#/* # * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more # * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under # * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file # * except in compliance with the License. # * You may obtain a copy of the License at # * # * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 # * # * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # * limitations under the License. # *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: # * contact@openairinterface.org # */ #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # Required Python Version # Python 3.x # # Required Python Package # pexpect #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------- # Import Libs #----------------------------------------------------------- import sys # arg import re # reg import pexpect # pexpect import time # sleep import os import subprocess import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import logging import datetime import signal import statistics as stat from multiprocessing import SimpleQueue, Lock import concurrent.futures #import our libs import helpreadme as HELP import constants as CONST import cls_cluster as OC import sshconnection import cls_module import cls_cmd logging.getLogger("matplotlib").setLevel(logging.WARNING) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #----------------------------------------------------------- # Helper functions used here and in other classes #----------------------------------------------------------- def Iperf_ComputeModifiedBW(idx, ue_num, profile, args): result = re.search('-b\s*(?P<iperf_bandwidth>[0-9\.]+)(?P<unit>[KMG])', str(args)) if result is None: raise Exception('Iperf bandwidth not found or in incorrect format!') iperf_bandwidth = result.group('iperf_bandwidth') if profile == 'balanced': iperf_bandwidth_new = float(iperf_bandwidth)/ue_num if profile == 'single-ue': iperf_bandwidth_new = float(iperf_bandwidth) if profile == 'unbalanced': # residual is 2% of max bw residualBW = float(iperf_bandwidth) / 50 if idx == 0: iperf_bandwidth_new = float(iperf_bandwidth) - ((ue_num - 1) * residualBW) else: iperf_bandwidth_new = residualBW iperf_bandwidth_str = result.group(0) iperf_bandwidth_unit = result.group(2) iperf_bandwidth_str_new = f"-b {'%.2f' % iperf_bandwidth_new}{iperf_bandwidth_unit}" result = re.sub(iperf_bandwidth_str, iperf_bandwidth_str_new, str(args)) if result is None: raise Exception('Calculate Iperf bandwidth failed!') return result def Iperf_ComputeTime(args): result = re.search('-t\s*(?P<iperf_time>\d+)', str(args)) if result is None: raise Exception('Iperf time not found!') return int(result.group('iperf_time')) def Iperf_analyzeV3TCPJson(filename, iperf_tcp_rate_target): if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): return (False, 'Iperf3 TCP: Log file not present') if (os.path.getsize(filename)==0): return (False, 'Iperf3 TCP: Log file is empty') with open(filename) as file: filename = json.load(file) try: sender_bitrate = round(filename['end']['streams'][0]['sender']['bits_per_second']/1000000,2) receiver_bitrate = round(filename['end']['streams'][0]['receiver']['bits_per_second']/1000000,2) except Exception as e: return (False, 'Could not compute Iperf3 bitrate!') snd_msg = f'Sender Bitrate : {sender_bitrate} Mbps' rcv_msg = f'Receiver Bitrate : {receiver_bitrate} Mbps' success = True if (iperf_tcp_rate_target is not None): if (int(receiver_bitrate) < int(iperf_tcp_rate_target)): rcv_msg += f" (too low! < {iperf_tcp_rate_target} Mbps)" success = False else: rcv_msg += f" (target : {iperf_tcp_rate_target} Mbps)" return(success, f'{snd_msg}\n{rcv_msg}') def Iperf_analyzeV3BIDIRJson(filename): if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): return (False, 'Iperf3 Bidir TCP: Log file not present') if (os.path.getsize(filename)==0): return (False, 'Iperf3 Bidir TCP: Log file is empty') with open(filename) as file: filename = json.load(file) try: sender_bitrate_dl = round(filename['end']['streams'][0]['sender']['bits_per_second']/1000000,2) receiver_bitrate_dl = round(filename['end']['streams'][0]['receiver']['bits_per_second']/1000000,2) sender_bitrate_ul = round(filename['end']['streams'][1]['sender']['bits_per_second']/1000000,2) receiver_bitrate_ul = round(filename['end']['streams'][1]['receiver']['bits_per_second']/1000000,2) except Exception as e: return (False, 'Could not compute BIDIR bitrate!') msg = f'Sender Bitrate DL : {sender_bitrate_dl} Mbps\n' msg += f'Receiver Bitrate DL : {receiver_bitrate_dl} Mbps\n' msg += f'Sender Bitrate UL : {sender_bitrate_ul} Mbps\n' msg += f'Receiver Bitrate UL : {receiver_bitrate_ul} Mbps\n' return (True, msg) def Iperf_analyzeV3UDP(filename, iperf_bitrate_threshold, iperf_packetloss_threshold): if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): return (False, 'Iperf3 UDP: Log file not present') if (os.path.getsize(filename)==0): return (False, 'Iperf3 UDP: Log file is empty') sender_bitrate = None receiver_bitrate = None with open(filename, 'r') as server_file: for line in server_file.readlines(): res_sender = re.search(r'(?P<bitrate>[0-9\.]+)\s+(?P<unit>[KMG]bits\/sec)\s+(?P<jitter>[0-9\.]+\s+ms)\s+(?P<lostPack>\d+)/(?P<sentPack>\d+) \((?P<lost>[0-9\.]+).*?\s+(sender)', line) res_receiver = re.search(r'(?P<bitrate>[0-9\.]+)\s+(?P<unit>[KMG]bits\/sec)\s+(?P<jitter>[0-9\.]+\s+ms)\s+(?P<lostPack>\d+)/(?P<receivedPack>\d+) \((?P<lost>[0-9\.]+).*?\s+(receiver)', line) if res_sender is not None: sender_bitrate = res_sender.group('bitrate') sender_unit = res_sender.group('unit') sender_jitter = res_sender.group('jitter') sender_lostPack = res_sender.group('lostPack') sender_sentPack = res_sender.group('sentPack') sender_packetloss = res_sender.group('lost') if res_receiver is not None: receiver_bitrate = res_receiver.group('bitrate') receiver_unit = res_receiver.group('unit') receiver_jitter = res_receiver.group('jitter') receiver_lostPack = res_receiver.group('lostPack') receiver_receivedPack = res_receiver.group('receivedPack') receiver_packetloss = res_receiver.group('lost') if receiver_bitrate is not None and sender_bitrate is not None: if sender_unit == 'Kbits/sec': sender_bitrate = float(sender_bitrate) / 1000 if receiver_unit == 'Kbits/sec': receiver_bitrate = float(receiver_bitrate) / 1000 br_perf = 100 * float(receiver_bitrate) / float(sender_bitrate) br_perf = '%.2f ' % br_perf sender_bitrate = '%.2f ' % float(sender_bitrate) receiver_bitrate = '%.2f ' % float(receiver_bitrate) req_msg = f'Sender Bitrate : {sender_bitrate} Mbps' bir_msg = f'Receiver Bitrate : {receiver_bitrate} Mbps' brl_msg = f'{br_perf}%' jit_msg = f'Jitter : {receiver_jitter}' pal_msg = f'Packet Loss : {receiver_packetloss} %' if float(br_perf) < float(iperf_bitrate_threshold): brl_msg = f'too low! < {iperf_bitrate_threshold}%' if float(receiver_packetloss) > float(iperf_packetloss_threshold): pal_msg += f' (too high! > {iperf_packetloss_threshold}%)' result = float(br_perf) >= float(iperf_bitrate_threshold) and float(receiver_packetloss) <= float(iperf_packetloss_threshold) return (result, f'{req_msg}\n{bir_msg} ({brl_msg})\n{jit_msg}\n{pal_msg}') else: return (False, 'Could not analyze iperf report') #----------------------------------------------------------- # OaiCiTest Class Definition #----------------------------------------------------------- class OaiCiTest(): def __init__(self): self.ranRepository = '' self.ranBranch = '' self.ranCommitID = '' self.ranAllowMerge = False self.ranTargetBranch = '' self.FailReportCnt = 0 self.testCase_id = '' self.testXMLfiles = [] self.testUnstable = False self.testMinStableId = '999999' self.testStabilityPointReached = False self.desc = '' self.ping_args = '' self.ping_packetloss_threshold = '' self.ping_rttavg_threshold ='' self.iperf_args = '' self.iperf_packetloss_threshold = '' self.iperf_bitrate_threshold = '' self.iperf_profile = '' self.iperf_options = '' self.iperf_tcp_rate_target = '' self.nbMaxUEtoAttach = -1 self.UEDevices = [] self.UEDevicesStatus = [] self.UEDevicesRemoteServer = [] self.UEDevicesRemoteUser = [] self.UEDevicesOffCmd = [] self.UEDevicesOnCmd = [] self.UEDevicesRebootCmd = [] self.idle_sleep_time = 0 self.x2_ho_options = 'network' self.x2NbENBs = 0 self.x2ENBBsIds = [] self.x2ENBConnectedUEs = [] self.repeatCounts = [] self.finalStatus = False self.UEIPAddress = '' self.UEUserName = '' self.UEPassword = '' self.UE_instance = 0 self.UESourceCodePath = '' self.UELogFile = '' self.Build_OAI_UE_args = '' self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args = '' self.clean_repository = True self.air_interface='' self.ue_ids = [] self.svr_id = None self.cmd_prefix = '' # prefix before {lte,nr}-uesoftmodem def BuildOAIUE(self,HTML): if self.UEIPAddress == '' or self.ranRepository == '' or self.ranBranch == '' or self.UEUserName == '' or self.UEPassword == '' or self.UESourceCodePath == '': HELP.GenericHelp(CONST.Version) sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection() SSH.