Commit 63182d7d authored by shahab SHARIATBAGHERI's avatar shahab SHARIATBAGHERI

uplink VSF

parent 8043238a
......@@ -1231,6 +1231,9 @@ if (FLEXRAN_AGENT_SB_IF)
add_library(default_sched SHARED ${MAC_DIR}/flexran_agent_scheduler_dlsch_ue.c)
add_library(remote_sched SHARED ${MAC_DIR}/flexran_agent_scheduler_dlsch_ue_remote.c)
add_library(default_ul_sched SHARED ${MAC_DIR}/flexran_agent_scheduler_ulsch_ue.c)
# L3 Libs
......@@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ int flexran_agent_register_mac_xface(mid_t mod_id, AGENT_MAC_xface *xface) {
xface->flexran_agent_get_pending_dl_mac_config = flexran_agent_get_pending_dl_mac_config;
xface->dl_scheduler_loaded_lib = NULL;
xface->ul_scheduler_loaded_lib = NULL;
mac_agent_registered[mod_id] = 1;
agent_mac_xface[mod_id] = xface;
......@@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@ int flexran_agent_unregister_mac_xface(mid_t mod_id, AGENT_MAC_xface *xface) {
xface->dl_scheduler_loaded_lib = NULL;
xface->ul_scheduler_loaded_lib = NULL;
mac_agent_registered[mod_id] = 0;
agent_mac_xface[mod_id] = NULL;
......@@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ typedef struct {
void (*flexran_agent_schedule_ul_spec)(mid_t module_idP, uint32_t frameP, unsigned char cooperation_flag,
uint32_t subframeP,
unsigned char sched_subframe, Protocol__FlexranMessage **ul_info);
uint32_t subframeP, unsigned char sched_subframe, Protocol__FlexranMessage **ul_info);
/// Notify the controller for a state change of a particular UE, by sending the proper
/// UE state change message (ACTIVATION, DEACTIVATION, HANDOVER)
......@@ -72,6 +71,7 @@ typedef struct {
void *dl_scheduler_loaded_lib;
void *ul_scheduler_loaded_lib;
/*TODO: Fill in with the rest of the MAC layer technology specific callbacks (UL/DL scheduling, RACH info etc)*/
} AGENT_MAC_xface;
......@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ int parse_mac_config(mid_t mod_id, yaml_parser_t *parser) {
} else if (strcmp((char *), "ul_scheduler") == 0) {
// Call the proper handler
LOG_D(ENB_APP, "This is for the ul_scheduler subsystem\n");
if (parse_dl_scheduler_config(mod_id, parser) == -1) {
if (parse_ul_scheduler_config(mod_id, parser) == -1) {
LOG_D(ENB_APP, "An error occured\n");
goto error;
......@@ -703,6 +703,56 @@ int parse_dl_scheduler_config(mid_t mod_id, yaml_parser_t *parser) {
return -1;
int parse_ul_scheduler_config(mid_t mod_id, yaml_parser_t *parser) {
yaml_event_t event;
int done = 0;
int mapping_started = 0;
while (!done) {
if (!yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event))
goto error;
switch (event.type) {
// We are expecting a mapping (behavior and parameters)
LOG_D(ENB_APP, "The mapping of the subsystem started\n");
mapping_started = 1;
LOG_D(ENB_APP, "The mapping of the subsystem ended\n");
mapping_started = 0;
if (!mapping_started) {
goto error;
// Check what key needs to be set
if (strcmp((char *), "parameters") == 0) {
LOG_D(ENB_APP, "Now it is time to set the parameters for this subsystem\n");
if (parse_ul_scheduler_parameters(mod_id, parser) == -1) {
goto error;
goto error;
done = (event.type == YAML_MAPPING_END_EVENT);
return 0;
return -1;
int parse_dl_scheduler_parameters(mid_t mod_id, yaml_parser_t *parser) {
yaml_event_t event;
......@@ -758,6 +808,61 @@ int parse_dl_scheduler_parameters(mid_t mod_id, yaml_parser_t *parser) {
return -1;
int parse_ul_scheduler_parameters(mid_t mod_id, yaml_parser_t *parser) {
yaml_event_t event;
void *param;
int done = 0;
int mapping_started = 0;
while (!done) {
if (!yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event))
goto error;
switch (event.type) {
// We are expecting a mapping of parameters
LOG_D(ENB_APP, "The mapping of the parameters started\n");
mapping_started = 1;
LOG_D(ENB_APP, "The mapping of the parameters ended\n");
mapping_started = 0;
if (!mapping_started) {
goto error;
// Check what key needs to be set
if (mac_agent_registered[mod_id]) {
LOG_D(ENB_APP, "Setting parameter %s\n",;
param = dlsym(agent_mac_xface[mod_id]->ul_scheduler_loaded_lib,
(char *);
if (param == NULL) {
goto error;
apply_parameter_modification(param, parser);
} else {
goto error;
goto error;
done = (event.type == YAML_MAPPING_END_EVENT);
return 0;
return -1;
int load_dl_scheduler_function(mid_t mod_id, const char *function_name) {
void *lib;
......@@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ int parse_dl_scheduler_config(mid_t mod_id, yaml_parser_t *parser);
