Commit ade887d5 authored by Guy De Souza's avatar Guy De Souza

Symbol DMRS mapping fix

parent d67162a7
......@@ -154,14 +154,14 @@ void nr_pdcch_scrambling(uint32_t *in,
uint8_t nr_generate_dci_top(NR_gNB_PDCCH pdcch_vars,
t_nrPolar_paramsPtr *nrPolar_params,
uint32_t *gold_pdcch_dmrs,
uint32_t **gold_pdcch_dmrs,
int32_t** txdataF,
int16_t amp,
NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS frame_parms,
nfapi_nr_config_request_t config)
int16_t mod_dmrs[NR_MAX_PDCCH_DMRS_LENGTH>>1];
int16_t mod_dmrs[3][NR_MAX_PDCCH_DMRS_LENGTH>>1]; // 3 for the max coreset duration
uint8_t idx=0;
uint16_t a;
int k,l,k_prime,dci_idx, dmrs_idx;
......@@ -173,20 +173,31 @@ uint8_t nr_generate_dci_top(NR_gNB_PDCCH pdcch_vars,
uint16_t dmrs_length = dci_alloc.L*36; //2(QPSK)*3(per RB)*6(REG per CCE)
uint16_t encoded_length = dci_alloc.L*108; //2(QPSK)*9(per RB)*6(REG per CCE)
/*The coreset is initialised
* in frequency: the first subcarrier is obtained by adding the first CRB overlapping the SSB and the rb_offset
* in time: by its first slot and its first symbol*/
uint8_t cset_start_sc = frame_parms.first_carrier_offset + ((int)floor(frame_parms.ssb_start_subcarrier/NR_NB_SC_PER_RB)+pdcch_params.rb_offset)*NR_NB_SC_PER_RB;
uint8_t cset_start_symb = pdcch_params.first_slot*frame_parms.symbols_per_slot + pdcch_params.first_symbol;
dci_idx = 0;
dmrs_idx = 0;
/// DMRS QPSK modulation
/*There is a need to shift from which index the pregenerated DMRS sequence is used
* see 38211 r15.2.0 section assumption is the reference point for k refers to the DMRS sequence*/
if (pdcch_params.config_type == NFAPI_NR_CSET_CONFIG_PDCCH_CONFIG)
gold_pdcch_dmrs += ((int)floor(frame_parms.ssb_start_subcarrier/NR_NB_SC_PER_RB)+pdcch_params.rb_offset)*3/32;
for (int symb=cset_start_symb; symb<cset_start_symb + pdcch_params.n_symb; symb++) {
for (int i=0; i<dmrs_length>>1; i++) {
idx = ((((gold_pdcch_dmrs[(i<<1)>>5])>>((i<<1)&0x1f))&1)<<1) ^ (((gold_pdcch_dmrs[((i<<1)+1)>>5])>>(((i<<1)+1)&0x1f))&1);
mod_dmrs[i<<1] = nr_mod_table[(NR_MOD_TABLE_QPSK_OFFSET + idx)<<1];
mod_dmrs[(i<<1)+1] = nr_mod_table[((NR_MOD_TABLE_QPSK_OFFSET + idx)<<1) + 1];
printf("i %d idx %d gold seq %u b0-b1 %d-%d mod_dmrs %d %d\n", i, idx, gold_pdcch_dmrs[(i<<1)>>5], (((gold_pdcch_dmrs[(i<<1)>>5])>>((i<<1)&0x1f))&1),
(((gold_pdcch_dmrs[((i<<1)+1)>>5])>>(((i<<1)+1)&0x1f))&1), mod_dmrs[(i<<1)], mod_dmrs[(i<<1)+1]);
idx = ((((gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][(i<<1)>>5])>>((i<<1)&0x1f))&1)<<1) ^ (((gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][((i<<1)+1)>>5])>>(((i<<1)+1)&0x1f))&1);
mod_dmrs[symb][i<<1] = nr_mod_table[(NR_MOD_TABLE_QPSK_OFFSET + idx)<<1];
mod_dmrs[symb][(i<<1)+1] = nr_mod_table[((NR_MOD_TABLE_QPSK_OFFSET + idx)<<1) + 1];
printf("symb %d i %d idx %d gold seq %u b0-b1 %d-%d mod_dmrs %d %d\n", symb, i, idx, gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][(i<<1)>>5],
(((gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][(i<<1)>>5])>>((i<<1)&0x1f))&1), (((gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][((i<<1)+1)>>5])>>(((i<<1)+1)&0x1f))&1),
