Commit 8eae2ff0 authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/refactor-rfsim-fds' into integration_2024_w43 (!2994)

Refactor file descriptor handling in rfsimulator

- add hashtable iterator to hashtable.c
- use hashtable for file descriptor to buffer_t mapping in rfsimulator

This enables the use of file descriptors above 250. The linux file
descriptors can reach the value of FD_SETSIZE which could be e.g. 1024.
This is not an issue in most cases but if the UE or gNB process opens a
lot of file descriptors for other purposes we might see rfsimulator file
descriptors reach > 250 and cause a segfault.

Also added tests for new hashtable functions.
parents 2c07f008 883333bf
......@@ -16,3 +16,6 @@ add_subdirectory(threadPool)
add_library(utils utils.c system.c time_meas.c time_stat.c tun_if.c)
target_include_directories(utils PUBLIC .)
target_link_libraries(utils PRIVATE ${T_LIB})
......@@ -305,3 +305,24 @@ hashtable_rc_t hashtable_get(const hash_table_t *const hashtblP, const hash_key_
*dataP = NULL;
hash_table_iterator_s hashtable_get_iterator(const hash_table_t *const hashtbl)
return (hash_table_iterator_s){.index = 0, .node = hashtbl->nodes[0], .hashtbl = hashtbl};
bool hashtable_iterator_getnext(hash_table_iterator_s *iterator, void **dataP)
// Iterate over table indexes
while (iterator->node == NULL) {
if (iterator->index >= iterator->hashtbl->size) {
*dataP = NULL;
return false;
iterator->node = iterator->hashtbl->nodes[iterator->index];
*dataP = iterator->node->data;
iterator->node = iterator->node->next;
return true;
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef size_t hash_size_t;
typedef uint64_t hash_key_t;
......@@ -54,6 +55,12 @@ typedef struct hash_table_s {
void (*freefunc)(void *);
} hash_table_t;
typedef struct hash_table_iterator_s {
int index;
hash_node_t* node;
const hash_table_t* const hashtbl;
} hash_table_iterator_s;
char *hashtable_rc_code2string(hashtable_rc_t rcP);
void hash_free_int_func(void *memoryP);
hash_table_t *hashtable_create (const hash_size_t size, hash_size_t (*hashfunc)(const hash_key_t ), void (*freefunc)(void *));
......@@ -63,8 +70,8 @@ hashtable_rc_t hashtable_dump_content (const hash_table_t *const hashtblP, char
hashtable_rc_t hashtable_insert (hash_table_t *const hashtbl, const hash_key_t key, void *data);
hashtable_rc_t hashtable_remove (hash_table_t *const hashtbl, const hash_key_t key);
hashtable_rc_t hashtable_get (const hash_table_t *const hashtbl, const hash_key_t key, void **dataP);
hash_table_iterator_s hashtable_get_iterator(const hash_table_t *const hashtbl);
bool hashtable_iterator_getnext(hash_table_iterator_s* iterator, void **dataP);
add_executable(test_hashtable test_hashtable.cpp)
add_dependencies(tests test_hashtable)
target_link_libraries(test_hashtable PRIVATE HASHTABLE GTest::gtest)
add_test(NAME test_hashtable
COMMAND ./test_hashtable)
* Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
* the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
extern "C" {
#include "hashtable.h"
TEST(hashtable, test_insert_remove) {
hash_table_t* table = hashtable_create(250, NULL, NULL);
int* a = (int*)calloc(1, sizeof(*a));
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_insert(table, 1, a), HASH_TABLE_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_remove(table, 1), HASH_TABLE_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_destroy(&table), HASH_TABLE_OK);
TEST(hashtable, test_insert_iterate_remove) {
hash_table_t* table = hashtable_create(250, NULL, NULL);
int* a = (int*)calloc(1, sizeof(*a));
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_insert(table, 1, a), HASH_TABLE_OK);
auto iterator = hashtable_get_iterator(table);
