diff --git a/ci-scripts/cls_containerize.py b/ci-scripts/cls_containerize.py
index 3ad8fafd21d27dc66ce9ba62e46e0f0eda11f569..0ee4b3f00fa50faae07a5b36dbbe4cc5098efdfc 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/cls_containerize.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/cls_containerize.py
@@ -548,75 +548,6 @@ class Containerize():
 		HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('commit ' + tag, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
 		HTML.CreateHtmlNextTabHeaderTestRow(collectInfo, allImagesSize)
-	def Copy_Image_to_Test_Server(self, HTML):
-		imageTag = 'develop'
-		if (self.ranAllowMerge):
-			imageTag = 'ci-temp'
-		lSsh = SSH.SSHConnection()
-		# Going to the Docker Registry server
-		if self.registrySvrId == '0':
-			lIpAddr = self.eNBIPAddress
-			lUserName = self.eNBUserName
-			lPassWord = self.eNBPassword
-		elif self.registrySvrId == '1':
-			lIpAddr = self.eNB1IPAddress
-			lUserName = self.eNB1UserName
-			lPassWord = self.eNB1Password
-		elif self.registrySvrId == '2':
-			lIpAddr = self.eNB2IPAddress
-			lUserName = self.eNB2UserName
-			lPassWord = self.eNB2Password
-		lSsh.open(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord)
-		lSsh.command('docker save ' + self.imageToCopy + ':' + imageTag + ' | gzip --fast > ' + self.imageToCopy + '-' + imageTag + '.tar.gz', '\$', 60)
-		ret = lSsh.copyin(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, '~/' + self.imageToCopy + '-' + imageTag + '.tar.gz', '.')
-		if ret != 0:
-			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-			self.exitStatus = 1
-			return False
-		lSsh.command('rm ' + self.imageToCopy + '-' + imageTag + '.tar.gz', '\$', 60)
-		if lSsh.getBefore().count('cannot remove'):
-			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('file not created by docker save', 'KO', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-			self.exitStatus = 1
-			return False
-		lSsh.close()
-		# Going to the Test Server
-		if self.testSvrId == '0':
-			lIpAddr = self.eNBIPAddress
-			lUserName = self.eNBUserName
-			lPassWord = self.eNBPassword
-		elif self.testSvrId == '1':
-			lIpAddr = self.eNB1IPAddress
-			lUserName = self.eNB1UserName
-			lPassWord = self.eNB1Password
-		elif self.testSvrId == '2':
-			lIpAddr = self.eNB2IPAddress
-			lUserName = self.eNB2UserName
-			lPassWord = self.eNB2Password
-		lSsh.open(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord)
-		lSsh.copyout(lIpAddr, lUserName, lPassWord, './' + self.imageToCopy + '-' + imageTag + '.tar.gz', '~')
-		# copyout has no return code and will quit if something fails
-		lSsh.command('docker rmi ' + self.imageToCopy + ':' + imageTag, '\$', 10)
-		lSsh.command('docker load < ' + self.imageToCopy + '-' + imageTag + '.tar.gz', '\$', 60)
-		if lSsh.getBefore().count('o such file') or lSsh.getBefore().count('invalid tar header'):
-			logging.debug(lSsh.getBefore())
-			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('problem during docker load', 'KO', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-			self.exitStatus = 1
-			return False
-		lSsh.command('rm ' + self.imageToCopy + '-' + imageTag + '.tar.gz', '\$', 60)
-		if lSsh.getBefore().count('cannot remove'):
-			HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('file not copied during scp?', 'KO', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-			self.exitStatus = 1
-			return False
-		lSsh.close()
-		if os.path.isfile('./' + self.imageToCopy + '-' + imageTag + '.tar.gz'):
-			os.remove('./' + self.imageToCopy + '-' + imageTag + '.tar.gz')