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) result = re.search('--nrUE', self.Build_OAI_UE_args) if result is not None: self.air_interface='nr-uesoftmodem' ue_prefix = 'NR ' else: self.air_interface='lte-uesoftmodem' ue_prefix = '' result = re.search('([a-zA-Z0-9\:\-\.\/])+\.git', self.ranRepository) if result is not None: full_ran_repo_name = self.ranRepository.replace('git/', 'git') else: full_ran_repo_name = self.ranRepository + '.git' SSH.command(f'mkdir -p {self.UESourceCodePath}', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'cd {self.UESourceCodePath}', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'if [ ! -e .git ]; then stdbuf -o0 git clone {full_ran_repo_name} .; else stdbuf -o0 git fetch --prune; fi', '\$', 600) # here add a check if git clone or git fetch went smoothly SSH.command('git config user.email "jenkins@openairinterface.org"', '\$', 5) SSH.command('git config user.name "OAI Jenkins"', '\$', 5) if self.clean_repository: SSH.command('ls *.txt', '\$', 5) result = re.search('LAST_BUILD_INFO', SSH.getBefore()) if result is not None: mismatch = False SSH.command('grep --colour=never SRC_COMMIT LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) result = re.search(self.ranCommitID, SSH.getBefore()) if result is None: mismatch = True SSH.command('grep --colour=never MERGED_W_TGT_BRANCH LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) if self.ranAllowMerge: result = re.search('YES', SSH.getBefore()) if result is None: mismatch = True SSH.command('grep --colour=never TGT_BRANCH LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) if self.ranTargetBranch == '': result = re.search('develop', SSH.getBefore()) else: result = re.search(self.ranTargetBranch, SSH.getBefore()) if result is None: mismatch = True else: result = re.search('NO', SSH.getBefore()) if result is None: mismatch = True if not mismatch: SSH.close() HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Build_OAI_UE_args, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK) return SSH.command(f'echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S git clean -x -d -ff', '\$', 30) # if the commit ID is provided use it to point to it if self.ranCommitID != '': SSH.command(f'git checkout -f {self.ranCommitID}', '\$', 30) # if the branch is not develop, then it is a merge request and we need to do # the potential merge. Note that merge conflicts should already been checked earlier if self.ranAllowMerge: if self.ranTargetBranch == '': if (self.ranBranch != 'develop') and (self.ranBranch != 'origin/develop'): SSH.command('git merge --ff origin/develop -m "Temporary merge for CI"', '\$', 30) else: logging.debug(f'Merging with the target branch: {self.ranTargetBranch}') SSH.command(f'git merge --ff origin/{self.ranTargetBranch} -m "Temporary merge for CI"', '\$', 30) SSH.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5) SSH.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5) SSH.command('mkdir -p log', '\$', 5) SSH.command('chmod 777 log', '\$', 5) # no need to remove in log (git clean did the trick) SSH.command(f'stdbuf -o0 ./build_oai {self.Build_OAI_UE_args} 2>&1 | stdbuf -o0 tee compile_oai_ue.log', 'Bypassing the Tests|build have failed', 1200) SSH.command('ls ran_build/build', '\$', 3) SSH.command('ls ran_build/build', '\$', 3) buildStatus = True result = re.search(self.air_interface, SSH.getBefore()) if result is None: buildStatus = False SSH.command(f'mkdir -p build_log_{self.testCase_id}', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'mv log/* build_log_{self.testCase_id}', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'mv compile_oai_ue.log build_log_{self.testCase_id}', '\$', 5) if buildStatus: # Generating a BUILD INFO file SSH.command(f'echo "SRC_BRANCH: {self.ranBranch}" > ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) SSH.command(f'echo "SRC_COMMIT: {self.ranCommitID}" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) if self.ranAllowMerge: SSH.command('echo "MERGED_W_TGT_BRANCH: YES" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) if self.ranTargetBranch == '': SSH.command('echo "TGT_BRANCH: develop" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) else: SSH.command(f'echo "TGT_BRANCH: {self.ranTargetBranch}" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) else: SSH.command('echo "MERGED_W_TGT_BRANCH: NO" >> ../LAST_BUILD_INFO.txt', '\$', 2) SSH.close() HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Build_OAI_UE_args, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK, 'OAI UE') else: SSH.close() logging.error('\u001B[1m Building OAI UE Failed\u001B[0m') HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Build_OAI_UE_args, 'KO', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK, 'OAI UE') HTML.CreateHtmlTabFooter(False) self.ConditionalExit() def InitializeUE(self, HTML): ues = [cls_module.Module_UE(n.strip()) for n in self.ue_ids] messages = [] with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [executor.submit(ue.initialize) for ue in ues] for f, ue in zip(futures, ues): uename = f'UE {ue.getName()}' messages.append(f'{uename}: initialized' if f.result() else f'{uename}: ERROR during Initialization') [f.result() for f in futures] HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'OK', messages) def InitializeOAIUE(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS): if self.UEIPAddress == '' or self.UEUserName == '' or self.UEPassword == '' or self.UESourceCodePath == '': HELP.GenericHelp(CONST.Version) sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') if self.air_interface == 'lte-uesoftmodem': result = re.search('--no-L2-connect', str(self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args)) if result is None: check_eNB = True check_OAI_UE = False UE_prefix = '' else: UE_prefix = 'NR ' SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection() SSH.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) SSH.command(f'cd {self.UESourceCodePath}', '\$', 5) # Initialize_OAI_UE_args usually start with -C and followed by the location in repository SSH.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5) SSH.command('cd cmake_targets/ran_build/build', '\$', 5) if self.air_interface == 'lte-uesoftmodem': result = re.search('--no-L2-connect', str(self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args)) # We may have to regenerate the .u* files if result is None: SSH.command('ls /tmp/*.sed', '\$', 5) result = re.search('adapt_usim_parameters', SSH.getBefore()) if result is not None: SSH.command('sed -f /tmp/adapt_usim_parameters.sed ../../../openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf > ../../../openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ci-ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf', '\$', 5) else: SSH.command('sed -e "s#93#92#" -e "s#8baf473f2f8fd09487cccbd7097c6862#fec86ba6eb707ed08905757b1bb44b8f#" -e "s#e734f8734007d6c5ce7a0508809e7e9c#C42449363BBAD02B66D16BC975D77CC1#" ../../../openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf > ../../../openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ci-ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S rm -Rf .u*', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S ../../nas_sim_tools/build/conf2uedata -c ../../../openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ci-ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf -o .', '\$', 5) else: SSH.command(f'if [ -e rbconfig.raw ]; then echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S rm rbconfig.raw; fi', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'if [ -e reconfig.raw ]; then echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S rm reconfig.raw; fi', '\$', 5) # Copy the RAW files from gNB running directory (maybe on another machine) copyin_res = SSH.copyin(RAN.eNBIPAddress, RAN.eNBUserName, RAN.eNBPassword, RAN.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/rbconfig.raw', '.') if (copyin_res == 0): SSH.copyout(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword, './rbconfig.raw', self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ran_build/build') copyin_res = SSH.copyin(RAN.eNBIPAddress, RAN.eNBUserName, RAN.eNBPassword, RAN.