Commit be56b3cc authored by Xenofon Foukas's avatar Xenofon Foukas

Added brief documentation of agent API functions

No related merge requests found
......@@ -138,16 +138,12 @@ void *receive_thread(void *args) {
Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg;
while (1) {
//if (enb_agent_msg_recv(d->enb_id, ENB_AGENT_DEFAULT, &data, &size, &priority)) {
// goto error;
while (enb_agent_msg_recv(d->enb_id, ENB_AGENT_DEFAULT, &data, &size, &priority) == 0) {
LOG_D(ENB_AGENT,"received message with size %d\n", size);
// Invoke the message handler
msg=enb_agent_handle_message(d->enb_id, data, size);
......@@ -317,26 +313,6 @@ error:
/* int enb_agent_stop(mid_t mod_id){ */
/* int i=0; */
/* enb_agent_destroy_timers(); */
/* for ( i =0; i < enb_agent_info.nb_modules; i++) { */
/* destroy_link_manager(enb_agent[i].manager); */
/* destroy_message_queue(enb_agent[i].send_queue); */
/* destroy_message_queue(enb_agent[i].receive_queue); */
/* close_link(enb_agent[i].link); */
/* } */
/* } */
Protocol__FlexranMessage *enb_agent_timeout(void* args){
// enb_agent_timer_args_t *timer_args = calloc(1, sizeof(*timer_args));
......@@ -41,10 +41,15 @@
#include "enb_config.h" // for enb properties
#include "enb_agent_common.h"
int enb_agent_start(mid_t mod_id, const Enb_properties_array_t* enb_properties);
/* Initiation and termination of the eNodeB agent */
int enb_agent_start(mid_t mod_id, const Enb_properties_array_t* enb_properties);
int enb_agent_stop(mid_t mod_id);
* enb agent task mainly wakes up the tx thread for periodic and oneshot messages to the controller
* and can interact with other itti tasks
void *enb_agent_task(void *args);
......@@ -47,12 +47,16 @@ typedef struct {
link_manager_t *manager;
} enb_agent_async_channel_t;
/* Create a new channel for a given destination ip and destination port */
enb_agent_async_channel_t * enb_agent_async_channel_info(mid_t mod_id, char *dst_ip, uint16_t dst_port);
/* Send a message to the given channel */
int enb_agent_async_msg_send(void *data, int size, int priority, void *channel_info);
/* Receive a message from a given channel */
int enb_agent_async_msg_recv(void **data, int *size, int *priority, void *channel_info);
/* Release a channel */
void enb_agent_async_release(enb_agent_channel_t *channel);
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -44,10 +44,13 @@
//extern msg_context_t shared_ctxt[NUM_MAX_ENB][ENB_AGENT_MAX];
/* full path of the local cache for storing VSFs */
extern char local_cache[40];
/* Control module interface for the communication of the MAC Control Module with the agent */
extern AGENT_MAC_xface *agent_mac_xface[NUM_MAX_ENB];
/* Flag indicating whether the VSFs for the MAC control module have been registered */
extern unsigned int mac_agent_registered[NUM_MAX_ENB];
......@@ -422,62 +422,55 @@ int enb_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id,
/* Check flag for creation of buffer status report */
if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_BSR) {
//TODO: Create a report for each LCG (4 elements). See flex_ue_stats_report of
// FlexRAN specifications for more details
ue_report[i]->n_bsr = 4;
uint32_t *elem;
elem = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t)*ue_report[i]->n_bsr);
if (elem == NULL)
goto error;
for (j = 0; j++; j < ue_report[i]->n_bsr) {
// Set the actual BSR for LCG j of the current UE
// NN: we need to know the cc_id here, consider the first one
elem[j] = get_ue_bsr (enb_id, i, j); //eNB_UE_list->UE_template[UE_PCCID(enb_id,i)][i].bsr_info[j];
elem[j] = get_ue_bsr (enb_id, i, j);
ue_report[i]->bsr = elem;
/* Check flag for creation of PRH report */
if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_PRH) {
// TODO: Fill in the actual power headroom value for the RNTI
ue_report[i]->phr = get_ue_phr (enb_id, i); // eNB_UE_list->UE_template[UE_PCCID(enb_id,i)][i].phr_info;
ue_report[i]->has_phr = 1;
/* Check flag for creation of RLC buffer status report */
if (report_config->ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags & PROTOCOL__FLEX_UE_STATS_TYPE__FLUST_RLC_BS) {
// TODO: Fill in the actual RLC buffer status reports
ue_report[i]->n_rlc_report = 3; // Set this to the number of LCs for this UE
ue_report[i]->n_rlc_report = 3; // Set this to the number of LCs for this UE. This needs to be generalized for for LCs
Protocol__FlexRlcBsr ** rlc_reports;
rlc_reports = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexRlcBsr *) * ue_report[i]->n_rlc_report);
if (rlc_reports == NULL)
goto error;
// Fill the buffer status report for each logical channel of the UE
// NN: see LAYER2/openair2_proc.c for rlc status
for (j = 0; j < ue_report[i]->n_rlc_report; j++) {
rlc_reports[j] = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexRlcBsr));
if (rlc_reports[j] == NULL)
goto error;
