Commit 99006369 authored by Lev Walkin's avatar Lev Walkin

improved asn_GT2time() and added asn_time2GT() function

parent 0aca3855
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
* Fixed application-level problem in SET OF/SEQUENCE OF array cleanup.
(Severity: medium, Security impact: low)
* Improved asn_GT2time() and added asn_time2{GT,UT}() functions.
0.8.15: 2004-Jul-20
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_GeneralizedTime = {
GeneralizedTime_constraint, /* Check validity of time */
OCTET_STRING_decode_ber, /* Implemented in terms of OCTET STRING */
OCTET_STRING_encode_der, /* Implemented in terms of OCTET STRING */
GeneralizedTime_encode_der, /* Implemented in terms of OCTET STRING */
0, /* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ GeneralizedTime_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
time_t tloc;
errno = EPERM; /* Just an unlikely error code */
tloc = asn_GT2time(st, 0);
tloc = asn_GT2time(st, 0, 0);
if(tloc == -1 && errno != EPERM) {
_ASN_ERRLOG("%s: Invalid time format: %s",
td->name, strerror(errno));
......@@ -55,6 +55,47 @@ GeneralizedTime_constraint(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr,
return 0;
GeneralizedTime_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, void *ptr,
int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag,
asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
GeneralizedTime_t *st = ptr;
der_enc_rval_t erval;
/* If not canonical DER, re-encode into canonical DER. */
if(st->size && st->buf[st->size-1] != 'Z') {
struct tm tm;
time_t tloc;
errno = EPERM;
tloc = asn_GT2time(st, &tm, 1); /* Recognize time */
if(tloc == -1 && errno != EPERM) {
/* Failed to recognize time. Fail completely. */
erval.encoded = -1;
erval.failed_type = td;
erval.structure_ptr = ptr;
return erval;
st = asn_time2GT(0, &tm, 1); /* Save time canonically */
if(!st) {
/* Memory allocation failure. */
erval.encoded = -1;
erval.failed_type = td;
erval.structure_ptr = ptr;
return erval;
erval = OCTET_STRING_encode_der(td, st, tag_mode, tag, cb, app_key);
if(st != ptr) {
return erval;
GeneralizedTime_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr, int ilevel,
asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
......@@ -69,11 +110,11 @@ GeneralizedTime_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr, int ilevel,
int ret;
errno = EPERM;
if(asn_GT2time(st, &tm) == -1 && errno != EPERM)
if(asn_GT2time(st, &tm, 1) == -1 && errno != EPERM)
return cb("<bad-value>", 11, app_key);
ret = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d%02d",
"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d%02d (GMT)",
tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday,
tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec);
assert(ret > 0 && ret < (int)sizeof(buf));
......@@ -96,19 +137,19 @@ GeneralizedTime_print(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, const void *sptr, int ilevel,
* Where to look for offset from GMT, Phase II.
#define GMTOFF (tm_s.tm_gmtoff)
#define GMTOFF(tm) ((tm).tm_gmtoff)
#else /* HAVE_TM_ZONE */
#define GMTOFF (-timezone)
#define GMTOFF(tm) (-timezone)
#endif /* HAVE_TM_ZONE */
asn_GT2time(const GeneralizedTime_t *st, struct tm *_tm) {
asn_GT2time(const GeneralizedTime_t *st, struct tm *ret_tm, int as_gmt) {
struct tm tm_s;
uint8_t *buf;
uint8_t *end;
int tm_gmtoff_h = 0;
int tm_gmtoff_m = 0;
int tm_gmtoff = 0; /* h + m */
int gmtoff_h = 0;
int gmtoff_m = 0;
int gmtoff = 0; /* h + m */
int offset_specified = 0;
time_t tloc;
......@@ -240,22 +281,22 @@ offset:
return -1;
if(buf[-3] == 0x2D) /* Negative */
tm_gmtoff = -1;
gmtoff = -1;
tm_gmtoff = 1;
gmtoff = 1;
if((end - buf) == 2) {
} else if(end != buf) {
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
tm_gmtoff = tm_gmtoff * (3600 * tm_gmtoff_h + 60 * tm_gmtoff_m);
gmtoff = gmtoff * (3600 * gmtoff_h + 60 * gmtoff_m);
/* Fall through */
......@@ -282,25 +323,110 @@ local_finish:
tm_s.tm_year -= 1900;
tm_s.tm_isdst = -1;
tm_s.tm_sec -= gmtoff;
/*** AT THIS POINT tm_s is either GMT or local (unknown) ****/
tloc = timegm(&tm_s);
else {
* Without an offset (or 'Z'),
* we can only guess that it is a local zone.
