Commit d0003e87 authored by Rohit Gupta's avatar Rohit Gupta

updated test case architecture for parallel/faster execution

parent 891713fb
......@@ -6,41 +6,50 @@ Obj.# Case# Test# Description
01 pre-commit test case
01 01 Build OAI
01 01 01 Build oaisim.Rel8
01 01 02 Build oaisim.Rel8 + network device driver(nasmesh_fix)
01 01 03 Build (lte-softmodem.Rel8.EXMIMO + lte-softmodem.Rel10.EXMIMO + lte-softmodem.Rel10.USRP)
01 01 04 Build (dlsim.Rel10 + ulsim.Rel10 + pucchsim.Rel10 + prachsim.Rel10 + pdcchsim.Rel10 + pbchsim.Rel10 + mbmssim.Rel10
01 01 02 Build oaisim.Rel10
01 01 03 Build oaisim_noS1.Rel10
01 01 10 Build lte-softmodem_noS1.USRP.Rel10
01 01 11 Build lte-softmodem_noS1.EXMIMO.Rel10
01 01 12 Build lte-softmodem_noS1.BLADERF.Rel10
01 01 13 Build lte-softmodem_noS1.ETHERNET.Rel10
01 01 20 Build lte-softmodem.USRP.Rel10
01 01 21 Build lte-softmodem.EXMIMO.Rel10
01 01 22 Build lte-softmodem.BLADERF.Rel10
01 01 23 Build lte-softmodem.ETHERNET.Rel10
01 01 30 Build (dlsim.Rel10 + ulsim.Rel10 + pucchsim.Rel10 + prachsim.Rel10 + pdcchsim.Rel10 + pbchsim.Rel10 + mbmssim.Rel10
secu_knas_encrypt_eia1.Rel10 secu_kenb.Rel10 aes128_ctr_encrypt.Rel10 aes128_ctr_decrypt.Rel10 secu_knas_encrypt_eea2.Rel10
secu_knas.Rel10 secu_knas_encrypt_eea1.Rel10 kdf.Rel10 aes128_cmac_encrypt.Rel10 secu_knas_encrypt_eia2.Rel10)
01 01 06 Build oaisim.Rel8 + ITTI
01 01 07 Build oaisim.Rel10
01 01 08 Build oaisim.Rel10 + ITTI
01 01 20 Build Nasmesh
01 01 30 Build RRH Gateway
01 02 Run OAISIM Rel10 (TDD + 5MHz/10MHz/20MHz + TM 1,2,5,6), and check the operation
01 02 00 Run OAISIM Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit
01 02 01 Run OAISIM Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode and search for errors
01 02 02 Run OAISIM Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 3 UEs (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit
01 02 03 Run OAISIM Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 3 UEs (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode and search for errors
01 02 04 Run OAI Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) without PHY_ABSTRACTION mode, ping from from eNB to UE,
01 01 40 Build RRH Gateway for USRP (Rel 10)
01 01 41 Build RRH Gateway for EXMIMO (Rel 10)
01 01 42 Build RRH Gateway for BLADERF (Rel 10)
01 02 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 (TDD + 5MHz/10MHz/20MHz + TM 1,2,5,6), and check the operation
01 02 00 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit
01 02 01 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode and search for errors
01 02 02 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 3 UEs (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit
01 02 03 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 3 UEs (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode and search for errors
01 02 04 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) without PHY_ABSTRACTION mode, ping from from eNB to UE,
and for check for no packet losses
01 02 05 Run OAI Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode, send ping from from eNB to UE,
01 02 05 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode, send ping from from eNB to UE,
and check for no packet losses
01 03 Run OAISIM Rel10 (FDD + 5MHz/10MHz/20MHz + TM 1,2,5,6), and check the operation
01 03 00 Run OAISIM Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE 1 eNB (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit
01 03 01 Run OAISIM Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode and search for errors
01 03 02 Run OAISIM Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 3 UEs (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit
01 03 03 Run OAISIM Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 3 UEs (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode and search for errors
01 03 04 Run OAI Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) without PHY_ABSTRACTION mode, ping from from eNB to UE,
01 03 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 (FDD + 5MHz/10MHz/20MHz + TM 1,2,5,6), and check the operation
01 03 00 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE 1 eNB (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit
01 03 01 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode and search for errors
01 03 02 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 3 UEs (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit
01 03 03 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 3 UEs (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode and search for errors
01 03 04 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) without PHY_ABSTRACTION mode, ping from from eNB to UE,
and for check for no packet losses
01 03 05 Run OAI Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode, send ping from from eNB to UE,
01 03 05 Run OAISIM-NOS1 Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode, send ping from from eNB to UE,
and check for no packet losses
01 04 MBSFN Tests
01 04 00 Check if eMBMS procedure is not finished completely, make sure that the SIB13/MCCH have been correclty received by UEs
01 04 01 Check if eMBMS multicast/broadcast data is received, make sure that the SIB13/MCCH/MTCH have been correclty received by UEs
01 04 02 Check for eMBMS multicast/broadcast data received in fdd mode, make sure that the SIB13/MCCH/MTCH have been correctly
......@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ function test_compile() {
......@@ -57,11 +57,18 @@ function test_compile() {
#compile_prog_out=`eval "echo $compile_prog_out"`
#echo "compile_prog_out = $compile_prog_out"
read -a compile_prog_out_array <<< "$compile_prog_out"
#Temporary log file where execution log is stored.
