Commit f93837eb authored by Cedric Roux's avatar Cedric Roux

hotfix: remove HARQ process ID freelist

It creates more problems than it solves.

We replace this approach by a straightforward
synchronous one.

Now in the downlink, at frame f and subframe s
we use HARQ process (f * 10 + s) % 8.
This is similar to uplink scheduling.
parent 50e3bc07
......@@ -1126,12 +1126,8 @@ int generate_eNB_dlsch_params_from_dci(int frame,
dlsch[0]->harq_ids[subframe] = harq_pid;
if (dlsch0_harq->round == 0) {
/* necessary test? */
if (dlsch0_harq->status == SCH_IDLE)
remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(dlsch[0], harq_pid);
if (dlsch0_harq->round == 0)
dlsch0_harq->status = ACTIVE;
......@@ -1265,9 +1261,6 @@ int generate_eNB_dlsch_params_from_dci(int frame,
if (dlsch0_harq->round == 0) {
/* necessary test? */
if (dlsch0_harq->status == SCH_IDLE)
remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(dlsch[0], harq_pid);
dlsch0_harq->status = ACTIVE;
// printf("Setting DLSCH process %d to ACTIVE\n",harq_pid);
// MCS and TBS don't change across HARQ rounds
......@@ -1635,19 +1628,11 @@ int generate_eNB_dlsch_params_from_dci(int frame,
// reset HARQ process if this is the first transmission
if (dlsch0_harq->round == 0) {
/* necessary test? */
if (dlsch0_harq->status == SCH_IDLE)
remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(dlsch0, harq_pid);
if (dlsch0_harq->round == 0)
dlsch0_harq->status = ACTIVE;
if (dlsch1_harq->round == 0) {
/* necessary test? */
if (dlsch1_harq->status == SCH_IDLE)
remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(dlsch1, harq_pid);
if (dlsch1_harq->round == 0)
dlsch1_harq->status = ACTIVE;
dlsch0->rnti = rnti;
dlsch1->rnti = rnti;
......@@ -2022,19 +2007,11 @@ int generate_eNB_dlsch_params_from_dci(int frame,
// reset HARQ process if this is the first transmission
if ((dlsch0->active==1) && (dlsch0_harq->round == 0)) {
/* necessary test? */
if (dlsch0_harq->status == SCH_IDLE)
remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(dlsch0, harq_pid);
if ((dlsch0->active==1) && (dlsch0_harq->round == 0))
dlsch0_harq->status = ACTIVE;
if ((dlsch1->active==1) && (dlsch1_harq->round == 0)) {
/* necessary test? */
if (dlsch1_harq->status == SCH_IDLE)
remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(dlsch1, harq_pid);
if ((dlsch1->active==1) && (dlsch1_harq->round == 0))
dlsch1_harq->status = ACTIVE;
dlsch0->rnti = rnti;
dlsch1->rnti = rnti;
......@@ -2174,23 +2151,16 @@ int generate_eNB_dlsch_params_from_dci(int frame,
// check if either TB is disabled (see 36-213 V8.6 p. 26)
if ((dlsch0_harq->rvidx == 1) && (dlsch0_harq->mcs == 0)) {
LOG_W(PHY, "what to do with respect to remove_harq_pid_from_freelist?\n");
if ((dlsch0_harq->rvidx == 1) && (dlsch0_harq->mcs == 0))
dlsch0_harq->status = DISABLED;
if ((dlsch1_harq->rvidx == 1) && (dlsch1_harq->mcs == 0)) {
LOG_W(PHY, "what to do with respect to remove_harq_pid_from_freelist?\n");
if ((dlsch1_harq->rvidx == 1) && (dlsch1_harq->mcs == 0))
dlsch1_harq->status = DISABLED;
dlsch0_harq->Nl = 1;
if (dlsch0_harq->round == 0) {
/* necessary test? */
if (dlsch0_harq->status == SCH_IDLE)
remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(dlsch0, harq_pid);
dlsch0_harq->status = ACTIVE;
// printf("Setting DLSCH process %d to ACTIVE\n",harq_pid);
......@@ -2355,17 +2325,11 @@ int generate_eNB_dlsch_params_from_dci(int frame,
if ((dlsch0_harq->round == 0) && (dlsch0->active == 1) ) {
/* necessary test? */
if (dlsch0_harq->status == SCH_IDLE)
remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(dlsch0, harq_pid);
dlsch0_harq->status = ACTIVE;
dlsch0_harq->mcs = mcs1;
if ((dlsch1_harq->round == 0) && (dlsch1->active == 1) ) {
/* necessary test? */
if (dlsch1_harq->status == SCH_IDLE)
remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(dlsch1, harq_pid);
dlsch1_harq->status = ACTIVE;
dlsch1_harq->mcs = mcs2;
......@@ -2529,9 +2493,6 @@ int generate_eNB_dlsch_params_from_dci(int frame,
if (dlsch0_harq->round == 0) {
/* necessary test? */
if (dlsch0_harq->status == SCH_IDLE)
remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(dlsch0, harq_pid);
dlsch0_harq->status = ACTIVE;
// printf("Setting DLSCH process %d to ACTIVE\n",harq_pid);
......@@ -2661,9 +2622,6 @@ int generate_eNB_dlsch_params_from_dci(int frame,
// dlsch0_harq->Ndi = ((DCI1E_5MHz_2A_M10PRB_TDD_t *)dci_pdu)->ndi;
if (dlsch0_harq->round == 0) {
/* necessary test? */
if (dlsch0_harq->status == SCH_IDLE)
remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(dlsch0, harq_pid);
dlsch0_harq->status = ACTIVE;
// printf("Setting DLSCH process %d to ACTIVE\n",harq_pid);
......@@ -258,13 +258,6 @@ typedef struct {
uint8_t error_threshold;
/// Pointers to 8 HARQ processes for the DLSCH
LTE_DL_eNB_HARQ_t *harq_processes[8];
/// circular list of free harq PIDs (the oldest come first)
/// (10 is arbitrary value, must be > to max number of DL HARQ processes in LTE)
int harq_pid_freelist[10];
/// the head position of the free list (if list is free then head=tail)
int head_freelist;
/// the tail position of the free list
int tail_freelist;
/// Number of soft channel bits
uint32_t G;
/// Codebook index for this dlsch (0,1,2,3)
......@@ -156,9 +156,6 @@ LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *new_eNB_dlsch(unsigned char Kmimo,unsigned char Mdlharq,uint32_
for (i=0; i<10; i++)
dlsch->harq_ids[i] = Mdlharq;
dlsch->head_freelist = 0;
dlsch->tail_freelist = 0;
for (i=0; i<Mdlharq; i++) {
dlsch->harq_processes[i] = (LTE_DL_eNB_HARQ_t *)malloc16(sizeof(LTE_DL_eNB_HARQ_t));
LOG_T(PHY, "Required mem size %d (bw scaling %d), dlsch->harq_processes[%d] %p\n",
......@@ -199,8 +196,6 @@ LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *new_eNB_dlsch(unsigned char Kmimo,unsigned char Mdlharq,uint32_
msg("Can't get harq_p %d\n",i);
put_harq_pid_in_freelist(dlsch, i);
if (exit_flag==0) {
......@@ -400,9 +400,6 @@ uint32_t pdcch_alloc2ul_frame(LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,uint32_t frame, ui
uint16_t get_Np(uint8_t N_RB_DL,uint8_t nCCE,uint8_t plus1);
void put_harq_pid_in_freelist(LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *DLSCH_ptr, int harq_pid);
void remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *DLSCH_ptr, int harq_pid);
int8_t find_ue(uint16_t rnti, PHY_VARS_eNB *phy_vars_eNB);
int32_t add_ue(int16_t rnti, PHY_VARS_eNB *phy_vars_eNB);
int mac_phy_remove_ue(module_id_t Mod_idP,rnti_t rnti);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -133,30 +133,6 @@ uint8_t is_SR_subframe(PHY_VARS_eNB *phy_vars_eNB,uint8_t UE_id,uint8_t sched_su
void put_harq_pid_in_freelist(LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *DLSCH_ptr, int harq_pid)
DLSCH_ptr->harq_pid_freelist[DLSCH_ptr->tail_freelist] = harq_pid;
DLSCH_ptr->tail_freelist = (DLSCH_ptr->tail_freelist + 1) % 10;
void remove_harq_pid_from_freelist(LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t *DLSCH_ptr, int harq_pid)
if (DLSCH_ptr->head_freelist == DLSCH_ptr->tail_freelist) {
LOG_E(PHY, "%s:%d: you cannot read this!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
/* basic check, in case several threads deal with the free list at the same time
* in normal situations it should not happen, that's also why we don't use any
* locking mechanism to protect the free list
* to be refined in case things don't work properly
if (harq_pid != DLSCH_ptr->harq_pid_freelist[DLSCH_ptr->head_freelist]) {
LOG_E(PHY, "%s:%d: critical error, get in touch with the authors\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
