/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ /*! \file PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch_decoding.c * \brief Top-level routines for decoding Turbo-coded (DLSCH) transport channels from 36-212, V8.6 2009-03 * \author R. Knopp * \date 2011 * \version 0.1 * \company Eurecom * \email: knopp@eurecom.fr * \note * \warning */ #include "common/utils/LOG/vcd_signal_dumper.h" #include "PHY/defs_nr_UE.h" #include "SCHED_NR_UE/harq_nr.h" #include "PHY/phy_extern_nr_ue.h" #include "PHY/CODING/coding_extern.h" #include "PHY/CODING/coding_defs.h" #include "PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_common_proto.h" #include "PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto_ue.h" #include "PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dlsch.h" #include "SCHED_NR_UE/defs.h" #include "SIMULATION/TOOLS/sim.h" #include "executables/nr-uesoftmodem.h" #include "PHY/CODING/nrLDPC_extern.h" #include "common/utils/nr/nr_common.h" //#define ENABLE_PHY_PAYLOAD_DEBUG 1 //#define OAI_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR 27000//26112 // NR_LDPC_NCOL_BG1*NR_LDPC_ZMAX static uint64_t nb_total_decod =0; static uint64_t nb_error_decod =0; notifiedFIFO_t freeBlocks_dl; notifiedFIFO_elt_t *msgToPush_dl; int nbDlProcessing =0; static tpool_t pool_dl; //extern double cpuf; void init_dlsch_tpool(uint8_t num_dlsch_threads) { if( num_dlsch_threads==0) return; char *params=calloc(1,(num_dlsch_threads*3)+1); for (int i=0; i<num_dlsch_threads; i++) { memcpy(params+(i*3),"-1,",3); } initNamedTpool(params, &pool_dl, false,"dlsch"); free(params); } void free_nr_ue_dlsch(NR_UE_DLSCH_t **dlschptr,uint8_t N_RB_DL) { int i,r; uint16_t a_segments = MAX_NUM_NR_DLSCH_SEGMENTS; //number of segments to be allocated NR_UE_DLSCH_t *dlsch=*dlschptr; if (dlsch) { if (N_RB_DL != 273) { a_segments = a_segments*N_RB_DL; a_segments = a_segments/273 +1; } for (i=0; i<dlsch->Mdlharq; i++) { if (dlsch->harq_processes[i]) { if (dlsch->harq_processes[i]->b) { free16(dlsch->harq_processes[i]->b,a_segments*1056); dlsch->harq_processes[i]->b = NULL; } for (r=0; r<a_segments; r++) { free16(dlsch->harq_processes[i]->c[r],1056); dlsch->harq_processes[i]->c[r] = NULL; } for (r=0; r<a_segments; r++) if (dlsch->harq_processes[i]->d[r]) { free16(dlsch->harq_processes[i]->d[r],(5*8448)*sizeof(short)); dlsch->harq_processes[i]->d[r] = NULL; } for (r=0; r<a_segments; r++) if (dlsch->harq_processes[i]->w[r]) { free16(dlsch->harq_processes[i]->w[r],(5*8448)*sizeof(short)); dlsch->harq_processes[i]->w[r] = NULL; } for (r=0; r<a_segments; r++) { if (dlsch->harq_processes[i]->p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r]) { nrLDPC_free_mem(dlsch->harq_processes[i]->p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r]); dlsch->harq_processes[i]->p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r] = NULL; } } free16(dlsch->harq_processes[i],sizeof(NR_DL_UE_HARQ_t)); dlsch->harq_processes[i] = NULL; } } free16(dlsch,sizeof(NR_UE_DLSCH_t)); dlsch = NULL; } } NR_UE_DLSCH_t *new_nr_ue_dlsch(uint8_t Kmimo,uint8_t Mdlharq,uint32_t Nsoft,uint8_t max_ldpc_iterations,uint16_t N_RB_DL, uint8_t abstraction_flag) { NR_UE_DLSCH_t *dlsch; uint8_t exit_flag = 0,i,r; uint16_t a_segments = MAX_NUM_NR_DLSCH_SEGMENTS; //number of segments to be allocated if (N_RB_DL != 273) { a_segments = a_segments*N_RB_DL; a_segments = (a_segments/273)+1; } uint16_t dlsch_bytes = a_segments*1056; // allocated bytes per segment dlsch = (NR_UE_DLSCH_t *)malloc16(sizeof(NR_UE_DLSCH_t)); if (dlsch) { memset(dlsch,0,sizeof(NR_UE_DLSCH_t)); dlsch->Kmimo = Kmimo; dlsch->Mdlharq = Mdlharq; dlsch->number_harq_processes_for_pdsch = Mdlharq; dlsch->Nsoft = Nsoft; dlsch->Mlimit = 4; dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations = max_ldpc_iterations; for (i=0; i<Mdlharq; i++) { dlsch->harq_processes[i] = (NR_DL_UE_HARQ_t *)malloc16(sizeof(NR_DL_UE_HARQ_t)); if (dlsch->harq_processes[i]) { memset(dlsch->harq_processes[i],0,sizeof(NR_DL_UE_HARQ_t)); init_downlink_harq_status(dlsch->harq_processes[i]); dlsch->harq_processes[i]->first_rx=1; dlsch->harq_processes[i]->b = (uint8_t *)malloc16(dlsch_bytes); if (dlsch->harq_processes[i]->b) memset(dlsch->harq_processes[i]->b,0,dlsch_bytes); else exit_flag=3; if (abstraction_flag == 0) { for (r=0; r<a_segments; r++) { dlsch->harq_processes[i]->p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r] = nrLDPC_init_mem(); dlsch->harq_processes[i]->c[r] = (uint8_t *)malloc16(1056); if (dlsch->harq_processes[i]->c[r]) memset(dlsch->harq_processes[i]->c[r],0,1056); else exit_flag=2; dlsch->harq_processes[i]->d[r] = (short *)malloc16((5*8448)*sizeof(short)); if (dlsch->harq_processes[i]->d[r]) memset(dlsch->harq_processes[i]->d[r],0,(5*8448)*sizeof(short)); else exit_flag=2; dlsch->harq_processes[i]->w[r] = (short *)malloc16((5*8448)*sizeof(short)); if (dlsch->harq_processes[i]->w[r]) memset(dlsch->harq_processes[i]->w[r],0,(5*8448)*sizeof(short)); else exit_flag=2; } } } else { exit_flag=1; } } if (exit_flag==0) return(dlsch); } LOG_D(PHY,"new_ue_dlsch with size %zu: exit_flag = %u\n",sizeof(NR_DL_UE_HARQ_t), exit_flag); free_nr_ue_dlsch(&dlsch,N_RB_DL); return(NULL); } void nr_dlsch_unscrambling(int16_t *llr, uint32_t size, uint8_t q, uint32_t Nid, uint32_t n_RNTI) { uint8_t reset; uint32_t x1, x2, s=0; reset = 1; x2 = (n_RNTI<<15) + (q<<14) + Nid; for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { if ((i&0x1f)==0) { s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset); reset = 0; } if (((s>>(i&0x1f))&1)==1) llr[i] = -llr[i]; } } uint32_t nr_dlsch_decoding(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *phy_vars_ue, UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc, int eNB_id, short *dlsch_llr, NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms, NR_UE_DLSCH_t *dlsch, NR_DL_UE_HARQ_t *harq_process, uint32_t frame, uint16_t nb_symb_sch, uint8_t nr_slot_rx, uint8_t harq_pid, uint8_t is_crnti, uint8_t llr8_flag) { time_stats_t *dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats=&phy_vars_ue->dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats; time_stats_t *dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats=&phy_vars_ue->dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats; time_stats_t *dlsch_deinterleaving_stats=&phy_vars_ue->dlsch_deinterleaving_stats; uint32_t A,E; uint32_t G; uint32_t ret,offset; int32_t no_iteration_ldpc, length_dec; uint32_t r,r_offset=0,Kr=8424,Kr_bytes,K_bits_F,err_flag=0; uint8_t crc_type; int8_t llrProcBuf[NR_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR] __attribute__ ((aligned(32))); t_nrLDPC_dec_params decParams; t_nrLDPC_dec_params *p_decParams = &decParams; t_nrLDPC_time_stats procTime = {0}; t_nrLDPC_time_stats *p_procTime =&procTime ; if (!harq_process) { LOG_E(PHY,"dlsch_decoding.c: NULL harq_process pointer\n"); return(dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations + 1); } t_nrLDPC_procBuf **p_nrLDPC_procBuf = harq_process->p_nrLDPC_procBuf; // HARQ stats phy_vars_ue->dl_stats[harq_process->round]++; int16_t z [68*384]; int8_t l [68*384]; //__m128i l; //int16_t inv_d [68*384]; uint8_t kc; uint8_t Ilbrm = 1; uint32_t Tbslbrm;// = 950984; uint16_t nb_rb;// = 30; double Coderate;// = 0.0; uint8_t dmrs_Type = harq_process->dmrsConfigType; AssertFatal(dmrs_Type == 0 || dmrs_Type == 1, "Illegal dmrs_type %d\n", dmrs_Type); uint8_t nb_re_dmrs; if (dmrs_Type==NFAPI_NR_DMRS_TYPE1) { nb_re_dmrs = 6*harq_process->n_dmrs_cdm_groups; } else { nb_re_dmrs = 4*harq_process->n_dmrs_cdm_groups; } uint16_t dmrs_length = get_num_dmrs(harq_process->dlDmrsSymbPos); uint32_t i,j; __m128i *pv = (__m128i *)&z; __m128i *pl = (__m128i *)&l; vcd_signal_dumper_dump_function_by_name(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_DLSCH_SEGMENTATION, VCD_FUNCTION_IN); //NR_DL_UE_HARQ_t *harq_process = dlsch->harq_processes[0]; if (!dlsch_llr) { LOG_E(PHY,"dlsch_decoding.c: NULL dlsch_llr pointer\n"); return(dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations + 1); } if (!frame_parms) { LOG_E(PHY,"dlsch_decoding.c: NULL frame_parms pointer\n"); return(dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations + 1); } /*if (nr_slot_rx> (frame_parms->slots_per_frame-1)) { printf("dlsch_decoding.c: Illegal slot index %d\n",nr_slot_rx); return(dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations + 1); }*/ /*if (harq_process->harq_ack.ack != 2) { LOG_D(PHY, "[UE %d] DLSCH @ SF%d : ACK bit is %d instead of DTX even before PDSCH is decoded!\n", phy_vars_ue->Mod_id, nr_slot_rx, harq_process->harq_ack.ack); }*/ // nb_rb = dlsch->nb_rb; /* if (nb_rb > frame_parms->N_RB_DL) { printf("dlsch_decoding.c: Illegal nb_rb %d\n",nb_rb); return(max_ldpc_iterations + 1); }*/ /*harq_pid = dlsch->current_harq_pid[proc->thread_id]; if (harq_pid >= 8) { printf("dlsch_decoding.c: Illegal harq_pid %d\n",harq_pid); return(max_ldpc_iterations + 1); } */ nb_rb = harq_process->nb_rb; harq_process->trials[harq_process->round]++; uint16_t nb_rb_oh = 0; // it was not computed at UE side even before and set to 0 in nr_compute_tbs harq_process->TBS = nr_compute_tbs(harq_process->Qm,harq_process->R,nb_rb,nb_symb_sch,nb_re_dmrs*dmrs_length, nb_rb_oh, 0, harq_process->Nl); A = harq_process->TBS; ret = dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations + 1; dlsch->last_iteration_cnt = ret; harq_process->G = nr_get_G(nb_rb, nb_symb_sch, nb_re_dmrs, dmrs_length, harq_process->Qm,harq_process->Nl); G = harq_process->G; LOG_D(PHY,"%d.%d DLSCH Decoding, harq_pid %d TBS %d (%d) G %d nb_re_dmrs %d length dmrs %d mcs %d Nl %d nb_symb_sch %d nb_rb %d\n", frame,nr_slot_rx,harq_pid,A,A/8,G, nb_re_dmrs, dmrs_length, harq_process->mcs, harq_process->Nl, nb_symb_sch,nb_rb); if ((harq_process->R)<1024) Coderate = (float) (harq_process->R) /(float) 1024; else Coderate = (float) (harq_process->R) /(float) 2048; if ((A <=292) || ((A <= NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) && (Coderate <= 0.6667)) || Coderate <= 0.25) { p_decParams->BG = 2; kc = 52; if (Coderate < 0.3333) { p_decParams->R = 15; } else if (Coderate <0.6667) { p_decParams->R = 13; } else { p_decParams->R = 23; } } else { p_decParams->BG = 1; kc = 68; if (Coderate < 0.6667) { p_decParams->R = 13; } else if (Coderate <0.8889) { p_decParams->R = 23; } else { p_decParams->R = 89; } } if (harq_process->first_rx == 1) { // This is a new packet, so compute quantities regarding segmentation if (A > NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) harq_process->B = A+24; else harq_process->B = A+16; nr_segmentation(NULL, NULL, harq_process->B, &harq_process->C, &harq_process->K, &harq_process->Z, // [hna] Z is Zc &harq_process->F, p_decParams->BG); if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD) && (!frame%100)) LOG_I(PHY,"K %d C %d Z %d nl %d \n", harq_process->K, harq_process->C, p_decParams->Z, harq_process->Nl); } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_DLSCH_SEGMENTATION, VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); p_decParams->Z = harq_process->Z; //printf("dlsch decoding nr segmentation Z %d\n", p_decParams->Z); //printf("coderate %f kc %d \n", Coderate, kc); p_decParams->numMaxIter = dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations; p_decParams->outMode= 0; err_flag = 0; r_offset = 0; uint16_t a_segments = MAX_NUM_NR_DLSCH_SEGMENTS; //number of segments to be allocated if (nb_rb != 273) { a_segments = a_segments*nb_rb; a_segments = a_segments/273 +1; } if (harq_process->C > a_segments) { LOG_E(PHY,"Illegal