//TODO:Set logical channel id
rlc_reports[j]->lc_id = j+1;
rlc_reports[j]->has_lc_id = 1;
//TODO:Set tx queue size in bytes
rlc_reports[j]->tx_queue_size = get_tx_queue_size(enb_id,i,j+1);
rlc_reports[j]->has_tx_queue_size = 1;
//TODO:Set tx queue head of line delay in ms
rlc_reports[j]->tx_queue_hol_delay = 100;
rlc_reports[j]->has_tx_queue_hol_delay = 1;
rlc_reports[j]->has_tx_queue_hol_delay = 0;
//TODO:Set retransmission queue size in bytes
rlc_reports[j]->retransmission_queue_size = 10;
rlc_reports[j]->has_retransmission_queue_size = 1;
rlc_reports[j]->has_retransmission_queue_size = 0;
//TODO:Set retransmission queue head of line delay in ms
rlc_reports[j]->retransmission_queue_hol_delay = 100;
rlc_reports[j]->has_retransmission_queue_hol_delay = 1;
rlc_reports[j]->has_retransmission_queue_hol_delay = 0;
//TODO:Set current size of the pending message in bytes
rlc_reports[j]->status_pdu_size = 100;
rlc_reports[j]->has_status_pdu_size = 1;
rlc_reports[j]->has_status_pdu_size = 0;
// Add RLC buffer status reports to the full report
if (ue_report[i]->n_rlc_report > 0)
......@@ -502,12 +495,13 @@ int enb_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id,
if (dl_report == NULL)
goto error;
//TODO:Set the SFN and SF of the last report held in the agent.
dl_report->sfn_sn = get_sfn_sf(enb_id);
dl_report->has_sfn_sn = 1;
//TODO:Set the number of DL CQI reports for this UE. One for each CC
//Set the number of DL CQI reports for this UE. One for each CC
dl_report->n_csi_report = get_active_CC(enb_id,i);
//TODO:Create the actual CSI reports.
//Create the actual CSI reports.
Protocol__FlexDlCsi **csi_reports;
csi_reports = malloc(sizeof(Protocol__FlexDlCsi *)*dl_report->n_csi_report);
if (csi_reports == NULL)
......@@ -517,14 +511,14 @@ int enb_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id,
if (csi_reports[j] == NULL)
goto error;
//TODO: the servCellIndex for this report
//The servCellIndex for this report
csi_reports[j]->serv_cell_index = j;
csi_reports[j]->has_serv_cell_index = 1;
//TODO: the rank indicator value for this cc
//The rank indicator value for this cc
csi_reports[j]->ri = get_current_RI(enb_id,i,j);
csi_reports[j]->has_ri = 1;
//TODO: the type of CSI report based on the configuration of the UE
//For this example we use type P10, which only needs a wideband value
//For now we only support type P10, which only needs a wideband value
//The full set of types can be found in stats_common.pb-c.h and
//in the FlexRAN specifications
csi_reports[j]->type = PROTOCOL__FLEX_CSI_TYPE__FLCSIT_P10;
......@@ -598,16 +592,16 @@ int enb_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id,
//TODO: Set paging index. This index is the same that will be used for the scheduling of the
//paging message by the controller
p_info[j]->paging_index = 10;
p_info[j]->has_paging_index = 1;
p_info[j]->has_paging_index = 0;
//TODO:Set the paging message size
p_info[j]->paging_message_size = 100;
p_info[j]->has_paging_message_size = 1;
p_info[j]->has_paging_message_size = 0;
//TODO: Set the paging subframe
p_info[j]->paging_subframe = 10;
p_info[j]->has_paging_subframe = 1;
p_info[j]->has_paging_subframe = 0;
//TODO: Set the carrier index for the pending paging message
p_info[j]->carrier_index = 0;
p_info[j]->has_carrier_index = 1;
p_info[j]->has_carrier_index = 0;
//Add all paging info to the paging buffer rerport
paging_report->paging_info = p_info;
......@@ -645,7 +639,7 @@ int enb_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id,
ul_report[j]->has_type = 1;
//TODO:Set the number of SINR measurements based on the report type
//See struct flex_ul_cqi in FlexRAN specification for more details
ul_report[j]->n_sinr = 100;
ul_report[j]->n_sinr = 0;
uint32_t *sinr_meas;
sinr_meas = (uint32_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * ul_report[j]->n_sinr);
if (sinr_meas == NULL)
......@@ -712,12 +706,12 @@ int enb_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id,
// Current frame and subframe number
ni_report->sfn_sf = get_sfn_sf(enb_id);
ni_report->has_sfn_sf = 1;
// Received interference power in dbm
//TODO:Received interference power in dbm
ni_report->rip = 0;
ni_report->has_rip = 1;
// Thermal noise power in dbm
ni_report->has_rip = 0;
//TODO:Thermal noise power in dbm
ni_report->tnp = 0;
ni_report->has_tnp = 1;
ni_report->has_tnp = 0;
ni_report->p0_nominal_pucch = get_p0_nominal_pucch(enb_id, 0);
ni_report->has_p0_nominal_pucch = 1;
......@@ -988,13 +982,13 @@ int enb_agent_mac_sf_trigger(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__Flexran
dl_info[i]->rnti = get_ue_crnti(mod_id, i);
dl_info[i]->has_rnti = 1;
/*TODO: fill in the right id of this round's HARQ process for this UE*/
/*Fill in the right id of this round's HARQ process for this UE*/
int harq_id;
int harq_status;
