Commit 4cad8808 authored by Guy De Souza's avatar Guy De Souza

Bundle fix

parent a6f0817d
......@@ -72,20 +72,22 @@ void nr_fill_cce_list(NR_gNB_DCI_ALLOC_t* dci_alloc, uint16_t n_shift, uint8_t m
uint8_t j = cce->cce_idx, j_prime;
uint8_t r,c,idx;
for (uint8_t reg_idx=0; reg_idx<NR_NB_REG_PER_CCE; reg_idx++) {
reg = &cce->reg_list[reg_idx];
j_prime = 6*j/bsize + reg_idx;
for (uint8_t bundle_idx=0; bundle_idx<NR_NB_REG_PER_CCE/bsize; bundle_idx++) {
j_prime = 6*j/bsize + bundle_idx;
r = j_prime%R;
c = (j_prime-r)/R;
idx = (r*C + c + n_shift)%(N_reg/bsize);
reg->reg_idx = idx;
LOG_I(PHY, "j = %d \t j_prime = %d \t r = %d \t c = %d \t idx = %d\n", j , j_prime, r, c, idx);
LOG_I(PHY, "bundle idx = %d \n j = %d \t j_prime = %d \t r = %d \t c = %d\n", idx, j , j_prime, r, c);
for (uint8_t reg_idx=0; reg_idx<bsize; reg_idx++) {
reg = &cce->reg_list[reg_idx];
reg->reg_idx = bsize*bundle_idx + reg_idx;
reg->start_sc_idx = (idx/pdcch_params->n_symb) * NR_NB_SC_PER_RB;
reg->symb_idx = idx % pdcch_params->n_symb;
LOG_I(PHY, "reg %d symbol %d start subcarrier %d\n", reg->reg_idx, reg->symb_idx, reg->start_sc_idx);
LOG_D(PHY, "Non interleaved CCE to REG mapping\n");
for (uint8_t reg_idx=0; reg_idx<NR_NB_REG_PER_CCE; reg_idx++) {
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