Commit 7fe14460 authored by Xenofon Foukas's avatar Xenofon Foukas

Fixed bug with NDI toggling

parent 9fe3d2bb
......@@ -249,6 +249,8 @@ schedule_ue_spec_default(
mcs = cqi_to_mcs[eNB_UE_stats->DL_cqi[0]];
mcs = cmin(mcs, openair_daq_vars.target_ue_dl_mcs);
/*TODO: Must also update these stats*/
//eNB_UE_stats->dlsch_mcs1 = cqi_to_mcs[eNB_UE_stats->DL_cqi[0]];
......@@ -514,7 +516,6 @@ schedule_ue_spec_default(
if ( TBS-ta_len-header_len_dcch > 0 ) {
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST]Requested %d bytes in DCCH buffer during first call\n", dci_tbs-ta_len-header_len_dcch);
LOG_D(MAC, "DCCH dci_tbus is %d\n", dci_tbs);
//If we have space, we need to see how much data we can request at most (if any available)
rlc_status = mac_rlc_status_ind(mod_id,
......@@ -552,6 +553,7 @@ schedule_ue_spec_default(
//Set this to the max value that we might request
sdu_length_total = data_to_request;
} else {
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST]Nothing here\n");
header_len_dcch = 0;
sdu_length_total = 0;
......@@ -559,6 +561,7 @@ schedule_ue_spec_default(
// check for DCCH1 and update header information (assume 2 byte sub-header)
if (dci_tbs-ta_len-header_len_dcch-sdu_length_total-2 > 0 ) {
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST]Requested %d bytes in DCCH1 buffer during first call\n", dci_tbs-ta_len-header_len_dcch-sdu_length_total-2);
//If we have space, we need to see how much data we can request at most (if any are available)
rlc_status = mac_rlc_status_ind(mod_id,
......@@ -577,7 +580,7 @@ schedule_ue_spec_default(
header_len_dcch += 2;
//Fill in as much as possible
data_to_request = cmin(dci_tbs-ta_len-header_len_dcch-sdu_length_total, rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer) + 1;
data_to_request = cmin(dci_tbs-ta_len-header_len_dcch-sdu_length_total, rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer);
rlc_pdus[channels_added] = (Protocol__PrpRlcPdu *) malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpRlcPdu));
......@@ -628,7 +631,7 @@ schedule_ue_spec_default(
if (rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer > 0) {
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST] Have %d bytes in buffer DTCH during first call\n", rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer);
//Fill what remains in the TB
data_to_request = cmin(dci_tbs-ta_len-header_len_dcch-sdu_length_total-header_len_dtch, rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer) + 1;
data_to_request = cmin(dci_tbs-ta_len-header_len_dcch-sdu_length_total-header_len_dtch, rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer);
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST]Will request %d \n", data_to_request);
rlc_pdus[channels_added] = (Protocol__PrpRlcPdu *) malloc(sizeof(Protocol__PrpRlcPdu));
......@@ -687,11 +690,15 @@ schedule_ue_spec_default(
LOG_D(MAC,"[TEST]The initial number of resource blocks was %d\n", nb_rb);
LOG_D(MAC,"[TEST] The initial mcs was %d\n", mcs_tmp);
TBS = mac_xface->get_TBS_DL(mcs_tmp, nb_rb);
LOG_D(MAC,"[TEST]The TBS during rate matching was %d\n", TBS);
while (TBS < (sdu_length_total + header_len_dcch + header_len_dtch + ta_len)) {
nb_rb += min_rb_unit[CC_id]; //
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST]Had to increase the number of RBs\n");
if (nb_rb > nb_available_rb) { // if we've gone beyond the maximum number of RBs
// (can happen if N_RB_DL is odd)
TBS = mac_xface->get_TBS_DL(mcs_tmp, nb_available_rb);
......@@ -702,14 +709,18 @@ schedule_ue_spec_default(
TBS = mac_xface->get_TBS_DL(mcs_tmp, nb_rb);
LOG_D(MAC,"[TEST] After the first pass the resource blocks became %d\n", nb_rb);
