Unverified Commit e4579db6 authored by Dennis Jenkins's avatar Dennis Jenkins Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #661 from dennisjenkins75/master

Reformatted with 'clang-format' with default options.
parents c7e9ac4c 2447ef55
/* description.cc
Mathieu Stefani, 24 février 2016
Implementation of the description system
......@@ -8,482 +8,407 @@
#include <pistache/description.h>
#include <pistache/http_header.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
namespace Pistache {
namespace Rest {
const char* schemeString(Scheme scheme) {
switch (scheme) {
#define SCHEME(e, str) \
case Scheme::e: \
return str;
const char *schemeString(Scheme scheme) {
switch (scheme) {
#define SCHEME(e, str) \
case Scheme::e: \
return str;
#undef SCHEME
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
namespace Schema {
std::string name, std::string url, std::string email)
: name(std::move(name))
, url(std::move(url))
, email(std::move(email))
{ }
std::string name, std::string url)
: name(std::move(name))
, url(std::move(url))
{ }
std::string title, std::string version, std::string description)
: title(std::move(title))
, version(std::move(version))
, description(std::move(description))
, termsOfService()
, contact()
, license()
{ }
std::string value, Http::Method method)
: value(std::move(value))
, method(method)
{ }
Contact::Contact(std::string name, std::string url, std::string email)
: name(std::move(name)), url(std::move(url)), email(std::move(email)) {}
Path::Path(std::string value, Http::Method method, std::string description)
: value(std::move(value))
, method(method)
, description(std::move(description))
, hidden(false)
, pc()
, parameters()
, responses()
, handler()
{ }
Path::swaggerFormat(const std::string& path) {
if (path.empty()) return "";
if (path[0] != '/') throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid path, should start with a '/'");
/* @CodeDup: re-use the private Fragment class of Router */
auto isPositional = [](const std::string& fragment) {
if (fragment[0] == ':')
return std::make_pair(true, fragment.substr(1));
return std::make_pair(false, std::string());
auto isOptional = [](const std::string& fragment) {
auto pos = fragment.find('?');
// @Validation the '?' should be the last character
return std::make_pair(pos != std::string::npos, pos);
License::License(std::string name, std::string url)
: name(std::move(name)), url(std::move(url)) {}
std::ostringstream oss;
Info::Info(std::string title, std::string version, std::string description)
: title(std::move(title)), version(std::move(version)),
description(std::move(description)), termsOfService(), contact(),
license() {}
auto processFragment = [&](std::string fragment) {
auto optional = isOptional(fragment);
if (optional.first)
fragment.erase(optional.second, 1);
PathDecl::PathDecl(std::string value, Http::Method method)
: value(std::move(value)), method(method) {}
auto positional = isPositional(fragment);
if (positional.first) {
oss << '{' << positional.second << '}';
} else {
oss << fragment;
Path::Path(std::string value, Http::Method method, std::string description)
: value(std::move(value)), method(method),
description(std::move(description)), hidden(false), pc(), parameters(),
responses(), handler() {}
std::string Path::swaggerFormat(const std::string &path) {
if (path.empty())
return "";
if (path[0] != '/')
throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid path, should start with a '/'");
/* @CodeDup: re-use the private Fragment class of Router */
auto isPositional = [](const std::string &fragment) {
if (fragment[0] == ':')
return std::make_pair(true, fragment.substr(1));
return std::make_pair(false, std::string());
auto isOptional = [](const std::string &fragment) {
auto pos = fragment.find('?');
// @Validation the '?' should be the last character
return std::make_pair(pos != std::string::npos, pos);
std::ostringstream oss;
auto processFragment = [&](std::string fragment) {
auto optional = isOptional(fragment);
if (optional.first)
fragment.erase(optional.second, 1);
auto positional = isPositional(fragment);
if (positional.first) {
oss << '{' << positional.second << '}';
} else {
oss << fragment;
std::istringstream iss(path);
std::string fragment;
std::istringstream iss(path);
std::string fragment;
std::vector<std::string> fragments;
std::vector<std::string> fragments;
while (std::getline(iss, fragment, '/')) {
while (std::getline(iss, fragment, '/')) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < fragments.size() - 1; ++i) {
const auto& frag = fragments[i];
for (size_t i = 0; i < fragments.size() - 1; ++i) {
const auto &frag = fragments[i];
oss << '/';
oss << '/';
const auto& last = fragments.back();
if (last.empty()) oss << '/';
else {
const auto &last = fragments.back();
