 * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
 * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License.
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/*! \file PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/pucch_nr.c
* \brief Top-level routines for generating and decoding the PUCCH physical channel
* \author A. Mico Pereperez
* \date 2018
* \version 0.1
* \company Eurecom
* \email:
* \note
* \warning
//#include "PHY/defs.h"
#include "PHY/impl_defs_nr.h"
#include "PHY/defs_nr_common.h"
#include "PHY/defs_nr_UE.h"
//#include "PHY/extern.h"
//#include "LAYER2/MAC/extern.h"
#include "PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/pucch_nr.h"
#include "PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto_ue.h"

#include "common/utils/LOG/log.h"
#include "common/utils/LOG/vcd_signal_dumper.h"

#include "T.h"
  #define DEBUG_PUCCH_TX
//#define ONE_OVER_SQRT2 23170 // 32767/sqrt(2) = 23170 (ONE_OVER_SQRT2)

void nr_group_sequence_hopping (pucch_GroupHopping_t PUCCH_GroupHopping,
  				uint32_t n_id,
  				uint8_t n_hop,
  				int nr_tti_tx,
  				uint8_t *u,
  				uint8_t *v) {
   * Implements TS 38.211 subclause Group and sequence hopping
   * The following variables are set by higher layers:
   *    - PUCCH_GroupHopping:
   *    - n_id: higher-layer parameter hoppingId
   *    - n_hop: frequency hopping index
   *             if intra-slot frequency hopping is disabled by the higher-layer parameter PUCCH-frequency-hopping
   *                n_hop=0
   *             if frequency hopping is enabled by the higher-layer parameter PUCCH-frequency-hopping
   *                n_hop=0 for the first hop
   *                n_hop=1 for the second hop
  // depending on the value of the PUCCH_GroupHopping, we will obtain different values for u,v
  //pucch_GroupHopping_t PUCCH_GroupHopping = ue->pucch_config_common_nr->pucch_GroupHopping; // from higher layers FIXME!!!
  // n_id defined as per TS 38.211 subclause (is given by the higher-layer parameter hoppingId)
  // it is hoppingId from PUCCH-ConfigCommon:
  // Cell-Specific scrambling ID for group hoppping and sequence hopping if enabled
  // Corresponds to L1 parameter 'HoppingID' (see 38.211, section BIT STRING (SIZE (10))
  //uint16_t n_id = ue->pucch_config_common_nr->hoppingId; // from higher layers FIXME!!!
  // initialization to be removed
  printf("\t\t [nr_group_sequence_hopping] initialization PUCCH_GroupHopping=%d, n_id=%d -> variable initializations TO BE REMOVED\n",PUCCH_GroupHopping,n_id);
  uint8_t f_ss=0,f_gh=0;
  uint32_t c_init = 0; 
  uint32_t x1,s; // TS 38.211 Subclause 5.2.1
  int l = 32, minShift = ((2*nr_tti_tx+n_hop)<<3);
  int tmpShift =0;
  printf("\t\t [nr_group_sequence_hopping] calculating u,v -> ");

  if (PUCCH_GroupHopping == neither) { // PUCCH_GroupHopping 'neither'
    f_ss = n_id%30;

  if (PUCCH_GroupHopping == enable) { // PUCCH_GroupHopping 'enabled'
    c_init = floor(n_id/30); // we initialize c_init to calculate u,v according to of 38.211
    for (int m=0; m<8; m++) {
      while(minShift >= l) {
        s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &c_init, 0);
        l = l+32;

      tmpShift = (minShift&((1<<5)-1)); //minShift%32;
      f_gh = f_gh + ((1<<m)*((uint8_t)((s>>tmpShift)&1)));
      minShift ++;

    f_gh = f_gh%30;
    f_ss = n_id%30;
    /*    for (int m=0; m<8; m++){
          f_gh = f_gh + ((1<<m)*((uint8_t)((s>>(8*(2*nr_tti_tx+n_hop)+m))&1))); // Not sure we have to use nr_tti_tx FIXME!!!
        f_gh = f_gh%30;
        f_ss = n_id%30;*/

  if (PUCCH_GroupHopping == disable) { // PUCCH_GroupHopping 'disabled'
    c_init = (1<<5)*floor(n_id/30)+(n_id%30); // we initialize c_init to calculate u,v
    f_ss = n_id%30;
    l = 32, minShift = (2*nr_tti_tx+n_hop);

    while(minShift >= l) {
      s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &c_init, 0);
      l = l+32;

    tmpShift = (minShift&((1<<5)-1)); //minShift%32;
    *v = (uint8_t)((s>>tmpShift)&1);
    //    *v = (uint8_t)((s>>(2*nr_tti_tx+n_hop))&1); // Not sure we have to use nr_tti_tx FIXME!!!

  *u = (f_gh+f_ss)%30;

double nr_cyclic_shift_hopping(uint32_t n_id,
                               uint8_t m0,
                               uint8_t mcs,
                               uint8_t lnormal,
                               uint8_t lprime,
                               int nr_tti_tx) {
   * Implements TS 38.211 subclause Cyclic shift hopping
   *     - n_id: higher-layer parameter hoppingId
   *     - m0: provided by higher layer parameter PUCCH-F0-F1-initial-cyclic-shift of PUCCH-F0-resource-config
   *     - mcs: mcs=0 except for PUCCH format 0 when it depends on information to be transmitted according to TS 38.213 subclause 9.2
   *     - lnormal: lnormal is the OFDM symbol number in the PUCCH transmission where l=0 corresponds to the first OFDM symbol of the PUCCH transmission
   *     - lprime: lprime is the index of the OFDM symbol in the slot that corresponds to the first OFDM symbol of the PUCCH transmission in the slot given by [5, TS 38.213]
  // alpha_init initialized to 2*PI/12=0.5235987756
  double alpha = 0.5235987756;
  uint32_t c_init = n_id; // we initialize c_init again to calculate n_cs
  // initialization to be remo.ved
  printf("\t\t [nr_cyclic_shift_hopping] initialization c_init=%d -> variable initialization TO BE REMOVED\n",c_init);
  uint32_t x1,s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &c_init, 1); // TS 38.211 Subclause 5.2.1
  uint8_t n_cs=0;
  int l = 32, minShift = (14*8*nr_tti_tx )+ 8*(lnormal+lprime);
  int tmpShift =0;
  printf("\t\t [nr_cyclic_shift_hopping] calculating alpha (cyclic shift) using c_init=%d -> \n",c_init);

  for (int m=0; m<8; m++) {
    while(minShift >= l) {
      s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &c_init, 0);
      l = l+32;

    tmpShift = (minShift&((1<<5)-1)); //minShift%32;
    minShift ++;
    n_cs = n_cs+((1<<m)*((uint8_t)((s>>tmpShift)&1)));
    // calculating n_cs (Not sure we have to use nr_tti_tx FIXME!!!)
    // n_cs = n_cs+((1<<m)*((uint8_t)((s>>((14*8*nr_tti_tx) + 8*(lnormal+lprime) + m))&1)));

  alpha = (alpha * (double)((m0+mcs+n_cs)%12));
  printf("n_cs=%d -> %lf\n",n_cs,alpha);
void nr_generate_pucch0(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                        int32_t **txdataF,
                        NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
                        PUCCH_CONFIG_DEDICATED *pucch_config_dedicated,
                        int16_t amp,
                        int nr_tti_tx,
                        uint8_t m0,
                        uint8_t mcs,
                        uint8_t nrofSymbols,
                        uint8_t startingSymbolIndex,
                        uint16_t startingPRB) {
  printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch0] start function at slot(nr_tti_tx)=%d\n",nr_tti_tx);
   * Implement TS 38.211 Subclause Sequence generation
  printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch0] sequence generation\n");
   * Defining cyclic shift hopping TS 38.211 Subclause
  // alpha is cyclic shift
  double alpha;
  // lnormal is the OFDM symbol number in the PUCCH transmission where l=0 corresponds to the first OFDM symbol of the PUCCH transmission
  //uint8_t lnormal;
  // lprime is the index of the OFDM symbol in the slot that corresponds to the first OFDM symbol of the PUCCH transmission in the slot given by [5, TS 38.213]
  //uint8_t lprime;
  // mcs is provided by TC 38.213 subclauses 9.2.3, 9.2.4, 9.2.5 FIXME!
  //uint8_t mcs;
   * in TS 38.213 Subclause 9.2.1 it is said that:
   * for PUCCH format 0 or PUCCH format 1, the index of the cyclic shift
   * is indicated by higher layer parameter PUCCH-F0-F1-initial-cyclic-shift
   * Implementing TS 38.211 Subclause, the sequence x(n) shall be generated according to:
   * x(l*12+n) = r_u_v_alpha_delta(n)
  // the value of u,v (delta always 0 for PUCCH) has to be calculated according to TS 38.211 Subclause
  uint8_t u=0,v=0;//,delta=0;
  // if frequency hopping is disabled by the higher-layer parameter PUCCH-frequency-hopping
  //              n_hop = 0
  // if frequency hopping is enabled by the higher-layer parameter PUCCH-frequency-hopping
  //              n_hop = 0 for first hop
  //              n_hop = 1 for second hop
  uint8_t n_hop = 0;
  //uint8_t PUCCH_Frequency_Hopping; // from higher layers FIXME!!
  printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch0] sequence generation: variable initialization for test\n");
  // x_n contains the sequence r_u_v_alpha_delta(n)
  int16_t x_n_re[24],x_n_im[24];