rm -fr $log_dir
mkdir -p $log_dir
......@@ -77,44 +84,77 @@ function test_compile() {
read -a compile_prog_array <<<"$compile_prog"
read -a tags_array <<<"$tags"
#read -a tags_array <<<"$tags"
readarray -t pre_compile_prog_array <<< "$pre_compile_prog"
#readarray -t pre_compile_prog_array <<< "$pre_compile_prog"
for (( run_index=1; run_index <= $nruns; run_index++ ))
for pre_compile_prog_array_index in "${pre_compile_prog_array[@]}"
#for pre_compile_prog_array_index in "${pre_compile_prog_array[@]}"
for compile_prog_array_index in "${compile_prog_array[@]}"
echo "Compiling test case $test_case_name.$compile_prog_array_index.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} Log file = $log_file"
echo "<COMPILATION LOG file=$compile_prog_array_index , Run = $run_index>" >> $log_file
rm -fr $build_dir
mkdir -p $build_dir
cd $build_dir
#for compile_prog_array_index in "${compile_prog_array[@]}"
echo "Compiling test case $test_case_name.${tags} Log file = $log_file"
echo "<COMPILATION LOG file=$test_case_name.${tags} , Run = $run_index>, Date = $date " >> $log_file
#rm -fr $build_dir
#mkdir -p $build_dir
cd $log_dir
eval $pre_compile_prog_array_index
cmake ..
#rm -fv $exec_file
make -j`nproc` $compile_prog_array_index $compile_args
compile_log_dir=`eval echo \"$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/\"`
echo "Removing compilation log files in $compile_log_dir"
rm -frv $compile_log_dir
echo "Executing $compile_prog $compile_prog_args ...."
eval $compile_prog $compile_prog_args
echo "Copying compilation log files to test case log directory: $log_dir"
cp -fvr $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/ $log_dir/compile_log
}>> $log_file 2>&1
echo "</COMPILATION LOG>" >> $log_file 2>&1
if [ "$class" == "compilation" ]; then
if [ -s "$compile_prog_array_index" ] || [ -s "$compile_prog_out" ] ; then
echo_success "$test_case_name.$compile_prog_array_index.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} compiled"
xUnit_success "compilation" "$test_case_name.$compile_prog_array_index.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}" "PASS" "$run_index"
echo_error "$test_case_name.$exec_prog.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} compilation failed"
xUnit_fail "compilation" "$test_case_name.$compile_prog_array_index.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}" "FAIL" "$run_index"
for compile_prog_out_index in ${compile_prog_out_array[@]}
if [ -s "$compile_prog_out_index" ]; then
let "result = result&1"
echo_success "$test_case_name.${tags} RUN = $run_index $compile_prog_out_index = compiled"
let "result = result&0"
echo_error "$test_case_name.${tags} RUN = $run_index $compile_prog_out_index failed"
done #end of for loop compile_prog_out_index
if [ "$result" == "1" ]; then
result_string=$result_string" Run_$run_index = PASS"
result_string=$result_string" Run_$run_index = FAIL"
let "tags_array_index++"
done # End of for loop compile_prog_array
done # End of for loop (pre_compile_prog_array_index)
#let "tags_array_index++"
#done # End of for loop compile_prog_array
#done # End of for loop (pre_compile_prog_array_index)
done #End of for loop (run_index)
#If for for some reason upper for loop does not execute, we fail the test case completely
if [ "$result_string" == "" ]; then
if [ "$result" == "1" ]; then
echo_success "$test_case_name.${tags} PASSED"
xUnit_success "compilation" "$test_case_name.$tags" "PASS" "$result_string" "$xmlfile_testcase"
echo_success "$test_case_name.${tags} FAILED"
xUnit_success "compilation" "$test_case_name.$tags" "FAIL" "$result_string" "$xmlfile_testcase"
......@@ -138,8 +178,8 @@ function test_compile() {
function test_compile_and_run() {
......@@ -155,11 +195,18 @@ function test_compile_and_run() {
#Temporary log file where execution log is stored.
