Commit f65f108f authored by Lev Walkin's avatar Lev Walkin

dynamic history support

parent 4f0fb003
......@@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ $TMPDIR = '/tmp/asn1c-cgi-jail/';
$SUIDHelper = './asn1c-suid-helper';
$SkeletonsDir = '/usr/local/share/asn1c'; # Will be needed only once
$CompilerLocation = '/usr/local/bin/asn1c'; # asn1c binary location
$MD5ProgramPath = 'md5';
$HashProgramPath = 'md5'; # Program to hash the input
$DM = 0750; # Directory mode for all mkdirs.
$MaxHistoryItems = 5; # Number of items in History
$DynamicHistory = 'yes'; # Full/Short history
$warn = '<CENTER><FONT SIZE=+1><B>';
$unwarn = '</B></FONT></CENTER>';
......@@ -116,6 +118,21 @@ sub prepareChrootEnvironment() {
my $EnvironmentSetOK = prepareChrootEnvironment();
# Check if full history requested.
$HistoryShow = cookie('HistoryShow');
$tmpHSParam = param('history'); # Control cookie setting
if (defined($tmpHSParam)
&& $tmpHSParam ne $HistoryShow
&& $tmpHSParam =~ /^(full|short)$/) {
$HistoryShow = $tmpHSParam;
local $ck = cookie(-name=>'HistoryShow',
-path=>'/', -expires=>'+1h');
print "Set-Cookie: " . $ck . "\n";
# Prepare the session and create the session directory.
# If session exists, perfom arguments checking and execute historic views.
......@@ -132,7 +149,7 @@ unless($session) {
my $pid = open(R, "-|");
if($pid == 0) { # Child
open(W, "| $MD5ProgramPath") or die;
open(W, "| $HashProgramPath") or die;
print W $session;
......@@ -143,7 +160,7 @@ unless($session) {
mkdir($sessionDir, $DM) or bark($SandBoxInitFailed);
my $ck = cookie(-name=>'SessionID', -value=>$session,
-path=>'/', -expires=>'+1y');
print header(-expires=>'-1d', -cookie=>$ck);
print header(-expires=>'-1y', -cookie=>$ck);
$HTTPHeaderGenerated = 1;
} else {
$session =~ s/[^a-f0-9]//ig;
......@@ -322,7 +339,7 @@ foreach my $trans (sort { $b cmp $a } @transactions) {
local ($t, $f) = ($1, $2);
local $origTime = $t;
$t =~ s/T/ /; # 1999-01-02T13:53:12 => 1999-01-02 13:53:12
$t =~ s/T/ /; # "1999-01-02T13:53:12" => "1999-01-02 13:53:12"
# Global transaction number
local $tNum = 1 + $#transactions - $CountHistoryItems;
......@@ -381,7 +398,7 @@ foreach my $trans (sort { $b cmp $a } @transactions) {
. "transaction $tNum ("
. join(', ', @safeNames)
. ") failed with code $ec"
. '&body=leave body empty or add more comments">Help me fix it!</A>'
. '&body=leave body empty or add more comments">Help me fix it!</A> (See bottom line)'
. '</FONT>'
$atLeastOneError = 1;
......@@ -399,10 +416,35 @@ foreach my $trans (sort { $b cmp $a } @transactions) {
. "<TD><FONT SIZE=-2 FACE=Helvetica>"
. $results
. "</TD>"
. "</TR>";
. "</TR>\n";
last unless(++$CountHistoryItems < 5);
last if(++$CountHistoryItems >= $MaxHistoryItems
&& $HistoryShow ne 'full');
if($DynamicHistory eq 'yes') {
# [Un-]limit number of history items
$HistoryItemsHidden = 1 + $#transactions - $CountHistoryItems;
if($HistoryItemsHidden > 0) {
# Propose to expand the list.
local $item = 'item';
$HistoryItemsHidden == 1 or $item = 'items';
$history .= "<TR BGCOLOR=white><TD COLSPAN=3 ALIGN=center>"
. "<FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF=\"$myName?history=full\">"
. "Show full history</A> "
. "($HistoryItemsHidden hidden $item)"
. "</FONT></TD></TR>\n";
} elsif($HistoryShow eq "full" && $#transactions >= $MaxHistoryItems) {
# Propose to shorten the list.
local $item = 'item';
$MaxHistoryItems == 1 or $item = 'items';
$history .= "<TR BGCOLOR=white><TD COLSPAN=3 ALIGN=center>"
. "<FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF=\"$myName?history=short\">"
. "Short history</A> ($MaxHistoryItems $item)"
. "</FONT></TD></TR>\n";
if($history) {
$history = "<H3>History</H3>"
......@@ -457,7 +499,7 @@ print LOG "\n"; # Finalize logging record
print header(-expires=>'-1d') unless($HTTPHeaderGenerated);
print header(-expires=>'-1y') unless($HTTPHeaderGenerated);
# If environment has never been set up completely, remove it.
if($EnvironmentSetOK != 1 && $TMPDIR ne "/") {
......@@ -484,7 +526,7 @@ $content
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<A HREF=>The ASN.1 Compiler</A>
Copyright &copy; 2003, 2004
Copyright &copy; 2003, 2004, 2005
Lev Walkin &lt;<A HREF=mailto:vlm&#64;>vlm&#64;</A>&gt;
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