Commit a7a4206a authored by Lionel Gauthier's avatar Lionel Gauthier

Added UDP task

git-svn-id: 818b1a75-f10b-46b9-bf7c-635c3b92a50f
parent b4b7442f
......@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
# include "sctp_eNB_task.h"
# include "s1ap_eNB.h"
# include "nas_ue_task.h"
# include "udp_eNB_task.h"
# endif
# if defined(ENABLE_RAL)
# include "lteRALue.h"
......@@ -67,6 +68,12 @@ int create_tasks(uint32_t enb_nb, uint32_t ue_nb)
LOG_E(EMU, "Create task for S1AP failed\n");
return -1;
if (itti_create_task (TASK_UDP, udp_eNB_task, NULL) < 0)
LOG_E(EMU, "Create task for UDP failed\n");
return -1;
if (ue_nb > 0)
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