/******************************************************************************* OpenAirInterface Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Contact Information OpenAirInterface Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr OpenAirInterface Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr OpenAirInterface Dev : openair4g-devel@lists.eurecom.fr Address : Eurecom, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes, CS 50193 - 06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex, FRANCE *******************************************************************************/ /* play_scenario.c ------------------- AUTHOR : Lionel GAUTHIER COMPANY : EURECOM EMAIL : Lionel.Gauthier@eurecom.fr */ #include <string.h> #include <limits.h> #include <libconfig.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <libgen.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "intertask_interface_init.h" #include "timer.h" #include "assertions.h" #include "s1ap_common.h" #include "intertask_interface.h" #include "play_scenario.h" #include "sctp_eNB_task.h" #include "sctp_default_values.h" #include "log.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #define PLAY_SCENARIO 1 #define GS_IS_FILE 1 #define GS_IS_DIR 2 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enb_properties_array_t g_enb_properties; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ extern et_scenario_t *g_scenario; extern int xmlLoadExtDtdDefaultValue; extern int asn_debug; extern int asn1_xer_print; extern pthread_mutex_t g_fsm_lock; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // MEMO: // Scenario with several eNBs: We may have to create ethx.y interfaces // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // test if file exist in current directory int is_file_exists( const char const * file_nameP, const char const *file_roleP) { struct stat s; int err = stat(file_nameP, &s); if(-1 == err) { if(ENOENT == errno) { fprintf(stderr, "Please provide a valid %s, %s does not exist\n", file_roleP, file_nameP); } else { perror("stat"); exit(1); } } else { if(S_ISREG(s.st_mode)) { return GS_IS_FILE; } else if(S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) { return GS_IS_DIR; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Please provide a valid test %s, %s exists but is not found valid\n", file_roleP, file_nameP); } } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int et_strip_extension(char *in_filename) { static const uint8_t name_min_len = 1; static const uint8_t max_ext_len = 5; // .pdml ! fprintf(stdout, "strip_extension %s\n", in_filename); if (NULL != in_filename) { /* Check chars starting at end of string to find last '.' */ for (ssize_t i = strlen(in_filename); i > (name_min_len + max_ext_len); i--) { if (in_filename[i] == '.') { in_filename[i] = '\0'; return i; } } } return -1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // return number of splitted items int split_path( char * pathP, char *** resP) { char * saveptr1; char * p = strtok_r (pathP, "/", &saveptr1); int n_spaces = 0; /// split string and append tokens to 'res' while (p) { *resP = realloc (*resP, sizeof (char*) * ++n_spaces); AssertFatal (*resP, "realloc failed"); (*resP)[n_spaces-1] = p; p = strtok_r (NULL, "/", &saveptr1); } return n_spaces; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void et_free_packet(et_packet_t* packet) { if (packet) { switch (packet->sctp_hdr.chunk_type) { case SCTP_CID_DATA: et_free_pointer(packet->sctp_hdr.u.data_hdr.payload.binary_stream); break; default: ; } et_free_pointer(packet); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void et_free_scenario(et_scenario_t* scenario) { et_packet_t *packet = NULL; et_packet_t *next_packet = NULL; if (scenario) { packet = scenario->list_packet; while (packet) { next_packet = packet->next; et_free_packet(packet); packet = next_packet->next; } et_free_pointer(scenario); pthread_mutex_destroy(&g_fsm_lock); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ char * et_ip2ip_str(const et_ip_t * const ip) { static char str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; sprintf(str, "ERROR"); switch (ip->address_family) { case AF_INET6: inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &(ip->address.ipv6), str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); break; case AF_INET: inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(ip->address.ipv4), str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); break; default: ; } return str; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //convert hexstring to len bytes of data //returns 0 on success, negative on error //data is a buffer of at least len bytes //hexstring is upper or lower case hexadecimal, NOT prepended with "0x" int et_hex2data(unsigned char * const data, const unsigned char * const hexstring, const unsigned int len) { unsigned const char *pos = hexstring; char *endptr = NULL; size_t count = 0; fprintf(stdout, "%s(%s,%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, hexstring, len); if ((len > 1) && (strlen((const char*)hexstring) % 2)) { //or hexstring has an odd length return -3; } if (len == 1) { char buf[5] = {'0', 'x', 0, pos[0], '\0'}; data[0] = strtol(buf, &endptr, 16); /* Check for various possible errors */ AssertFatal ((errno == 0) || (data[0] != 0), "ERROR %s() strtol: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, strerror(errno)); AssertFatal (endptr != buf, "ERROR %s() No digits were found\n", __FUNCTION__); return 0; } for(count = 0; count < len/2; count++) { char buf[5] = {'0', 'x', pos[0], pos[1], 0}; data[count] = strtol(buf, &endptr, 16); pos += 2 * sizeof(char); AssertFatal (endptr[0] == '\0', "ERROR %s() non-hexadecimal character encountered buf %p endptr %p buf %s count %zu pos %p\n", __FUNCTION__, buf, endptr, buf, count, pos); AssertFatal (endptr != buf, "ERROR %s() No digits were found\n", __FUNCTION__); } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sctp_cid_t et_chunk_type_str2cid(const xmlChar * const chunk_type_str) { if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"DATA"))) { return SCTP_CID_DATA;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"INIT"))) { return SCTP_CID_INIT;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"INIT_ACK"))) { return SCTP_CID_INIT_ACK;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"SACK"))) { return SCTP_CID_SACK;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"HEARTBEAT"))) { return SCTP_CID_HEARTBEAT;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"HEARTBEAT_ACK"))) { return SCTP_CID_HEARTBEAT_ACK;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"ABORT"))) { return SCTP_CID_ABORT;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"SHUTDOWN"))) { return SCTP_CID_SHUTDOWN;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"SHUTDOWN_ACK"))) { return SCTP_CID_SHUTDOWN_ACK;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"ERROR"))) { return SCTP_CID_ERROR;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"COOKIE_ECHO"))) { return SCTP_CID_COOKIE_ECHO;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"COOKIE_ACK"))) { return SCTP_CID_COOKIE_ACK;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"ECN_ECNE"))) { return SCTP_CID_ECN_ECNE;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"ECN_CWR"))) { return SCTP_CID_ECN_CWR;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE"))) { return SCTP_CID_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"AUTH"))) { return SCTP_CID_AUTH;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"FWD_TSN"))) { return SCTP_CID_FWD_TSN;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"ASCONF"))) { return SCTP_CID_ASCONF;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(chunk_type_str, (const xmlChar *)"ASCONF_ACK"))) { return SCTP_CID_ASCONF_ACK;} AssertFatal (0, "ERROR: %s() cannot convert: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, chunk_type_str); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char * const et_chunk_type_cid2str(const sctp_cid_t chunk_type) { switch (chunk_type) { case SCTP_CID_DATA: return "DATA"; break; case SCTP_CID_INIT: return "INIT"; break; case SCTP_CID_INIT_ACK: return "INIT_ACK"; break; case SCTP_CID_SACK: return "SACK"; break; case SCTP_CID_HEARTBEAT: return "HEARTBEAT"; break; case SCTP_CID_HEARTBEAT_ACK: return "HEARTBEAT_ACK"; break; case SCTP_CID_ABORT: return "ABORT"; break; case SCTP_CID_SHUTDOWN: return "SHUTDOWN"; break; case SCTP_CID_SHUTDOWN_ACK: return "SHUTDOWN_ACK"; break; case SCTP_CID_ERROR: return "ERROR"; break; case SCTP_CID_COOKIE_ECHO: return "COOKIE_ECHO"; break; case SCTP_CID_COOKIE_ACK: return "COOKIE_ACK"; break; case SCTP_CID_ECN_ECNE: return "ECN_ECNE"; break; case SCTP_CID_ECN_CWR: return "ECN_CWR"; break; case SCTP_CID_SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE: return "SHUTDOWN_COMPLETE"; break; case SCTP_CID_AUTH: return "AUTH"; break; case SCTP_CID_FWD_TSN: return "FWD_TSN"; break; case SCTP_CID_ASCONF: return "ASCONF"; break; case SCTP_CID_ASCONF_ACK: return "ASCONF_ACK"; break; default: AssertFatal (0, "ERROR: Unknown chunk_type %d!