  // we proceed to calculate alpha according to TS 38.211 Subclause
  for (int l=0; l<nrofSymbols; l++) {
    // if frequency hopping is enabled n_hop = 1 for second hop. Not sure frequency hopping concerns format 0. FIXME!!!
    // if ((PUCCH_Frequency_Hopping == 1)&&(l == (nrofSymbols-1))) n_hop = 1;
    nr_group_sequence_hopping(ue->pucch_config_common_nr->pucch_GroupHopping,ue->pucch_config_common_nr->hoppingId,n_hop,nr_tti_tx,&u,&v); // calculating u and v value
    alpha = nr_cyclic_shift_hopping(ue->pucch_config_common_nr->hoppingId,m0,mcs,l,startingSymbolIndex,nr_tti_tx);
    printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch0] sequence generation \tu=%d \tv=%d \talpha=%lf \t(for symbol l=%d)\n",u,v,alpha,l);

    for (int n=0; n<12; n++) {
      x_n_re[(12*l)+n] = (int16_t)(((((int32_t)(round(32767*cos(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Re[u][n])>>15)
                                    - (((int32_t)(round(32767*sin(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Im[u][n])>>15))); // Re part of base sequence shifted by alpha
      x_n_im[(12*l)+n] = (int16_t)(((((int32_t)(round(32767*cos(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Im[u][n])>>15)
                                    + (((int32_t)(round(32767*sin(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Re[u][n])>>15))); // Im part of base sequence shifted by alpha
      printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch0] sequence generation \tu=%d \tv=%d \talpha=%lf \tx_n(l=%d,n=%d)=(%d,%d)\n",

   * Implementing TS 38.211 Subclause Mapping to physical resources FIXME!
  //int32_t *txptr;
  uint32_t re_offset=0;

  for (int l=0; l<nrofSymbols; l++) {
    if ((startingPRB <  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 0)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is even and current PRB is lower band
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*startingPRB) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;

    if ((startingPRB >= (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 0)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is even and current PRB is upper band
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*(startingPRB-(frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)));

    if ((startingPRB <  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB is lower band
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*startingPRB) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;

    if ((startingPRB >  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB is upper band
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*(startingPRB-(frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1))) + 6;

    if ((startingPRB == (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB contains DC
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*startingPRB) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;

    //txptr = &txdataF[0][re_offset];
    for (int n=0; n<12; n++) {
      if ((n==6) && (startingPRB == (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) {
        // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB contains DC, we need to recalculate the offset when n=6 (for second half PRB)
        re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size);

      ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0] = (int16_t)(((int32_t)(amp) * x_n_re[(12*l)+n])>>15);
      ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1] = (int16_t)(((int32_t)(amp) * x_n_im[(12*l)+n])>>15);
      //((int16_t *)txptr[0][re_offset])[0] = (int16_t)((int32_t)amp * x_n_re[(12*l)+n])>>15;
      //((int16_t *)txptr[0][re_offset])[1] = (int16_t)((int32_t)amp * x_n_im[(12*l)+n])>>15;
      //txptr[re_offset] = (x_n_re[(12*l)+n]<<16) + x_n_im[(12*l)+n];
      printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch0] mapping to RE \t amp=%d \tofdm_symbol_size=%d \tN_RB_DL=%d \tfirst_carrier_offset=%d \ttxptr(%d)=(x_n(l=%d,n=%d)=(%d,%d))\n",
             l,n,((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0],((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1]);

void nr_generate_pucch1(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                        int32_t **txdataF,
                        NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
                        PUCCH_CONFIG_DEDICATED *pucch_config_dedicated,
                        uint64_t payload,
                        int16_t amp,
                        int nr_tti_tx,
                        uint8_t m0,
                        uint8_t nrofSymbols,
                        uint8_t startingSymbolIndex,
                        uint16_t startingPRB,
                        uint16_t startingPRB_intraSlotHopping,
                        uint8_t timeDomainOCC,
                        uint8_t nr_bit) {
  printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] start function at slot(nr_tti_tx)=%d payload=%d m0=%d nrofSymbols=%d startingSymbolIndex=%d startingPRB=%d startingPRB_intraSlotHopping=%d timeDomainOCC=%d nr_bit=%d\n",
   * Implement TS 38.211 Subclause Sequence modulation
  // complex-valued symbol d_re, d_im containing complex-valued symbol d(0):
  int16_t d_re=0, d_im=0;

  if (nr_bit == 1) { // using BPSK if M_bit=1 according to TC 38.211 Subclause 5.1.2
    d_re = (payload&1)==0 ? (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15) : -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
    d_im = (payload&1)==0 ? (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15) : -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

  if (nr_bit == 2) { // using QPSK if M_bit=2 according to TC 38.211 Subclause 5.1.2
    if (((payload&1)==0) && (((payload>>1)&1)==0)) {
      d_re =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15); // 32767/sqrt(2) = 23170 (ONE_OVER_SQRT2)
      d_im =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

    if (((payload&1)==0) && (((payload>>1)&1)==1)) {
      d_re =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
      d_im = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

    if (((payload&1)==1) && (((payload>>1)&1)==0)) {
      d_re = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
      d_im =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

    if (((payload&1)==1) && (((payload>>1)&1)==1)) {
      d_re = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
      d_im = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

  printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] sequence modulation: payload=%x \tde_re=%d \tde_im=%d\n",payload,d_re,d_im);
   * Defining cyclic shift hopping TS 38.211 Subclause
  // alpha is cyclic shift
  double alpha;
  // lnormal is the OFDM symbol number in the PUCCH transmission where l=0 corresponds to the first OFDM symbol of the PUCCH transmission
  //uint8_t lnormal = 0 ;
  // lprime is the index of the OFDM symbol in the slot that corresponds to the first OFDM symbol of the PUCCH transmission in the slot given by [5, TS 38.213]
  uint8_t lprime = startingSymbolIndex;
  // mcs = 0 except for PUCCH format 0
  uint8_t mcs=0;
  // r_u_v_alpha_delta_re and r_u_v_alpha_delta_im tables containing the sequence y(n) for the PUCCH, when they are multiplied by d(0)
  // r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_re and r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_im tables containing the sequence for the DM-RS.
  int16_t r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[12],r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[12],r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_re[12],r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_im[12];
   * in TS 38.213 Subclause 9.2.1 it is said that:
   * for PUCCH format 0 or PUCCH format 1, the index of the cyclic shift
   * is indicated by higher layer parameter PUCCH-F0-F1-initial-cyclic-shift
   * the complex-valued symbol d_0 shall be multiplied with a sequence r_u_v_alpha_delta(n): y(n) = d_0 * r_u_v_alpha_delta(n)
  // the value of u,v (delta always 0 for PUCCH) has to be calculated according to TS 38.211 Subclause
  uint8_t u=0,v=0;//,delta=0;
  // if frequency hopping is disabled, intraSlotFrequencyHopping is not provided
  //              n_hop = 0
  // if frequency hopping is enabled,  intraSlotFrequencyHopping is     provided
  //              n_hop = 0 for first hop
  //              n_hop = 1 for second hop
  uint8_t n_hop = 0;
  // Intra-slot frequency hopping shall be assumed when the higher-layer parameter intraSlotFrequencyHopping is provided,
  // regardless of whether the frequency-hop distance is zero or not,
  // otherwise no intra-slot frequency hopping shall be assumed
  //uint8_t PUCCH_Frequency_Hopping = 0 ; // from higher layers
  uint8_t intraSlotFrequencyHopping = 0;

  if (startingPRB != startingPRB_intraSlotHopping) {

  printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] intraSlotFrequencyHopping = %d \n",intraSlotFrequencyHopping);
   * Implementing TS 38.211 Subclause Mapping to physical resources
  //int32_t *txptr;
  uint32_t re_offset=0;
  int i=0;
#define MAX_SIZE_Z 168 // this value has to be calculated from mprime*12*table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[pucch_symbol_length]+m*12+n
  int16_t z_re[MAX_SIZE_Z],z_im[MAX_SIZE_Z];
  int16_t z_dmrs_re[MAX_SIZE_Z],z_dmrs_im[MAX_SIZE_Z];

  for (int l=0; l<nrofSymbols; l++) {
    printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] for symbol l=%d, lprime=%d\n",
    // y_n contains the complex value d multiplied by the sequence r_u_v
    int16_t y_n_re[12],y_n_im[12];

    if ((intraSlotFrequencyHopping == 1) && (l >= (int)floor(nrofSymbols/2))) n_hop = 1; // n_hop = 1 for second hop

    printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] entering function nr_group_sequence_hopping with n_hop=%d, nr_tti_tx=%d\n",
    nr_group_sequence_hopping(ue->pucch_config_common_nr->pucch_GroupHopping,ue->pucch_config_common_nr->hoppingId,n_hop,nr_tti_tx,&u,&v); // calculating u and v value
    alpha = nr_cyclic_shift_hopping(ue->pucch_config_common_nr->hoppingId,m0,mcs,l,lprime,nr_tti_tx);

    for (int n=0; n<12; n++) {
      r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[n] = (int16_t)(((((int32_t)(round(32767*cos(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Re[u][n])>>15)
                                           - (((int32_t)(round(32767*sin(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Im[u][n])>>15))); // Re part of base sequence shifted by alpha
      r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[n] = (int16_t)(((((int32_t)(round(32767*cos(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Im[u][n])>>15)
                                           + (((int32_t)(round(32767*sin(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Re[u][n])>>15))); // Im part of base sequence shifted by alpha
      r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_re[n] = (int16_t)(((((int32_t)(round(32767*cos(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Re[u][n])>>15)
                                     - (((int32_t)(round(32767*sin(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Im[u][n])>>15))); // Re part of DMRS base sequence shifted by alpha
      r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_im[n] = (int16_t)(((((int32_t)(round(32767*cos(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Im[u][n])>>15)
                                     + (((int32_t)(round(32767*sin(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Re[u][n])>>15))); // Im part of DMRS base sequence shifted by alpha
      r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_re[n] = (int16_t)(((int32_t)(amp*r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_re[n]))>>15);
      r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_im[n] = (int16_t)(((int32_t)(amp*r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_im[n]))>>15);
      // PUCCH sequence = DM-RS sequence multiplied by d(0)
      y_n_re[n]               = (int16_t)(((((int32_t)(r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[n])*d_re)>>15)
                                           - (((int32_t)(r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[n])*d_im)>>15))); // Re part of y(n)
      y_n_im[n]               = (int16_t)(((((int32_t)(r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[n])*d_im)>>15)
                                           + (((int32_t)(r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[n])*d_re)>>15))); // Im part of y(n)
      printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] sequence generation \tu=%d \tv=%d \talpha=%lf \tr_u_v_alpha_delta[n=%d]=(%d,%d) \ty_n[n=%d]=(%d,%d)\n",