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/reconfig.raw', '.') if (copyin_res == 0): SSH.copyout(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword, './reconfig.raw', self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ran_build/build') SSH.command(f'echo "ulimit -c unlimited && {self.cmd_prefix} ./{self.air_interface} {self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args}" > ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run{self.UE_instance}.sh', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'chmod 775 ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run {self.UE_instance}.sh', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S rm -Rf {self.UESourceCodePath}/cmake_targets/ue_{self.testCase_id}.log', '\$', 5) self.UELogFile = f'ue_{self.testCase_id}.log' # We are now looping several times to hope we really sync w/ an eNB doOutterLoop = True outterLoopCounter = 5 gotSyncStatus = True fullSyncStatus = True while (doOutterLoop): SSH.command(f'cd {self.UESourceCodePath}/cmake_targets/ran_build/build', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S rm -Rf {self.UESourceCodePath}/cmake_targets/ue_{self.testCase_id}.log', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'echo $USER; nohup sudo -E stdbuf -o0 ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run {self.UE_instance}.sh > {self.UESourceCodePath}/cmake_targets/ue_{self.testCase_id}.log 2>&1 &', self.UEUserName, 5) time.sleep(6) SSH.command('cd ../..', '\$', 5) doLoop = True loopCounter = 10 gotSyncStatus = True # the 'got sync' message is for the UE threads synchronization while (doLoop): loopCounter = loopCounter - 1 if (loopCounter == 0): # Here should never occur logging.error('"got sync" message never showed!') gotSyncStatus = False doLoop = False continue SSH.command(f'stdbuf -o0 cat ue_{self.testCase_id}.log | egrep --text --color=never -i "wait|sync"', '\$', 4) if self.air_interface == 'nr-uesoftmodem': result = re.search('Starting sync detection', SSH.getBefore()) else: result = re.search('got sync', SSH.getBefore()) if result is None: time.sleep(10) else: doLoop = False logging.debug('Found "got sync" message!') if gotSyncStatus == False: # we certainly need to stop the lte-uesoftmodem process if it is still running! SSH.command('ps -aux | grep --text --color=never softmodem | grep -v grep', '\$', 4) result = re.search('-uesoftmodem', SSH.getBefore()) if result is not None: SSH.command(f'echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S killall --signal=SIGINT -r *-uesoftmodem', '\$', 4) time.sleep(3) outterLoopCounter = outterLoopCounter - 1 if (outterLoopCounter == 0): doOutterLoop = False continue # We are now checking if sync w/ eNB DOES NOT OCCUR # Usually during the cell synchronization stage, the UE returns with No cell synchronization message # That is the case for LTE # In NR case, it's a positive message that will show if synchronization occurs doLoop = True if self.air_interface == 'nr-uesoftmodem': loopCounter = 10 else: # We are now checking if sync w/ eNB DOES NOT OCCUR # Usually during the cell synchronization stage, the UE returns with No cell synchronization message loopCounter = 10 while (doLoop): loopCounter = loopCounter - 1 if (loopCounter == 0): if self.air_interface == 'nr-uesoftmodem': # Here we do have great chances that UE did NOT cell-sync w/ gNB doLoop = False fullSyncStatus = False logging.debug('Never seen the NR-Sync message (Measured Carrier Frequency) --> try again') time.sleep(6) # Stopping the NR-UE SSH.command('ps -aux | grep --text --color=never softmodem | grep -v grep', '\$', 4) result = re.search('nr-uesoftmodem', SSH.getBefore()) if result is not None: SSH.command(f'echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S killall --signal=SIGINT nr-uesoftmodem', '\$', 4) time.sleep(6) else: # Here we do have a great chance that the UE did cell-sync w/ eNB doLoop = False doOutterLoop = False fullSyncStatus = True continue SSH.command(f'stdbuf -o0 cat ue_{self.testCase_id}.log | egrep --text --color=never -i "wait|sync|Frequency"', '\$', 4) if self.air_interface == 'nr-uesoftmodem': # Positive messaging --> result = re.search('Measured Carrier Frequency', SSH.getBefore()) if result is not None: doLoop = False doOutterLoop = False fullSyncStatus = True else: time.sleep(6) else: # Negative messaging --> result = re.search('No cell synchronization found', SSH.getBefore()) if result is None: time.sleep(6) else: doLoop = False fullSyncStatus = False logging.debug('Found: "No cell synchronization" message! --> try again') time.sleep(6) SSH.command('ps -aux | grep --text --color=never softmodem | grep -v grep', '\$', 4) result = re.search('lte-uesoftmodem', SSH.getBefore()) if result is not None: SSH.command(f'echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S killall --signal=SIGINT lte-uesoftmodem', '\$', 4) outterLoopCounter = outterLoopCounter - 1 if (outterLoopCounter == 0): doOutterLoop = False if fullSyncStatus and gotSyncStatus: doInterfaceCheck = False if self.air_interface == 'lte-uesoftmodem': result = re.search('--no-L2-connect', str(self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args)) if result is None: doInterfaceCheck = True # For the moment, only in explicit noS1 without kernel module (ie w/ tunnel interface) if self.air_interface == 'nr-uesoftmodem': result = re.search('--noS1', str(self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args)) if result is not None: doInterfaceCheck = True if doInterfaceCheck: SSH.command('ifconfig oaitun_ue1', '\$', 4) SSH.command('ifconfig oaitun_ue1', '\$', 4) # ifconfig output is different between ubuntu 16 and ubuntu 18 result = re.search('inet addr:[0-9]|inet [0-9]', SSH.getBefore()) if result is not None: logging.debug('\u001B[1m oaitun_ue1 interface is mounted and configured\u001B[0m') tunnelInterfaceStatus = True else: logging.debug(SSH.getBefore()) logging.error('\u001B[1m oaitun_ue1 interface is either NOT mounted or NOT configured\u001B[0m') tunnelInterfaceStatus = False if RAN.eNBmbmsEnables[0]: SSH.command('ifconfig oaitun_uem1', '\$', 4) result = re.search('inet addr', SSH.getBefore()) if result is not None: logging.debug('\u001B[1m oaitun_uem1 interface is mounted and configured\u001B[0m') tunnelInterfaceStatus = tunnelInterfaceStatus and True else: logging.error('\u001B[1m oaitun_uem1 interface is either NOT mounted or NOT configured\u001B[0m') tunnelInterfaceStatus = False else: tunnelInterfaceStatus = True else: tunnelInterfaceStatus = True SSH.close() if fullSyncStatus and gotSyncStatus and tunnelInterfaceStatus: HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.air_interface + ' ' + self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args, 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK, 'OAI UE') logging.debug('\u001B[1m Initialize OAI UE Completed\u001B[0m') else: if self.air_interface == 'lte-uesoftmodem': if RAN.eNBmbmsEnables[0]: HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg='oaitun_ue1/oaitun_uem1 interfaces are either NOT mounted or NOT configured' else: HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg='oaitun_ue1 interface is either NOT mounted or NOT configured' HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.air_interface + ' ' + self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args, 'KO', CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_NO_TUNNEL_INTERFACE, 'OAI UE') else: HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg='nr-uesoftmodem did NOT synced' HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.air_interface + ' ' + self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args, 'KO', CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_COULD_NOT_SYNC, 'OAI UE') logging.error('\033[91mInitialize OAI UE Failed! \033[0m') self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS) def AttachUE(self, HTML, RAN, EPC, CONTAINERS): ues = [cls_module.Module_UE(n.strip()) for n in self.ue_ids] with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [executor.submit(ue.attach) for ue in ues] attached = [f.result() for f in futures] futures = [executor.submit(ue.checkMTU) for ue in ues] mtus = [f.result() for f in futures] messages = [f"UE {ue.getName()}: {ue.getIP()}" for ue in ues] if all(attached) and all(mtus): HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'OK', messages) else: logging.error(f'error attaching or wrong MTU: attached {attached}, mtus {mtus}') HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'KO', ["Could not retrieve UE IP address(es) or MTU(s) wrong!"]) