Commit 5c54deff authored by Navid Nikaein's avatar Navid Nikaein

update the bladerf interface

git-svn-id: 818b1a75-f10b-46b9-bf7c-635c3b92a50f
parent c2f92497
......@@ -90,24 +90,28 @@ int trx_brf_start(openair0_device *openair0) {
int trx_brf_write(openair0_device *device,openair0_timestamp *ptimestamp, void **buff, int nsamps, int cc) {
int trx_brf_write(openair0_device *device,openair0_timestamp ptimestamp, void **buff, int nsamps, int cc) {
int status;
struct bladerf_metadata meta;
int16_t zeros[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
struct bladerf *dev = (struct bladerf*) device->priv;
openair0_timestamp current_timestamp;
/* BRF has only 1 rx/tx chaine : is it correct? */
void *sample = (void*)buff[0];
memset(&meta, 0, sizeof(meta));
/* Retrieve the current timestamp */
#ifdef BRF_TEST
if ((status=bladerf_get_timestamp(dev, BLADERF_MODULE_TX, &meta.timestamp)) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get current RX timestamp: %s\n",bladerf_strerror(status));
} else {
*ptimestamp = meta.timestamp;
printf("Current TX timestamp: 0x%016"PRIx64"\n", meta.timestamp);
current_timestamp = meta.timestamp;
printf("Current TX timestampe 0x%016"PRIx64" and current timestamp: 0x%016"PRIx64"\n", ptimestamp, meta.timestamp);
meta.timestamp= ptimestamp;
status = bladerf_sync_tx(dev, sample, nsamps, &meta, timeout_ms);
if (status != 0) {
......@@ -125,7 +129,7 @@ int trx_brf_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimestamp, void *
struct bladerf *dev = (struct bladerf*) device->priv;
/* BRF has only onerx/tx chain: is it correct? */
void *sample = (void*)buff[0];
memset(&meta, 0, sizeof(meta));
/* Retrieve the current timestamp */
if ((status=bladerf_get_timestamp(dev, BLADERF_MODULE_RX, &meta.timestamp)) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to get current RX timestamp: %s\n",bladerf_strerror(status));
......@@ -139,16 +143,16 @@ int trx_brf_read(openair0_device *device, openair0_timestamp *ptimestamp, void *
status = bladerf_sync_rx(dev, sample, nsamps, &meta, timeout_ms);
/*if (meta.actual_count < nsamps ) {
/* if (meta.actual_count < nsamps ) {
printf("[BRF][RX] received %d samples out of %d\n", meta.actual_count, nsamps);
if (status != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "RX failed: %s\n", bladerf_strerror(status));
} else if (meta.status & BLADERF_META_STATUS_OVERRUN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Overrun detected in RX. %u valid samples were read \n", meta.actual_count);
fprintf(stderr, "Overrun detected in RX. %u valid samples were read (nsymps %d)\n", meta.actual_count,nsamps);
} else if (meta.status & BLADERF_META_STATUS_UNDERRUN) {
fprintf(stderr, "Underrun detected in RX. %u valid samples were read \n", meta.actual_count);
fprintf(stderr, "Underrun detected in RX. %u valid samples were read (nsymps %d) \n", meta.actual_count,nsamps);
}else {
printf("Got %u samples at t=0x%016"PRIx64"\n", meta.actual_count, meta.timestamp);
......@@ -183,8 +187,17 @@ int openair0_device_init(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cf
// opaque data struct
struct bladerf *dev;// = (struct bladerf*)malloc(sizeof(struct bladerf));
//memset(dev, 0, sizeof(struct bladerf));
// An empty ("") or NULL device identifier will result in the first encountered device being opened (using the first discovered backend)
if ((status=bladerf_open(&dev, "")) != 0 ) {
// init required params for BRF
num_buffers = 16;
buffer_size = openair0_cfg[card]. samples_per_packet*sizeof(int32_t); // buffer size = 4096 for sample_len of 1024
num_transfers = 8; // ? device->openair0_cfg.samples_per_packets
timeout_ms = 1;
printf("the buffer_size is set to %d\n", buffer_size);
if ((status=bladerf_open(&dev, "")) != 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open brf device: %s\n",bladerf_strerror(status));
......@@ -254,11 +267,6 @@ int openair0_device_init(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cf
num_buffers = 16;
buffer_size = openair0_cfg[card].samples_per_packet*sizeof(int32_t);
num_transfers = 8; // ? device->openair0_cfg.samples_per_packets
timeout_ms = 1;
......@@ -280,7 +288,6 @@ void brf_error(int status) {
int get_brf_log_level(int log_level){
switch(log_level) {
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