Commit 96349f3f authored by Lev Walkin's avatar Lev Walkin

more help

parent d79acb2e
......@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ $DM = 0750; # Directory mode for all mkdirs.
$MaxHistoryItems = 5; # Number of items in History
$DynamicHistory = 'yes'; # Full/Short history
$safeFilename = '^[a-z0-9_-]+[.a-z0-9_-]*$'; # Safe filename
$ASN1C_Page = '';
$HelpEmail = '';
$defaultUserEmail = 'your@email';
$warn = '<CENTER><FONT SIZE=+1><B>';
$unwarn = '</B></FONT></CENTER>';
......@@ -28,15 +31,16 @@ $SandBoxInitFailed = 'User playground initialization failed';
$myName = $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}; # URL of this particular script (without args)
$homePath = "<FONT FACE=Courier SIZE=-1>"
. "<A HREF=>Home</A>"
. " &gt;&gt; <A HREF=>asn1c</A>"
. " &gt;&gt; <A HREF=>Free Online ASN.1 Compiler</A>"
. "<A HREF=>Home</A>"
. " &gt;&gt; <A HREF=$ASN1C_Page>asn1c</A>"
. " &gt;&gt; <A HREF=$ASN1C_Page/asn1c.cgi>Free Online ASN.1 Compiler</A>"
. "</FONT><P>";
# The code below rarely requires any modification #
my $redirect = ''; # No redirection by default
my $content = ''; # Default content is empty
use CGI qw/param cookie header upload escapeHTML/;
......@@ -139,10 +143,30 @@ sub makeArchive($$) {
my $EnvironmentSetOK = prepareChrootEnvironment();
# Record user's email.
$userEmail = cookie('userEmail');
$userEmail = $defaultUserEmail unless $userEmail;
$tmpEmail = param('email');
&& $tmpEmail ne $userEmail) {
unless($tmpEmail =~ /^\s*([a-z0-9._+-]+@[a-z0-9.+-]+)\s*$/i) {
bark("Invalid email address: "
. "<B><FONT COLOR=darkred>$tmpEmail</FONT></B>");
$userEmail = $1;
local $ck = cookie(-name=>'userEmail',
-path=>'/', -expires=>'+1d');
print "Set-Cookie: " . $ck . "\n";
# Check if full history requested.
$HistoryShow = cookie('HistoryShow');
$HistoryShow = '' unless $HistoryShow;
$tmpHSParam = param('history'); # Control cookie setting
if (defined($tmpHSParam)
&& $tmpHSParam ne $HistoryShow
......@@ -193,15 +217,17 @@ unless($session) {
unless(-d $sessionDir);
local $t = param('time');
local $trans = param('trans');
local $file = param('file');
local $fetch = param('fetch');
local $show = param('show');
unless($t =~ /^[0-9TZ:+-]{14,}$/ && $trans =~ /$safeFilename/i) {
unless(defined($t) && defined($file)
&& $t =~ /^[0-9TZ:+-]{14,}$/
&& $file =~ /$safeFilename/i) {
$fetch = '';
$show = '';
if($fetch =~ /$safeFilename/i || $show =~ /^(log|tgz)$/) {
local $sandbox = $sessionDir . '/' . $t . '--' . $trans;
local $sandbox = $sessionDir . '/' . $t . '--' . $file;
if($show eq 'tgz') {
local $tarball = makeArchive($TMPDIR, $sandbox);
......@@ -229,8 +255,36 @@ unless($session) {
# Check if transaction help is requested.
$transHelp = param('transHelp');
&& $transHelp =~ /^([0-9]+)--([0-9TZ:+-]{14,})--([_.a-zA-Z0-9-]+)$/) {
open(S, "| sendmail -it") or bark("Cannot perform help request, please email to the address below");
print S "From: $userEmail\n";
print S "To: $HelpEmail\n";
print S "Subject: asn1c help requested for $2--$3\n";
print S "\n";
print S "User $userEmail requested help with\n$session/$2--$3 ($1)\n";
print S "\n-- \nasn1c\n";
open(S, '>> ' . $sessionDir . '/' . $2 . '--' . $3 . '/+HelpReq');
print S "$userEmail\n";
$content = '<CENTER>Transaction '
. "$1 ($3) is marked for manual processing.<BR>"
. "Results will be mailed to "
. "<FONT COLOR=darkgreen>$userEmail</FONT> shortly.<BR>"
. "<P>This page will <A HREF=$ASN1C_Page/asn1c.cgi>disappear</A> in 5 seconds."