void* ptr;
int num_items = 0;
while(hashtable_iterator_getnext(&iterator, &ptr)) {
EXPECT_EQ(num_items, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_remove(table, 1), HASH_TABLE_OK);
num_items = 0;
auto iterator2 = hashtable_get_iterator(table);
while(hashtable_iterator_getnext(&iterator2, &ptr)) {
EXPECT_EQ(num_items, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_destroy(&table), HASH_TABLE_OK);
TEST(hashtable, test_insert_three_iterate_remove) {
hash_table_t* table = hashtable_create(250, NULL, NULL);
int* a1 = (int*)calloc(1, sizeof(*a1));
int* a2 = (int*)calloc(1, sizeof(*a2));
int* a3 = (int*)calloc(1, sizeof(*a3));
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_insert(table, 1, a1), HASH_TABLE_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_insert(table, 2, a2), HASH_TABLE_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_insert(table, 3, a3), HASH_TABLE_OK);
auto iterator = hashtable_get_iterator(table);
void* ptr;
int num_items = 0;
while(hashtable_iterator_getnext(&iterator, &ptr)) {
EXPECT_EQ(num_items, 3);
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_remove(table, 1), HASH_TABLE_OK);
num_items = 0;
auto iterator2 = hashtable_get_iterator(table);
while(hashtable_iterator_getnext(&iterator2, &ptr)) {
EXPECT_EQ(num_items, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_destroy(&table), HASH_TABLE_OK);
TEST(hashtable, test_insert_empty_insert_interate) {
hash_table_t* table = hashtable_create(250, NULL, NULL);
int* a = (int*)calloc(1, sizeof(*a));
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_insert(table, 1, a), HASH_TABLE_OK);
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_remove(table, 1), HASH_TABLE_OK);
int* a2 = (int*)calloc(1, sizeof(*a2));
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_insert(table, 1, a2), HASH_TABLE_OK);
auto iterator3 = hashtable_get_iterator(table);
int num_items = 0;
void* ptr;
while(hashtable_iterator_getnext(&iterator3, &ptr)) {
EXPECT_EQ(num_items, 1);
EXPECT_EQ(hashtable_destroy(&table), HASH_TABLE_OK);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ add_library(rfsimulator MODULE
target_link_libraries(rfsimulator PRIVATE SIMU)
target_link_libraries(rfsimulator PRIVATE SIMU HASHTABLE)
add_executable(replay_node stored_node.c)
......@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#include <openair1/SIMULATION/TOOLS/sim.h>
#include "rfsimulator.h"
#include "hashtable.h"
#define PORT 4043 //default TCP port for this simulator
......@@ -82,6 +83,8 @@
// Until a convenient management is implemented, the MAX_FD_RFSIMU is used everywhere (instead of
// FD_SETSIE) and reduced to 125. This should allow for around 20 simultaeous UEs.
// An indirection level via hashtable was added to allow the software to use FDs above MAX_FD_RFSIMU.
#define MAX_FD_RFSIMU 250
#define SEND_BUFF_SIZE 100000000 // Socket buffer size
......@@ -162,6 +165,9 @@ typedef struct {
uint16_t port;
int saveIQfile;
buffer_t buf[MAX_FD_RFSIMU];
int next_buf;
// Hashtable used as an indirection level between file descriptor and the buf array
hash_table_t *fd_to_buf_map;
int rx_num_channels;
int tx_num_channels;
double sample_rate;
......@@ -178,11 +184,38 @@ typedef struct {
double prop_delay_ms;
} rfsimulator_state_t;
static buffer_t *get_buff_from_socket(rfsimulator_state_t *simulator_state, int socket)
uint64_t buffer_index;
if (hashtable_get(simulator_state->fd_to_buf_map, socket, (void **)&buffer_index) == HASH_TABLE_OK) {
return &simulator_state->buf[buffer_index];
} else {
return NULL;
static void add_buff_to_socket_mapping(rfsimulator_state_t *simulator_state, int socket, uint64_t buff_index)