if (last.empty())
oss << '/';
else {
return oss.str();
return oss.str();
PathGroup::hasPath(const std::string& name, Http::Method method) const {
auto group = paths(name);
auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(group), std::end(group), [&](const Path& p) {
return p.method == method;
return it != std::end(group);
bool PathGroup::hasPath(const std::string &name, Http::Method method) const {
auto group = paths(name);
auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(group), std::end(group),
[&](const Path &p) { return p.method == method; });
return it != std::end(group);
PathGroup::hasPath(const Path& path) const {
return hasPath(path.value, path.method);
bool PathGroup::hasPath(const Path &path) const {
return hasPath(path.value, path.method);
PathGroup::paths(const std::string& name) const {
auto it = groups_.find(name);
if (it == std::end(groups_))
return PathGroup::Group { };
PathGroup::Group PathGroup::paths(const std::string &name) const {
auto it = groups_.find(name);
if (it == std::end(groups_))
return PathGroup::Group{};
return it->second;
return it->second;
PathGroup::path(const std::string& name, Http::Method method) const {
auto group = paths(name);
auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(group), std::end(group), [&](const Path& p) {
return p.method == method;
Optional<Path> PathGroup::path(const std::string &name,
Http::Method method) const {
auto group = paths(name);
auto it = std::find_if(std::begin(group), std::end(group),
[&](const Path &p) { return p.method == method; });
if (it != std::end(group)) {
return Optional<Path>(Some(*it));
return Optional<Path>(None());
if (it != std::end(group)) {
return Optional<Path>(Some(*it));
return Optional<Path>(None());
PathGroup::add(Path path) {
if (hasPath(path))
return PathGroup::group_iterator { };
PathGroup::group_iterator PathGroup::add(Path path) {
if (hasPath(path))
return PathGroup::group_iterator{};
auto &group = groups_[path.value];
return group.insert(group.end(), std::move(path));
auto &group = groups_[path.value];
return group.insert(group.end(), std::move(path));
PathGroup::begin() const {
return groups_.begin();
PathGroup::const_iterator PathGroup::begin() const { return groups_.begin(); }
PathGroup::end() const {
return groups_.end();
PathGroup::const_iterator PathGroup::end() const { return groups_.end(); }
PathGroup::flatBegin() const {
return makeFlatMapIterator(groups_, begin());
PathGroup::flat_iterator PathGroup::flatBegin() const {
return makeFlatMapIterator(groups_, begin());
PathGroup::flatEnd() const {
return makeFlatMapIterator(groups_, end());
PathGroup::flat_iterator PathGroup::flatEnd() const {
return makeFlatMapIterator(groups_, end());
PathBuilder::PathBuilder(Path* path)
: path_(path)
{ }
PathBuilder::PathBuilder(Path *path) : path_(path) {}
std::string prefix, PathGroup* paths)
: prefix(std::move(prefix))
, parameters()
, paths(paths)
{ }
SubPath::SubPath(std::string prefix, PathGroup *paths)
: prefix(std::move(prefix)), parameters(), paths(paths) {}
SubPath::route(const std::string &name, Http::Method method, std::string description) {
auto fullPath = prefix + name;
Path path(std::move(fullPath), method, std::move(description));
std::copy(std::begin(parameters), std::end(parameters), std::back_inserter(path.parameters));
PathBuilder SubPath::route(const std::string &name, Http::Method method,
std::string description) {
auto fullPath = prefix + name;
Path path(std::move(fullPath), method, std::move(description));
std::copy(std::begin(parameters), std::end(parameters),
auto it = paths->add(std::move(path));
auto it = paths->add(std::move(path));
return PathBuilder(&*it);
return PathBuilder(&*it);
SubPath::route(PathDecl fragment, std::string description) {
return route(std::move(fragment.value), fragment.method, std::move(description));
PathBuilder SubPath::route(PathDecl fragment, std::string description) {
return route(std::move(fragment.value), fragment.method,
SubPath::path(const std::string &prefix) {
return SubPath(this->prefix + prefix, paths);
SubPath SubPath::path(const std::string &prefix) {
return SubPath(this->prefix + prefix, paths);
std::string name, std::string description)
: name(std::move(name))
, description(std::move(description))
, required(true)
, type()
{ }
Parameter::Parameter(std::string name, std::string description)
: name(std::move(name)), description(std::move(description)),
required(true), type() {}
Http::Code statusCode, std::string description)
: statusCode(statusCode)
, description(std::move(description))
{ }
Response::Response(Http::Code statusCode, std::string description)
: statusCode(statusCode), description(std::move(description)) {}
Http::Code statusCode, std::string description)
: response_(statusCode, std::move(description))
