📝 add more API documentation

parent 6674561d
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('front', 'Method', 'api/basic_
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('get_allocator', 'Function', 'api/basic_json/get_allocator/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('input_format_t', 'Enum', 'api/basic_json/input_format_t/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('insert', 'Method', 'api/basic_json/insert/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('invalid_iterator', 'Class', 'api/basic_json/invalid_iterator/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('is_array', 'Method', 'api/basic_json/is_array/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('is_binary', 'Method', 'api/basic_json/is_binary/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('is_boolean', 'Method', 'api/basic_json/is_boolean/index.html');
......@@ -70,7 +71,10 @@ INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('operator""_json_pointer', 'Li
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('operator value_t', 'Operator', 'api/basic_json/operator_value_t/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('ordered_json', 'Class', 'api/ordered_json/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('ordered_map', 'Class', 'api/ordered_map/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('out_of_range', 'Class', 'api/basic_json/out_of_range/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('other_error', 'Class', 'api/basic_json/other_error/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('parse', 'Function', 'api/basic_json/parse/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('parse_error', 'Class', 'api/basic_json/parse_error/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('parse_event_t', 'Enum', 'api/basic_json/parse_event_t/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('parser_callback_t', 'Type', 'api/basic_json/parser_callback_t/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('patch', 'Method', 'api/basic_json/patch/index.html');
......@@ -81,6 +85,7 @@ INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('sax_parse', 'Function', 'api/
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('size', 'Method', 'api/basic_json/size/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('string_t', 'Type', 'api/basic_json/string_t/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('type', 'Method', 'api/basic_json/type/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('type_error', 'Class', 'api/basic_json/type_error/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('type_name', 'Method', 'api/basic_json/type_name/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('unflatten', 'Method', 'api/basic_json/unflatten/index.html');
INSERT INTO searchIndex(name, type, path) VALUES ('update', 'Method', 'api/basic_json/update/index.html');
# basic_json::exception
# basic_basic_json::exception
class exception : public std::exception;
......@@ -9,32 +9,32 @@ member `id` for exception ids. It is used as the base class for all exceptions t
class can hence be used as "wildcard" to catch exceptions, see example below.
std::exception <|-- json::exception
json::exception <|-- json::parse_error
json::exception <|-- json::invalid_iterator
json::exception <|-- json::type_error
json::exception <|-- json::out_of_range
json::exception <|-- json::other_error
std::exception <|-- basic_json::exception
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::parse_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::invalid_iterator
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::type_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::out_of_range
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::other_error
interface std::exception {}
class json::exception #FFFF00 {
class basic_json::exception #FFFF00 {
+ const int id
+ const char* what() const
class json::parse_error {
class basic_json::parse_error {
+ const std::size_t byte
- `parse_error` for exceptions indicating a parse error
- `invalid_iterator` for exceptions indicating errors with iterators
- `type_error` for exceptions indicating executing a member function with a wrong type
- `out_of_range` for exceptions indicating access out of the defined range
- `other_error` for exceptions indicating other library errors
- [`parse_error`](parse_error.md) for exceptions indicating a parse error
- [`invalid_iterator`](invalid_iterator.md) for exceptions indicating errors with iterators
- [`type_error`](type_error.md) for exceptions indicating executing a member function with a wrong type
- [`out_of_range`](out_of_range.md) for exceptions indicating access out of the defined range
- [`other_error`](other_error.md) for exceptions indicating other library errors
## Member functions
......@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ Todo
### Exceptions
- [**exception**](exception.md) - general exception of the `basic_json` class
- parse_error
- invalid_iterator
- type_error
- out_of_range
- other_error
- [**parse_error**](parse_error.md) - exception indicating a parse error
- [**invalid_iterator**](invalid_iterator.md) - exception indicating errors with iterators
- [**type_error**](type_error.md) - exception indicating executing a member function with a wrong type
- [**out_of_range**](out_of_range.md) - exception indicating access out of the defined range
- [**other_error**](other_error.md) - exception indicating other library errors
### Container types
# basic_basic_json::invalid_iterator
class invalid_iterator : public exception;
This exception is thrown if iterators passed to a library function do not match the expected semantics.
Exceptions have ids 2xx.
std::exception <|-- basic_json::exception
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::parse_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::invalid_iterator
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::type_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::out_of_range
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::other_error
interface std::exception {}
class basic_json::exception {
+ const int id
+ const char* what() const
class basic_json::parse_error {
+ const std::size_t byte
class basic_json::invalid_iterator #FFFF00 {}
## Member functions
- **what** - returns explanatory string
## Member variables
- **id** - the id of the exception
## Example
??? example
The following code shows how a `invalid_iterator` exception can be caught.