* Interpret it in this fashion.
tloc = mktime(&tm_s);
if(tloc == -1) {
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
if(ret_tm) {
if(as_gmt) {
if(offset_specified) {
* Offset from GMT is specified in the time expression.
tloc += GMTOFF - tm_gmtoff;
if(_tm && (localtime_r(&tloc, &tm_s) == NULL)) {
/* Could not reconstruct the time */
*ret_tm = tm_s;
} else {
if(gmtime_r(&tloc, ret_tm) == 0) {
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
if(_tm) memcpy(_tm, &tm_s, sizeof(struct tm));
} else {
if(localtime_r(&tloc, ret_tm) == 0) {
errno = EINVAL;
return -1;
return tloc;
GeneralizedTime_t *
asn_time2GT(GeneralizedTime_t *opt_gt, const struct tm *tm, int force_gmt) {
struct tm tm_s;
long gmtoff;
const unsigned int buf_size = 24; /* 4+2+2 +2+2+2 +4 + cushion */
char *buf;
char *p;
int size;
/* Check arguments */
if(!tm) {
errno = EINVAL;
return 0;
/* Pre-allocate a buffer of sufficient yet small length */
buf = MALLOC(buf_size);
if(!buf) return 0;
gmtoff = GMTOFF(*tm);
if(force_gmt && gmtoff) {
tm_s = *tm;
tm_s.tm_sec -= gmtoff;
timegm(&tm_s); /* Fix the time */
tm = &tm_s;
size = snprintf(buf, buf_size, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",
tm->tm_year + 1900,
tm->tm_mon + 1,
assert(size == 14);
p = buf + size;
if(force_gmt) {
*p++ = 0x5a; /* 'Z' */
*p++ = 0;
} else {
int ret = snprintf(p, buf_size - size, "%+03ld%02ld",
gmtoff / 3600, gmtoff % 3600);
assert(ret >= 5 && ret <= 7);
size += ret;
if(opt_gt) {
} else {
opt_gt = CALLOC(1, sizeof *opt_gt);
if(!opt_gt) { free(buf); return 0; }
opt_gt->buf = buf;
opt_gt->size = size;
return opt_gt;
......@@ -13,14 +13,33 @@ typedef OCTET_STRING_t GeneralizedTime_t; /* Implemented using OCTET STRING */
extern asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t asn1_DEF_GeneralizedTime;
asn_constr_check_f GeneralizedTime_constraint;
der_type_encoder_f GeneralizedTime_encode_der;
asn_struct_print_f GeneralizedTime_print;
* Some handy helpers. *
/* On error returns -1 and errno set to EINVAL */
struct tm; /* <time.h> */
time_t asn_GT2time(const GeneralizedTime_t *, struct tm *_optional_tm4fill);
* Convert a GeneralizedTime structure into time_t
* and optionally into struct tm.
* If as_gmt is given, the resulting _optional_tm4fill will have a GMT zone,
* instead of default local one.
* On error returns -1 and errno set to EINVAL
time_t asn_GT2time(const GeneralizedTime_t *, struct tm *_optional_tm4fill,
int as_gmt);
* Convert a struct tm into GeneralizedTime.
* If __opt_gt is not given, this function will try to allocate one.
* If force_gmt is given, the resulting GeneralizedTime will be forced
* into a GMT time zone (encoding ends with 'Z').
* On error, this function returns 0 and sets errno.
