Commit fbde0883 authored by hongzhi wang's avatar hongzhi wang

UE nr pdcch update

parent 94766fc4
......@@ -326,10 +326,17 @@ int nr_pdcch_channel_estimation(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
#ifdef DEBUG_CH
for (int m =0; m<12; m++)
printf("data : dl_ch -> (%d,%d)\n",dl_ch[0+2*m],dl_ch[1+2*m]);
for (pilot_cnt=3; pilot_cnt<(3*nb_rb_coreset); pilot_cnt+=3) {
......@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
//#include "PHY/defs.h"
#include "PHY/defs_nr_UE.h"
#include "PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_dci_defs.h"
#include "PHY/phy_extern_nr_ue.h"
#include "PHY/CODING/coding_extern.h"
//#include "PHY/extern.h"
//#include "SCHED/defs.h"
//#include "SIMULATION/TOOLS/defs.h" // for taus
......@@ -273,7 +275,6 @@ uint32_t Y;
#define Msymb (DCI_BITS_MAX/2)
//#define Mquad (Msymb/4)
static uint32_t bitrev_cc_dci[32] = {1,17,9,25,5,21,13,29,3,19,11,27,7,23,15,31,0,16,8,24,4,20,12,28,2,18,10,26,6,22,14,30};
static int32_t wtemp[2][Msymb];
void pdcch_interleaving(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,int32_t **z, int32_t **wbar,uint8_t n_symbols_pdcch,uint8_t mi)
......@@ -344,6 +345,96 @@ void pdcch_interleaving(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,int32_t **z, int32_t **wb
void nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving(uint16_t *llr,
uint16_t *z,
NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
uint8_t coreset_time_dur,
uint32_t coreset_nbr_rb,
uint8_t reg_bundle_size_L,
uint8_t coreset_interleaver_size_R,
uint8_t n_shift){
* This function will do demapping and deinterleaving from llr containing demodulated symbols
* Demapping will regroup in REG and bundles
* Deinterleaving will order the bundles
* In the following example we can see the process. The llr contains the demodulated IQs, but they are not ordered from REG 0,1,2,..
* In e_rx (z) we will order the REG ids and group them into bundles.
* Then we will put the bundles in the correct order as indicated in subclause
llr --------------------------> e_rx (z) ----> e_rx (z)
| ...
| ...
| REG 26
symbol 2 | ...
| ...
| REG 5
| REG 2
| ...
| ...
| REG 25
symbol 1 | ...
| ...
| REG 4
| REG 1
| ...
| ... ... ...
| REG 24 (bundle 7) ... ...
symbol 0 | ... bundle 3 bundle 6
| ... bundle 2 bundle 1
| REG 3 bundle 1 bundle 7
| REG 0 (bundle 0) bundle 0 bundle 0
int c=0,r=0;
uint16_t bundle_j=0, f_bundle_j,f_reg;
uint32_t coreset_C;
uint16_t index_z, index_llr;
int coreset_interleaved = 0;
if (reg_bundle_size_L!=0){ // interleaving will be done only if reg_bundle_size_L != 0
coreset_C = (uint32_t)((coreset_nbr_rb * coreset_time_dur)/ (coreset_interleaver_size_R*reg_bundle_size_L));
} else {
for(int reg=0; reg<((coreset_nbr_rb*coreset_time_dur)); reg++){
if ((reg%reg_bundle_size_L) == 0){
if (r == coreset_interleaver_size_R) {
bundle_j = (c*coreset_interleaver_size_R)+r;
f_bundle_j = ((r*coreset_C)+c+n_shift)%((coreset_nbr_rb*coreset_time_dur)/reg_bundle_size_L);
if (coreset_interleaved==0) f_bundle_j=bundle_j;
printf("\n\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving)-> [r=%d,c=%d] bundle_j(%d) interleaved at f_bundle_j(%d)\n",r,c,bundle_j,f_bundle_j);
f_reg = (f_bundle_j*reg_bundle_size_L)+(reg%reg_bundle_size_L);
index_z = 9*reg;
//index_llr = 9*(((uint16_t)floor(f_reg/reg_bundle_size_L)+(f_reg)%coreset_time_dur))*(coreset_nbr_rb);
index_llr = 9*((uint16_t)floor(f_reg/coreset_time_dur)+((f_reg%coreset_time_dur)*(coreset_nbr_rb)));
for (int i=0; i<9; i++){
z[index_z + i] = llr[index_llr + i];
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving)-> [reg=%d,bundle_j=%d] z[%d]=(%d,%d) <-> \t[f_reg=%d,fbundle_j=%d] llr[%d]=(%d,%d) \n",
reg,bundle_j,(index_z + i),*(char*) &z[index_z + i],*(1 + (char*) &z[index_z + i]),
f_reg,f_bundle_j,(index_llr + i),*(char*) &llr[index_llr + i], *(1 + (char*) &llr[index_llr + i]));
if ((reg%reg_bundle_size_L) == 0) r++;
void nr_pdcch_demapping(uint16_t *llr, uint16_t *wbar,
NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
uint8_t coreset_time_dur, uint32_t coreset_nbr_rb) {
......@@ -1331,9 +1422,10 @@ void nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(int32_t **rxdataF,
c_rb, i, j, *(short *) &rxF_ext[j],*(1 + (short*) &rxF_ext[j]), i,