DLSCH_ptr->head_freelist = (DLSCH_ptr->head_freelist + 1) % 10;
int32_t add_ue(int16_t rnti, PHY_VARS_eNB *phy_vars_eNB)
uint8_t i;
......@@ -221,12 +197,6 @@ int mac_phy_remove_ue(module_id_t Mod_idP,rnti_t rntiP) {
// mac_exit_wrapper("Removing UE");
/* clear the harq pid freelist */
phy_vars_eNB->dlsch_eNB[i][0]->head_freelist = 0;
phy_vars_eNB->dlsch_eNB[i][0]->tail_freelist = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
put_harq_pid_in_freelist(phy_vars_eNB->dlsch_eNB[i][0], j);
......@@ -258,9 +228,8 @@ int get_ue_active_harq_pid(const uint8_t Mod_id,const uint8_t CC_id,const uint16
uint8_t ulsch_subframe,ulsch_frame;
uint8_t i;
int i;
int8_t UE_id = find_ue(rnti,PHY_vars_eNB_g[Mod_id][CC_id]);
int sf1=(10*frame)+subframe,sf2,sfdiff,sfdiff_max=7;
if (UE_id==-1) {
LOG_D(PHY,"Cannot find UE with rnti %x (Mod_id %d, CC_id %d)\n",rnti, Mod_id, CC_id);
......@@ -271,40 +240,19 @@ int get_ue_active_harq_pid(const uint8_t Mod_id,const uint8_t CC_id,const uint16
if (ul_flag == 0) {// this is a DL request
DLSCH_ptr = PHY_vars_eNB_g[Mod_id][CC_id]->dlsch_eNB[(uint32_t)UE_id][0];
// set to no available process first
*harq_pid = -1;
/* let's go synchronous for the moment - maybe we can change at some point */
i = (frame * 10 + subframe) % 8;
for (i=0; i<DLSCH_ptr->Mdlharq; i++) {
if (DLSCH_ptr->harq_processes[i]!=NULL) {
if (DLSCH_ptr->harq_processes[i]->status == ACTIVE) {
sf2 = (DLSCH_ptr->harq_processes[i]->frame*10) + DLSCH_ptr->harq_processes[i]->subframe;
if (sf2<=sf1)
sfdiff = sf1-sf2;
else // this happens when wrapping around 1024 frame barrier
sfdiff = 10240 + sf1-sf2;
LOG_D(PHY,"process %d is active, round %d (waiting %d)\n",i,DLSCH_ptr->harq_processes[i]->round,sfdiff);
if (sfdiff>sfdiff_max) { // this is an active process that is waiting longer than the others (and longer than 7 ms)
sfdiff_max = sfdiff;
*harq_pid = i;
*round = DLSCH_ptr->harq_processes[i]->round;
} else { // a process is not defined
LOG_E(PHY,"[eNB %d] DLSCH process %d for rnti %x (UE_id %d) not allocated\n",Mod_id,i,rnti,UE_id);
/* if no active harq pid, get the oldest in the freelist, if any */
if (*harq_pid == 255 && DLSCH_ptr->head_freelist != DLSCH_ptr->tail_freelist) {
*harq_pid = DLSCH_ptr->harq_pid_freelist[DLSCH_ptr->head_freelist];
} else if (DLSCH_ptr->harq_processes[i]->status == SCH_IDLE) {
*harq_pid = i;
*round = 0;
LOG_D(PHY,"process %d is first free process\n", *harq_pid);
} else {
printf("%s:%d: bad state for harq process - PLEASE REPORT!!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
LOG_D(PHY,"get_ue_active_harq_pid DL => Frame %d, Subframe %d : harq_pid %d\n",
} else { // This is a UL request
ULSCH_ptr = PHY_vars_eNB_g[Mod_id][CC_id]->ulsch_eNB[(uint32_t)UE_id];
......@@ -1906,7 +1854,6 @@ void process_HARQ_feedback(uint8_t UE_id,
dlsch_harq_proc->round = 0;
dlsch_harq_proc->status = SCH_IDLE;
put_harq_pid_in_freelist(dlsch, dl_harq_pid[m]);
dlsch->harq_ids[dl_subframe] = dlsch->Mdlharq;
} else {
......@@ -1923,7 +1870,6 @@ void process_HARQ_feedback(uint8_t UE_id,
// Received ACK so set round to 0 and set dlsch_harq_pid IDLE
dlsch_harq_proc->round = 0;
dlsch_harq_proc->status = SCH_IDLE;
put_harq_pid_in_freelist(dlsch, dl_harq_pid[m]);
dlsch->harq_ids[dl_subframe] = dlsch->Mdlharq;
ue_stats->total_TBS = ue_stats->total_TBS +
......@@ -2345,9 +2291,6 @@ void pucch_procedures(const unsigned char sched_subframe,PHY_VARS_eNB *phy_vars_
if (phy_vars_eNB->first_sr[UE_id] == 1) { // this is the first request for uplink after Connection Setup, so clear HARQ process 0 use for Msg4
/* is this test necessary? */
if (phy_vars_eNB->dlsch_eNB[UE_id][0]->harq_processes[0]->status != SCH_IDLE)
put_harq_pid_in_freelist(phy_vars_eNB->dlsch_eNB[UE_id][0], 0);
phy_vars_eNB->first_sr[UE_id] = 0;
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