rm -fr $log_dir
mkdir -p $log_dir
rm -fr $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log
echo "" > $temp_exec_log
echo "" > $log_file
#echo "log_dir = $log_dir"
#echo "log_file = $log_file"
#echo "exec_file = $exec_file"
......@@ -169,64 +216,67 @@ function test_compile_and_run() {
#echo "nruns = $nruns"
echo "class = $class"
read -a compile_prog_array <<<"$compile_prog"
#read -a compile_prog_array <<<"$compile_prog"
read -a tags_array <<<"$tags"
readarray -t main_exec_args_array <<< "$exec_args"
#for search_expr in "${compile_prog_array[@]}"
echo "Compiling test case $test_case_name Log file = $log_file"
echo "<COMPILATION LOG file=$log_file>" >> $log_file
for search_expr in "${compile_prog_array[@]}"
echo "Compiling test case $test_case_name.$search_expr Log file = $log_file"
echo "<COMPILATION LOG file=$search_expr>" >> $log_file
rm -fr $build_dir
mkdir -p $build_dir
#rm -fr $build_dir
#mkdir -p $build_dir
cd $build_dir
cd $log_dir
eval $pre_compile_prog
cmake ..
#eval $pre_compile_prog
#cmake ..
#rm -fv $exec_file
make -j`nproc` $search_expr $compile_args
echo "Executing $compile_prog $compile_args" >> $log_file
eval "$compile_prog $compile_args"
echo "Copying compilation log files to test case log directory: $log_dir"
cp -fvr $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/ $log_dir/compile_log
}>> $log_file 2>&1
echo "</COMPILATION LOG>" >> $log_file 2>&1
if [ "$class" == "compilation" ]; then
if [ -s "$search_expr" ] ; then
echo_success "$test_case_name $search_expr compiled"
xUnit_success "compilation" "$test_name.$search_expr" "PASS" 1
echo_error "$test_case_name $exec_prog compilation failed"
xUnit_fail "compilation" "$test_name.$search_expr" "FAIL" 1
#process the test case if it is that of execution
if [ "$class" == "execution" ]; then
for main_exec_args_array_index in "${main_exec_args_array[@]}"
for (( run_index=1; run_index <= $nruns; run_index++ ))
for (( run_index=1; run_index <= $nruns; run_index++ ))
echo "Executing test case $test_case_name.$main_exec.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}, Run Index = $run_index, Log file = $log_file"
echo "" > $temp_exec_log
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $log_file 2>&1
echo "<EXECUTION LOG Run = $run_index >" >> $log_file 2>&1
echo "Executing test case $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}, Run Index = $run_index, Execution Log file = $temp_exec_log"
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------" >> $temp_exec_log 2>&1
echo "<EXECUTION LOG Test Case = $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}, Run = $run_index >" >> $temp_exec_log 2>&1
if [ -n "$pre_exec_file" ]; then
{ eval " echo '$mypassword' |sudo -S -E $pre_exec_file $pre_exec_args " ; }>> $log_file 2>&1
{ echo " Executing $pre_exec_file $pre_exec_args "
eval " echo '$mypassword' |sudo -S -E $pre_exec_file $pre_exec_args " ; }>> $temp_exec_log 2>&1
echo "Executing $exec_file $main_exec_args_array_index "
echo "Executing $exec_file $main_exec_args_array_index " >> $log_file
{ eval "$exec_file $main_exec_args_array_index" ;} > $temp_exec_log 2>&1
echo "Executing $main_exec $main_exec_args_array_index "
echo "Executing $main_exec $main_exec_args_array_index " >> $temp_exec_log
{ eval "$main_exec $main_exec_args_array_index" ;} >> $temp_exec_log 2>&1
echo "</EXECUTION LOG Test Case = $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}, Run = $run_index >" >> $temp_exec_log 2>&1
cat $temp_exec_log >> $log_file 2>&1
echo "</EXECUTION LOG Test Case = $test_case_name.$main_exec.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}, Run = $run_index >" >> $log_file 2>&1
for search_expr in "${search_expr_array[@]}"
......@@ -243,39 +293,50 @@ function test_compile_and_run() {
let "result = result & 1"
#If we find a negative search result then there is crash of program and test case is failed even if above condition is true
search_result=`grep -iE "$search_expr_negative" $temp_exec_log`
if [ -n "$search_result" ]; then
let "global_result = global_result & result"
#echo "result = $result"
#this is a result of this run
if [ "$result" -eq "0" ]; then
result_string=$result_string" Run_$run_index =FAIL"
echo_error "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} RUN = $run_index Result = FAIL"
if [ "$result" -eq "1" ]; then
result_string=$result_string" Run_$run_index =PASS"
echo_success "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} RUN = $run_index Result = PASS"
#If we find a negative search result then there is crash of program and test case is failed even if above condition is true
search_result=`grep -iE "$search_expr_negative" $temp_exec_log`
if [ -n "$search_result" ]; then
if [ "$test_case_result" == "FAIL" ]; then
echo_error "execution $test_case_name.$compile_prog.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} FAIL $run_index"
xUnit_fail "execution" "$test_case_name.$compile_prog.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}" "FAIL" "$run_index"
if [ "$test_case_result" == "PASS" ]; then
