Commit 66369a8a authored by luis_pereira87's avatar luis_pereira87

Prevent ra_timer to be enabled when running in phy-test mode

When running in this mode there is no RA that will succeed to disable the timer
parent 00373ed1
......@@ -2508,7 +2508,9 @@ NR_UE_info_t *add_new_nr_ue(gNB_MAC_INST *nr_mac, rnti_t rntiP, NR_CellGroupConf
"uplinkBWP_ToAddModList has %d BWP!\n",
if (get_softmodem_params()->phy_test == 0) {
UE->ra_timer = 12000 << UE->current_DL_BWP.scs; // 12000 ms is arbitrary and found to be a good timeout from experiments
/* get Number of HARQ processes for this UE */
// pdsch_servingcellconfig == NULL in SA -> will create default (8) number of HARQ processes
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