-		HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK)
-		return True
 	def ImageTagToUse(self, imageName):
 		shortCommit = self.ranCommitID[0:8]
 		if self.ranAllowMerge:
@@ -838,11 +769,10 @@ class Containerize():
 		mySSH.command('cd ' + lSourcePath + '/' + self.yamlPath[self.eNB_instance], '\$', 5)
 		mySSH.command('cp docker-compose.yml ci-docker-compose.yml', '\$', 5)
-		imageTag = 'develop'
-		if (self.ranAllowMerge):
-			imageTag = 'ci-temp'
-		mySSH.command('sed -i -e "s/image: oai-enb:latest/image: oai-enb:' + imageTag + '/" ci-docker-compose.yml', '\$', 2)
-		mySSH.command('sed -i -e "s/image: oai-gnb:latest/image: oai-gnb:' + imageTag + '/" ci-docker-compose.yml', '\$', 2)
+		imagesList = ['oai-enb', 'oai-gnb']
+		for image in imagesList:
+			imageToUse = self.ImageTagToUse(image)
+			mySSH.command(f'sed -i -e "s#image: {image}:latest#image: {imageToUse}#" ci-docker-compose.yml', '\$', 2)
 		localMmeIpAddr = EPC.MmeIPAddress
 		mySSH.command('sed -i -e "s/CI_MME_IP_ADDR/' + localMmeIpAddr + '/" ci-docker-compose.yml', '\$', 2)
 #		if self.flexranCtrlDeployed:
diff --git a/ci-scripts/main.py b/ci-scripts/main.py
index 67957b7fba7cb404b5670e6cdef5b3ea364754cc..1a8f7d97feaa745568272e3f650461245c60a697 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/main.py
+++ b/ci-scripts/main.py
@@ -444,17 +444,6 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action):
 		if (string_field is not None):
 			CONTAINERS.cliOptions = string_field
-	elif action == 'Copy_Image_to_Test':
-		string_field = test.findtext('image_name')
-		if (string_field is not None):
-			CONTAINERS.imageToCopy = string_field
-		string_field = test.findtext('registry_svr_id')
-		if (string_field is not None):
-			CONTAINERS.registrySvrId = string_field
-		string_field = test.findtext('test_svr_id')
-		if (string_field is not None):
-			CONTAINERS.testSvrId = string_field
 	elif action == 'Run_LDPCTest' or action == 'Run_NRulsimTest':
 		ldpc.runargs = test.findtext('physim_run_args')
@@ -473,6 +462,7 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action):
 		string_field = test.findtext('test_svr_id')
 		if (string_field is not None):
 			CONTAINERS.testSvrId = string_field
+		CONTAINERS.imageToPull.clear()
 		for image in test.findall('image_to_pull'):
 			string_field = image.findtext('image_name')
 			if (string_field is not None):
@@ -956,10 +946,6 @@ elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('^TestUE$', mode, re
 				elif action == 'Build_Proxy':
-				elif action == 'Copy_Image_to_Test':
-					success = CONTAINERS.Copy_Image_to_Test_Server(HTML)
-					if not success:
-						RAN.prematureExit = True
 				elif action == 'Push_Local_Registry':
 					success = CONTAINERS.Push_Image_to_Local_Registry(HTML)
 					if not success:
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_class_list.yml b/ci-scripts/xml_class_list.yml
index d77683f9c9d86777f410531a9e561b551ae737d3..a191bd3332618bdf2ec4da5be8a22b6c6894bb91 100755
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_class_list.yml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_class_list.yml
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
   - IdleSleep
   - Perform_X2_Handover
   - Build_Image
-  - Copy_Image_to_Test
   - Deploy_Object
   - Undeploy_Object
   - Cppcheck_Analysis
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_nsa_b200_quectel.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_nsa_b200_quectel.xml
index 51e6668cf00380e90550fd6c13c56c793f1fda19..0bed99fdb277107cd233ea61e5930bceecb6cf3a 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_nsa_b200_quectel.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_nsa_b200_quectel.xml
