Commit a866a9d9 authored by Raphael Isemann's avatar Raphael Isemann

Reapplied code style fixes

parent a409ba94
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......@@ -2060,10 +2060,10 @@ std::string json::parser::parseString()
if (!evenAmountOfBackslashes)
// uneven amount of backslashes means the user wants to escape something
// so we know there is a case such as '\X' or '\\\X' but we don't
// know yet what X is.
// at this point in the code, the currentChar has the value of X
// uneven amount of backslashes means the user wants to escape
// something so we know there is a case such as '\X' or '\\\X' but
// we don't know yet what X is.
// at this point in the code, the currentChar has the value of X.
// slash, backslash and quote are copied as is
if ( currentChar == '/'
......@@ -2074,33 +2074,55 @@ std::string json::parser::parseString()
// All other characters are replaced by their respective special character
if (currentChar == 't')
// all other characters are replaced by their respective special
// character
switch (currentChar)
case 't':
result += '\t';
else if (currentChar == 'b')
case 'b':
result += '\b';
else if (currentChar == 'f')
case 'f':
result += '\f';
else if (currentChar == 'n')
case 'n':
result += '\n';
else if (currentChar == 'r')
case 'r':
result += '\r';
else if (currentChar == 'u')
case 'u':
// \uXXXX[\uXXXX] is used for escaping unicode, which
// has it's own subroutine.
result += parseUnicodeEscape();
// the parsing process has brought us one step behind the
// unicode escape sequence:
// the parsing process has brought us one step behind
// the unicode escape sequence:
// \uXXXX
// ^
// so we need to go one character back or the parser
// would skip the character we are currently pointing at
// (as the for-loop will drecement pos_ after this iteration).
// we need to go one character back or the parser would
// skip the character we are currently pointing at as
// the for-loop will decrement pos_ after this iteration
error("expected one of \\, /, b, f, n, r, t, u behind backslash.");
else // user did something like \z and we should report a error
error("expected one of \\,/,b,f,n,r,t,u behind backslash.");
......@@ -2119,8 +2141,9 @@ std::string json::parser::parseString()
else if (currentChar != '\\')
// all non-backslash characters are added to the end of the result string.
// the only backslashes we want in the result are the ones that are escaped (which happens above).
// all non-backslash characters are added to the end of the
// result string. The only backslashes we want in the result
// are the ones that are escaped (which happens above).
result += currentChar;
......@@ -2262,7 +2285,8 @@ unsigned int json::parser::parse4HexCodePoint()
// the cast is safe as 4 hex characters can't present more than 16 bits
// the input to stoul was checked to contain only hexadecimal characters (see above)
// the input to stoul was checked to contain only hexadecimal characters
// (see above)
return static_cast<unsigned int>(std::stoul(hexCode, nullptr, 16));
......@@ -2274,7 +2298,8 @@ The escape sequence has two forms:
where X and Y are a hexadecimal character (a-zA-Z0-9).
Form 1 just contains the unicode code point in the hexadecimal number XXXX.
Form 2 is encoding a UTF-16 surrogate pair. The high surrogate is XXXX, the low surrogate is YYYY.
Form 2 is encoding a UTF-16 surrogate pair. The high surrogate is XXXX, the low
surrogate is YYYY.
@return the UTF-8 character this unicode escape sequence escaped.
......@@ -2292,10 +2317,10 @@ std::string json::parser::parseUnicodeEscape()
if (firstCodePoint >= 0xD800 && firstCodePoint <= 0xDBFF)
// we found invalid code points, which means we either have a malformed input
// or we found a high surrogate.
// we can only find out by seeing if the next character also wants to encode
// a unicode character (so, we have the \uXXXX\uXXXX case here).
// we found invalid code points, which means we either have a malformed
// input or we found a high surrogate.
// we can only find out by seeing if the next character also wants to
// encode a unicode character (so, we have the \uXXXX\uXXXX case here).
// jump behind the next \u
pos_ += 2;
......@@ -2305,14 +2330,16 @@ std::string json::parser::parseUnicodeEscape()
// ok, we have a low surrogate, check if it is a valid one
if (secondCodePoint >= 0xDC00 && secondCodePoint <= 0xDFFF)
// calculate the final code point from the pair according to the spec
// calculate the code point from the pair according to the spec
unsigned int finalCodePoint =
// high surrogate occupies the most significant 22 bits
(firstCodePoint << 10)
// low surrogate occupies the least significant 15 bits
+ secondCodePoint
// there is still the 0xD800, 0xDC00 and 0x10000 noise in the result
// so we have to substract with (0xD800 << 10) + DC00 - 0x10000 = 0x35FDC00
// there is still the 0xD800, 0xDC00 and 0x10000 noise in
// the result
// so we have to substract with:
// (0xD800 << 10) + DC00 - 0x10000 = 0x35FDC00
- 0x35FDC00;
// we transform the calculated point into UTF-8
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