Commit 5c85b17b authored by ismail's avatar ismail

CI: fix in pipeline

Signed-off-by: default avatarismail <>
parent f0d3d851
......@@ -163,14 +163,14 @@ pipeline {
gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Static Code Analysis") {
// Running on xenial to have 1.72 version of cppcheck
myShCmd('docker run --name ci-cn-cppcheck -d ubuntu:xenial /bin/bash -c "sleep infinity"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec -it ci-cn-cppcheck /bin/bash -c "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade --yes" > archives/cppcheck_install.log', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec -it ci-cn-cppcheck /bin/bash -c "apt-get install --yes cppcheck bzip2" >> archives/cppcheck_install.log', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec ci-cn-cppcheck /bin/bash -c "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade --yes" > archives/cppcheck_install.log', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec ci-cn-cppcheck /bin/bash -c "apt-get install --yes cppcheck bzip2" >> archives/cppcheck_install.log', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker cp ./openair-amf.tar.bz2 ci-cn-cppcheck:/home', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec -it ci-cn-cppcheck /bin/bash -c "cd /home && tar -xjf openair-amf.tar.bz2"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec -it ci-cn-cppcheck /bin/bash -c "rm -f /home/openair-amf.tar.bz2"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec ci-cn-cppcheck /bin/bash -c "cd /home && tar -xjf openair-amf.tar.bz2"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec ci-cn-cppcheck /bin/bash -c "rm -f /home/openair-amf.tar.bz2"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec -it ci-cn-cppcheck /bin/bash -c "cd /home && cppcheck --enable=warning --force --xml --xml-version=2 --suppressions-list=ci-scripts/cppcheck_suppressions.list src 2> cppcheck.xml 1> cppcheck_build.log"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec ci-cn-cppcheck /bin/bash -c "cd /home && cppcheck --enable=warning --force --xml --xml-version=2 --suppressions-list=ci-scripts/cppcheck_suppressions.list src 2> cppcheck.xml 1> cppcheck_build.log"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
......@@ -198,19 +198,19 @@ pipeline {
script {
gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Code Formatting Checker") {
myShCmd('docker run --name ci-cn-clang-formatter -d ubuntu:bionic /bin/bash -c "sleep infinity"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec -it ci-cn-clang-formatter /bin/bash -c "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade --yes" > archives/clang_format_install.log', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec -it ci-cn-clang-formatter /bin/bash -c "apt-get install --yes git tree bzip2" >> archives/clang_format_install.log', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec ci-cn-clang-formatter /bin/bash -c "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade --yes" > archives/clang_format_install.log', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec ci-cn-clang-formatter /bin/bash -c "apt-get install --yes git tree bzip2" >> archives/clang_format_install.log', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker cp ./openair-amf.tar.bz2 ci-cn-clang-formatter:/home', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec -it ci-cn-clang-formatter /bin/bash -c "cd /home && tar -xjf openair-amf.tar.bz2"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec -it ci-cn-clang-formatter /bin/bash -c "rm -f /home/openair-amf.tar.bz2"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec ci-cn-clang-formatter /bin/bash -c "cd /home && tar -xjf openair-amf.tar.bz2"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec ci-cn-clang-formatter /bin/bash -c "rm -f /home/openair-amf.tar.bz2"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
// We install a dedicated version (installed on our CI server).