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML, RAN, EPC, CONTAINERS) def DetachUE(self, HTML): ues = [cls_module.Module_UE(n.strip()) for n in self.ue_ids] with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [executor.submit(ue.detach) for ue in ues] [f.result() for f in futures] messages = [f"UE {ue.getName()}: detached" for ue in ues] HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('NA', 'OK', messages) def DataDisableUE(self, HTML): ues = [cls_module.Module_UE(n.strip()) for n in self.ue_ids] with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [executor.submit(ue.dataDisable) for ue in ues] status = [f.result() for f in futures] if all(status): messages = [f"UE {ue.getName()}: data disabled" for ue in ues] HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('NA', 'OK', messages) else: logging.error(f'error enabling data: {status}') HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'KO', ["Could not disable UE data!"]) def DataEnableUE(self, HTML): ues = [cls_module.Module_UE(n.strip()) for n in self.ue_ids] logging.debug(f'disabling data for UEs {ues}') with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [executor.submit(ue.dataEnable) for ue in ues] status = [f.result() for f in futures] if all(status): messages = [f"UE {ue.getName()}: data enabled" for ue in ues] HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('NA', 'OK', messages) else: logging.error(f'error enabling data: {status}') HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('N/A', 'KO', ["Could not enable UE data!"]) def CheckStatusUE(self,HTML): ues = [cls_module.Module_UE(n.strip()) for n in self.ue_ids] logging.debug(f'checking status of UEs {ues}') messages = [] with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [executor.submit(ue.check) for ue in ues] messages = [f.result() for f in futures] HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue('NA', 'OK', messages) def Ping_common(self, EPC, ue, RAN, printLock): # Launch ping on the EPC side (true for ltebox and old open-air-cn) ping_status = 0 ueIP = ue.getIP() if not ueIP: return (False, f"UE {ue.getName()} has no IP address") ping_log_file = f'ping_{self.testCase_id}_{ue.getName()}.log' ping_time = re.findall("-c *(\d+)",str(self.ping_args)) local_ping_log_file = f'{os.getcwd()}/{ping_log_file}' # if has pattern %cn_ip%, replace with core IP address, else we assume the IP is present if re.search('%cn_ip%', self.ping_args): #target address is different depending on EPC type if re.match('OAI-Rel14-Docker', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE): self.ping_args = re.sub('%cn_ip%', EPC.MmeIPAddress, self.ping_args) elif re.match('OAICN5G', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE): self.ping_args = re.sub('%cn_ip%', EPC.MmeIPAddress, self.ping_args) elif re.match('OC-OAI-CN5G', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE): self.ping_args = re.sub('%cn_ip%', '', self.ping_args) else: self.ping_args = re.sub('%cn_ip%', EPC.IPAddress, self.ping_args) #ping from module NIC rather than IP address to make sure round trip is over the air interface = f'-I {ue.getIFName()}' if ue.getIFName() else '' ping_cmd = f'{ue.getCmdPrefix()} ping {interface} {self.ping_args} 2>&1 | tee /tmp/{ping_log_file}' cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(ue.getHost()) response = cmd.run(ping_cmd, timeout=int(ping_time[0])*1.5) ue_header = f'UE {ue.getName()} ({ueIP})' if response.returncode != 0: message = ue_header + ': ping crashed: TIMEOUT?' logging.error('\u001B[1;37;41m ' + message + ' \u001B[0m') return (False, message) #copy the ping log file to have it locally for analysis (ping stats) cmd.copyin(src=f'/tmp/{ping_log_file}', tgt=local_ping_log_file) cmd.close() with open(local_ping_log_file, 'r') as f: ping_output = "".join(f.readlines()) result = re.search(', (?P<packetloss>[0-9\.]+)% packet loss, time [0-9\.]+ms', ping_output) if result is None: message = ue_header + ': Packet Loss Not Found!' logging.error(f'\u001B[1;37;41m {message} \u001B[0m') return (False, message) packetloss = result.group('packetloss') result = re.search('rtt min\/avg\/max\/mdev = (?P<rtt_min>[0-9\.]+)\/(?P<rtt_avg>[0-9\.]+)\/(?P<rtt_max>[0-9\.]+)\/[0-9\.]+ ms', ping_output) if result is None: message = ue_header + ': Ping RTT_Min RTT_Avg RTT_Max Not Found!' logging.error(f'\u001B[1;37;41m {message} \u001B[0m') return (False, message) rtt_min = result.group('rtt_min') rtt_avg = result.group('rtt_avg') rtt_max = result.group('rtt_max') pal_msg = f'Packet Loss: {packetloss}%' min_msg = f'RTT(Min) : {rtt_min} ms' avg_msg = f'RTT(Avg) : {rtt_avg} ms' max_msg = f'RTT(Max) : {rtt_max} ms' # adding a lock for cleaner display in command line printLock.acquire() logging.info(f'\u001B[1;37;44m ping result for {ue_header} \u001B[0m') logging.info(f'\u001B[1;34m {pal_msg} \u001B[0m') logging.info(f'\u001B[1;34m {min_msg} \u001B[0m') logging.info(f'\u001B[1;34m {avg_msg} \u001B[0m') logging.info(f'\u001B[1;34m {max_msg} \u001B[0m') message = f'{ue_header}\n{pal_msg}\n{min_msg}\n{avg_msg}\n{max_msg}' #checking packet loss compliance if float(packetloss) > float(self.ping_packetloss_threshold): message += '\nPacket Loss too high' logging.error(f'\u001B[1;37;41m Packet Loss too high; Target: {self.ping_packetloss_threshold}%\u001B[0m') printLock.release() return (False, message) elif float(packetloss) > 0: message += '\nPacket Loss is not 0%' logging.info('\u001B[1;30;43m Packet Loss is not 0% \u001B[0m') if self.ping_rttavg_threshold != '': if float(rtt_avg) > float(self.ping_rttavg_threshold): ping_rttavg_error_msg = f'RTT(Avg) too high: {rtt_avg} ms; Target: {self.ping_rttavg_threshold} ms' message += f'\n {ping_rttavg_error_msg}' logging.error('\u001B[1;37;41m'+ ping_rttavg_error_msg +' \u001B[0m') printLock.release() return (False, message) printLock.release() return (True, message) def Ping(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS): if EPC.IPAddress == '' or EPC.UserName == '' or EPC.Password == '' or EPC.SourceCodePath == '': HELP.GenericHelp(CONST.Version) sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') if self.ue_ids == []: raise Exception("no module names in self.ue_ids provided") ues = [cls_module.Module_UE(n.strip()) for n in self.ue_ids] logging.debug(ues) pingLock = Lock() with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [executor.submit(self.Ping_common, EPC, ue, RAN, pingLock) for ue in ues] results = [f.result() for f in futures] # each result in results is a tuple, first member goes to successes, second to messages successes, messages = map(list, zip(*results)) if len(successes) == len(ues) and all(successes): HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'OK', messages) else: HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.ping_args, 'KO', messages) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS) def Iperf_analyzeV2TCPOutput(self, SSH, filename): SSH.command(f'awk -f /tmp/tcp_iperf_stats.awk {filename}', '\$', 5) result = re.search('Avg Bitrate : (?P<average>[0-9\.]+ Mbits\/sec) Max Bitrate : (?P<maximum>[0-9\.]+ Mbits\/sec) Min Bitrate : (?P<minimum>[0-9\.]+ Mbits\/sec)', SSH.getBefore()) if result is not None: avgbitrate = result.group('average') maxbitrate = result.group('maximum') minbitrate = result.group('minimum') msg = 'TCP Stats :\n' if avgbitrate is not None: msg += f'Avg Bitrate : {avgbitrate} \n' if maxbitrate is not None: msg += f'Max Bitrate : {maxbitrate} \n' if minbitrate is not None: msg += f'Min Bitrate : {minbitrate} \n' return (True, msg) return (False, "could not analyze log file") def Iperf_analyzeV2Output(self, iperf_real_options, EPC, SSH): result = re.search('-u', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is None: filename = f'{EPC.SourceCodePath}/scripts/iperf_{self.testCase_id}_{device_id}.log' response = self.Iperf_analyzeV2TCPOutput(SSH, filename) return response result = re.search('Server Report:', SSH.getBefore()) if result is None: result = re.search('read failed: Connection refused', SSH.getBefore()) if result is not None: msg = 'Could not connect to iperf server!' return (False, msg) else: msg = 'Server Report and Connection refused Not Found!' return (False, msg) # Computing the requested bandwidth in float result = re.search('-b (?P<iperf_bandwidth>[0-9\.]+)[KMG]', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = result.group('iperf_bandwidth') req_bw = float(req_bandwidth) result = re.search('-b [0-9\.]+K', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = '%.1f Kbits/sec' % req_bw req_bw = req_bw * 1000 result = re.search('-b [0-9\.]+M', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = '%.1f Mbits/sec' % req_bw req_bw = req_bw * 1000000 result = re.search('-b [0-9\.]+G', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = '%.1f Gbits/sec' % req_bw req_bw = req_bw * 1000000000 result = re.search('Server Report:\r\n(?:|\[ *\d+\].*) (?P<bitrate>[0-9\.]+ [KMG]bits\/sec) +(?P<jitter>[0-9\.]+ ms) +(\d+\/..\d+) +(\((?P<packetloss>[0-9\.]+)%\))', SSH.getBefore()) if result is not None: bitrate = result.group('bitrate') packetloss = result.group('packetloss') jitter = result.group('jitter') iperfStatus = True msg = f'Req Bitrate : {req_bandwidth} \n' if bitrate is not None: msg += f'Bitrate : {bitrate} \n' result = re.search('(?P<real_bw>[0-9\.]