int parse_dl_scheduler_parameters(mid_t mod_id, yaml_parser_t *parser);
int parse_ul_scheduler_config(mid_t mod_id, yaml_parser_t *parser);
int parse_ul_scheduler_parameters(mid_t mod_id, yaml_parser_t *parser);
int load_dl_scheduler_function(mid_t mod_id, const char *function_name);
......@@ -88,16 +88,16 @@ typedef enum {
// number of active slices for past and current time
int n_active_slices = 1;
int n_active_slices_current = 1;
int n_active_slices = 2;
int n_active_slices_current = 2;
// ue to slice mapping
int slicing_strategy = UEID_TO_SLICEID;
int slicing_strategy_current = UEID_TO_SLICEID;
// RB share for each slice for past and current time
float slice_percentage[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
float slice_percentage_current[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
float slice_percentage[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0};
float slice_percentage_current[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0};
float total_slice_percentage = 0;
// MAX MCS for each slice for past and current time
......@@ -753,30 +753,30 @@ flexran_schedule_ue_dl_spec_default(mid_t mod_id,
// check if the slice rb share has changed, and log the console
if (slice_percentage_current[i] != slice_percentage[i]){
if ((slice_percentage[i] >= 0.0) && (slice_percentage[i] <= 1.0)){
if ((total_slice_percentage - slice_percentage_current[i] + slice_percentage[i]) <= 1.0) {
total_slice_percentage=total_slice_percentage - slice_percentage_current[i] + slice_percentage[i];
// if ((slice_percentage[i] >= 0.0) && (slice_percentage[i] <= 1.0)){
// if ((total_slice_percentage - slice_percentage_current[i] + slice_percentage[i]) <= 1.0) {
// total_slice_percentage=total_slice_percentage - slice_percentage_current[i] + slice_percentage[i];
LOG_N(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d] frame %d subframe %d: total percentage %f, slice RB percentage has changed: %f-->%f\n",
mod_id, i, frame, subframe, total_slice_percentage, slice_percentage_current[i], slice_percentage[i]);
slice_percentage_current[i] = slice_percentage[i];
} else {
LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d] invalid total RB share (%f->%f), revert the previous value (%f->%f)\n",
total_slice_percentage - slice_percentage_current[i] + slice_percentage[i],
// } else {
// LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d] invalid total RB share (%f->%f), revert the previous value (%f->%f)\n",
// mod_id,i,
// total_slice_percentage,
// total_slice_percentage - slice_percentage_current[i] + slice_percentage[i],
// slice_percentage[i],slice_percentage_current[i]);
slice_percentage[i]= slice_percentage_current[i];
// slice_percentage[i]= slice_percentage_current[i];
} else {
LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d] invalid slice RB share, revert the previous value (%f->%f)\n",mod_id, i, slice_percentage[i],slice_percentage_current[i]);
// }
// } else {
// LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d] invalid slice RB share, revert the previous value (%f->%f)\n",mod_id, i, slice_percentage[i],slice_percentage_current[i]);
slice_percentage[i]= slice_percentage_current[i];
// slice_percentage[i]= slice_percentage_current[i];
// }
// check if the slice max MCS, and log the console
......@@ -58,16 +58,16 @@
#include "T.h"
/* number of active slices for past and current time*/
int n_active_slices_uplink = 1;
int n_active_slices_uplink_current = 1;
int n_active_slices_uplink = 2;
int n_active_slices_uplink_current = 2;
/* RB share for each slice for past and current time*/
float slice_percentage_uplink[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
float slice_percentage_current_uplink[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
float slice_percentage_uplink[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0};
float slice_percentage_current_uplink[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0};
float total_slice_percentage_uplink = 0;
/*resource blocks allowed*/
static uint16_t nb_rbs_allowed_slice[MAX_NUM_CCs][MAX_NUM_SLICES];
uint16_t nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[MAX_NUM_CCs][MAX_NUM_SLICES];
/*Slice Update */
int update_ul_scheduler[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
int update_ul_scheduler_current[MAX_NUM_SLICES] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ void _assign_max_mcs_min_rb(module_id_t module_idP, int slice_id, int frameP, su