\n", chunk_type); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const char * const et_error_match2str(const int err) { switch (err) { // from asn_compare.h case COMPARE_ERR_CODE_NO_MATCH: return "CODE_NO_MATCH"; break; case COMPARE_ERR_CODE_TYPE_MISMATCH: return "TYPE_MISMATCH"; break; case COMPARE_ERR_CODE_TYPE_ARG_NULL: return "TYPE_ARG_NULL"; break; case COMPARE_ERR_CODE_VALUE_NULL: return "VALUE_NULL"; break; case COMPARE_ERR_CODE_VALUE_ARG_NULL: return "VALUE_ARG_NULL"; break; case COMPARE_ERR_CODE_CHOICE_NUM: return "CHOICE_NUM"; break; case COMPARE_ERR_CODE_CHOICE_PRESENT: return "CHOICE_PRESENT"; break; case COMPARE_ERR_CODE_CHOICE_MALFORMED: return "CHOICE_MALFORMED"; break; case COMPARE_ERR_CODE_SET_MALFORMED: return "SET_MALFORMED"; break; case COMPARE_ERR_CODE_COLLECTION_NUM_ELEMENTS: return "COLLECTION_NUM_ELEMENTS"; break; // from play_scenario.h case ET_ERROR_MATCH_PACKET_SCTP_CHUNK_TYPE: return "SCTP_CHUNK_TYPE"; break; case ET_ERROR_MATCH_PACKET_SCTP_PPID: return "SCTP_PPID"; break; case ET_ERROR_MATCH_PACKET_SCTP_ASSOC_ID: return "SCTP_ASSOC_ID"; break; case ET_ERROR_MATCH_PACKET_SCTP_STREAM_ID: return "SCTP_STREAM_ID"; break; case ET_ERROR_MATCH_PACKET_SCTP_SSN: return "SCTP_SSN"; break; case ET_ERROR_MATCH_PACKET_S1AP_PRESENT: return "S1AP_PRESENT"; break; case ET_ERROR_MATCH_PACKET_S1AP_PROCEDURE_CODE: return "S1AP_PROCEDURE_CODE"; break; case ET_ERROR_MATCH_PACKET_S1AP_CRITICALITY: return "S1AP_CRITICALITY"; break; default: AssertFatal (0, "ERROR: Unknown match error %d!(TODO handle an1c error codes)\n", err); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ et_packet_action_t et_action_str2et_action_t(const xmlChar * const action) { if ((!xmlStrcmp(action, (const xmlChar *)"SEND"))) { return ET_PACKET_ACTION_S1C_SEND;} if ((!xmlStrcmp(action, (const xmlChar *)"RECEIVE"))) { return ET_PACKET_ACTION_S1C_RECEIVE;} AssertFatal (0, "ERROR: cannot convert: %s\n", action); //if (NULL == action) {return ACTION_S1C_NULL;} } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void et_ip_str2et_ip(const xmlChar * const ip_str, et_ip_t * const ip) { AssertFatal (NULL != ip_str, "ERROR Cannot convert null string to ip address!\n"); AssertFatal (NULL != ip, "ERROR out parameter pointer is NULL!\n"); // store this IP address in sa: if (inet_pton(AF_INET, (const char*)ip_str, (void*)&(ip->address.ipv4)) > 0) { ip->address_family = AF_INET; strncpy((char *)ip->str, (const char *)ip_str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN+1); } else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, (const char*)ip_str, (void*)&(ip->address.ipv6)) > 0) { ip->address_family = AF_INET6; strncpy((char *)ip->str, (const char *)ip_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+1); } else { ip->address_family = AF_UNSPEC; AssertFatal (0, "ERROR %s() Could not parse ip address %s!\n", __FUNCTION__, ip_str); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int et_compare_et_ip_to_net_ip_address(const et_ip_t * const ip, const net_ip_address_t * const net_ip) { AssertFatal (NULL != ip, "ERROR ip parameter\n"); AssertFatal (NULL != net_ip, "ERROR net_ip parameter\n"); switch (ip->address_family) { case AF_INET: if (net_ip->ipv4) { //S1AP_DEBUG("%s(%s,%s)=%d\n",__FUNCTION__,ip->str, net_ip->ipv4_address, strcmp(ip->str, net_ip->ipv4_address)); return strcmp(ip->str, net_ip->ipv4_address); } //S1AP_DEBUG("%s(%s,%s)=-1 (IP version (4) not matching)\n",__FUNCTION__,ip->str, net_ip->ipv4_address); return -1; break; case AF_INET6: if (net_ip->ipv6) { //S1AP_DEBUG("%s(%s,%s)=%d\n",__FUNCTION__,ip->str, net_ip->ipv4_address, strcmp(ip->str, net_ip->ipv6_address)); return strcmp(ip->str, net_ip->ipv6_address); } //S1AP_DEBUG("%s(%s,%s)=-1 (IP version (6) not matching)\n",__FUNCTION__,ip->str, net_ip->ipv6_address); return -1; break; default: S1AP_DEBUG("%s(%s,...)