     * The block of complex-valued symbols y(n) shall be block-wise spread with the orthogonal sequence wi(m)
     * (defined in table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re and table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im)
     * z(mprime*12*table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[pucch_symbol_length]+m*12+n)=wi(m)*y(n)
     * The block of complex-valued symbols r_u_v_alpha_dmrs_delta(n) for DM-RS shall be block-wise spread with the orthogonal sequence wi(m)
     * (defined in table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re and table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im)
     * z(mprime*12*table_6_4_1_3_1_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[pucch_symbol_length]+m*12+n)=wi(m)*y(n)
    // the orthogonal sequence index for wi(m) defined in TS 38.213 Subclause 9.2.1
    // the index of the orthogonal cover code is from a set determined as described in [4, TS 38.211]
    // and is indicated by higher layer parameter PUCCH-F1-time-domain-OCC
    // In the PUCCH_Config IE, the PUCCH-format1, timeDomainOCC field
    uint8_t w_index = timeDomainOCC;
    // N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1 contains N_SF_mprime from table   (depending on number of PUCCH symbols nrofSymbols, mprime and intra-slot hopping enabled/disabled)
    uint8_t N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1;
    // N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1 contains N_SF_mprime from table (depending on number of PUCCH symbols nrofSymbols, mprime and intra-slot hopping enabled/disabled)
    uint8_t N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1;
    // N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1 contains N_SF_mprime from table   (depending on number of PUCCH symbols nrofSymbols, mprime=0 and intra-slot hopping enabled/disabled)
    uint8_t N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1;
    // N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1 contains N_SF_mprime from table (depending on number of PUCCH symbols nrofSymbols, mprime=0 and intra-slot hopping enabled/disabled)
    uint8_t N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1;
    // mprime is 0 if no intra-slot hopping / mprime is {0,1} if intra-slot hopping
    uint8_t mprime = 0;

    if (intraSlotFrequencyHopping == 0) { // intra-slot hopping disabled
      printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] block-wise spread with the orthogonal sequence wi(m) if intraSlotFrequencyHopping = %d, intra-slot hopping disabled\n",
      N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1       =   table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping not enabled (PUCCH)
      N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1  = table_6_4_1_3_1_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping not enabled (DM-RS)
      N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1      =   table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping not enabled mprime = 0 (PUCCH)
      N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1 = table_6_4_1_3_1_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping not enabled mprime = 0 (DM-RS)
      printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] w_index = %d, N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1 = %d, N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1 = %d, N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1 = %d, N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1 = %d\n",
             w_index, N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1,N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1,N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1,N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1);

      for (int m=0; m < N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1; m++) {
        for (int n=0; n<12 ; n++) {
          z_re[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1)+(m*12)+n]           = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_re[n])>>15)
              - (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_im[n])>>15));
          z_im[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1)+(m*12)+n]           = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_im[n])>>15)
              + (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_re[n])>>15));
          printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] block-wise spread with wi(m) (mprime=%d, m=%d, n=%d) z[%d] = ((%d * %d - %d * %d), (%d * %d + %d * %d)) = (%d,%d)\n",
                 mprime, m, n, (mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1)+(m*12)+n,

      for (int m=0; m < N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1; m++) {
        for (int n=0; n<12 ; n++) {
          z_dmrs_re[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1)+(m*12)+n] = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_re[n])>>15)
              - (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_im[n])>>15));
          z_dmrs_im[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1)+(m*12)+n] = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_im[n])>>15)
              + (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_re[n])>>15));
          printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] block-wise spread with wi(m) (mprime=%d, m=%d, n=%d) z[%d] = ((%d * %d - %d * %d), (%d * %d + %d * %d)) = (%d,%d)\n",
                 mprime, m, n, (mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1)+(m*12)+n,

    if (intraSlotFrequencyHopping == 1) { // intra-slot hopping enabled
      printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] block-wise spread with the orthogonal sequence wi(m) if intraSlotFrequencyHopping = %d, intra-slot hopping enabled\n",
      N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1       =   table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_m0Hop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping enabled mprime = 0 (PUCCH)
      N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1  = table_6_4_1_3_1_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_m0Hop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping enabled mprime = 0 (DM-RS)
      N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1      =   table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_m0Hop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping enabled mprime = 0 (PUCCH)
      N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1 = table_6_4_1_3_1_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_m0Hop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping enabled mprime = 0 (DM-RS)
      printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] w_index = %d, N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1 = %d, N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1 = %d, N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1 = %d, N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1 = %d\n",
             w_index, N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1,N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1,N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1,N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1);

      for (int m=0; m < N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1; m++) {
        for (mprime = 0; mprime<2; mprime++) { // mprime can get values {0,1}
          for (int m=0; m < N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1; m++) {
            for (int n=0; n<12 ; n++) {
              z_re[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1)+(m*12)+n]           = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_re[n])>>15)
                  - (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_im[n])>>15));
              z_im[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1)+(m*12)+n]           = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_im[n])>>15)
                  + (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_re[n])>>15));
              printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] block-wise spread with wi(m) (mprime=%d, m=%d, n=%d) z[%d] = ((%d * %d - %d * %d), (%d * %d + %d * %d)) = (%d,%d)\n",
                     mprime, m, n, (mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1)+(m*12)+n,

          for (int m=0; m < N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1; m++) {
            for (int n=0; n<12 ; n++) {
              z_dmrs_re[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1)+(m*12)+n] = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_re[n])>>15)
                  - (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_im[n])>>15));
              z_dmrs_im[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1)+(m*12)+n] = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_im[n])>>15)
                  + (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_dmrs_re[n])>>15));
              printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] block-wise spread with wi(m) (mprime=%d, m=%d, n=%d) z[%d] = ((%d * %d - %d * %d), (%d * %d + %d * %d)) = (%d,%d)\n",
                     mprime, m, n, (mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1)+(m*12)+n,

          N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1       =   table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_m1Hop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping enabled mprime = 1 (PUCCH)
          N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1  = table_6_4_1_3_1_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_m1Hop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping enabled mprime = 1 (DM-RS)

    if ((intraSlotFrequencyHopping == 1) && (l<floor(nrofSymbols/2))) { // intra-slot hopping enabled, we need to calculate new offset PRB
      startingPRB = startingPRB + startingPRB_intraSlotHopping;

    if ((startingPRB <  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 0)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is even and current PRB is lower band
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*startingPRB) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;

    if ((startingPRB >= (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 0)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is even and current PRB is upper band
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*(startingPRB-(frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)));

    if ((startingPRB <  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB is lower band
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*startingPRB) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;

    if ((startingPRB >  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB is upper band
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*(startingPRB-(frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1))) + 6;

    if ((startingPRB == (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB contains DC
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*startingPRB) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;

    //txptr = &txdataF[0][re_offset];
    for (int n=0; n<12; n++) {
      if ((n==6) && (startingPRB == (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) {
        // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB contains DC, we need to recalculate the offset when n=6 (for second half PRB)
        re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size);

      if (l%2 == 1) { // mapping PUCCH according to TS38.211 subclause
        ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0] = z_re[i+n];
        ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1] = z_im[i+n];
        printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] mapping PUCCH to RE \t amp=%d \tofdm_symbol_size=%d \tN_RB_DL=%d \tfirst_carrier_offset=%d \tz_pucch[%d]=txptr(%d)=(x_n(l=%d,n=%d)=(%d,%d))\n",
               l,n,((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0],((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1]);

      if (l%2 == 0) { // mapping DM-RS signal according to TS38.211 subclause
        ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0] = z_dmrs_re[i+n];
        ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1] = z_dmrs_im[i+n];
        printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] mapping DM-RS to RE \t amp=%d \tofdm_symbol_size=%d \tN_RB_DL=%d \tfirst_carrier_offset=%d \tz_dm-rs[%d]=txptr(%d)=(x_n(l=%d,n=%d)=(%d,%d))\n",
               l,n,((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0],((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1]);


    if (l%2 == 1) i+=12;