harq_process->C %d > %d\n",harq_process->C,a_segments); return((1+dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations)); } if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) LOG_I(PHY,"Segmentation: C %d, K %d\n",harq_process->C,harq_process->K); opp_enabled=1; Kr = harq_process->K; // [hna] overwrites this line "Kr = p_decParams->Z*kb" Kr_bytes = Kr>>3; K_bits_F = Kr-harq_process->F; for (r=0; r<harq_process->C; r++) { //printf("start rx segment %d\n",r); E = nr_get_E(G, harq_process->C, harq_process->Qm, harq_process->Nl, r); start_meas(dlsch_deinterleaving_stats); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_DLSCH_DEINTERLEAVING, VCD_FUNCTION_IN); nr_deinterleaving_ldpc(E, harq_process->Qm, harq_process->w[r], // [hna] w is e dlsch_llr+r_offset); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_DLSCH_DEINTERLEAVING, VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); stop_meas(dlsch_deinterleaving_stats); start_meas(dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats); LOG_D(PHY,"HARQ_PID %d Rate Matching Segment %d (coded bits %d,E %d, F %d,unpunctured/repeated bits %d, TBS %d, mod_order %d, nb_rb %d, Nl %d, rv %d, round %d)...\n", harq_pid,r, G,E,harq_process->F, Kr*3, harq_process->TBS, harq_process->Qm, harq_process->nb_rb, harq_process->Nl, harq_process->rvidx, harq_process->round); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_DLSCH_RATE_MATCHING, VCD_FUNCTION_IN); if ((harq_process->Nl)<4) Tbslbrm = nr_compute_tbslbrm(harq_process->mcs_table,nb_rb,harq_process->Nl); else Tbslbrm = nr_compute_tbslbrm(harq_process->mcs_table,nb_rb,4); if (nr_rate_matching_ldpc_rx(Ilbrm, Tbslbrm, p_decParams->BG, p_decParams->Z, harq_process->d[r], harq_process->w[r], harq_process->C, harq_process->rvidx, (harq_process->first_rx==1)?1:0, E, harq_process->F, Kr-harq_process->F-2*(p_decParams->Z))==-1) { VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_DLSCH_RATE_MATCHING, VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); stop_meas(dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats); LOG_E(PHY,"dlsch_decoding.c: Problem in rate_matching\n"); return(dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations + 1); } else { stop_meas(dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats); } r_offset += E; if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) { LOG_I(PHY,"decoder input(segment %u) :",r); for (int i=0; i<E; i++) LOG_D(PHY,"%d : %d\n",i,harq_process->d[r][i]); LOG_D(PHY,"\n"); } memset(harq_process->c[r],0,Kr_bytes); if (harq_process->C == 1) { if (A > NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) crc_type = CRC24_A; else crc_type = CRC16; length_dec = harq_process->B; } else { crc_type = CRC24_B; length_dec = (harq_process->B+24*harq_process->C)/harq_process->C; } if (err_flag == 0) { start_meas(dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats); //set first 2*Z_c bits to zeros memset(&z[0],0,2*harq_process->Z*sizeof(int16_t)); //set Filler bits memset((&z[0]+K_bits_F),127,harq_process->F*sizeof(int16_t)); //Move coded bits before filler bits memcpy((&z[0]+2*harq_process->Z),harq_process->d[r],(K_bits_F-2*harq_process->Z)*sizeof(int16_t)); //skip filler bits memcpy((&z[0]+Kr),harq_process->d[r]+(Kr-2*harq_process->Z),(kc*harq_process->Z-Kr)*sizeof(int16_t)); //Saturate coded bits before decoding into 8 bits values for (i=0, j=0; j < ((kc*harq_process->Z)>>4)+1; i+=2, j++) { pl[j] = _mm_packs_epi16(pv[i],pv[i+1]); } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_DLSCH_LDPC, VCD_FUNCTION_IN); p_decParams->block_length=length_dec; nrLDPC_initcall(p_decParams, (int8_t*)&pl[0], llrProcBuf); no_iteration_ldpc = nrLDPC_decoder(p_decParams, (int8_t *)&pl[0], llrProcBuf, p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r], p_procTime); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_DLSCH_LDPC, VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); // Fixme: correct type is unsigned, but nrLDPC_decoder and all called behind use signed int if (check_crc((uint8_t *)llrProcBuf,length_dec,harq_process->F,crc_type)) { LOG_D(PHY,"Segment %u CRC OK\n\033[0m",r); if (r==0) { for (int i=0; i<10; i++) LOG_D(PHY,"byte %d : %x\n",i,((uint8_t *)llrProcBuf)[i]); } //Temporary hack no_iteration_ldpc = dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations; ret = no_iteration_ldpc; } else { LOG_D(PHY,"CRC NOT OK\n\033[0m"); } nb_total_decod++; if (no_iteration_ldpc > dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations) { nb_error_decod++; } for (int m=0; m < Kr>>3; m ++) { harq_process->c[r][m]= (uint8_t) llrProcBuf[m]; } if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) { for (int k=0; k<A>>3; k++) LOG_D(PHY,"output decoder [%d] = 0x%02x \n", k, harq_process->c[r][k]); LOG_D(PHY,"no_iterations_ldpc %d (ret %u)\n",no_iteration_ldpc,ret); } stop_meas(dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats); } if ((err_flag == 0) && (ret>=(1+dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations))) {// a Code segment is in error so break; LOG_D(PHY,"AbsSubframe %d.