=-1 (unknown IP version)\n",__FUNCTION__,ip->str); return -1; } } #ifdef LIBCONFIG_LONG #define libconfig_int long #else #define libconfig_int int #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void et_enb_config_init(const char const * lib_config_file_name_pP) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { config_t cfg; config_setting_t *setting = NULL; config_setting_t *subsetting = NULL; config_setting_t *setting_mme_addresses = NULL; config_setting_t *setting_mme_address = NULL; config_setting_t *setting_enb = NULL; libconfig_int my_int; int num_enb_properties = 0; int enb_properties_index = 0; int num_enbs = 0; int num_mme_address = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; int parse_errors = 0; libconfig_int enb_id = 0; const char* cell_type = NULL; const char* tac = 0; const char* enb_name = NULL; const char* mcc = 0; const char* mnc = 0; char* ipv4 = NULL; char* ipv6 = NULL; char* active = NULL; char* preference = NULL; const char* active_enb[MAX_ENB]; char* enb_interface_name_for_S1U = NULL; char* enb_ipv4_address_for_S1U = NULL; libconfig_int enb_port_for_S1U = 0; char* enb_interface_name_for_S1_MME = NULL; char* enb_ipv4_address_for_S1_MME = NULL; char *address = NULL; char *cidr = NULL; AssertFatal (lib_config_file_name_pP != NULL, "Bad parameter lib_config_file_name_pP %s , must reference a valid eNB config file\n", lib_config_file_name_pP); memset((char*)active_enb, 0 , MAX_ENB * sizeof(char*)); config_init(&cfg); /* Read the file. If there is an error, report it and exit. */ if (! config_read_file(&cfg, lib_config_file_name_pP)) { config_destroy(&cfg); AssertFatal (0, "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s!\n", lib_config_file_name_pP); } // Get list of active eNBs, (only these will be configured) setting = config_lookup(&cfg, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ACTIVE_ENBS); if (setting != NULL) { num_enbs = config_setting_length(setting); for (i = 0; i < num_enbs; i++) { setting_enb = config_setting_get_elem(setting, i); active_enb[i] = config_setting_get_string (setting_enb); AssertFatal (active_enb[i] != NULL, "Failed to parse config file %s, %uth attribute %s \n", lib_config_file_name_pP, i, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ACTIVE_ENBS); active_enb[i] = strdup(active_enb[i]); num_enb_properties += 1; } } /* Output a list of all eNBs. */ setting = config_lookup(&cfg, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_LIST); if (setting != NULL) { enb_properties_index = g_enb_properties.number; parse_errors = 0; num_enbs = config_setting_length(setting); for (i = 0; i < num_enbs; i++) { setting_enb = config_setting_get_elem(setting, i); if (! config_setting_lookup_int(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_ID, &enb_id)) { /* Calculate a default eNB ID */ # if defined(ENABLE_USE_MME) uint32_t hash; hash = et_s1ap_generate_eNB_id (); enb_id = i + (hash & 0xFFFF8); # else enb_id = i; # endif } if ( !( config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_CELL_TYPE, &cell_type) && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_NAME, &enb_name) && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_TRACKING_AREA_CODE, &tac) && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MOBILE_COUNTRY_CODE, &mcc) && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MOBILE_NETWORK_CODE, &mnc) ) ) { AssertError (0, parse_errors ++, "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, %u th enb\n", lib_config_file_name_pP, i); continue; // FIXME this prevents segfaults below, not sure what happens after function exit } // search if in active list for (j=0; j < num_enb_properties; j++) { if (strcmp(active_enb[j], enb_name) == 0) { g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index] = calloc(1, sizeof(Enb_properties_t)); g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->eNB_id = enb_id; if (strcmp(cell_type, "CELL_MACRO_ENB") == 0) { g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->cell_type = CELL_MACRO_ENB; } else if (strcmp(cell_type, "CELL_HOME_ENB") == 0) { g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->cell_type = CELL_HOME_ENB; } else { AssertError (0, parse_errors ++, "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for cell_type choice: CELL_MACRO_ENB or CELL_HOME_ENB !