myShCmd('docker cp /opt/clang-format/9.0.0/bin/clang-format ci-cn-clang-formatter:/usr/local/bin', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
if ("MERGE".equals(env.gitlabActionType)) {
myShCmd('docker exec -it ci-cn-clang-formatter /bin/bash -c "cd /home && ./ci-scripts/ --src-branch ' + env.gitlabSourceBranch +' --target-branch ' + env.gitlabTargetBranch + '"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec ci-cn-clang-formatter /bin/bash -c "cd /home && ./ci-scripts/ --src-branch ' + env.gitlabSourceBranch +' --target-branch ' + env.gitlabTargetBranch + '"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
} else {
myShCmd('docker exec -it ci-cn-clang-formatter /bin/bash -c "cd /home && ./ci-scripts/"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
myShCmd('docker exec ci-cn-clang-formatter /bin/bash -c "cd /home && ./ci-scripts/"', new_host_flag, new_host_user, new_host)
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ pipeline {
steps {
script {
gitlabCommitStatus(name: "Test with DsTester") {
localStatus = build job: 'CI-OpenAir-CN5G-FED',
localStatus = build job: params.CN5G_FED_PipelineName,
parameters: [
string(name: 'AMF_TAG', value: String.valueOf(amf_tag)),
string(name: 'AMF_BRANCH', value: String.valueOf(amf_branch))
......@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ pipeline {
post {
always {
script {
copyArtifacts(projectName: 'CI-OpenAir-CN5G-FED',
copyArtifacts(projectName: params.CN5G_FED_PipelineName,
filter: '*_results_oai_cn5g.html',
selector: lastCompleted())
......@@ -325,14 +325,20 @@ pipeline {
// Sending email to commiter
emailext attachmentsPattern: '*results*.html',
body: '''Hi,
if (params.sendToCommitterEmail != null) {
if (params.sendToCommitterEmail) {
emailext attachmentsPattern: '*results*.html',
body: '''Hi,
Here are attached HTML report files for $PROJECT_NAME - Build # $BUILD_NUMBER - $BUILD_STATUS!
OAI CI Team''',
replyTo: '',
to: gitCommitAuthorEmailAddr
replyTo: '',
to: gitCommitAuthorEmailAddr
......@@ -75,74 +75,74 @@ class HtmlReport():
self.file.write('<body><div class="container">\n')
self.file.write(' <table width = "100%" style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none;">\n')
self.file.write(' <tr style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none;">\n')
self.file.write(' <td style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none;">\n')
self.file.write(' <a href="">\n')
self.file.write(' <img src="" alt="" border="none" height=50 width=150>\n')
self.file.write(' </img>\n')
self.file.write(' </a>\n')
self.file.write(' </td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none; vertical-align: center;">\n')
self.file.write(' <b><font size = "6">Job Summary -- Job: ' + self.job_name + ' -- Build-ID: <a href="' + self.job_url + '">' + self.job_id + '</a></font></b>\n')
self.file.write(' </td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none;">\n')
self.file.write(' <td style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none;">\n')
self.file.write(' <a href="">\n')
self.file.write(' <img src="" alt="" border="none" height=50 width=150>\n')
self.file.write(' </img>\n')
self.file.write(' </a>\n')
self.file.write(' </td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td style="border-collapse: collapse; border: none; vertical-align: center;">\n')
self.file.write(' <b><font size = "6">Job Summary -- Job: ' + self.job_name + ' -- Build-ID: <a href="' + self.job_url + '">' + self.job_id + '</a></font></b>\n')
self.file.write(' </td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' </table>\n')
self.file.write(' <br>\n')
# Build Info Summary
buildSummary = ''
buildSummary += ' <table class="table-bordered" width = "80%" align = "center" border = "1">\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> Build Start Time</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> Build Start Time</td>\n'
#date_formatted = re.sub('\..*', '', self.created)
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.job_start_time + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench"></span> Build Trigger</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.job_start_time + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-wrench"></span> Build Trigger</td>\n'
if self.git_pull_request:
buildSummary += ' <td>Pull Request</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>Pull Request</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>Push Event</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cloud-upload"></span> GIT Repository</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td><a href="' + self.git_url + '">' + self.git_url + '</a></td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>Push Event</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cloud-upload"></span> GIT Repository</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td><a href="' + self.git_url + '">' + self.git_url + '</a></td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
if self.git_pull_request:
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-log-out"></span> Source Branch</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_src_branch + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag"></span> Source Commit ID</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_src_commit + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-log-out"></span> Source Branch</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_src_branch + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag"></span> Source Commit ID</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_src_commit + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
if (self.git_src_commit_msg is not None):