#if 0
void nr_generate_pucch1_old(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                            int32_t **txdataF,
                            NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
                            PUCCH_CONFIG_DEDICATED *pucch_config_dedicated,
                            uint64_t payload,
                            int16_t amp,
                            int nr_tti_tx,
                            uint8_t m0,
                            uint8_t nrofSymbols,
                            uint8_t startingSymbolIndex,
                            uint16_t startingPRB,
                            uint16_t startingPRB_intraSlotHopping,
                            uint8_t timeDomainOCC,
                            uint8_t nr_bit) {
  printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] start function at slot(nr_tti_tx)=%d payload=%d m0=%d nrofSymbols=%d startingSymbolIndex=%d startingPRB=%d startingPRB_intraSlotHopping=%d timeDomainOCC=%d nr_bit=%d\n",
   * Implement TS 38.211 Subclause Sequence modulation
  // complex-valued symbol d_re, d_im containing complex-valued symbol d(0):
  int16_t d_re, d_im;

  if (nr_bit == 1) { // using BPSK if M_bit=1 according to TC 38.211 Subclause 5.1.2
    d_re = (payload&1)==0 ? (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15) : -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
    d_im = (payload&1)==0 ? (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15) : -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

  if (nr_bit == 2) { // using QPSK if M_bit=2 according to TC 38.211 Subclause 5.1.2
    if (((payload&1)==0) && (((payload>>1)&1)==0)) {
      d_re =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15); // 32767/sqrt(2) = 23170 (ONE_OVER_SQRT2)
      d_im =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

    if (((payload&1)==0) && (((payload>>1)&1)==1)) {
      d_re =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
      d_im = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

    if (((payload&1)==1) && (((payload>>1)&1)==0)) {
      d_re = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
      d_im =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

    if (((payload&1)==1) && (((payload>>1)&1)==1)) {
      d_re = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
      d_im = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

  printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] sequence modulation: payload=%x \tde_re=%d \tde_im=%d\n",payload,d_re,d_im);
   * Defining cyclic shift hopping TS 38.211 Subclause
  // alpha is cyclic shift
  double alpha;
  // lnormal is the OFDM symbol number in the PUCCH transmission where l=0 corresponds to the first OFDM symbol of the PUCCH transmission
  uint8_t lnormal = 0 ;
  // lprime is the index of the OFDM symbol in the slot that corresponds to the first OFDM symbol of the PUCCH transmission in the slot given by [5, TS 38.213]
  uint8_t lprime = startingSymbolIndex;
  // mcs = 0 except for PUCCH format 0
  uint8_t mcs=0;
  // r_u_v_alpha_delta_re and r_u_v_alpha_delta_im tables containing the sequence for the DM-RS.
  // When they are multiplied by d(0), they become the sequence y(n) for the PUCCH
  int16_t r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[12],r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[12];
   * in TS 38.213 Subclause 9.2.1 it is said that:
   * for PUCCH format 0 or PUCCH format 1, the index of the cyclic shift
   * is indicated by higher layer parameter PUCCH-F0-F1-initial-cyclic-shift
   * the complex-valued symbol d_0 shall be multiplied with a sequence r_u_v_alpha_delta(n): y(n) = d_0 * r_u_v_alpha_delta(n)
  // the value of u,v (delta always 0 for PUCCH) has to be calculated according to TS 38.211 Subclause
  uint8_t u=0,v=0,delta=0;
  // if frequency hopping is disabled, intraSlotFrequencyHopping is not provided
  //              n_hop = 0
  // if frequency hopping is enabled,  intraSlotFrequencyHopping is     provided
  //              n_hop = 0 for first hop
  //              n_hop = 1 for second hop
  uint8_t n_hop = 0;
  // Intra-slot frequency hopping shall be assumed when the higher-layer parameter intraSlotFrequencyHopping is provided,
  // regardless of whether the frequency-hop distance is zero or not,
  // otherwise no intra-slot frequency hopping shall be assumed
  //uint8_t PUCCH_Frequency_Hopping = 0 ; // from higher layers
  uint8_t intraSlotFrequencyHopping = 0;

  if (startingPRB != startingPRB_intraSlotHopping) {
    printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] intraSlotFrequencyHopping=%d \n",intraSlotFrequencyHopping);
    // n_hop = 1 for second hop;
    // FIXME
    // When hopping will be activated we have to implement this function differently as PUCH signal generation depends on n_hop value for u,v calculation

  // y_n contains the complex value d multiplied by the sequence r_u_v
  int16_t y_n_re[12],y_n_im[12];
  printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] entering function nr_group_sequence_hopping with n_hop=%d, nr_tti_tx=%d\n",
  nr_group_sequence_hopping(ue->pucch_config_common_nr->pucch_GroupHopping,ue->pucch_config_common_nr->hoppingId,n_hop,nr_tti_tx,&u,&v); // calculating u and v value
  alpha = nr_cyclic_shift_hopping(ue->pucch_config_common_nr->hoppingId,m0,mcs,lnormal,lprime,nr_tti_tx);

  for (int n=0; n<12; n++) {
    r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[n] = (int16_t)(((((int32_t)(round(32767*cos(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Re[u][n])>>15)
                                         - (((int32_t)(round(32767*sin(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Im[u][n])>>15))); // Re part of base sequence shifted by alpha
    r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[n] = (int16_t)(((((int32_t)(round(32767*cos(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Im[u][n])>>15)
                                         + (((int32_t)(round(32767*sin(alpha*n))) * table_5_2_2_2_2_Re[u][n])>>15))); // Im part of base sequence shifted by alpha
    // PUCCH sequence = DM-RS sequence multiplied by d(0)
    y_n_re[n]               = (int16_t)(((((int32_t)(r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[n])*d_re)>>15)
                                         - (((int32_t)(r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[n])*d_im)>>15))); // Re part of y(n)
    y_n_im[n]               = (int16_t)(((((int32_t)(r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[n])*d_im)>>15)
                                         + (((int32_t)(r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[n])*d_re)>>15))); // Im part of y(n)
    // DM-RS sequence
    r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[n] = (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[n])>>15);
    r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[n] = (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[n])>>15);
    printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] sequence generation \tu=%d \tv=%d \talpha=%lf \tr_u_v_alpha_delta[n=%d]=(%d,%d) \ty_n[n=%d]=(%d,%d)\n",

   * The block of complex-valued symbols y(n) shall be block-wise spread with the orthogonal sequence wi(m)
   * (defined in table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re and table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im)
   * z(mprime*12*table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[pucch_symbol_length]+m*12+n)=wi(m)*y(n)
   * The block of complex-valued symbols r_u_v_alpha_delta(n) for DM-RS shall be block-wise spread with the orthogonal sequence wi(m)
   * (defined in table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re and table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im)
   * z(mprime*12*table_6_4_1_3_1_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[pucch_symbol_length]+m*12+n)=wi(m)*y(n)
   * We are not implementing intra-slot hopping at the moment (so mprime=0)FIXME!
#define MAX_SIZE_Z 168 // this value has to be calculated from mprime*12*table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[pucch_symbol_length]+m*12+n
  int16_t z_re[MAX_SIZE_Z],z_im[MAX_SIZE_Z];
  int16_t z_dmrs_re[MAX_SIZE_Z],z_dmrs_im[MAX_SIZE_Z];
  // the orthogonal sequence index for wi(m) defined in TS 38.213 Subclause 9.2.1
  // the index of the orthogonal cover code is from a set determined as described in [4, TS 38.211]
  // and is indicated by higher layer parameter PUCCH-F1-time-domain-OCC
  // In the PUCCH_Config IE, the PUCCH-format1, timeDomainOCC field FIXME!
  uint8_t w_index = timeDomainOCC; // to be filled with the value of timeDomainOCC, higher layers parameters FIXME !!!
  // N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1 contains N_SF_mprime from table   (depending on number of PUCCH symbols nrofSymbols, mprime and intra-slot hopping enabled/disabled)
  uint8_t N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1;
  // N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1 contains N_SF_mprime from table (depending on number of PUCCH symbols nrofSymbols, mprime and intra-slot hopping enabled/disabled)
  uint8_t N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1;
  // N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1 contains N_SF_mprime from table   (depending on number of PUCCH symbols nrofSymbols, mprime=0 and intra-slot hopping enabled/disabled)
  uint8_t N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1;
  // N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1 contains N_SF_mprime from table (depending on number of PUCCH symbols nrofSymbols, mprime=0 and intra-slot hopping enabled/disabled)
  uint8_t N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1;
  // mprime is 0 if no intra-slot hopping / mprime is {0,1} if intra-slot hopping
  uint8_t mprime = 0;

  if (intraSlotFrequencyHopping == 0) { // intra-slot hopping disabled
    printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] block-wise spread with the orthogonal sequence wi(m) if intraSlotFrequencyHopping = %d\n",
    N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1       =   table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping not enabled (PUCCH)
    N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1  = table_6_4_1_3_1_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping not enabled (DM-RS)
    N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1      =   table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping not enabled mprime = 0 (PUCCH)
    N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1 = table_6_4_1_3_1_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_noHop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping not enabled mprime = 0 (DM-RS)

    for (int m=0; m < N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1; m++) {
      for (int n=0; n<12 ; n++) {
        z_re[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1)+(m*12)+n]           = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_re[n])>>15)
            - (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_im[n])>>15));
        z_im[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1)+(m*12)+n]           = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_im[n])>>15)
            + (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_re[n])>>15));
        printf("\t\t z_pucch[%d] \t= ((%d \t* %d \t-%d \t* %d),   (%d \t* %d \t+%d \t*%d))    = (%d,%d)\n",

    for (int m=0; m < N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1; m++) {
      for (int n=0; n<12 ; n++) {
        z_dmrs_re[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1)+(m*12)+n] = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[n])>>15)
            - (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[n])>>15));
        z_dmrs_im[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1)+(m*12)+n] = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[n])>>15)
            + (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[n])>>15));
        printf("\t\t z_dm-rs[%d] = ((),()) =(%d,%d)\n",

  if (intraSlotFrequencyHopping == 1) { // intra-slot hopping enabled
    printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] block-wise spread with the orthogonal sequence wi(m) if intraSlotFrequencyHopping = %d\n",
    N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1       =   table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_m0Hop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping enabled mprime = 0 (PUCCH)
    N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1  = table_6_4_1_3_1_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_m0Hop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping enabled mprime = 0 (DM-RS)
    N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1      =   table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_m0Hop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping enabled mprime = 0 (PUCCH)
    N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1 = table_6_4_1_3_1_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_m0Hop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping enabled mprime = 0 (DM-RS)

    for (mprime = 0; mprime<2; mprime++) { // mprime can get values {0,1}
      for (int m=0; m < N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1; m++) {
        for (int n=0; n<12 ; n++) {
          z_re[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1)+(m*12)+n]           = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_re[n])>>15)
              - (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_im[n])>>15));
          z_im[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_1)+(m*12)+n]           = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_im[n])>>15)
              + (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*y_n_re[n])>>15));

      for (int m=0; m < N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1; m++) {
        for (int n=0; n<12 ; n++) {
          z_dmrs_re[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1)+(m*12)+n] = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[n])>>15)
              - (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[n])>>15));
          z_dmrs_im[(mprime*12*N_SF_mprime0_PUCCH_DMRS_1)+(m*12)+n] = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Re[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_im[n])>>15)
              + (((int32_t)(table_6_3_2_4_1_2_Wi_Im[N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1][w_index][m])*r_u_v_alpha_delta_re[n])>>15));