\n", lib_config_file_name_pP, i, cell_type); } g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->eNB_name = strdup(enb_name); g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->tac = (uint16_t)atoi(tac); g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->mcc = (uint16_t)atoi(mcc); g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->mnc = (uint16_t)atoi(mnc); g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->mnc_digit_length = strlen(mnc); AssertFatal((g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->mnc_digit_length == 2) || (g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->mnc_digit_length == 3), "BAD MNC DIGIT LENGTH %d", g_enb_properties.properties[i]->mnc_digit_length); setting_mme_addresses = config_setting_get_member (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MME_IP_ADDRESS); num_mme_address = config_setting_length(setting_mme_addresses); g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->nb_mme = 0; for (j = 0; j < num_mme_address; j++) { setting_mme_address = config_setting_get_elem(setting_mme_addresses, j); if ( !( config_setting_lookup_string(setting_mme_address, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MME_IPV4_ADDRESS, (const char **)&ipv4) && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_mme_address, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MME_IPV6_ADDRESS, (const char **)&ipv6) && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_mme_address, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MME_IP_ADDRESS_ACTIVE, (const char **)&active) && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_mme_address, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MME_IP_ADDRESS_PREFERENCE, (const char **)&preference) ) ) { AssertError (0, parse_errors ++, "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, %u th enb %u th mme address !\n", lib_config_file_name_pP, i, j); continue; // FIXME will prevent segfaults below, not sure what happens at function exit... } g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->nb_mme += 1; g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->mme_ip_address[j].ipv4_address = strdup(ipv4); g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->mme_ip_address[j].ipv6_address = strdup(ipv6); if (strcmp(active, "yes") == 0) { g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->mme_ip_address[j].active = 1; } // else { (calloc) if (strcmp(preference, "ipv4") == 0) { g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->mme_ip_address[j].ipv4 = 1; } else if (strcmp(preference, "ipv6") == 0) { g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->mme_ip_address[j].ipv6 = 1; } else if (strcmp(preference, "no") == 0) { g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->mme_ip_address[j].ipv4 = 1; g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->mme_ip_address[j].ipv6 = 1; } } // SCTP SETTING g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->sctp_out_streams = SCTP_OUT_STREAMS; g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->sctp_in_streams = SCTP_IN_STREAMS; subsetting = config_setting_get_member (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SCTP_CONFIG); if (subsetting != NULL) { if ( (config_setting_lookup_int( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SCTP_INSTREAMS, &my_int) )) { g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->sctp_in_streams = (uint16_t)my_int; } if ( (config_setting_lookup_int( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SCTP_OUTSTREAMS, &my_int) )) { g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->sctp_out_streams = (uint16_t)my_int; } } // NETWORK_INTERFACES subsetting = config_setting_get_member (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_NETWORK_INTERFACES_CONFIG); if (subsetting != NULL) { if ( ( config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME, (const char **)&enb_interface_name_for_S1_MME) && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME, (const char **)&enb_ipv4_address_for_S1_MME) && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U, (const char **)&enb_interface_name_for_S1U) && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_IPV4_ADDR_FOR_S1U, (const char **)&enb_ipv4_address_for_S1U) && config_setting_lookup_int(subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U, &enb_port_for_S1U) ) ) { g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->enb_interface_name_for_S1U = strdup(enb_interface_name_for_S1U); cidr = enb_ipv4_address_for_S1U; address = strtok(cidr, "/"); if (address) { IPV4_STR_ADDR_TO_INT_NWBO ( address, g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->enb_ipv4_address_for_S1U, "BAD IP ADDRESS FORMAT FOR eNB S1_U !