%d CRC failed, segment %d/%d \n",frame%1024,nr_slot_rx,r,harq_process->C-1); err_flag = 1; } } if (err_flag == 1) { LOG_D(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting NAK for SFN/SF %d/%d (pid %d, status %d, round %d, TBS %d, mcs %d) Kr %d r %d harq_process->round %d\n", phy_vars_ue->Mod_id, frame, nr_slot_rx, harq_pid,harq_process->status, harq_process->round,harq_process->TBS,harq_process->mcs,Kr,r,harq_process->round); harq_process->ack = 0; harq_process->errors[harq_process->round]++; if (harq_process->round >= dlsch->Mlimit) { harq_process->status = SCH_IDLE; harq_process->round = 0; phy_vars_ue->dl_stats[4]++; } if(is_crnti) { LOG_D(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting NACK for nr_slot_rx %d (pid %d, pid status %d, round %d/Max %d, TBS %d)\n", phy_vars_ue->Mod_id,nr_slot_rx,harq_pid,harq_process->status,harq_process->round,dlsch->Mdlharq,harq_process->TBS); } return((1 + dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations)); } else { LOG_D(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting ACK for nr_slot_rx %d TBS %d mcs %d nb_rb %d harq_process->round %d\n", phy_vars_ue->Mod_id,nr_slot_rx,harq_process->TBS,harq_process->mcs,harq_process->nb_rb, harq_process->round); harq_process->status = SCH_IDLE; harq_process->round = 0; harq_process->ack = 1; //LOG_D(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting ACK for SFN/SF %d/%d (pid %d, status %d, round %d, TBS %d, mcs %d)\n", // phy_vars_ue->Mod_id, frame, subframe, harq_pid, harq_process->status, harq_process->round,harq_process->TBS,harq_process->mcs); if(is_crnti) { LOG_D(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting ACK for nr_slot_rx %d (pid %d, round %d, TBS %d)\n",phy_vars_ue->Mod_id,nr_slot_rx,harq_pid,harq_process->round,harq_process->TBS); } //LOG_D(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting ACK for subframe %d (pid %d, round %d)\n",phy_vars_ue->Mod_id,subframe,harq_pid,harq_process->round); } // Reassembly of Transport block here offset = 0; Kr = harq_process->K; Kr_bytes = Kr>>3; VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_DLSCH_COMBINE_SEG, VCD_FUNCTION_IN); for (r=0; r<harq_process->C; r++) { memcpy(harq_process->b+offset, harq_process->c[r], Kr_bytes - (harq_process->F>>3) - ((harq_process->C>1)?3:0)); offset += (Kr_bytes - (harq_process->F>>3) - ((harq_process->C>1)?3:0)); if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) { LOG_D(PHY,"Segment %u : Kr= %u bytes\n",r,Kr_bytes); LOG_D(PHY,"copied %d bytes to b sequence (harq_pid %d)\n", (Kr_bytes - (harq_process->F>>3)-((harq_process->C>1)?3:0)),harq_pid); LOG_D(PHY,"b[0] = %p,c[%d] = %p\n", (void *)(uint64_t)(harq_process->b[offset]), harq_process->F>>3, (void *)(uint64_t)(harq_process->c[r]) ); if (frame%100 == 0) { LOG_D (PHY, "Printing 60 first payload bytes at frame: %d ", frame); for (int i = 0; i <60 ; i++) { //Kr_bytes LOG_D(PHY, "[%d] : %x ", i, harq_process->b[i]); } } } } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_DLSCH_COMBINE_SEG, VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); dlsch->last_iteration_cnt = ret; return(ret); } uint32_t nr_dlsch_decoding_mthread(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *phy_vars_ue, UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc, int eNB_id, short *dlsch_llr, NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms, NR_UE_DLSCH_t *dlsch, NR_DL_UE_HARQ_t *harq_process, uint32_t frame, uint16_t nb_symb_sch, uint8_t nr_slot_rx, uint8_t harq_pid, uint8_t is_crnti, uint8_t llr8_flag) { time_stats_t *dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats=&phy_vars_ue->dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats; time_stats_t *dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats=&phy_vars_ue->dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats; time_stats_t *dlsch_deinterleaving_stats=&phy_vars_ue->dlsch_deinterleaving_stats; uint32_t A,E; uint32_t G; uint32_t ret,offset; uint32_t r,r_offset=0,Kr=8424,Kr_bytes,err_flag=0,K_bits_F; uint8_t crc_type; //UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc = &phy_vars_ue->proc; int32_t no_iteration_ldpc,length_dec; /*uint8_t C; uint8_t Qm; uint8_t r_thread; uint32_t Er, Gp,GpmodC;*/ t_nrLDPC_dec_params decParams; t_nrLDPC_dec_params *p_decParams = &decParams; t_nrLDPC_time_stats procTime; t_nrLDPC_time_stats *p_procTime =&procTime ; int8_t llrProcBuf[NR_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR] __attribute__ ((aligned(32))); if (!harq_process) { LOG_E(PHY,"dlsch_decoding.c: NULL harq_process pointer\n"); return(dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations); } t_nrLDPC_procBuf *p_nrLDPC_procBuf = harq_process->p_nrLDPC_procBuf[0]; uint8_t Nl=4; int16_t z [68*384]; int8_t l [68*384]; uint8_t kc; uint8_t Ilbrm = 1; uint32_t Tbslbrm = 950984; uint16_t nb_rb = 30; double Coderate = 0.0; uint8_t dmrs_type = harq_process->dmrsConfigType; uint8_t nb_re_dmrs; if (dmrs_type == NFAPI_NR_DMRS_TYPE1) nb_re_dmrs = 6*harq_process->n_dmrs_cdm_groups; else nb_re_dmrs = 4*harq_process->n_dmrs_cdm_groups; uint16_t length_dmrs = get_num_dmrs(harq_process->dlDmrsSymbPos); uint32_t i,j; __m128i *pv = (__m128i *)&z; __m128i *pl = (__m128i *)&l; notifiedFIFO_t nf; initNotifiedFIFO(&nf); VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_DLSCH_SEGMENTATION, VCD_FUNCTION_IN); if (!dlsch_llr) { LOG_E(PHY,"dlsch_decoding.c: NULL dlsch_llr pointer\n"); return(dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations); } if (!frame_parms) { LOG_E(PHY,"dlsch_decoding.c: NULL frame_parms pointer\n"); return(dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations); } /* if (nr_slot_rx> (frame_parms->slots_per_frame-1)) { printf("dlsch_decoding.c: Illegal slot index %d\n",nr_slot_rx); return(dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations); } if (dlsch->harq_ack[nr_slot_rx].ack != 2) { LOG_D(PHY, "[UE %d] DLSCH @ SF%d : ACK bit is %d instead of DTX even before PDSCH is decoded!