      N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1       =   table_6_3_2_4_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_m1Hop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping enabled mprime = 1 (PUCCH)
      N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_DMRS_1  = table_6_4_1_3_1_1_1_N_SF_mprime_PUCCH_1_m1Hop[nrofSymbols-1]; // only if intra-slot hopping enabled mprime = 1 (DM-RS)

   * Implementing TS 38.211 Subclause Mapping to physical resources
  int32_t *txptr;
  uint32_t re_offset;
  int i=0;

  for (int l=0; l<nrofSymbols; l++) {
    if ((intraSlotFrequencyHopping == 1) && (l<floor(nrofSymbols/2))) { // intra-slot hopping enabled, we need to calculate new PRB, FIXME!!!
      startingPRB = startingPRB + startingPRB_intraSlotHopping;

    if ((startingPRB <  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 0)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is even and current PRB is lower band
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*startingPRB) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;

    if ((startingPRB >= (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 0)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is even and current PRB is upper band
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*(startingPRB-(frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)));

    if ((startingPRB <  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB is lower band
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*startingPRB) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;

    if ((startingPRB >  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB is upper band
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*(startingPRB-(frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1))) + 6;

    if ((startingPRB == (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB contains DC
      re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*startingPRB) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;

    txptr = &txdataF[0][re_offset];

    for (int n=0; n<12; n++) {
      if ((n==6) && (startingPRB == (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) {
        // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB contains DC, we need to recalculate the offset when n=6 (for second half PRB)
        re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size);

      if (l%2 == 1) { // mapping PUCCH according to TS38.211 subclause
        ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0] = z_re[i+n];
        ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1] = z_im[i+n];
        printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] mapping PUCCH to RE \t amp=%d \tofdm_symbol_size=%d \tN_RB_DL=%d \tfirst_carrier_offset=%d \tz_pucch[%d]=txptr(%d)=(x_n(l=%d,n=%d)=(%d,%d))\n",
               l,n,((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0],((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1]);

      if (l%2 == 0) { // mapping DM-RS signal according to TS38.211 subclause
        ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0] = z_dmrs_re[i+n];
        ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1] = z_dmrs_im[i+n];
        printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch1] mapping DM-RS to RE \t amp=%d \tofdm_symbol_size=%d \tN_RB_DL=%d \tfirst_carrier_offset=%d \tz_dm-rs[%d]=txptr(%d)=(x_n(l=%d,n=%d)=(%d,%d))\n",
               l,n,((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0],((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1]);


    if (l%2 == 1) i+=12;
#endif //0

inline void nr_pucch2_3_4_scrambling(uint16_t M_bit,uint16_t rnti,uint16_t n_id,uint32_t B,uint8_t *btilde) __attribute__((always_inline));
inline void nr_pucch2_3_4_scrambling(uint16_t M_bit,uint16_t rnti,uint16_t n_id,uint32_t B,uint8_t *btilde) {
  uint32_t x1, x2, s=0;
  int i;
  uint8_t c;
  // c_init=nRNTI*2^15+n_id according to TS 38.211 Subclause
  //x2 = (rnti) + ((uint32_t)(1+nr_tti_tx)<<16)*(1+(fp->Nid_cell<<1));
  x2 = ((rnti)<<15)+n_id;
  s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, 1);
  printf("\t\t [nr_pucch2_3_4_scrambling] gold sequence s=%lx\n",s);

  for (i=0; i<M_bit; i++) {
    c = (uint8_t)((s>>i)&1);
    btilde[i] = (((B>>i)&1) ^ c);
    //printf("\t\t\t btilde[%d]=%lx from scrambled bit %d\n",i,btilde[i],((B>>i)&1));

  printf("\t\t [nr_pucch2_3_4_scrambling] scrambling M_bit=%d bits\n", M_bit);
void nr_uci_encoding(uint64_t payload,
                     uint8_t nr_bit,
                     pucch_format_nr_t fmt,
                     uint8_t is_pi_over_2_bpsk_enabled,
                     uint8_t nrofSymbols,
                     uint8_t nrofPRB,
                     uint8_t n_SF_PUCCH_s,
                     uint8_t intraSlotFrequencyHopping,
                     uint8_t add_dmrs,
                     uint64_t *b,
                     uint16_t *M_bit) {
   * Implementing TS 38.212 Subclause
  // A is the payload size, to be provided in function call
  uint8_t A = nr_bit;
  // L is the CRC size
  //uint8_t L;
  // E is the rate matching output sequence length as given in TS 38.212 subclause
  uint16_t E=0,E_init;

  if (fmt == pucch_format2_nr) E = 16*nrofSymbols*nrofPRB;

  if (fmt == pucch_format3_nr) {
    E_init = (is_pi_over_2_bpsk_enabled == 0) ? 24:12;

    if (nrofSymbols == 4) {
      E = (intraSlotFrequencyHopping == 0)?(E_init*(nrofSymbols-1)*nrofPRB):((E_init*(nrofSymbols-1)*nrofPRB));
      printf("format 3 nrofSymbols =4 and E_init=%d,E=%d\n",E_init,E);

    if (nrofSymbols > 4)  {
      E = E_init*(nrofSymbols-2)*nrofPRB;
      printf("format 3 nrofSymbols >4 and E_init=%d,E = %d\n",E_init,E);

    if (nrofSymbols > 9)  {
      E = (add_dmrs == 0)?(E_init*(nrofSymbols-2)*nrofPRB):((E_init*(nrofSymbols-4)*nrofPRB));
      printf("format 3 nrofSymbols >9 and E_init=%d,E = %d\n",E_init,E);

  if (fmt == pucch_format4_nr) {
    E_init = (is_pi_over_2_bpsk_enabled == 0) ? 24:12;

    if (nrofSymbols == 4) {
      E = (intraSlotFrequencyHopping == 0)?(E_init*(nrofSymbols-1)/n_SF_PUCCH_s):((E_init*(nrofSymbols-1)/n_SF_PUCCH_s));
      printf("format 4 nrofSymbols =4 and E_init=%d,E=%d\n",E_init,E);

    if (nrofSymbols > 4)  {
      E = E_init*(nrofSymbols-2)/n_SF_PUCCH_s;
      printf("format 4 nrofSymbols >4 and E_init=%d,E = %d\n",E_init,E);

    if (nrofSymbols > 9)  {
      E = (add_dmrs == 0)?(E_init*(nrofSymbols-2)/n_SF_PUCCH_s):((E_init*(nrofSymbols-4)/n_SF_PUCCH_s));
      printf("format 4 nrofSymbols >9 and E_init=%d,E = %d\n",E_init,E);

  *M_bit = E;
  //int I_seg;
  printf("\t\t [nr_uci_encoding] start function with fmt=%d, encoding A=%d bits into M_bit=%d (where nrofSymbols=%d,nrofPRB=%d)\n",fmt,A,*M_bit,nrofSymbols,nrofPRB);

  if (A<=11) {
    // procedure in subclause (UCI encoded by channel coding of small block lengths -> subclause
    // CRC bits are not attached, and coding small block lengths (subclause 5.3.3)
  } else if (A>=12) {
    // procedure in subclause (UCI encoded by Polar code -> subclause
    /*if ((A>=360 && E>=1088)||(A>=1013)) {
      I_seg = 1;
    } else {
      I_seg = 0;

    /*if (A>=20) {
      // parity bits (subclause 5.2.1) computed by setting L=11 and using generator polynomial gCRC11(D) (subclause 5.1)
    } else if (A<=19) {
      // parity bits (subclause 5.2.1) computed by setting L=6  and using generator polynomial gCRC6(D)  (subclause 5.1)

    // code block segmentation and CRC attachment is performed according to subclause 5.2.1
    // polar coding subclause 5.3.1
//#if 0
void nr_generate_pucch2(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                        uint16_t crnti,
                        int32_t **txdataF,
                        NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
                        PUCCH_CONFIG_DEDICATED *pucch_config_dedicated,
                        uint64_t payload,
                        int16_t amp,
                        int nr_tti_tx,
                        uint8_t nrofSymbols,
                        uint8_t startingSymbolIndex,
                        uint8_t nrofPRB,
                        uint16_t startingPRB,
                        uint8_t nr_bit) {
  printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch2] start function at slot(nr_tti_tx)=%d  with payload=%d and nr_bit=%d\n",nr_tti_tx, payload, nr_bit);
  // b is the block of bits transmitted on the physical channel after payload coding
  uint64_t b;
  // M_bit is the number of bits of block b (payload after encoding)
  uint16_t M_bit;
   * Implementing TS 38.211
   * Subclauses Scrambling (PUCCH format 2)
   * The block of bits b(0),..., b(M_bit-1 ), where M_bit is the number of bits transmitted on the physical channel,
   * shall be scrambled prior to modulation,
   * resulting in a block of scrambled bits btilde(0),...,btilde(M_bit-1) according to
   *                     btilde(i)=(b(i)+c(i))mod 2
   * where the scrambling sequence c(i) is given by clause 5.2.1.
   * The scrambling sequence generator shall be initialized with c_init=nRNTI*2^15+n_id
   * n_id = {0,1,...,1023}  equals the higher-layer parameter Data-scrambling-Identity if configured
   * n_id = N_ID_cell       if higher layer parameter not configured
  uint8_t *btilde = malloc(sizeof(int8_t)*M_bit);
  // rnti is given by the C-RNTI
  uint16_t rnti=crnti, n_id=0;
  printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch2] rnti = %d ,\n",rnti);
   * Implementing TS 38.211 Subclause scrambling format 2
   * Implementing TS 38.211 Subclause modulation format 2
   * btilde shall be modulated as described in subclause 5.1 using QPSK
   * resulting in a block of complex-valued modulation symbols d(0),...,d(m_symbol) where m_symbol=M_bit/2
  //#define ONE_OVER_SQRT2_S 23171 // 32767/sqrt(2) = 23170 (ONE_OVER_SQRT2)
  // complex-valued symbol d(0)
  int16_t *d_re = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)*M_bit);
  int16_t *d_im = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)*M_bit);
  uint16_t m_symbol = (M_bit%2==0) ? M_bit/2 : floor(M_bit/2)+1;