+) [KMG]bits/sec', str(bitrate)) if result is not None: actual_bw = float(str(result.group('real_bw'))) result = re.search('[0-9\.]+ K', bitrate) if result is not None: actual_bw = actual_bw * 1000 result = re.search('[0-9\.]+ M', bitrate) if result is not None: actual_bw = actual_bw * 1000000 result = re.search('[0-9\.]+ G', bitrate) if result is not None: actual_bw = actual_bw * 1000000000 br_loss = 100 * actual_bw / req_bw bitperf = '%.2f ' % br_loss msg += f'Bitrate Perf: {bitperf} %\n' if packetloss is not None: msg += f'Packet Loss : {packetloss} %\n' if float(packetloss) > float(self.iperf_packetloss_threshold): msg += 'Packet Loss too high!\n' iperfStatus = False if jitter is not None: msg += f'Jitter : {jitter} \n' return (iperfStatus, msg) else: return (False, "could not analyze server log") def Iperf_analyzeV2BIDIR(self, server_filename, client_filename): #check the 2 files are here if (not os.path.isfile(client_filename)) or (not os.path.isfile(server_filename)): return (False, 'Bidir TCP: Client or Server Log File not present') #check the 2 files size if (os.path.getsize(client_filename)==0) and (os.path.getsize(server_filename)==0): return (False, 'Bidir TCP: Client and Server Log File are empty') report_msg = '' #if client is not empty, all the info is in, otherwise we ll use the server file to get some partial info client_filesize = os.path.getsize(client_filename) if client_filesize == 0: report_msg+="Client file (UE) present but !!! EMPTY !!!\n" report_msg+="Partial report from server file" filename = server_filename else : report_msg+="Report from client file (UE)" filename = client_filename report=[] #used to check if relevant lines were found with open(filename, 'r') as f_client: for line in f_client.readlines(): result = re.search(rf'^\[\s+\d+\](?P<direction>\[.+\]).*\s+(?P<bitrate>[0-9\.]+ [KMG]bits\/sec).*\s+(?P<role>\bsender|receiver\b)', str(line)) if result is not None: report.append(str(line)) report_msg += f"\n{result.group('role')} {result.group('direction')}\t: {result.group('bitrate')}" if len(report) == 0: return (False, 'Bidir TCP: Could not analyze from Log file') return (True, report_msg) def Iperf_analyzeV2Server(self, iperf_real_options, filename, type): if (not os.path.isfile(filename)): return (False, 'Could not analyze from server log') # Computing the requested bandwidth in float result = re.search('-b (?P<iperf_bandwidth>[0-9\.]+)[KMG]', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is None: return (False, 'Could not compute Iperf bandwidth!') else: req_bandwidth = result.group('iperf_bandwidth') req_bw = float(req_bandwidth) result = re.search('-b [0-9\.]+K', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = '%.1f Kbits/sec' % req_bw req_bw = req_bw * 1000 result = re.search('-b [0-9\.]+M', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = '%.1f Mbits/sec' % req_bw req_bw = req_bw * 1000000 result = re.search('-b [0-9\.]+G', str(iperf_real_options)) if result is not None: req_bandwidth = '%.1f Gbits/sec' % req_bw req_bw = req_bw * 1000000000 server_file = open(filename, 'r') br_sum = 0.0 ji_sum = 0.0 pl_sum = 0 ps_sum = 0 row_idx = 0 for line in server_file.readlines(): if type==0: result = re.search('(?P<bitrate>[0-9\.]+ [KMG]bits\/sec) +(?P<jitter>[0-9\.]+ ms) +(?P<lostPack>[0-9]+)/ +(?P<sentPack>[0-9]+)', str(line)) else: result = re.search('^\[\s+\d\].+ (?P<bitrate>[0-9\.]+ [KMG]bits\/sec) +(?P<jitter>[0-9\.]+ ms) +(?P<lostPack>[0-9]+)\/\s*(?P<sentPack>[0-9]+)', str(line)) if result is not None: bitrate = result.group('bitrate') jitter = result.group('jitter') packetlost = result.group('lostPack') packetsent = result.group('sentPack') br = bitrate.split(' ') ji = jitter.split(' ') row_idx = row_idx + 1 curr_br = float(br[0]) pl_sum = pl_sum + int(packetlost) ps_sum = ps_sum + int(packetsent) if (br[1] == 'Kbits/sec'): curr_br = curr_br * 1000 if (br[1] == 'Mbits/sec'): curr_br = curr_br * 1000 * 1000 br_sum = curr_br + br_sum ji_sum = float(ji[0]) + ji_sum server_file.close() if (row_idx > 0): br_sum = br_sum / row_idx ji_sum = ji_sum / row_idx br_loss = 100 * br_sum / req_bw if (br_sum > 1000): br_sum = br_sum / 1000 if (br_sum > 1000): br_sum = br_sum / 1000 bitrate = '%.2f Mbits/sec' % br_sum else: bitrate = '%.2f Kbits/sec' % br_sum else: bitrate = '%.2f bits/sec' % br_sum bitperf = '%.2f ' % br_loss bitperf += '%' jitter = '%.2f ms' % (ji_sum) if (ps_sum > 0): pl = float(100 * pl_sum / ps_sum) packetloss = '%2.1f ' % (pl) packetloss += '%' result = float(br_loss) >= float(self.iperf_bitrate_threshold) and float(pl) <= float(self.iperf_packetloss_threshold) req_msg = f'Req Bitrate : {req_bandwidth}' bir_msg = f'Bitrate : {bitrate}' brl_msg = f'Bitrate Perf: {bitperf}' if float(br_loss) < float(self.iperf_bitrate_threshold): brl_msg += f' (too low! <{self.iperf_bitrate_threshold}%)' jit_msg = f'Jitter : {jitter}' pal_msg = f'Packet Loss : {packetloss}' if float(pl) > float(self.iperf_packetloss_threshold): pal_msg += f' (too high! >{self.iperf_packetloss_threshold}%)' return (result, f'{req_msg}\n{bir_msg}\n{brl_msg}\n{jit_msg}\n{pal_msg}') else: return (False, 'Could not analyze from server log') def Iperf_Module(self, EPC, ue, RAN, idx, ue_num): ueIP = ue.getIP() if not ueIP: return (False, f"UE {ue.getName()} has no IP address") SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection() server_filename = f'iperf_server_{self.testCase_id}_{ue.getName()}.log' client_filename = f'iperf_client_{self.testCase_id}_{ue.getName()}.log' if (re.match('OAI-Rel14-Docker', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE)) or (re.match('OAICN5G', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE)): #retrieve trf-gen container IP address SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password) SSH.command('docker inspect --format="TRF_IP_ADDR = {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}" prod-trf-gen', '\$', 5) result = re.search('TRF_IP_ADDR = (?P<trf_ip_addr>[0-9\.]+)', SSH.getBefore()) if result is None: raise Exception("could not corver prod-trf-gen IP address") cn_target_ip = result.group('trf_ip_addr') SSH.close() cn_iperf_prefix = "docker exec prod-trf-gen" # -w /iperf-2.0.13 necessary? elif (re.match('OC-OAI-CN5G', EPC.Type, re.IGNORECASE)): cn_target_ip = "" else: # lteboix, sabox cn_target_ip = "" cn_iperf_prefix = "" iperf_opt = self.iperf_args udpIperf = re.search('-u', iperf_opt) is not None udpSwitch = '-u' if udpIperf else '' if udpIperf: iperf_opt = self.Iperf_ComputeModifiedBW(idx, ue_num) logging.info(f'iperf options modified from "{self.iperf_args}" to "{iperf_opt}" for {ue.getName()}') iperf_time = int(self.Iperf_ComputeTime()) port = f'-p {5001+idx}' # hack: the ADB UEs don't have iperf in $PATH, so we need to hardcode for the moment iperf_ue = '/data/local/tmp/iperf' if re.search('adb', ue.getName()) else 'iperf' ue_header = f'UE {ue.getName()} ({ueIP})' if self.iperf_direction == "DL": logging.debug("Iperf in DL requested") cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(ue.getHost()) cmd.run(f'rm {server_filename}') cmd.run(f'{ue.getCmdPrefix()} {iperf_ue} -s -B {ueIP} {udpSwitch} -i 1 -t {iperf_time * 1.5} {port} &> /tmp/{server_filename} &') cmd.close() cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(EPC.IPAddress) cmd.run(f'rm {EPC.SourceCodePath}/{client_filename}') cmd.run(f'{cn_iperf_prefix} iperf -c {ueIP} {iperf_opt} {port} &> {EPC.SourceCodePath}/{client_filename}', timeout=iperf_time * 1.5) cmd.copyin(f'{EPC.SourceCodePath}/{client_filename}', client_filename) cmd.close() cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(ue.getHost()) cmd.copyin(f'/tmp/{server_filename}', server_filename) cmd.close() if udpIperf: status, msg = self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(iperf_opt, server_filename, 1) else: cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(EPC.IPAddress) status, msg = self.Iperf_analyzeV2TCPOutput(cmd, f"{EPC.SourceCodePath}/{client_filename}") cmd.close() elif self.iperf_direction == "UL": logging.debug("Iperf in UL requested") cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(EPC.IPAddress) cmd.run(f'rm {EPC.SourceCodePath}/{server_filename}') cmd.run(f'{cn_iperf_prefix} iperf -s {udpSwitch} -t {iperf_time * 1.5} {port} &> {EPC.SourceCodePath}/{server_filename} &') cmd.close() cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(ue.getHost()) cmd.run(f'rm /tmp/{client_filename}') cmd.run(f'{ue.getCmdPrefix()} {iperf_ue} -B {ueIP} -c {cn_target_ip} {iperf_opt} {port} &> /tmp/{client_filename}', timeout=iperf_time*1.5) cmd.copyin(f'/tmp/{client_filename}', client_filename) cmd.close() cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(EPC.IPAddress) cmd.copyin(f'{EPC.SourceCodePath}/{server_filename}', server_filename) cmd.close() if