{ }
ResponseBuilder::ResponseBuilder(Http::Code statusCode, std::string description)
: response_(statusCode, std::move(description)) {}
InfoBuilder::InfoBuilder(Info* info)
: info_(info)
{ }
InfoBuilder::InfoBuilder(Info *info) : info_(info) {}
InfoBuilder::termsOfService(std::string value) {
info_->termsOfService = std::move(value);
return *this;
InfoBuilder &InfoBuilder::termsOfService(std::string value) {
info_->termsOfService = std::move(value);
return *this;
InfoBuilder::contact(std::string name, std::string url, std::string email) {
info_->contact = Some(Contact(std::move(name), std::move(url), std::move(email)));
return *this;
InfoBuilder &InfoBuilder::contact(std::string name, std::string url,
std::string email) {
info_->contact =
Some(Contact(std::move(name), std::move(url), std::move(email)));
return *this;
InfoBuilder::license(std::string name, std::string url) {
info_->license = Some(License(std::move(name), std::move(url)));
return *this;
InfoBuilder &InfoBuilder::license(std::string name, std::string url) {
info_->license = Some(License(std::move(name), std::move(url)));
return *this;
} // namespace Schema
std::string title, std::string version, std::string description)
: info_(std::move(title), std::move(version), std::move(description))
, host_()
, basePath_()
, schemes_()
, pc()
, paths_()
Description::Description(std::string title, std::string version,
std::string description)
: info_(std::move(title), std::move(version), std::move(description)),
host_(), basePath_(), schemes_(), pc(), paths_() {}
Description::info() {
Schema::InfoBuilder builder(&info_);
return builder;
Schema::InfoBuilder Description::info() {
Schema::InfoBuilder builder(&info_);
return builder;
Description::host(std::string value) {
host_ = std::move(value);
return *this;
Description &Description::host(std::string value) {
host_ = std::move(value);
return *this;
Description::basePath(std::string value) {
basePath_ = std::move(value);
return *this;
Description &Description::basePath(std::string value) {
basePath_ = std::move(value);
return *this;
Description::options(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Options);
Schema::PathDecl Description::options(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Options);
Description::get(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Get);
Schema::PathDecl Description::get(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Get);
Description::post(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Post);
Schema::PathDecl Description::post(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Post);
Description::head(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Head);
Schema::PathDecl Description::head(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Head);
Description::put(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Put);
Schema::PathDecl Description::put(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Put);
Description::patch(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Patch);
Schema::PathDecl Description::patch(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Patch);
Description::del(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Delete);
Schema::PathDecl Description::del(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Delete);
Description::trace(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Trace);
Schema::PathDecl Description::trace(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Trace);
Description::connect(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Connect);
Schema::PathDecl Description::connect(std::string name) {
return Schema::PathDecl(std::move(name), Http::Method::Connect);
Description::path(std::string name) {
return Schema::SubPath(std::move(name), &paths_);
Schema::SubPath Description::path(std::string name) {
return Schema::SubPath(std::move(name), &paths_);
Description::route(std::string name, Http::Method method, std::string description) {
auto it = paths_.emplace(std::move(name), method, std::move(description));
return Schema::PathBuilder(&*it);
Schema::PathBuilder Description::route(std::string name, Http::Method method,
std::string description) {
auto it = paths_.emplace(std::move(name), method, std::move(description));
return Schema::PathBuilder(&*it);
Description::route(Schema::PathDecl fragment, std::string description) {
return route(std::move(fragment.value), fragment.method, std::move(description));
Schema::PathBuilder Description::route(Schema::PathDecl fragment,
std::string description) {
return route(std::move(fragment.value), fragment.method,
Description::response(Http::Code statusCode, std::string description) {
Schema::ResponseBuilder builder(statusCode, std::move(description));
return builder;