UE_template = &UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id];
nb_rbs_allowed_slice[CC_id][UE_id] = flexran_nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink(slice_percentage_uplink[UE_id], flexran_get_N_RB_UL(module_idP, CC_id));
nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][UE_id] = flexran_nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink(slice_percentage_uplink[UE_id], flexran_get_N_RB_UL(module_idP, CC_id));
// if this UE has UL traffic
if (UE_template->ul_total_buffer > 0 ) {
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ void _assign_max_mcs_min_rb(module_id_t module_idP, int slice_id, int frameP, su
while ((tbs < UE_template->ul_total_buffer) &&
(rb_table[rb_table_index]<(nb_rbs_allowed_slice[CC_id][UE_id]-first_rb[CC_id])) &&
(rb_table[rb_table_index]<(nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][UE_id]-first_rb[CC_id])) &&
((UE_template->phr_info - tx_power) > 0) &&
(rb_table_index < 32 )) {
// LOG_I(MAC,"tbs %d ul buffer %d rb table %d max ul rb %d\n", tbs, UE_template->ul_total_buffer, rb_table[rb_table_index], frame_parms->N_RB_UL-first_rb[CC_id]);
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ void _assign_max_mcs_min_rb(module_id_t module_idP, int slice_id, int frameP, su
UE_template->ue_tx_power = tx_power;
if (rb_table[rb_table_index]>(nb_rbs_allowed_slice[CC_id][UE_id]-first_rb[CC_id]-1)) {
if (rb_table[rb_table_index]>(nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][UE_id]-first_rb[CC_id]-1)) {
......@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ void _ulsch_scheduler_pre_processor(module_id_t module_idP,
uint16_t UE_id,n,r;
uint8_t CC_id, round, harq_pid;
uint16_t nb_allocated_rbs[MAX_NUM_CCs][NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX],total_allocated_rbs[MAX_NUM_CCs],average_rbs_per_user[MAX_NUM_CCs];
uint16_t nb_rbs_allowed_slice[MAX_NUM_CCs][MAX_NUM_SLICES];
uint16_t nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[MAX_NUM_CCs][MAX_NUM_SLICES];
int16_t total_remaining_rbs[MAX_NUM_CCs];
uint16_t max_num_ue_to_be_scheduled=0,total_ue_count=0;
rnti_t rnti= -1;
......@@ -281,17 +281,17 @@ void _ulsch_scheduler_pre_processor(module_id_t module_idP,
nb_rbs_allowed_slice[CC_id][UE_id] = flexran_nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink(slice_percentage_uplink[UE_id], flexran_get_N_RB_UL(module_idP, CC_id));
nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][UE_id] = flexran_nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink(slice_percentage_uplink[UE_id], flexran_get_N_RB_UL(module_idP, CC_id));
if (total_ue_count == 0) {
average_rbs_per_user[CC_id] = 0;
} else if (total_ue_count == 1 ) { // increase the available RBs, special case,
average_rbs_per_user[CC_id] = nb_rbs_allowed_slice[CC_id][i]-first_rb[CC_id]+1;
} else if( (total_ue_count <= (nb_rbs_allowed_slice[CC_id][i]-first_rb[CC_id])) &&
average_rbs_per_user[CC_id] = nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][i]-first_rb[CC_id]+1;
} else if( (total_ue_count <= (nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][i]-first_rb[CC_id])) &&
(total_ue_count <= max_num_ue_to_be_scheduled)) {
average_rbs_per_user[CC_id] = (uint16_t) floor((nb_rbs_allowed_slice[CC_id][i]-first_rb[CC_id])/total_ue_count);
average_rbs_per_user[CC_id] = (uint16_t) floor((nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][i]-first_rb[CC_id])/total_ue_count);
} else if (max_num_ue_to_be_scheduled > 0 ) {
average_rbs_per_user[CC_id] = (uint16_t) floor((nb_rbs_allowed_slice[CC_id][slice_id]-first_rb[CC_id])/max_num_ue_to_be_scheduled);
average_rbs_per_user[CC_id] = (uint16_t) floor((nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][i]-first_rb[CC_id])/max_num_ue_to_be_scheduled);
} else {
LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d] frame %d subframe %d: UE %d CC %d: can't get average rb per user (should not be here)\n",
......@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ void _ulsch_scheduler_pre_processor(module_id_t module_idP,
// This is the actual CC_id in the list
CC_id = UE_list->ordered_ULCCids[n][UE_id];
ue_sched_ctl = &UE_list->UE_sched_ctrl[UE_id];
// mac_xface->get_ue_active_harq_pid(module_idP,CC_id,rnti,frameP,subframeP,&harq_pid,&round,openair_harq_UL);
flexran_get_harq(module_idP, CC_id, UE_id, frameP, subframeP, &harq_pid, &round, openair_harq_UL);
if(round>0) {