mod_dmrs[symb][(i<<1)], mod_dmrs[symb][(i<<1)+1]);
/// DCI payload processing
......@@ -225,14 +236,6 @@ uint8_t nr_generate_dci_top(NR_gNB_PDCCH pdcch_vars,
/// Resource mapping
a = (config.rf_config.tx_antenna_ports.value == 1) ? amp : (amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2_Q15)>>15;
/*The coreset is initialised
* in frequency: the first subcarrier is obtained by adding the first CRB overlapping the SSB and the rb_offset
* in time: by its first slot and its first symbol*/
uint8_t cset_start_sc = frame_parms.first_carrier_offset + ((int)floor(frame_parms.ssb_start_subcarrier/NR_NB_SC_PER_RB)+pdcch_params.rb_offset)*NR_NB_SC_PER_RB;
uint8_t cset_start_symb = pdcch_params.first_slot*frame_parms.symbols_per_slot + pdcch_params.first_symbol;
dci_idx = 0;
dmrs_idx = 0;
for (int aa = 0; aa < config.rf_config.tx_antenna_ports.value; aa++)
if (cset_start_sc >= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size)
......@@ -248,8 +251,8 @@ uint8_t nr_generate_dci_top(NR_gNB_PDCCH pdcch_vars,
k_prime = 0;
for (int m=0; m<NR_NB_SC_PER_RB; m++) {
if ( m == (k_prime<<2)+1) { // DMRS
((int16_t*)txdataF[aa])[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1] = (a * mod_dmrs[dmrs_idx<<1]) >> 15;
((int16_t*)txdataF[aa])[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (a * mod_dmrs[(dmrs_idx<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
((int16_t*)txdataF[aa])[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1] = (a * mod_dmrs[l][dmrs_idx<<1]) >> 15;
((int16_t*)txdataF[aa])[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (a * mod_dmrs[l][(dmrs_idx<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ uint16_t nr_get_dci_size(nfapi_nr_dci_format_e format,
uint8_t nr_generate_dci_top(NR_gNB_PDCCH pdcch_vars,
t_nrPolar_paramsPtr *nrPolar_params,
uint32_t *gold_pdcch_dmrs,
uint32_t **gold_pdcch_dmrs,
int32_t** txdataF,
int16_t amp,
NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS frame_parms,
......@@ -186,10 +186,12 @@ void phy_procedures_gNB_TX(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
LOG_I(PHY, "[gNB %d] Frame %d subframe %d \
Calling nr_generate_dci_top (number of DCI %d)\n", gNB->Mod_id, frame, subframe, num_dci);
uint8_t slot_idx = gNB->pdcch_vars.dci_alloc[0].pdcch_params.first_slot;
if (nfapi_mode == 0 || nfapi_mode == 1)
AMP, *fp, *cfg);
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void nr_schedule_css_dlsch_phytest(module_id_t module_idP,
params_rel15->rnti = 0x03;
params_rel15->rnti_type = NFAPI_NR_RNTI_RA;
params_rel15->dci_format = NFAPI_NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_0;
params_rel15->aggregation_level = 1;
//params_rel15->aggregation_level = 1;
LOG_I(MAC, "DCI type 1 params: rmsi_pdcch_config %d, rnti %d, rnti_type %d, dci_format %d\n \
coreset params: mux_pattern %d, n_rb %d, n_symb %d, rb_offset %d \n \
ss params : nb_ss_sets_per_slot %d, first symb %d, nb_slots %d, sfn_mod2 %d, first slot %d\n",
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