Commit 7e1da5d1 authored by shahab SHARIATBAGHERI's avatar shahab SHARIATBAGHERI

proto uplink mac

parent 6b18e561
......@@ -36,34 +36,39 @@ message flex_dl_dci {
message flex_ul_dci {
optional uint32 handle = 1;
optional uint32 size = 2; // Size of the ULSCH PDU in bytes for UL Grant.
optional uint32 rnti = 1;
optional uint32 res_alloc = 2; // Type of resource allocation
optional uint32 res_block_start = 2; // match DCI format 0 PDU
optional uint32 rb_bitmap = 3; // Bitmap for RB allocation
optional uint32 rb_shift = 4; // See TS 36.214, section
optional uint32 modulation_t = 4; // A FLMOD_* Value
optional uint32 cyclic_shift2 = 5; // match DCI format 0/4 PDU
optional uint32 freq_hop_flag = 6; // 0 no hopping, 1 hoppping
optional uint32 freq_hop_map = 8; // match DCI format 0 PDU
optional uint32 ndi = 7; // New data indicator of each TB
optional uint32 rv = 8; // Redundancy version of each TB
optional uint32 harq_process_number = 14; // A FLHARQ_* value
optional uint32 ultx_mode = 14; // A FLULM_* value
repeated uint32 tbs_size = 5; // The size of each TBS
repeated uint32 mcs = 6; // The MCS of each TB
repeated uint32 ndi = 7; // New data indicator of each TB
//repeated uint32 rv = 8; // Redundancy version of each TB
//optional uint32 cce_index = 9; // CCE index used to send the DCI
//optional uint32 aggr_level = 10;
//optional uint32 precoding_info = 11; // 2 antenna ports:0..6,
// 4 antenna ports:0..50
repeated uint32 current_harq = 9; // CCE index used to send the DCI
optional uint32 n_srs = 10; // Over lap indication with srs
optional uint32 res_alloc = 2; // Type of resource allocation
optional uint32 format = 12; // DCI format. A FLDCIF_* value
optional uint32 tpc = 13; // TS 36.213, sec
optional uint32 harq_process = 14; // HARQ process ID
optional uint32 dai = 15; // TDD only
//optional uint32 vrb_format = 16; // One of the FLVRBF_* values
optional uint32 tb_swap = 17; // Boolean. TB to codeword swap flag
//optional uint32 sps_release = 18; // Flag value
optional uint32 pdcch_order = 19;
// optional uint32 dai = 15; // TDD only
// optional uint32 tb_swap = 17; // Boolean. TB to codeword swap flag
// optional uint32 pdcch_order = 19;
// optional uint32 preamble_index = 20; // Only valid if pdcch_order = 1
optional uint32 prach_mask_index = 21; // Only valid if pdcch_order = 1
optional uint32 n_gap = 22; // One of the FLNGV_* values
optional uint32 tbs_idx = 23; // The TBS index for Format 1A
optional uint32 dl_power_offset = 24; // For format 1D
// optional uint32 pdcch_power_offset = 25; // DL PDCCH power boosting in dB
// optional uint32 cif_present = 26; // Boolean. Indication of CIF field
// optional uint32 cif = 27; // CIF for cross-carrier scheduling
// optional uint32 prach_mask_index = 21; // Only valid if pdcch_order = 1
// optional uint32 tbs_idx = 23; // The TBS index for Format 1A
......@@ -105,3 +110,9 @@ enum flex_ngap_val {
FLNGV_1 = 0;
FLNGV_2 = 1;
enum flex_mod_type {
FLMOD_16QAM = 4;
FLMOD_64QAM = 6;
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