......@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ void _ulsch_scheduler_pre_processor(module_id_t module_idP,
CC_id = UE_list->ordered_ULCCids[n][UE_id];
UE_template = &UE_list->UE_template[CC_id][UE_id];
frame_parms = mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(module_idP,CC_id);
total_remaining_rbs[CC_id]=nb_rbs_allowed_slice[CC_id][UE_id] - first_rb[CC_id] - total_allocated_rbs[CC_id];
total_remaining_rbs[CC_id]=nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][UE_id] - first_rb[CC_id] - total_allocated_rbs[CC_id];
if (total_ue_count == 1 ) {
......@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ void _ulsch_scheduler_pre_processor(module_id_t module_idP,
frame_parms= mac_xface->get_lte_frame_parms(module_idP,CC_id);
if (total_allocated_rbs[CC_id]>0) {
LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d] total RB allocated for all UEs = %d/%d\n", module_idP, total_allocated_rbs[CC_id], nb_rbs_allowed_slice[CC_id][slice_id] - first_rb[CC_id]);
LOG_D(MAC,"[eNB %d] total RB allocated for all UEs = %d/%d\n", module_idP, total_allocated_rbs[CC_id], nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][slice_id] - first_rb[CC_id]);
......@@ -434,30 +434,30 @@ flexran_schedule_ue_ul_spec_default(mid_t mod_id,
// check if the slice rb share has changed, and log the console
if (slice_percentage_current_uplink[i] != slice_percentage_uplink[i]){
if ((slice_percentage_uplink[i] >= 0.0) && (slice_percentage_uplink[i] <= 1.0)){
if ((total_slice_percentage_uplink - slice_percentage_current_uplink[i] + slice_percentage_uplink[i]) <= 1.0) {
total_slice_percentage_uplink=total_slice_percentage_uplink - slice_percentage_current_uplink[i] + slice_percentage_uplink[i];
// if ((slice_percentage_uplink[i] >= 0.0) && (slice_percentage_uplink[i] <= 1.0)){
// if ((total_slice_percentage_uplink - slice_percentage_current_uplink[i] + slice_percentage_uplink[i]) <= 1.0) {
// total_slice_percentage_uplink=total_slice_percentage_uplink - slice_percentage_current_uplink[i] + slice_percentage_uplink[i];
LOG_N(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d] frame %d subframe %d: total percentage %f, slice RB percentage has changed: %f-->%f\n",
mod_id, i, frame, subframe, total_slice_percentage_uplink, slice_percentage_current_uplink[i], slice_percentage_uplink[i]);
slice_percentage_current_uplink[i] = slice_percentage_uplink[i];
} else {
LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d] invalid total RB share (%f->%f), revert the previous value (%f->%f)\n",
total_slice_percentage_uplink - slice_percentage_current_uplink[i] + slice_percentage_uplink[i],
// } else {
// LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d] invalid total RB share (%f->%f), revert the previous value (%f->%f)\n",
// mod_id,i,
// total_slice_percentage_uplink,
// total_slice_percentage_uplink - slice_percentage_current_uplink[i] + slice_percentage_uplink[i],
// slice_percentage_uplink[i],slice_percentage_current_uplink[i]);
slice_percentage_uplink[i]= slice_percentage_current_uplink[i];
// slice_percentage_uplink[i]= slice_percentage_current_uplink[i];
} else {
LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d] invalid slice RB share, revert the previous value (%f->%f)\n",mod_id, i, slice_percentage_uplink[i],slice_percentage_current_uplink[i]);
// }
// } else {
// LOG_W(MAC,"[eNB %d][SLICE %d] invalid slice RB share, revert the previous value (%f->%f)\n",mod_id, i, slice_percentage_uplink[i],slice_percentage_current_uplink[i]);
slice_percentage_uplink[i]= slice_percentage_current_uplink[i];
// slice_percentage_uplink[i]= slice_percentage_current_uplink[i];
// }
// check if a new scheduler, and log the console
......@@ -471,10 +471,14 @@ flexran_schedule_ue_ul_spec_default(mid_t mod_id,
// Run each enabled slice-specific schedulers one by one
//LOG_N(MAC,"[eNB %d]frame %d subframe %d slice %d: calling the scheduler\n", mod_id, frame, subframe,i);
slice_sched_ul[i](mod_id, frame, cooperation_flag, subframe, sched_subframe,ul_info);
slice_sched_ul[0](mod_id, frame, cooperation_flag, subframe, sched_subframe,ul_info);
......@@ -765,7 +769,7 @@ abort();
// buffer_occupancy = UE_template->ul_total_buffer;
while (((rb_table[rb_table_index]>(nb_rbs_allowed_slice[CC_id][UE_id]-1-first_rb[CC_id])) ||
while (((rb_table[rb_table_index]>(nb_rbs_allowed_slice_uplink[CC_id][UE_id]-1-first_rb[CC_id])) ||
(rb_table[rb_table_index]>45)) &&
(rb_table_index>0)) {
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