. "</CONTENT>";
$redirect = "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\"CONTENT=\"5\">";
open(LOG, ">> $sessionDir/+logfile") or bark("Sandbox error: $!");
print LOG isoTime() . "\tIP=$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}";
print LOG "\tEMAIL=$userEmail" if($userEmail ne $defaultUserEmail);
@gotSafeNames = ();
@gotNames = param('file');
......@@ -295,10 +349,15 @@ if($#gotSafeNames >= 0) {
my $inChDir = makeSessionDirName("/", $session) . $transactionDir;
my $options = '';
$options .= " -Wdebug-lexer" if(param("optDebugL") eq "on");
$options .= " -E" if(param("optE") eq "on");
$options .= " -EF" if(param("optEF") eq "on");
$options .= " -fnative-types" if(param("optNT") eq "on");
my $optDebugL = param('optDebugL');
my $optE = param('optE');
my $optEF = param('optEF');
my $optNT = param('optNT');
$options .= " -Wdebug-lexer"
if(defined($optDebugL) && $optDebugL eq "on");
$options .= " -E" if(defined($optE) && $optE eq "on");
$options .= " -EF" if(defined($optEF) && $optEF eq "on");
$options .= " -fnative-types" if(defined($optNT) && $optNT eq "on");
my $CompileASN = "$TMPDIR/bin/asn1c -v | sed -e 's/^/-- /'"
. " > $sandbox/+Compiler.Log 2>&1"
. "; $SUIDHelper $TMPDIR $inChDir $options @gotSafeNames "
......@@ -326,7 +385,7 @@ $form =
. "\n"
. " TestType ::= SEQUENCE {\n"
. " num INTEGER,\n"
. " num [PRIVATE 1] INTEGER,\n"
. " str UTF8String (SIZE(1..20)) OPTIONAL\n"
. " }\n"
. "\n"
......@@ -342,6 +401,7 @@ $form =
. "</FONT>"
. "<P>\n"
. "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"Proceed with ASN.1 compilation\">"
. " (<A HREF=$ASN1C_Page>What is ASN.1?</A>)"
. "</FORM>";
......@@ -381,15 +441,14 @@ foreach my $trans (sort { $b cmp $a } @transactions) {
for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#Names; $i++) {
local $_ = "<A HREF=\"$myName?time="
. escapeHTML($origTime)
. "&trans=$f"
. "&file=$f"
. "&fetch=$safeNames[$i]\">$Names[$i]</A>";
@markedNames = (@markedNames, $_);
open(I, '< ' . $sessionDir . '/' . $trans . '/+ExitCode');
local $ec = <I>;
local $ec = '';
open(I, '< ' . $sessionDir . '/' . $trans . '/+ExitCode')
and chop($ec = <I>);
if($ec eq "0") {
$results = "<FONT COLOR=darkgreen><B>"
......@@ -407,27 +466,39 @@ foreach my $trans (sort { $b cmp $a } @transactions) {
. ($allowFetchResults ? '1. ' : '')
. "<A HREF=\"$myName/$f-$tNum.Log?time="
. escapeHTML($origTime)
. "&trans=$f"
. "&file=$f"
. "&show=log\">"
. "Show compiler log</A></NOBR>";
$results .= "<BR>\n<NOBR>"
. "2. <A HREF=\"$myName/$f-$tNum.tgz?time="
. escapeHTML($origTime)
. "&trans=$f"
. "&file=$f"
. "&show=tgz\">"
. "Fetch results (.tgz)</A></NOBR>"
if $allowFetchResults;
if($ec ne "0") {
local $eml;
open(H, '< ' . $sessionDir . '/' . $trans . '/+HelpReq')
and chomp($eml = <H>);
if(defined($eml)) {
$results .= "<P><FONT COLOR=darkred Family=Serif><B>"
. "Status: manual help requested<BR>"
. " by <FONT COLOR=black>$eml</FONT>,<BR>"
. "expect results in a few hours.<B></FONT>";
} else {
$results .= '<P>'
. '<FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF=" compiler help: '
. "<INPUT TYPE=text NAME=email VALUE=\"$userEmail\"><BR>"
. "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=transHelp VALUE=\"$tNum--$trans\">"
. '<INPUT TYPE=Submit VALUE="Help me fix it!">'
. '<!-- <A HREF=" compiler help: '
. "transaction $tNum ("
. join(', ', @safeNames)
. ") failed with code $ec"
. '&body=leave body empty or add more comments">Help me fix it!</A> (See bottom line)'
. '</FONT>'
. '&body=leave body empty or add more comments">Help me fix it!</A> (See bottom line) -->'
$atLeastOneError = 1;
$trColor = ' BGCOLOR=#f8f8f8';
$trColor = ' BGCOLOR=#d0ffe0' unless($CountHistoryItems);
......@@ -438,9 +509,9 @@ foreach my $trans (sort { $b cmp $a } @transactions) {
. "<TD ALIGN=center><FONT SIZE=-1 FACE=Helvetica>"
. join(", ", @markedNames)
. "</FONT></TD>"
. "<TD><FONT SIZE=-2 FACE=Helvetica>"
. $results
. "</TD>"
. "</TD></FORM>"
. "</TR>\n";
last if(++$CountHistoryItems >= $MaxHistoryItems
......@@ -536,6 +607,7 @@ print<<EOM;
<TITLE>Free Online ASN.1 Compiler</TITLE>
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Free Online ASN.1 Compiler">
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
TD#inputbox {
border-right: dashed 1px rgb(200, 200, 200);
......@@ -550,7 +622,7 @@ $content
<HR WIDTH=70%>
<A HREF=>The ASN.1 Compiler</A>
<A HREF=$ASN1C_Page>The ASN.1 Compiler</A>
Copyright &copy; 2003, 2004, 2005
Lev Walkin &lt;<A HREF=mailto:vlm&#64;>vlm&#64;</A>&gt;
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