get_harq(mod_id, UE_PCCID(mod_id,i), i, frame, subframe, &harq_id, &harq_status);
dl_info[i]->harq_process_id = harq_id;
dl_info[i]->has_harq_process_id = 1;
/*TODO: fill in the status of the HARQ process (2 TBs)*/
/* Fill in the status of the HARQ process (2 TBs)*/
dl_info[i]->n_harq_status = 2;
dl_info[i]->harq_status = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * dl_info[i]->n_harq_status);
for (j = 0; j < dl_info[i]->n_harq_status; j++) {
......@@ -1004,7 +998,7 @@ int enb_agent_mac_sf_trigger(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__Flexran
else if (harq_status == 1)
dl_info[i]->harq_status[j] = PROTOCOL__FLEX_HARQ_STATUS__FLHS_NACK;
/*TODO: fill in the serving cell index for this UE */
/*Fill in the serving cell index for this UE */
dl_info[i]->serv_cell_index = UE_PCCID(mod_id,i);
dl_info[i]->has_serv_cell_index = 1;
......@@ -1012,8 +1006,8 @@ int enb_agent_mac_sf_trigger(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__Flexran
sf_trigger_msg->dl_info = dl_info;
/*TODO: Fill in the number of UL reception status related info, based on the number of currently
*transmitting UEs
/* Fill in the number of UL reception status related info, based on the number of currently
* transmitting UEs
sf_trigger_msg->n_ul_info = get_num_ues(mod_id);
......@@ -1031,7 +1025,7 @@ int enb_agent_mac_sf_trigger(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__Flexran
ul_info[i]->rnti = get_ue_crnti(mod_id, i);
ul_info[i]->has_rnti = 1;
/*TODO: fill in the Tx power control command for this UE (if available)*/
/*Fill in the Tx power control command for this UE (if available)*/
if(get_tpc(mod_id,i) != 1){
ul_info[i]->tpc = get_tpc(mod_id,i);
ul_info[i]->has_tpc = 1;
......@@ -1042,7 +1036,7 @@ int enb_agent_mac_sf_trigger(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__Flexran
/*TODO: fill in the amount of data in bytes in the MAC SDU received in this subframe for the
given logical channel*/
ul_info[i]->n_ul_reception = 11;
ul_info[i]->n_ul_reception = 0;
ul_info[i]->ul_reception = malloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * ul_info[i]->n_ul_reception);
for (j = 0; j < ul_info[i]->n_ul_reception; j++) {
ul_info[i]->ul_reception[j] = 100;
......@@ -1050,7 +1044,7 @@ int enb_agent_mac_sf_trigger(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__Flexran
/*TODO: Fill in the reception status for each UEs data*/
ul_info[i]->reception_status = PROTOCOL__FLEX_RECEPTION_STATUS__FLRS_OK;
ul_info[i]->has_reception_status = 1;
/*TODO: fill in the serving cell index for this UE */
/*Fill in the serving cell index for this UE */
ul_info[i]->serv_cell_index = UE_PCCID(mod_id,i);
ul_info[i]->has_serv_cell_index = 1;
......@@ -81,24 +81,24 @@ void enb_agent_init_mac_agent(mid_t mod_id);
int enb_agent_mac_handle_stats(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
/* Statistics request protocol message constructor and destructor */
int enb_agent_mac_stats_request(mid_t mod_id, xid_t xid, const stats_request_config_t *report_config, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
int enb_agent_mac_destroy_stats_request(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
/* Statistics reply protocol message constructor and destructor */
int enb_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id, xid_t xid, const report_config_t *report_config, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
int enb_agent_mac_destroy_stats_reply(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
/* Scheduling request information protocol message constructor and estructor */
int enb_agent_mac_sr_info(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
int enb_agent_mac_destroy_sr_info(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
/* Subframe trigger protocol msssage constructor and destructor */
int enb_agent_mac_sf_trigger(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
int enb_agent_mac_destroy_sf_trigger(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
int enb_agent_mac_create_empty_dl_config(mid_t mod_id, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
int enb_agent_mac_destroy_dl_config(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg);
int enb_agent_mac_handle_dl_mac_config(mid_t mod_id, const void *params, Protocol__FlexranMessage **msg);
......@@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ typedef struct enb_agent_channel_instance_s{
/*Send and receive messages using the channel registered for a specific agent*/
int enb_agent_msg_send(mid_t mod_id, agent_id_t agent_id, void *data, int size, int priority);
int enb_agent_msg_recv(mid_t mod_id, agent_id_t agent_id, void **data, int *size, int *priority);
/*Register a channel to an agent. Use ENB_AGENT_MAX to register the
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