LOG_D(MAC,"[TEST] After the first pass the MCS was %d\n", mcs_tmp);
if(nb_rb == ue_sched_ctl->pre_nb_available_rbs[CC_id]) {
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST]We had the exact number of rbs. Time to fill the rballoc subband\n");
for(j = 0; j < frame_parms[CC_id]->N_RBG; j++) { // for indicating the rballoc for each sub-band
UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].rballoc_subband[harq_pid][j] = ue_sched_ctl->rballoc_sub_UE[CC_id][j];
} else {
nb_rb_temp = nb_rb;
j = 0;
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST]Will only partially fill the bitmap\n");
while((nb_rb_temp > 0) && (j < frame_parms[CC_id]->N_RBG)) {
if(ue_sched_ctl->rballoc_sub_UE[CC_id][j] == 1) {
UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].rballoc_subband[harq_pid][j] = ue_sched_ctl->rballoc_sub_UE[CC_id][j];
......@@ -726,6 +737,9 @@ schedule_ue_spec_default(
LOG_D(MAC,"[TEST] After the second pass the resource blocks became %d\n", nb_rb);
LOG_D(MAC,"[TEST] After the second pass the mcs was %d\n", mcs_tmp);
PHY_vars_eNB_g[mod_id][CC_id]->mu_mimo_mode[UE_id].pre_nb_available_rbs = nb_rb;
PHY_vars_eNB_g[mod_id][CC_id]->mu_mimo_mode[UE_id].dl_pow_off = ue_sched_ctl->dl_pow_off[CC_id];
......@@ -829,7 +843,7 @@ schedule_ue_spec_default(
dl_dci->rb_shift = 0;
dl_dci->n_ndi = 1;
dl_dci->ndi = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * dl_dci->n_ndi);
dl_dci->ndi[0] = 1;
dl_dci->ndi[0] = 1-UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].oldNDI[harq_pid];
dl_dci->n_rv = 1;
dl_dci->rv = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * dl_dci->n_rv);
dl_dci->rv[0] = 0;
......@@ -987,6 +1001,7 @@ schedule_ue_spec_default(
dl_dci->precoding_info = 5; // Is this right??
// Toggle NDI for next time
LOG_D(MAC,"CC_id %d Frame %d, subframeP %d: Toggling Format1 NDI for UE %d (rnti %x/%d) oldNDI %d\n",
CC_id, frame, subframe, UE_id,
......@@ -998,12 +1013,12 @@ schedule_ue_spec_default(
} else { // There is no data from RLC or MAC header, so don't schedule
if (frame_parms[CC_id]->frame_type == TDD) {
set_ul_DAI(mod_id, UE_id, CC_id, frame, subframe, frame_parms);
} // UE_id loop
} // CC_id loop
// Add all the dl_data elements to the progran message
dl_info->dl_mac_config_msg->n_dl_ue_data = num_ues_added;
......@@ -1072,9 +1087,6 @@ void apply_scheduling_decisions(mid_t mod_id,
rnti = dl_data->rnti;
UE_id = find_ue(rnti, PHY_vars_eNB_g[mod_id][CC_id]);
//NOTICE: Maybe later will not be required, once scheduler fully restructured
//eNB_dlsch_info[mod_id][CC_id][UE_id].status = S_DL_WAITING;
ue_sched_ctl = &UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
eNB_UE_stats = mac_xface->get_eNB_UE_stats(mod_id,CC_id,rnti);
......@@ -1108,6 +1120,7 @@ void apply_scheduling_decisions(mid_t mod_id,
} else {
if (dl_dci->format == PROTOCOL__PRP_DCI_FORMAT__PRDCIF_1) {
LOG_D(MAC,"[TEST] Setting DCI format 1\n");
((DCI1_1_5MHz_FDD_t*)DLSCH_dci)->harq_pid = harq_pid;
((DCI1_1_5MHz_FDD_t*)DLSCH_dci)->rv = round;
((DCI1_1_5MHz_FDD_t*)DLSCH_dci)->rballoc = dl_dci->rb_bitmap;
......@@ -1240,13 +1253,16 @@ void apply_scheduling_decisions(mid_t mod_id,
rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer = 0;
TBS = dl_dci->tbs_size[0];
LOG_D(MAC,"[TEST] The TBS during the creation process is %d\n", TBS);
if (dl_data->n_ce_bitmap > 0) {
//Check if there is TA command
if (dl_data->ce_bitmap[0] & PROTOCOL__PRP_CE_TYPE__PRPCET_TA) {
ta_len = 2;
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST] Need to send timing advance\n");
} else {
ta_len = 0;
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST] No timing advance\n");
