Commit 4157b72d authored by Cedric Roux's avatar Cedric Roux

deal with scroll in text list

parent cad46036
......@@ -17,11 +17,12 @@ struct textlist {
list * volatile to_append;
static void _append(struct textlist *this, char *s)
static void _append(struct textlist *this, char *s, int *deleted)
if (this->cursize == this->maxsize) {
text_list_del_silent(this->g, this->w, 0);
text_list_add_silent(this->g, this->w, s, -1, FOREGROUND_COLOR);
......@@ -31,18 +32,32 @@ static void *textlist_thread(void *_this)
struct textlist *this = _this;
int dirty;
int deleted;
int visible_lines, start_line, number_of_lines;
while (1) {
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&this->lock)) abort();
dirty = this->to_append == NULL ? 0 : 1;
deleted = 0;
while (this->to_append != NULL) {
char *s = this->to_append->data;
this->to_append = list_remove_head(this->to_append);
_append(this, s);
_append(this, s, &deleted);
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&this->lock)) abort();
if (dirty) widget_dirty(this->g, this->w);
if (dirty) {
text_list_state(this->g, this->w, &visible_lines, &start_line,
if (this->autoscroll)
start_line = number_of_lines - visible_lines;
start_line -= deleted;
if (start_line < 0) start_line = 0;
text_list_set_start_line(this->g, this->w, start_line);
/* this call is not necessary, but if things change in text_list... */
widget_dirty(this->g, this->w);
......@@ -65,6 +80,45 @@ static void append(view *_this, char *s)
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&this->lock)) abort();
static void scroll(void *private, gui *g,
char *notification, widget *w, void *notification_data)
struct textlist *this = private;
int visible_lines;
int start_line;
int number_of_lines;
int new_line;
int inc;
text_list_state(g, w, &visible_lines, &start_line, &number_of_lines);
inc = 10;
if (inc > visible_lines - 2) inc = visible_lines - 2;
if (inc < 1) inc = 1;
if (!strcmp(notification, "scrollup")) inc = -inc;
new_line = start_line + inc;
if (new_line > number_of_lines - visible_lines)
new_line = number_of_lines - visible_lines;
if (new_line < 0) new_line = 0;
text_list_set_start_line(g, w, new_line);
if (new_line + visible_lines < number_of_lines)
this->autoscroll = 0;
this->autoscroll = 1;
static void click(void *private, gui *g,
char *notification, widget *w, void *notification_data)
struct textlist *this = private;
int *d = notification_data;
int button = d[1];
if (button == 1) this->autoscroll = 1 - this->autoscroll;
view *new_textlist(int maxsize, float refresh_rate, gui *g, widget *w)
struct textlist *ret = calloc(1, sizeof(struct textlist));
......@@ -82,6 +136,10 @@ view *new_textlist(int maxsize, float refresh_rate, gui *g, widget *w)
if (pthread_mutex_init(&ret->lock, NULL)) abort();
register_notifier(g, "scrollup", w, scroll, ret);
register_notifier(g, "scrolldown", w, scroll, ret);
register_notifier(g, "click", w, click, ret);
new_thread(textlist_thread, ret);
return (view *)ret;
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