@@ -26,9 +26,10 @@
+ 111110
+ 111111
- 030000
@@ -49,6 +50,24 @@
+	<testCase id="111110">
+		<class>Pull_Local_Registry</class>
+		<desc>Pull Images from Local Registry</desc>
+		<test_svr_id>0</test_svr_id>
+		<image_to_pull>
+			<image_name>oai-enb</image_name>
+		</image_to_pull>
+	</testCase>
+	<testCase id="111111">
+		<class>Pull_Local_Registry</class>
+		<desc>Pull Images from Local Registry</desc>
+		<test_svr_id>1</test_svr_id>
+		<image_to_pull>
+			<image_name>oai-gnb</image_name>
+		</image_to_pull>
+	</testCase>
 	<testCase id="010000">
 		<desc>Initialize Quectel</desc>
@@ -62,14 +81,6 @@
-	<testCase id="030000">
-		<class>Copy_Image_to_Test</class>
-		<desc>Copy gNB image to test server</desc>
-		<image_name>oai-gnb</image_name>
-		<registry_svr_id>0</registry_svr_id>
-		<test_svr_id>1</test_svr_id>
-	</testCase>
 	<testCase id="030101">
 		<desc>Deploy eNB (FDD/Band7/5MHz/B200) in a container</desc>
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_nsa_b200_terminate.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_nsa_b200_terminate.xml
index 4b446988cdde3b0a30f0e990ff8a649bea6c3eb9..a766fb7bcbd9baae7972b03f29f3370b7d82433c 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_nsa_b200_terminate.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_nsa_b200_terminate.xml
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
+ 222220
+ 222221
@@ -47,5 +49,17 @@
+	<testCase id="222220">
+		<class>Clean_Test_Server_Images</class>
+		<desc>Clean Test Images on Test Server</desc>
+		<test_svr_id>0</test_svr_id>
+	</testCase>
+	<testCase id="222221">
+		<class>Clean_Test_Server_Images</class>
+		<desc>Clean Test Images on Test Server</desc>
+		<test_svr_id>1</test_svr_id>
+	</testCase>
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_sa_b200_quectel.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_sa_b200_quectel.xml
index 7f0475629ded37ee311645c830ed0d85d913c082..127900343acdd744f7912573ff71a93261f79760 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_sa_b200_quectel.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_sa_b200_quectel.xml
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
+    111111
-    030000
@@ -47,6 +47,15 @@
+  <testCase id="111111">
+    <class>Pull_Local_Registry</class>
+    <desc>Pull Images from Local Registry</desc>
+    <test_svr_id>0</test_svr_id>
+    <image_to_pull>
+      <image_name>oai-gnb</image_name>
+    </image_to_pull>
+  </testCase>
   <testCase id="010000">
     <desc>Initialize Quectel</desc>
@@ -60,14 +69,6 @@
-  <testCase id="030000">
-    <class>Copy_Image_to_Test</class>
-    <desc>Copy gNB image to test server</desc>
-    <image_name>oai-gnb</image_name>
-    <registry_svr_id>1</registry_svr_id>
-    <test_svr_id>0</test_svr_id>
-  </testCase>
   <testCase id="030101">
     <desc>Deploy gNB (TDD/Band78/40MHz/B200) in a container</desc>
diff --git a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_sa_b200_terminate.xml b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_sa_b200_terminate.xml
index 5a2b6bd4543d3183add1b67167f07fc37d2dd58e..8e7e0eff4487d786a8aa81ba7ad6b7774c1e242a 100644
--- a/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_sa_b200_terminate.xml
+++ b/ci-scripts/xml_files/container_sa_b200_terminate.xml
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+  222222
@@ -39,4 +40,10 @@
+  <testCase id="222222">
+    <class>Clean_Test_Server_Images</class>
+    <desc>Clean Test Images on Test Server</desc>
+    <test_svr_id>0</test_svr_id>
+  </testCase>