " str UTF8String (SIZE(1..20)) OPTIONAL\n"
. " }\n"
. "\n"
. "END\n"
$form .= "</TEXTAREA>\n"
. "</TD></TR><TD COLSPAN=3 ID=extrasmall"
. " STYLE=\"border-left: dashed 1px rgb(200, 200, 200);\">\n"
. "These options may be used to control the compiler's behavior:<BR>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=optDebugL> Debug lexer (<I>-Wdebug-lexer</I>)<BR>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=optE> Just parse and dump (do not compile) (<I>-E</I>)<BR>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=optEF> Parse, perform semantic checks, and dump (<I>-E -F</I>)<BR>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=optNT CHECKED=on> Employ native machine types (e.g. <b>double</b> instead of <b>REAL_t</b>) (<I>-fnative-types</I>)<BR>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=optE> Just parse and dump (do not verify) (<I>-E</I>)<BR>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=optEF> Parse, verify validity, and dump (<I>-E -F</I>)<BR>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=optNT CHECKED=on> Use native machine types (e.g. <b>double</b> instead of <b>REAL_t</b>) (<I>-fnative-types</I>)<BR>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=checkbox NAME=optCN> Prevent name clashes in compiled output (<I>-fcompound-names</I>)<BR>\n"
. "<I>... the command line ASN.1 compiler, <A HREF=$ASN1C_Page>asn1c</A>, supports many other parameters</I>."
. "</FONT>"
. "<P>\n"
. "</TD></TR><TD VALIGN=top><FONT COLOR=green>&rArr;</FONT></TD><TD COLSPAN=2>"
. "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"Proceed with ASN.1 compilation\">"
. " (<A HREF=$ASN1C_Page>What is ASN.1?</A>)"
. "</FORM>";
. "</FORM></TD></TR></TABLE>";
# Gather previous transactions to generate the history page.
......@@ -447,51 +517,70 @@ $form =
opendir(SD, $sessionDir) or bark("Cannot open sandbox: $!");
my @transactions = sort { $b cmp $a }
(grep {/^[0-9TZ:+-]{14,}--[_.a-zA-Z0-9-]+$/}
(grep {/^${safeTimeRE}(-R)?--${safeFilenameRE}?$/}
my $CountHistoryItems = 0;
my $CountGlobalItems = 0;
my $CountShownItems = 0;
my $fullresp = param("fullresp");
foreach my $trans (sort { $b cmp $a } @transactions) {
next unless($trans =~ /^([0-9TZ:+-]{14,})--([_.a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$/);
next unless($trans =~ /^($safeTimeRE)--($safeFilenameRE)$/);
next if($CountHistoryItems > $MaxHistoryItems
&& $HistoryShow ne 'full');
local ($t, $f) = ($1, $2);
local $origTime = $t;
my ($t, $f) = ($1, $2);
my $origTime = $t;
$t =~ s/T/ /; # "1999-01-02T13:53:12" => "1999-01-02 13:53:12"
# Global transaction number
local $tNum = 1 + $#transactions - $CountHistoryItems;
my $tNum = 2 + $#transactions - $CountGlobalItems;
# Open the list of file names under which these files are known
# at the remote system.
open(I, '< ' . $sessionDir . '/' . $trans . '/+Names');
local @Names = <I>;
my @Names = <I>;
# Open the list of "safe" file names under which these files
# are known to our file system.
open(I, '< ' . $sessionDir . '/' . $trans . '/+safeNames');
local @safeNames = <I>;
my @safeNames = <I>;