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span> Source Commit Message</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_src_commit_msg + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-log-in"></span> Target Branch</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_target_branch + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag"></span> Target Commit ID</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_target_commit + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span> Source Commit Message</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_src_commit_msg + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-log-in"></span> Target Branch</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_target_branch + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag"></span> Target Commit ID</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_target_commit + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tree-deciduous"></span> Branch</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_src_branch + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag"></span> Commit ID</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_src_commit + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tree-deciduous"></span> Branch</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_src_branch + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tag"></span> Commit ID</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_src_commit + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
if (self.git_src_commit_msg is not None):
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span> Commit Message</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_src_commit_msg + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" > <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-comment"></span> Commit Message</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' <td>' + self.git_src_commit_msg + '</td>\n'
buildSummary += ' </tr>\n'
buildSummary += ' </table>\n'
buildSummary += ' <br>\n'
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ class HtmlReport():
self.file.write(' </div>\n')
self.file.write(' <div class="alert alert-danger">\n')
self.file.write(' <strong>Was NOT performed (with CLANG-FORMAT tool). <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></span></strong>\n')
self.file.write(' <strong>Was NOT performed (with CLANG-FORMAT tool). <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></span></strong>\n')
self.file.write(' </div>\n')
self.file.write(' <br>\n')
......@@ -277,83 +277,83 @@ class HtmlReport():
if (nb_errors == 0) and (nb_warnings == 0):
self.file.write(' <div class="alert alert-success">\n')
self.file.write(' <strong>CPPCHECK found NO error and NO warning <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle"></span></strong>\n')
self.file.write(' <strong>CPPCHECK found NO error and NO warning <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok-circle"></span></strong>\n')
self.file.write(' </div>\n')
elif (nb_errors == 0):
self.file.write(' <div class="alert alert-warning">\n')
self.file.write(' <strong>CPPCHECK found NO error and ' + str(nb_warnings) + ' warnings <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign"></span></strong>\n')
self.file.write(' <strong>CPPCHECK found NO error and ' + str(nb_warnings) + ' warnings <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign"></span></strong>\n')
self.file.write(' </div>\n')
self.file.write(' <div class="alert alert-danger">\n')
self.file.write(' <strong>CPPCHECK found ' + str(nb_errors) + ' errors and ' + str(nb_warnings) + ' warnings <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></span></strong>\n')
self.file.write(' <strong>CPPCHECK found ' + str(nb_errors) + ' errors and ' + str(nb_warnings) + ' warnings <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></span></strong>\n')
self.file.write(' </div>\n')
if (nb_errors > 0) or (nb_warnings > 0):
self.file.write(' <button data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#oai-cppcheck-details">More details on CPPCHECK results</button>\n')
self.file.write(' <div id="oai-cppcheck-details" class="collapse">\n')
self.file.write(' <br>\n')
self.file.write(' <table class="table-bordered" width = "80%" align = "center" border = "1">\n')
self.file.write(' <tr bgcolor = "#33CCFF" >\n')
self.file.write(' <th>Error / Warning Type</th>\n')
self.file.write(' <th>Nb Errors</th>\n')
self.file.write(' <th>Nb Warnings</th>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Uninitialized variable</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_uninitvar) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Uninitialized struct member</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_uninitStructMember) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Memory leak</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_memleak) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Memory is freed twice</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_doubleFree) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Resource leak</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_resourceLeak) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Possible null pointer dereference</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_nullPointer) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Array access out of bounds</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_arrayIndexOutOfBounds) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Buffer is accessed out of bounds</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_bufferAccessOutOfBounds) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Expression depends on order of evaluation of side effects</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_unknownEvaluationOrder) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Others</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr bgcolor = "#33CCFF" >\n')