GeneralizedTime_t *asn_time2GT(GeneralizedTime_t *__opt_gt, const struct tm *,
int force_gmt);
#endif /* _GeneralizedTime_H_ */
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#include "../constraints.c"
static void
check(char *time_str, time_t sample) {
check(char *time_str, time_t expect, int as_gmt) {
GeneralizedTime_t gt;
struct tm tm;
time_t tloc;
......@@ -11,44 +11,91 @@ check(char *time_str, time_t sample) {
gt.buf = time_str;
gt.size = strlen(time_str);
tloc = asn_GT2time(&gt, &tm);
printf("[%s] -> %ld == %ld\n", time_str, (long)tloc, (long)sample);
tloc = asn_GT2time(&gt, &tm, as_gmt);
printf("%s: [%s] -> %ld == %ld\n",
as_gmt?"GMT":"ofs", time_str, (long)tloc, (long)expect);
if(tloc != -1)
printf("\t%d-%d-%dT%02d:%02d:%02d %ld\n",
tm.tm_year + 1900,
tm.tm_mon + 1,
(tm.tm_gmtoff / 3600),
labs(tm.tm_gmtoff % 3600)
assert(tloc == sample);
assert(tloc == expect);
assert(tloc == -1 || as_gmt == 0 || tm.tm_gmtoff == 0);
if(!as_gmt) check(time_str, expect, 1);
static void
rcheck(time_t tloc, const char *expect, int force_gmt) {
GeneralizedTime_t *gt;
struct tm tm, *tmp;
tmp = localtime_r(&tloc, &tm);
gt = asn_time2GT(0, &tm, force_gmt);
if(gt) {
printf("[%s] vs [%s] (%d)\n",
gt->buf, expect, force_gmt);
assert(gt->size == strlen(gt->buf));
assert(!strcmp(gt->buf, expect));
} else {
main(int ac, char **av) {
check("200401250", -1);
check("2004012509300", -1);
check("20040125093000-", -1);
check("20040125093007-0", -1);
check("20040125093007-080", -1);
check("200401250930.01Z", -1);
check("200401250", -1, 0);
check("2004012509300", -1, 0);
check("20040125093000-", -1, 0);
check("20040125093007-0", -1, 0);
check("20040125093007-080", -1, 0);
check("200401250930.01Z", -1, 0);
/* These six are from X.690:11.7.5 */
check("19920520240000Z", -1, 0); /* midnight represented incorrectly */
//check("19920622123421.0Z", -1, 0); /* spurious trailing zeros */
//check("19920722132100.30Z", -1, 0); /* spurious trailing zeros */
check("19920521000000Z", 706406400, 0);
check("19920622123421Z", 709216461, 0);
check("19920722132100.3Z", 711811260, 0);
check("20040125093007Z", 1075023007);
check("20040125093007+00", 1075023007);
check("20040125093007.01+0000", 1075023007);
check("20040125093007,1+0000", 1075023007);
check("20040125093007-0800", 1075051807);
check("20040125093007Z", 1075023007, 0);
check("20040125093007+00", 1075023007, 0);
check("20040125093007.01+0000", 1075023007, 0);
check("20040125093007,1+0000", 1075023007, 0);
check("20040125093007-0800", 1075051807, 0);
if(ac > 1) {
/* These will be valid only inside PST time zone */
check("20040125093007", 1075051807);
check("200401250930", 1075051800);
check("20040125093000,01", 1075051800);
check("20040125093000,1234", 1075051800);
check("20040125093007", 1075051807, 0);
check("200401250930", 1075051800, 0);
check("20040125093000,01", 1075051800, 0);
check("20040125093000,1234", 1075051800, 0);
rcheck(1075023007, "20040125013007-0800", 0);
rcheck(1075023007, "20040125093007Z", 1);
return 0;
* Dummy function.
OCTET_STRING_encode_der(asn1_TYPE_descriptor_t *td, void *ptr, int tag_mode, ber_tlv_tag_t tag, asn_app_consume_bytes_f *cb, void *app_key) {
der_enc_rval_t erval;
return erval;
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