udpIperf: status, msg = self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(iperf_opt, server_filename, 1) else: cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(ue.getHost()) status, msg = self.Iperf_analyzeV2TCPOutput(cmd, f"/tmp/{client_filename}") cmd.close() elif self.iperf_direction=="BIDIR": logging.debug("Bi-directional iperf requested") cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(EPC.IPAddress) cmd.run(f'rm {EPC.SourceCodePath}/{server_filename}') cmd.run(f'{cn_iperf_prefix} iperf3 -s -i 1 -1 {port} &> {EPC.SourceCodePath}/{server_filename} &') cmd.close() cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(ue.getHost()) cmd.run(f'rm /tmp/{client_filename}') cmd.run(f'iperf3 -B {ueIP} -c {cn_target_ip} {iperf_opt} {port} &> /tmp/{client_filename}', timeout=iperf_time*1.5) cmd.copyin(f'/tmp/{client_filename}', client_filename) cmd.close() cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(EPC.IPAddress) cmd.copyin(f'{EPC.SourceCodePath}/{server_filename}', server_filename) cmd.close() status, msg = self.Iperf_analyzeV2BIDIR(server_filename, client_filename) elif self.iperf_direction == "IPERF3": cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(ue.getHost()) cmd.run(f'rm /tmp/{server_filename}', reportNonZero=False) port = f'{5002+idx}' cmd.run(f'{ue.getCmdPrefix()} iperf3 -B {ueIP} -c {cn_target_ip} -p {port} {iperf_opt} --get-server-output &> /tmp/{server_filename}', timeout=iperf_time*1.5) cmd.copyin(f'/tmp/{server_filename}', server_filename) cmd.close() if udpIperf: status, msg = self.Iperf_analyzeV2Server(iperf_opt, server_filename, 1) else: cmd = cls_cmd.getConnection(EPC.IPAddress) status, msg = self.Iperf_analyzeV2TCPOutput(cmd, f'/tmp/{server_filename}') cmd.close() else : raise Exception("Incorrect or missing IPERF direction in XML") logging.info(f'\u001B[1;37;45m iperf result for {ue_header}\u001B[0m') for l in msg.split('\n'): logging.info(f'\u001B[1;35m {l} \u001B[0m') return (status, f'{ue_header}\n{msg}') def IperfNoS1(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS): raise 'IperfNoS1 not implemented' def Iperf(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS): result = re.search('noS1', str(RAN.Initialize_eNB_args)) if result is not None: self.IperfNoS1(HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS) return if EPC.IPAddress == '' or EPC.UserName == '' or EPC.Password == '' or EPC.SourceCodePath == '': HELP.GenericHelp(CONST.Version) sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') logging.debug(f'Iperf: iperf_args "{self.iperf_args}" iperf_direction "{self.iperf_direction}" iperf_packetloss_threshold "{self.iperf_packetloss_threshold}" iperf_bitrate_threshold "{self.iperf_bitrate_threshold}" iperf_profile "{self.iperf_profile}" iperf_options "{self.iperf_options}"') ues = [cls_module.Module_UE(n.strip()) for n in self.ue_ids] svr = cls_module.Module_UE(self.svr_id) logging.debug(ues) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [executor.submit(self.Iperf_Module, EPC, ue, RAN, i, len(ues)) for i, ue in enumerate(ues)] results = [f.result() for f in futures] # each result in results is a tuple, first member goes to successes, second to messages successes, messages = map(list, zip(*results)) if len(successes) == len(ues) and all(successes): HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.iperf_args, 'OK', messages) else: HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(self.iperf_args, 'KO', messages) self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS) def AnalyzeLogFile_UE(self, UElogFile,HTML,RAN): if (not os.path.isfile(f'./{UElogFile}')): return -1 ue_log_file = open(f'./{UElogFile}', 'r') exitSignalReceived = False foundAssertion = False msgAssertion = '' msgLine = 0 foundSegFault = False foundRealTimeIssue = False uciStatMsgCount = 0 pdcpDataReqFailedCount = 0 badDciCount = 0 f1aRetransmissionCount = 0 fatalErrorCount = 0 macBsrTimerExpiredCount = 0 rrcConnectionRecfgComplete = 0 no_cell_sync_found = False mib_found = False frequency_found = False plmn_found = False nrUEFlag = False nrDecodeMib = 0 nrFoundDCI = 0 nrCRCOK = 0 mbms_messages = 0 nbPduSessAccept = 0 nbPduDiscard = 0 HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg='' global_status = CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK for line in ue_log_file.readlines(): result = re.search('nr_synchro_time|Starting NR UE soft modem', str(line)) if result is not None: nrUEFlag = True if nrUEFlag: result = re.search('decode mib', str(line)) if result is not None: nrDecodeMib += 1 result = re.search('found 1 DCIs', str(line)) if result is not None: nrFoundDCI += 1 result = re.search('CRC OK', str(line)) if result is not None: nrCRCOK += 1 result = re.search('Received PDU Session Establishment Accept', str(line)) if result is not None: nbPduSessAccept += 1 result = re.search('warning: discard PDU, sn out of window', str(line)) if result is not None: nbPduDiscard += 1 result = re.search('--nfapi STANDALONE_PNF --node-number 2 --sa', str(line)) if result is not None: frequency_found = True result = re.search('Exiting OAI softmodem', str(line)) if result is not None: exitSignalReceived = True result = re.search('System error|[Ss]egmentation [Ff]ault|======= Backtrace: =========|======= Memory map: ========', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundSegFault = True result = re.search('[Cc]ore [dD]ump', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundSegFault = True result = re.search('[Aa]ssertion', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundAssertion = True result = re.search('LLL', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: foundRealTimeIssue = True if foundAssertion and (msgLine < 3): msgLine += 1 msgAssertion += str(line) result = re.search('uci->stat', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: uciStatMsgCount += 1 result = re.search('PDCP data request failed', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: pdcpDataReqFailedCount += 1 result = re.search('bad DCI 1', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: badDciCount += 1 result = re.search('Format1A Retransmission but TBS are different', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: f1aRetransmissionCount += 1 result = re.search('FATAL ERROR', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: fatalErrorCount += 1 result = re.search('MAC BSR Triggered ReTxBSR Timer expiry', str(line)) if result is not None and not exitSignalReceived: macBsrTimerExpiredCount += 1 result = re.search('Generating RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete', str(line)) if result is not None: rrcConnectionRecfgComplete += 1 # No cell synchronization found, abandoning result = re.search('No cell synchronization found, abandoning', str(line)) if result is not None: no_cell_sync_found = True if RAN.eNBmbmsEnables[0]: result = re.search('TRIED TO PUSH MBMS DATA', str(line)) if result is not None: mbms_messages += 1 result = re.search("MIB Information => ([a-zA-Z]{1,10}), ([a-zA-Z]{1,10}), NidCell (?P<nidcell>\d{1,3}), N_RB_DL (?P<n_rb_dl>\d{1,3}), PHICH DURATION (?P<phich_duration>\d), PHICH RESOURCE (?P<phich_resource>.{1,4}), TX_ANT (?P<tx_ant>\d)", str(line)) if result is not None and (not mib_found): try: mibMsg = "MIB Information: " + result.group(1) + ', ' + result.group(2) HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug(f'\033[94m{mibMsg}\033[0m') mibMsg = " nidcell = " + result.group('nidcell') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + mibMsg logging.debug(f'\033[94m{mibMsg}\033[0m') mibMsg = " n_rb_dl = " + result.group('n_rb_dl') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug(f'\033[94m{mibMsg}\033[0m') mibMsg = " phich_duration = " + result.group('phich_duration') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + mibMsg logging.debug(f'\033[94m{mibMsg}\033[0m') mibMsg = " phich_resource = " + result.group('phich_resource') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug(f'\033[94m{mibMsg}\033[0m') mibMsg = " tx_ant = " + result.group('tx_ant') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug(f'\033[94m{mibMsg}\033[0m') mib_found = True except Exception as e: logging.error(f'\033[91m MIB marker was not found \033[0m') result = re.search("Measured Carrier Frequency (?P<measured_carrier_frequency>\d{1,15}) Hz", str(line)) if result is not None and (not frequency_found): try: mibMsg = f"Measured Carrier Frequency = {result.group('measured_carrier_frequency')} Hz" HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug(f'\033[94m{mibMsg}\033[0m') frequency_found = True except Exception as e: logging.error(f'\033[91m Measured Carrier Frequency not found \033[0m') result = re.search("PLMN MCC (?P<mcc>\d{1,3}), MNC (?P<mnc>\d{1,3}), TAC", str(line)) if result is not None and (not plmn_found): try: mibMsg = f"PLMN MCC = {result.group('mcc')} MNC = {result.group('mnc')}" HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug(f'\033[94m{mibMsg}\033[0m') plmn_found = True except Exception as e: logging.error(f'\033[91m PLMN not found \033[0m') result = re.search("Found (?P<operator>[\w,\s]{1,15}) \(name from internal table\)", str(line)) if result is not None: try: mibMsg = f"The operator is: {result.group('operator')}" HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + mibMsg + '\n' logging.debug(f'\033[94m{mibMsg}\033[0m') except Exception as e: logging.error(f'\033[91m Operator name not found \033[0m') result = re.search("SIB5 InterFreqCarrierFreq element (.