\n", phy_vars_ue->Mod_id, nr_slot_rx, dlsch->harq_ack[nr_slot_rx].ack); }*/ /* if (nb_rb > frame_parms->N_RB_DL) { printf("dlsch_decoding.c: Illegal nb_rb %d\n",nb_rb); return(max_ldpc_iterations); }*/ /*harq_pid = dlsch->current_harq_pid[proc->thread_id]; if (harq_pid >= 8) { printf("dlsch_decoding.c: Illegal harq_pid %d\n",harq_pid); return(max_ldpc_iterations); } */ nb_rb = harq_process->nb_rb; harq_process->trials[harq_process->round]++; // HARQ stats phy_vars_ue->dl_stats[harq_process->round]++; uint16_t nb_rb_oh = 0; // it was not computed at UE side even before and set to 0 in nr_compute_tbs harq_process->TBS = nr_compute_tbs(harq_process->Qm,harq_process->R,nb_rb,nb_symb_sch,nb_re_dmrs*length_dmrs, nb_rb_oh, 0, harq_process->Nl); A = harq_process->TBS; ret = dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations + 1; dlsch->last_iteration_cnt = ret; harq_process->G = nr_get_G(nb_rb, nb_symb_sch, nb_re_dmrs, length_dmrs, harq_process->Qm,harq_process->Nl); G = harq_process->G; LOG_D(PHY,"DLSCH Decoding main, harq_pid %d TBS %d G %d, nb_re_dmrs %d, length_dmrs %d mcs %d Nl %d nb_symb_sch %d nb_rb %d\n",harq_pid,A,G, nb_re_dmrs, length_dmrs, harq_process->mcs, harq_process->Nl, nb_symb_sch,nb_rb); proc->decoder_main_available = 1; proc->decoder_thread_available = 0; proc->decoder_thread_available1 = 0; if ((harq_process->R)<1024) Coderate = (float) (harq_process->R) /(float) 1024; else Coderate = (float) (harq_process->R) /(float) 2048; if ((A <= 292) || ((A <= NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) && (Coderate <= 0.6667)) || Coderate <= 0.25) { p_decParams->BG = 2; kc = 52; if (Coderate < 0.3333) { p_decParams->R = 15; } else if (Coderate <0.6667) { p_decParams->R = 13; } else { p_decParams->R = 23; } } else { p_decParams->BG = 1; kc = 68; if (Coderate < 0.6667) { p_decParams->R = 13; } else if (Coderate <0.8889) { p_decParams->R = 23; } else { p_decParams->R = 89; } } if (harq_process->first_rx == 1) { // This is a new packet, so compute quantities regarding segmentation if (A > NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) harq_process->B = A+24; else harq_process->B = A+16; nr_segmentation(NULL, NULL, harq_process->B, &harq_process->C, &harq_process->K, &harq_process->Z, &harq_process->F, p_decParams->BG); } p_decParams->Z = harq_process->Z; p_decParams->numMaxIter = dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations; p_decParams->outMode= 0; err_flag = 0; r_offset = 0; uint16_t a_segments = MAX_NUM_NR_DLSCH_SEGMENTS; //number of segments to be allocated if (nb_rb != 273) { a_segments = a_segments*nb_rb; a_segments = a_segments/273 +1; } if (harq_process->C > a_segments) { LOG_E(PHY,"Illegal harq_process->C %d > %d\n",harq_process->C,a_segments); return((1+dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations)); } if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) LOG_D(PHY,"Segmentation: C %d, K %d\n",harq_process->C,harq_process->K); notifiedFIFO_elt_t *res_dl; opp_enabled=1; if (harq_process->C>1) { for (int nb_seg =1 ; nb_seg<harq_process->C; nb_seg++) { if ( (res_dl=tryPullTpool(&nf, &pool_dl)) != NULL ) { pushNotifiedFIFO_nothreadSafe(&freeBlocks_dl,res_dl); } AssertFatal((msgToPush_dl=pullNotifiedFIFO_nothreadSafe(&freeBlocks_dl)) != NULL,"chained list failure"); nr_rxtx_thread_data_t *curMsg=(nr_rxtx_thread_data_t *)NotifiedFifoData(msgToPush_dl); curMsg->UE=phy_vars_ue; nbDlProcessing++; memset(&curMsg->proc, 0, sizeof(curMsg->proc)); curMsg->proc.frame_rx = proc->frame_rx; curMsg->proc.nr_slot_rx = proc->nr_slot_rx; curMsg->proc.thread_id = proc->thread_id; curMsg->proc.num_seg = nb_seg; curMsg->proc.eNB_id= eNB_id; curMsg->proc.harq_pid=harq_pid; curMsg->proc.llr8_flag = llr8_flag; msgToPush_dl->key= (nr_slot_rx%2) ? (nb_seg+30): nb_seg; pushTpool(&pool_dl, msgToPush_dl); /*Qm= harq_process->Qm; Nl=harq_process->Nl; r_thread = harq_process->C/2-1; C= harq_process->C; Gp = G/Nl/Qm; GpmodC = Gp%C; if (r_thread < (C-(GpmodC))) Er = Nl*Qm * (Gp/C); else Er = Nl*Qm * ((GpmodC==0?0:1) + (Gp/C)); printf("mthread Er %d\n", Er); printf("mthread instance_cnt_dlsch_td %d\n", proc->instance_cnt_dlsch_td);*/ } //proc->decoder_main_available = 1; } r = 0; if (r==0) r_offset =0; Kr = harq_process->K; Kr_bytes = Kr>>3; K_bits_F = Kr-harq_process->F; E = nr_get_E(G, harq_process->C, harq_process->Qm, harq_process->Nl, r); /* printf("Subblock deinterleaving, dlsch_llr %p, w %p\n", dlsch_llr+r_offset, &harq_process->w[r]); */ start_meas(dlsch_deinterleaving_stats); nr_deinterleaving_ldpc(E, harq_process->Qm, harq_process->w[r], dlsch_llr+r_offset); if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) for (int i =0; i<16; i++) LOG_D(PHY,"rx output deinterleaving w[%d]= %d r_offset %u\n", i,harq_process->w[r][i], r_offset); stop_meas(dlsch_deinterleaving_stats); start_meas(dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats); if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) LOG_I(PHY,"HARQ_PID %d Rate Matching Segment %d (coded bits %d,unpunctured/repeated bits %d, TBS %d, mod_order %d, nb_rb %d, Nl %d, rv %d, round %d)...\n", harq_pid,r, G, Kr*3, harq_process->TBS, harq_process->Qm, harq_process->nb_rb, harq_process->Nl, harq_process->rvidx, harq_process->round); // for tbslbrm calculation according to of 38.212 if (harq_process->Nl < Nl) Nl = harq_process->Nl; Tbslbrm = nr_compute_tbslbrm(harq_process->mcs_table,nb_rb,harq_process->Nl); if (nr_rate_matching_ldpc_rx(Ilbrm, Tbslbrm, p_decParams->BG, p_decParams->Z, harq_process->d[r], harq_process->w[r], harq_process->C, harq_process->rvidx, (harq_process->first_rx==1)?1:0, E, harq_process->F, Kr-harq_process->F-2*(p_decParams->Z))==-1) { stop_meas(dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats); LOG_E(PHY,"dlsch_decoding.c: Problem in rate_matching\n"); return(dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations); } else { stop_meas(dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats); } if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) for (int i =0; i<16; i++) LOG_I(PHY,"rx output ratematching d[%d]= %d r_offset %u\n", i,harq_process->d[r][i], r_offset); if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) { if (r==0) { LOG_M("decoder_llr.m","decllr",dlsch_llr,G,1,0); LOG_M("decoder_in.m","dec",&harq_process->d[0][96],(3*8*Kr_bytes)+12,1,0); } LOG_D(PHY,"decoder input(segment %u) :",r); for (int i=0; i<(3*8*Kr_bytes); i++) LOG_D(PHY,"%d : %d\n",i,harq_process->d[r][i]); LOG_D(PHY,"\n"); } memset(harq_process->c[r],0,Kr_bytes); if (harq_process->C == 1) { if (A > NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) crc_type = CRC24_A; else crc_type = CRC16; length_dec = harq_process->B; } else { crc_type = CRC24_B; length_dec = (harq_process->B+24*harq_process->C)/harq_process->C; } //#ifndef __AVX2__ if (err_flag == 0) { /* LOG_D(PHY, "LDPC algo Kr=%d cb_cnt=%d C=%d nbRB=%d crc_type %d TBSInput=%d TBSHarq=%d TBSplus24=%d mcs=%d Qm=%d RIV=%d round=%d maxIter %d\n", Kr,r,harq_process->C,harq_process->nb_rb,crc_type,A,harq_process->TBS, harq_process->B,harq_process->mcs,harq_process->Qm,harq_process->rvidx,harq_process->round,dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations); */ start_meas(dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats); LOG_D(PHY,"mthread AbsSubframe %d.%d Start LDPC segment %d/%d \n",frame%1024,nr_slot_rx,r,harq_process->C-1); /*for (int cnt =0; cnt < (kc-2)*p_decParams->Z; cnt++){ inv_d[cnt] = (1)*harq_process->d[r][cnt]; }*/ //set first 2*Z_c bits to zeros memset(&z[0],0,2*harq_process->Z*sizeof(int16_t)); //set Filler bits memset((&z[0]+K_bits_F),127,harq_process->F*sizeof(int16_t)); //Move coded bits before filler bits memcpy((&z[0]+2*harq_process->Z),harq_process->d[r],(K_bits_F-2*harq_process->Z)*sizeof(int16_t)); //skip filler bits memcpy((&z[0]+Kr),harq_process->d[r]+(Kr-2*harq_process->Z),(kc*harq_process->Z-Kr)*sizeof(int16_t)); //Saturate coded bits before decoding into 8 bits values for (i=0, j=0; j < ((kc*harq_process->Z)>>4)+1; i+=2, j++) { pl[j] = _mm_packs_epi16(pv[i],pv[i+1]); } p_decParams->block_length=length_dec; nrLDPC_initcall(p_decParams, (int8_t*)&pl[0], llrProcBuf); no_iteration_ldpc = nrLDPC_decoder(p_decParams, (int8_t *)&pl[0], llrProcBuf, p_nrLDPC_procBuf, p_procTime); nb_total_decod++; if (no_iteration_ldpc > 10) { nb_error_decod++; ret = 1+dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations; } else { ret=2; } if (check_crc((uint8_t *)llrProcBuf,length_dec,harq_process->F,crc_type)) { LOG_D(PHY,"Segment %u CRC OK\n",r); ret = 2; } else { ret = 1+dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations; } if (!nb_total_decod%10000) { printf("Error number of iteration LPDC %d %ld/%ld \n", no_iteration_ldpc, nb_error_decod,nb_total_decod); fflush(stdout); } for (int m=0; m < Kr>>3; m ++) { harq_process->c[r][m]= (uint8_t) llrProcBuf[m]; } /*for (int u=0; u < Kr>>3; u ++) { ullrProcBuf[u]= (uint8_t) llrProcBuf[u]; } printf("output unsigned ullrProcBuf \n"); for (int j=0; j < Kr>>3; j ++) { printf(" %d \n", ullrProcBuf[j]); } printf(" \n");*/ //printf("output channel decoder %d %d %d %d %d \n", harq_process->c[r][0], harq_process->c[r][1], harq_process->c[r][2],harq_process->c[r][3], harq_process->c[r][4]); //printf("output decoder %d %d %d %d %d \n", harq_process->c[r][0], harq_process->c[r][1], harq_process->c[r][2],harq_process->c[r][3], harq_process->c[r][4]); if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) for (int k=0; k<32; k++) LOG_D(PHY,"output decoder [%d] = 0x%02x \n", k, harq_process->c[r][k]); stop_meas(dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats); } if ((err_flag == 0) && (ret>=(1+dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations))) {// a Code segment is in error so break; LOG_D(PHY,"AbsSubframe %d.%d CRC failed, segment %d/%d \n",frame%1024,nr_slot_rx,r,harq_process->C-1); err_flag = 1; } //} //loop r if (err_flag == 1) { if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) LOG_I(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting NAK for SFN/SF %d/%d (pid %d, status %d, round %d, TBS %d, mcs %d) Kr %d r %d harq_process->round %d\n", phy_vars_ue->Mod_id, frame, nr_slot_rx, harq_pid,harq_process->status, harq_process->round,harq_process->TBS,harq_process->mcs,Kr,r,harq_process->round); harq_process->ack = 0; harq_process->errors[harq_process->round]++; harq_process->round++; if (harq_process->round >= dlsch->Mlimit) { harq_process->status = SCH_IDLE; harq_process->round = 0; } if(is_crnti) { LOG_D(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting NACK for nr_slot_rx %d (pid %d, pid status %d, round %d/Max %d, TBS %d)\n", phy_vars_ue->Mod_id,nr_slot_rx,harq_pid,harq_process->status,harq_process->round,dlsch->Mlimit,harq_process->TBS); } return((1+dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations)); } else { if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) LOG_I(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting ACK for nr_slot_rx %d TBS %d mcs %d nb_rb %d\n", phy_vars_ue->Mod_id,nr_slot_rx,harq_process->TBS,harq_process->mcs,harq_process->nb_rb); harq_process->status = SCH_IDLE; harq_process->round = 0; harq_process->ack = 1; //LOG_I(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting ACK for SFN/SF %d/%d (pid %d, status %d, round %d, TBS %d, mcs %d)\n", // phy_vars_ue->Mod_id, frame, subframe, harq_pid, harq_process->status, harq_process->round,harq_process->TBS,harq_process->mcs); if(is_crnti) { LOG_D(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting ACK for nr_slot_rx %d (pid %d, round %d, TBS %d)\n",phy_vars_ue->Mod_id,nr_slot_rx,harq_pid,harq_process->round,harq_process->TBS); } //LOG_D(PHY,"[UE %d] DLSCH: Setting ACK for subframe %d (pid %d, round %d)\n",phy_vars_ue->Mod_id,subframe,harq_pid,harq_process->round); } // Reassembly of Transport block here offset = 0; /* printf("harq_pid %d\n",harq_pid); printf("F %d, Fbytes %d\n",harq_process->F,harq_process->F>>3); printf("C %d\n",harq_process->C); */ //uint32_t wait = 0; /* while((proc->decoder_thread_available == 0) ) { usleep(1); } proc->decoder_thread_available == 0;*/ /*notifiedFIFO_elt_t *res1=tryPullTpool(&nf, Tpool); if (!res1) { printf("mthread trypull null\n"); usleep(1); wait++; }*/ //usleep(50); proc->decoder_main_available = 0; Kr = harq_process->K; //to check if same K in all segments Kr_bytes = Kr>>3; for (r=0; r<harq_process->C; r++) { memcpy(harq_process->b+offset, harq_process->c[r], Kr_bytes- - (harq_process->F>>3) -((harq_process->C>1)?3:0)); offset += (Kr_bytes - (harq_process->F>>3) - ((harq_process->C>1)?3:0)); if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) { LOG_I(PHY,"Segment %u : Kr= %u bytes\n",r,Kr_bytes); LOG_I(PHY,"copied %d bytes to b sequence (harq_pid %d)\n", (Kr_bytes - (harq_process->F>>3)-((harq_process->C>1)?3:0)),harq_pid); LOG_I(PHY,"b[0] = %p,c[%d] = %p\n", (void *)(uint64_t)(harq_process->b[offset]), harq_process->F>>3, (void *)(uint64_t)(harq_process->c[r])); } } VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_DUMP_FUNCTION_BY_NAME(VCD_SIGNAL_DUMPER_FUNCTIONS_DLSCH_SEGMENTATION, VCD_FUNCTION_OUT); dlsch->last_iteration_cnt = ret; //proc->decoder_thread_available = 0; //proc->decoder_main_available = 0; return(ret); } void nr_dlsch_decoding_process(void *arg) { nr_rxtx_thread_data_t *rxtxD= (nr_rxtx_thread_data_t *)arg; UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc = &rxtxD->proc; PHY_VARS_NR_UE *phy_vars_ue = rxtxD->UE; int llr8_flag1; int32_t no_iteration_ldpc,length_dec; t_nrLDPC_dec_params decParams; t_nrLDPC_dec_params *p_decParams = &decParams; t_nrLDPC_time_stats procTime; t_nrLDPC_time_stats *p_procTime =&procTime ; int8_t llrProcBuf[NR_LDPC_MAX_NUM_LLR] __attribute__ ((aligned(32))); t_nrLDPC_procBuf *p_nrLDPC_procBuf; int16_t z [68*384]; int8_t l [68*384]; //__m128i l; //int16_t inv_d [68*384]; //int16_t *p_invd =&inv_d; uint8_t kc; uint8_t Ilbrm = 1; uint32_t Tbslbrm = 950984; uint16_t nb_rb = 30; //to update double Coderate = 0.0; uint16_t nb_symb_sch = 12; uint8_t nb_re_dmrs = 6; uint16_t length_dmrs = 1; uint32_t i,j; __m128i *pv = (__m128i *)&z; __m128i *pl = (__m128i *)&l; proc->instance_cnt_dlsch_td=-1; //proc->nr_slot_rx = proc->sub_frame_start * frame_parms->slots_per_subframe; proc->decoder_thread_available = 1; time_stats_t *dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats=&phy_vars_ue->dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats; time_stats_t *dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats=&phy_vars_ue->dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats; time_stats_t *dlsch_deinterleaving_stats=&phy_vars_ue->dlsch_deinterleaving_stats; uint32_t A,E; uint32_t G; uint32_t ret; uint32_t r,r_offset=0,Kr,Kr_bytes,err_flag=0,K_bits_F; uint8_t crc_type; uint8_t C,Cprime; uint8_t Qm; uint8_t Nl; //uint32_t Er; int eNB_id = proc->eNB_id; int harq_pid = proc->harq_pid; llr8_flag1 = proc->llr8_flag; int frame = proc->frame_rx; r = proc->num_seg; NR_UE_DLSCH_t *dlsch = phy_vars_ue->dlsch[proc->thread_id][eNB_id][0]; NR_DL_UE_HARQ_t *harq_process = dlsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]; short *dlsch_llr = phy_vars_ue->pdsch_vars[proc->thread_id][eNB_id]->llr[0]; p_nrLDPC_procBuf = harq_process->p_nrLDPC_procBuf[r]; nb_symb_sch = harq_process->nb_symbols; LOG_D(PHY,"dlsch decoding process frame %d slot %d segment %d r %u nb symb %d \n", frame, proc->nr_slot_rx, proc->num_seg, r, harq_process->nb_symbols); nb_rb = harq_process->nb_rb; harq_process->trials[harq_process->round]++; uint16_t nb_rb_oh = 0; // it was not computed at UE side even before and set to 0 in nr_compute_tbs harq_process->TBS = nr_compute_tbs(harq_process->Qm,harq_process->R,nb_rb,nb_symb_sch,nb_re_dmrs*length_dmrs, nb_rb_oh, 0, harq_process->Nl); A = harq_process->TBS; //2072 for QPSK 1/3 ret = dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations; harq_process->G = nr_get_G(nb_rb, nb_symb_sch, nb_re_dmrs, length_dmrs, harq_process->Qm,harq_process->Nl); G = harq_process->G; LOG_D(PHY,"DLSCH Decoding process, harq_pid %d TBS %d G %d mcs %d Nl %d nb_symb_sch %d nb_rb %d, Coderate %d\n",harq_pid,A,G, harq_process->mcs, harq_process->Nl, nb_symb_sch,nb_rb,harq_process->R); if ((harq_process->R)<1024) Coderate = (float) (harq_process->R) /(float) 1024; else Coderate = (float) (harq_process->R) /(float) 2048; if ((A <= 292) || ((A <= NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) && (Coderate <= 0.6667)) || Coderate <= 0.25) { p_decParams->BG = 2; kc = 52; if (Coderate < 0.3333) { p_decParams->R = 15; } else if (Coderate <0.6667) { p_decParams->R = 13; } else { p_decParams->R = 23; } } else { p_decParams->BG = 1; kc = 68; if (Coderate < 0.6667) { p_decParams->R = 13; } else if (Coderate <0.8889) { p_decParams->R = 23; } else { p_decParams->R = 89; } } if (harq_process->first_rx == 1) { // This is a new packet, so compute quantities regarding segmentation if (A > NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) harq_process->B = A+24; else harq_process->B = A+16; nr_segmentation(NULL, NULL, harq_process->B, &harq_process->C, &harq_process->K, &harq_process->Z, &harq_process->F, p_decParams->BG); p_decParams->Z = harq_process->Z; } LOG_D(PHY,"round %d Z %d K %d BG %d\n", harq_process->round, p_decParams->Z, harq_process->K, p_decParams->BG); p_decParams->numMaxIter = dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations; p_decParams->outMode= 0; err_flag = 0; opp_enabled=1; Qm= harq_process->Qm; Nl=harq_process->Nl; //r_thread = harq_process->C/2-1; C= harq_process->C; Cprime = C; //assume CBGTI not present if (r <= Cprime - ((G/(Nl*Qm))%Cprime) - 1) r_offset = Nl*Qm*(G/(Nl*Qm*Cprime)); else r_offset = Nl*Qm*((G/(Nl*Qm*Cprime))+1); //for (r=(harq_process->C/2); r<harq_process->C; r++) { // r=1; //(harq_process->C/2); r_offset = r*r_offset; Kr = harq_process->K; Kr_bytes = Kr>>3; K_bits_F = Kr-harq_process->F; E = nr_get_E(G, harq_process->C, harq_process->Qm, harq_process->Nl, r); start_meas(dlsch_deinterleaving_stats); nr_deinterleaving_ldpc(E, harq_process->Qm, harq_process->w[r], dlsch_llr+r_offset); if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) for (int i =0; i<16; i++) LOG_D(PHY,"rx output thread 0 deinterleaving w[%d]= %d r_offset %u\n", i,harq_process->w[r][i], r_offset); stop_meas(dlsch_deinterleaving_stats); start_meas(dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats); if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) LOG_I(PHY,"HARQ_PID %d Rate Matching Segment %d (coded bits %d,unpunctured/repeated bits %d, TBS %d, mod_order %d, nb_rb %d, Nl %d, rv %d, round %d)...