\n" ); } g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->enb_port_for_S1U = enb_port_for_S1U; g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->enb_interface_name_for_S1_MME = strdup(enb_interface_name_for_S1_MME); cidr = enb_ipv4_address_for_S1_MME; address = strtok(cidr, "/"); if (address) { IPV4_STR_ADDR_TO_INT_NWBO ( address, g_enb_properties.properties[enb_properties_index]->enb_ipv4_address_for_S1_MME, "BAD IP ADDRESS FORMAT FOR eNB S1_MME !\n" ); } } } // if (subsetting != NULL) { enb_properties_index += 1; } // if (strcmp(active_enb[j], enb_name) == 0) } // for (j=0; j < num_enb_properties; j++) } // for (i = 0; i < num_enbs; i++) } // if (setting != NULL) { g_enb_properties.number += num_enb_properties; AssertFatal (parse_errors == 0, "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, found %d error%s !\n", lib_config_file_name_pP, parse_errors, parse_errors > 1 ? "s" : ""); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const Enb_properties_array_t *et_enb_config_get(void) { return &g_enb_properties; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void et_eNB_app_register(const Enb_properties_array_t *enb_properties) { uint32_t enb_id = 0; uint32_t mme_id = 0; MessageDef *msg_p = NULL; char *str = NULL; struct in_addr addr = {.s_addr = 0}; g_scenario->register_enb_pending = 0; for (enb_id = 0; (enb_id < enb_properties->number) ; enb_id++) { { s1ap_register_enb_req_t *s1ap_register_eNB = NULL; /* note: there is an implicit relationship between the data structure and the message name */ msg_p = itti_alloc_new_message (TASK_ENB_APP, S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ); s1ap_register_eNB = &S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ(msg_p); /* Some default/random parameters */ s1ap_register_eNB->eNB_id = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->eNB_id; s1ap_register_eNB->cell_type = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->cell_type; s1ap_register_eNB->eNB_name = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->eNB_name; s1ap_register_eNB->tac = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->tac; s1ap_register_eNB->mcc = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->mcc; s1ap_register_eNB->mnc = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->mnc; s1ap_register_eNB->mnc_digit_length = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->mnc_digit_length; s1ap_register_eNB->nb_mme = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->nb_mme; AssertFatal (s1ap_register_eNB->nb_mme <= S1AP_MAX_NB_MME_IP_ADDRESS, "Too many MME for eNB %d (%d/%d)!", enb_id, s1ap_register_eNB->nb_mme, S1AP_MAX_NB_MME_IP_ADDRESS); for (mme_id = 0; mme_id < s1ap_register_eNB->nb_mme; mme_id++) { s1ap_register_eNB->mme_ip_address[mme_id].ipv4 = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->mme_ip_address[mme_id].ipv4; s1ap_register_eNB->mme_ip_address[mme_id].ipv6 = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->mme_ip_address[mme_id].ipv6; strncpy (s1ap_register_eNB->mme_ip_address[mme_id].ipv4_address, enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->mme_ip_address[mme_id].ipv4_address, sizeof(s1ap_register_eNB->mme_ip_address[0].ipv4_address)); strncpy (s1ap_register_eNB->mme_ip_address[mme_id].ipv6_address, enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->mme_ip_address[mme_id].ipv6_address, sizeof(s1ap_register_eNB->mme_ip_address[0].ipv6_address)); } s1ap_register_eNB->sctp_in_streams = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->sctp_in_streams; s1ap_register_eNB->sctp_out_streams = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->sctp_out_streams; s1ap_register_eNB->enb_ip_address.ipv6 = 0; s1ap_register_eNB->enb_ip_address.ipv4 = 1; addr.s_addr = enb_properties->properties[enb_id]->enb_ipv4_address_for_S1_MME; str = inet_ntoa(addr); strcpy(s1ap_register_eNB->enb_ip_address.ipv4_address, str); g_scenario->register_enb_pending++; itti_send_msg_to_task (TASK_S1AP, ENB_MODULE_ID_TO_INSTANCE(enb_id), msg_p); } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void *et_eNB_app_task(void *args_p) { et_scenario_t *scenario = (et_scenario_t*)args_p; MessageDef *msg_p = NULL; const char *msg_name = NULL; instance_t instance = 0; int result = 0; itti_mark_task_ready (TASK_ENB_APP); do { // Wait for a message itti_receive_msg (TASK_ENB_APP, &msg_p); msg_name = ITTI_MSG_NAME (msg_p); instance = ITTI_MSG_INSTANCE (msg_p); switch (ITTI_MSG_ID(msg_p)) { case TERMINATE_MESSAGE: itti_exit_task (); break; case