*(short *) &rxF[i], *(1 + (short*) &rxF[i]));
dl_ch0_ext[j++] = dl_ch0[i];
dl_ch0_ext[j] = dl_ch0[i];
//printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> ch %d => dl_ch0(%d,%d)\n", i, *(short *) &dl_ch0[i], *(1 + (short*) &dl_ch0[i]));
printf("\t-> dl_ch0[%d] => dl_ch0_ext[%d](%d,%d)\n", i,(j-1), *(short *) &dl_ch0[i], *(1 + (short*) &dl_ch0[i]));
printf("\t-> dl_ch0[%d] => dl_ch0_ext[%d](%d,%d)\n", i,j, *(short *) &dl_ch0[i], *(1 + (short*) &dl_ch0[i]));
} else {
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> RB[c_rb %d] \t RE[re %d] => rxF_ext[%d]=(%d,%d)\t rxF[%d]=(%d,%d) \t\t <==> DM-RS PDCCH, this is a pilot symbol\n",
......@@ -2067,10 +2159,12 @@ void pdcch_extract_rbs_dual(int32_t **rxdataF,
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
__m128i mmtmpP0,mmtmpP1,mmtmpP2,mmtmpP3;
#elif defined(__arm__)
int16x8_t mmtmpP0,mmtmpP1,mmtmpP2,mmtmpP3;
void nr_pdcch_channel_compensation(int32_t **rxdataF_ext,
int32_t **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
int32_t **rxdataF_comp,
......@@ -2081,335 +2175,105 @@ void nr_pdcch_channel_compensation(int32_t **rxdataF_ext,
uint32_t coreset_nbr_rb)
uint16_t rb;
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
__m128i *dl_ch128, *rxdataF128, *rxdataF_comp128;
__m128i *dl_ch128_2, *rho128;
#elif defined(__arm__)
uint8_t aatx, aarx, pilots = 0;
short conjugate[8]__attribute__((aligned(16))) = {-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1};
short conjugate2[8]__attribute__((aligned(16))) = {1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1};
LOG_I(PHY, "PDCCH comp: symbol %d\n",symbol);
if (symbol == 0)
pilots = 1;
for (aatx = 0; aatx < frame_parms->nb_antenna_ports_eNB; aatx++) {
//if (frame_parms->mode1_flag && aatx>0) break; //if mode1_flag is set then there is only one stream to extract, independent of nb_antenna_ports_eNB
for (aarx = 0; aarx < frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) {
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
// dl_ch128 = (__m128i *) &dl_ch_estimates_ext[(aatx << 1) + aarx][symbol * frame_parms->N_RB_DL * 12];
// rxdataF128 = (__m128i *) &rxdataF_ext[aarx][symbol * frame_parms->N_RB_DL * 12];
// rxdataF_comp128 = (__m128i *) &rxdataF_comp[(aatx << 1) + aarx][symbol * frame_parms->N_RB_DL * 12];
dl_ch128 = (__m128i *) &dl_ch_estimates_ext[(aatx << 1) + aarx][symbol * coreset_nbr_rb * 9];
rxdataF128 = (__m128i *) &rxdataF_ext[aarx][symbol * coreset_nbr_rb * 9];
rxdataF_comp128 = (__m128i *) &rxdataF_comp[(aatx << 1) + aarx][symbol * coreset_nbr_rb * 9];
#elif defined(__arm__)
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> Total of RBs to be computed (%d), and number of RE (%d) (9 RE per RB)\n",coreset_nbr_rb,coreset_nbr_rb*9);
uint32_t k=0;
for (rb = 0; rb < coreset_nbr_rb; rb) { //FIXME this for loop risks an infinite loop if rb is not increased by 1 inside the loop
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rb=%d\n", rb);
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF_comp = rxdataF_ext(%d,%d) x dl_ch_ext(%d,%d) -> RB[%d] RE[%d]\n",
*(short *) &rxdataF_ext[(rb*9)+k],*(1 + (short*) &rxdataF_ext[(rb*9)+k]),
*(short *) &dl_ch_estimates_ext[(rb*9)+k],*(1 + (short*) &dl_ch_estimates_ext[(rb*9)+k]),
if (k%9 == 0) rb++;
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF x dl_ch -> RB[%d] RE[%d]\n",rb,k);
if (k%9 == 0) rb++;
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF x dl_ch -> RB[%d] RE[%d]\n",rb,k);
if (k%9 == 0) rb++;
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF x dl_ch -> RB[%d] RE[%d]\n",rb,k);
if (k%9 == 0) rb++;
// multiply by conjugated channel
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[0], rxdataF128[0]); // mmtmpPD0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// print_ints("re",&mmtmpPD0);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[0], _MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpPD1, _MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpPD1, *(__m128i * )&conjugate[0]);
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> conjugate\t ### \t");
for (int conjugate_index=0 ; conjugate_index< 8 ; conjugate_index++)