  for (int i=0; i < m_symbol; i++) { // QPSK modulation subclause 5.1.3
    if (((btilde[2*i]&1)==0) && ((btilde[(2*i)+1]&1)==0)) {
      d_re[i] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
      d_im[i] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

    if (((btilde[2*i]&1)==0) && ((btilde[(2*i)+1]&1)==1)) {
      d_re[i] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
      d_im[i] = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

    if (((btilde[2*i]&1)==1) && ((btilde[(2*i)+1]&1)==0)) {
      d_re[i] = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
      d_im[i] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

    if (((btilde[2*i]&1)==1) && ((btilde[(2*i)+1]&1)==1)) {
      d_re[i] = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
      d_im[i] = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

    printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch2] modulation of bit pair btilde(%d,%d), m_symbol=%d, d(%d)=(%d,%d)\n",(btilde[2*i]&1),(btilde[(2*i)+1]&1),m_symbol,i,d_re[i],d_im[i]);

   * Implementing TS 38.211 Subclause Mapping to physical resources
  //int32_t *txptr;
  uint32_t re_offset=0;
  uint32_t x1, x2, s=0;
  int i=0;
  int m=0;

  for (int l=0; l<nrofSymbols; l++) {
    x2 = (((1<<17)*((14*nr_tti_tx) + (l+startingSymbolIndex) + 1)*((2*n_id) + 1)) + (2*n_id))%(1<<31); // c_init calculation according to TS38.211 subclause
    s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, 1);
    m = 0;

    for (int rb=0; rb<nrofPRB; rb++) {
      //startingPRB = startingPRB + rb;
      if (((rb+startingPRB) <  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 0)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is even and current PRB is lower band
        re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*(rb+startingPRB)) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;

      if (((rb+startingPRB) >= (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 0)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is even and current PRB is upper band
        re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*((rb+startingPRB)-(frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)));

      if (((rb+startingPRB) <  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB is lower band
        re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*(rb+startingPRB)) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;

      if (((rb+startingPRB) >  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB is upper band
        re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*((rb+startingPRB)-(frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1))) + 6;

      if (((rb+startingPRB) == (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB contains DC
        re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*(rb+startingPRB)) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;

      //txptr = &txdataF[0][re_offset];
      int k=0;
      int kk=0;

      for (int n=0; n<12; n++) {
        if ((n==6) && ((rb+startingPRB) == (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) {
          // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB contains DC, we need to recalculate the offset when n=6 (for second half PRB)
          re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size);

        if (n%3 != 1) { // mapping PUCCH according to TS38.211 subclause
          ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0] = d_re[i+k];
          ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1] = d_im[i+k];
          printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch2] (n=%d,i=%d) mapping PUCCH to RE \t amp=%d \tofdm_symbol_size=%d \tN_RB_DL=%d \tfirst_carrier_offset=%d \tz_pucch[%d]=txptr(%d)=(x_n(l=%d,n=%d)=(%d,%d))\n",
                 l,n,((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0],((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1]);

        if (n%3 == 1) { // mapping DM-RS signal according to TS38.211 subclause
          ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0] = (int16_t)((int32_t)(amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2*(1-(2*((uint8_t)((s>>(2*m))&1)))))>>15);
          ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1] = (int16_t)((int32_t)(amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2*(1-(2*((uint8_t)((s>>((2*m)+1))&1)))))>>15);
          printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch2] (n=%d,i=%d) mapping DM-RS to RE \t amp=%d \tofdm_symbol_size=%d \tN_RB_DL=%d \tfirst_carrier_offset=%d \tz_dm-rs[%d]=txptr(%d)=(x_n(l=%d,n=%d)=(%d,%d))\n",
                 l,n,((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0],((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1]);



      if ((m&((1<<4)-1))==0) {
        s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, 0);
        m = 0;
//#if 0
void nr_generate_pucch3_4(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                          uint16_t crnti,
                          int32_t **txdataF,
                          NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
                          pucch_format_nr_t fmt,
                          PUCCH_CONFIG_DEDICATED *pucch_config_dedicated,
                          uint64_t payload,
                          int16_t amp,
                          int nr_tti_tx,
                          uint8_t nrofSymbols,
                          uint8_t startingSymbolIndex,
                          uint8_t nrofPRB,
                          uint16_t startingPRB,
                          uint16_t startingPRB_intraSlotHopping,
                          uint8_t nr_bit,
                          uint8_t occ_length_format4,
                          uint8_t occ_index_format4) {
  printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] start function at slot(nr_tti_tx)=%d with payload=%d and nr_bit=%d\n", nr_tti_tx, payload, nr_bit);
  // b is the block of bits transmitted on the physical channel after payload coding
  uint64_t b;
  // M_bit is the number of bits of block b (payload after encoding)
  uint16_t M_bit;
  // parameter PUCCH-F4-preDFT-OCC-length set of {2,4} -> to use table -1 or -2
  uint8_t n_SF_PUCCH_s = 2; // in format 4, n_SF_PUCCH_s = {2,4}, provided by higher layer parameter PUCCH-F4-preDFT-OCC-length (in format 3 n_SF_PUCCH_s=1), FIXME!!!
  uint8_t is_pi_over_2_bpsk_enabled = 0; // this value has to be provided by higher layers parameter
  // Intra-slot frequency hopping shall be assumed when the higher-layer parameter intraSlotFrequencyHopping is provided,
  // regardless of whether the frequency-hop distance is zero or not,
  // otherwise no intra-slot frequency hopping shall be assumed
  //uint8_t PUCCH_Frequency_Hopping = 0 ; // from higher layers
  uint8_t intraSlotFrequencyHopping = 0;

  if (startingPRB != startingPRB_intraSlotHopping) {
    printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] intraSlotFrequencyHopping=%d \n",intraSlotFrequencyHopping);

  // add_dmrs indicates if we are using or not Additional DM-RS for formats 3 and 4. From higher layers. FIXME!!!
  uint8_t add_dmrs = 0;

  //nrofPRB = 2; // only for test purposes
  if (fmt == pucch_format4_nr) nrofPRB = 1;

   * Implementing TS 38.211
   * Subclauses Scrambling (PUCCH formats 3 and 4)
   * The block of bits b(0),..., b(M_bit-1 ), where M_bit is the number of bits transmitted on the physical channel,
   * shall be scrambled prior to modulation,
   * resulting in a block of scrambled bits btilde(0),...,btilde(M_bit-1) according to
   *                     btilde(i)=(b(i)+c(i))mod 2
   * where the scrambling sequence c(i) is given by clause 5.2.1.
   * The scrambling sequence generator shall be initialized with c_init=nRNTI*2^15+n_id
   * n_id = {0,1,...,1023}  equals the higher-layer parameter Data-scrambling-Identity if configured
   * n_id = N_ID_cell       if higher layer parameter not configured
  uint8_t *btilde = malloc(sizeof(int8_t)*M_bit);
  // rnti is given by the C-RNTI
  uint16_t rnti=crnti, n_id=0;
  printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] rnti = %d ,\n",rnti);
   * Implementing TS 38.211 Subclause scrambling formats 3 and 4
   * Implementing TS 38.211 Subclause modulation formats 3 and 4
   * Subclause 5.1.1 PI/2-BPSK
   * Subclause 5.1.3 QPSK
  // complex-valued symbol d(0)
  int16_t *d_re = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)*M_bit);
  int16_t *d_im = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)*M_bit);
  uint16_t m_symbol = (M_bit%2==0) ? M_bit/2 : floor(M_bit/2)+1;

  if (is_pi_over_2_bpsk_enabled == 0) {
    // using QPSK if PUCCH format 3,4 and pi/2-BPSK is not configured, according to subclause
    for (int i=0; i < m_symbol; i++) { // QPSK modulation subclause 5.1.3
      if (((btilde[2*i]&1)==0) && ((btilde[(2*i)+1]&1)==0)) {
        d_re[i] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
        d_im[i] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

      if (((btilde[2*i]&1)==0) && ((btilde[(2*i)+1]&1)==1)) {
        d_re[i] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
        d_im[i] = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

      if (((btilde[2*i]&1)==1) && ((btilde[(2*i)+1]&1)==0)) {
        d_re[i] = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
        d_im[i] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

      if (((btilde[2*i]&1)==1) && ((btilde[(2*i)+1]&1)==1)) {
        d_re[i] = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
        d_im[i] = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

      printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] modulation QPSK of bit pair btilde(%d,%d), m_symbol=%d, d(%d)=(%d,%d)\n",(btilde[2*i]&1),(btilde[(2*i)+1]&1),m_symbol,i,d_re[i],d_im[i]);

  if (is_pi_over_2_bpsk_enabled == 1) {
    // using PI/2-BPSK if PUCCH format 3,4 and pi/2-BPSK is configured, according to subclause
    m_symbol = M_bit;

    for (int i=0; i<m_symbol; i++) { // PI/2-BPSK modulation subclause 5.1.1
      if (((btilde[i]&1)==0) && (i%2 == 0)) {
        d_re[i] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
        d_im[i] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

      if (((btilde[i]&1)==0) && (i%2 == 1)) {
        d_re[i] = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
        d_im[i] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

      if (((btilde[i]&1)==1) && (i%2 == 0)) {
        d_re[i] = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
        d_im[i] = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

      if (((btilde[i]&1)==1) && (i%2 == 1)) {
        d_re[i] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);
        d_im[i] = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2)>>15);

      printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] modulation PI/2-BPSK of bit btilde(%d), m_symbol=%d, d(%d)=(%d,%d)\n",(btilde[i]&1),m_symbol,i,d_re[i],d_im[i]);