# Create a list of real file names whith appropriate links to the
# "safe" file names for subsequent file fetching.
local @markedNames = ();
my @markedNames = ();
for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#Names; $i++) {
local $_ = "<A HREF=\"$myName?time="
. escapeHTML($origTime)
. "&file=$f"
. "&fetch=$safeNames[$i]\">$Names[$i]</A>";
. "&fetch=$safeNames[$i]\" ID=modrefs>"
. escapeHTML($Names[$i])
. "</A>";
@markedNames = (@markedNames, $_);
local $ec = '';
my $ec = '';
open(I, '< ' . $sessionDir . '/' . $trans . '/+ExitCode')
and chop($ec = <I>);
my $resCode = "log";
my $resText = "Show compiler log";
if($ec eq "0") {
$results = "<FONT COLOR=darkgreen><B>"
. "Compiled OK</B></FONT><BR>\n";
} elsif(-f $sessionDir . '/' . $trans . '/+UNBER') {
my $msg = 'This looks like a BER-encoded data';
$msg = "Treating input as BER-encoded data" if $ec eq '';
$results = "<FONT COLOR=darkgreen><B>$msg</B></FONT><BR>\n";
$resText = "Show BER structure";
$resCode = "unber";
$ec = 0;
} else {
my $why = $ec;
$why = "<NOBR>Invalid input file</NOBR>" if $ec == 65;
$why = "<NOBR>Broken input file</NOBR>" if $ec == $DataERR;
$results = "<FONT COLOR=darkred SIZE=-1>"
. "<NOBR>ASN.1 compiler error:</NOBR> "
. "$why</FONT><BR>\n";
......@@ -503,20 +592,22 @@ foreach my $trans (sort { $b cmp $a } @transactions) {
$results .= "<NOBR>"
. ($allowFetchResults ? '1. ' : '')
. "<A HREF=\"$myName/$f-$tNum.Log?time="
. "<A HREF=\"$myName/$f-$tNum.$resCode?time="
. escapeHTML($origTime)
. "&file=$f"
. "&show=log\">"
. "Show compiler log</A></NOBR>";
. "&show=$resCode\">"
. "$resText</A>"
. ($ec ? ' &larr;' : '')
. "</NOBR>";
$results .= "<BR>\n<NOBR>"
. "2. <A HREF=\"$myName/$f-$tNum.tgz?time="
. escapeHTML($origTime)
. "&file=$f"
. "&show=tgz\">"
. "Fetch compiled C sources (.tgz)</A></NOBR>"
. "Fetch compiled C sources (.tgz)</A> &larr;</NOBR>"
if $allowFetchResults;
if($ec ne "0") {
local ($eml, @resp);
my ($eml, @resp);
open(H, '< ' . $sessionDir . '/' . $trans . '/+HelpResp')
and @resp = <H>;
open(H, '< ' . $sessionDir . '/' . $trans . '/+HelpReq')
......@@ -524,13 +615,17 @@ foreach my $trans (sort { $b cmp $a } @transactions) {
if($#resp >= 0) {
shift(@resp) while($resp[0] =~ /^$/);
if($fullresp eq $tNum) {
$results .= "<P><B>Analysis:</B><BLOCKQUOTE>";
$results .= join("<BR>", @resp);
my $r = join("<BR>", @resp);
$r =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
$results .= "<P><B>Analysis:</B>";
$results .= "<BR>(<A HREF=\"$myName\">Hide full explanation</A>)";
$results .= "<BLOCKQUOTE>";
$results .= $r;
$results .= "</BLOCKQUOTE>";
$results .= "(<A HREF=\"$myName\">Hide full text</A>)";
$results .= "(<A HREF=\"$myName\">Hide full explanation</A>)";
} else {
$results .= "<P><B>Analysis:</B> $resp[0]<BR>";
$results .= "(<A HREF=\"$myName?fullresp=$tNum\">Show full text</A>)";
$results .= "(<A HREF=\"$myName?fullresp=$tNum\">Show full explanation</A>)";
} elsif($eml) {
$results .= "<P><FONT COLOR=darkred Family=Serif><B>"
......@@ -539,81 +634,77 @@ foreach my $trans (sort { $b cmp $a } @transactions) {
. "expect results in a few hours.<B></FONT>";
} else {
$results .= '<P>'
. "<FONT SIZE=-2>To get free help, leave a return address:</FONT><BR>"
. "To get free help, leave a return address:<BR>"
. "<INPUT TYPE=text NAME=email VALUE=\"$userEmail\"><BR>"
. "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=transHelp VALUE=\"$tNum--$trans\">"
. '<INPUT TYPE=Submit VALUE="Help me fix it!">'
. '<!-- <A HREF=" compiler help: '
. "transaction $tNum ("
. join(', ', @safeNames)
. ") failed with code $ec"
. '&body=leave body empty or add more comments">Help me fix it!</A> (See bottom line) -->'
$atLeastOneError = 1;
$trColor = ' BGCOLOR=#f8f8f8';
$trColor = ' BGCOLOR=#d0ffe0' unless($CountHistoryItems);
$tNum = '<I>' . $tNum . '</I>' unless($CountHistoryItems);
$trColor = ' BGCOLOR=#d0ffe0' if $CountHistoryItems == 1;
$history .= "<TR $trColor>"
. "<TH ALIGN=center><FONT FACE=Helvetica SIZE=-2>$tNum</FONT></TH>"
. "<TD ALIGN=center><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE=Helvetica>"
. "<TH ALIGN=center ID=num>$tNum"
. "<BR><FONT FACE=Serif>[<A ID=modrefs "
. "HREF=\"$myName?time="
. escapeHTML($origTime)
. "&file=$f&remove=$tNum\""
. ">&times;</A>]</FONT>"
. "</TH>"
. "<TD ALIGN=center>"
. join(", ", @markedNames)
. "</FONT></TD>"
. "</TD></TD>"
. "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=$myName><TD ID=extrasmall>"
. $results
. "</TD></FORM>"
. "</TR>\n";
last if(++$CountHistoryItems >= $MaxHistoryItems
&& $HistoryShow ne 'full');
. "</TR>"
if($DynamicHistory eq 'yes') {
# [Un-]limit number of history items
$HistoryItemsHidden = 1 + $#transactions - $CountHistoryItems;
$HistoryItemsHidden = $CountHistoryItems - $CountShownItems;