self.file.write(' <th>Error / Warning Type</th>\n')
self.file.write(' <th>Nb Errors</th>\n')
self.file.write(' <th>Nb Warnings</th>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Uninitialized variable</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_uninitvar) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Uninitialized struct member</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_uninitStructMember) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Memory leak</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_memleak) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Memory is freed twice</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_doubleFree) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Resource leak</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_resourceLeak) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Possible null pointer dereference</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_nullPointer) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Array access out of bounds</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_arrayIndexOutOfBounds) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Buffer is accessed out of bounds</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_bufferAccessOutOfBounds) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Expression depends on order of evaluation of side effects</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_unknownEvaluationOrder) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Others</td>\n')
nb_others = nb_uninitvar + nb_uninitStructMember + nb_memleak + nb_doubleFree + nb_resourceLeak + nb_nullPointer + nb_arrayIndexOutOfBounds + nb_arrayIndexOutOfBounds + nb_bufferAccessOutOfBounds + nb_unknownEvaluationOrder
nb_others = nb_errors - nb_others
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_others) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_warnings) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr bgcolor = "#33CCFF" >\n')
self.file.write(' <th>Total</th>\n')
self.file.write(' <th>' + str(nb_errors) + '</th>\n')
self.file.write(' <th>' + str(nb_warnings) + '</th>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_others) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>' + str(nb_warnings) + '</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr bgcolor = "#33CCFF" >\n')
self.file.write(' <th>Total</th>\n')
self.file.write(' <th>' + str(nb_errors) + '</th>\n')
self.file.write(' <th>' + str(nb_warnings) + '</th>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' </table>\n')
self.file.write(' <br>\n')
self.file.write(' <p>Full details in artifact (cppcheck.xml) </p>\n')
......@@ -362,17 +362,17 @@ class HtmlReport():
self.file.write(' </div>\n')
self.file.write(' <div class="alert alert-danger">\n')
self.file.write(' <strong>Was NOT performed (with CPPCHECK tool). <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></span></strong>\n')
self.file.write(' <strong>Was NOT performed (with CPPCHECK tool). <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ban-circle"></span></strong>\n')
self.file.write(' </div>\n')
def buildSummaryHeader(self):
self.file.write(' <h2>Docker Image Build Summary</h2>\n')
self.file.write(' <table class="table-bordered" width = "100%" align = "center" border = "1">\n')
self.file.write(' <tr bgcolor="#33CCFF" >\n')
self.file.write(' <th>Stage Name</th>\n')
self.file.write(' <th>Image Kind</th>\n')
self.file.write(' <th>OAI AMF cNF</th>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr bgcolor="#33CCFF" >\n')
self.file.write(' <th>Stage Name</th>\n')
self.file.write(' <th>Image Kind</th>\n')
self.file.write(' <th>OAI AMF cNF</th>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
def buildSummaryFooter(self):
self.file.write(' </table>\n')
......@@ -393,15 +393,15 @@ class HtmlReport():
self.file.write(' </div>\n')
def initialGitSetup(self):
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" >Initial Git Setup</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" >Initial Git Setup</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
def analyze_docker_build_git_part(self, nfType):
if nfType != 'AMF':
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Wrong NF Type for this Report</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Wrong NF Type for this Report</td>\n')
logFileName = 'amf_docker_image_build.log'
......@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ class HtmlReport():
if status:
cell_msg = ' <td bgcolor="LimeGreen"><pre style="border:none; background-color:LimeGreen"><b>'
cell_msg = ' <td bgcolor="LimeGreen"><pre style="border:none; background-color:LimeGreen"><b>'
cell_msg += 'OK:\n'
cell_msg += ' -- All Git Operations went successfully</b></pre></td>\n'
......@@ -439,15 +439,15 @@ class HtmlReport():
def installLibsPackagesRow(self):
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" >SW libs and packages Installation</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <tr>\n')
self.file.write(' <td bgcolor="lightcyan" >SW libs and packages Installation</td>\n')
self.file.write(' </tr>\n')
def analyze_install_log(self, nfType):
if nfType != 'AMF':
self.file.write(' <td>N/A</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Wrong NF Type for this Report</td>\n')
self.file.write(' <td>Wrong NF Type for this Report</td>\n')
logFileName = 'amf_docker_image_build.log'
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