   * Implementing Block-wise spreading subclause
  // number of PRBs per PUCCH, provided by higher layers parameters PUCCH-F2-number-of-PRBs or PUCCH-F3-number-of-PRBs (for format 4, it is equal to 1)
  // for PUCCH 3 -> nrofPRBs = (2^alpa2 * 3^alpha3 * 5^alpha5)
  // for PUCCH 4 -> nrofPRBs = 1
  // uint8_t nrofPRBs;
  // number of symbols, provided by higher layers parameters PUCCH-F0-F2-number-of-symbols or PUCCH-F1-F3-F4-number-of-symbols
  // uint8_t nrofSymbols;
  // complex-valued symbol d(0)
  int16_t *y_n_re = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)*4*M_bit); // 4 is the maximum number n_SF_PUCCH_s, so is the maximunm size of y_n
  int16_t *y_n_im = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)*4*M_bit);
  // Re part orthogonal sequences w_n(k) for PUCCH format 4 when N_SF_PUCCH4 = 2 (Table
  // k={0,..11} n={0,1,2,3}
  // parameter PUCCH-F4-preDFT-OCC-index set of {0,1,2,3} -> n
  uint16_t table_6_3_2_6_3_1_Wn_Re[2][12] = {{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
    {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}
  // Im part orthogonal sequences w_n(k) for PUCCH format 4 when N_SF_PUCCH4 = 2 (Table
  // k={0,..11} n={0,1}
  uint16_t table_6_3_2_6_3_1_Wn_Im[2][12] = {{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
  // Re part orthogonal sequences w_n(k) for PUCCH format 4 when N_SF_PUCCH4 = 4 (Table
  // k={0,..11} n={0,1,2.3}
  uint16_t table_6_3_2_6_3_2_Wn_Re[4][12] = {{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1},
    {1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,-1,-1,-1, 0, 0, 0},
    {1, 1, 1,-1,-1,-1, 1, 1, 1,-1,-1,-1},
    {1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,-1,-1,-1, 0, 0, 0}
  // Im part orthogonal sequences w_n(k) for PUCCH format 4 when N_SF_PUCCH4 = 4 (Table
  // k={0,..11} n={0,1,2,3}
  uint16_t table_6_3_2_6_3_2_Wn_Im[4][12] = {{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0,-1,-1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1},
    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,-1,-1,-1}
  //uint8_t occ_Length = occ_length_format4; // higher layer parameter occ-Length
  uint8_t occ_Index  = occ_index_format4;  // higher layer parameter occ-Index

  //occ_Index = 1; //only for testing purposes; to be removed FIXME!!!
  if (fmt == pucch_format3_nr) { // no block-wise spreading for format 3
    n_SF_PUCCH_s = 1;

    for (int l=0; l < floor(m_symbol/(12*nrofPRB)); l++) {
      for (int k=0; k < (12*nrofPRB); k++) {
        y_n_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k] = d_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k];
        y_n_im[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k] = d_im[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k];
        printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] block-wise spreading for format 3 (no block-wise spreading): (l,k)=(%d,%d)\ty_n(%d)   = \t(d_re=%d, d_im=%d)\n",

  if (fmt == pucch_format4_nr) {
    nrofPRB = 1;

    for (int l=0; l < floor((n_SF_PUCCH_s*m_symbol)/(12*nrofPRB)); l++) {
      for (int k=0; k < (12*nrofPRB); k++) {
        if (n_SF_PUCCH_s == 2) {
          y_n_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k] = (uint16_t)(((uint32_t)d_re[l*(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)+k%(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)] * table_6_3_2_6_3_1_Wn_Re[occ_Index][k])
                                                - ((uint32_t)d_im[l*(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)+k%(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)] * table_6_3_2_6_3_1_Wn_Im[occ_Index][k]));
          y_n_im[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k] = (uint16_t)(((uint32_t)d_im[l*(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)+k%(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)] * table_6_3_2_6_3_1_Wn_Re[occ_Index][k])
                                                + ((uint32_t)d_re[l*(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)+k%(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)] * table_6_3_2_6_3_1_Wn_Im[occ_Index][k]));
          printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] block-wise spreading for format 4 (n_SF_PUCCH_s 2) (occ_Index=%d): (l,k)=(%d,%d)\ty_n(%d)   = \t(d_re=%d, d_im=%d)\n",
          //            printf("\t\t d_re[l*(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)+k%(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)] = %d\n",d_re[l*(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)+k%(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)]);
          //            printf("\t\t d_im[l*(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)+k%(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)] = %d\n",d_im[l*(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)+k%(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)]);
          //            printf("\t\t table_6_3_2_6_3_1_Wn_Re[%d][%d] = %d\n",occ_Index,k,table_6_3_2_6_3_1_Wn_Re[occ_Index][k]);
          //            printf("\t\t table_6_3_2_6_3_1_Wn_Im[%d][%d] = %d\n",occ_Index,k,table_6_3_2_6_3_1_Wn_Im[occ_Index][k]);

        if (n_SF_PUCCH_s == 4) {
          y_n_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k] = (uint16_t)(((uint32_t)d_re[l*(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)+k%(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)] * table_6_3_2_6_3_2_Wn_Re[occ_Index][k])
                                                - ((uint32_t)d_im[l*(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)+k%(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)] * table_6_3_2_6_3_2_Wn_Im[occ_Index][k]));
          y_n_im[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k] = (uint16_t)(((uint32_t)d_im[l*(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)+k%(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)] * table_6_3_2_6_3_2_Wn_Re[occ_Index][k])
                                                + ((uint32_t)d_re[l*(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)+k%(12*nrofPRB/n_SF_PUCCH_s)] * table_6_3_2_6_3_2_Wn_Im[occ_Index][k]));
          printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] block-wise spreading for format 4 (n_SF_PUCCH_s 4) (occ_Index=%d): (l,k)=(%d,%d)\ty_n(%d)   = \t(d_re=%d, d_im=%d)\n",

   * Implementing Transform pre-coding subclause
  int16_t *z_re = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)*4*M_bit); // 4 is the maximum number n_SF_PUCCH_s
  int16_t *z_im = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)*4*M_bit);
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 // pi

  //int16_t inv_sqrt_nrofPRBs = (int16_t)round(32767/sqrt(12*nrofPRB));
  for (int l=0; l<floor((n_SF_PUCCH_s*m_symbol)/(12*nrofPRB)); l++) {
    for (int k=0; k<(12*nrofPRB); k++) {
      z_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k] = 0;
      z_im[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k] = 0;

      //      int16_t z_re_tmp[240] = {0};
      //      int16_t z_im_tmp[240] = {0};
      for (int m=0; m<(12*nrofPRB); m++) {
        //z_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k] = y_n_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+m] * (int16_t)(round(32767*cos((2*M_PI*m*k)/(12*nrofPRB))));
        //        z_re_tmp[m] = (int16_t)(((int32_t)round(32767/sqrt(12*nrofPRB))*(int16_t)((((int32_t)y_n_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+m] * (int16_t)round(32767 * cos(2*M_PI*m*k/(12*nrofPRB))))>>15)
        //                + (((int32_t)y_n_im[l*(12*nrofPRB)+m] * (int16_t)round(32767 * sin(2*M_PI*m*k/(12*nrofPRB))))>>15)))>>15);
        //        z_im_tmp[m] = (int16_t)(((int32_t)round(32767/sqrt(12*nrofPRB))*(int16_t)((((int32_t)y_n_im[l*(12*nrofPRB)+m] * (int16_t)round(32767 * cos(2*M_PI*m*k/(12*nrofPRB))))>>15)
        //                - (((int32_t)y_n_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+m] * (int16_t)round(32767 * sin(2*M_PI*m*k/(12*nrofPRB))))>>15)))>>15);
        z_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k] = z_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k]
                                 + (int16_t)(((int32_t)round(32767/sqrt(12*nrofPRB))*(int16_t)((((int32_t)y_n_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+m] * (int16_t)round(32767 * cos(2*M_PI*m*k/(12*nrofPRB))))>>15)
                                              + (((int32_t)y_n_im[l*(12*nrofPRB)+m] * (int16_t)round(32767 * sin(2*M_PI*m*k/(12*nrofPRB))))>>15)))>>15);
        z_im[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k] = z_im[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k]
                                 + (int16_t)(((int32_t)round(32767/sqrt(12*nrofPRB))*(int16_t)((((int32_t)y_n_im[l*(12*nrofPRB)+m] * (int16_t)round(32767 * cos(2*M_PI*m*k/(12*nrofPRB))))>>15)
                                              - (((int32_t)y_n_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+m] * (int16_t)round(32767 * sin(2*M_PI*m*k/(12*nrofPRB))))>>15)))>>15);
        //        printf("\t\t z_re_tmp[%d] = %d\n",m,z_re_tmp[m]);
        //        printf("\t\t z_im_tmp[%d] = %d\n",m,z_im_tmp[m]);
        //          printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] transform precoding for formats 3 and 4: (l,k,m)=(%d,%d,%d)\tz(%d)   = \t(%d, %d)\n",
        //                  l,k,m,l*(12*nrofPRB)+k,z_re[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k],z_im[l*(12*nrofPRB)+k]);

      printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] transform precoding for formats 3 and 4: (l,k)=(%d,%d)\tz(%d)   = \t(%d, %d)\n",

