And **re-tag** them for tutorials' docker-compose file to work.
docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/proxy:develop oai-lte-multi-ue-proxy:latest
docker logout
Note that the proxy image is based on the source available at [](
At time of writing, the `latest` tag corresponded to `56cfdc046a5f96d5e67d42a2fc2bf6ba2fe58b41` commit.
# 3. Deploy containers #
**CAUTION: this SHALL be done in multiple steps.**
**Just `docker-compose up -d` WILL NOT WORK!**
All the following commands **SHALL** be run from the `ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd` folder.
The `gNB`, `proxy` and `NR-UE` containers will be deployed in `host`-mode. It will use the host loopback interface to connect.
sudo ifconfig lo: netmask up
## 3.1. Deploy OAI 5G Core Network ##
cd ci-scripts/yaml_files/5g_l2sim_tdd
docker-compose up -d mysql oai-amf oai-smf oai-upf oai-ext-dn
Creating network "l2sim-oai-public-net" with driver "bridge"
Creating network "l2sim-oai-traffic_net-net" with driver "bridge"
sudo nohup tshark -f"(host and icmp) or (not host and not arp and not port 53 and not port 2152 and not port 2153)"-i l2sim-public -i l2sim-traffic -w /tmp/capture_5g_l2sim_tdd.pcap > /tmp/tshark.log 2>&1 &
## 3.2. Deploy OAI gNB in Standalone Mode as a VNF ##
**CAUTION: To execute this 2nd step, the whole `CN5G` SHALL be in `healthy` state (especially the `mysql` container).**