Commit e560f4cc authored by Lev Walkin's avatar Lev Walkin

makeing it run on the older versions of Perl CGI package

parent 6d67d91c
......@@ -198,10 +198,12 @@ print LOG isoTime() . "\tIP=$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}";
@gotSafeNames = ();
@gotNames = param('file');
if($#gotNames != -1 && $gotNames[0] ne "") {
$gotFile = param('file');
@gotFiles = upload('file');
} else {
@gotNames = ();
@gotFiles = ();
$gotFile = undef;
if($#gotNames == -1) {
......@@ -237,22 +239,22 @@ if($#gotSafeNames >= 0) {
my $sandbox = $sessionDir . '/' . $transactionDir;
mkdir($sandbox, $DM) or bark($SandBoxInitFailed);
open(I, '> ' . $sandbox . '/+Names');
print I join("\n", @gotNames);
open(I, '> ' . $sandbox . '/+safeNames');
print I join("\n", @gotSafeNames);
open(O, '> ' . $sandbox . '/+Names');
print O join("\n", @gotNames);
open(O, '> ' . $sandbox . '/+safeNames');
print O join("\n", @gotSafeNames);
for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#gotSafeNames; $i++) {
local $name = $gotSafeNames[$i];
open(I, '> ' . $sandbox . '/'. $name);
open(O, '> ' . $sandbox . '/'. $name);
if($#gotFiles == -1) {
print I scalar(param('text'));
print O scalar(param('text'));
} else {
while(<$gotFiles[$I]>) {
print I;
while(<$gotFile>) {
print O;
my $inChDir = makeSessionDirName("/", $session) . $transactionDir;
my $options = '';
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