Commit 236ab28c authored by Xiwen JIANG's avatar Xiwen JIANG

bug fixed for oarf_get_frame

parent 2f5b4ead
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ DEFUN_DLD (oarf_get_frame, args, nargout,"Get frame")
for (j=0; j<openair0_num_detected_cards;j++)
for (i=0; i<numant; i++)
for (i=0; i<MAX_ANTENNAS; i++)
//if ( numant == openair0_num_antennas[j] )
rx_sig[i+(j*MAX_ANTENNAS)] = (short*) openair0_exmimo_pci[ j ].adc_head[ i ];
......@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ DEFUN_DLD (oarf_get_frame, args, nargout,"Get frame")
for (j=0; j<openair0_num_detected_cards;j++)
for (i=0; i<frame_length_samples[j]; i++)
for (aa=0; aa<numant; aa++)
for (aa=0; aa<MAX_ANTENNAS; aa++)
dx(i, aa+j*MAX_ANTENNAS) = Complex( rx_sig[aa+j*MAX_ANTENNAS][i*2], rx_sig[aa+j*MAX_ANTENNAS][i*2+1] );
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