--8<-- "examples/invalid_iterator.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/invalid_iterator.output"
## Version history
- Since version 3.0.0.
# basic_basic_json::other_error
class other_error : public exception;
This exception is thrown in case of errors that cannot be classified with the other exception types.
Exceptions have ids 5xx.
std::exception <|-- basic_json::exception
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::parse_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::invalid_iterator
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::type_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::out_of_range
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::other_error
interface std::exception {}
class basic_json::exception {
+ const int id
+ const char* what() const
class basic_json::parse_error {
+ const std::size_t byte
class basic_json::other_error #FFFF00 {}
## Member functions
- **what** - returns explanatory string
## Member variables
- **id** - the id of the exception
## Example
??? example
The following code shows how a `other_error` exception can be caught.
--8<-- "examples/other_error.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/other_error.output"
## Version history
- Since version 3.0.0.
# basic_basic_json::out_of_range
class out_of_range : public exception;
This exception is thrown in case a library function is called on an input parameter that exceeds the expected range, for
instance in case of array indices or nonexisting object keys.
Exceptions have ids 4xx.
std::exception <|-- basic_json::exception
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::parse_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::invalid_iterator
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::type_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::out_of_range
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::other_error
interface std::exception {}
class basic_json::exception {
+ const int id
+ const char* what() const
class basic_json::parse_error {
+ const std::size_t byte
class basic_json::out_of_range #FFFF00 {}
## Member functions
- **what** - returns explanatory string
## Member variables
- **id** - the id of the exception
## Example
??? example
The following code shows how a `out_of_range` exception can be caught.
--8<-- "examples/out_of_range.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/out_of_range.output"
## Version history
- Since version 3.0.0.
# basic_basic_json::parse_error
class parse_error : public exception;
This exception is thrown by the library when a parse error occurs. Parse errors can occur during the deserialization of
JSON text, BSON, CBOR, MessagePack, UBJSON, as well as when using JSON Patch.
Exceptions have ids 1xx.
std::exception <|-- basic_json::exception
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::parse_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::invalid_iterator
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::type_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::out_of_range
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::other_error
interface std::exception {}
class basic_json::exception {
+ const int id
+ const char* what() const
class basic_json::parse_error #FFFF00 {
+ const std::size_t byte
## Member functions
- **what** - returns explanatory string
## Member variables
- **id** - the id of the exception
- **byte** - byte index of the parse error
## Note
For an input with _n_ bytes, 1 is the index of the first character and _n_+1 is the index of the terminating null byte
or the end of file. This also holds true when reading a byte vector for binary formats.
## Example
??? example
The following code shows how a `parse_error` exception can be caught.
--8<-- "examples/parse_error.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/parse_error.output"
## Version history
- Since version 3.0.0.
# basic_basic_json::type_error
class type_error : public exception;
This exception is thrown in case of a type error; that is, a library function is executed on a JSON value whose type
does not match the expected semantics.
Exceptions have ids 3xx.
std::exception <|-- basic_json::exception
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::parse_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::invalid_iterator
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::type_error
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::out_of_range
basic_json::exception <|-- basic_json::other_error
interface std::exception {}
class basic_json::exception {
+ const int id
+ const char* what() const
class basic_json::parse_error {
+ const std::size_t byte
class basic_json::type_error #FFFF00 {}
## Member functions
- **what** - returns explanatory string
## Member variables
- **id** - the id of the exception
## Example
??? example
The following code shows how a `type_error` exception can be caught.
--8<-- "examples/type_error.cpp"
--8<-- "examples/type_error.output"
## Version history
- Since version 3.0.0.
......@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ nav:
- api/basic_json/get_allocator.md
- api/basic_json/input_format_t.md
- api/basic_json/insert.md
- api/basic_json/invalid_iterator.md
- api/basic_json/is_array.md
- api/basic_json/is_binary.md
- api/basic_json/is_boolean.md
......@@ -139,7 +140,10 @@ nav:
- api/basic_json/operator+=.md
- api/basic_json/operator_literal_json.md
- api/basic_json/operator_literal_json_pointer.md
- api/basic_json/out_of_range.md
- api/basic_json/other_error.md
- api/basic_json/parse.md
- api/basic_json/parse_error.md
- api/basic_json/parse_event_t.md
- api/basic_json/parser_callback_t.md
- api/basic_json/patch.md
......@@ -154,6 +158,7 @@ nav:
- api/basic_json/to_msgpack.md
- api/basic_json/to_ubjson.md
- api/basic_json/type.md
- api/basic_json/type_error.md
- api/basic_json/type_name.md
- api/basic_json/unflatten.md
- api/basic_json/update.md
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