// print_ints("im",&mmtmpPD1);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpPD1, rxdataF128[0]); // mmtmpPD1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD0, output_shift);
// print_ints("re(shift)",&mmtmpPD0);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD1, output_shift);
// print_ints("im(shift)",&mmtmpPD1);
mmtmpPD2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpPD0, mmtmpPD1);
mmtmpPD3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpPD0, mmtmpPD1);
// print_ints("c0",&mmtmpPD2);
// print_ints("c1",&mmtmpPD3);
rxdataF_comp128[0] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpPD2, mmtmpPD3);
// print_shorts("rx:",rxdataF128);
// print_shorts("ch:",dl_ch128);
// print_shorts("pack:",rxdataF_comp128);
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF x dl_ch -> RB[%d] RE[%d]\n",rb,k);
if (k%9 == 0) rb++;
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF x dl_ch -> RB[%d] RE[%d]\n",rb,k);
if (k%9 == 0) rb++;
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF x dl_ch -> RB[%d] RE[%d]\n",rb,k);
if (k%9 == 0) rb++;
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF x dl_ch -> RB[%d] RE[%d]\n",rb,k);
if (k%9 == 0) rb++;
// multiply by conjugated channel
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[1], rxdataF128[1]); // mmtmpPD0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[1], _MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpPD1, _MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpPD1, *(__m128i * )conjugate);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpPD1, rxdataF128[1]); // mmtmpPD1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD0, output_shift);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD1, output_shift);
mmtmpPD2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpPD0, mmtmpPD1);
mmtmpPD3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpPD0, mmtmpPD1);
rxdataF_comp128[1] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpPD2, mmtmpPD3);
// print_shorts("rx:",rxdataF128+1);
// print_shorts("ch:",dl_ch128+1);
// print_shorts("pack:",rxdataF_comp128+1);
// multiply by conjugated channel
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF x dl_ch -> RB[%d] RE[%d]\n",rb,k);
if (k%9 == 0) rb++;
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF x dl_ch -> RB[%d] RE[%d]\n",rb,k);
if (k%9 == 0) rb++;
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF x dl_ch -> RB[%d] RE[%d]\n",rb,k);
if (k%9 == 0) rb++;
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF x dl_ch -> RB[%d] RE[%d]\n",rb,k);
if (k%9 == 0) rb++;
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[2], rxdataF128[2]); // mmtmpPD0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[2],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpPD1, _MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpPD1, *(__m128i * )conjugate);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpPD1, rxdataF128[2]); // mmtmpPD1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD0, output_shift);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD1, output_shift);
mmtmpPD2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpPD0, mmtmpPD1);
mmtmpPD3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpPD0, mmtmpPD1);
rxdataF_comp128[2] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpPD2, mmtmpPD3);
// We compute the third part of 4 symbols contained in one entire RB = 12 RE
//if (rb < 6 || rb > 95) {
print_shorts("\t\trxdataF_ext:", rxdataF128);
print_shorts("\t\tdl_ch:", dl_ch128);
print_shorts("\t\trxdataF_comp:", rxdataF_comp128);
print_shorts("\t\trxdataF_ext:", rxdataF128 + 1);
print_shorts("\t\tdl_ch:", dl_ch128 + 1);
print_shorts("\t\trxdataF_comp:", rxdataF_comp128 + 1);
print_shorts("\t\ttrxdataF_ext:", rxdataF128 + 2);
print_shorts("\t\tdl_ch:", dl_ch128 + 2);
print_shorts("\t\trxdataF_comp:", rxdataF_comp128 + 2);
dl_ch128 += 3;
rxdataF128 += 3;
rxdataF_comp128 += 3;
//if ((rb + 1) % 4 == 3)
// if rxdataF_comp does contains pilot DM-RS PDCCH, as in previous code rxdataF_comp128 is a set of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// the computation of third part of 4 symbols contains last 9th symbol of the current rb + 3 first symbols of the next rb