   * Implementing TS 38.211 Subclauses and Mapping to physical resources
  // the value of u,v (delta always 0 for PUCCH) has to be calculated according to TS 38.211 Subclause
  uint8_t u=0,v=0;//,delta=0;
  // if frequency hopping is disabled, intraSlotFrequencyHopping is not provided
  //              n_hop = 0
  // if frequency hopping is enabled,  intraSlotFrequencyHopping is     provided
  //              n_hop = 0 for first hop
  //              n_hop = 1 for second hop
  uint8_t n_hop = 0;
  // lnormal is the OFDM symbol number in the PUCCH transmission where l=0 corresponds to the first OFDM symbol of the PUCCH transmission
  //uint8_t lnormal = 0 ;
  // lprime is the index of the OFDM symbol in the slot that corresponds to the first OFDM symbol of the PUCCH transmission in the slot given by [5, TS 38.213]
  //uint8_t lprime = startingSymbolIndex;
  // m0 is the cyclic shift index calculated depending on the Orthogonal sequence index n, according to table from TS 38.211 subclause
  uint8_t m0;
  uint8_t mcs=0;

  if (fmt == pucch_format3_nr) m0 = 0;

  if (fmt == pucch_format4_nr) {
    if (n_SF_PUCCH_s == 2) {
      m0 = (occ_Index == 0) ? 0 : 6;

    if (n_SF_PUCCH_s == 4) {
      m0 = (occ_Index == 3) ? 9 : ((occ_Index == 2) ? 3 : ((occ_Index == 1) ? 6 : 0));

  double alpha;
  uint8_t N_ZC = 12*nrofPRB;
  int16_t *r_u_v_base_re        = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)*12*nrofPRB);
  int16_t *r_u_v_base_im        = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)*12*nrofPRB);
  //int16_t *r_u_v_alpha_delta_re = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)*12*nrofPRB);
  //int16_t *r_u_v_alpha_delta_im = malloc(sizeof(int16_t)*12*nrofPRB);
  // Next we proceed to mapping to physical resources according to TS 38.211, subclause dor PUCCH formats 3 and 4 and subclause for DM-RS
  //int32_t *txptr;
  uint32_t re_offset=0;
  //uint32_t x1, x2, s=0;
  // intraSlotFrequencyHopping
  // uint8_t intraSlotFrequencyHopping = 0;
  uint8_t table_6_4_1_3_3_2_1_dmrs_positions[11][14] = {
    {(intraSlotFrequencyHopping==0)?0:1,(intraSlotFrequencyHopping==0)?1:0,(intraSlotFrequencyHopping==0)?0:1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // PUCCH length = 4
    {1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // PUCCH length = 5
    {0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // PUCCH length = 6
    {0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // PUCCH length = 7
    {0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // PUCCH length = 8
    {0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}, // PUCCH length = 9
    {0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),(add_dmrs==0?1:0),(add_dmrs==0?0:1),0,0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),(add_dmrs==0?1:0),(add_dmrs==0?0:1),0,0,0,0,0}, // PUCCH length = 10
    {0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),(add_dmrs==0?1:0),(add_dmrs==0?0:1),0,0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),(add_dmrs==0?1:0),0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),0,0,0,0}, // PUCCH length = 11
    {0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),(add_dmrs==0?1:0),0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),0,0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),(add_dmrs==0?1:0),0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),0,0,0}, // PUCCH length = 12
    {0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),(add_dmrs==0?1:0),0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),0,0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),0,(add_dmrs==0?1:0),0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),0,0}, // PUCCH length = 13
    {0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),0,(add_dmrs==0?1:0),0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),0,0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),0,(add_dmrs==0?1:0),0,(add_dmrs==0?0:1),0}  // PUCCH length = 14
  uint16_t k=0;

  for (int l=0; l<nrofSymbols; l++) {
    if ((intraSlotFrequencyHopping == 1) && (l >= (int)floor(nrofSymbols/2))) n_hop = 1; // n_hop = 1 for second hop

    nr_group_sequence_hopping(ue->pucch_config_common_nr->pucch_GroupHopping,ue->pucch_config_common_nr->hoppingId,n_hop,nr_tti_tx,&u,&v); // calculating u and v value

    // Next we proceed to calculate base sequence for DM-RS signal, according to TS 38.211 subclause
    if (nrofPRB >= 3) { // TS 38.211 subclause (Base sequences of length 36 or larger) applies
      int i = 4;

      while (list_of_prime_numbers[i] < (12*nrofPRB)) i++;

      N_ZC = list_of_prime_numbers[i+1]; // N_ZC is given by the largest prime number such that N_ZC < (12*nrofPRB)
      double q_base = (N_ZC*(u+1))/31;
      int8_t q = (uint8_t)floor(q_base + (1/2));
      q = ((uint8_t)floor(2*q_base)%2 == 0 ? q+v : q-v);

      for (int n=0; n<(12*nrofPRB); n++) {
        r_u_v_base_re[n] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*(int16_t)(32767*cos(M_PI*q*(n%N_ZC)*((n%N_ZC)+1)/N_ZC)))>>15);
        r_u_v_base_im[n] = -(int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*(int16_t)(32767*sin(M_PI*q*(n%N_ZC)*((n%N_ZC)+1)/N_ZC)))>>15);
        printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] generation DM-RS base sequence when nrofPRB=%d >= 3: r_u_v_base[n=%d]=(%d,%d)\n",

    if (nrofPRB == 2) { // TS 38.211 subclause (Base sequences of length less than 36 using table applies
      for (int n=0; n<(12*nrofPRB); n++) {
        r_u_v_base_re[n] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*table_5_2_2_2_4_Re[u][n])>>15);
        r_u_v_base_im[n] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*table_5_2_2_2_4_Im[u][n])>>15);
        printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] generation DM-RS base sequence when nrofPRB=%d == 2: r_u_v_base[n=%d]=(%d,%d)\n",

    if (nrofPRB == 1) { // TS 38.211 subclause (Base sequences of length less than 36 using table applies
      for (int n=0; n<(12*nrofPRB); n++) {
        r_u_v_base_re[n] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*table_5_2_2_2_2_Re[u][n])>>15);
        r_u_v_base_im[n] =  (int16_t)(((int32_t)amp*table_5_2_2_2_2_Im[u][n])>>15);
        printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] generation DM-RS base sequence when nrofPRB=%d == 1: r_u_v_base[n=%d]=(%d,%d)\n",

    uint16_t j=0;
    alpha = nr_cyclic_shift_hopping(ue->pucch_config_common_nr->hoppingId,m0,mcs,l,startingSymbolIndex,nr_tti_tx);

    for (int rb=0; rb<nrofPRB; rb++) {
      if ((intraSlotFrequencyHopping == 1) && (l<floor(nrofSymbols/2))) { // intra-slot hopping enabled, we need to calculate new offset PRB
        startingPRB = startingPRB + startingPRB_intraSlotHopping;

      //startingPRB = startingPRB + rb;
      if (((rb+startingPRB) <  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 0)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is even and current PRB is lower band
        re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*(rb+startingPRB)) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;
        printf("1   ");

      if (((rb+startingPRB) >= (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 0)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is even and current PRB is upper band
        re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*((rb+startingPRB)-(frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)));
        printf("2   ");

      if (((rb+startingPRB) <  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB is lower band
        re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*(rb+startingPRB)) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;
        printf("3   ");

      if (((rb+startingPRB) >  (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB is upper band
        re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*((rb+startingPRB)-(frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1))) + 6;
        printf("4   ");

      if (((rb+startingPRB) == (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) { // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB contains DC
        re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) + (12*(rb+startingPRB)) + frame_parms->first_carrier_offset;
        printf("5   ");


      //txptr = &txdataF[0][re_offset];
      for (int n=0; n<12; n++) {
        if ((n==6) && ((rb+startingPRB) == (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 1)) {
          // if number RBs in bandwidth is odd  and current PRB contains DC, we need to recalculate the offset when n=6 (for second half PRB)
          re_offset = ((l+startingSymbolIndex)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size);

        if (table_6_4_1_3_3_2_1_dmrs_positions[nrofSymbols-4][l] == 0) { // mapping PUCCH according to TS38.211 subclause
          ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0] = z_re[n+k];
          ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1] = z_im[n+k];
          printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] (l=%d,rb=%d,n=%d,k=%d) mapping PUCCH to RE \t amp=%d \tofdm_symbol_size=%d \tN_RB_DL=%d \tfirst_carrier_offset=%d \tz_pucch[%d]=txptr(%d)=(z(l=%d,n=%d)=(%d,%d))\n",
                 l,n,((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0],((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1]);

        if (table_6_4_1_3_3_2_1_dmrs_positions[nrofSymbols-4][l] == 1) { // mapping DM-RS signal according to TS38.211 subclause
          ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0] = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(32767*cos(alpha*((n+j)%N_ZC)))*r_u_v_base_re[n+j])>>15)
              - (((int32_t)(32767*sin(alpha*((n+j)%N_ZC)))*r_u_v_base_im[n+j])>>15));
          ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1] = (int16_t)((((int32_t)(32767*cos(alpha*((n+j)%N_ZC)))*r_u_v_base_im[n+j])>>15)
              + (((int32_t)(32767*sin(alpha*((n+j)%N_ZC)))*r_u_v_base_re[n+j])>>15));
          printf("\t [nr_generate_pucch3_4] (l=%d,rb=%d,n=%d,j=%d) mapping DM-RS to RE \t amp=%d \tofdm_symbol_size=%d \tN_RB_DL=%d \tfirst_carrier_offset=%d \tz_dm-rs[%d]=txptr(%d)=(r_u_v(l=%d,n=%d)=(%d,%d))\n",
                 l,n,((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[0],((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][re_offset])[1]);


      if (table_6_4_1_3_3_2_1_dmrs_positions[nrofSymbols-4][l] == 0) k+=12;

      if (table_6_4_1_3_3_2_1_dmrs_positions[nrofSymbols-4][l] == 1) j+=12;