diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/CORRIDOR/emos_read_v2.m b/targets/PROJECTS/CORRIDOR/emos_read_v2.m
index eea23be1e7d9c106301c345d53665cd5becacae8..cd5f7ecf1df6ca48510f0f6ee7e720a969486057 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/CORRIDOR/emos_read_v2.m
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/CORRIDOR/emos_read_v2.m
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ ofdm_symbol_length = num_carriers + prefix_length;
 frame_length = ofdm_symbol_length*num_symbols_frame;
 useful_carriers = num_carriers-num_zeros-1;
-%filename = 'E:\EMOS\corridor\lab tests\eNB_data_20140321_184441.EMOS';
+%filename = 'E:\EMOS\corridor\trials1\eNB_data_20140331_UHF_run1.EMOS';
 filename = 'D:\trials1 train extracted\eNB_data_20140331_UHF_run1.EMOS';
 destdir = 'E:\EMOS\corridor\trials1 train';
@@ -31,12 +31,18 @@ PDP_total = zeros(nblocks*nframes,useful_carriers/4,nant_tx,nant_rx);
 %% main loop
 fid = fopen(filename,'r');
-% advance 1 minute of measurements (the synchronization algorithm does not
-% work so well for low SNR yet)
-vStorage = []; 
-block = 1;
+vStorage = [];  %%
+block = 1; %
+flag1 = 1;
+threshold = 3e+4 ; % maybe should change that !!!!
+%  fseek(fid,samples_slot*slots_per_frame*nframes*nant*102*2,'bof');
+%  %advance 102 sec
 while ~feof(fid)
     fprintf(1,'Processing block %d of %d',block,nblocks);
@@ -47,6 +53,8 @@ while ~feof(fid)
     v1 = double(v(1:2:end))+1j*double(v(2:2:end));
+    nframes = 100;
     v2 = zeros(samples_slot*slots_per_frame*nframes,nant_rx);
     for slot=1:slots_per_frame*nframes
         for a=1:nant_rx
@@ -55,14 +63,14 @@ while ~feof(fid)
                    (slot-1)*samples_slot*nant_rx+ a   *samples_slot,1);
-    v2 = [vStorage; v2] ; %handle boundaries between blocks
+    v2 = [vStorage; v2] ;%%
     if size(v2,1) > frame_length*nframes ;
         nframes = floor(size(v2,1) / frame_length) ;
-    vStorage = v2(frame_length*nframes+1:end,:) ;
-    v2(frame_length*nframes + 1 : end,:) = [] ;
-    start = 1 ;
+        vStorage = v2(frame_length*nframes+1:end,:) ;
+        v2(frame_length*nframes + 1 : end,:) = [] ;
+        start = 1 ;
     if enable_plots>=2
@@ -70,16 +78,36 @@ while ~feof(fid)
-    %% frame start detection 
-    if block==1 
+    %% frame start detection
+    if flag1==1
         [corr,lag] = xcorr(v2(:,1),pss_t);
         tmp   = corr(nframes*slots_per_frame*samples_slot:end);
         tmp2  = reshape(tmp,slots_per_frame*samples_slot,nframes);
         [m,idx] = max(abs(tmp2),[],1);
-        frame_offset = round(mean(idx(1:10))) - prefix_length;
+%         meanCorr = mean(abs(tmp2));
+%         [mm,where] = max(m./meanCorr)
+        idx(m < threshold) = [];
+        if size(idx,2) <= 1
+            flag1 = 1 ;
+            flag2 = 0 ;
+            vStorage = [];
+%         elseif size(idx,2) == nframes
+%             flag1 = 0;
+%             flag2 = 1;
+        else
+            flag1 = 0 ;
+            flag2 = 1 ;
+        end
+        frame_offset = round(median(idx)) - prefix_length;
         if enable_plots>=2
@@ -89,23 +117,22 @@ while ~feof(fid)
-        % after the first block we are synchronized
-        frame_offset = prefix_length/8;
+        frame_offset = 0; %%%%% line 93 florian's 
-    %%
-    for i=1:nframes;
-        fprintf(1,'.');