// so rb computing must be take this into consideration, and every 4 rb, rb must be increased twice
// This code will replace the code below for nr
if (pilots == 0) {
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[2],rxdataF128[2]);
// mmtmpPD0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[2],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpPD1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpPD1,*(__m128i*)conjugate);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpPD1,rxdataF128[2]);
// mmtmpPD1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD0,output_shift);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD1,output_shift);
mmtmpPD2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpPD0,mmtmpPD1);
mmtmpPD3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpPD0,mmtmpPD1);
rxdataF_comp128[2] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpPD2,mmtmpPD3);
if (pilots==0) {
} else {
uint16_t rb; //,nb_rb=20;
uint8_t aatx,aarx;
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
__m128i *dl_ch128,*rxdataF128,*rxdataF_comp128;
#elif defined(__arm__)
if (rho) {
for (aarx = 0; aarx < frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) {
for (aatx=0; aatx<frame_parms->nb_antenna_ports_eNB;aatx++)
for (aarx=0; aarx<frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) {
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
rho128 = (__m128i *) &rho[aarx][symbol * frame_parms->N_RB_DL * 12];
dl_ch128 = (__m128i *) &dl_ch_estimates_ext[aarx][symbol
* frame_parms->N_RB_DL * 12];
dl_ch128_2 = (__m128i *) &dl_ch_estimates_ext[2 + aarx][symbol
* frame_parms->N_RB_DL * 12];
dl_ch128 = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[(aatx<<1)+aarx][symbol*20*12];
rxdataF128 = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_ext[aarx][symbol*20*12];
rxdataF_comp128 = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[(aatx<<1)+aarx][symbol*20*12];
//printf("ch compensation dl_ch ext addr %p \n", &dl_ch_estimates_ext[(aatx<<1)+aarx][symbol*20*12]);
//printf("rxdataf ext addr %p symbol %d\n", &rxdataF_ext[aarx][symbol*20*12], symbol);
//printf("rxdataf_comp addr %p\n",&rxdataF_comp[(aatx<<1)+aarx][symbol*20*12]);
#elif defined(__arm__)
// to be filled in
//for (rb = 0; rb < frame_parms->N_RB_DL; rb++) {
for (rb = 0; rb < coreset_nbr_rb; rb++) {
for (rb=0; rb<coreset_nbr_rb; rb++) {
//printf("rb %d\n",rb);
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
// multiply by conjugated channel
mmtmpP0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[0],rxdataF128[0]);
// print_ints("re",&mmtmpP0);
// mmtmpP0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpP1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[0],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpP1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpP1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpP1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpP1,*(__m128i*)&conjugate[0]);
// print_ints("im",&mmtmpP1);
mmtmpP1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpP1,rxdataF128[0]);
// mmtmpP1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpP0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpP0,output_shift);
// print_ints("re(shift)",&mmtmpP0);
mmtmpP1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpP1,output_shift);
// print_ints("im(shift)",&mmtmpP1);
mmtmpP2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpP0,mmtmpP1);
mmtmpP3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpP0,mmtmpP1);
// print_ints("c0",&mmtmpP2);
// print_ints("c1",&mmtmpP3);
rxdataF_comp128[0] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpP2,mmtmpP3);
// print_shorts("rx:",rxdataF128);
// print_shorts("ch:",dl_ch128);
// print_shorts("pack:",rxdataF_comp128);
// multiply by conjugated channel
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[0], dl_ch128_2[0]);
// print_ints("re",&mmtmpD0);
// mmtmpD0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[0],
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpPD1, _MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpPD1, *(__m128i * )&conjugate[0]);