echo_success "execution $test_case_name.$compile_prog.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} PASS $run_index"
xUnit_success "execution" "$test_case_name.$compile_prog.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}" "PASS" "$run_index"
done #End of for loop (nindex)
echo " Result String = $result_string"
if [ "$result_string" == "" ]; then
echo_error "execution $test_case_name.$compile_prog.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} Run_Result = \"$result_string\" Result = FAIL"
xUnit_success "execution" "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}" "FAIL" "$result_string" "$xmlfile_testcase"
if [ "$global_result" == "0" ]; then
echo_error "execution $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} Run_Result = \"$result_string\" Result = FAIL"
xUnit_fail "execution" "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}" "FAIL" "$result_string" "$xmlfile_testcase"
if [ "$global_result" == "1" ]; then
echo_success "execution $test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]} Run_Result = \"$result_string\" Result = PASS "
xUnit_success "execution" "$test_case_name.${tags_array[$tags_array_index]}" "PASS" "$result_string" "$xmlfile_testcase"
let "tags_array_index++"
done # End of for loop (nindex)
rm -fr $build_dir
......@@ -376,6 +437,8 @@ for search_expr in "${test_case_array[@]}"
echo "Description = $desc"
echo "pre_compile_prog = $pre_compile_prog"
echo "compile_prog = $compile_prog"
echo "compile_prog_args = $compile_prog_args"
echo "compile_prog_out = $compile_prog_out"
echo "pre_exec = $pre_exec"
echo "pre_exec_args = $pre_exec_args"
echo "main_exec = $main_exec"
......@@ -385,6 +448,7 @@ for search_expr in "${test_case_array[@]}"
echo "nruns = $nruns"
#eval $pre_exec
compile_prog_out=`eval echo \"$compile_prog_out\"`
......@@ -13,138 +13,300 @@
<desc>Build oaisim.Rel8</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim -r Rel8</compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010102" >
<desc>Build oaisim.Rel8 + network device driver(nasmesh_fix)</desc>
<desc>Build oaisim.Rel10</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim -r Rel10</compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010103" >
<desc>Build lte-softmodem EXMIMO.Rel8 + EXMIMO.Rel10 + USRP.Rel10</desc>
<pre_compile_prog>cp -vf ../CMakeLists.txt.Rel8 ../CMakeLists.txt
cp -vf ../CMakeLists.txt.Rel10 ../CMakeLists.txt
cp -vf ../CMakeLists.txt.USRP ../CMakeLists.txt </pre_compile_prog>
<desc>Build oaisim_noS1.Rel10</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim -r Rel10 --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010104" >
<testCase id="010110" >
<desc>Build phy unitary simulators + secuirity unitary tests</desc>
<desc>Build lte_softmodem_noS1.USRP.Rel10</desc>
<compile_prog>dlsim ulsim pucchsim prachsim pdcchsim pbchsim mbmssim test_secu_knas_encrypt_eia1 test_secu_kenb test_aes128_ctr_encrypt test_aes128_ctr_decrypt test_secu_knas_encrypt_eea2 test_secu_knas test_secu_knas_encrypt_eea1 test_kdf test_aes128_cmac_encrypt test_secu_knas_encrypt_eia2</compile_prog>
<compile_prog_args>--eNB -w USRP -r Rel10 --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010106" >
<testCase id="010111" >
<desc>Build oaisim.Rel8 + ITTI</desc>
<desc>Build lte_softmodem_noS1.EXMIMO.Rel10</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--eNB -w EXMIMO -r Rel10 --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010107" >
<testCase id="010112" >
<desc>Build oaisim_nos1.Rel10</desc>
<desc>Build lte_softmodem_noS1.BLADERF.Rel10</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--eNB -w BLADERF -r Rel10 --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010108" >
<testCase id="010113" >
<desc>Build oaisim.Rel10 + ITTI</desc>
<desc>Build lte_softmodem_noS1.ETHERNET.Rel10</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--eNB -w ETHERNET -r Rel10 --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010120" >
<desc>Build Nasmesh</desc>
<desc>Build lte_softmodem.USRP.Rel10</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--eNB -w USRP -r Rel10 </compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010121" >
<desc>Build lte_softmodem.EXMIMO.Rel10</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--eNB -w EXMIMO -r Rel10 </compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010122" >
<desc>Build lte_softmodem.BLADERF.Rel10</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--eNB -w BLADERF -r Rel10 </compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010123" >
<desc>Build lte_softmodem.ETHERNET.Rel10</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--eNB -w ETHERNET -r Rel10 </compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010130" >
<desc>Build phy unitary simulators + secuirity unitary tests</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--phy_simulators --core_simulators</compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010140" >