......@@ -1257,9 +1273,12 @@ void apply_scheduling_decisions(mid_t mod_id,
// Go through each one of the channel commands and create SDUs
for (i = 0; i < n_lc; i++) {
lcid = dl_data->rlc_pdu[i]->rlc_pdu_tb[0]->logical_channel_id;
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST] Going through SDU of channel %d\n", lcid);
rlc_size = dl_data->rlc_pdu[i]->rlc_pdu_tb[0]->size;
LOG_D(MAC,"[TEST]Have to check %d channels\n", n_lc);
LOG_D(MAC,"[TEST] [eNB %d] Frame %d, LCID %d, CC_id %d, Requesting %d bytes from RLC (RRC message)\n",
mod_id, frame, lcid, CC_id, rlc_size);
if (rlc_size > 0) {
rlc_status = mac_rlc_status_ind(mod_id,
......@@ -1271,10 +1290,7 @@ void apply_scheduling_decisions(mid_t mod_id,
sdu_lengths[i] = 0;
LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d] Frame %d, LCID %d, CC_id %d, Requesting %d bytes from RLC (RRC message)\n",
mod_id, frame, lcid, CC_id, rlc_size);
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST] Have %d bytes for LCID %d during second call\n", rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer, lcid);
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST] RLC can give %d bytes for LCID %d during second call\n", rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer, lcid);
sdu_lengths[i] += mac_rlc_data_req(mod_id,
......@@ -1285,10 +1301,11 @@ void apply_scheduling_decisions(mid_t mod_id,
(char *)&dlsch_buffer[sdu_length_total]);
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST] This is what I actually got from LCID %d -> %d\n",lcid, sdu_lengths[i]);
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST] RLC gave %d bytes in LCID %d\n", sdu_lengths[i], lcid);
LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d][LCID %d] CC_id %d Got %d bytes from RLC\n",mod_id, lcid, CC_id, sdu_lengths[i]);
sdu_length_total += sdu_lengths[i];
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST] Total sdu size became %d\n", sdu_length_total);
sdu_lcids[i] = lcid;
UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].num_pdu_tx[lcid] += 1;
......@@ -1321,7 +1338,6 @@ void apply_scheduling_decisions(mid_t mod_id,
// there is a payload
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST] This is the padding %d\n", TBS - header_len_dcch - header_len_dtch - sdu_length_total - ta_len);
if (((sdu_length_total + header_len_dcch + header_len_dtch ) > 0)) {
if ((TBS - header_len_dcch - header_len_dtch - sdu_length_total - ta_len) <= 2
|| (TBS - header_len_dcch - header_len_dtch - sdu_length_total - ta_len) > TBS) { //protect from overflow
......@@ -1341,9 +1357,6 @@ void apply_scheduling_decisions(mid_t mod_id,
LOG_D(MAC, "[TEST] This is the current SDU length %d and this is the TBS %d\n", sdu_length_total, TBS);
if (ta_len > 0) {
ta_update = ue_sched_ctl->ta_update;
......@@ -1400,8 +1413,10 @@ void apply_scheduling_decisions(mid_t mod_id,
UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].harq_pid = harq_pid;
UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].harq_round = round;
//UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].rbs_used = nb_rb;
//UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].total_rbs_used += nb_rb;
nb_rb = UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id].nb_rb[harq_pid];
LOG_D(MAC,"[TEST] %d Number of resource blocks allocated\n", nb_rb);
UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].rbs_used = nb_rb;
UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].total_rbs_used += nb_rb;
UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[CC_id][UE_id].TBS = TBS;
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