@author Lime Microsystems
@brief  Interface for implementing SDR using Lime microsystems boards


#include <stdint.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
class LMScomms;
typedef void LMScomms;

#define BUILD_DLL
#ifndef __unix__
#ifdef BUILD_DLL
    #define DLL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
    #define DLL_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#define DLL_EXPORT

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/** @brief Returns stats of internal buffers
    @param RxBufSize Receiver buffer size in samples
    @param RxBufFilled Number of samples currently in the receiver buffer
    @param RxSamplingRate Approximate receiver sampling rate, calculated from incomming data
    @param TxBufSize Transmitter buffer size in samples
    @param TxBufFilled Number of samples currently in the transmitter buffer
    @param TxSamplingRate Approximate transmitter sampling rate, calculated from incomming data
DLL_EXPORT void LMS_Stats(uint32_t *RxBufSize, uint32_t *RxBufFilled, uint32_t *RxSamplingRate, uint32_t *TxBufSize, uint32_t *TxBufFilled, uint32_t *TxSamplingRate);

/**	@brief Initializes internal memory for samples buffering to hardware
    @param OperationMode samples transfering mode: 0-packets synchronized, 1-packets not synchronized
    @param trxBuffersLength Rx and Tx internal buffers size in samples
	@return 0 success, -1 failure

    Generally trxBuffersSamplesCount should be more than 65536
DLL_EXPORT int LMS_Init(const int OperationMode, uint32_t trxBuffersLength);

/**	@brief Stops internal threads and frees internal buffers memory
	@return 0 success, -1 failure
DLL_EXPORT int LMS_Destroy();

///@name Device connection
/**	@return object for communicating over USB port

/**	@return object for communicating over COM port

/** @brief Refreshes currently connected device list
    @param port Communications port to update
    @return number of devices connected
DLL_EXPORT int LMS_UpdateDeviceList(LMScomms* port);

/** @brief Returns pointer to static null terminated c-string name of selected device
    @param port Communications port object
    @param deviceIndex index from communications port device list
DLL_EXPORT const char* LMS_GetDeviceName(LMScomms* port, unsigned int deviceIndex);

/**	@brief Connects to selected device on given port
    @param port Communications port object
    @param deviceIndex index from communications port device list
	@return 0-success
DLL_EXPORT int LMS_DeviceOpen(LMScomms* port, const uint32_t deviceIndex);

/**	@brief Closes connection on given port
    @param port Communications port to close
DLL_EXPORT void LMS_DeviceClose(LMScomms* port);

///@name Communications
/**	@brief Writes given data to control port
	@param port Port for communications
    @param buffer data to be written
    @param bufLen buffer length in bytes
    @return number of bytes written
DLL_EXPORT uint32_t LMS_ControlWrite(LMScomms* port, const uint8_t *buffer, const uint16_t bufLen);

/**	@brief Reads given data from SPI regiter
    @param port Port for communications
    @param buffer destination buffer for data
    @param bufLen number of bytes to read
	@return number of bytes read
DLL_EXPORT uint32_t LMS_ControlRead(LMScomms* port, uint8_t* buffer, const uint16_t bufLen);

/** @brief Starts thread for samples receiving
    @return 0-success
DLL_EXPORT int LMS_RxStart();

/** @brief Stops samples receiving thread
    @return 0:success, 1:failed
DLL_EXPORT int LMS_RxStop();

/** @brief Adds given samples to transmitter buffer, to be sent at specified timestamp
@param buffer source array for interleaved values (IQIQIQ...), each value amplitude should be from -2048 to 2047
@param samplesCount number of samples in buffer, 1 sample = 2 bytes I + 2 bytes Q
@param channel_id destination channel
@param timestamp timestamp when the first sample in buffer should be transmitted (used only in synchronized operating mode)
@param timeout_ms time amount in milliseconds to try adding samples
@return number of samples written
DLL_EXPORT uint32_t LMS_TRxWrite(const int16_t *buffer, const uint32_t samplesCount, const uint32_t channel_id, uint64_t timestamp);

/** @brief Reads samples from receiver buffer
@param buffer destination array for interleaved values (IQIQIQ...), must be big enough to store requested number of samples, each value amplitude will be from -2048 to 2047
@param samplesCount number of samples to read, 1 sample = 2 bytes I + 2 bytes Q
@param antenna_id source channel
@param timestamp returns timestamp of the first sample in the buffer (used only in synchronized operating mode)
@param timeout_ms time amount in milliseconds to try reading samples
@return number of samples read
DLL_EXPORT uint32_t LMS_TRxRead(int16_t *buffer, const uint32_t samplesCount, const uint32_t channel_id, uint64_t *timestamp, const uint32_t timeout_ms);


#ifdef __cplusplus
} //extern "C"