S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_CNF: LOG_I(ENB_APP, "[eNB %d] Received %s: associated MME %d\n", instance, msg_name, S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_CNF(msg_p).nb_mme); DevAssert(scenario->register_enb_pending > 0); scenario->register_enb_pending--; /* Check if at least eNB is registered with one MME */ if (S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_CNF(msg_p).nb_mme > 0) { scenario->registered_enb++; } /* Check if all register eNB requests have been processed */ if (scenario->register_enb_pending == 0) { timer_remove(scenario->enb_register_retry_timer_id); if (scenario->registered_enb == scenario->enb_properties->number) { /* If all eNB are registered, start scenario */ LOG_D(ENB_APP, " All eNB are now associated with a MME\n"); et_event_t event; event.code = ET_EVENT_S1C_CONNECTED; et_scenario_fsm_notify_event(event); } else { uint32_t not_associated = scenario->enb_properties->number - scenario->registered_enb; LOG_W(ENB_APP, " %d eNB %s not associated with a MME, retrying registration in %d seconds ...\n", not_associated, not_associated > 1 ? "are" : "is", ET_ENB_REGISTER_RETRY_DELAY); /* Restart the eNB registration process in ENB_REGISTER_RETRY_DELAY seconds */ if (timer_setup (ET_ENB_REGISTER_RETRY_DELAY, 0, TASK_ENB_APP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, TIMER_ONE_SHOT, NULL, &scenario->enb_register_retry_timer_id) < 0) { LOG_E(ENB_APP, " Can not start eNB register retry timer, use \"sleep\" instead!\n"); sleep(ET_ENB_REGISTER_RETRY_DELAY); /* Restart the registration process */ scenario->registered_enb = 0; et_eNB_app_register (scenario->enb_properties); } } } break; case S1AP_DEREGISTERED_ENB_IND: LOG_W(ENB_APP, "[eNB %d] Received %s: associated MME %d\n", instance, msg_name, S1AP_DEREGISTERED_ENB_IND(msg_p).nb_mme); /* TODO handle recovering of registration */ break; case TIMER_HAS_EXPIRED: LOG_I(ENB_APP, " Received %s: timer_id %d\n", msg_name, TIMER_HAS_EXPIRED(msg_p).timer_id); if (TIMER_HAS_EXPIRED (msg_p).timer_id == scenario->enb_register_retry_timer_id) { /* Restart the registration process */ scenario->registered_enb = 0; et_eNB_app_register (scenario->enb_properties); } break; default: LOG_E(ENB_APP, "Received unexpected message %s\n", msg_name); break; } result = itti_free (ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(msg_p), msg_p); AssertFatal (result == EXIT_SUCCESS, "Failed to free memory (%d)!\n", result); } while (1); return NULL; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int et_play_scenario(et_scenario_t* const scenario) { et_event_t event; et_display_scenario(scenario); // create SCTP ITTI task: same as eNB code if (itti_create_task (TASK_SCTP, sctp_eNB_task, NULL) < 0) { LOG_E(SCTP, "Create task for SCTP failed\n"); return -1; } // create S1AP ITTI task: not as same as eNB code if (itti_create_task (TASK_S1AP, et_s1ap_eNB_task, NULL) < 0) { LOG_E(S1AP, "Create task for S1AP failed\n"); return -1; } // create ENB_APP ITTI task: not as same as eNB code if (itti_create_task (TASK_ENB_APP, et_eNB_app_task, scenario) < 0) { LOG_E(ENB_APP, "Create task for ENB_APP failed\n"); return -1; } event.code = ET_EVENT_INIT; event.u.init.scenario = scenario; et_scenario_fsm_notify_event(event); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ static void et_usage ( int argc, char *argv[]) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { fprintf (stdout, "Please report any bug to: %s\n",PACKAGE_BUGREPORT); fprintf (stdout, "Usage: %s [options]\n\n", argv[0]); fprintf (stdout, "\n"); //fprintf (stdout, "Client options:\n"); //fprintf (stdout, "\t-S | --server <server network @> File name (with no path) of a test scenario that has to be replayed (TODO in future?)\n"); //fprintf (stdout, "Server options:\n"); fprintf (stdout, "\t-d | --test-dir <dir> Directory where a set of files related to a particular test are located\n"); fprintf (stdout, "\t-c | --enb-conf-file <file> Provide an eNB config file, valid for the testbed\n"); fprintf (stdout, "\t-s | --scenario <file> File name (with no path) of a test scenario that has to be replayed ()\n"); fprintf (stdout, "\n"); fprintf (stdout, "Other options:\n"); fprintf (stdout, "\t-h | --help Print this help and return\n"); fprintf (stdout, "\t-v | --version Print informations about the version of this executable\n"); fprintf (stdout, "\n"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int et_config_parse_opt_line ( int argc, char *argv[], char **et_dir_name, char **scenario_file_name, char **enb_config_file_name) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { int option; int rv = 0; enum long_option_e { LONG_OPTION_START = 0x100, /* Start after regular single char options */ LONG_OPTION_ENB_CONF_FILE, LONG_OPTION_SCENARIO_FILE, LONG_OPTION_TEST_DIR, LONG_OPTION_HELP, LONG_OPTION_VERSION }; static struct option long_options[] = { {"enb-conf-file", required_argument, 0, LONG_OPTION_ENB_CONF_FILE}, {"scenario ", required_argument, 0, LONG_OPTION_SCENARIO_FILE}, {"test-dir", required_argument, 0, LONG_OPTION_TEST_DIR}, {"help", no_argument, 0, LONG_OPTION_HELP}, {"version", no_argument, 0, LONG_OPTION_VERSION}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; /* * Parsing command line */ while ((option = getopt_long (argc, argv, "vhc:s:d:", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (option) { case LONG_OPTION_ENB_CONF_FILE: case 'c': if (optarg) { *enb_config_file_name = strdup(optarg); printf("eNB config file name is %s\n", *enb_config_file_name); rv |= PLAY_SCENARIO; } break; case LONG_OPTION_SCENARIO_FILE: case 's': if (optarg) { *scenario_file_name = strdup(optarg); printf("Scenario file name is %s\n", *scenario_file_name); rv |= PLAY_SCENARIO; } break; case LONG_OPTION_TEST_DIR: case 'd': if (optarg) { *et_dir_name = strdup(optarg); if (is_file_exists(*et_dir_name, "test dirname") != GS_IS_DIR) { fprintf(stderr, "Please provide a valid test dirname, %s is not a valid directory name\n", *et_dir_name); exit(1); } printf("Test dir name is %s\n", *et_dir_name); } break; case LONG_OPTION_VERSION: case 'v': printf("Version %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); exit (0); break; case LONG_OPTION_HELP: case 'h': default: et_usage (argc, argv); exit (0); } } if (NULL == *et_dir_name) { fprintf(stderr, "Please provide a valid test dirname\n"); exit(1); } if (chdir(*et_dir_name) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: chdir %s returned %s\n", *et_dir_name, strerror(errno)); exit(1); } if (rv & PLAY_SCENARIO) { if (NULL == *enb_config_file_name) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: please provide the original eNB config file name that should be in %s\n", *et_dir_name); } if (is_file_exists(*enb_config_file_name, "eNB config file") != GS_IS_FILE) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: original eNB config file name %s is not found in dir %s\n", *enb_config_file_name, *et_dir_name); } et_enb_config_init(*enb_config_file_name); if (NULL == *scenario_file_name) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: please provide the scenario file name that should be in %s\n", *et_dir_name); } if (is_file_exists(*scenario_file_name, "Scenario file") != GS_IS_FILE) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Scenario file name %s is not found in dir %s\n", *scenario_file_name, *et_dir_name); } } return rv; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ int main( int argc, char **argv ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { int actions = 0; char *et_dir_name = NULL; char *scenario_file_name = NULL; char *enb_config_file_name = NULL; int ret = 0; et_scenario_t *scenario = NULL; char play_scenario_filename[NAME_MAX]; memset(play_scenario_filename, 0, sizeof(play_scenario_filename)); // logging logInit(); set_glog(LOG_TRACE, LOG_MED); itti_init(TASK_MAX, THREAD_MAX, MESSAGES_ID_MAX, tasks_info, messages_info, messages_definition_xml, NULL); set_comp_log(ENB_APP, LOG_TRACE, LOG_MED, 1); set_comp_log(S1AP, LOG_TRACE, LOG_MED, 1); set_comp_log(SCTP, LOG_TRACE, LOG_FULL, 1); asn_debug = 0; asn1_xer_print = 1; //parameters actions = et_config_parse_opt_line (argc, argv, &et_dir_name, &scenario_file_name, &enb_config_file_name); //Command-line options if (actions & PLAY_SCENARIO) { if (et_generate_xml_scenario(et_dir_name, scenario_file_name,enb_config_file_name, play_scenario_filename) == 0) { if (NULL != (scenario = et_generate_scenario(play_scenario_filename))) { ret = et_play_scenario(scenario); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not generate scenario from tsml file\n"); ret = -1; } } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not generate tsml scenario from xml file\n"); ret = -1; } et_free_pointer(et_dir_name); et_free_pointer(scenario_file_name); et_free_pointer(enb_config_file_name); } itti_wait_tasks_end(); return ret; }