// print_ints("im",&mmtmpPD1);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpPD1, dl_ch128_2[0]);
// mmtmpPD1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD0, output_shift);
// print_ints("re(shift)",&mmtmpD0);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD1, output_shift);
// print_ints("im(shift)",&mmtmpD1);
mmtmpPD2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpPD0, mmtmpPD1);
mmtmpPD3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpPD0, mmtmpPD1);
// print_ints("c0",&mmtmpPD2);
// print_ints("c1",&mmtmpPD3);
rho128[0] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpPD2, mmtmpPD3);
// multiply by conjugated channel
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[1], dl_ch128_2[1]);
// mmtmpD0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[1],
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpPD1, _MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpPD1, *(__m128i * )conjugate);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpPD1, dl_ch128_2[1]);
// mmtmpD1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD0, output_shift);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD1, output_shift);
mmtmpPD2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpPD0, mmtmpPD1);
mmtmpPD3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpPD0, mmtmpPD1);
rho128[1] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpPD2, mmtmpPD3);
// multiply by conjugated channel
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[2], dl_ch128_2[2]);
// mmtmpPD0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[2],
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpPD1, _MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpPD1, *(__m128i * )conjugate);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpPD1, dl_ch128_2[2]);
// mmtmpPD1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpPD0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD0, output_shift);
mmtmpPD1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpPD1, output_shift);
mmtmpPD2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpPD0, mmtmpPD1);
mmtmpPD3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpPD0, mmtmpPD1);
rho128[2] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpPD2, mmtmpPD3);
dl_ch128 += 3;
dl_ch128_2 += 3;
rho128 += 3;
// multiply by conjugated channel
mmtmpP0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[1],rxdataF128[1]);
// mmtmpP0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpP1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[1],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpP1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpP1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpP1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpP1,*(__m128i*)&conjugate[0]);
mmtmpP1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpP1,rxdataF128[1]);
// mmtmpP1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpP0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpP0,output_shift);
mmtmpP1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpP1,output_shift);
mmtmpP2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpP0,mmtmpP1);
mmtmpP3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpP0,mmtmpP1);
rxdataF_comp128[1] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpP2,mmtmpP3);
// print_shorts("rx:",rxdataF128+1);
// print_shorts("ch:",dl_ch128+1);
// print_shorts("pack:",rxdataF_comp128+1);
#elif defined(__arm_)
// multiply by conjugated channel
mmtmpP0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[2],rxdataF128[2]);
// mmtmpP0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpP1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[2],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpP1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpP1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
mmtmpP1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpP1,*(__m128i*)&conjugate[0]);
mmtmpP1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpP1,rxdataF128[2]);
// mmtmpP1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
mmtmpP0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpP0,output_shift);