\n", harq_pid,r, G, Kr*3, harq_process->TBS, harq_process->Qm, harq_process->nb_rb, harq_process->Nl, harq_process->rvidx, harq_process->round); if (Nl<4) Tbslbrm = nr_compute_tbslbrm(harq_process->mcs_table,nb_rb,Nl); else Tbslbrm = nr_compute_tbslbrm(harq_process->mcs_table,nb_rb,4); if (nr_rate_matching_ldpc_rx(Ilbrm, Tbslbrm, p_decParams->BG, p_decParams->Z, harq_process->d[r], harq_process->w[r], harq_process->C, harq_process->rvidx, (harq_process->first_rx==1)?1:0, E, harq_process->F, Kr-harq_process->F-2*(p_decParams->Z))==-1) { stop_meas(dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats); LOG_E(PHY,"dlsch_decoding.c: Problem in rate_matching\n"); //return(dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations); } else { stop_meas(dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats); } if (LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) { LOG_D(PHY,"decoder input(segment %u) :",r); for (int i=0; i<(3*8*Kr_bytes)+12; i++) LOG_D(PHY,"%d : %d\n",i,harq_process->d[r][i]); LOG_D(PHY,"\n"); } memset(harq_process->c[r],0,Kr_bytes); if (harq_process->C == 1) { if (A > NR_MAX_PDSCH_TBS) crc_type = CRC24_A; else crc_type = CRC16; length_dec = harq_process->B; } else { crc_type = CRC24_B; length_dec = (harq_process->B+24*harq_process->C)/harq_process->C; } if (err_flag == 0) { /* LOG_D(PHY, "LDPC algo Kr=%d cb_cnt=%d C=%d nbRB=%d crc_type %d TBSInput=%d TBSHarq=%d TBSplus24=%d mcs=%d Qm=%d RIV=%d round=%d maxIter %d\n", Kr,r,harq_process->C,harq_process->nb_rb,crc_type,A,harq_process->TBS, harq_process->B,harq_process->mcs,harq_process->Qm,harq_process->rvidx,harq_process->round,dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations); */ if (llr8_flag1) { AssertFatal (Kr >= 256, "LDPC algo issue Kr=%d cb_cnt=%d C=%d nbRB=%d TBSInput=%d TBSHarq=%d TBSplus24=%d mcs=%d Qm=%d RIV=%d round=%d\n", Kr,r,harq_process->C,harq_process->nb_rb,A,harq_process->TBS,harq_process->B,harq_process->mcs,harq_process->Qm,harq_process->rvidx,harq_process->round); } start_meas(dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats); // LOG_D(PHY,"AbsSubframe %d.%d Start LDPC segment %d/%d \n",frame%1024,subframe,r,harq_process->C-1); /* for (int cnt =0; cnt < (kc-2)*p_decParams->Z; cnt++){ inv_d[cnt] = (1)*harq_process->d[r][cnt]; } */ //set first 2*Z_c bits to zeros memset(&z[0],0,2*harq_process->Z*sizeof(int16_t)); //set Filler bits memset((&z[0]+K_bits_F),127,harq_process->F*sizeof(int16_t)); //Move coded bits before filler bits memcpy((&z[0]+2*harq_process->Z),harq_process->d[r],(K_bits_F-2*harq_process->Z)*sizeof(int16_t)); //skip filler bits memcpy((&z[0]+Kr),harq_process->d[r]+(Kr-2*harq_process->Z),(kc*harq_process->Z-Kr)*sizeof(int16_t)); //Saturate coded bits before decoding into 8 bits values for (i=0, j=0; j < ((kc*harq_process->Z)>>4)+1; i+=2, j++) { pl[j] = _mm_packs_epi16(pv[i],pv[i+1]); } p_decParams->block_length=length_dec; nrLDPC_initcall(p_decParams, (int8_t*)&pl[0], llrProcBuf); no_iteration_ldpc = nrLDPC_decoder(p_decParams, (int8_t *)&pl[0], llrProcBuf, p_nrLDPC_procBuf, p_procTime); // Fixme: correct type is unsigned, but nrLDPC_decoder and all called behind use signed int if (check_crc((uint8_t *)llrProcBuf,length_dec,harq_process->F,crc_type)) { LOG_D(PHY,"Segment %u CRC OK\n",r); ret = 2; } else { LOG_D(PHY,"Segment %u CRC NOK\n",r); ret = 1+dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations; } if (no_iteration_ldpc > 10) LOG_D(PHY,"Error number of iteration LPDC %d\n", no_iteration_ldpc); for (int m=0; m < Kr>>3; m ++) { harq_process->c[r][m]= (uint8_t) llrProcBuf[m]; } if ( LOG_DEBUGFLAG(DEBUG_DLSCH_DECOD)) for (int k=0; k<2; k++) LOG_D(PHY,"segment 1 output decoder [%d] = 0x%02x \n", k, harq_process->c[r][k]); stop_meas(dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats); } if ((err_flag == 0) && (ret>=(1+dlsch->max_ldpc_iterations))) {// a Code segment is in error so break; // LOG_D(PHY,"AbsSubframe %d.%d CRC failed, segment %d/%d \n",frame%1024,subframe,r,harq_process->C-1); err_flag = 1; } //} proc->decoder_thread_available = 1; //proc->decoder_main_available = 0; } void *dlsch_thread(void *arg) { //this thread should be over the processing thread to keep in real time notifiedFIFO_t nf; initNotifiedFIFO(&nf); notifiedFIFO_elt_t *res_dl; initNotifiedFIFO_nothreadSafe(&freeBlocks_dl); for (int i=0; i<tpool_nbthreads(pool_dl)+1; i++) { pushNotifiedFIFO_nothreadSafe(&freeBlocks_dl, newNotifiedFIFO_elt(sizeof(nr_rxtx_thread_data_t), 0,&nf,nr_dlsch_decoding_process)); } while (!oai_exit) { notifiedFIFO_elt_t *res; while (nbDlProcessing >= tpool_nbthreads(pool_dl)) { if ( (res=tryPullTpool(&nf, &pool_dl)) != NULL ) { //nbDlProcessing--; pushNotifiedFIFO_nothreadSafe(&freeBlocks_dl,res); } usleep(200); } res_dl=pullTpool(&nf, &pool_dl); nbDlProcessing--; pushNotifiedFIFO_nothreadSafe(&freeBlocks_dl,res_dl); //msgToPush->key=0; //pushTpool(Tpool, msgToPush); } // while !oai_exit return NULL; }