<desc>Build RRH Gateway</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--RRH -w USRP</compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010141" >
<desc>Build RRH Gateway</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--RRH -w EXMIMO</compile_prog_args>
<testCase id="010142" >
<desc>Build RRH Gateway</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--RRH -w BLADERF</compile_prog_args>
......@@ -153,11 +315,11 @@
<desc>Run OAISIM Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 25 -x 1
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 50 -x 1
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 100 -x 1
......@@ -170,7 +332,7 @@
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 25 -x 6
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 50 -x 6
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 100 -x 6</main_exec_args>
<tags>tdd.5MHz.TM1 tdd.10MHz.TM1 tdd.20MHz.TM1 tdd.5MHz.TM2 tdd.10MHz.TM2 tdd.20MHz.TM2 tdd.5MHz.TM5 tdd.10MHz.TM5 tdd.20MHz.TM5 tdd.5MHz.TM6 tdd.10MHz.TM6 tdd.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<tags>oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<search_expr_true>"Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 0"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -180,11 +342,11 @@
<desc>Run OAISIM Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 25 -x 1 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 50 -x 1 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 100 -x 1 -a
......@@ -197,7 +359,7 @@
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 25 -x 6 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 50 -x 6 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 100 -x 6 -a</main_exec_args>
<tags>tdd.5MHz.TM1 tdd.10MHz.TM1 tdd.20MHz.TM1 tdd.5MHz.TM2 tdd.10MHz.TM2 tdd.20MHz.TM2 tdd.5MHz.TM5 tdd.10MHz.TM5 tdd.20MHz.TM5 tdd.5MHz.TM6 tdd.10MHz.TM6 tdd.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<tags>oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<search_expr_true>"Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 0"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -207,11 +369,11 @@
<desc>Run OAISIM Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 3 UEs (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 25 -x 1
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 50 -x 1
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 100 -x 1
......@@ -224,7 +386,7 @@
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 25 -x 6
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 50 -x 6
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 100 -x 6 </main_exec_args>
<tags>tdd.5MHz.TM1 tdd.10MHz.TM1 tdd.20MHz.TM1 tdd.5MHz.TM2 tdd.10MHz.TM2 tdd.20MHz.TM2 tdd.5MHz.TM5 tdd.10MHz.TM5 tdd.20MHz.TM5 tdd.5MHz.TM6 tdd.10MHz.TM6 tdd.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<tags>oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<search_expr_true>"Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 0" "Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 1" "Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 2"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -234,11 +396,11 @@
<desc>Run OAISIM Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 3 UEs (5 MHz) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 25 -x 1 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 50 -x 1 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 100 -x 1 -a
......@@ -251,7 +413,7 @@
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 25 -x 6 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 50 -x 6 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 100 -x 6 -a</main_exec_args>
<tags>tdd.5MHz.TM1 tdd.10MHz.TM1 tdd.20MHz.TM1 tdd.5MHz.TM2 tdd.10MHz.TM2 tdd.20MHz.TM2 tdd.5MHz.TM5 tdd.10MHz.TM5 tdd.20MHz.TM5 tdd.5MHz.TM6 tdd.10MHz.TM6 tdd.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<tags>oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM2 tdd.20MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<search_expr_true>"Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 0" "Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 1" "Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 2"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -261,11 +423,11 @@
<desc>Run OAI Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz) without abstraction mode, send ping from from eNB to UE, and check that there is no packet losses</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 25 -x 1 -c26
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 50 -x 1 -c26
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 100 -x 1 -c26
......@@ -278,7 +440,7 @@
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 25 -x 6 -c26
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 50 -x 6 -c26
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 100 -x 6 -c26 </main_exec_args>