mmtmpP1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpP1,output_shift);
mmtmpP2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpP0,mmtmpP1);
mmtmpP3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpP0,mmtmpP1);
rxdataF_comp128[2] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpP2,mmtmpP3);
// print_shorts("rx:",rxdataF128+2);
// print_shorts("ch:",dl_ch128+2);
// print_shorts("pack:",rxdataF_comp128+2);
#elif defined(__arm__)
// to be filled in
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
void pdcch_channel_compensation(int32_t **rxdataF_ext,
......@@ -3095,9 +2959,30 @@ T(T_UE_PHY_PDCCH_IQ, T_INT(frame_parms->N_RB_DL), T_INT(frame_parms->N_RB_DL),
printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> we enter nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving()\n");
(uint16_t*) pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx,
#if 0
printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> we enter nr_pdcch_demapping()\n");
......@@ -3138,7 +3023,7 @@ T(T_UE_PHY_PDCCH_IQ, T_INT(frame_parms->N_RB_DL), T_INT(frame_parms->N_RB_DL),
printf("\t### in nr_rx_pdcch() function we enter pdcch_demapping()\n");
......@@ -3206,7 +3091,7 @@ void pdcch_scrambling(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
void nr_pdcch_unscrambling(uint16_t crnti, NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms, uint8_t nr_tti_rx,
int8_t* llr, uint32_t length, uint16_t pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, int do_common) {
double llr[], uint32_t length, uint16_t pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, int do_common) {
int i;
uint8_t reset;
......@@ -3249,6 +3134,52 @@ printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_unscrambling)-> (c_init=%d, n_id=%d,
#if 0
void nr_pdcch_unscrambling_old(uint16_t crnti, NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms, uint8_t nr_tti_rx,
int8_t* llr, uint32_t length, uint16_t pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, int do_common) {
int i;
uint8_t reset;
uint32_t x1, x2, s = 0;
uint16_t n_id; //{0,1,...,65535}
uint32_t n_rnti;
reset = 1;
// x1 is set in first call to lte_gold_generic
if (do_common){
n_id = frame_parms->Nid_cell;
n_rnti = 0;
} else {
n_id = pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id;
n_rnti = (uint32_t)crnti;
//x2 = ((n_rnti * (1 << 16)) + n_id)%(1 << 31);
//uint32_t puissance_2_16 = ((1<<16)*n_rnti)+n_id;
//uint32_t puissance_2_31= (1<<30)*2;
//uint32_t calc_x2=puissance_2_16%puissance_2_31;
x2 = (((1<<16)*n_rnti)+n_id)%((1<<30)*2); //this is c_init in 38.211 v15.1.0 Section
// x2 = (nr_tti_rx << 9) + frame_parms->Nid_cell; //this is c_init in 36.211 Sec 6.8.2
printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_unscrambling)-> (c_init=%d, n_id=%d, n_rnti=%d)\n",x2,n_id,n_rnti);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if ((i & 0x1f) == 0) {
s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
// printf("lte_gold[%d]=%x\n",i,s);
reset = 0;
// printf("unscrambling %d : e %d, c %d => ",i,llr[i],((s>>(i&0x1f))&1));
if (((s >> (i % 32)) & 1) == 0)
llr[i] = -llr[i];
// printf("%d\n",llr[i]);
#endif // 0
......@@ -3910,7 +3841,9 @@ int get_nCCE_offset_l1(int *CCE_table,
void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s, //x
int p, //x
int p,
int coreset_time_dur,
uint16_t coreset_nbr_rb, //x
NR_UE_PDCCH **pdcch_vars, //x
int do_common, //x
//dci_detect_mode_t mode, //not sure if necessary
......@@ -3930,6 +3863,7 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
uint8_t *dci_cnt,
crc_scrambled_t *crc_scrambled,
format_found_t *format_found,
uint16_t pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id,
uint32_t *CCEmap0,
uint32_t *CCEmap1,
uint32_t *CCEmap2) {
......@@ -4142,15 +4076,45 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> ... we enter function dci_decoding(sizeof_bits=%d L=%d) -----\n",sizeof_bits,L);
printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> ... we have to replace this part of the code by polar decoding\n");
// The polar_input has to be taken from the e_rx table but in the proper order
// e_rx contains the bits grouped by bundle
// polar_input has to contain the bits ordered by b_tilde_0, b_tilde_1, ....
