#include <common/config/config_userapi.h> #include <openair3/NAS/COMMON/NR_NAS_defs.h> volatile int oai_exit; int main(int argc, char **argv) { if ( load_configmodule(argc,argv,CONFIG_ENABLECMDLINEONLY) == NULL) { exit_fun("[SOFTMODEM] Error, configuration module init failed\n"); } logInit(); char *resp; nr_user_nas_t UErrc= {0}; NRUEcontext_t UEnas= {0}; // Network generate identity request after a sucessfull radio attach int size=identityRequest((void **)&resp, &UEnas); log_dump(NAS, resp, size, LOG_DUMP_CHAR," identity Request:\n" ); // UE process the message that it has received from phy layer in a "DL transfer" message UEprocessNAS(resp, &UErrc); // UE Scheduler should later call the response size=identityResponse((void **)&resp, &UErrc); log_dump(NAS, resp, size, LOG_DUMP_CHAR," identity Response:\n" ); // Now the gNB process the identity response processNAS(resp, &UEnas); // gNB scheduler should call the next query size=authenticationRequest((void **)&resp, &UEnas); log_dump(NAS, resp, size, LOG_DUMP_CHAR," authentication request:\n" ); // as above UEprocessNAS(resp, &UErrc); size=authenticationResponse((void **)&resp, &UErrc); log_dump(NAS, resp, size, LOG_DUMP_CHAR," authentication response:\n" ); processNAS(resp, &UEnas); return 0; }