Schema::ResponseBuilder Description::response(Http::Code statusCode,
std::string description) {
Schema::ResponseBuilder builder(statusCode, std::move(description));
return builder;
Swagger::uiPath(std::string path) {
uiPath_ = std::move(path);
return *this;
Swagger &Swagger::uiPath(std::string path) {
uiPath_ = std::move(path);
return *this;
Swagger::uiDirectory(std::string dir) {
uiDirectory_ = std::move(dir);
return *this;
Swagger &Swagger::uiDirectory(std::string dir) {
uiDirectory_ = std::move(dir);
return *this;
Swagger::apiPath(std::string path) {
apiPath_ = std::move(path);
return *this;
Swagger &Swagger::apiPath(std::string path) {
apiPath_ = std::move(path);
return *this;
Swagger::serializer(Swagger::Serializer serialize) {
serializer_ = std::move(serialize);
return *this;
Swagger &Swagger::serializer(Swagger::Serializer serialize) {
serializer_ = std::move(serialize);
return *this;
Swagger::install(Rest::Router& router) {
Route::Handler uiHandler = [=](const Rest::Request& req, Http::ResponseWriter response) {
auto res = req.resource();
* @Export might be useful for routing also. Make it public or merge it with the Fragment class
struct Path {
explicit Path(const std::string& value)
: value(value)
, trailingSlashValue(value)
if (trailingSlashValue.empty() || trailingSlashValue.back() != '/')
trailingSlashValue += '/';
static bool hasTrailingSlash(const Rest::Request& req) {
auto res_ = req.resource();
return res_.back() == '/';
std::string stripPrefix(const Rest::Request& req) {
auto res_ = req.resource();
if (!res_.compare(0, value.size(), value)) {
return res_.substr(value.size());
return res_;
bool matches(const Rest::Request& req) const {
auto res_ = req.resource();
if (value == res_)
return true;
if (res_ == trailingSlashValue)
return true;
return false;
void Swagger::install(Rest::Router &router) {
bool isPrefix(const Rest::Request& req) {
auto res_ = req.resource();
return !res_.compare(0, value.size(), value);
Route::Handler uiHandler = [=](const Rest::Request &req,
Http::ResponseWriter response) {
auto res = req.resource();
const std::string& withTrailingSlash() const {
return trailingSlashValue;
* @Export might be useful for routing also. Make it public or merge it with
* the Fragment class
std::string join(const std::string& value) const {
std::string val;
if (value[0] == '/') val = value.substr(1);
else val = value;
return trailingSlashValue + val;
struct Path {
explicit Path(const std::string &value)
: value(value), trailingSlashValue(value) {
if (trailingSlashValue.empty() || trailingSlashValue.back() != '/')
trailingSlashValue += '/';
std::string value;
std::string trailingSlashValue;
static bool hasTrailingSlash(const Rest::Request &req) {
auto res_ = req.resource();
return res_.back() == '/';
Path ui(uiPath_);
Path uiDir(uiDirectory_);
if (ui.matches(req)) {
if (!Path::hasTrailingSlash(req)) {
.add<Http::Header::Location>(uiPath_ + '/');
} else {
auto index = uiDir.join("index.html");
Http::serveFile(response, index);
return Route::Result::Ok;
else if (ui.isPrefix(req)) {
auto file = ui.stripPrefix(req);
auto path = uiDir.join(file);
Http::serveFile(response, path);
return Route::Result::Ok;
std::string stripPrefix(const Rest::Request &req) {
auto res_ = req.resource();
if (!res_.compare(0, value.size(), value)) {
return res_.substr(value.size());
return res_;
bool matches(const Rest::Request &req) const {
auto res_ = req.resource();
if (value == res_)
return true;
if (res_ == trailingSlashValue)
return true;
return false;
bool isPrefix(const Rest::Request &req) {
auto res_ = req.resource();
return !res_.compare(0, value.size(), value);
const std::string &withTrailingSlash() const {
return trailingSlashValue;
std::string join(const std::string &value) const {
std::string val;
if (value[0] == '/')
val = value.substr(1);
val = value;
return trailingSlashValue + val;
std::string value;
std::string trailingSlashValue;
else if (res == apiPath_) {
response.send(Http::Code::Ok, serializer_(description_), MIME(Application, Json));
return Route::Result::Ok;
Path ui(uiPath_);
Path uiDir(uiDirectory_);
if (ui.matches(req)) {
if (!Path::hasTrailingSlash(req)) {
response.headers().add<Http::Header::Location>(uiPath_ + '/');
} else {
auto index = uiDir.join("index.html");
Http::serveFile(response, index);
return Route::Result::Ok;
} else if (ui.isPrefix(req)) {
auto file = ui.stripPrefix(req);
auto path = uiDir.join(file);
Http::serveFile(response, path);
return Route::Result::Ok;
return Route::Result::Failure;
else if (res == apiPath_) {
response.send(Http::Code::Ok, serializer_(description_),
MIME(Application, Json));
return Route::Result::Ok;
return Route::Result::Failure;
} // namespace Rest
} // namespace Pistache
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