From ac1ada1cd91dfc13665700c9aa3d8572a3f691b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Raphael Defosseux <>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 2021 14:55:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] fix(ci): when the shared image dockerfile is being modified,
 force its build

Signed-off-by: Raphael Defosseux <>
 ci-scripts/ | 17 +++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ci-scripts/ b/ci-scripts/
index 3e65f83e06..d0669b7665 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/
+++ b/ci-scripts/
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ class Containerize():
 		# the potential merge. Note that merge conflicts should already been checked earlier
 		imageTag = 'develop'
 		sharedTag = 'develop'
+		forceSharedImageBuild = False
 		if (self.ranAllowMerge):
 			imageTag = 'ci-temp'
 			if self.ranTargetBranch == '':
@@ -203,6 +204,13 @@ class Containerize():
 				logging.debug('Merging with the target branch: ' + self.ranTargetBranch)
 				mySSH.command('git merge --ff origin/' + self.ranTargetBranch + ' -m "Temporary merge for CI"', '\$', 5)
+				mySSH.command('git diff HEAD..origin/develop -- docker/Dockerfile.ran' + self.dockerfileprefix + ' | grep -i INDEX', '\$', 5)
+				result ='index', mySSH.getBefore())
+				if result is not None:
+					forceSharedImageBuild = True
+					sharedTag = 'ci-temp'
+		else:
+			forceSharedImageBuild = True
  		# if asterix, copy the entitlement and subscription manager configurations
 		if == 'Red Hat':
@@ -214,13 +222,14 @@ class Containerize():
 		sharedimage = 'ran-build'
 		# Let's remove any previous run artifacts if still there
 		mySSH.command(self.cli + ' image prune --force', '\$', 30)
-		if (not self.ranAllowMerge):
-			mySSH.command(self.cli + ' image rm ' + sharedimage + ':' + sharedTag, '\$', 30)
+		if forceSharedImageBuild:
+			mySSH.command(self.cli + ' image rm ' + sharedimage + ':' + sharedTag + ' || true', '\$', 30)
 		for image,pattern in imageNames:
-			mySSH.command(self.cli + ' image rm ' + image + ':' + imageTag, '\$', 30)
+			mySSH.command(self.cli + ' image rm ' + image + ':' + imageTag + ' || true', '\$', 30)
 		# Build the shared image only on Push Events (not on Merge Requests)
-		if (not self.ranAllowMerge):
+		# On when the shared image docker file is being modified.
+		if forceSharedImageBuild:
 			mySSH.command(self.cli + ' build ' + self.cliBuildOptions + ' --target ' + sharedimage + ' --tag ' + sharedimage + ':' + sharedTag + ' --file docker/Dockerfile.ran' + self.dockerfileprefix + ' --build-arg NEEDED_GIT_PROXY="" . > cmake_targets/log/ran-build.log 2>&1', '\$', 1600)
 		# First verify if the shared image was properly created.
 		status = True