# About ASN.1 to C compiler takes the ASN.1 module files (example) and generates the C++ compatible C source code. That code can be used to serialize the native C structures into compact and unambiguous BER/OER/PER/XER-based data files, and deserialize the files back. Various ASN.1 based formats are widely used in the industry, such as to encode the X.509 certificates employed in the HTTPS handshake, to exchange control data between mobile phones and cellular networks, to perform car-to-car communication in intelligent transportation networks. The ASN.1 family of standards is large and complex, and no open source compiler supports it in its entirety. The asn1c is arguably the most evolved open source ASN.1 compiler. # ASN.1 Transfer Syntaxes <details> <summary>ASN.1 encodings interoperability table</summary> The ASN.1 family of standards define a number of ways to encode data, including byte-oriented (e.g., BER), bit-oriented (e.g., PER), and textual (e.g., XER). Some encoding variants (e.g., DER) are just stricter variants of the more general encodings (e.g., BER). The interoperability table below specifies which API functions can be used to exchange data in a compatible manner. If you need to _produce_ data conforming to the standard specified in the column 1, use the API function in the column 2. If you need to _process_ data conforming to the standard(s) specified in the column 3, use the API function specified in column 4. See the [doc/asn1c-usage.pdf](doc/asn1c-usage.pdf) for details. Encoding | API function | Understood by | API function -------------- | ------------------ | ------------- | ------------- BER | der_encode() | BER | ber_decode() DER | der_encode() | DER, BER | ber_decode() CER | _not supported_ | CER, BER | ber_decode() BASIC-OER | oer_encode() | *-OER | oer_decode() CANONICAL-OER | oer_encode() | *-OER | oer_decode() BASIC-UPER | uper_encode() | *-UPER | uper_decode() CANONICAL-UPER | uper_encode() | *-UPER | uper_decode() *-APER | _not supported_ | *-APER | _not supported_ BASIC-XER | xer_encode(XER_F_BASIC) | *-XER | xer_decode() CANONICAL-XER | xer_encode(XER_F_CANONICAL)| *-XER | xer_decode() *) Asterisk means both BASIC and CANONICAL variants. </details> # Build and Install If you haven't installed the asn1c yet, read the [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md) file for a short installation guide. [](https://travis-ci.org/vlm/asn1c) # Documentation For the list of asn1c command line options, see `asn1c -h` or `man asn1c`. The comprehensive documentation on this compiler is in [doc/asn1c-usage.pdf](doc/asn1c-usage.pdf). Please also read the [FAQ](FAQ) file. An excellent book on ASN.1 is written by Olivier Dubuisson: "ASN.1 Communication between heterogeneous systems", ISBN:0-12-6333361-0. # Quick start (also check out [doc/asn1c-quick.pdf](doc/asn1c-quick.pdf)) After installing the compiler (see [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md)), you may use the asn1c command to compile the ASN.1 specification: asn1c <module.asn1> # Compile module If several specifications contain interdependencies, all of them must be specified at the same time: asn1c <module1.asn1> <module2.asn1> ... # Compile interdependent modules The asn1c source tarball contains the [examples/](examples/) directory with several ASN.1 modules and a [script](examples/crfc2asn1.pl) to extract the ASN.1 modules from RFC documents. Refer to the [examples/README](examples/README) file in that directory. To compile the X.509 PKI module: ./asn1c/asn1c -P ./examples/rfc3280-*.asn1 # Compile-n-print In this example, the **-P** option is to print the compiled text on the standard output. The default behavior is that asn1c compiler creates multiple .c and .h files for every ASN.1 type found inside the specified ASN.1 modules. The compiler's **-E** and **-EF** options are used for testing the parser and the semantic fixer, respectively. These options will instruct the compiler to dump out the parsed (and fixed) ASN.1 specification as it was "understood" by the compiler. It might be useful for checking whether a particular syntactic construction is properly supported by the compiler. asn1c -EF <module-to-test.asn1> # Check semantic validity # Model of operation The asn1c compiler works by processing the ASN.1 module specifications in several stages: 1. During the first stage, the ASN.1 file is parsed. (Parsing produces an ASN.1 syntax tree for the subsequent levels) 2. During the second stage, the syntax tree is "fixed". (Fixing is a process of checking the tree for semantic errors, accompanied by the tree transformation into the canonical form) 3. During the third stage, the syntax tree is compiled into the target language. There are several command-line options reserved for printing the results after each stage of operation: <parser> => print (-E) <parser> => <fixer> => print (-E -F) <parser> => <fixer> => <compiler> => print (-P) <parser> => <fixer> => <compiler> => save-compiled [default] -- Lev Walkin vlm@lionet.info