<tags>tdd.5MHz.TM1 tdd.10MHz.TM1 tdd.20MHz.TM1 tdd.5MHz.TM2 tdd.10MHz.TM2 tdd.20MHz.TM2 tdd.5MHz.TM5 tdd.10MHz.TM5 tdd.20MHz.TM5 tdd.5MHz.TM6 tdd.10MHz.TM6 tdd.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<tags>oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<search_expr_true>"DL and UL loss rate below 10"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -288,11 +450,11 @@
<desc>Run OAI Rel10 TDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode, send ping from from eNB to UE, and check that there is no packet losses</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 25 -x 1 -c26 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 50 -x 1 -c26 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 100 -x 1 -c26 -a
......@@ -305,7 +467,7 @@
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 25 -x 6 -c26 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 50 -x 6 -c26 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 100 -x 6 -c26 -a </main_exec_args>
<tags>tdd.5MHz.TM1 tdd.10MHz.TM1 tdd.20MHz.TM1 tdd.5MHz.TM2 tdd.10MHz.TM2 tdd.20MHz.TM2 tdd.5MHz.TM5 tdd.10MHz.TM5 tdd.20MHz.TM5 tdd.5MHz.TM6 tdd.10MHz.TM6 tdd.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<tags>oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM5 tdd.20MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.tdd.5MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.tdd.10MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.tdd.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<search_expr_true>"DL and UL loss rate below 10"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -315,11 +477,11 @@
<desc>Run OAISIM Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE 1 eNB (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 25 -x 1 -F
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 50 -x 1 -F
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 100 -x 1 -F
......@@ -332,7 +494,7 @@
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 25 -x 6 -F
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 50 -x 6 -F
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 100 -x 6 -F</main_exec_args>
<tags>FDD.5MHz.TM1 FDD.10MHz.TM1 FDD.20MHz.TM1 FDD.5MHz.TM2 FDD.10MHz.TM2 FDD.20MHz.TM2 FDD.5MHz.TM5 FDD.10MHz.TM5 FDD.20MHz.TM5 FDD.5MHz.TM6 FDD.10MHz.TM6 FDD.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<tags>oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<search_expr_true>"Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 0"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -342,11 +504,11 @@
<desc>Run OAISIM Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode and search for errors</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 25 -x 1 -F -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 50 -x 1 -F -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 100 -x 1 -F -a
......@@ -359,7 +521,7 @@
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 25 -x 6 -F -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 50 -x 6 -F -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 100 -x 6 -F -a</main_exec_args>
<tags>FDD.5MHz.TM1 FDD.10MHz.TM1 FDD.20MHz.TM1 FDD.5MHz.TM2 FDD.10MHz.TM2 FDD.20MHz.TM2 FDD.5MHz.TM5 FDD.10MHz.TM5 FDD.20MHz.TM5 FDD.5MHz.TM6 FDD.10MHz.TM6 FDD.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<tags>oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<search_expr_true>"Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 0"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -369,11 +531,11 @@
<desc> Run OAISIM Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 3 UEs (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) and search for errors, segmentation fault or exit</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 25 -x 1 -F
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 50 -x 1 -F
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 100 -x 1 -F
......@@ -386,7 +548,7 @@
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 25 -x 6 -F
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 50 -x 6 -F
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 100 -x 6 -F </main_exec_args>
<tags>FDD.5MHz.TM1 FDD.10MHz.TM1 FDD.20MHz.TM1 FDD.5MHz.TM2 FDD.10MHz.TM2 FDD.20MHz.TM2 FDD.5MHz.TM5 FDD.10MHz.TM5 FDD.20MHz.TM5 FDD.5MHz.TM6 FDD.10MHz.TM6 FDD.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<tags>oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<search_expr_true>"Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 0" "Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 1" "Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 2"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -396,11 +558,11 @@
<desc>Run OAISIM Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 3 UEs (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode and search for errors</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 25 -x 1 -F -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 50 -x 1 -F -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 100 -x 1 -F -a
......@@ -413,7 +575,7 @@