{1,4})/(.{1,4})", str(line)) if result is not None: try: mibMsg = f'SIB5 InterFreqCarrierFreq element {result.group(1)}/{result.group(2)}' HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + mibMsg + ' -> ' logging.debug(f'\033[94m{mibMsg}\033[0m') except Exception as e: logging.error(f'\033[91m SIB5 InterFreqCarrierFreq element not found \033[0m') result = re.search("DL Carrier Frequency/ARFCN : \-*(?P<carrier_frequency>\d{1,15}/\d{1,4})", str(line)) if result is not None: try: freq = result.group('carrier_frequency') new_freq = re.sub('/[0-9]+','',freq) float_freq = float(new_freq) / 1000000 HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + 'DL Freq: ' + ('%.1f' % float_freq) + ' MHz' logging.debug(f'\033[94m DL Carrier Frequency is: {freq}\033[0m') except Exception as e: logging.error(f'\033[91m DL Carrier Frequency not found \033[0m') result = re.search("AllowedMeasBandwidth : (?P<allowed_bandwidth>\d{1,7})", str(line)) if result is not None: try: prb = result.group('allowed_bandwidth') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + ' -- PRB: ' + prb + '\n' logging.debug(f'\033[94m AllowedMeasBandwidth: {prb}\033[0m') except Exception as e: logging.error(f'\033[91m AllowedMeasBandwidth not found \033[0m') ue_log_file.close() if rrcConnectionRecfgComplete > 0: statMsg = f'UE connected to eNB ({rrcConnectionRecfgComplete}) RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message(s) generated)' logging.debug(f'\033[94m{statMsg}\033[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if nrUEFlag: if nrDecodeMib > 0: statMsg = f'UE showed {nrDecodeMib} "MIB decode" message(s)' logging.debug(f'\u001B[1;30;43m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if nrFoundDCI > 0: statMsg = f'UE showed {nrFoundDCI} "DCI found" message(s)' logging.debug(f'\u001B[1;30;43m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if nrCRCOK > 0: statMsg = f'UE showed {nrCRCOK} "PDSCH decoding" message(s)' logging.debug(f'\u001B[1;30;43m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if not frequency_found: statMsg = 'NR-UE could NOT synch!' logging.error(f'\u001B[1;30;43m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if nbPduSessAccept > 0: statMsg = f'UE showed {nbPduSessAccept} "Received PDU Session Establishment Accept" message(s)' logging.debug(f'\u001B[1;30;43m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if nbPduDiscard > 0: statMsg = f'UE showed {nbPduDiscard} "warning: discard PDU, sn out of window" message(s)' logging.debug(f'\u001B[1;30;43m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if uciStatMsgCount > 0: statMsg = f'UE showed {uciStatMsgCount} "uci->stat" message(s)' logging.debug(f'\u001B[1;30;43m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if pdcpDataReqFailedCount > 0: statMsg = f'UE showed {pdcpDataReqFailedCount} "PDCP data request failed" message(s)' logging.debug(f'\u001B[1;30;43m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if badDciCount > 0: statMsg = f'UE showed {badDciCount} "bad DCI 1(A)" message(s)' logging.debug(f'\u001B[1;30;43m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if f1aRetransmissionCount > 0: statMsg = f'UE showed {f1aRetransmissionCount} "Format1A Retransmission but TBS are different" message(s)' logging.debug(f'\u001B[1;30;43m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if fatalErrorCount > 0: statMsg = f'UE showed {fatalErrorCount} "FATAL ERROR:" message(s)' logging.debug(f'\u001B[1;30;43m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if macBsrTimerExpiredCount > 0: statMsg = f'UE showed {fatalErrorCount} "MAC BSR Triggered ReTxBSR Timer expiry" message(s)' logging.debug(f'\u001B[1;30;43m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if RAN.eNBmbmsEnables[0]: if mbms_messages > 0: statMsg = f'UE showed {mbms_messages} "TRIED TO PUSH MBMS DATA" message(s)' logging.debug(f'\u001B[1;30;43m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') else: statMsg = 'UE did NOT SHOW "TRIED TO PUSH MBMS DATA" message(s)' logging.debug(f'\u001B[1;30;41m{statMsg}\u001B[0m') global_status = CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_NO_MBMS_MSGS HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + statMsg + '\n' if foundSegFault: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m UE ended with a Segmentation Fault! \u001B[0m') if not nrUEFlag: global_status = CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_SEG_FAULT else: if not frequency_found: global_status = CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_SEG_FAULT if foundAssertion: logging.debug('\u001B[1;30;43m UE showed an assertion! \u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + 'UE showed an assertion!\n' if not nrUEFlag: if not mib_found or not frequency_found: global_status = CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_ASSERTION else: if not frequency_found: global_status = CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_ASSERTION if foundRealTimeIssue: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m UE faced real time issues! \u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + 'UE faced real time issues!\n' if nrUEFlag: if not frequency_found: global_status = CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_COULD_NOT_SYNC else: if no_cell_sync_found and not mib_found: logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m UE could not synchronize ! \u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg=HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg + 'UE could not synchronize!\n' global_status = CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_COULD_NOT_SYNC return global_status def TerminateUE(self, HTML): ues = [cls_module.Module_UE(n.strip()) for n in self.ue_ids] with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [executor.submit(ue.terminate) for ue in ues] archives = [f.result() for f in futures] archive_info = [f'Log at: {a}' if a else 'No log available' for a in archives] messages = [f"UE {ue.getName()}: {log}" for (ue, log) in zip(ues, archive_info)] HTML.CreateHtmlTestRowQueue(f'N/A', 'OK', messages) def TerminateOAIUE(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS): SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection() SSH.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) SSH.command(f'cd {self.UESourceCodePath}/cmake_targets', '\$', 5) SSH.command('ps -aux | grep --color=never softmodem | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('-uesoftmodem', SSH.getBefore()) if result is not None: SSH.command(f'echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S killall --signal SIGINT -r .*-uesoftmodem || true', '\$', 5) time.sleep(10) SSH.command('ps -aux | grep --color=never softmodem | grep -v grep', '\$', 5) result = re.search('-uesoftmodem', SSH.getBefore()) if result is not None: SSH.command(f'echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL -r .