// for (int m=0; m < (nCCE[p]*6*9*2); m++)
printf("polar intput: ");
for (int m=0; m < (L2*6*9*2); m++){
polar_input[m] = (pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[CCEind * 54+m]>0) ? (1.0):(-1.0);
printf("\t polar_input[%d]=%lf <-> e_rx[%d]=%d\n",m,polar_input[m],(CCEind * 54+m),pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[CCEind * 54+m]);
printf("polar intput (with coreset_time_dur=%d, coreset_nbr_rb=%d, p=%d, CCEind=%d): \n",
int reg_p,reg_e;
for (int m=0; m < (L2*6); m++){
reg_p = (((int)floor(m/coreset_time_dur))+((m%coreset_time_dur)*(L2*6/coreset_time_dur)))*9*2;
reg_e = m*9*2;
for (int i=0; i<9*2; i++){
polar_input[reg_p+i] = (pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]>0) ? (1.0):(-1.0);
printf("\t m=%d \tpolar_input[%d]=%lf <-> e_rx[%d]=%d\n",m,reg_p+i,polar_input[reg_p+i],
((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i),pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]);
int j=0;
uint32_t polar_hex[27] = {0};
for (int i=0; i<L2*9*6*2; i++){
if ((i%32 == 0) && (i!=0)) j++;
polar_hex[j] = (polar_hex[j]<<1) + ((polar_input[i]==-1)? 0:1);
for (j=0;j<27;j++) printf("polar_hex[%d]=%x",j,polar_hex[j]);
/* nr_pdcch_unscrambling(pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->crnti,
t_nrPolar_paramsPtr currentPtr = NULL;
nr_polar_init(&currentPtr, NR_POLAR_DCI_MESSAGE_TYPE, 41, 8);
......@@ -5124,6 +5088,16 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
NR_UE_PDCCH **pdcch_vars = ue->pdcch_vars[ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx]];
NR_UE_PDCCH *pdcch_vars2 = ue->pdcch_vars[ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx]][eNB_id];
uint16_t pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id = pdcch_vars2->coreset[p].pdcchDMRSScramblingID;
uint64_t coreset_freq_dom = pdcch_vars2->coreset[p].frequencyDomainResources;
int coreset_time_dur = pdcch_vars2->coreset[p].duration;
uint16_t coreset_nbr_rb;
for (int i = 0; i < 45; i++) {
// this loop counts each bit of the bit map coreset_freq_dom, and increments nbr_RB_coreset for each bit set to '1'
if (((coreset_freq_dom & 0x1FFFFFFFFFFF) >> i) & 0x1) coreset_nbr_rb++;
coreset_nbr_rb = 6 * coreset_nbr_rb;
// coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,
NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms = &ue->frame_parms;
t_nrPolar_paramsPtr *nrPolar_params = &ue->nrPolar_params;
uint8_t mi;// = get_mi(&ue->frame_parms, nr_tti_rx);
......@@ -5229,11 +5203,11 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
crc_scrambled_values, 2,
cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(crc_scrambled_,16,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes); // after decoding dci successfully we recalculate dci pdu size with correct crc scrambled to get the right field sizes
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
......@@ -5248,11 +5222,11 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
crc_scrambled_values, 3,
cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id,&CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(crc_scrambled_,16,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes); // after decoding dci successfully we recalculate dci pdu size with correct crc scrambled to get the right field sizes
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
......@@ -5267,11 +5241,11 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
crc_scrambled_values, 4,
cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(crc_scrambled_,16,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes); // after decoding dci successfully we recalculate dci pdu size with correct crc scrambled to get the right field sizes
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
......@@ -5294,11 +5268,11 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
// for aggregation level 1. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
crc_scrambled_values, 0,
cformat2_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
format_2_0_size_bits, format_2_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
......@@ -5307,11 +5281,11 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
// for aggregation level 2. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
crc_scrambled_values, 1,
cformat2_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
format_2_0_size_bits, format_2_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
......@@ -5320,11 +5294,11 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
// for aggregation level 4. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
crc_scrambled_values, 2,
cformat2_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
format_2_0_size_bits, format_2_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
......@@ -5333,11 +5307,11 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
// for aggregation level 8. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
crc_scrambled_values, 3,
cformat2_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
format_2_0_size_bits, format_2_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
......@@ -5346,11 +5320,11 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
// for aggregation level 16. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
crc_scrambled_values, 4,
cformat2_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
format_2_0_size_bits, format_2_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
......@@ -5412,11 +5386,11 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
* To be removed until here
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
crc_scrambled_values, 0,
cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
......@@ -5440,11 +5414,11 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
crc_scrambled_values, 1,
cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
......@@ -5457,11 +5431,11 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,nrPolar_params, mi,
crc_scrambled_values, 2,
cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
......@@ -5474,11 +5448,11 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
crc_scrambled_values, 3,
cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
......@@ -5491,11 +5465,11 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, nrPolar_params,mi,
crc_scrambled_values, 4,
cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
&crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
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