if($HistoryItemsHidden > 0) {
# Propose to expand the list.
local $item = 'item';
my $item = 'item';
$HistoryItemsHidden == 1 or $item = 'items';
$history .= "<TR BGCOLOR=white><TD COLSPAN=3 ALIGN=center>"
. "<FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF=\"$myName?history=full\">"
. "<A HREF=\"$myName?history=full\">"
. "Show full history</A> "
. "($HistoryItemsHidden hidden $item)"
. "</FONT></TD></TR>\n";
. "</TD></TR>\n";
} elsif($HistoryShow eq "full" && $#transactions >= $MaxHistoryItems) {
# Propose to shorten the list.
local $item = 'item';
my $item = 'item';
$MaxHistoryItems == 1 or $item = 'items';
$history .= "<TR BGCOLOR=white><TD COLSPAN=3 ALIGN=center>"
. "<FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF=\"$myName?history=short\">"
. "<A HREF=\"$myName?history=short\">"
. "Short history</A> ($MaxHistoryItems $item)"
. "</FONT></TD></TR>\n";
. "</TD></TR>\n";
if($history) {
$history = "<H3>History</H3>"
. "<TR BGCOLOR=#e0f0d0>"
. "<TH WIDTH=1%><FONT COLOR=#404040 FACE=Courier>N</FONT></TH>"
. "<TH><FONT COLOR=#404040 FACE=Courier>Files processed</FONT></TH>"
. "<TH><FONT COLOR=#404040 FACE=Courier>Result</FONT></TH>"
. "<TH WIDTH=1%>N</TH><TH>Files processed</TH><TH>Result</TH>\n"
. "</TR>\n"
. $history . "</TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><BR>\n";
if($atLeastOneError) {
$history .= "<FONT SIZE=-1 COLOR=#404040>"
. "<FONT COLOR=darkred><B>Bottom line:</B> ASN.1 compiler was unable to process some of the input files.</FONT><BR>"
$history .= "<FONT COLOR=#404040>"
. "<FONT COLOR=darkred><B>Bottom line:</B> ASN.1 compiler was unable to process some of the input.</FONT><BR>"
. "This is typically caused by syntax errors in the input files.\n"
. "Such errors are normally fixed by removing or adding a couple of characters in the ASN.1 module.<BR>\n"
. "<BR><B><FONT COLOR=darkred>Please consider clicking on the appropriate &quot;<I>Help me fix it!</I>&quot; button above.</FONT></B><BR>\n"
. "An email will be sent to a person who will gladly fix the ASN.1 module for you. (The typical turn-around time is less than 24 hours.)\n"
. "An email will be sent to a live person who will fix the ASN.1 module for you. (The typical turn-around time is less than 24 hours.)\n"
. "<BR>This is <B>free</B>, and highly advisable.\n"
. "Your request will help us make a better compiler!\n"
. "<BR>Your request will help us make a better compiler!\n"
. "<BR>Thank you."
. "</FONT>";
......@@ -633,11 +724,10 @@ $content .=
. "$form"
. "</TD><TD WIDTH=60% HEIGHT=50% ALIGN=center VALIGN=$histValign>$history \n"
. "</TD></TR><TR><TD HEIGHT=50% VALIGN=bottom>"
. "<FONT SIZE=-1><B>Privacy Note:</B> this page is tailored "
. "<B>Privacy Note:</B> this page is tailored "
. "to your browser using a cryprographically strong cookie. "
. "<I>Other users will see their own (different) data.</I> "
. "(<A HREF=asn1c-privacy.html>Read more...</A>)"
. "</FONT>"
. "</TD></TR></TABLE>";
......@@ -648,7 +738,7 @@ print LOG "\n"; # Finalize logging record
print header(-expires=>'-1y') unless($HTTPHeaderGenerated);
print header(-expires=>'-1y');
# If environment has never been set up completely, remove it.
if($EnvironmentSetOK != 1 && $TMPDIR ne "/") {
......@@ -662,9 +752,36 @@ print<<EOM;
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