hashtable_rc_t rc = hashtable_insert(simulator_state->fd_to_buf_map, socket, (void *)buff_index);
AssertFatal(rc == HASH_TABLE_OK,
"%s sock = %d\n",
rc == HASH_TABLE_INSERT_OVERWRITTEN_DATA ? "Duplicate entry in hashtable" : "Hashtable is not allocated",
static void remove_buff_to_socket_mapping(rfsimulator_state_t *simulator_state, int socket)
// Failure is fine here
hashtable_remove(simulator_state->fd_to_buf_map, socket);
static int allocCirBuf(rfsimulator_state_t *bridge, int sock)
/* TODO: cleanup code so that this AssertFatal becomes useless */
AssertFatal(sock >= 0 && sock < sizeofArray(bridge->buf), "socket %d is not in range\n", sock);
buffer_t *ptr=&bridge->buf[sock];
uint64_t buff_index = bridge->next_buf++ % MAX_FD_RFSIMU;
buffer_t *ptr=&bridge->buf[buff_index];
ptr->circularBuf = calloc(1, sampleToByte(CirSize, 1));
if (ptr->circularBuf == NULL) {
LOG_E(HW, "malloc(%lu) failed\n", sampleToByte(CirSize, 1));
......@@ -235,6 +268,7 @@ static int allocCirBuf(rfsimulator_state_t *bridge, int sock)
LOG_I(HW, "Random channel %s in rfsimulator activated\n", modelname);
add_buff_to_socket_mapping(bridge, sock, buff_index);
return 0;
......@@ -243,17 +277,23 @@ static void removeCirBuf(rfsimulator_state_t *bridge, int sock) {
LOG_E(HW, "epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_DEL) failed\n");
buffer_t* buf = get_buff_from_socket(bridge, sock);
if (buf) {
// Fixme: no free_channel_desc_scm(bridge->buf[sock].channel_model) implemented
// a lot of mem leaks
memset(&bridge->buf[sock], 0, sizeof(buffer_t));
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buffer_t));
remove_buff_to_socket_mapping(bridge, sock);
static void socketError(rfsimulator_state_t *bridge, int sock) {
if (bridge->buf[sock].conn_sock!=-1) {
buffer_t* buf = get_buff_from_socket(bridge, sock);
if (!buf) return;
if (buf->conn_sock != -1) {
LOG_W(HW, "Lost socket\n");
removeCirBuf(bridge, sock);
......@@ -789,7 +829,7 @@ static bool flushInput(rfsimulator_state_t *t, int timeout, int nsamps_for_initi
rfsimulator_write_internal(t, t->lastWroteTS > 1 ? t->lastWroteTS - 1 : 0, samplesVoid, 1, t->tx_num_channels, 1, false);
buffer_t *b = &t->buf[conn_sock];
buffer_t *b = get_buff_from_socket(t, conn_sock);
if (b->channel_model)
b->channel_model->start_TS = t->lastWroteTS;
} else {
......@@ -798,8 +838,8 @@ static bool flushInput(rfsimulator_state_t *t, int timeout, int nsamps_for_initi
buffer_t *b=&t->buf[fd];
buffer_t *b = get_buff_from_socket(t, fd);
if (!b) continue;
if ( b->circularBuf == NULL ) {
LOG_E(HW, "Received data on not connected socket %d\n", events[nbEv].data.fd);
......@@ -1044,6 +1084,7 @@ static void rfsimulator_end(openair0_device *device) {
removeCirBuf(s, b->conn_sock);
static int rfsimulator_stop(openair0_device *device) {
return 0;
......@@ -1059,6 +1100,12 @@ static int rfsimulator_set_gains(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *ope
static int rfsimulator_write_init(openair0_device *device) {
return 0;
void do_not_free_integer(void *integer)
int device_init(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg) {
// to change the log level, use this on command line
......@@ -1104,6 +1151,8 @@ int device_init(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg) {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FD_RFSIMU; i++)
rfsimulator->next_buf = 0;
rfsimulator->fd_to_buf_map = hashtable_create(MAX_FD_RFSIMU, NULL, do_not_free_integer);
AssertFatal((rfsimulator->epollfd = epoll_create1(0)) != -1, "epoll_create1() failed, errno(%d)", errno);
// we need to call randominit() for telnet server (use gaussdouble=>uniformrand)
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