Commit d51e0144 authored by hongzhi wang's avatar hongzhi wang

ue bug fix 2nd unscrambling

parent 5a08e254
......@@ -46,12 +46,11 @@ int nr_pbch_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
//uint16_t Nid_cell = (eNB_offset == 0) ? ue->frame_parms.Nid_cell : ue->measurements.adj_cell_id[eNB_offset-1];
uint8_t nushift, Lmax, ssb_index=0, n_hf=0;
uint8_t nushift, ssb_index=0, n_hf=0;
int **dl_ch_estimates =ue->common_vars.common_vars_rx_data_per_thread[ue->current_thread_id[Ns>>1]].dl_ch_estimates[eNB_offset];
int **rxdataF=ue->common_vars.common_vars_rx_data_per_thread[ue->current_thread_id[Ns>>1]].rxdataF;
Lmax = 8; //to be updated
nushift = (Lmax < 8)? ssb_index&3 : ssb_index&7;
nushift = ue->frame_parms.Nid_cell%4;
ue->frame_parms.nushift = nushift;
if (ue->high_speed_flag == 0) // use second channel estimate position for temporary storage
......@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ void nr_pbch_unscrambling(NR_UE_PBCH *pbch,
int i;
uint8_t reset, offset;
uint32_t x1, x2, s=0;
uint8_t *pbch_e = pbch->pbch_e;
double *demod_pbch_e = pbch->demod_pbch_e;
uint32_t *pbch_a_prime = (uint32_t*)pbch->pbch_a_prime;
uint32_t *pbch_a_interleaved = (uint32_t*)pbch->pbch_a_interleaved;
uint32_t unscrambling_mask = 0x100006D;
......@@ -421,6 +421,7 @@ void nr_pbch_unscrambling(NR_UE_PBCH *pbch,
reset = 0;
if (i<8)
printf("s: %04x\t", s);
if (bitwise) {
......@@ -429,7 +430,7 @@ void nr_pbch_unscrambling(NR_UE_PBCH *pbch,
else {
if (((s>>((i+offset)&0x1f))&1)==1)
pbch_e[i] = -pbch_e[i];
demod_pbch_e[i] = -demod_pbch_e[i];
......@@ -516,6 +517,7 @@ uint16_t nr_rx_pbch( PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
//uint8_t pbch_a[64];
uint8_t *pbch_a = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * 32);
uint8_t *pbch_a_prime;
uint8_t *pbch_a_b = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) *NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS);
int8_t *pbch_e_rx;
uint8_t *decoded_output = nr_ue_pbch_vars->decoded_output;
uint8_t nushift;
......@@ -645,40 +647,51 @@ uint16_t nr_rx_pbch( PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
//polar decoding de-rate matching
decoderState = polar_decoder(demod_pbch_e, pbch_a_prime, &frame_parms->pbch_polar_params, decoderListSize, aPrioriArray, pathMetricAppr);
decoderState = polar_decoder(demod_pbch_e, pbch_a_b, &frame_parms->pbch_polar_params, decoderListSize, aPrioriArray, pathMetricAppr);
memset(&pbch_a_prime[0], 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS>>3);
for (i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS; i++)
printf("pbch_a_prime[%d] = %u \n", i,pbch_a_prime[i]);
pbch_a_prime[i/8] ^= (pbch_a_b[i]&1)<<(i&7);
//printf("pbch_a_b[%d] = %u pbch_a_prime[i/8] 0x%02x \n", i,pbch_a_b[i],pbch_a_prime[i/8]);
for (i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS>>3; i++)
printf("pbch_a_prime[%d] = 0x%02x\n", i,pbch_a_prime[i]);
//payload un-scrambling
memset(nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_interleaved, 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS>>3);
nushift = (((pbch_a_prime[0]>>6)&1)<<1) ^ ((pbch_a_prime[3])&1);
nushift = ((pbch_a_prime[0]>>6)&1) ^ (((pbch_a_prime[3])&1)<<1);
//printf("payload unscrambling nushift %d sfn3 %d sfn2 %d M %d\n",nushift, ((pbch_a_prime[0]>>6)&1),((pbch_a_prime[3])&1),M);
//payload deinterleaving
uint32_t in=0, out=0;
for (int i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS>>3; i++)
in |= (uint32_t)(nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_interleaved[i]<<((3-i)<<3));
in |= (uint32_t)(nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_interleaved[i]<<(i<<3));
for (int i=0; i<32; i++) {
out |= ((in>>i)&1)<<(pbch_deinterleaving_pattern[i]);
printf("i %d in 0x%08x out 0x%08x ilv %d (in>>i)&1) 0x%08x\n", i, in, out, pbch_deinterleaver_pattern[i], (in>>i)&1);
printf("i %d in 0x%08x out 0x%08x ilv %d (in>>i)&1) 0x%08x\n", i, in, out, pbch_deinterleaving_pattern[i], (in>>i)&1);
for (int i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS>>3; i++)
nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a[i] = (uint8_t)((out>>(i<<3))&0xff);
pbch_a[i] = (uint8_t)((out>>(i<<3))&0xff);
// Fix byte endian
for (i=0; i<(NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS>>3); i++)
decoded_output[(NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS>>3)-i-1] = pbch_a[i];
//#ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
for (i=0; i<(NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS); i++)
printf("unscrambling pbch_a[%d] = %d \n", i,pbch_a[i]);
//for (i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS; i++)
// printf("[PBCH] decoder_output[%d] = %x\n",i,decoded_output[i]);
for (i=0; i<(NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS>>3); i++){
printf("unscrambling pbch_a[%d] = %x \n", i,pbch_a[i]);
printf("[PBCH] decoder_output[%d] = %x\n",i,decoded_output[i]);
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