/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ /*! \file nr_nas_msg_sim.h * \brief simulator for nr nas message * \author Yoshio INOUE, Masayuki HARADA * \email yoshio.inoue@fujitsu.com,masayuki.harada@fujitsu.com * \date 2020 * \version 0.1 */ #ifndef __NR_NAS_MSG_SIM_H__ #define __NR_NAS_MSG_SIM_H__ #include "RegistrationRequest.h" #include "FGSIdentityResponse.h" #include "FGSAuthenticationResponse.h" #include "FGSNASSecurityModeComplete.h" #include "RegistrationComplete.h" #include "as_message.h" #include "FGSUplinkNasTransport.h" #define PLAIN_5GS_MSG 0b0000 #define INTEGRITY_PROTECTED 0b0001 #define INTEGRITY_PROTECTED_AND_CIPHERED 0b0010 #define INTEGRITY_PROTECTED_WITH_NEW_SECU_CTX 0b0011 // only for SECURITY MODE COMMAND #define INTEGRITY_PROTECTED_AND_CIPHERED_WITH_NEW_SECU_CTX 0b0100 // only for SECURITY MODE COMPLETE #define REGISTRATION_REQUEST 0b01000001 /* 65 = 0x41 */ #define REGISTRATION_ACCEPT 0b01000010 /* 66 = 0x42 */ #define REGISTRATION_COMPLETE 0b01000011 /* 67 = 0x43 */ #define FGS_AUTHENTICATION_REQUEST 0b01010110 /* 86 = 0x56 */ #define FGS_AUTHENTICATION_RESPONSE 0b01010111 /* 87 = 0x57 */ #define FGS_IDENTITY_REQUEST 0b01011011 /* 91 = 0x5b */ #define FGS_IDENTITY_RESPONSE 0b01011100 /* 92 = 0x5c */ #define FGS_SECURITY_MODE_COMMAND 0b01011101 /* 93 = 0x5d */ #define FGS_SECURITY_MODE_COMPLETE 0b01011110 /* 94 = 0x5e */ #define FGS_UPLINK_NAS_TRANSPORT 0b01100111 /* 103= 0x67 */ // message type for 5GS session management #define FGS_PDU_SESSION_ESTABLISHMENT_REQ 0b11000001 /* 193= 0xc1 */ #define INITIAL_REGISTRATION 0b001 typedef enum fgs_protocol_discriminator_e { /* Protocol discriminator identifier for 5GS Mobility Management */ FGS_MOBILITY_MANAGEMENT_MESSAGE = 0x7E, /* Protocol discriminator identifier for 5GS Session Management */ FGS_SESSION_MANAGEMENT_MESSAGE = 0x2E, } fgs_protocol_discriminator_t; typedef struct { uint8_t ex_protocol_discriminator; uint8_t security_header_type; uint8_t message_type; } mm_msg_header_t; /* Structure of security protected header */ typedef struct { fgs_protocol_discriminator_t protocol_discriminator; uint8_t security_header_type; uint32_t message_authentication_code; uint8_t sequence_number; } fgs_nas_message_security_header_t; typedef union { mm_msg_header_t header; registration_request_msg registration_request; fgs_identiy_response_msg fgs_identity_response; fgs_authentication_response_msg fgs_auth_response; fgs_security_mode_complete_msg fgs_security_mode_complete; registration_complete_msg registration_complete; fgs_uplink_nas_transport_msg uplink_nas_transport; } MM_msg; typedef struct { MM_msg mm_msg; /* 5GS Mobility Management messages */ } fgs_nas_message_plain_t; typedef struct { fgs_nas_message_security_header_t header; fgs_nas_message_plain_t plain; } fgs_nas_message_security_protected_t; typedef union { fgs_nas_message_security_header_t header; fgs_nas_message_security_protected_t security_protected; fgs_nas_message_plain_t plain; } fgs_nas_message_t; void generateRegistrationRequest(as_nas_info_t *initialNasMsg); void generateIdentityResponse(as_nas_info_t *initialNasMsg, uint8_t identitytype); void generateAuthenticationResp(as_nas_info_t *initialNasMsg, uint8_t *buf); void generateSecurityModeComplete(as_nas_info_t *initialNasMsg); void generateRegistrationComplete(as_nas_info_t *initialNasMsg, SORTransparentContainer *sortransparentcontainer); void generatePduSessionEstablishRequest(as_nas_info_t *initialNasMsg); #endif /* __NR_NAS_MSG_SIM_H__*/