-        frame_start = (slots_per_frame*samples_slot)*(i-1)+frame_offset+1;
-        %frame_start = lag(idx(i))-prefix_length;
-        % frame_start = lag(i) - prefix_length;
-        if i<nframes
-            %% ofdm receiver
-            received_f = OFDM_RX(v2(frame_start:frame_start+frame_length,:),num_carriers,useful_carriers,prefix_length,num_symbols_frame);
-        else
-            vStorage = [v2(frame_start:end,:) ; vStorage];  % handle block boundaries
-        end
+    if flag2 == 1
+        for i=start:nframes;
+            fprintf(1,'.');
+            frame_start = (slots_per_frame*samples_slot)*(i-1)+frame_offset+1;
+            %frame_start = lag(idx(i))-prefix_length;
+            % frame_start = lag(i) - prefix_length;
+            if i<nframes
+                %% ofdm receiver
+                received_f = OFDM_RX(v2(frame_start:frame_start+frame_length,:),num_carriers,useful_carriers,prefix_length,num_symbols_frame);
+            else
+                vStorage = [v2(frame_start:end,:) ; vStorage];  %%
+            end
         %% MIMO channel estimation
         H = zeros(num_symbols_frame/2,useful_carriers/4,nant_tx,nant_rx);
         for itx=1:nant_tx
@@ -160,7 +187,7 @@ while ~feof(fid)
+        end
     block = block+1;
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/CORRIDOR/emos_read_v2_1.m b/targets/PROJECTS/CORRIDOR/emos_read_v2_1.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 44a95e02b3b4204631c253c571f38a9c2faa907a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/CORRIDOR/emos_read_v2_1.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-close all
-clear all
-enable_plots=1; %eanbles figures
-%% preload and init data
-primary_synch; %loads the primary sync signal
-pss_t = upsample(primary_synch0_time,4);
-ofdm_symbol_length = num_carriers + prefix_length;
-frame_length = ofdm_symbol_length*num_symbols_frame;
-useful_carriers = num_carriers-num_zeros-1;
-%filename = 'E:\EMOS\corridor\lab tests\eNB_data_20140321_184441.EMOS';
-%filename = 'E:\EMOS\corridor\711MHz\eNB_data_20140324_113931.EMOS';
-filename = 'E:\EMOS\corridor\trials1\eNB_data_20140331_UHF_run1.EMOS';
-%filename = 'D:\trials1 day 1 771.5MHz\eNB_data_20140327_153151.EMOS';
-destdir = 'E:\EMOS\corridor\trials1 day1\711.5MHz';
-samples_slot = 7680/2;
-slots_per_frame = 20;
-nframes = 100;
-d = dir(filename);
-nblocks = floor(d.bytes/(samples_slot*slots_per_frame*nframes*nant_rx*4));
-PDP_total = zeros(nblocks*nframes,useful_carriers/4,nant_tx,nant_rx);
-%% main loop
-fid = fopen(filename,'r');
-vStorage = [];  %%
-block = 1; %
-flag1 = 1;
-threshold = 3e+4 ; % maybe should change that !!!!
-%  fseek(fid,samples_slot*slots_per_frame*nframes*nant*102*2,'bof');
-%  %advance 102 sec
-while ~feof(fid)
-    fprintf(1,'Processing block %d of %d',block,nblocks);
-    [v,c]=fread(fid, samples_slot*slots_per_frame*nframes*nant_rx*2, 'int16',0,'ieee-le');
-    if (c==0)
-        break
-    end
-    v1 = double(v(1:2:end))+1j*double(v(2:2:end));
-    nframes = 100;
-    v2 = zeros(samples_slot*slots_per_frame*nframes,nant_rx);
-    for slot=1:slots_per_frame*nframes
-        for a=1:nant_rx
-            v2((slot-1)*samples_slot+1:slot*samples_slot,a) = ...
-                v1((slot-1)*samples_slot*nant_rx+(a-1)*samples_slot+1:...