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 25 -x 6 -F -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 50 -x 6 -F -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u3 -n100 -R 100 -x 6 -F -a</main_exec_args>
<tags>FDD.5MHz.TM1 FDD.10MHz.TM1 FDD.20MHz.TM1 FDD.5MHz.TM2 FDD.10MHz.TM2 FDD.20MHz.TM2 FDD.5MHz.TM5 FDD.10MHz.TM5 FDD.20MHz.TM5 FDD.5MHz.TM6 FDD.10MHz.TM6 FDD.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<tags>oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<search_expr_true>"Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 0" "Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 1" "Received RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete from UE 2"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -423,11 +585,11 @@
<desc>Run OAI Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) without PHY_ABSTRACTION mode, ping from from eNB to UE, and for check for no packet losses</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 25 -x 1 -F -c26
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 50 -x 1 -F -c26
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 100 -x 1 -F -c26
......@@ -440,7 +602,7 @@
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 25 -x 6 -F -c26
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 50 -x 6 -F -c26
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 100 -x 6 -F -c26</main_exec_args>
<tags>FDD.5MHz.TM1 FDD.10MHz.TM1 FDD.20MHz.TM1 FDD.5MHz.TM2 FDD.10MHz.TM2 FDD.20MHz.TM2 FDD.5MHz.TM5 FDD.10MHz.TM5 FDD.20MHz.TM5 FDD.5MHz.TM6 FDD.10MHz.TM6 FDD.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<tags>oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<search_expr_true>"DL and UL loss rate below 10"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -450,11 +612,11 @@
<desc>Run OAI Rel10 FDD, 1 eNB + 1 UE (5 MHz/10MHz/20MHz), (TM 1,2,5,6) in PHY_ABSTRACTION mode, send ping from from eNB to UE, and check for no packet losses</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 25 -x 1 -F -c26 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 50 -x 1 -F -c26 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 100 -x 1 -F -c26 -a
......@@ -467,7 +629,7 @@
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 25 -x 6 -F -c26 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 50 -x 6 -F -c26 -a
-O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -b1 -u1 -n100 -R 100 -x 6 -F -c26 -a </main_exec_args>
<tags>FDD.5MHz.TM1 FDD.10MHz.TM1 FDD.20MHz.TM1 FDD.5MHz.TM2 FDD.10MHz.TM2 FDD.20MHz.TM2 FDD.5MHz.TM5 FDD.10MHz.TM5 FDD.20MHz.TM5 FDD.5MHz.TM6 FDD.10MHz.TM6 FDD.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<tags>oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM1 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM2 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM5 oaisim_noS1.FDD.5MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.FDD.10MHz.TM6 oaisim_noS1.FDD.20MHz.TM6</tags>
<search_expr_true>"DL and UL loss rate below 10"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -477,14 +639,15 @@
<desc>Check if eMBMS procedure is not finished completely, make sure that the SIB13/MCCH have been correclty received by UEs</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -l7 -x 1 -Q3 -n 100 -b1 -u1</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"Found MBSFNAreaConfiguration from eNB 0"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -492,14 +655,15 @@
<desc>Check if eMBMS multicast/broadcast data is received, make sure that the SIB13/MCCH/MTCH have been correclty received by UEs</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -l7 -x 1 -T mscbr -Q3 -n 100 -b1 -u1</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"Received a multicast packet"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -507,14 +671,15 @@
<desc>Check for eMBMS multicast/broadcast data received in fdd mode, make sure that the SIB13/MCCH/MTCH have been correclty received by UEs</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -l7 -F -T mscbr -x 1 -Q3 -n 100 -b1 -u1</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"Received a multicast packet"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -522,14 +687,15 @@
<desc>Check for eMBMS multicast/broadcast DF relaying working properly in fdd mode, make sure that the SIB13/MCCH/MTCH have been correclty received by UEs</desc>
<compile_prog_args>--oaisim --noS1</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -O $OPENAIR_TARGETS/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_no_mme.conf -A AWGN -l7 -c43 -F -T mbvbr -Q4 -j1 -n120</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"MTCH for sync area 1"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -537,14 +703,15 @@
<compile_prog_args> --core_simulators</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> --verbose</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"finished with 0 errors"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -552,14 +719,15 @@