*-uesoftmodem || true', '\$', 5) time.sleep(5) SSH.command(f'rm -f my-lte-uesoftmodem-run {self.UE_instance}.sh', '\$', 5) SSH.close() result = re.search('ue_', str(self.UELogFile)) if result is not None: copyin_res = SSH.copyin(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword,f'{self.UESourceCodePath}/cmake_targets/{self.UELogFile}', '.') if (copyin_res == -1): logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m Could not copy UE logfile to analyze it! \u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg='Could not copy UE logfile to analyze it!' HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_NOLOGFILE_TO_ANALYZE, 'UE') self.UELogFile = '' return logging.debug('\u001B[1m Analyzing UE logfile \u001B[0m') logStatus = self.AnalyzeLogFile_UE(self.UELogFile,HTML,RAN) result = re.search('--no-L2-connect', str(self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args)) if result is not None: ueAction = 'Sniffing' else: ueAction = 'Connection' if (logStatus < 0): logging.debug(f'\u001B[1m {ueAction} Failed \u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg='<b>' + ueAction + ' Failed</b>\n' + HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'KO', logStatus, 'UE') if self.air_interface == 'lte-uesoftmodem': # In case of sniffing on commercial eNBs we have random results # Not an error then if (logStatus != CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_COULD_NOT_SYNC) or (ueAction != 'Sniffing'): self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args = '' self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS) else: if (logStatus == CONST.OAI_UE_PROCESS_COULD_NOT_SYNC): self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args = '' self.AutoTerminateUEandeNB(HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS) else: logging.debug(f'\u001B[1m {ueAction} Completed \u001B[0m') HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg='<b>' + ueAction + ' Completed</b>\n' + HTML.htmlUEFailureMsg HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK) self.UELogFile = '' else: HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('N/A', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def AutoTerminateUEandeNB(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS): # TODO: terminate UE? if (self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args != ''): self.testCase_id = 'AUTO-KILL-OAI-UE' HTML.testCase_id = self.testCase_id self.desc = 'Automatic Termination of OAI-UE' HTML.desc = self.desc self.ShowTestID() self.TerminateOAIUE(HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS) if (RAN.Initialize_eNB_args != ''): self.testCase_id = 'AUTO-KILL-RAN' HTML.testCase_id = self.testCase_id self.desc = 'Automatic Termination of all RAN nodes' HTML.desc = self.desc self.ShowTestID() #terminate all RAN nodes eNB/gNB/OCP for instance in range(0, len(RAN.air_interface)): if RAN.air_interface[instance]!='': logging.debug(f'Auto Termination of Instance {instance} : {RAN.air_interface[instance]}') RAN.eNB_instance=instance RAN.TerminateeNB(HTML,EPC) if CONTAINERS.yamlPath[0] != '': self.testCase_id = 'AUTO-KILL-CONTAINERS' HTML.testCase_id = self.testCase_id self.desc = 'Automatic Termination of all RAN containers' HTML.desc = self.desc self.ShowTestID() for instance in range(0, len(CONTAINERS.yamlPath)): if CONTAINERS.yamlPath[instance]!='': CONTAINERS.eNB_instance=instance if CONTAINERS.deployKind[instance]: CONTAINERS.UndeployObject(HTML,RAN) else: CONTAINERS.UndeployGenObject(HTML,RAN, self) RAN.prematureExit=True #this function is called only if eNB/gNB fails to start #RH to be re-factored def AutoTerminateeNB(self,HTML,RAN,EPC,CONTAINERS): if (RAN.Initialize_eNB_args != ''): self.testCase_id = 'AUTO-KILL-RAN' HTML.testCase_id = self.testCase_id self.desc = 'Automatic Termination of all RAN nodes' HTML.desc = self.desc self.ShowTestID() #terminate all RAN nodes eNB/gNB/OCP for instance in range(0, len(RAN.air_interface)): if RAN.air_interface[instance]!='': logging.debug(f'Auto Termination of Instance {instance} : {RAN.air_interface[instance]}') RAN.eNB_instance=instance RAN.TerminateeNB(HTML,EPC) if CONTAINERS.yamlPath[0] != '': self.testCase_id = 'AUTO-KILL-CONTAINERS' HTML.testCase_id = self.testCase_id self.desc = 'Automatic Termination of all RAN containers' HTML.desc = self.desc self.ShowTestID() for instance in range(0, len(CONTAINERS.yamlPath)): if CONTAINERS.yamlPath[instance]!='': CONTAINERS.eNB_instance=instance if CONTAINERS.deployKind[instance]: CONTAINERS.UndeployObject(HTML,RAN) else: CONTAINERS.UndeployGenObject(HTML,RAN,self) RAN.prematureExit=True def IdleSleep(self,HTML): time.sleep(self.idle_sleep_time) HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow(str(self.idle_sleep_time) + ' sec', 'OK', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def X2_Status(self, idx, fileName): cmd = "curl --silent http://" + EPC.IPAddress + ":9999/stats | jq '.' > " + fileName message = cmd + '\n' logging.debug(cmd) subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True) if idx == 0: cmd = "jq '.mac_stats | length' " + fileName strNbEnbs = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) self.x2NbENBs = int(strNbEnbs.strip()) cnt = 0 while cnt < self.x2NbENBs: cmd = "jq '.mac_stats[" + str(cnt) + "].bs_id' " + fileName bs_id = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) self.x2ENBBsIds[idx].append(bs_id.strip()) cmd = "jq '.mac_stats[" + str(cnt) + "].ue_mac_stats | length' " + fileName stNbUEs = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) nbUEs = int(stNbUEs.strip()) ueIdx = 0 self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[idx].append([]) while ueIdx < nbUEs: cmd = "jq '.mac_stats[" + str(cnt) + "].ue_mac_stats[" + str(ueIdx) + "].rnti' " + fileName rnti = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True) self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[idx][cnt].append(rnti.strip()) ueIdx += 1 cnt += 1 cnt = 0 while cnt < self.x2NbENBs: msg = " -- eNB: " + str(self.x2ENBBsIds[idx][cnt]) + " is connected to " + str(len(self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[idx][cnt])) + " UE(s)" logging.debug(msg) message += msg + '\n' ueIdx = 0 while ueIdx < len(self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[idx][cnt]): msg = " -- UE rnti: " + str(self.x2ENBConnectedUEs[idx][cnt][ueIdx]) logging.debug(msg) message += msg + '\n' ueIdx += 1 cnt += 1 return message def Perform_X2_Handover(self,HTML,RAN,EPC): html_queue = SimpleQueue() fullMessage = '<pre style="background-color:white">' msg = f'Doing X2 Handover w/ option {self.x2_ho_options}' logging.debug(msg) fullMessage += msg + '\n' if self.x2_ho_options == 'network': HTML.CreateHtmlTestRow('Cannot perform requested X2 Handover', 'KO', CONST.ALL_PROCESSES_OK) def LogCollectBuild(self,RAN): # Some pipelines are using "none" IP / Credentials # In that case, just forget about it if RAN.eNBIPAddress == 'none' or self.UEIPAddress == 'none': sys.exit(0) if (RAN.eNBIPAddress != '' and RAN.eNBUserName != '' and RAN.eNBPassword != ''): IPAddress = RAN.eNBIPAddress UserName = RAN.eNBUserName Password = RAN.eNBPassword SourceCodePath = RAN.eNBSourceCodePath elif (self.UEIPAddress != '' and self.UEUserName != '' and self.UEPassword != ''): IPAddress = self.UEIPAddress UserName = self.UEUserName Password = self.UEPassword SourceCodePath = self.UESourceCodePath else: sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection() SSH.open(IPAddress, UserName, Password) SSH.command(f'cd {SourceCodePath}', '\$', 5) SSH.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5) SSH.command('rm -f build.log.zip', '\$', 5) SSH.command('zip -r build.log.zip build_log_*/*', '\$', 60) SSH.close() def LogCollectPing(self,EPC): # Some pipelines are using "none" IP / Credentials # In that case, just forget about it if EPC.IPAddress == 'none': sys.exit(0) SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection() SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password) SSH.command(f'cd {EPC.SourceCodePath}', '\$', 5) SSH.command('cd scripts', '\$', 5) SSH.command('rm -f ping.log.zip', '\$', 5) SSH.command('zip ping.log.zip ping*.log', '\$', 60) SSH.command('rm ping*.log', '\$', 5) SSH.close() def LogCollectIperf(self,EPC): # Some pipelines are using "none" IP / Credentials # In that case, just forget about it if EPC.IPAddress == 'none': sys.exit(0) SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection() SSH.open(EPC.IPAddress, EPC.UserName, EPC.Password) SSH.command(f'cd {EPC.SourceCodePath}', '\$', 5) SSH.command('cd scripts', '\$', 5) SSH.command('rm -f iperf.log.zip', '\$', 5) SSH.command('zip iperf.log.zip iperf*.log', '\$', 60) SSH.command('rm iperf*.log', '\$', 5) SSH.close() def LogCollectOAIUE(self): # Some pipelines are using "none" IP / Credentials # In that case, just forget about it if self.UEIPAddress == 'none': sys.exit(0) SSH = sshconnection.SSHConnection() SSH.open(self.UEIPAddress, self.UEUserName, self.UEPassword) SSH.command(f'cd {self.UESourceCodePath}', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S rm -f ue.log.zip', '\$', 5) SSH.command(f'echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S zip ue.log.zip ue*.log core* ue_*record.raw ue_*.pcap ue_*txt', '\$', 60) SSH.command(f'echo {self.UEPassword} | sudo -S rm ue*.log core* ue_*record.raw ue_*.pcap ue_*txt', '\$', 5) SSH.close() def ConditionalExit(self): if self.testUnstable: if self.testStabilityPointReached or self.testMinStableId == '999999': sys.exit(0) sys.exit(1) def ShowTestID(self): logging.info(f'\u001B[1m----------------------------------------\u001B[0m') logging.info(f'\u001B[1m Test ID: {self.testCase_id} \u001B[0m') logging.info(f'\u001B[1m {self.desc} \u001B[0m') logging.info(f'\u001B[1m----------------------------------------\u001B[0m')