-                   (slot-1)*samples_slot*nant_rx+ a   *samples_slot,1);
-        end
-    end
-    v2 = [vStorage; v2] ;%%
-    if size(v2,1) > frame_length*nframes ;
-        nframes = floor(size(v2,1) / frame_length) ;
-        vStorage = v2(frame_length*nframes+1:end,:) ;
-        v2(frame_length*nframes + 1 : end,:) = [] ;
-        start = 1 ;
-    end
-    if enable_plots>=2
-        figure(1)
-        plot(20*log10(abs(fftshift(fft(v2)))))
-    end
-    %% frame start detection
-    if flag1==1
-        [corr,lag] = xcorr(v2(:,1),pss_t);
-        %[m,idx]=max(abs(corr));
-        %[m,idx]=peaksfinder(corr,frame_length);
-        tmp   = corr(nframes*slots_per_frame*samples_slot:end);
-        tmp2  = reshape(tmp,slots_per_frame*samples_slot,nframes);
-        [m,idx] = max(abs(tmp2),[],1);
-%         meanCorr = mean(abs(tmp2));
-%         [mm,where] = max(m./meanCorr)
-        idx(m < threshold) = [];
-        if size(idx,2) <= 1
-            flag1 = 1 ;
-            flag2 = 0 ;
-            vStorage = [];
-%         elseif size(idx,2) == nframes
-%             flag1 = 0;
-%             flag2 = 1;
-        else
-            flag1 = 0 ;
-            flag2 = 1 ;
-        end
-        frame_offset = round(median(idx)) - prefix_length;
-        if enable_plots>=2
-            figure(2);
-            hold off
-            plot(lag,abs(corr));
-            hold on
-            plot(frame_offset,m(1),'ro')
-        end
-    else
-        frame_offset = 0; %%%%% line 93 florian's 
-    end
-    if flag2 == 1
-        for i=start:nframes;
-            fprintf(1,'.');
-            frame_start = (slots_per_frame*samples_slot)*(i-1)+frame_offset+1;
-            %frame_start = lag(idx(i))-prefix_length;
-            % frame_start = lag(i) - prefix_length;
-            if i<nframes
-                %% ofdm receiver
-                received_f = OFDM_RX(v2(frame_start:frame_start+frame_length,:),num_carriers,useful_carriers,prefix_length,num_symbols_frame);
-            else
-                vStorage = [v2(frame_start:end,:) ; vStorage];  %%
-            end
-        %% MIMO channel estimation
-        H = zeros(num_symbols_frame/2,useful_carriers/4,nant_tx,nant_rx);
-        for itx=1:nant_tx
-            % f_start and t_start indicate the start of the pilots in time
-            % and frequency according to the specifications (see .doc file). 
-            % t_start has to be >=2, since the first symbol is the PSS.
-            f_start = mod(itx-1,2)*2+1;
-            t_start = floor((itx-1)/2)+1;
-            for irx=1:nant_rx
-                H(:,:,itx,irx)=conj(squeeze(f3(itx,t_start:2:end,f_start:4:end))).*received_f(t_start:2:end,f_start:4:end,irx);
-            end
-        end
-        Ht = ifft(H,[],2);
-        PDP = mean(abs(Ht).^2,1);
-        PDP_all = squeeze(mean(mean(PDP,3),4));
-        PDP_total((block-1)*nframes+i+1,:,:,:) = PDP;
-        % adjust frame offset base on channel estimate to compensate for
-        % timing drift. We try to keep the peak of the impulse response at
-        % sample prefix_length/8.
-        [m,idx] = max(fft(ifft(PDP_all),num_carriers));
-        offset = idx - prefix_length/8;
-        if offset > prefix_length
-            offset = offset - num_carriers;
-        end
-        if abs(offset) > 5
-            frame_offset = frame_offset + round(offset/4);
-        end
-        if enable_plots>=1
-            figure(3)
-            for itx=1:nant_tx
-                for irx=1:nant_rx
-                    subplot(nant_tx,nant_rx,(itx-1)*nant_rx + irx);
-                    surf(20*log10(abs(Ht(:,:,itx,irx))))
-                    %xlabel('time [OFDM symbol]')
-                    %ylabel('delay time [samples]')
-                    %zlabel('power [dB]')
-                    shading interp
-                end
-            end
-            figure(4)
-            for itx=1:nant_tx
-                for irx=1:nant_rx
-                    subplot(nant_tx,nant_rx,(itx-1)*nant_rx + irx);
-                    plot(10*log10(PDP(:,:,itx,irx)))
-                    ylim([50 80])
-                    xlim([0 75])
-                    %xlabel('delay time [samples]')
-                    %ylabel('power [dB]')
-                end
-            end
-            drawnow
-        end
-        end
-    end
-    fprintf(1,'\n');
-    block = block+1;
-%% save processed data
-save([destdir filesep name '.mat'],'PDP_total');
\ No newline at end of file