<compile_prog_args> --core_simulators</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> --verbose</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"finished with 0 errors"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -567,14 +735,15 @@
<compile_prog_args> --core_simulators</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> --verbose</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"finished with 0 errors"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -582,14 +751,15 @@
<compile_prog_args> --core_simulators</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> --verbose</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"finished with 0 errors"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -597,14 +767,15 @@
<compile_prog_args> --core_simulators</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> --verbose</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"finished with 0 errors"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -612,14 +783,15 @@
<compile_prog_args> --core_simulators</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> --verbose</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"finished with 0 errors"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -627,14 +799,15 @@
<compile_prog_args> --core_simulators</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> --verbose</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"finished with 0 errors"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -642,14 +815,15 @@
<compile_prog_args> --core_simulators</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> --verbose</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"finished with 0 errors"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -657,14 +831,15 @@
<compile_prog_args> --core_simulators</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> --verbose</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"finished with 0 errors"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -672,14 +847,15 @@
<compile_prog_args> --core_simulators</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> --verbose</main_exec_args>
<search_expr_true>"finished with 0 errors"</search_expr_true>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -698,11 +874,11 @@
(TM2 Test 1b 20 MHz, R.11-2 FDD (MCS 13), EVA5, 5.9 dB (70%)),
<compile_prog_args> --phy_simulators</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -m5 -gF -s-1 -w1.0 -f.2 -n500 -B50 -c2 -z2 -O70 -L
-m4 -gF -s0 -w1.0 -f.2 -n500 -B6 -c4 -z2 -O70
-m15 -gF -s6.7 -w1.0 -f.2 -n500 -B50 -c2 -z2 -O70 -L
......@@ -714,7 +890,7 @@
-m26 -gF -s17.7 -w1.0 -f.2 -n500 -B50 -c2 -z2 -O70 -L
-m14 -gF -s6.8 -w1.0 -f.2 -n500 -B50 -c2 -x2 -y2 -z2 -O70 -L
-m13 -gF -s5.9 -w1.0 -f.2 -n500 -B25 -c3 -x2 -y2 -z2 -O70 -L</main_exec_args>
<tags>test1 test5 test6 test6b test7 test7b test10 test10b test11 TM2_test1 TM2_test1b</tags>
<tags>dlsim.test1 dlsim.test5 dlsim.test6 dlsim.test6b dlsim.test7 dlsim.test7b dlsim.test10 dlsim.test10b dlsim.test11 dlsim.TM2_test1 dlsim.TM2_test1b</tags>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -729,18 +905,18 @@
(Test 5, 20 MHz, FDD (MCS 5), AWGN, 6dB (70%)),
(Test 6, 20 MHz, FDD (MCS 16), AWGN, 12 dB (70%))</desc>
<compile_prog_args> --phy_simulators</compile_prog_args>
<main_exec_args> -B25 -m5 -y1 -gN -x1 -s6 -w1.0 -e.1 -P -n500 -O70 -L
-B25 -m16 -y1 -gN -x1 -s12 -w1.0 -e.1 -P -n500 -O70 -L
-B50 -m5 -y1 -gN -x1 -s6 -w1.0 -e.1 -P -n500 -O70 -L
-B50 -m16 -y1 -gN -x1 -s12 -w1.0 -e.1 -P -n500 -O70 -L
-B100 -m5 -y1 -gN -x1 -s6 -w1.0 -e.1 -P -n500 -O70 -L
-B100 -m16 -y1 -gN -x1 -s12 -w1.0 -e.1 -P -n500 -O70 -L</main_exec_args>
<tags>test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6</tags>
<tags>ulsim.test1 ulsim.test2 ulsim.test3 ulsim.test4 ulsim.test5 ulsim.test6</tags>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -24,15 +24,18 @@ xUnit_start() {
# \param $1 classname
# \param $2 testcase name
# \param $3 testcase result
# \param $4 run index
# \param $4 run result
# \param $5 XML file local to test case for storing its own results
xUnit_fail() {
currtime=$(date +%s.%N)
time=$(echo "$currtime - $XUNIT_START" | bc -l)
xml="<testcase classname='$class' name='$test_case' run='$run_index' time='$time' RESULT='$result'></testcase>"
xml="<testcase classname='$class' name='$test_case' Run_result='$run_result' time='$time' RESULT='$result'></testcase>"
echo -e $xml > $xmlfile_testcase
......@@ -43,15 +46,18 @@ xUnit_fail() {
# \param $1 classname
# \param $2 testcase name
# \param $3 testcase result
# \param $4 run index
# \param $4 run result
# \param $5 XML file local to test case for storing its own results
xUnit_success() {
currtime=$(date +%s.%N)
time=$(echo "$currtime - $XUNIT_START" | bc -l)
xml="<testcase classname='$class' name='$test_case' run='$run_index' time='$time' RESULT='$result'></testcase>"
xml="<testcase classname='$class' name='$test_case' Run_result='$run_result' time='$time' RESULT='$result'></testcase>"
echo -e $xml > $xmlfile_testcase
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